Large bathroom in a private house. Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands. Bathroom building materials

Wooden houses are by no means a relic of the past. They are incredibly relevant today. However, the new building already bears little resemblance to ordinary peasant huts. They have all the amenities. And even a bathroom in a wooden house is no longer nonsense. To equip it, knowing some of the nuances is not at all difficult. Let's try to consider them.

Features of the bathroom of a country house

Since the bathroom has a specific microclimate (humidity is almost always high in it), its finishing should begin with increasing the protection of walls and other surfaces. This is also important in stone houses, in wooden buildings, such work is simply necessary. Protective compounds are applied to the walls to prevent waterlogging of the wood. If wooden walls are going to be treated with a protective finish, they can be omitted from a strong water repellent treatment.

mosaic bathroom decoration

However, the tree is afraid not only of moisture, but also of temperature changes. From the heat, wooden structural elements can be deformed. It sounds strange, but this problem is easily solved by insulating the walls from the inside. A similar option is mandatory for implementation in a bathroom in a wooden house, if you plan to finish its walls with some other material.

rustic bathroom design

“The ideal solution for furnishing a bathroom in an ordinary wooden house would be oak furniture”

The final decoration of such a room should begin only after you decide what you want to see as a result of such work: an exotic bathroom in a real rustic spirit or an interior that practically does not differ from the city. With a modern design, there will be no special questions. Choose your style, purchase materials and get to work, but trying to preserve the primitive atmosphere is much more difficult. To give the bathroom the charm of simplicity, it can be furnished with wooden furniture and decorated with rustic-specific accessories. Just when choosing such furniture, keep in mind that the standard made options will not work, so look for items that are protected from moisture damage by processing. If you have not found anything suitable on your own, cover the furniture surfaces with enamel, varnish or go over them with a primer.

wood wall cladding in bathroom

The ideal solution for furnishing a bathroom in an ordinary wooden house would be oak furniture. Wood of this kind is quite strong initially and furniture made of it can stay in a specific bathroom environment for quite a long period without any additional protective and protective treatments.

Before filling the interior of your unusual bathroom with accessories, consider how you will use them. All items that appeared in the environment should not stand idle. For example, wicker baskets can be used to collect dirty linen or clean linen. On the shelf you can put towels, etc.

In general, the bathroom space, especially in a wooden house, will never be comfortable and cozy if you do not follow certain rules in its organization. So what do the experts recommend?

combined wall decoration: the lower part is sheathed with a metal profiled sheet, the upper part with wood

  1. When choosing an interior color palette, do not choose too dark shades and do not go in cycles in overly flashy colors.
  2. The bathroom is the only room where the ceiling can become a continuation of the walls in color scheme.
  3. Be sure to waterproof the room.
  4. Do not finish the walls clean without first treating them with waterproof mixtures.

What else is valued for wood in the interior is for its unconditional environmental safety. With just a little effort, a rustic bathroom with the original beauty of real wood preserved will be the highlight of your home.

Bathroom in a wooden house: from A to Z

“When arranging a comfortable bathroom in a wooden house, the design of the floors will require special attention”

In a country house made of wood, you can equip a bathroom of any design, the main thing is to place it on the ground floor of the building so as not to overload the logs.

decoration of the bathroom floor in a wooden house with narrow ceramic tiles

In order for a room of such specific functionality to appear in a private house and be able to give its inhabitants comfort for a long time, in addition to waterproofing, it is necessary to resolve the issue of warming the room and, in the end, with its final finishing. And for this, it is better to develop a project for the future sanitary facilities, including all the details up to the features of its furnishing.

How many bathrooms can there be in a wooden house? This question arises quite naturally. The number of bathrooms in the house determines the number of people directly living in it and the hospitality of the owners. So, a family of 5 is quite satisfied with one bathroom. Provided that no more than three people live in the house, the bathroom can be combined with a toilet, in other cases it is placed in a separate room. However, if there are many guests in your house who stay with you for more than one day, then you should take care of a separate bathroom for them. Such a decision will make your life in the presence of guests, and their stay in your home as comfortable as possible.

bathroom under the tree


When arranging a comfortable bathroom in a wooden house, the design of the floors will require special attention. You need to read that the filled font has a decent weight. In order not to deform the floor, it will have to be strengthened. The easiest way to strengthen the structure is to use beams with an increased cross section while reducing the step distance between them.

In the bathroom, you will need to lower the floor level by at least 100 mm. This is necessary for laying the rough flooring, performing waterproofing and arranging the screed. At the same stage in the bathroom, sewerage pipes and plumbing are installed.

The material for finishing floors in such an unusual bathroom can be:

  1. Mosaic.
  2. Tile.
  3. Laminate.
  4. Wood.
  5. Linoleum.

    wooden floor in the bathroom

    Most often, from this list, preference is given to porcelain tiles. Such a coating looks very decent and pleases the hostesses with its unpretentiousness in care. However, so that the tile does not let you down, you need to lay it only on a screed of sand and cement. The tile should lie on a fixed base, and you can’t call them “walking” floorboards. Keep in mind that the screed will certainly increase the load on the floors, so they will need to be strengthened. Be sure to lay a two-layer insulation under the screed, it will protect the bathroom floor in a wooden house from the effects of not only internal humidity, but also groundwater. By the way, if you want to have a "warm floor" system in your bathroom, then work on its arrangement is also carried out at this stage.

    Upon completion of the preparatory activities, they begin laying mosaic patterns or tiles.

    If you want to get a bathroom in a harmonious rustic style, then you need to cover the floors with wooden floorboards. It is very important to choose a quality tree here, otherwise you will not have to count on the long-term operation of such floors.

    installation of tiles in a diagonal way in a bathroom in a wooden house

    An excellent and more or less budget option would be teak boards. Teak wood contains a lot of essential oils, which perfectly protect it from damage and resist the penetration of moisture. Having laid the floorboards on the floor, the joints between them are carefully caulked with sealant.

    Less than teak, but still quite resistant to moisture and larch. It can also be used in finishing bathroom floors in a wooden house.

    The thermowood treated with hot steam under vacuum conditions is not affected by mold and fungus.

    Laying a wooden floor is made without a coupler. In this case, you only need to perform high-quality insulation from moisture.

    For a long time, the laminate laid on the bathroom floor will be able to maintain its qualities. Its popularity is growing inexorably, and this is helped not only by a reasonable price and good quality of the material, but also by an assortment of choices. Today, laminate boards can be matched to any color of wood.

    living plants turn an ordinary bathroom into a spa room

    Linoleum is also a waterproof material and may well appear on the floor of a bathroom located in a wooden house, however, waterproofing must still be laid under it, and the connecting joints must be sealed with hot welding.


    Water does not spare any of the synthetic and ultra-modern finishes, to say nothing of wood. This means that it will have to be protected with special zeal, using waterproofing materials of various qualities in the work. The wooden floor can be hidden:

    • under cast waterproofing;
    • paint;
    • impregnation;
    • coating waterproofing;
    • adhesive waterproofing.

      waterproofing - the main stage in the arrangement of a bathroom in a wooden house

      In the first case, waterproofing materials are melted to a liquid state, after which they are poured over the entire surface requiring processing. Keep in mind that cast resin provides a soft protection, which means that it should not be used where a serious load is expected.

      It is considered simple and cheap to insulate floors with paints and varnishes. The paint, of course, does not let water through, but it will have to be updated more often. If such insulation is used in a bathroom in a wooden country house, which is left empty for the winter, then exposure to low temperatures will certainly damage the painted surface. The paint will crack, and its properties as a waterproofing agent will be nullified.

      Many owners prefer to waterproof the tree by impregnation. For this, there are special formulations. When applied to the floorboards, they penetrate into the structure and, as it were, preserve the wood fibers, increasing their strength and moisture resistance.

      wall and ceiling cladding with timber

      Pasting waterproofing is complex and expensive, because ideally it needs to be laid in several layers. Since the material is rolled, when it is laid out on the surface, joints will form, which must be fastened with hot welding.

      For coating insulation, several types of materials are used:

      1. bituminous compositions. They are inexpensive, but they do not shine with quality.
      2. Bituminous rubber. Plastic material easily lays down on a surface and does not demand processing by a torch.
      3. Bitumen-polymer version.
      4. Polymer-cement mixture.

      Before plastering the floorboards, you should make sure that they are made from completely dry wood, otherwise the damage process can begin from the inside.

      glossy black ceramic floor tiles

      Ceiling options for a specific bathroom

      The best solution for a bathroom in a wooden house is a suspended ceiling. And not only because it is aesthetically pleasing, but also because it will become a kind of shield from the circulatory effects of moist and, moreover, heated air. These are the physical features of the substance and there is no escape from them. The air, heated and moistened, tends to rise, so the ceilings in this room should always be suspended, even if you decide to assemble them from slats.

      Behind the suspension systems, you can reliably hide all sewer, ventilation and water pipes. If you choose suspended ceiling systems that are suitable for the bathroom conditions, then there will be no problems with their installation. The only exception is drywall.

      small chandelier with candlesticks for a small bathroom

      There are some nuances in the assembly of such a ceiling.

      1. To mount the ceiling of a bathroom located in a wooden house, it is worth only from moisture-resistant drywall or its modern counterpart, called gypsum fiber.
      2. To create a frame, use special profiles used for outdoor work. They have a specific coating that protects against corrosion. An exception are zinc models.
      3. Finishing plasterboard ceiling should be glass. It will turn out aesthetically and the ceiling will receive another layer of protection against moisture.


      A bathroom can easily turn into a breeding ground for mold and dampness, especially if it is a bathroom in a wooden house, so the wall decoration in it must be approached responsibly. So that the room does not become a "black sheep", it is better to finish its walls in the same way with wood. The boards used for this must be perfectly sanded, processed and impregnated with moisture-resistant compounds. Sometimes you can also put plastic panels on top. This is not difficult to do, because cement or glue will not be needed to mount them on the bathroom walls, because the panels are easily attached to the crate. When fixing the paneling directly to the wooden walls, leave a gap between the layers. It is necessary to maintain ventilation. When choosing the panels themselves, keep in mind that they must be in harmony with furniture and plumbing.

      the tree goes well with the white color of the plumbing and the floor

      Ceramic tiles will not be alien to such a bathroom. This material is easy to select and harmonizes perfectly with the tree. This is probably why a combined wall decoration often appears in the bathroom of country houses, in which only one of the surfaces or, in general, only some sections of the walls are covered with tiles, everything else remains veiled natural wood. It is rational to lay the tile where moisture has the greatest impact on the surface of the bathroom walls in a wooden house. Usually this is the area for installing a shower cabin, a washbasin, and a bath itself.

      If you can equip the bathroom with high-quality ventilation, you can leave the walls in their original form, having previously treated them with a composition that protects against high humidity. Designers strongly recommend doing this, then wooden surfaces will not be afraid of fungus, temperature changes, or other aggressive influences.

      wooden house bathroom design


      A bathroom in a wooden house has long ceased to be a luxury. Today it is the key to a comfortable stay. Thanks to modern technologies, its arrangement does not require supernatural efforts from the owners. The only nuance in the design of such a bathroom will be the need for high-quality waterproofing of all existing wooden surfaces and a well-thought-out system for removing steam and excess moisture from the room. In terms of convenience, functionality and practicality, such a bathroom will practically not differ from urban “relatives”. So to have or not to have a bathroom in a wooden house today is only a matter of your desires.

      Photo gallery - a bathroom in a wooden house:

Recently, wooden houses are becoming more and more popular - from a bar, a log. They are beautiful and cozy, but decorating such a house is a serious matter. There are too many features that simply need to be taken into account. Particular attention should be paid to wet areas. Only a properly made bathroom in a wooden house will not become a source of problems.

How to make a floor

The floor in the bathroom in a wooden house can be made of any waterproof material. Traditionally, this is ceramic tile or, but you can put linoleum (economy option), (the coating is similar in quality and characteristics to commercial grade linoleum), (it is 100% airtight, as it is covered with several layers of varnish). You can even make a wooden floor, but the board will need to be treated with special compounds and take care of the ventilation of the underground space.

Bathroom in a wooden house - room for imagination

All coatings except wooden boards are compatible with underfloor heating. It can be water or electric heating. Only when choosing a floor covering, pay attention to its compatibility with a warm floor. In this case, it is better to take ceramic tiles that are not very thick - in order to speed up the heating of the array, but in principle any one is suitable. In the characteristics of other materials, there should be a mark on compatibility with a warm floor.

The bathroom in a wooden house is most often tiled. In any case, the floor is made mainly from this material. It is practical and easy to maintain. Ceramic floor tiles or porcelain stoneware can be laid on a cement or "dry" screed. As a base for a dry screed, moisture-resistant plywood, GVL, is used. There is also a new material that can be used in a dry screed - Aquapanels from Knauf.

If necessary, a film warm floor can be laid on a dry screed, and the selected finishing material on top. It is possible to lay or cable mats in cement (you can just use a heating cable). It is undesirable to use a film floor in a screed, since the film in concrete quickly collapses and the heating simply stops working.

Under all other types of bases, these two types of bases can also be used. Only there is an additional requirement for the screed: for linoleum, PVC tiles and cork, the base must be strong and even. Permissible deviation - 2 mm per 2 meters. Therefore, the usual screed is poured with a self-leveling mixture. Otherwise

Cement screed on wooden floor

Usually, bathroom finishing is started after the subfloor is ready. If you decide to make a cement screed, the procedure is as follows:

After the concrete has gained strength (one to two weeks depending on the temperature), you can glue the tiles on the floor or install a suitable floor covering of another type.

There are some more points. To avoid water leakage between the screed and the wall, it is advisable to pre-glue the joint with a waterproofing tape along the perimeter (Knauf has it), or you can coat it with liquid waterproofing. The next moment: before laying the tiles, the surface is dedusted (well cleaned with a vacuum cleaner), then primed (for cement bases under the tiles). The soil reduces the absorbency, which allows the adhesive to gain its strength, and not dry out due to the fact that all the water has gone into the concrete. In this case, the bathroom in a wooden house will not create problems for its owners - the tiles on the floor will lie for years and will not bounce.

Dry screed

To make a tile floor in a bathroom in a wooden house, it is not necessary to use cement. You can do the so-called dry screed. Moisture-resistant sheet material is laid on the subfloor. It can be plywood, chipboard or GVL. The best option is plywood with a thickness of at least 14 mm. Chipboard can also be used, but it is more prone to warping with increasing humidity. GVL did not show itself very well in operation - it does not tolerate shock loads (it can crack on impact). Therefore, it is desirable to lay all the same plywood.

It is laid apart - so that the seams do not match. Between the sheets leave a gap of 3-4 mm. It is needed to compensate for thermal expansion with increasing temperature. They fasten the plywood around the perimeter with nails to the subfloor, then in the middle in a checkerboard pattern (the distance between the fasteners is about 15 cm). The seams are sealed with a moisture-resistant sealant, which does not become rigid after drying.

Since tiles require a rigid base, a second layer of the same plywood is often installed. They lay it on the same principle - with a run, but so that the seams of the first and second layers do not match. The rules are the same, only the second row is attached to the first, and not to the subfloor.

A waterproofing tape is glued around the perimeter of the base made (Knauf has it). In addition, even though plywood is moisture resistant, it is desirable to cover it with a layer of liquid waterproofing. Just choose the composition on which you can lay the tiles. After drying, you can immediately start laying tiles.

Preparing walls for finishing

A bathroom in a wooden house, like in any other, is usually tiled. If the house is made of timber, logs or made using frame technology, you can’t immediately stick tiles on the walls - the surface does not allow it. Under the tile, the walls are sheathed with moisture-resistant sheet material:

Fiberboard and GVL are also used, but for the same reasons (warping and fragility) it is undesirable to use them. The sheet material is attached to the crate, which can be made of a galvanized metal profile for drywall or wooden bars. When using bars, they must be treated with antiseptic compounds.

A crate of wooden bars is usually made for wood lining (a bathroom in a wooden house can be sheathed with wood, and then impregnated with protective compounds). Under the tile they try to make a frame from a galvanized profile. But this is not the rule. It's just that wood is easier to attach to a tree, and it's easier to mount GVL and other sheet materials to galvanization.

How to make a crate

When making a crate in a wooden house, it is worth remembering that it is constantly changing dimensions. A few years after the erection, it actively shrinks - it takes on operational dimensions. But even then, throughout the entire period of operation, it slightly changes dimensions. This phenomenon is called seasonal fluctuations. Therefore, it is not worth fixing the crate rigidly - it can break and the whole finish will fall off. If you do the finishing without taking into account this feature, the bathroom in a wooden house will be a source of problems - the tiles from the walls will crumble or burst.

Therefore, the laths of the crate are made a little shorter - so that they do not reach the floor and ceiling. The second point is that they are not attached directly to the wall, but through special devices. For fastening wooden bars there are metal corners with slots on one of the shelves. These are the fasteners for the device of the floating crate (pictured on the left). They are rigidly attached to the crate bar, and to the wall of a wooden house - through a slot with a self-tapping screw with a large flat head or a bolt with a washer. It turns out that with vertical movements of a wooden wall, the crate on it will be in one position.

The second way to make a floating crate in a wooden house is to make several through cuts about 10 cm long in the bar. Through this cut, fix the bar to the wall using the same capercaillie with a washer. To prevent the bolt head from sticking out, make a recess with a milling cutter. Its depth is equal (or slightly more) to the height of the bolt head, and its width is the size of the washer (in the photo on the right). For a newly built house, fasteners are installed in the upper quarter of the cut, for an established house - approximately in the middle.

As for galvanized profiles, they are mounted on the same corners for floating crates. The second option is perforated suspensions. This type of fastening is not so reliable, but still gives some freedom of movement. Perforated suspensions can be used in a well-established wooden house where the movements are already small.

Base for tiles

Moisture-resistant sheet material is attached to the crate. The priority here is moisture-resistant drywall. Sometimes it is fixed in two layers - to increase the bearing capacity and for better heat and vapor insulation. Before laying the sheets of the second row, the joints of the first are puttied, and the plasterboard itself is positioned so that the seams of the two rows do not match.

But this is still GKL - an imperfect base, since both cardboard and gypsum are hygroscopic, and their absorbency is reduced with the help of impregnations. Therefore, for greater reliability, moisture-resistant GKL is also impregnated with a protective compound. For example, FLACHENDICHT (Flehendicht). This is a waterproofing, which is just designed for waterproofing GVL and other gypsum bases.

You can also use Aquapanels from Knauf. They are made according to the same principle as GKL, but the core is cement with filler, and the “wrapper” is glass fiber. Both materials are not afraid of moisture without pre-treatment. Their difference is that they are made absolutely even, without notches along the edges that the GKL has. They are joined end-to-end, a special adhesive composition is applied to the joined edges. Immediately after installation, the surface is smooth, ready for further finishing. It doesn't even need to be sanded. Moreover, one side of the aquapanel is made even - for wallpapering or painting, and the second side is rough - for laying tiles.

Also, as a base for tiles on walls in a log or log house, you can use moisture-resistant plywood, GVL. They are also attached to the frame, leaving gaps in the seams, which are filled with silicone non-drying sealant.


The ceiling in the bathroom of a wooden house is usually made suspended - from moisture-resistant GVL, which is puttied and then painted. Another option is to make a stretch, aluminum rack, hem with a beautifully crafted board. The problem is not in this, but in how to prevent steam from entering the overlap. For this, vapor-tight membranes are used. They are usually attached to the ceiling with staples from a construction stapler.

The main task when installing a vapor barrier is to ensure tightness. To do this, the material is placed on the walls, the membrane strips are overlapped and double-sided glued with double-sided tape. All fasteners are also glued with adhesive tape. Everything is done carefully.

The second component that provides a normal microclimate is good ventilation. In the bathroom of a wooden house, it should be both natural and forced - with a fan. With this approach, the fan in the bathroom will turn on at those moments when natural ventilation cannot cope.

How to decorate a bathroom in a wooden house

In this chapter, we will talk about finishing methods, selection of materials and design techniques. The traditional way of finishing - walls and floors in tiles or porcelain stoneware - has already become a little bit on edge. And not everyone wants to cover wooden walls with such a “cold” material. If earlier there were almost no alternatives, today they are, and in sufficient quantities.

We have already written about moisture-resistant materials for the floor - these are PVC tiles, glue plugs. All of them are normally used in bathrooms. Another option is to make a plank floor and varnish or oil it. The second option does not create a hard film on the surface, but protects no worse.

Bathroom walls do not need to be tiled. Even such an option as a mosaic is used mostly fragmentarily - they prefer to tile the walls in the area of ​​​​direct splashing - near the bath, in the shower, near the washbasin. Another option is to make the panels with tiles to a height of 120-150 cm, and finish all the space free from ceramics with wood. Pine is not very suitable for these purposes - it is too resinous. More often use larch or more expensive species. Most often they put an imitation of a bar, but this is a matter of taste. In any case, the wood on the walls in the bathroom is also subject to processing and varnish or oil-based impregnation can also be used.

The most “wet” areas are tiled

In general, you can use any finishing materials suitable for bathrooms. It’s just that this is not practiced much - natural wood has become too rare a finishing material to use the usual wallpaper or paint in a wooden house.

Combinations are always interesting

Bathroom in a wooden house - wood is everywhere

Tiling wooden walls - it's practical

Larch bathroom decoration - beautiful texture, excellent performance

It is difficult to imagine a modern home without such already familiar amenities as a bathroom and a bathroom. It doesn’t matter if the bathroom is located in a private house outside the city or in an apartment, in any case, the creation of its design must be approached responsibly. Properly selected colors and thoughtful interior will provide a relaxing atmosphere where it is nice to find yourself after a hard day. Of considerable importance is the correct selection of materials, as they must be resistant to moisture. In today's article, we will learn how to make a beautiful bathroom design in a private house, and also look at interesting design options in the photo selection below.

Bathroom in a private house - layout of the room

The big advantage of a private house, compared to an apartment, is that it is possible to set the dimensions of the bathroom on your own, as well as place it in any part of the house. This significant advantage allows you to implement the most daring design solutions and equip the bathroom with additional accessories.

Whether you're building a house from the ground up, or just looking to redecorate your existing bathroom, the amount and extent of prep work required varies.

With new construction, even at the stage of creating a design project, it is worth deciding on the location of the bathroom. This is necessary in order to immediately carry out the necessary communications during the construction process, such as water supply and sewerage, as well as perform waterproofing. At the next stage of construction, a ventilation system is created. Provided that the exhaust system is done correctly, this approach will eliminate unpleasant odors relatively quickly, reduce humidity and minimize the destructive effect of moisture on the finish of the room. When the above steps have been fully completed, then proceed to the decorative decoration of the room. Often, a bathroom in a private house has a fairly large area, which makes it possible for creativity in planning and decorating the room.

If you are planning to renovate an existing bathroom, then this will require much less effort and investment. The main preparatory actions include the dismantling of old plumbing equipment, as well as finishing the floor, walls and ceiling. To better navigate the modern design trends, we suggest looking at the photos of bathrooms in private houses below.

Installing a window in a private bathroom

The main advantage of installing a window in the bathroom is the additional possibility of airing the room. Even with an exhaust system, an open window will help to get rid of the steam much faster after taking a bath. Another plus is the increase in the level of natural light, which saves money on lighting during daylight hours. In addition, often a window sill is mounted under the window, on which several decorative elements can be placed. If your house is located in a picturesque place, then another nice bonus will be a beautiful view from the window. See how the windows of the bathroom in a private house are originally inscribed in its design in the photo selection below.

Beautiful design of bathrooms in private houses: photo of finishing ideas

Before proceeding with the direct finishing of the bathroom, it is necessary to insulate the walls and floor. These actions will help to avoid the formation of a large amount of condensate, and therefore fungus with mold in the future.

Since the bathroom in a private house is a “wet” room, the most moisture-resistant materials should be used for its decoration, of which, today, there are a large number. All these materials have their advantages and disadvantages, and of course, they differ in price. If you are thinking about how to make a bathroom in a private house fashionable and modern, then you need to know what finishing materials are the most popular today.

Ceramic tile for bathroom

This material is recognized as the most popular today, because it has many positive characteristics. This is an excellent moisture resistance, resistance to damage, as well as a huge variety of color and texture solutions. All these advantages allow you to create interiors in almost any style, it all depends on your imagination and financial capabilities.

Plastic bathroom panels

Plastic panels are the cheapest way to finish a bathroom, which is perfect for giving. The advantage of this finish can be called a large selection of colors and sizes. The main disadvantage is that the panels are easily damaged.

wall painting

It is easy to create a very original design by painting walls, combining different shades or using special stencils for decoration. Before painting, the walls must be plastered and primed. Only after preparation, a special moisture-resistant paint is applied to the walls.

natural wood

Finishing the bathroom with natural wood will make it stylish and very comfortable. For such a finish, you need to use only moisture-resistant wood species, as well as additionally treat them with special means to protect against moisture.

Wallpaper in the bathroom

To finish the bathroom, you can also use special moisture-resistant wallpaper. However, in places where there is direct exposure to water, it is better to combine with another, more moisture resistant material, such as ceramic tiles.

Out-of-town construction is gaining more and more popularity. A huge advantage of a private house is the ability to equip it to your liking. Plan the size of the premises and their number yourself, create projects for rooms and bathrooms. When arranging a bathroom, for starters, they determine what will be in it; shower or bath, washbasin, compact, household appliances and furniture. Additionally, devices are installed before heating water, etc.

Bathroom arrangement

The bathroom should be not only multifunctional, but also comfortable, cozy and beautiful. It is rather difficult to choose a universal design project, but general rules and characteristics still exist. They apply to the arrangement of sewerage, electricians and plumbing.


According to the general rules of construction, a bathroom in a private house is designed not from the plumbing, design and location in the house, but from the construction of a sewerage system. If one is already present, it is necessary to drain and connect according to the existing project.

To equip a sewer from scratch with your own hands, follow the rules:

  1. 1. Regardless of how many plumbing fixtures and equipment will be connected to the sewer, it is taken out to the street, where a storage tank or septic tank is equipped.
  2. 2. When laying pipes, be sure to avoid right angles - if there is a blockage, you will have to disassemble the sewer. If the site plan requires such angles, use a 45° fitting or 3 30° fittings.
  3. 3. If the pipeline section is more than 6 m, a revision is installed. A fitting is cut into the house, a manhole is equipped on the street.
  4. 4. On uneven terrain, a certain slope is observed. If it is not observed, solid precipitation will not be washed off the walls of the pipes, clogging both the pipes themselves and the water flowing through them.
  5. 5. When installing equipment in the form of dishwashers and washing machines, a forced drain is performed, laying an additional counterslope during construction.
  6. 6. When installing a septic tank, it is waterproofed. Tar is the most suitable and cheapest material for this.
  7. 7. Residents in the northern regions are recommended to additionally insulate pipes. For this, mineral (basalt) wool in cylinders and polystyrene are used. A more expensive material is extruded polystyrene foam.

A septic tank is an object potentially hazardous to the environment. It is installed at a remote distance from residential facilities and outbuildings (including neighboring ones).

Pipes are laid in a trench according to the instructions:

  • the bottom is covered with sand;
  • put waterproofing and heat-insulating materials;
  • lay pipes;
  • covered with sand for 1 m;
  • water the sand with water to shrink;
  • after 30 minutes, top up with soil.

Water pipes

When equipping a water intake, it is important to choose the right submersible pump for the well. The power of the unit depends on the consumption of water in the family. Additionally, a pumping station with a reserve tank, automation and a metering sensor is installed. Equip such a room in a utility building or utility room in the house.

When installing the pump, an extension of the electrical cable is required. For splicing elements, a terminal box with 4 inputs / outputs is used. If the connection is carried out in a street trench, it is additionally insulated with heat shrink. When connecting the pump to the distribution unit, it is optimal to use a hose with a diameter of 32 mm.

The reserve tank requires special attention. If it has a large capacity, then the number of engine on / off will be less, and its service life will increase. For domestic use of water for a family of 4, a volume of 100 liters is sufficient.

When choosing pipes, it is important to remember that they are ordinary (for cold water), reinforced and universal (reinforced with PN-20 marking). The latter is safely hidden under drywall and plaster.

You can improve the design of the bathroom by hiding communications in strobes. In order for the pipes to hold securely, they are reinforced with perforated tape hangers.


A bathroom in a private house is good because only the owner himself determines its dimensions, and, accordingly, the number of electrical appliances (overhead, ceiling, wall, built-in). Some electrical components require additional conditions:

  1. 1. When installing an electric boiler in the bathroom, its connection is made with a separate copper wire with a cross section of 2-2.5 squares. The same item is used for the automatic washing machine.
  2. 2. Recessed ceiling fixtures require additional bathroom height - false ceilings with a depth of about 10 cm will accommodate the lampholder.
  3. 3. All powerful devices are protected by automatic switches, they will protect the electrician from overloads and short circuits.
  4. 4. Sockets in the bathroom must be equipped with protective covers.

Features of a bathroom in a wooden house

Modern materials and technologies used make it possible to equip a full-fledged bathroom in an ordinary wooden house. It is important to consider some nuances:

  • high humidity;
  • temperature difference;
  • the possibility of splashing water on the floor;
  • the severity of plumbing and additional equipment.

It is better to equip a full-fledged bathroom with a shower cabin, a bathtub, a sink, a toilet bowl, appliances and furniture on the first floor. In the room on the top floor, it is reasonable to arrange a separate shower room, a separate toilet room.

All construction work, installation of plumbing and furniture is divided into stages and performed sequentially.

Work in progress

Construction features

Floor waterproofing

Work is carried out according to the scheme:

  • wood impregnation;
  • screed execution;
  • coating with bituminous mastic;
  • laying rolled waterproofing;
  • flooring flooring.

If they want to protect only the wooden floor, the materials are combined

Ceiling finish

The best option for finishing is a suspended structure. By installing it, ventilation equipment, the presence of built-in lamps, and original design will become available. To set up the system you will need:

  • installation of plastic profiles;
  • attachment to the ceiling frame;
  • glass gluing.

Such wallpapers are environmentally friendly, moisture resistant, resistant to aggressive chemicals.

wall decoration

If the walls in the bathroom are planned to be left wooden, they are covered with stain and varnish. If necessary, close the wood and level the walls, install moisture-resistant drywall. For finishing use:

  • ceramic tiles;
  • decorative plaster used for finishing external walls;
  • paint of different shades

Bath installation

An important criterion when choosing is the weight of the device. Light bathtubs - made of acrylic, about 30 kg. The most durable cast iron ones are the heaviest.

In a large room, it is placed in the middle, communications are carried out under the floor, for this they leave about 100 cm of space. Hangers and a heated towel rail are located 60 cm from the bath

Plumbing installation

The fully equipped bathroom consists of:

  • washbasin - height 70 cm from the floor, but taking into account the growth of all family members;
  • shower cabin - located in the corner of the room;
  • compact (toilet with a tank) and / or bidet - 70 cm of space is left in front of it;
  • appliances - washing machine


The spacious bathroom is additionally equipped with furniture:

  • a chest of drawers and / or a wardrobe for bed and other linen and towels;
  • basket for clothes to be washed;
  • high chairs and portable steps for small children;
  • shelves for cosmetics and hygiene products.

It is impossible to imagine a bathroom without a mirror. It is not only an item that decorates the interior and allows you to expand the room, but also has its own functional features.

Bathroom projects, interior style features

The master bath is a fairly large room. A separate shower room, toilet or guest bathroom occupy a small area. Depending on this, the design will be different. It is this room that reflects the character and preferences of its owners to a greater extent. When creating a project, they take into account the versatility and convenience, but also the style features of the design.


This interior will never go out of style. Finishing is carried out both in a budget version using inexpensive materials, and in a richer version - marble, expensive woods, etc. Common elements of classic design will be:

  • pastel, calm shades;
  • whimsical, unusual bath legs;
  • lamps in the form of candlesticks;
  • cranes and decorative details under "bronze".


This room is equipped with the latest technologies and innovations. The style is suitable for small spaces. Color combinations are contrasting, decorative partitions are used to zone individual parts of the room. Plumbing is located as conveniently as possible, filling all corners. The furniture is inexpensive and practical, the equipment is the most modern. In lighting, LED lamps are used, decorative elements - non-standard shapes and sizes.


The style is collective, with a pronounced nationality. They use shades of colors and materials traditional for the ethnic groups of Africa, India, Eastern countries. Particular emphasis is placed on accessories and plumbing. Patterned floor vases, figurines are installed in the room, the walls are painted with symbols or hieroglyphs. The floors are lined with natural (or artificial) stone, shell rock, slate, etc.

If the Provence style is chosen, it is characterized by some wear of the finishes and elements. Oriental lovers should take care of the installation of arches, the presence of national decorations, low furniture and bright textiles.

High tech

On the one hand, this style seems impractical, uncomfortable, on the other hand, automation and relaxation at the highest level. This is a combination of tranquility and clarity of lines, the absence of accessories and the maximum efficiency of all bathroom items.

There is no pomposity and deliberate luxury in the design, no floral and plant motifs. Glossy stretch ceilings and walls, mirrored cabinet doors, the main materials are glass and metal. Particular attention is paid to lighting - mirrors and plumbing are illuminated, with the help of spotlights, separate areas of the room are zoned.

Unusual elements in the interior of the bathroom

In individual bathroom designs, it is possible to mix different styles or focus on unusual elements. This can be the combination of water and fire, the actual bath and fireplace in one room. This can only be done if there is enough space. In order not to complicate the task, the fireplace is installed either gas or electric.

In a private house, in the bathroom it is quite possible to make a panoramic window (if the windows of the neighbors do not “look into it”). Traditional transparent glasses let in a large amount of sunlight and allow you to enjoy the beauty of nature. But if there is not the most inspiring landscape outside the window, outbuildings or a neighboring house nearby, the transparent glass is replaced with frosted, tinted or stained glass.

A bathroom in a private house can be the most comfortable room. You can create such a place to relax even without having a lot of money and the ability to purchase expensive materials. It is important to decide on the style direction, choose plumbing, equip communications and be creative in your work.

Throughout the history of its development, a person unconsciously, and often consciously, was drawn to comfort. In Russia, we have an understanding that such comfort occurred only with the start of mass construction of comfortable housing in cities. The emergence of a free market for building materials made it possible to join the comfort of the numerous inhabitants of private houses in suburban towns, villages and villages.

In general, comfortable housing is housing in which the notorious amenities are located in a warm room inside the house, and not somewhere on the street in a wooden box. This is when in order to wash, you do not need to heat the bath, in winter it takes a whole day, so the bath in the village happens either on Sunday or on a big holiday, when in order to wash, you do not need to take absenteeism from work.

Today, you can improve your home even in the most remote village. Moreover, true comfort these days is possible only in an individual private house built according to one's own project.

As you know, our apartments are not spacious, as for non-residential premises, such as: a bathroom, a toilet and a kitchen, their area is so small that the owners have to show miracles of ingenuity in order to comfortably place in these premises everything that they do without don't make sense.

Bathroom on an individual project

Another thing is your house. The rules of modern bathroom design in the house say that bathrooms designed according to individual projects are not much different from a city apartment, except for more spacious rooms.

If the project of the house was created taking into account the wishes of its owner, then he can initially do everything in it exactly the way he wants and it will be convenient for him, and not for anyone at all.

If the living rooms in the house can be located anywhere, then the bathroom and kitchen should be located where it is most convenient to carry out engineering systems.

The construction of an individual sewerage system should be carried out taking into account the requirements of the SES, which states that the toilet should be located at a distance of no closer than 25 meters from a well or well. In reality, this rule is not always observed.

But even if, according to the project, the cesspool is located at a closer distance from the source of drinking water, you should not despair, it is enough to install a septic tank instead of a simple cesspool and the problem will be solved. The only thing to remember is the location of the septic tank, it must be installed in a place where a sewage truck can easily drive up to it.

The sewer pipe leading from the house to the septic tank must be of a sufficiently large diameter, at least 15-20 cm, and be located at an acute angle so that wastewater flows freely through it into the septic tank.

The pipe brought out must be taken into a wooden or brick box, having previously wrapped it with a thick layer of mineral wool. Such a precaution will avoid freezing of the pipe in the winter.

Problems of arranging a bathroom in a private house

Having decided on the place of the sewer exit, it will be possible to say quite definitely where you will have a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet. All these rooms should be spacious enough, especially the bathroom. I must say that this is where all the advantages of an individual house in terms of arranging a bathroom end and problems begin.

When buying a city apartment, a person also buys a bathroom, albeit small and not very comfortable, but absolutely ready for use.

In your own house, you have to deal with the arrangement of the bathroom yourself. Due to its very small size, the bathroom is perhaps the warmest room in the entire apartment.

How to deal with fungus in the bathroom

Designers initially plan the small size of the bathroom so that it retains heat in the best possible way, which is generated not only by radiators, but also by hot water. Since the bathroom is used for taking water procedures, this room is almost constantly under the influence of moisture, which inevitably leads to mold on the walls, floor and ceiling.

To avoid this, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the bathroom. Since the bathroom in a private house is created according to an individual project, unlike standard rooms of this type, you can well plan a window in it that can be opened to ventilate the bathroom and dry the room. In principle, you don’t need to make a window in the bathroom; it will be enough to cut an outlet in the ceiling.

If this is not enough, you can install a hood in the bathroom by inserting it into the vent. The volume of the room in a standard bathroom is small and it heats up very quickly.

Having wished to have a more spacious bathroom, we thus acquire not only additional space, but also an additional problem associated with the need to insulate and heat it. If the bathroom is not warm enough, then a cold is not far away.

Bathroom heaters

As a heater, materials such as mineral wool, foam plastic or cork can be used. The most preferred of all is mineral wool. It absorbs moisture well, so it must be covered with a layer of waterproofing before use.

Styrofoam holds heat very well, but is too fragile, so care must be taken when decorating walls and ceilings with it. Cork thermal insulation of the walls and ceiling in the bathroom is made by gluing cork plates.

Bathroom heating

Having allocated a large room for the bathroom, you must also take care of its additional heating. The best solution to this problem would be to install a double-circuit gas or electric boiler.

A double-circuit boiler is a combined water heater and heating system. A gas boiler in operation is much cheaper than an electric one and does not require any modifications to the gas supply system. However, despite the fact that our country is a gas giant, far from all our territories are gasified.

Wealthy citizens of our country living in these areas do not face costs, prefer to install electric heating systems and not mess with solid fuel boilers that need to be cleaned daily before being fired up.

The electric boiler is the most convenient of all. It turns on once in the fall, after which it can not be turned off until spring, only sometimes by adjusting the temperature of the coolant, that is, the water in the boiler. The electric boiler has its drawbacks.

A sufficiently powerful electric boiler, like an electric stove, requires connection to a three-phase network, which ordinary houses are not provided with, in addition, electricity is the most expensive form of energy.

However, no matter how hard we try to heat the bathroom, the floor in the bathroom of a private house, if it is not specifically insulated, will still remain cold. In order to insulate the floor, polystyrene is often used, which serves as a good thermal insulator. Today, the so-called warm floors are gaining more and more popularity.

Warm floor

The warm floor is such, because it is artificially heated by electric thermoelements woven into the grid. The mesh is flexible and easy to cut. The element woven into it is a tubular flexible electric heater stretched over the area of ​​the entire grid.

Unlike a thermoelement, the grid can be cut and laid out over the entire floor area, after the warm floor is laid, it is connected to the mains. Laminate slabs, linoleum, parquet or any other coating are laid on top of the warm floor.

The choice of plumbing for the bathroom

Once you've finished with the floor, you need to think about installing a bathtub. Multiple Photos of bathrooms in private houses eloquently indicate that the non-standard bathroom in a private house is almost always much larger than the area of ​​a standard bathroom in a city apartment, and the plumbing installed in it can also be much larger than usual.

It is unlikely that someone will install a sitz bath in the bathroom of their own home. People build their own houses in the suburbs not to arrange a corner of Soviet life in them, but, for example, to make a bathroom in a private house, turning it into a relaxation room and soak up the jacuzzi.

Photo of a bathroom in a private house