Air valve for ventilation in the bath. Ventilation in the sauna - the right device and common mistakes. Schemes of the device of ventilation ducts in the bath

Among the most important indicators of the Russian bath, they traditionally name the temperature and the level of humidity, forgetting about another fundamental indicator - air exchange. This is very reckless, because even if you carefully insulate the room and achieve comfortable humidity, staying in a steam room with stale air will not only be uncomfortable, but also dangerous. If you want to avoid such a fate, take care of the ventilation in the steam room in advance. You can even equip such a system with your own hands - let's take a closer look at how to do it right.

Before proceeding to a description of the features of the direct technological process, let's first clarify why ventilation is necessary in the bath in the steam room. It is no secret that many skeptics consider its arrangement only an unjustified waste of time and money, but this is far from the case - the lack of a ventilation system can lead to at least three sharply negative consequences.

Types of ventilation systems for the steam room

Ventilation in the bath in the steam room can be of three types:

  • natural;
  • mechanical;
  • combined.

The natural system assumes that air circulation is provided by the difference in pressure and temperature levels in the steam room and on the street. The principle of operation here is simple: first, hot air rises to the upper zone of the steam room, and then leaves through the exhaust hole to the street, thereby discharging the atmosphere in the bath - this creates the conditions for drawing in new air through the supply hole. The advantage of such ventilation is minimal financial costs. But here one nuance must be taken into account: with insufficient insulation of the structure, the natural air duct will be an obstacle to high-quality heating of the bath.

Steam room ventilation scheme

Mechanical ventilation operates by means of special devices that control the exit of exhaust air and the supply of new air flows into the steam room. As a rule, various kinds of fans act as such devices. The advantage of the mechanical system is that ventilation equipment can be installed in almost any area of ​​the room.

Advice. A classic duct fan is not suitable for a bath, as it will not endure the harsh conditions of a steam room - it is better to use special models made of glass-filled polyamide that can withstand high temperatures - up to 130 degrees.

Combined ventilation combines elements of both natural and mechanical systems. It functions in this way: mechanical devices are responsible for extracting the exhaust air, and fresh air enters through a separate supply opening.

Ventilation schemes

There are at least five working ventilation schemes that can be used in a steam room - choose a specific option based on the design features of your Russian bath.

  • The supply opening is behind the stove at a distance of 50 cm from the heater, and the exhaust opening is opposite, at a distance of 20 cm from the base of the floor. The air is removed forcibly - this is provided by a fan built into the lower opening.
  • The supply opening is behind the heater at a distance of 30 cm from the floor base, the exhaust opening is at a distance of 20 cm from the floor on the opposite wall. The air is forced out - with the help of a fan. The main feature of the scheme is a very high rate of heating of fresh air.

Bath ventilation systems
  • Both openings - both flow and exhaust - are placed on one side directly opposite the stove, but at different levels: the first is at a distance of 30 cm from the base of the floor, the second is 20 cm from the ceiling. The system operates using a fan, which is mounted in the exhaust opening.

Advice. Such a scheme is suitable for baths with an internal placement of a steam room - when the room has only one external side.

  • The supply hole is behind the stove at a height of 20 cm from the base of the floor. There is no exhaust opening - instead, a special leaking floor is provided: the exhaust air masses pass through its slots to the ventilation pipe. Such a system guarantees the performance of an additional function - prompt drying of the floor.
  • The supply opening is opposite the stove at a distance of 20 cm from the base of the floor. The role of the exhaust hole is assigned to the blower. Such a scheme is suitable only for those baths where the heater operates continuously.

General rules for organizing ventilation in the steam room

Whichever version of the ventilation system you choose, you need to equip it according to certain rules.

Firstly, it is desirable to make all holes for ventilation even at the stage of building a bath, since punching channels in an already finished structure is a very difficult process. The ideal option is to decide on a suitable scheme during the design of a Russian bath in order to make all the necessary changes to the work plan in a timely manner.

Secondly, the dimensions of the exhaust opening should be approximately the same as the dimensions of the supply opening. In any case, the "output" should not be less than the "input", otherwise it will not be possible to ensure a full outflow of exhaust air from the steam room. And in order to speed up this process, it is allowed to increase the dimensions of the exhaust opening and even equip two “exits” in one room.

Make a valve to block the air flow in the cold season

Thirdly, in order to regulate the airflow of the steam room, all ventilation openings must be equipped with special shutters or shutters. They will come in handy in several situations: when heating the steam room, when the vents will need to be covered to quickly raise the temperature to the required level, as well as in the frosty season, when cold air will actively rush into a warm room.

Fourthly, the cross section of the ventilation hole should be related to the area of ​​the steam room in the proportion: 1 cu. m area - 24 cm section. If the holes are small, the air in the room will not be able to quickly update.

Of course, organizing ventilation in the bath with your own hands is not an easy task. But it is fundamentally necessary: ​​without air exchange, you can forget about the comfort, safety and durability of the steam room. Now you know the main rules and subtleties of this work - if you stick to them, you will definitely be able to make a high-quality ventilation system even without professional help.

Ventilation in the bath: video

Do-it-yourself ventilation in the bath? - easily, the event can be carried out by a man without professional skills. Why do you even need to monitor how to properly ventilate the bath? The answer is obvious. Properly arranged ventilation in the bath affects the maintenance of temperature in the locker room, washing room, steam room, or relaxation room. The second, but no less significant impact, the movement of air masses has on safety wooden structureand the service life of its parts.

When designing a bath complex and its construction, it must be taken into account that the ventilation of the bath complex must be carried out taking into account the established rules, supplemented by subtle nuances. There is plenty of information on how to make ventilation in the bath with your own hands, with detailed instructions, photos and videos. We will outline the main stages of installing air exchange inside the bath space and the steam room below.

Properly arranged ventilation in the bath is guaranteed to keep the temperature at a comfortable level inside the steam room. Extending the life of wooden structures.

The operation of the ventilation system based on the known laws of physics, as well as the ventilation scheme, is understandable and does not raise questions. To fulfill the condition of air circulation in a constant mode, we need only a pair of holes of two types:

  • exhaust;
  • supply.

The intake of fresh air into the room will provide an inlet. The best location for supply ventilation in the bath is near the stove, at a height as close to the floor as possible. Such an arrangement will provide rapid heating of the incoming air, not allowing it to cool the room, maintaining a constant temperature.

Scheme of air movement inside the steam room.

Extraction slots are necessary to remove superheated moist air and carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) from the steam room. Exhaust openings should be located opposite, as high as possible, slightly below the edge of the ceiling. Both lugs are preferably positioned opposite each other in order to effectively create and maintain a continuous exchange of air.

Attention! Do not plan the location of the exhaust outlet directly in the ceiling! A hole for the exit of air masses in the ceiling part leads to a sharp cooling of the bath, preventing hot masses from lingering.

With the concept of locating the supply and exhaust openings, everything is clear and there are no problems in organizing work on the ventilation device in the bath with your own hands. But the task of maintaining a high temperature in the steam room and at the same time effectively removing exhaust air and carbon monoxide remains open.

You should also pay attention that the ventilation in the bath should work to maintain an acceptable temperature in the premises for hygiene procedures, in the dressing room, and other parts of the room: in the dressing room, in the washing room and in the rest room. And if you are faced with the task of implementing a ventilation scheme in a steam room with your own hands, you should think about doing the job right.

The correct scheme of air circulation in the bath

Main types of ventilation

There are two main types of ventilation:

  • natural;
  • forced.

Which one to choose depends on the design of the bath and the volume of its premises.

Ventilation using an electronic control unit

Natural ventilation of the bath

It starts up on its own due to the difference in temperature and pressure inside the room and outside. The efficiency of natural flows depends on the placement of air inlet and outlet openings. It is better and more optimal when the feed holes are close to the floor. Place them at a height of 200-350 mm, next to the stove. It is better to place the exhaust pipes of the hood on the opposite wall, below the ceiling level of 150-200 mm.

Ventilation systems with natural air movement are not suitable for ventilating a steam room or sauna, as the cold air in this room accumulates at the bottom of the floor, and the hot air at the top. We also need hot streams to linger in the steam room as long as possible.

Adjusting the movement of the air flow is accompanied by difficulties, but with the correct arrangement of the components of the ventilation system with your own hands, you can cope with this problem.

Natural ventilation for a steam room is not desirable, it is advisable to organize it in a recreation area

Forced ventilation

This kind of air recirculation in a steam room of a Russian bath or a Finnish sauna can be divided into two subspecies:

  • The ventilation controls the temperature and humidity through the automation of the electronic system, by automatically adjusting the supply and filtration. Such systems are expensive, and their use often does not match the allocated budget.
  • The combined ventilation system involves the sharing of conventional natural air exchange in combination with a forced fan.

Scheme of internal ventilation ducts in the wall of the bath

Ventilation in the bath depends on the type of construction

The natural movement of air with the correct location of the ventilation holes and their sizes corresponding to the volume of the premises works well in a Russian bath, assembled from round logs or timber.

The structure of the frame of the steam room must be airtight. It is advisable to use forced ventilation in frame baths made of timber. Vents for supply are arranged in the outer wall of the steam rooms and must be additionally equipped with a blower fan. In bath structures made of brick or concrete blocks, it is possible to achieve high-quality air movement only through forced ventilation.

Depending on what material the bath is built from, the ventilation system is selected.

We plan ventilation in the bath: subtleties and nuances

Before proceeding to the choice of ventilation scheme in the bath and the device of its design with your own hands, you need to understand the subtleties and nuances of the design.

Carefully! Even a slight mistake in the location of the air inlet and outlet leads to unpleasant consequences. In the steam room, either the desired hot temperature drops or the concentration of carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) increases.

The ventilation system is laid down at the design stage of structures - the necessary channels are planned and the location of the inlet and outlet windows is determined. During the construction of the bath, adjustable windows are installed after the decorative sheathing of the room. The organization of the exchange of air masses in the room and the question "How to make ventilation in the bath" must be resolved at the design stage.

The ventilation ducts of the dressing room, bathroom, steam room, rest room, as well as openings for the inflow of fresh air and the removal of a mixture of carbon monoxide, including moist air masses, must be installed at the appropriate stages of construction. At the stage of final finishing of the premises, valves and gratings are installed to control the dimensions of the supply and exhaust openings and the cross sections of the ventilation ducts.

Basically, two factors affect the effective functioning of the ventilation of the bath:

  • ventilation window size. Both supply and exhaust air openings are determined by the amount of space, whether it is a dressing room, a washing room, a steam room or a relaxation room;
  • location of slots relative to each other.

1. Vent size

The dimensions of the slots depend on the number and volume of rooms: dressing room, steam room, bath room or lounge. It is necessary to choose the optimal size of these holes, as well as to provide the possibility of its regulation. To adjust the gaps in the holes, install the door damper and the grille. The exhaust opening is made with approximately the same dimensions as the dimensions of the supply opening. In any case, the "hood" should not be less than the "supply", otherwise it is impossible to ensure a full outflow of moist and carbon monoxide air from the steam room.

In the photo on the left. air vent with slider to regulate the amount of fresh air. Keep in mind that with a large number of ventilation windows, it is more difficult to heat the sauna room to the correct temperature.

Large ventilation windows lead to excessive consumption of fuel or electricity. In addition, there are problems with adjusting the cross section of the ventilation ducts. It is difficult to relax if you constantly have to change the position of each valve.

IMPORTANT! The dimensions of the ventilation hole are calculated as 24 cm2 per 1 m3 of the volume of the ventilated area. For a good supply of fresh air from outside, the outlet eye must be larger than the inlet.

If the area of ​​the ventilation holes is insufficient, the temperature, humidity and concentration of carbon monoxide in the room can rise to critical levels.

The required dimension of the ventilation opening is designed at the rate of 24 sq. cm per 1 cubic meter of bath volume

2. The location of the ventilation holes relative to each other

The functioning of any ventilation system is based on the replacement of a mass of hot air with cold air. The movement occurs under the pressure of cold air from outside, as it is heavier. It remains only to provide for the possibility of adjusting the direction of the flow of hot air coming from the stove installed in the bath.

For this reason, ventilation in a steam room is not limited to equipping a single supply opening. It is necessary to plan two windows. To optimize the heat flow, it is enough to adjust the gaps of a certain width in the holes with the help of a valve - a valve.

Schematic representation of the placement of ventilation holes in the steam room. Influx of fresh and removal of polluted air masses.

Ventilation in the Russian bath

Assembling ventilation in the bath with your own hands is easier if you follow a simple rule. Qualitative indicators of the ventilation system in the bath are laid at the initial stage of design work. In the bath, the circulating air flows in the rooms have a pronounced temperature difference, to level discomfort from this mixture is the main task.

IMPORTANT! A comfortable atmosphere in the bath depends not only on the absence of sudden changes in temperature "horizontally", that is, when moving from one room to another: from the relaxation room to the locker room or from the steam room to the washing room. Synchronous mixing of air masses in the vertical plane is necessary: ​​the air temperature near the floor should not be significantly lower than the temperature at the level of human growth.

The microclimate in the bath is directly affected by the number, size and location of ventilation windows.

The uniformity of intake, mixing and removal of air masses depends on the number of supply and exhaust openings, their size and location relative to each other, as well as heating devices and equipment of additional devices.

Block diagram of the ventilation device in the bath

Any scheme of the ventilation system in the bath is designed with one goal in mind - maintaining the temperature, humidity and freshness of the air in the steam room. Bath rooms, especially steam rooms, are exposed to water and steam, so periodic ventilation and drying is required. But airing and drying will be ineffective if proper ventilation is not organized in the bath. Proper and continuous ventilation of the steam room greatly reduces the effects of wood absorption of moisture.

Ventilation in the bath controls the temperature, humidity and freshness of the air in the steam room.

Do-it-yourself floor ventilation in the bath

Air exchange in baths and saunas, among other things, provides a ventilated floor.
in constant contact with water, they lose their appearance and become unusable after 4 years. Requirements for ventilation organized by means of the floor:

  • it is necessary to create a stream, and make a small vent in the foundation part of the building;
  • the floor should be laid, leaving a gap between the boards of 1 cm;
  • arrange the supply air openings in parallel walls (not forgetting to protect the control grilles from rodents);
  • it is desirable to make the stove work as an additional hood, for this it is necessary to plan the level of the finished floor above the blower;
  • after completing the water procedures, it is necessary to leave the door to the steam room open until the floor in the room is dry.

Ventilation in the bath - a general scheme of the system

Ventilation in the dressing room of the bath

There is no direct contact with water in the dressing room. That is why it is not difficult to make ventilation with your own hands in the wardrobe room, armed with photos and videos with instructions.

Use natural or hybrid ventilation. Use a fan to supply fresh air. Install vents with ventilators that need direct access to the street and a power cable connection to the power supply.

Natural and combined ventilation is allowed in the dressing room.

Ventilation in the washing area

To optimize the air exchange in the washing room, a forced ventilation system is used. It is driven by an electric motor. The air flow is removed in the direction of the vestibule (vestibule). The air supply and exhaust ducts are mounted with the same cross section. section. The inlet opening is located above ground level (2 m) and the outlet of the outlet pipe is led out to the roof.

Steam room ventilation

Special requirements are imposed on the microclimate of the steam room. The steam room must be heated quickly, while maintaining the optimum level of humidity and without drafts. Thus, for a steam room, the actual position and dimensions of the inlet and outlet channels that are used in the construction of the bath are very important.

To regulate the inflow and outflow of air, there are enough valves in the ventilated openings. A large amount of space will most likely require the use of a blower or exhaust fan.

Scheme: ventilation in the steam room

We have given typical schematic diagrams for designing ventilation in a bathhouse. Video and images, attached instructions, will definitely help those who want to build a bath complex on their own. We wish you the speedy realization of your dreams in concrete forms!

Among the most important indicators are traditionally called temperature and humidity level, forgetting about another fundamental indicator - air exchange. This is very reckless, because even if you carefully insulate the room and achieve comfortable humidity, staying in a steam room with stale air will not only be uncomfortable, but also dangerous. If you want to avoid such a fate, take care of the ventilation in the steam room in advance. You can even equip such a system with your own hands - let's take a closer look at how to do it right.

Before proceeding to a description of the features of the direct technological process, let's first clarify why ventilation is necessary in the bath in the steam room. It is no secret that many skeptics consider its arrangement only an unjustified waste of time and money, but this is far from the case - the lack of a ventilation system can lead to at least three sharply negative consequences.

Types of ventilation systems for the steam room

Ventilation in the bath in the steam room can be of three types:

  • natural;
  • mechanical;
  • combined.

The natural system assumes that air circulation is provided by the difference in pressure and temperature levels in the steam room and on the street. The principle of operation here is simple: first, hot air rises to the upper zone of the steam room, and then leaves through the exhaust hole to the street, thereby discharging the atmosphere in the bath - this creates the conditions for drawing in new air through the supply hole. The advantage of such ventilation is minimal financial costs. But here one nuance must be taken into account: with insufficient insulation of the structure, the natural air duct will be an obstacle to high-quality heating of the bath.

Steam room ventilation scheme

Mechanical ventilation operates by means of special devices that control the exit of exhaust air and the supply of new air flows into the steam room. As a rule, various kinds of fans act as such devices. The advantage of the mechanical system is that ventilation equipment can be installed in almost any area of ​​the room.

Advice. A classic duct fan is not suitable for a bath, as it will not endure the harsh conditions of a steam room - it is better to use special models made of glass-filled polyamide that can withstand high temperatures - up to 130 degrees.

Combined ventilation combines elements of both natural and mechanical systems. It functions in this way: mechanical devices are responsible for extracting the exhaust air, and fresh air enters through a separate supply opening.

Ventilation schemes

There are at least five working ventilation schemes that can be used in a steam room - choose a specific option based on the design features of your Russian bath.

  • The supply opening is behind the stove at a distance of 50 cm from the heater, and the exhaust opening is opposite, at a distance of 20 cm from the base of the floor. The air is removed forcibly - this is provided by a fan built into the lower opening.
  • The supply opening is behind the heater at a distance of 30 cm from the floor base, the exhaust opening is at a distance of 20 cm from the floor on the opposite wall. The air is forced out - with the help of a fan. The main feature of the scheme is a very high rate of heating of fresh air.

Bath ventilation systems
  • Both openings - both flow and exhaust - are placed on one side directly opposite the stove, but at different levels: the first is at a distance of 30 cm from the base of the floor, the second is 20 cm from the ceiling. The system operates using a fan, which is mounted in the exhaust opening.

Advice. Such a scheme is suitable for baths with an internal placement of a steam room - when the room has only one external side.

  • The supply hole is behind the stove at a height of 20 cm from the base of the floor. There is no exhaust opening - instead, a special leaking floor is provided: the exhaust air masses pass through its slots to the ventilation pipe. Such a system guarantees the performance of an additional function - prompt drying of the floor.
  • The supply opening is opposite the stove at a distance of 20 cm from the base of the floor. The role of the exhaust hole is assigned to the blower. Such a scheme is suitable only for those baths where the heater operates continuously.

General rules for organizing ventilation in the steam room

Whichever version of the ventilation system you choose, you need to equip it according to certain rules.

Firstly, it is desirable to make all holes for ventilation even at the stage of building a bath, since punching channels in an already finished structure is a very difficult process. The ideal option is to decide on a suitable scheme during the design of a Russian bath in order to make all the necessary changes to the work plan in a timely manner.

Secondly, the dimensions of the exhaust opening should be approximately the same as the dimensions of the supply opening. In any case, the "output" should not be less than the "input", otherwise it will not be possible to ensure a full outflow of exhaust air from the steam room. And in order to speed up this process, it is allowed to increase the dimensions of the exhaust opening and even equip two “exits” in one room.

Make a valve to block the air flow in the cold season

Thirdly, in order to regulate the airflow of the steam room, all ventilation openings must be equipped with special shutters or shutters. They will come in handy in several situations: when heating the steam room, when the vents will need to be covered to quickly raise the temperature to the required level, as well as in the frosty season, when cold air will actively rush into a warm room.

Fourthly, the cross section of the ventilation hole should be related to the area of ​​the steam room in the proportion: 1 cu. m area - 24 cm section. If the holes are small, the air in the room will not be able to quickly update.

Of course, organizing ventilation in the bath with your own hands is not an easy task. But it is fundamentally necessary: ​​without air exchange, you can forget about the comfort, safety and durability of the steam room. Now you know the main rules and subtleties of this work - if you stick to them, you will definitely be able to make a high-quality ventilation system even without professional help.

Ventilation in the bath: video

Why is ventilation needed in a Russian bath? Let's take a simple example: a person is steaming, there is hot steam around him and he breathes it. Oxygen is exhaled and carbon dioxide is constantly inhaled - and if there is no influx of fresh air in such an environment, the vacationer can simply burn out. That is, if there is no ventilation - the bath becomes simply life-threatening - which is why there are so many subtleties in the technical rules for the operation of the bath. Yes, sometimes you can hear from experienced craftsmen that ventilation in a brick bath, for example, is not needed - but this is not about the fact that fresh air is not needed in the steam room, but that sometimes natural ventilation is enough in the bath, and she doesn't need a forced one.

General rules for planning bath ventilation

The ventilation system in the bath itself has two main tasks: to deliver fresh air during the procedures and to ensure fast and high-quality drying of the bath rooms after them. And both options should be thought out and implemented.

And here is what ventilation should not do:

  • Violate the temperature regime of the bath with an influx of fresh air.
  • It is wrong to stratify temperature flows - i.e. it can be cool only near the floor, but not on the shelf where a steamed person sits.
  • To remove from the steam room the wrong air - not exhausted, in which there is the most carbon dioxide.

Also, the lack of fresh air will invariably lead to the appearance of an unpleasant smell in the bath - and it is difficult to get rid of it. Yes, the air filled with mold and fungus spores is not the most healing for a resting person.

In total, ventilation in the bath is provided by the following types:

  • Natural, when the entire air flow occurs due to the pressure difference between the street and the room.
  • Mechanical - when both the temperature and the air supply are monitored by devices.
  • Combined when pressure is artificially created using a fan.

And in the bath itself, not only inflow is needed, but also outflow - and this is already done with the help of a box, which is always located diagonally from the supply channel.

Ventilation is vital not only in a stuffy steam room - but also in the shower room, in the locker room and even in the rest room. Just initially you need to decide which of its types is suitable for a particular bath.

The floors in the bath should also be ventilated - because they are constantly in contact with water, which can lead to their destruction. If this is not done, they will have to be changed at least once every 5 years. Therefore, in order to extend their service life, it is important to do the following:

  1. Initially, even during the laying of the foundation, it is necessary to ensure the ventilation of the floors - to make small vents on opposite sides of the basement.
  2. It is necessary to leave two more ventilation holes near the opposite walls of the steam room - for fresh air. And so that a rodent does not accidentally enter the bath, these windows are usually closed with bars.
  3. During the installation of the stove, it is important to make sure that the level of the finished floor is slightly higher than the blower - then it will work as a hood.
  4. Boards should be laid so that there are gaps between them from 0.5 to 1 cm.
  5. At the end of the bath procedures, the floors must be dried well - every time.

You can also make ventilation “according to Bast” in the bathhouse: arrange an influx of fresh air under the stove, and exhaust from the ceiling directly opposite the door in the corner. For this, a special exhaust box is used - it can be made from a board and sheathed inside with foil

Correct direction of air flow

Under the floor, the veterinary duct must be made directly right at the metal sheet - it is he who protects the floors from fire. And the size of the box itself should not exceed the diameter of the chimney by 20%. In general, such a system is good - it is easy to regulate the flow of fresh air from the street, but the unpleasant smell no longer penetrates into the steam room.

If the firebox is located directly in the steam room, then this option is the most rational. Of course, the design turns out to be more complicated - after all, two boxes already need to be installed in it: one to ensure the convection of air masses, the second - to burn firewood. And the channels themselves can be placed directly in the brick podium - if the furnace is installed.

5 popular device schemes to choose from

But the ventilation in the steam room should be thought out especially carefully - otherwise there will be no comfort from pleasant procedures. And you can provide it in different ways:

Option number 1. The inlet is located behind the stove, half a meter from the floor, while the outlet is on the opposite side, at a height of 30 cm. A fan is installed in it for forced air movement. In this option, the air warms up evenly - cool streams heat up from the furnace and go up, where they cool down and go down. There they are already brought out through the exhaust hole. And the lower it is, the stronger the air flow will be.

Option number 2. Both vents are on the same wall - opposite the stove. But the input is at the bottom, 30 cm from the floor, and the output is at the top, 30 cm from the ceiling. Here, a fan is also placed in the outlet. But the flow pattern is somewhat different: cold air enters the steam room, hits the stove, heats up and rushes up - into the hood and out.

Option number 3. In this method, the inlet is behind the stove, at a height of 20 cm from the floor, and the outlet is at the same height, but on the opposite side. And here, too, a fan is placed. The whole system is quite simple: cold air enters the steam room, passes through the stove and is pulled out with the help of a fan.

Option number 4. This option is ideal for a steam room with floors where there are gaps for water to flow out. The inlet behind the stove at a height of 30 cm from the floor, the air that has cooled down, goes down and penetrates through the floor, and then through the ventilation pipe is discharged into the street.

Option number 5. This method is for those baths where the stove is constantly working. The inlet is opposite the stove, 30 cm from the floor, and the chimney and the firebox with a blower act as an exhaust hood.

If you need to raise the temperature in the steam room or increase the amount or saturation of steam, then it will be enough to close the inlets with plugs. And after the end of the procedures - remove the plugs. And it's easier than pressing the buttons on some remote control to a complex and expensive ventilation system. This is how the ventilation of the bath is done with your own hands - nothing complicated!

Bath procedures are not only one of the good ways to maintain hygiene, but also an opportunity to remove accumulated harmful substances and toxins from the body. However, in order for the visit to be comfortable and beneficial, a good one is needed to exclude the possibility of the formation of fungi and mold due to high humidity. Ventilation in the bath, equipped by specialists or with your own hands, will ensure the flow of fresh air into the room and remove exhaust gases and fumes resulting from the operation of the heater and the use of hot water.

Read in the article

Do you really need ventilation in the bath or can you do without it?

The functions of bath ventilation are complicated by the fact that it should contribute to a fairly rapid removal of moist air from the premises and qualitatively regulate the temperature in the steam room. It is especially important to have a good exhaust system for baths equipped with gas and solid fuels - to maintain the combustion process in such structures, an influx of an impressive amount of air is required. Lack of ventilation will lead to excessive concentration of carbon dioxide, which adversely affects the health of people and which can lead to loss of consciousness.

Inexperienced craftsmen try to carefully isolate the premises, sealing up the slightest gaps to increase the speed of heating the steam room and keep the heat longer. However, this is the wrong approach, since ventilation holes must be mandatory. Properly arranged allows you to:

  • create a healthy microclimate in the bath;
  • reduce the concentration of humidity and quickly drain the premises;
  • get rid of carbon dioxide;
  • quickly warm up the steam room and other bath rooms;
  • eliminate stagnant and unpleasant odors;
  • get rid of pathogenic fungi and mold;
  • keep the interior decoration in its original form.

From the foregoing, it becomes clear how important the device is in the exhaust system bath. Before you make ventilation in the bath, you must first learn about its varieties and basic installation schemes.

Effective ventilation in the bath - scheme and device

Before you further deal with the exhaust system and proceed with its arrangement, you should know that ventilation can be natural and forced. There are also differences in ventilation systems and their schemes depending on the location. Well, now about everything in order.

natural ventilation

This option is optimal for most baths, as it is the cheapest and quite effective. The location of the ventilation openings must be determined based on the size of the room, the location of the heater and shelves, as well as the material from which the sauna is built. Whatever the ventilation schemes in the baths, there is one general rule - the inlet should be located at a height of 20-30 cm from the floor level, and the exhaust at the same distance, but from the ceiling.

The dimensions of the vents should be approximately 300-400 mm 2. If the air exchange is too fast, which will cause a decrease in the temperature in the steam room, the ventilation openings must be covered with special control dampers. To improve the appearance, it is desirable to mount decorative grilles on the vents, which can be easily bought in specialized stores or made by hand.

However, this type of ventilation is not suitable for a steam room. All ventilation openings (inlet and outlet) must be at the same level from the floor. Thus, the incoming air streams are heated from the furnace and rise up, while the cooled air flows down and enter the exhaust vents. To keep the heat in the room, the openings can be closed with special dampers.

Forced ventilation

Mechanical movement of air is carried out by installing special devices on the ventilation openings (). This will allow you to quickly update the air, which is very important, especially in the washing room. This ventilation option is well suited in cases where it is installed in the bath. The forced exhaust scheme in the bath has a number of advantages over the natural one:

  • it is possible to filter incoming air masses;
  • maintaining a given microclimate;
  • even distribution of heated air.

For large volumes of fresh air to enter the steam room, it is necessary that the ventilation openings are located diametrically to each other. During installation, it is not necessary to place the inlet and exhaust vents at the same level in order to exclude the closure of air flows, which will cause a concentration of cooled air below, and on the contrary, it will be very hot at the top.

Important! Since high humidity and high temperature are the main enemies of any electrical equipment, the fan housing must have reliable moisture protection, and the connection must be made in full accordance with the PUE.

The advantage of forced-type ventilation is accelerated air exchange and advanced adjustment options. Such an exhaust system is equally effective regardless of the strength and direction of the wind, as well as weather conditions.

The device in the baths of floor ventilation

The floors in the bath rooms are operated in extreme conditions. The impact of moisture on the floor is carried out both from below from the side of the soil, and from above. The most difficult conditions are created in the steam room, where hot steam comes into contact with the wooden flooring, cooling and condensing. The resulting condensate penetrates into and creates a favorable environment for the development of fungus and mold.

An effective floor ventilation scheme helps prevent the damaging effects of mold and remove excess steam. Floor ventilation can be natural or forced. However, for efficiency when installing a ventilation system, the following conditions must be observed:

  • prevent floor cooling during the adoption of procedures;
  • ensure fast and efficient drying, but it is important not to overdo it in order to prevent cracking of the wood;
  • the arrangement of the ventilation system is required to be carried out at the construction stage.

When arranging ventilation vents, it is necessary to take into account the climate, wind conditions, landscape, sources of pollution, as well as internal factors - the type and location of the heater, the design of doorways, the presence of vents. Most often, vents for ventilation are located at 3 different levels:

  • under the floor covering or in;
  • under the heating structure or at the level of its foundation;
  • in the wall at a distance of 350-450 mm. from the floor level (best done behind the heater).

The device in the ventilation baths under the floors has a number of advantages. In addition to eliminating condensate and improving the quality of drying the floor covering, the air flow from below does not form drafts and, therefore, ventilation can also be used in the process of taking bath procedures. For greater efficiency, it is important to correctly create a drain system to remove drains outside the building.

Creating air exchange in the foundation of the bath

The creation of an exhaust system in the bath is extremely necessary, as it not only helps to prevent the formation of mold, but also to protect the building from rot. The characteristics of the ventilation system are calculated at the design stage. The type and location of bath ventilation largely depends on the prevailing winds, topography and the presence of water bodies, which often cause buildings to flood.

It is possible to ensure normal air circulation by arranging several holes, the number and size of which are calculated in accordance with the size of the bath. The diameter of the vents must be at least 110 mm. Ventilation openings are usually made opposite each other. In the event that the building is located in a lowland, is densely surrounded by other buildings, or there are natural barriers to the free movement of air flows, then vents must be arranged on all sides of the foundation, since this is the only way to achieve high-quality ventilation.

The ventilation system in the baths in the steam rooms

Traditionally, a stove-heater is installed in the steam room, which forms the basis. The air from the steam room passes through the blower, which ensures its good circulation. To obtain the maximum outflow of air masses, the stove should be installed below the level of the finished floor, and to start the ventilation process of the room, it is enough to slightly open the window or the front door. The disadvantage of such a ventilation scheme in the steam rooms of the baths is that when there is no combustion process, the air circulation stops.

In addition to the heater, ventilation in the steam room is provided by additional openings with special dampers to regulate air exchange. After each bath procedure, you should open it for a while, otherwise the air in the room will be heavy and humid, and there is also a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

When the furnace is being heated and the room is being heated, the ventilation in the steam room must be closed. After the steam room is fully warmed up, the exhaust dampers can be opened. To exclude the formation of reverse thrust, it is necessary at the stage to make sure that the exhaust openings are larger in area than the supply openings.

In the event that the stove is not installed in the steam room itself, then a different ventilation scheme is used in steam Russian baths. Near at a height of 300 mm. an inlet is made from the floor level, and an exhaust opening is arranged on the opposite wall from it at a distance of 300 mm. from the ceiling. Sometimes an inlet is made at the bottom of the wall behind the stove so that the air coming from the street is heated from the heater and the room cools moderately. On the wall opposite from the heating device, 2 holes are made that will form a single exhaust duct. The first opening is located at a height of 1,000 mm. from the floor level, and the other under the ceiling. With this ventilation scheme, the steam room warms up faster and, accordingly, fuel is saved.

Air exchange device in the washing

In the washing room, as well as in the steam room, there is high humidity, which contributes to the appearance of mold and fungi. To avoid this, it is necessary to create an effective ventilation system in washing baths. In the washing room, a large amount of moisture accumulates under the floor, so to remove it, it will be enough to lay an asbestos pipe, one end of which is under the floor covering, and the other is brought out to the roof and equipped with a deflector.

Efficient controlled ventilation in bathhouse sinks will ensure dryness, moderate temperature, fresh air supply, carbon monoxide removal and fuel economy in the premises.

Scheme of ventilation in the dressing rooms

The proximity of the dressing room to the steam room leads to the fact that condensate settles on the wooden surfaces of the sheathing. To preserve the cladding and prevent decay processes, the room must be well insulated and drafts excluded. The simplest ventilation scheme for a dressing room is to remove moist air through a washing or. It is best to organize a forced-type ventilation system for this room.

How to properly ventilate the bath

Having more or less dealt with the ventilation system in the bath, you must also take into account other important points. The exhaust device must not:

  • cause a violation of the temperature regime in the premises;
  • allow cold air to rise to the ceiling;
  • remove fresh air from the room.

The principles by which proper ventilation of the premises is created in the bathhouse depend on the architectural features of the structure of the building. In the event that special slots are provided in the floors for water drainage, then fresh air can flow through them and there is no need to make additional exhaust openings.

Often they make small windows, which, when opened, act as a hood. In addition, if the furnace of the heater is located directly in the steam room, then ventilation is even easier - it is enough to open the combustion chamber and, by changing the position of the damper, regulate the air exchange. These are the simplest, but most effective and low-cost options for installing a ventilation system.

Features of air exchange in frame baths

If in or air circulation is carried out through the rows of lower rims, then in frame-type buildings sheathed with a large amount of heat-insulating material, there is no natural ventilation and for this reason it is necessary to provide for the creation of special openings with dampers.

The most efficient system for a bath is supply and exhaust ventilation. To organize high-quality air exchange, it is necessary to create two channels. One of them is located near the floor and serves to bring fresh air into the room (if necessary, you can install a fan), and the second is arranged at a short distance from the ceiling and is necessary to remove hot and humid air masses and carbon monoxide. Ventilation openings in frame baths should be equipped with special control dampers.

When creating a ventilation system, it is necessary to take into account the area and shape of the steam room, as well as the location of the heater.

Chopped bath ventilation

In the Russian bath, where steam was traditionally prepared by hand, forced air circulation schemes are not suitable. In order for natural ventilation in wooden baths to contribute to healing, the following schemes should be followed when creating it:

  • ensure the possibility of ventilation (creation of windows, door and ventilation openings);
  • the upper borders of doors and windows should be at the same level;
  • for steam rooms of a small size, simple ventilation is sufficient;
  • a heater with a chimney is a natural exhaust of exhaust air and gases;
  • for normal air exchange, it is possible to equip a ventilation supply opening with a damper and an exhaust opening under the ceiling next to the heater.

The device of good ventilation in a log cabin is a very important point, since it is necessary to exclude the accumulation of excessive moisture, which negatively affects the wooden structure and can cause the development of pathogenic fungi and mold.

Ventilation system in a brick building

You should think about the arrangement of ventilation in brick baths even at the construction stage. Since a brick building does not provide for natural air circulation, the number and location of openings should be taken into account in advance.

The air exchange system in a natural way is identical to that in a Russian bath - the inlet is located next to the stove, and the exhaust is under the ceiling. However, if the bath is designed for a large number of people, then you should think about creating a forced ventilation system.

The fan must be installed at the inlet of the exhaust duct leading to. To speed up air circulation, several exhaust pipes are mounted, but it may be necessary to install supply valves so that the air masses are not discharged due to the difference in the volumes of supply and exhaust air. An overly powerful fan can lead to the same problem, and a device that does not correspond to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in terms of power will not be able to perform its functions normally and the air exchange in the steam room will be rather weak.

Ventilation Bastu

Recently, new and more efficient solutions have been found to create ventilation systems. Such innovations include the ventilation scheme in the Bastu bath. Among Russians, this system is very popular because of the ease of installation and high efficiency.

The principle of ventilation according to Bast is as follows. The red-hot heater acts as a heat pump and draws air from the supply duct. Cold streams, passing through, heat up very quickly and rise to the ceiling. Naturally, they push an equal volume of near-floor air through the exhaust duct. In the Bastu ventilation system, the supply and exhaust openings are located at the bottom.

For the device of such ventilation, two stainless pipes are required - the lower one is installed diagonally from the heater at a height of 200 mm. from the floor, and the top above the stove. Both outlets must be equipped with damper grilles. However, like all natural ventilation systems, Bastu can only work when the stove is running or when there is strong wind outside.

The main advantage of the Bastu ventilation installed in Russian baths is the ease of installation, which you can do yourself, thereby saving your money.

Competent ventilation device in the bath

Normal ventilation can be only if the conditions for the inflow of fresh air and the removal of exhaust air are created in the room. Despite the common concepts - ventilation is not entirely true, since it is always supply and exhaust. The principles of operation of ventilation for any premises are almost the same - fresh air enters through the supply opening and is removed through the exhaust.

When calculating ventilation systems, it is necessary to take into account the volume and purpose of the premises, the presence or likelihood of the formation of carbon monoxide or other chemical compounds harmful to health. Regulatory acts establish the frequency of air exchange within an hour, which can fluctuate 1-10 times or more. Next, the parameters and location of future air ducts are determined, taking into account the climatic zones and weather conditions characteristic of the area. In the event that natural-type ventilation is not able to provide the necessary air exchange rate, then forced-type systems are used.

Where to place a window in the bath?

Windows in the bath are not only a source of light, but also a way to ventilate it. There is an erroneous opinion that the window in the steam room adversely affects the safety of steam in the room and the temperature. However, experienced attendants are advised to make even two windows in the steam room. One window is located above the shelves, and if the steam turned out to be too hot or someone felt unwell, then just open the window and everything will be in order. The second window is placed under the shelves, which allows you to quickly dry the sun loungers. It is made small and opaque.

Important! According to safety regulations, sauna windows should open inward.

It is also worth installing a window in the washing room. It will not only help to ventilate the room, but also to urgently evacuate in case of fire. The dimensions of the window should be such that a medium-sized adult can climb through it. Some bath owners are interested in the question: is it possible to install? If in the washing room, then yes. However, in a steam room, where the temperature reaches one hundred and above, the material from which the windows are made will begin to release toxic substances and warp. For windows in the steam room, it is best to use wood that is not resinous. You can easily install a window in a bath with your own hands, since the technology is no different from installing it in a residential building.

A grate made of wood or heat-resistant plastic and a metal mesh will prevent insects and pets from entering the premises. A corrugated hose or a galvanized pipe is usually used as an air duct. Experts do not recommend installing plastic pipes in a steam room, since they are not designed for operation at high temperatures.

It is advisable to install the fan only on one, for example, on the supply air. Fans used for baths must be made of heat-resistant materials and have good sealing.

A video on how to make a fan with your own hands will more clearly show the process (a bladeless version is presented):

ventilation valves

The ventilation valve for the bath is mounted in the supply and exhaust ducts. There are two types of this device - KIV (air infiltration valve) and KPV (forced ventilation valve). Outwardly, they practically do not differ from each other, and the principle of their work is the same. The outer part of the damper is equipped with inclined shutters to prevent water from entering from the outside, and the inner part is equipped with a head and membranes for sound and heat insulation.

When installing valves, you should follow a few recommendations:

  • for bath ventilation it is necessary to install dampers made of heat-resistant materials;
  • installation must be carried out on the bearing walls of the bath;
  • it is not advisable to mount the valves on the walls facing the or trash can.
