Technology of dismantling of road slabs price. Budgetary dismantling of road slabs with a manipulator. How to lay road slabs

Access roads no longer exist! The headache of every developer is the loss of budget, time due to worsening weather conditions. Special equipment sinks in the mud, trucks cannot get to the facilities cottage village for unloading building materials.

Road slabs from supplier Paritet 99 are a budget alternative to asphalt roads. Minimum costs for the dismantling of road slabs from a commissioned object with a quick layout in a new building spot, they can reduce costs by five times. For installation, a manipulator is enough, which will load the reinforced concrete products, move them on your own, will unload in a new location on the same day.

The best examples of the layout of road slabs of different configurations

Paritet 99 specialists provide examples of road slab layouts to save the customer's budget. Depending on the operating conditions, ligation schemes are used to ensure that there is no sprawl on the soft soils, swelling on clay bases. At the same time, graphic add-ons for popular editors Compass 3D, AutoCAD are used, allowing:

  • design a layout for an arbitrary configuration of the road, building spots
  • calculate quantity bulk materials
  • calculate the number of plates of different configurations

Programs allow you to prepare documentation (design + text) for WEP, POS sections of the project.

With significant dimensions of the construction site, winding access roads, the use of standard rectangular slabs often leads to an overrun of building materials. For the convenience of developers, manufacturers produce hexagonal products of the PSh series, trapezoidal PT slabs, which reduce the consumption of reinforced concrete structures, rent for the special equipment with which the installation is carried out.

Regulated weight of the road slab 6x2 with stressed reinforcement

All reinforced concrete products of this type are produced taking into account the requirements of domestic GOST. Not only dimensions, strength characteristics, but also the mass of products are regulated. For example, total weight road slab 6x2 m cannot exceed 4.2 tons with a volume of 1.68 cubic meters. The reinforcement is strained when the belts are installed in the formwork according to the technology:

  • rods (only longitudinal) are fixed in one formwork panel
  • opposite ends are wound into the grooves of the tensioners
  • steel bars are heated by electric current
  • pulled out by tensioners, fixed in this position
  • load is removed only after curing concrete mix before demoulding the structure

Prestressing allows to compensate for significant bending operating loads. Increased resource, convertibility of plates used in temporary pavement.

The Tekhrent company, which provides services in Moscow and the Moscow region, owns an arsenal of special equipment necessary to carry out the installation or dismantling of road slabs. Employees of the company will perform the assigned tasks promptly and efficiently, in compliance with safety regulations. The price for the job is available.

Services for the installation and dismantling of road slabs in the company "Techrent"

Laying of road slabs will be carried out by experienced workers using high-tech special equipment.

The technology of installation of road slabs includes:

  • alignment ;
  • delivery of road slabs by freight transport;
  • slab laying;
  • rolling of the coating with a roller and loaded dump trucks.

In the park of the company "Techrent" there are mobile cranes, rollers, and freight transport - full set special equipment in order to create a smooth and reliable road surface from reinforced concrete slabs.

At your service:

  • soil and road rollers Bomag, Hamm, Dynapac;
  • truck cranes Zoomloon, "Ivanovets", "Galichanin" and others;
  • trucks MAZ and KAMAZ with a carrying capacity of up to 20 tons.

We carefully control the condition of special equipment, it regularly undergoes technical inspection in our own workshop "Techrent". This ensures trouble-free operation. Our employees will carry out the installation of road slabs within the agreed time frame.

Services for the dismantling of road slabs in the company "Techrent"

When dismantling road slabs, you also cannot do without powerful special equipment. With the help of truck cranes and trucks, the workers of the Tekhrent company will remove the iron concrete plates on a certain section of the road or completely remove the temporary road.

How much does the installation of road slabs and their dismantling cost in the Tekhrent company

The cost of installation and dismantling of road slabs depends on the scope of work and on what equipment is involved. So, the price for changing the work of a self-propelled crane is from 8 thousand rubles. Prices for the use of the ice rink - 11-13 thousand rubles. for a shift. Ordering freight transport will cost up to 10 thousand rubles. for a shift. At the same time, the price includes the cost of fuel and the payment of the operator or driver.

At a preliminary consultation, having familiarized themselves with the scope of work, Techrent employees will help you correctly select a set of equipment for solving a particular problem and calculate exact price. The final price for 1 sq. m of laid or dismantled road slabs cheaper average cost by market.

Brief conclusions

Road works cost

Road works rates

Roads are the most important means of communication between settlements. In our country, where the spaces are vast, and the range of climatic indicators for the seasons of the year is also very wide - from summer heat to bitter frosts and slushy thaws in winter - maintaining pavement in working order is daunting task. Only specialized firms with the help of modern road equipment. The quality of their implementation depends not only appearance and ease of use of the road, but also, most importantly, traffic safety. Most often, asphalt concrete is used for paving - a mixture of bitumen with mineral fillers (limestone, sand and gravel). Unlike a paved road, an asphalt concrete surface is much smoother, which means it is much better suited for high-speed traffic. Asphalt, due to its roughness, provides good grip for the wheels of vehicles on the road; it is easy to apply and the markup is firmly held on it. Also to the merits asphalt concrete pavement low cost, durability, maintainability and the fact that the technology of its laying makes it possible to start moving almost immediately after completion of work should be attributed. The calculation of the cost of road works is carried out, taking into account the entire range of measures to replace the road surface, as well as the materials used. The cost of road works depends on many factors and eventually becomes significant. integral part road cost. So, for example, laying a road in a swampy or vice versa mountainous area will be much more expensive than building the same road in good soils. Square meter roads with big throughput will cost much more than the same meter of a rural road. Prices for road works may include the rental of special equipment. A significant part of the cost of the road is the cost of the pavement, which varies greatly depending on the use. various materials and technologies. Currently, in connection with the use of new generation materials and technologies, for example, polymer geosynthetics, which make it possible to qualitatively change the essential properties of soils, there are new opportunities to reduce the cost of roads, pavement and, as a result, the cost of road works.

Everything collected from individual elements can be disassembled. Therefore, the dismantling of road slabs is not such a rarity, although their service life can reach several decades. This type of work is one of the stages in the construction of temporary access roads at construction sites. And the second case when disassembly of the road surface is needed is its repair.

Depending on the purpose for which the work is performed, there are features of the dismantling of road slabs and the choice of equipment used. The first case is a violation of the integrity of individual paving slabs. In most cases, the damage is minor and the plate can be used in more gentle operating conditions. But sometimes it takes complete destruction design, as it is unsafe to use it.

When arranging temporary entrances, the use of plates is multiple. Therefore, they are usually not welded at the seams and, if necessary, a truck crane is sufficient to lift them.

Features of the dismantling of road slabs on permanent roads

The main task when dismantling the pavement on the roads is the removal of only one element and maintaining the integrity of the rest. Therefore, the use of shock-dynamic method is not desirable. The vibration from the jackhammer causes imperceptible, but manifested further damage to the entire surrounding canvas. Therefore, individual road concrete slabs are removed today using new advanced equipment.

The first stage, from which the dismantling begins, is cutting the seams. They are filled sand and gravel mix and filled with mastic to be removed. Equipment such as joint cutters and hydraulic shears quickly cope with the task, coping even with durable granite stone and welded reinforcement.

If necessary complete removal pavement previously used shock-dynamic method. But at the same time there is a strong vibration, tons of dust and high level noise. Therefore, today the dismantling of road slabs is carried out in a more gentle way using the technology of impactless destruction. It is based on action. hydraulic system. Pressure is injected into the holes drilled in the slab, gradually destroying the structure. At the same time, the pressure is so high that not only concrete crumbles, but even reinforcing mesh. After that, the debris is easily removed and the freed area is ready for laying a new slab.

Overlappings help to divide the floors among themselves, separate the living area from the attic and basement.

Dismantling of plates ceilings - responsible and dangerous work. If it is performed with some violations, then this can lead to disastrous consequences, such as partial or complete collapse of the building. That is why this event is carried out by specially trained people.

Technological features of the dismantling of plates in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Dismantling of plates in Moscow includes several stages and can be partial or complete. Partial dismantling may need to be replaced flight of stairs in high-rise building, and complete implies the complete elimination of the entire structure.

Before starting the dismantling, a routing, which indicates the sequence of work and takes into account design feature object. This plan increases the efficiency of the work cycle.

The main purpose of dismantling is to disassemble the slabs into parts, with the destruction of their integral structure of concrete and reinforcement. Other special tools are also used for this.

After the completion of dismantling, they are removed bearing beams. First of all, the auxiliary ones are sorted out, and then the main ones. Some elements from the demolished object will be disposed of, and some can be reused in construction.

Dismantling of road slabs in Moscow and the Moscow region

In the territory settlements where large-scale construction is being carried out, temporary roads are being laid for the movement of heavy construction equipment. Reinforced concrete slabs are used as the material. They are able to withstand a significant load. At the end construction works and putting objects into use, road slabs are being dismantled. For these purposes, specialists are involved who have at their disposal modern compressors with jackhammers.

Ordering a service is the right and cost-effective solution

If you need to dismantle floor slabs or road slabs, please contact our company. Our specialists will be able to perform all the tasks assigned to them efficiently and strictly within the stipulated time. The presence of modern equipment and tools allows you to perform work with maximum accuracy and in compliance with safety standards.