How to inflate a private pool without a special pump. Instructions for inflatable pools Intex Easy Set Pools How you can inflate a pool at home

There is an idea that a rich country house must certainly have such an attribute as a swimming pool. Agree, it’s nice to take a water procedure on a hot day without wasting time traveling to the nearest body of water. However, technology makes it possible for literally everyone to have their own swimming pool and not even be tied to the area.

The solution was inflatable rubber products. True, their popularity is hampered by numerous myths about durability and conditions of use. No one even remembers that such ideas appeared either a long time ago or on the basis of other people’s experience. Let's talk about inflatable pools and those misconceptions that you definitely shouldn't believe.

Inflatable pools are designed for children. It seems that the volume of such products does not allow adults to fully splash around there. And from childhood we are familiar with something similar, which today seems frivolous for adults. But the main manufacturers produce models not only for kids, but also for adults. An excellent compromise is family pools where parents and children can relax. And for those who are confused by the size of these products, there are large models and even a Jacuzzi.

These pools are shallow. First of all, you should decide on the purpose of using this pool. It goes without saying that diving is not provided here. If a pool is needed for preschoolers to play, its height usually does not exceed 50-60 centimeters. For family versions, the walls rise by 70 centimeters. If the pool is large and intended for swimming, its walls can rise to a height of 1.3 meters. And the tallest frame products generally have a height of up to one and a half meters.

And such a pool will be cramped. Not everyone knows that modern large-sized round swimming pools can reach a diameter of 7.5 meters. There are oval and rectangular products with dimensions of 8 by 4 meters. A whole group will feel comfortable in such giants, and there is definitely somewhere to swim here.

The inflatable pool can be inflated with a car pump. This can be done, but it is better to choose a different path. The pressure in the pump may not correspond to the maximum allowable pressure in the pool. As a result, an attempt to speed up inflation and test the product for strength may end in rupture of the walls. Each model should be inflated with the pump that comes with it. If you use a third-party product, you must take into account the permissible load for each model.

An inflatable pool is subject to frequent deformation. There are complaints that the sides of an inflatable pool are bent. However, if the product is installed on a flat surface, where nothing will prevent the bottom from straightening out, the problem will not arise. And large inflatable pools retain their shape with the help of an inflatable ring. When water enters the product, the ring floats up, and when a certain level is reached, the walls become smooth.

In an inflatable pool, you can independently regulate the water level. This approach is applicable to models with inflatable walls. They can be filled taking into account the safety of children. But in models with high sides and a pop-up ring, a lack of water will lead to the fact that the ring will not float up and the walls will be curved. So in this case the liquid level is already predetermined.

The inflatable pool deflates quickly. The very phrase “inflatable pool” is associated with a completely inflatable structure with soft walls. However, only children's and family models look like this. And here it is difficult to say how often you will have to pump them up - this is purely individual. If you constantly lean on the sides, then after a couple of hours the product will need pumping.

The inflatable pool is weak. Each model is calculated taking into account the mass of water and its pressure on the walls. The largest models with a height of more than a meter are produced on the basis of reinforced PVC, special vinyl with two- and three-layer walls, as well as Kevlar. Thus, products usually maintain the parameters declared by the manufacturer. The main threat to swimming pools is not the volume of water, but sharp objects and animal claws.

It is difficult to drain water from such pools. In the simplest models, it is enough just to pull out the plug, but in large-sized ones, hoses are already used for this purpose. The width of their cross-section will determine the drainage speed. For example, in a pool with a volume of 5 cubic meters, the process can last from several hours to a whole day.

Water from the pool can be used to water the beds. This statement is true only for small pools; the water in them is generally clean due to constant changes. And in large pools, filters and disinfecting chemicals are responsible for cleaning. Algaecides prevent algae from appearing. Needless to say, all this will be poisonous for plants?

If stored for a long time, the walls of the pool will stick together and become fragile. The season is over and the pool needs to be packed up. In order for it to look like a worker again in a few months, its prevention is necessary. After draining the water, the pool should be rinsed thoroughly with non-abrasive mild detergents and then dried. If you sprinkle the walls with starch or talcum powder, then after wintering it will be much easier to unwrap this product.

Inflating an air mattress with a built-in pump. We will need the mattress itself, an electric pump and the nearest outlet.

We bring the product into a heated room with an air temperature of at least 15 degrees. The mattress does not tolerate cold and close proximity to heat sources.

We place the mattress on a flat surface; there should be no sharp objects on it, so as not to pierce the product. The bottom of the mattress should be protected strong foil or tarpaulin.

The product should not be exposed to direct sunlight. If the ambient temperature is expected to rise, the air should be released slightly. Do not pump the product to avoid damage. We make sure that the mattress does not wrinkle or bend.

Pumping is carried out until the mattress becomes embossed. This way, its seams will not be damaged, and when falling asleep and lying on it, the owner of the mattress will experience maximum comfort.

From time to time, the air pressure is checked; if several people sleep or lie on it, then perhaps the mattress should be “lowered” a little. To deflate it, simply open the valve.

How to inflate an air mattress without using a pump

The mattress does not always come with a built-in pump. You can use alternative pumping methods, such as a foot or hand pump. Do not pump the mattress with a compressor from a car or other devices with high pressure. Do not inflate the product more than 85% volume.

If there is no pump, then you can inflate the mattress with a hairdryer, vacuum cleaner, or even a bag

Methods and available means

We use a vacuum cleaner

We take a vacuum cleaner, connect the thin nozzle of the device to the outlet and connect it to the hole in the mattress. We turn on the device and wait until the mattress is inflated to the desired hardness.

Inflating the mattress with a hairdryer

This is done quite simply. We plug the hair dryer into the outlet, turn on the “cold air” mode and start pumping. This method takes longer than inflating with a built-in or conventional pump, but is also effective. The main thing is not to inflate the product with hot air, which can damage the product.

Inflating a mattress with a large garbage bag

This method of inflation is very convenient in nature, at the dacha, or in cases where you accidentally forgot regular inflation at home.

We take a thick garbage bag with a large volume. It shouldn't be damaged. We open the inlet valve on our mattress, fill the bag with air, and adjust both necks to the diameter. We lie down with our body on the bag, moving air from the bag into the mattress. We continue these manipulations until the mattress is completely inflated.

What should you not do?

What if you don't have anything at hand? You could use the power of your lungs by inflating the mattress with your mouth. Such manipulations are easier for a man to perform, but if there are a couple of strong guys nearby, then it will take two of them to inflate the mattress 15–20 minutes. It is better to abandon this method and save your lungs.

If there is a car nearby, you can use the exhaust pipe to inflate the product. This method makes it easy to inflate not only a mattress, but also a children’s pool and an inflatable fishing boat. It is enough to build an adapter and start inflating. The disadvantages of this method are that exhaust gases and carcinogens destroy the product from the inside and seep to the surface, causing harm to health.

Many people still have misconceptions about their durability and operating conditions that were formed many years ago or under the influence of other people’s experience. What common misconceptions should you not trust and why?

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In the photo:

1. Designed for children. Many people got this impression from childhood. In fact, all major manufacturing companies produce both models for small children, as well as family ones (for bathing children and parents), as well as those designed for adults. For example, Intex pools offer a large selection of large-sized options and Jacuzzis.

2. He is very small! The depth of the pool is determined by the purposes for which it is intended: playgrounds for preschoolers do not exceed 0.56 cm in height, the height of the walls of family ones reaches 0.7 cm or a little more, in large ones, for bathing adults and swimming - reaches 1.3 m (for In comparison, Intex frame pools have a maximum depth of 1.5 m).

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In the photo:

Whole groups of people can swim in large Intex inflatable pools at the same time, and in some you can have a full swim.

3. It's cramped. Modern large-sized round inflatable pools reach a diameter of 7.5 m or more; there are rectangular and oval models of considerable length and width (8x4 m), which allows you to comfortably accommodate a large group and swim in them.

4. It can be inflated with a car pump. This is not recommended, and here's why: the pressure in the pump may not correspond to the maximum permissible in the pool, as a result, the “strength test” may result in wall ruptures. Each model must be inflated using a pump included in the kit or purchased separately, but in accordance with the permissible load for this model.

Examples of different types of pumps designed for inflatable pools.

5. Often deformed. Some reviews are full of complaints that the sides of the inflatable pool are bent. But, if the pool is installed on a flat area and its bottom is properly straightened, there is nothing to fear. Large inflatable pools keep their shape due to the inflatable ring. When water enters, the ring gradually floats up, and as soon as the water level reaches the required level, the walls of the pool are completely leveled.

6. The water level in the inflatable pool can be adjusted at your discretion. This is only true for models with inflatable walls to fill the pool with the safety of small children in mind. In models with high sides and a pop-up ring, if the water level is insufficient, the walls will bend.

7. Deflates quickly. This misconception usually complements another: when hearing the words “inflatable pools,” many people imagine a completely inflatable structure with soft walls, but this mainly applies to children’s and family pools. How often their walls will need to be pumped up is determined individually. For example, if you lean on the sides all the time, then pumping will be required more often.

The three-layer walls of the pool made of reinforced PVC have exceptional strength.

In the photo: Anti-puncture three-layer laminated PVC. Fiber structure Tech Technology.

8. Fragile. Each model is designed taking into account the mass of water and its pressure. Large models (height 1 m or more) are produced from reinforced PVC, Kevlar and special vinyl with double and three-layer walls, so that the pools can withstand all the loads specified by the manufacturers, as evidenced by numerous reviews of inflatable pools from Intex and other large manufacturers. The most serious threats to inflatable pools are sharp objects and animal claws.

9. It is not clear how to drain the water. In small models, it is enough to pull out the plug; in large models, special hoses are used for draining. The drainage speed depends on the width of their cross-section: for example, in a pool with a volume of 5 m3, this process will take from 5 hours to a day.

10. Water from the pool can be used to water the garden. This is true only for small pools, the purity of the water in which can be maintained by changing it frequently. In large pools, filters are used to purify the water, as well as disinfecting chemicals and algaecides that prevent the growth of algae. These are poisons for plants.

Thank you for purchasing the Intex Easy Set Pool. Please take the time to read this pool installation guide. This information will help you extend the life of the pool and allow you to secure any activities related to the inflatable pool. Before installation, watch the video disc that comes with the pool. A minimum of two people are required to install the pool. More people will help install your inflatable pool in a shorter time.

Before you begin assembly, carefully review the components of the inflatable pool.

Option A: EASY-SET pools 457 cm and smaller sizes.

Option B: EASY-SET pools 549 cm and large sizes.

Necessary information for preparing a site for a swimming pool.

Before you begin installing the pool, check the condition of the ground where you plan to place it:

  • The ground surface for installing the pool must be flat, without slope, bulges or depressions.
  • The soil must be dense and hard in order to support the weight of the pool filled with water.
  • Do not install the pool on sloping surfaces or on a platform.
  • Do not install the pool on clay, sand, soft or loose soil.

Make sure that the surface of the ground under the pool is clear of stones, sticks and sharp objects, lay out the pool on a flat surface, placing the drainage hole towards the drainage area. Remove the drain valve from the hose.

Attention: Do not drag the pool along the ground, otherwise the pool liner may tear. Lay the pool material on the ground, straightening the sides as carefully as possible.

Filling the inflatable ring with air.

Lay out the top inflatable ring of the pool so that it is on the surface and does not get tangled in the folds of the pool walls. Taking care to keep the ring in the center of the pool, inflate it with air using a pump.

Caution: To avoid rupture of the inflatable ring, do not use compressed air pumps such as air compressors. Don't overinflate. To inflate, use an Intex pump (the pump is not included in the kit).

Ambient air temperature and water temperature affect the level of air pressure inside the inflatable ring. The best way to maintain proper air pressure inside the inflatable ring is to not fill the inflatable ring completely with air while inflating. With daytime heat, the air pressure inside the ring will increase, filling the remaining space.

Filling an inflatable pool with water.

Option A: EASY-SET pools 457 cm and smaller.

For pools with a hole for connecting a hose (certain models and sizes). If the pool model you purchased does not include a pump with filter, use two of the three included plugs to plug the black filter holes from inside the pool so that no water will spill out while filling the pool with water.

Option B: EASY-SET pools 549 cm and larger.

If the pool model you purchased does not include a pump with filter, screw the hose hole caps onto the hose holes before filling the pool. If your pool comes with a filter pump, review the Krystal Clear Filter Pump instructions first, then proceed with assembly.

Before you begin to fill the pool with water, make sure that the plug inside the pool on the drain hole is tightly closed and the cap on the outside of the drain hole is screwed on tightly. Fill the pool with water no more than 3 cm and see if there is any visible difference in the height of the water on different sides of the pool.

Attention: If the water level on one side is higher than on the other, then the pool is not located on a flat surface. Installing the pool on an uneven surface will cause the pool to skew and cause water to leak when the pool is filled with water. If the pool is not level, drain the water, level the surface and refill the pool.

Start straightening out the wrinkles in the bottom of the pool by pulling the fabric from where the walls and the bottom of the pool meet, outward, and straightening the fabric inside the pool. If folds and wrinkles on the bottom of the pool are caused by wrinkled liner underneath the pool, pull the liner from opposite sides with the help of another person.

How to properly dry and store a swimming pool.

  • Check local regulations regarding disposal of used water.
  • Check that the drain plug (on the inside of the pool) is attached correctly.
  • Remove the cover from the drain valve on the outside of the pool.
  • Connect the end of the garden hose to the adapter (supplied).
  • Route the opposite end of the hose to a location where the water can be safely drained.
  • Attach the adapter to the drain valve. Note: Attaching the adapter will cause the drain plug on the inside of the pool to open, causing the water to drain immediately.
  • After the water has drained, disconnect the hose and adapter.
  • Insert the drain plug back into the drain valve on the inside of the pool.
  • Place the cover back on the drain valve on the outside of the pool.
  • Completely deflate the air ring and remove all plugs.
  • Before rolling up the pool, make sure that the pool itself and all its components are completely dry; for this purpose, leave the pool in the sun for an hour before rolling up.
  • Give the pool a square shape. Start rolling from one side, roll up 1/6 of the pool material. Then repeat the same manipulations on the opposite side, folding the pool material several times.
  • After you have folded the two opposite sides in this manner, place one folded part on top of the other, as if you were closing a book, and do this again.
  • Store the pool material and accessories in a cool, dry place.
  • You can use a pool box for storage.

Pool maintenance and chemicals used.

Pool maintenance and the chemicals used are a factor in the appearance and lifespan of the pool, as is the provision of clean, healthy water. Certain water analysis procedures are required. To perform this type of procedure, contact a specialist. Strictly follow the written instructions of the chemical manufacturers. drugs.

  • Make sure that undissolved parts of chlorine do not get on the pool material. Granular or tablet chlorine is pre-dissolved in a bucket of water. The same applies to liquid chlorine.
  • Never mix chemicals. preparations, if necessary, add one chemical some time after another and mix thoroughly in the pool water.
  • The INTEX pool net and vacuum cleaner helps keep the pool water clean. To purchase these types of products, please contact your local retailers.
  • Do not use devices that produce strong water pressure to clean the pool.

Warning: Follow manufacturers' directions carefully and pay attention to warnings regarding potential hazards and health hazards. It is prohibited to add chemicals. drugs in the water if there are people in the pool. This action may cause irritation to the eyes and skin. Concentrated chlorine compounds can cause damage to the pool material. Under no circumstances will Intex Recreation Corp., Intex Trading Ltd., their agencies, representatives, service centers, retailers or employees be liable to the purchaser for any costs associated with loss of pool water or chemicals, or for water damage. Keep spare filter cartridges on hand. Change cartridges every two weeks. The company recommends using the Krystal Clear pump with INTEX filter for all above ground pools. To purchase a Krystal Clear pump with INTEX filter, please contact your local retailer.

Almost all small and medium-sized designs for children are based on an air cushion. But in order to fill the bowl with water, you must first inflate it using the pump that comes with the kit. Today we’ll look at how to inflate a pool without a pump, because there are situations when you simply don’t have one at hand.

How to pump up a small pool?

With a small bowl there will be fewer problems if there is no pump. You can simply pump it up using your lungs. Perhaps one person will not be able to cope with one go, so you will have to involve assistants or take a break.

Small tank for children

Yes, this is not the easiest way, but it is the most accessible, because it is always with you. This is another reason to train your lungs.

How to inflate a medium volume tank?

It will be much more difficult to fill the middle structure with air through your mouth. But people found a way out of this unusual situation.

An industrial hair dryer will come to the rescue

How to inflate a pool without a pump? We take a hair dryer and set the temperature setting to minimum. Next, we simply place the hairdryer against the valve, turn it on at medium power and watch as the air cushion gradually fills. Next, you can increase the rate of air injection.

An industrial hair dryer is designed to heat anything to high temperatures, so double-check that the heat is turned off before using it. Otherwise, you will simply melt the thin wall of the balloon.

How to inflate a large pool?

Unfortunately, large tanks are unlikely to be inflated with a hairdryer, much less with your mouth. Although it’s always worth trying, you don’t have to count on success in advance.

Thematic video

Now you know how to inflate a private pool without a pump. Be sure to watch the video if the method using a hair dryer is not completely clear.