Requirements for containers. Organization of a diesel fuel warehouse for the boiler room. Basic requirements for foundation design solutions

To store fuels and lubricants, as a rule, special tanks coated on the inside are used epoxy resin. These containers are designed taking into account air circulation - the tanks are equipped with special valves that provide air access, but at the same time prevent moisture from getting inside. Such containers are recommended for all types of fuels and lubricants, however, for such categories as white and medicinal oils and lubricants with food grade approval, it is a mandatory requirement for storage and transportation.

Some types of fuels and lubricants can also be stored in conventional low-carbon steel containers, subject to their modernization. The main requirements are imposed not so much on the composition of the metal from which the tank body is made, but on the design drainage system. Containers not equipped with silica gel valves should be checked regularly for the presence of condensed moisture. Experts recommend placing fuel and lubricant tanks at a slight slope, with the exception of containers for storing grease.

Containers for transportation of oil and petroleum products and fuels and lubricants

Methods for transporting oil and derivative products (dyes, high-viscosity petroleum bitumen) are strictly regulated by government rules and regulations. In particular, the permitted types of containers for storing and transporting petroleum products, methods of filling them, labeling methods and safety rules during transportation are clearly defined. Compliance of transport and packaging with established rules - prerequisite to obtain permission to transport petroleum products. The main methods of land transportation of petroleum products remain railway and road tanks, canisters of various capacities, iron and polymer barrels. For each type of fuel, GOST 1510-84 defines its own storage and transportation features.

Main groups of petroleum products

There are several main groups of NPs, the conditions of transportation and storage of which vary significantly:

  • 1. flammable and explosive liquid petroleum derivatives: gasoline, diesel fuel, light and dark heating oil;
  • 2. thick fuels (fuel oil);
  • 3. lubricants;
  • 4. bitumens.

Containers for transportation of gasoline, diesel fuel, heating oil

For the transportation of gasoline and light fuels, a prerequisite is the presence in the tank of bottom drain and fill devices, special air valves, and pressure control systems. The maximum fill level is regulated - no higher than 95% of total capacity tanks. According to GOST 1510-84, railway and road tanks for transporting oil and flammable petroleum products must be equipped with an internal oil-, petrol- and vapor-resistant coating, and electrostatic safety must be ensured. Regular inspection of tanks must be carried out to determine the suitability of the container for further use.

Transportation of petroleum products in small volumes is allowed in special metal and polymer barrels and small-capacity canisters that ensure safe storage. Aviation oil transportation and transportation of oil products by water, on non-tanker type vessels, is carried out in metal and soft containers established by GOST 1510-84.

Containers for transporting thick fuels

Conditions for storage, transportation, packaging of dense fuels are also determined by state legal acts. For the transportation of viscous fuels, railway and road tanks, metal and polymer containers that meet the requirements of GOST 1510-84 are used. If necessary, special heating devices are used; for large-capacity tanks, bottom drain and fill equipment is required.

Thick fuels are less fluid, so there may be some residual fuel in the container after draining. GOST 1510-84 regulates the rules for preparing a container for filling fuel. Thus, for different petroleum products, the maximum permissible residue should not exceed 1 cm. Containers must be hermetically sealed, ensure electrostatic and fire safety, the presence of lightning protection structures is recommended.

Containers for transportation of lubricants

Machine oils varying degrees viscosities (liquid, thick, ointment-like) can be transported in polymer packages, special railway and road tanks, canisters, barrels. Containers for the transportation of lubricating petroleum products are prepared according to GOST 1510-84 differently for three groups, differing in the degree of viscosity of liquids, combustion and flash temperatures, volatility:

  • 1. turbine oils, transformer oils, for piston aircraft engines, spindle oils, electrical insulating oils, for ventilation filters. Condenser oils, for refrigeration machines, industrial, Vaseline medical for technical purposes, instrument MVP, perfumery;
  • 2. motor automobile oils for carburetor engines, motor oils for automobile and tractor diesel engines, motor oils for diesel engines, compressor oils, separator oils, for sliding guides of metal-cutting machines, for hydraulic systems of highly loaded mechanisms, for tipping dump trucks, softening oils (plasticizers), oils for the production of chemicals fibers;
  • 3. transmission oils, heavy cylinder oils, shale oils for impregnating wood, oils for rolling mills, for mechanical and hydromechanical gearboxes, for hydrostatic transmissions and power steering, for hypoid and spiral bevel, worm, cylindrical gears, lubricating fluids.

When pouring lubricants into containers, it is mandatory to have a document indicating the type of petroleum product previously filled, and it is mandatory to clean the tank before filling.

Containers for transporting bitumen

The quality of the asphalt mixture largely depends on the technology for transporting oil bitumen and, as a result, road surface. To transport all types of bitumen, road and railway bunker tanks equipped with heating devices are used. It is allowed to transport bitumen in special cardboard, paper, wooden packages and rolls. Special vehicles are used to transport bitumen to the asphalt laying site.

Availability of a high-quality heat exchanger for heating viscous petroleum products to liquid state allows the use of ordinary barrels and containers for transportation and long-term storage of bitumen.

Conditions for safe transportation of petroleum products

In Russia, the main manufacturers of containers for petroleum products produce a wide range of railway and road tanks, metal and polymer containers of different capacities. Canisters with volumes from 5 to 50 liters, barrels from 48 to 250 liters are produced. Metal containers are most common, but lately containers from modern polymer materials. Modernization materially technical base carriers of petroleum products, use modern materials For the production of containers, improving safety rules is a prerequisite for the successful development of the industry. Compliance of containers with GOST standards, compliance with fire safety rules and technical requirements when working with petroleum products, it significantly reduces the likelihood of accidents and reduces the harm caused to the environment.

Features of working with flammable and explosive materials

Highly flammable and explosive materials are supplied to production and construction sites in containers or packaging with bright warning labels “Flammable” and “Explosive”. Such materials are unloaded no closer than 50 m from fire sources in a place agreed upon with safety representatives. On the territory of a construction or production site, flammable and combustible liquids (paints, solvents) are allowed to be stored no more than 500 liters in separate fireproof buildings or dugouts at a distance of at least 16 m from other buildings. Inside and outside the premises where flammable materials are stored, the inscriptions “Flammable” and “Explosive” are placed.

Premises for storing flammable materials and the surrounding area are provided with fire extinguishing means (sand, shovels, fire extinguishers, etc.). Leave on construction site Outside the storage tanks or containers containing flammable materials are strictly prohibited. Warehouses for storing flammable materials are equipped with ventilation with an exhaust hole no higher than 20 cm from the floor, and the electrical wiring in them is reliably insulated.

Before starting work with flammable and explosive materials, painters must undergo training in safe working methods and fire safety, as well as obtain a permit for particularly dangerous work. The person responsible for safety precautions must constantly carry out technical supervision during the work.

In places where work is carried out with flammable and explosive materials (for example, KO-174 enamel, KN-2 or KN-3 adhesive mastics), as well as in adjacent rooms, it is prohibited to smoke and use electric heating devices. In the corridors and areas where work is carried out, signs should be posted: “No smoking!” "Flammable!" and “Explosive!”

Work with flammable adhesives is usually done during the daytime. If necessary artificial lighting indoors, portable electric lamps are used only in an explosion-proof design with electrical wires laid in a protective rubber hose, or the room is illuminated from the outside of the building with floodlights of the Kososvet type. Persons not directly involved in working with adhesives are not allowed into these premises. The premises must be equipped with fire extinguishing means. For every 100 m2 of area to be covered there should be two OP-5 fire extinguishers, felt or asbestos sheet, a box with sand and a shovel, or two sandboxes.

When opening containers with flammable and explosive materials, to prevent sparks from forming, use rubber or wooden tools. Conditions must be created at the facility to prevent the formation of static electricity. Electric welding work, which may cause a fire, is prohibited at such facilities.

When working with flammable and explosive materials, the room is ventilated continuously, and within an hour after completion of work using natural or artificial ventilation. Work with the windows closed if the room does not have ventilation devices, is prohibited.

Each team performing work using flammable and explosive adhesives must have a portable gas analyzer UG-2 for taking air samples and determining the concentration of light solvent vapors in it. When the gas analyzer is operating, the length of the column being painted is changed. indicator tube when air containing pairs of lung solvent. The duration of one measurement is 1-8 minutes. If the concentration of light solvent vapors in the air exceeds the permissible standards, immediately stop work and ventilate the room.

The supply of flammable and explosive materials at the workplace should not exceed the shift requirement for the given premises. Adhesives are applied to walls with an area of ​​no more than 100 m2 only with a plastic, rubber or wooden spatula so that a spark cannot occur. If the area of ​​the room is more than 100 m2, the work is performed in parts.

Painting facades with materials containing xylene is allowed only in the cold season at a temperature of +4°C and below. In areas where work is carried out, there must be signs “No smoking”, “Flammable”, “Explosive”.

Every worker should know special instructions on safety precautions, fire extinguishing and explosion prevention; rules of personal hygiene; the effect on the body of harmful substances used in production, methods of providing first aid to victims.

Persons at least 18 years of age, only male, who have undergone a preliminary medical examination and trained in safe work methods are allowed to work with materials containing xylene.

Workers using material containing xylene must be provided with personal protective equipment, special clothing, Khiot-6 protective paste, an A-grade filter gas mask, and a PSh-1 hose insulating gas mask. Hands are protected with rubber gloves.

In case of accidental contact of the material with the skin, remove the paint with a napkin and wash the contaminated area with warm water and soap.

Lesson topic No. 2: “Disinfection. Types, methods, methods. Preparation of disinfectant solutions. Carrying out current and general cleaning»

Questions covered during the practical lesson:

1. Disinfection. Types, methods, methods of disinfection

2. Requirements for disinfection equipment

3. Labor protection rules when working with disinfectants

4. Main groups of waste and rules for handling them

Disinfection. Types, methods, methods of disinfection

DISINFECTION ( disinfection) – this is a set of methods for the complete, partial or selective (selective) destruction of potentially pathogenic microorganisms for humans at facilities external environment in order to break the transmission routes of pathogens infectious diseases from sources of infection to susceptible people. Regulatory documents regulating disinfection issues Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus No. 165 dated November 25, 2002 “On disinfection and sterilization by healthcare institutions”



ü Irrigation of equipment, room walls, furniture, etc. with a disinfectant solution; ü wiping with a rag moistened with a disinfectant solution the surfaces of furniture, equipment, toys, patient care items, medical products; ü immersion in a disinfectant solution of dishes, linen, toys, medical products, patient care items, etc.; ü mixing with disinfectants in the form of powders, granules or their concentrated solutions of secretions, food debris, etc.; ü irradiation of air and surfaces with ultraviolet rays; ü treatment with a steam-air mixture, steam, a steam-formalin mixture, hot air in the chambers of clothes, shoes, bedding, soft toys, etc.




Disinfection method Disinfectant agent Disinfection mode Applicability Conditions for disinfection Equipment used
Temperature, C Concentration,% Holding time, min
BOOKING Distilled water Distilled water with sodium bicarbonate ( baking soda) +-1 - +5 +5 Recommended for products made of glass, metal, heat-resistant polymer materials, rubber Complete immersion of products in water Disinfection boiler
STEAM Water saturated steam under excess pressure P = 0.5 MPa 0.5 kgf/cm? +-2 - +5 Recommended for glass, metal, rubber, latex and heat-resistant polymers In sterilization boxes (boxes) Steam sterilizer. Disinfection chambers
INSPIRATIONAL Dry hot air +-4 - +5 Recommended for glass and metal products Disinfection should be carried out without packaging (in trays) Air sterilizer
KH I M I C H E S K I Y Chemical substance 1. Bactericidal 2. Virucidal 3. Tuberculocidal 4. Fungicidal According to the instructions for use of des. Wed Recommended for polymeric materials, rubbers Complete immersion in the product solution
COMBINED: steam-air – active agents: humidified air at a disinfection temperature of 110 o C, pressure 0.5 atm., exposure 20 minutes; paraformalin - in the mode of 0.5 atm, t +90 o C, exposure 30 minutes and additional introduction of formaldehyde (formalin) into the chamber

When disinfecting products, wear an apron and gloves.

After disinfection by immersion, the products should be washed in running water until complete removal smell of disinfectant.

The disinfectant solution should be used once; with modern disinfectant solutions, repeated use is allowed provided that its optical transparency is maintained.

Use new disinfectants approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus according to the instructions.

The main method of disinfection in health care facilities is currently chemical, based on the use of substances with antimicrobial effects. Such substances must meet certain requirements:

Be effective against various types of microorganisms that cause infectious diseases (bacteria, fungi, viruses);

Be resistant to organic contaminants and have cleaning properties;

Do not be aggressive towards the objects being processed;

Have good solubility in water;

Be low-toxic for people and the environment;

Have the longest shelf life without loss of activity;

Be as simple and easy to use as possible.

Working solutions for disinfection are prepared in glass, enameled (without damaging the enamels) or plastic containers. Use disinfection containers with a tight-fitting lid and a perforated tray, which will subsequently allow you to rinse the treated instruments with water after exposure without touching them with your hands.

The main requirement for chemical disinfection is the complete immersion of contaminated instruments in a working disinfectant solution in a special disinfection container with a tight-fitting lid and a perforated tray, which will subsequently allow, after exposure, to rinse the treated instruments with water without touching them with your hands. When soaking, it is necessary to ensure that all solution channels are filled as much as possible, displacing air from them.

Requirements for disinfection equipment

1. Containers must have lids.

2. Containers and lids are marked and must have clear inscriptions indicating the name of the product, its concentration, purpose, and date of preparation. For reusable solutions, indicate the date and hour of use of the product.

3. Expensive products (endoscopes, instruments for flexible endoscopes) are disinfected according to additional instructions and methodological documents.

4. The choice of disinfection equipment depends on the characteristics of the product and its purpose.

To carry out disinfection measures, you must have the following equipment:

ü Hydraulic remote control (with cover);

ü Enameled buckets or containers with marks for 1-5 and 10 l;

ü Oilcloth bags for transporting things to the disinfection chamber (observe the markings!);

ü Containers for disinfectants;

ü Clean disinfected rags;

ü Oilcloth bags for used rags and used sets of workwear;

ü Packaged disinfectants;

ü Working clothes: gowns, caps, respirators, goggles, rubber gloves.

The container (with a stopper) in which the sample is stored should not;

Cause sample contamination;

Absorb or adsorb analyte compounds (for example, hydrocarbons may be absorbed in a polyethylene container, trace metals may be adsorbed on the surface of a glass container);

React with certain elements contained in the sample (for example, fluoride compounds react with glass].

Using opaque or darkened glass vessels can greatly reduce the effect of light on the sample.

During storage of samples, containers made of glass or polyethylene with ground-in or tightly screwed lids should be used. The use of cork or rubber stoppers is also allowed if the test sample does not contain mercury, silver, ozone, organic substances and does not require determination of BOD and COD.

In general, glass containers are washed with water and detergents to remove dust and dirt, degreased with a chrome mixture, thoroughly washed from acid and steamed or rinsed with distilled water.

When preparing vessels for subsequent determination total phosphorus No phosphate detergents are used.

When preparing vessels for the subsequent determination of chromium and sulfates, a chromium mixture is not used.

Polyethylene vessels are rinsed with acetone and hydrochloric acid (1:1). washed several times with tap water and then with distilled water.

Vessels for storing samples of pesticides, petroleum products and other components, when the entire sample is analyzed, which is also the container of the sampling device, is treated with detergents, distilled water, dried, cooled, then treated with hexane or ether and dried (the best way is in a stream of purified nitrogen or air). The sample is taken into a dry vessel.

If the sample is filtered before transferring it to a dry storage vessel, the filters must be washed or prepared in accordance with the analytical procedure. Membrane filters must be subjected to especially careful preparation, because... Metals and organic substances can be sorbed on them, and soluble compounds can be leached from the membrane into the sample.

Precise information and methods for preparing glassware and equipment should be contained in the analytical methods. The sampler must be equipped with a prepared set of equipment and instructed by the person responsible for performing the analysis

Each vessel must be provided with an accompanying document immediately after sampling (see sample passport)

A properly organized diesel fuel warehouse for a boiler room affects the performance and heat output of the boiler. The storage facility is subject to fire safety requirements. When installing, follow the rules related to the operating features.

Types of fuel tanks for diesel boilers

Tanks for diesel fuel for the boiler room are made of various geometric shapes, from plastic and metal. The containers differ in volume, the capacity ranges from 500 to 10,000 liters.

Tanks of a narrow oblong shape are popular; they are optimally suited for installation in boiler rooms with limited free space. Large round tanks, used for ground installation. Thanks to the wide variety of choices, you can choose a container that is suitable in size and can be easily installed in any boiler room.

The main choice of a diesel fuel storage tank is related to the selection of suitable material. Manufacturers produce iron and polymer tanks.

Plastic containers

Plastic containers are in particular demand due to several advantages:
  • Manufacturing process – molds are made using rotomolding. The advantage of the production method is the absence of technological joining seams, which increases the service life of the container several times. After casting the mold, a drain valve or threaded coupling is cut into the body.
  • Installation features - installing plastic fuel tanks for diesel boilers is much easier than in the case of steel analogues. Plastic tolerates temperature changes well, but is inferior to metal in terms of rigidity. Operating temperature plastic tank, from -50°С to +50°С.
  • Features of operation - polymer tanks are universal, with the help of special fix packages, it is possible to change the connection side and other modifications. The maximum capacity of the tank is 10,000 liters, but, if necessary, upon individual order, a fuel tank (tank) with a volume of 20,000 liters can be manufactured.

When installing a plastic tank, take into account that the material is not able to withstand a large internal load on the walls. Therefore, when installed on the ground, the container is mounted in a special bunker or reinforced with concrete rings.

Metal containers

Fuel tanks for diesel boilers made of metal have limited, mainly industrial, applications. The disadvantages include the high cost and weight of the structure, susceptibility to corrosion, and difficulty of maintenance.

A metal container installed in the ground needs high-quality insulation walls It is necessary to use a special filtration system that removes small metal particles that enter the fuel during corrosion of the internal walls of the tank.

Which container to choose for a diesel boiler

The selection of a fuel tank is based not only on the material from which the container is made, but also on several performance characteristics. Take into account the required tank volume, manufacturer and cost of the product.

As practice shows, it is important to pay attention to the shape of the container:

To ensure the operation of the system, it is necessary to select a tank of a suitable volume and the appropriate brand of manufacturer.

How to calculate the volume of a diesel fuel storage tank

Capacity calculations are performed depending on the expected consumption of diesel fuel. Calculations are performed as follows:
  • To obtain 10 kW of heat for an hour, you will need to burn 1 kg of diesel fuel. The resulting thermal energy will be sufficient to heat residential premises, total area 100 m².
  • During the day, 24 kg of diesel fuel will burn, within a month - 720 kg, heating season– 4320 kg.
  • A liter of diesel fuel is equal to 0.84 kg. Accordingly, 4320 kg of diesel fuel will fit in a 5000 liter tank.
It is cheaper to refill the fuel tank once a year. But, in fact, the volume of containers for diesel boilers allows you to select a tank to ensure different durations of autonomous operation, from 1 month to a season. It is not practical to install storage with a reserve of 1-2 weeks.

The shelf life of fuel does not exceed 6-12 months. The maximum storage volume must accommodate diesel fuel in a volume sufficient to ensure the operation of the boiler for one heating season.

Manufacturers of diesel fuel tanks

Tanks for diesel fuel are universal, suitable for any model of boiler that runs on liquid fuel. A well-made storage unit will last an average of at least 30 years. Products from Korean and domestic manufacturers are popular among buyers - Impulse-Plast, Anion, Ecoprom, Kiturami.

There is also demand for the model range of Ukrainian factories. Aquatech products fully comply with European quality standards, but are made taking into account domestic operational realities.

The cost of the tank depends on the manufacturer and material. A plastic container for 1000 liters, Aquatech brand, is offered for 13-15 thousand rubles. A steel tank made by the Kiturami concern, 200 liters, will cost approximately the same price.

Rules for installing a container for diesel boiler equipment

In "Boiler installations", high requirements are placed on the placement of diesel tanks for boiler rooms. Diesel fuel belongs to the class of flammable materials that can cause significant harm to the environment. Requirements relate to placement and connection to the container, maximum storage capacity and other regulations.

At the boiler room planning stage, compliance with the following technical conditions is determined:

  1. Storage location, depending on the type of boiler room and installation method.
  2. Requirements for containers and fuel supply system.
  3. Fire regulations.

Where do you place the container with diesel fuel?

SNiP describes everything in detail existing options storage of liquid fuel in the boiler room. The main requirement remains to ensure safety and prevent situations that threaten health and life service personnel and people in heated rooms. The norms stipulate:
  • Use liquid fuel boilers for, as well as installation in basements, is prohibited.
  • For a separate boiler room, it is allowed to install a ground storage facility located in an attached room. The total volume of fuel should not exceed 150 m³. At the same time, it is allowed to install diesel fuel reserve tanks made of polypropylene directly in the boiler room, provided that the volume does not exceed 5 m³.
  • Built-in and attached boiler rooms are connected to closed diesel fuel storage facilities. The warehouse is located in a separate room, not connected to a boiler room or heated building by a common wall.
    It is possible to install a sealed supply tank with a maximum volume of up to 800 liters in the boiler room itself. The gap between the burner and the fuel tank is at least 1 m.
  • According to SNiP, storage of fuel reserves is allowed in underground, semi-underground and above-ground containers made of metal and plastic.

If necessary, with the help of special fix packages, several underground fuel tanks are connected into a single fuel storage facility, the maximum capacity of which is 25,000 liters.

For underground fuel storage with a volume of over 1000 liters, the use of double-walled tanks is required. In the EU, this instruction is mandatory; in Russia, it is in the nature of a recommendation.

Requirements for containers

Durable and sealed containers suitable for operating conditions are used as liquid fuel storage facilities. The material used is enameled or stainless steel, aluminum or plastic.

There are several requirements for tanks and their operation:

  • Storage facilities are installed in a heated room. For underground installation, well-insulated containers are used. In some cases, additional thermal insulation is required.
  • During operation, a large volume of fuel evaporation is generated. A breathing pipeline must be provided in the tank.
  • To drain fuel, a special valve is installed.
Manufacturers constantly focus on existing consumer demand and current laws. To the range of fuel tanks, containers with two walls were added, to increase rigidity, metal frames began to be used. Before choosing a suitable tank, you should find out about existing restrictions operating in the area.

Fuel supply and filtration system

For ease of operation, a fuel supply and filtration system is provided. The scheme is thought out taking into account the features and characteristics of diesel fuel. The system includes:
  • Fuel pump - using it, you can pump diesel fuel from the container into the boiler. Modern pumps, work in close cooperation with a modulating burner and change the intensity of diesel fuel supply, depending on the thickening. Transportation is carried out through copper fuel hoses connected to the hopper and boiler.
  • As storage continues, diesel fuel loses its properties. A heavy precipitate appears. The circuit uses a float fuel intake that connects the diesel boiler to the fuel tank. The module, due to the float, always remains on the surface, which allows you to take clean fuel for work, without sediment.
  • At the pipeline supply, a filter for diesel fuel is installed, which cleans diesel fuel from impurities that have entered it as a result of corrosion or due to long-term storage.
  • It is possible to supply diesel fuel to the boiler from several containers. To do this, the tanks are connected to each other with fixing packages, practically forming one large container.
  • Diesel fuel has one significant drawback. When freezing, diesel fuel thickens, which leads to overconsumption and unnecessary costs. The issue is resolved in several ways.
    In some cases, it is practical to heat diesel fuel directly in containers. For greater efficiency, additional heating is carried out already in the chamber of the burner device.
  • To control the remaining volume of diesel fuel, install a fuel level indicator. To storage industrial type, an electronic sensor is installed. In the fuel tank device household appliances, a mechanical float meter is usually mounted.

Fire standards for diesel fuel tanks

Regulatory documents specifying the requirements include SP 89.13330,. Current regulations stipulate compliance with the following measures:
  • Combining a diesel fuel storage room and a boiler room is prohibited. It is allowed to install a reserve tank indoors (emergency fuel supply), not exceeding 5 m³ or 800 l, depending on the characteristics of the installation.
  • The distance from the diesel fuel warehouse to the boiler room is calculated based on the total volume of the tanks and the method of placement.
  • The minimum fire-prevention distance between the boiler room and the tank is at least 9 m. A fuel bunker installed above ground must be separated by an earthen rampart or fire-prevention partition.
  • Gaps between the boiler room and the warehouse are calculated in accordance with clause 6.4.48. The permissible distance from the container is influenced by the type of storage, above-ground or underground installation, and the fire hazard class of the enterprise or residential building. The construction procedures provide a table according to which all necessary calculations are performed.
  • The breathing valve or tank pipeline must fall strictly within the lightning protection zone.
  • Heating diesel fuel in fuel tanks, homemade devices, is strictly prohibited. For heating, you can only use certified equipment.
    An essential requirement for heating containers is grounding of the heating device powered by electricity. Standards regarding the grounding circuit, .
Subject to compliance with all standards, it is ensured safe operation and performance of the diesel boiler. Proper piping affects the efficiency and autonomy of the heating system.

GOST R 53210-2008

Group D08



General technical conditions

Composite containers. General specifications

OKS 55.020
OKP 31 7700

Date of introduction 2010-01-01


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", and the rules for applying national standards of the Russian Federation are GOST R 1.0-2004 "Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED Technical Committee on standardization TC 273 "Composite materials and products made from them"

2 APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 25, 2008 N 699-st


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annually published information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notifications and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

1 Application area

1 Application area

This standard applies to containers with a capacity of 0.45 to 1.5 m, having a combined (composite) design, intended for storage and transportation by rail, water and road transport (in direct and mixed communications) of bulk and liquid cargo loaded under pressure or by gravity (hereinafter referred to as containers).

The standard does not apply to soft containers.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

GOST R 1.12-2004 Standardization in the Russian Federation. Terms and definitions

GOST R 50460-92 Mark of conformity for mandatory certification. Shape, dimensions and technical requirements

GOST R 50798-95 Distinctive sign vehicles participating in international road traffic. Types and sizes. Technical requirements

GOST R 51760-2001 Polymer consumer containers. General technical conditions

GOST R 51827-2001 Containers. Test methods for leak tightness and hydraulic pressure

GOST R 52202-2004 (ISO 830-99) Freight containers. Terms and definitions

GOST 2.601-2006 Unified system design documentation. Operational documents

GOST 9.303-84 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. General requirements to choice

GOST 12.0.001-82 System of occupational safety standards. Basic provisions

GOST 12.1.004-91 System of occupational safety standards. General requirements

GOST 9330-76 Basic connections of parts made of wood and wood materials. Types and sizes

GOST 14192-96 Marking of cargo

GOST 16504-81 System of state testing of products. Testing and quality control of products. Basic terms and definitions

GOST 17527-2003 Packaging. Terms and definitions

GOST 19433-88 Dangerous goods. Classification and labeling

GOST 21140-88 Containers. Sizing system

GOST 26319-84 Dangerous goods. Package

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year and according to the corresponding monthly information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses terms according to GOST R 1.12, GOST 16504, GOST R 52076 *, GOST R 52202 and GOST 17527, as well as the following terms with corresponding definitions:
* GOST 31314.3-2006 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. - Database manufacturer's note.

3.1 combination container: A rigid structure consisting of a container, equipped with or without operating devices, enclosed in a supporting frame.

3.2 frame: A collapsible design that protects the container from the effects of static and dynamic loads that occur during lifting, loading, stacking, securing and transporting the container.

3.3 capacity: The internal volume of a container (container), determined by its internal dimensions without taking into account the filling of necks and cavities of operating devices.

4 Classification, main parameters and dimensions

4.1 Containers are manufactured with a capacity of 0.45 to 1.5 m.

4.2 Types of containers, their symbols, depending on the materials used to manufacture the container and frame, are given in Table 1.

Table 1

Container type designation

Material designation


For liquids and viscous loads

B - aluminum

For bulk cargo loaded and (or) unloaded by gravity

For bulk cargo loaded and (or) unloaded under pressure more than 10 kPa

For liquids and viscous loads

N - other metals (except steel and aluminum)

For bulk cargo loaded and (or) unloaded by gravity

For bulk cargo loaded and (or) unloaded under pressure more than 10 kPa

For liquids and viscous loads

N - polymer materials

For bulk cargo loaded and (or) unloaded by gravity

For bulk cargo loaded and (or) unloaded under pressure more than 10 kPa

For liquids and viscous loads

C - natural wood of various species

D - plywood

For bulk cargo loaded and (or) unloaded by gravity

F - wood-fiber or wood-shaving material

For bulk cargo loaded and (or) unloaded by gravity, with an internal liner


1 The letter Z in the container type designation indicates the type of material used to make the frame.

2 The numbers indicate the types of containers:

11 - containers intended for bulk cargo loaded and (or) unloaded by gravity;

21 - containers intended for bulk cargo loaded and (or) unloaded under pressure of more than 10 kPa;

31 - containers for liquid and viscous cargo.

4.3 The carrying capacity of containers, maximum net weight, maximum gross weight are established in the technical documentation for containers for specific types of products.

4.4 The symbol of the container includes:

- name of the container;

- container type designation;

- nominal outer dimensions of the container, m;

- maximum permissible load when stacking, kg;

- load capacity, kg;

- designation of this standard or technical documentation for containers for a specific type of product (if available).

An example of a symbol for a combined container (steel frame and container made of polymer material) for bulk cargo unloaded by gravity; nominal external dimensions 1.0x1.0x1.0 m, load capacity 1500 kg, with maximum permissible stacking load 5500 kg:

Combined container 11 NA 1.0x1.0x1.0/1500/5500 - GOST R 53210-2008

5 General technical requirements

5.1 Containers are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technical documentation for containers for specific types of products.

It is allowed, in agreement with the customer, to produce containers based on standard samples.

5.2 Design requirements

5.2.1 The design of the container must ensure the safety of cargo under given operating conditions and ease of maintenance and repair.

5.2.2 It is not allowed to use containers without a frame. Loading and unloading of polymer containers is carried out without removing them from the frame.

5.2.3 The supporting surface of containers for which stacking is intended must ensure the stability of the stack.

5.2.4 Structural elements of the container frame should not damage polymer containers during operation.

5.2.5 The container frame may have a fixed or removable pallet, which is used for mechanized loading and/or unloading of the container.

“Pockets” for forks are not allowed on polymer containers.

5.2.6 Containers intended for transporting cargo under pressure must be equipped with safety devices.

Safety devices must be fully open at a pressure not exceeding the test pressure to prevent excessive internal pressure from occurring.

5.2.7 For any container closure device which, if not closed, could lead to a hazardous situation, provision shall be made for its closure by means of a manual drive and an indication of the operating position.

5.2.8 The design of containers must provide for the possibility of sealing them.

5.2.9 Containers must maintain operational characteristics after staying for two hours at a temperature not lower than plus (60±2) °C and/or not higher than minus (50±2) °C.

5.2.10 The dimensions of containers, taking into account the requirements of GOST 21140, are established in the technical documentation for containers for specific types of products.

5.2.11 Coatings are selected in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9.303 depending on the type of material from which the containers are made.

5.3 Requirements for liner containers

5.3.1 Designed openings of containers (except for those equipped with safety devices for releasing excess pressure) must have locking devices to prevent cargo loss.

5.3.2 Openings of containers located below the top level of the packaged cargo must have manually operated closing devices, as well as, in order to avoid accidental leaks, additional closing elements on the outside locking device (plugs, blind flanges with bolts, etc.).

5.3.3 The wall thickness of the container is established based on the specific purpose of the container and compliance with the requirements for structural strength specified in this standard.

For metal containers, the wall thickness is set to at least 1.5 mm.

5.3.4 Metal containers, intended for liquids, must have a welded structure.

5.3.5 For containers made of aluminum alloys, it is not allowed to use removable parts (lids, closures, etc.) made of steel without a protective corrosion-resistant coating (to avoid contact corrosion).

5.3.6 Containers assembled with operational devices and closed necks must be sealed.

5.3.7 Tanks intended for cargo loaded (unloaded) under pressure must withstand hydraulic pressure tests.

Test pressure is established in the technical documentation for containers for specific types of products ranging from:

- the value obtained by multiplying the coefficient 1.75 by the vapor pressure at a temperature of the transported substance of 50 °C minus 100 kPa;

- the value obtained by multiplying the coefficient 1.5 by the vapor pressure at the temperature of the transported substance 55 ° C minus 100 kPa to 500 kPa.

5.3.8 Regardless of the calculation results, the test pressure must be no less than:

- 250 kPa - for containers of types 21AZ, 21BZ, 21NZ, 31AZ, 31BZ;

- 100 kPa - for containers of types 21AZ, 21BZ, 21NZ, 31NZ;

- 75 kPa - for containers of types 21HZ, 31HZ;

- 250 kPa - for containers used for the transportation of dangerous goods of packing group I;

- 100 kPa - for containers used for transporting goods of packing groups II and III.

5.4 Requirements for the container frame

5.4.1 The design of the container must ensure that there are no concentrated loads in any part of the container.

5.4.2 When using a removable pallet, the supporting frame must be securely fastened to the pallet with fasteners.

5.4.3 The design of the frame must ensure its assembly and disassembly within the limits necessary to ensure maintenance of the tank.

5.4.4 Types and methods of connecting individual components frames are indicated in the technical documentation for containers for specific types of products, taking into account the conditions in 5.4.1.

5.4.5 The frame design must include structural elements for lifting the container during loading and unloading operations.

It is not allowed to lift wooden frames for top part or install structural elements to lift them from the top.

5.5 Requirements for container operating devices

5.5.1 The design of containers must include locking, safety or other operational devices that ensure the safe operation of containers.

5.5.2 Operating devices are positioned and secured in such a way that they cannot be damaged during operation.

Operating devices can be protected by covers or casings.

5.5.3 Locking devices must be protected from accidental opening, and their “open” or “closed” positions must be fixed and easily distinguishable.

5.5.4 For containers used for the transportation and storage of liquid cargo, additional sealing of the discharge opening with a screw cap or similar device must be provided.

5.5.5 Safety devices under normal container operating conditions should have a minimum throughput air not lower than 0.05 m/s (at an absolute pressure of 100 kPa and a temperature of 15 °C).

5.5.6 Operating devices of containers, incl. necks, discharge and locking devices must have inscriptions indicating their purpose.

On every safety device The pressure to which it is set must be clearly indicated.

5.5.7 Containers intended to transport liquids shall have a device to release sufficient steam to prevent rupture of the container.

The response pressure shall not exceed 65 kPa and shall not be less than the test pressure specified in 5.3.7 and 5.3.8.

5.6 Requirements for the mechanical strength of containers

5.6.1 Containers must withstand the internal pressure of cargo loaded to the maximum permissible gross weight, as well as the loads arising under specified loading and unloading conditions.

5.6.2 Containers must withstand the influence of inertial forces of the cargo they contain, which arise during transportation as a result of vehicle movement.

The influence of inertial forces in the longitudinal, transverse and vertical directions should be taken equal to 2·, where is the maximum permissible gross mass of the container, kg; - constant value of free fall acceleration equal to 9.8 m/s.

These loads are taken into account as uniformly distributed, acting through the geometric center of the container and not increasing the pressure in the vapor space of the container.

5.6.3 Containers must withstand free fall impact tests without destruction or leakage.

5.6.4 Containers must withstand the loads arising during loading and unloading operations (when lifted by the upper and/or lower part).

5.6.5 Containers must withstand the loads that occur during stacking, which are established in the technical documentation for containers for specific types of products.

5.7 Material requirements

5.7.1 Requirements for materials used for the manufacture of containers are established in the technical documentation for containers for specific types of products, taking into account the following requirements.

5.7.2 Metal containers are made from materials that meet the following requirements:

- for steel and its alloys: elongation at break in percentage should not exceed (but not less than 20%);

- for aluminum alloys: elongation at break in percentage should not exceed (but not less than 8%),

where is the guaranteed minimum tensile strength of the metal used, N/mm.

In the case of using austenitic steels, the specified minimum value may be increased by 15%.

5.7.3 Samples used to determine elongation at break must be taken transversely to the rolled product in such a way that

where is the length of the metal sample before testing, mm;

- diameter, mm;

- cross-sectional area of ​​the test sample, mm.

5.7.4 Polymer materials used for the manufacture of containers must be resistant to aging and destruction under the influence of packaged products and ultraviolet radiation.

5.7.5 For the manufacture of polymer containers, used polymer materials should not be used, with the exception of waste obtained during the production process.

5.7.6 Wood used in the manufacture of containers must be dry. Wood moisture content, depending on the purpose of the container, is indicated in the technical documentation for containers for specific types of products. The wood should not have defects that reduce the strength characteristics of the container.

Container structural parts must be made of solid wood or wood slab, assembled with joints of types K-1 - K-6 according to GOST 9330 with glue or using corrugated metal plates (clips).

5.7.7 Plywood used for the manufacture of container containers must be water-resistant three-layer made from peeled, planed or sawn veneer. Plywood defects that reduce the strength of the container are not allowed.

For the manufacture of container containers, it is allowed to use other materials with strength not lower than those specified.

5.7.8 When making containers from wood materials, use waterproof solid wood fiber or particle boards or other similar wood materials.

5.7.9 Materials used for the manufacture of container containers must be chemically resistant to the effects of the cargo being packaged or have an inert coating or lining (liner) made of polymer film or moisture-resistant paper (waxed, bitumenized or laminated with polyethylene).

5.7.10 Materials and products used for the manufacture of containers in contact with food, medicines or cosmetics must be approved for use by the sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities of the Russian Federation.

5.7.11 The resistance of polymer materials to ultraviolet radiation must be ensured by the addition of carbon black, pigments or inhibitors.

The additives used must be compatible with the goods packed in the containers.

5.8 Completeness

5.8.1 Containers are supplied in sets.

5.8.2 The kit, as agreed with the customer, includes special connecting elements or pipes required when filling containers.

5.8.3 The kit must include operational documents in accordance with GOST 2.601.

5.9 Marking

5.9.1 A label made of corrosion-resistant material with data allowing identification of the container is attached to each container.

5.9.2 Methods of marking: branding; embossing; etching; percussion or other methods. Marking with paint is not permitted.

5.9.3 Marking must contain:

- name of the manufacturer and (or) its trademark;

- the inscription “Made in Russia” or the country code “RUS”, or the distinctive sign of vehicles participating in international road traffic in accordance with GOST R 50798 (for containers used in international transport);

- container owner code, consisting of three capital letters, registered with the International Container Bureau or through a domestic registration organization;

- symbol of the container in accordance with this standard;

- symbol of the packaging group of dangerous goods ("X" - for containers of packing groups I, II and III, only for bulk cargo; "Y" - for containers of groups II and III; "Z" - for containers of packing group III) according to GOST 26319 for containers intended for the transportation of dangerous goods;

- month and year of manufacture;

- UN graphic symbol for transport packaging.

For restored containers, the marking must contain:

- the name of the restorer (abbreviated or coded), if the restoration was carried out by an enterprise that was not the manufacturer of the container;

- year of restoration;

- the letter “R” if the container has been restored;

- the letter “L” if the container was subjected to a leak test.

The need to apply additional markings according to Table 2 is stipulated in the technical documentation for containers for specific types of products.


1 If the marking is stamped or embossed, instead of the UN graphic symbol for transport containers, the designation “UN” may be used.

2 Containers made of polymer materials are marked with environmental labeling and information about the possibility of recycling.

Table 2

Additional markings

Type of container materials



wood and wood

Capacity at 20 °C, m

Maximum permissible gross weight, kg

Test (gauge) pressure, kPa, accurate to 10 kPa

Maximum filling (emptying) pressure, kPa, accurate to 10 kPa

Container serial number

Case material and its minimum thickness, mm

Date of last leak test (month, year)

Date of last check (month and year)


1 Indication of the unit of measurement of capacity and gross weight is mandatory.

2 The “+” sign means mandatory data reduction.

5.9.4 Depending on the cargo being packed, handling marks and inscriptions in accordance with GOST 14192 and GOST 19433 may be applied to the container in accordance with the technical documentation for containers for specific types of products.

5.10 Packaging

Containers are supplied without packaging.

Shipping documentation, as well as operational documents in accordance with 5.8.3, are packaged in a plastic film bag.

Removable and spare components of containers are packaged in individual containers, securely attached to the container frame in the place indicated in the drawings for the container for a specific type of product.

6 Safety and environmental requirements

6.1 When manufacturing containers, the safety rules in accordance with GOST 12.0.001, fire safety rules in accordance with GOST 12.1.004, as well as standard safety rules for industrial enterprises are observed.

6.2 During the manufacturing process of containers, the possibility of environmental pollution by production waste must be eliminated.

Waste that is not suitable for recycling, as well as containers that are not suitable for further use, must be disposed of.

7 Acceptance rules

7.1 Containers are accepted individually or in batches.

To control the quality of container containers, tests are carried out according to Table 3.

Table 3

Container capacity

Type of test

Chemical resistance test

Control of dimensions, appearance, capacity, wall thickness

Base lifting test*

Lifting test from the top*

Stacking strength test**

Leak test

Hydraulic pressure test

Free fall impact test

Heating and cooling test

11AZ, 11BZ

11NZ, 21AZ, 21BZ, 21NZ, 31AZ, 31BZ, 31NZ


Made from wood and wood materials

* If the container design allows for this loading/unloading method.

** If the container design allows for stacking.

*** For free fall testing, use the same type of container.

Note - The sign “+” means tests are carried out, “-” means they are not carried out.

7.2 The markings, completeness and dimensions are checked for each container.

Each container intended for packaging liquids is subjected to a leak test.

This test is carried out after manufacturing or restoration of the container, and then every 2.5 years.

Tests of other parameters are carried out on samples of containers of each type.

7.3 The number of samples and the order of sampling are determined in the technical documentation for specific types of containers.

7.4 Labels are attached to containers selected for testing indicating:

- symbol of the container in accordance with the requirements of this standard;

- name of the manufacturer;

- batch number;

- batch volume;

- date of manufacture (month, year);

- date of sample collection;

- sampling locations;

- number of samples;

- surname and initials of the person who carried out the sampling.

8 Test methods

8.1 Test requirements

8.1.1 To conduct free-fall impact and stacking strength tests, containers are filled with the cargo they are intended to transport.

It is allowed to fill containers with a dimensional-mass equivalent having physical properties, similar to the properties of the packaged cargo, if this does not affect the reliability of the test results.

It is allowed to use additives (steel, cast iron shot or similar) to achieve the required net weight of the load, if this does not affect the reliability of the test results.

8.1.2 If a different (substitute) load is used to fill the container during the free fall impact test, it must have the same density and viscosity as the load the container is intended to transport.

It is allowed to fill containers with water or water with antifreeze.

8.1.3 It is allowed to conduct random tests for those containers that, in comparison with already tested containers of the same type, have insignificant differences (for example, slightly smaller nominal dimensions).

8.1.4 For the free fall impact test and stacking, containers intended for liquid cargo are filled with liquid to 98%, for bulk cargo - with bulk cargo to 95% of capacity.

8.1.5 The temperature of containers made of polymeric materials and the cargo they contain during the free fall impact test is reduced to minus 18 °C, unless otherwise indicated in the technical documentation for containers for specific cargo.

8.1.6 When testing chemical resistance, only containers can be used.

It is allowed to use samples of smaller containers for testing for chemical resistance overall dimensions, made from the same material and using the same technology as the container being tested.

8.1.7 The time and parameters of conditioning before testing samples of containers made of polymer materials are established in the technical documentation for containers for specific types of products.

8.2 Chemical resistance tests

8.2.1 To control the chemical resistance of the materials from which the containers are made to the effects of the packaged cargo, samples of containers are filled with the packaged cargo and kept.

This test is carried out when testing the design of containers.

8.2.2 The chemical resistance of polymer containers is controlled according to GOST R 51760.

The change in the size of samples made of polymeric materials should not exceed ±3% within 28 days and ±5% within 6 months.

The weight loss of the cargo should not exceed 0.5% for 28 days at a temperature of (20±2) °C and 3% at the same temperature for 6 months.

8.2.3 It is allowed to establish other requirements and test parameters in the technical documentation for containers for specific types of products, depending on the material of the container and the type of cargo being packaged.

8.3 Control of appearance, build quality, markings, completeness

8.3.1 The appearance, markings and completeness of containers are checked visually without the use of magnifying devices, by comparison with working drawings and control reference samples (if available), approved in the prescribed manner.

8.4 Control geometric dimensions and wall thickness

To check the dimensions and wall thickness, the container is placed in the operating position on a flat horizontal surface.

Control is carried out using methods and using measuring instruments provided for in the technical documentation for containers for specific types of products.

8.5 Capacity and load control

8.5.1 When determining the capacity, the container is filled with water up to the beginning of the neck, pouring water at a temperature of (20±5) °C from a measuring container.

Operating devices must be removed and their connection points hermetically sealed.

8.5.2 The maximum permissible gross weight of a container is determined by multiplying the total capacity by the highest cargo density provided for packaging, followed by adding the weight of the empty container.

The maximum load capacity of the tested container is determined by the formula

where is the maximum permissible gross weight of the container, kg;

- weight of the empty container, kg.

8.5.3 To determine the total capacity, the container assembled with operational devices is filled with water according to 8.5.1 until the water overflows through the neck.

8.6 Base lift tests

8.6.1 Test performance

Tests are carried out for all containers whose design allows for lifting by the base.

The tests are carried out to check the container's ability to withstand the loads that arise when it is lifted using lifting devices.

8.6.2 Preparing the container for testing

The container must be loaded so that its gross weight is 1.25 times the maximum permissible gross weight, and the load must be evenly distributed.

8.6.3 Test performance

The container is lifted and lowered twice by a loader with the fork inserted in the center at 3/4 of the width of the base (if the fork insertion points are not defined).

The fork should be inserted in the direction the fork is inserted. If there are several directions of input, then the gripper is inserted from all directions.

8.6.4 After testing there should be no loss of contents, residual deformations or malfunctions leading to the unsuitability of the container for further use.

8.7 Top lift tests

8.7.1 Test conditions

Tests are carried out for all containers whose frame design allows lifting from the top.

The tests are carried out to verify the ability of containers to withstand loads arising when lifting forces are applied vertically, as well as the ability of containers to withstand loads arising when lifting forces are applied at an angle of 45° to the vertical.

These tests are also used to monitor the ability of containers to withstand loads resulting from acceleration forces during lifting.

8.7.2 Preparation for testing

Containers are loaded so that their gross weight is twice the maximum permissible gross weight. The load must be distributed evenly.

The container is lifted in such a way that no acceleration or deceleration occurs.

8.7.3 Test performance

Containers are lifted:

- using a pair of lifting devices located diagonally so that the lifting force acts vertically, and hold in this position for 5 minutes;

- using a pair of diagonally positioned lifting devices so that the forces applied through the slings act at an angle of 45° to the vertical towards the center, and hold the container in this position for 5 minutes.

8.7.4 After completion of the tests, the following are not allowed: loss of contents, residual deformations or malfunctions leading to the unsuitability of the container for further use.

8.8 Stacking strength tests

8.8.1 Test conditions

Tests are carried out for all containers whose design allows for stacking during operation.

8.8.2 Preparation and inspection

The container must be filled to its maximum permissible gross weight.

8.8.3 Test performance The container is placed on a horizontal rigid surface and subjected to a uniformly distributed load for at least:

- 5 min - for containers with a metal frame;

- 28 days at plus 40 °C - for containers with a polymer frame;

- 24 hours - for other containers. The load used is:

- one or more containers of the same type, which are loaded to the maximum permissible gross weight;

- uniformly distributed loads of appropriate mass are placed on a flat plate or stand simulating the base of the container, installed on the test container.

8.8.4 Calculation of test load

The weight of the cargo installed on the container must be at least 1.8 times greater than the maximum permissible design load when stacking.

8.8.5 After testing, the following are not allowed: loss of contents, residual deformations or malfunctions leading to the unsuitability of the container for further use.

8.9 Leak tests

8.9.1 Tests are carried out in accordance with GOST R 51827 with the following additions:

- tests are carried out for containers (complete with all operational devices) intended for transporting liquids or bulk cargo loaded or unloaded under pressure;

- tests are carried out for at least 10 minutes with compressed air at a constant gauge pressure of at least 20 kPa (or at a pressure not lower than 0.25 of the permissible operating pressure);

- all openings provided in operational devices must be plugged;

- during testing, there should be no air leakage in the connections of operational devices, welds of containers and other parts of containers.

8.9.2 After completion of the tests, the following are not allowed: loss of contents, residual deformations or malfunctions leading to the unsuitability of the container for further use.

8.10 Hydraulic pressure tests

8.10.1 Tests are carried out in accordance with GOST R 51827 with the following additions:

- tests are carried out on containers (complete with all operational devices) intended for transporting liquids or bulk cargo loaded or unloaded under pressure;

- three samples of containers are tested;

- tests are carried out for at least 10 minutes with the application of a test pressure not lower than that established in 5.3.7 and 5.3.8 of this standard.

8.11 Free fall impact tests

8.11.1 Test method

Containers are dropped onto a hard, flat, horizontal impact platform so that the point of impact is at that part of the base of the container that is considered the most vulnerable.

Each drop can use the same or different containers.

8.11.2 The drop height during impact testing during free fall of containers intended for bulk, viscous cargo or liquids with a density of no more than 1.2 g/cm, as well as when replacing liquids with water, must be at least 0.8 m.

The drop height during the free fall impact test of containers intended for liquids with a density of more than 1.2 g/cm when replacing the packaged liquid with water (or water with added antifreeze) must be at least 0.67 m.

8.11.3 During testing, loss of contents from the container is not allowed.

After completion of the tests, the following are not allowed: loss of contents, residual deformations or malfunctions leading to the unsuitability of the container for further use.

8.12 Heating and cooling tests

The tests are carried out before the free fall impact tests.

Sample containers are placed in climate chamber, set the temperature sequentially plus (60±2) °C and minus (50±2) °C, depending on the type of test. The samples are kept in the chamber for two hours at each temperature.

The samples are then removed from the chamber and kept at room temperature for 30 minutes, then the samples are inspected and the dimensions are checked.

9 Rules for recording inspection results

The control results are recorded in a journal or documented in a protocol containing:

- name and address of the organization that conducted the tests;

- name and address of the applicant organization;

- individual test report number;

- name of the container manufacturer;

- symbol of the container according to this standard;

- description of the container design (purpose, operational devices, etc.), including the name of the container material and method of its manufacture (for example, molding, blowing, etc.), as well as working drawings and/or photographs;

- batch number and volume;

- date of manufacture of the container;

- date of receipt of containers for testing;

- date of drawing up the test report;

- signatures of the persons conducting the tests;

- conditioning conditions for samples (during conditioning);

- test conditions;

- characteristics of the load used during testing (viscosity, density - for liquids, particle sizes - for bulk substances);

- types of test benches and numbers of test bench certification acts;

- types, brands and date of verification of control equipment;

- number of samples tested;

- capacity, m;

- test methods used;

- any deviations from these test methods;

- recording of test results with all explanations and comments;

- designation of this standard;

- number and date of the sanitary and epidemiological certificate for containers intended for transportation and storage food products, medicines and cosmetics.

10 Transportation and storage

10.1 Containers are transported in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for specific types of transport.

11 Operating instructions

11.1 The conditions and methods of operating containers must comply with those specified in the operational documentation (taking into account their specific purpose, the type of cargo being packed and transportation conditions).

11.2 Organizations using containers must in full fulfill the requirements for filling, washing, loading and unloading, transportation and storage.

11.3 Attaching foreign parts to containers and technological equipment not allowed.

11.4 Sequential filling of containers is not allowed various types products without preliminary washing of containers.

12 Manufacturer's warranty

12.1 The manufacturer must ensure that containers comply with the requirements of this standard, subject to compliance with the rules of operation, transportation and storage.

12.2 Warranty periods for storage and operation of containers are established in the technical documentation for containers for specific types of products.

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prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
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M.: Standartinform, 2010