Financial plan of the photo studio with calculations. Feedback on a business plan for opening a photo studio with calculations. The nuances of the organization of the project

  • Production plan
  • Marketing plan
  • Financial plan
  • Step-by-step plan for opening a photo studio
  • Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Do I need a business permit
  • Photo studio opening technology
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Business plan for organizing a private photo studio in an office space of more than 70 square meters.

How much money do you need to start this business

The entrance ticket to the opening of a modern photo studio is on average 800 - 1200 thousand rubles. To provide quality services, investments in technology, design and advertising are necessary:

  • Deposit for renting premises for the period of repair (70 sq. M.) - 100,000 rubles.
  • Repair and design - 300,000 rubles.
  • Equipment (monoblock, reflector, curtains, beauty dish, stripbox, crane and crane stands, octabox, paper backgrounds, stands) — 550,000 rubles.
  • Website development — 50,000 rubles.
  • Advertising — 30,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - 50,000 rubles.

Total - 1,080,000 rubles.

Production plan

For the work of a photo studio, it is necessary to choose a room with an area of ​​​​70 sq. m. The main thing to pay attention to, according to experts, is the height of the ceilings in the room. It should be at least 3 meters (ideally, the higher the better). For this reason, opening a photo studio in an apartment is not possible - only office space. There are no specific advantages in terms of location. You can open both in the central part of the city and in a residential area. However, the second option looks a little more preferable than the first because it is much cheaper in terms of rent. People are ready to go to a good studio from one part of the city to another.

What equipment to choose for a photo studio

An equally important stage is the purchase of professional equipment. Saving here is not always the way out. Especially if the studio is planned to be rented out. Thus, the purchase of Chinese equipment will be 3-4 times cheaper than European. In this case, the difference in quality will be what is called “on the face”. Chinese technology works unpredictably: it may not work, give light of different power, show a completely different color temperature, and so on. And the face in the photo may turn out to be white on one side, and blue on the other. Correcting flaws not only takes the time of the photographer, but also makes the client nervous.

What taxation system to choose for this business

A license to conduct such activities is not required. As an organizational form, both ordinary individual entrepreneurship (IP) and a limited liability company (LLC) are suitable. The taxation system can be UTII or USN. Both of them are special. the regime is exempted from the obligation to pay income tax, property tax and VAT. It is not necessary to install a cash register.

Download photo studio business plan

Marketing plan

A photo studio can earn in three main areas: private shooting, commercial shooting and renting a photo studio. Often, business organizers choose the latter business format, as it does not require professional photography skills from the entrepreneur. All that is needed is to equip a photo studio with high quality and rent it out to experienced photographers. But, as practice shows, photo studios that earn only on rent do not exist for a long time - the monetary “exhaust” is not so big. Therefore, the ideal format is to engage in several areas at the same time. That is, to carry out independent photography, and in free hours to rent a photo studio to other photographers.

The most modern and effective method promotion of photo studio services is advertising on the Internet. Without a good site and a group in in social networks it is almost impossible to promote services. word of mouth- is also of great importance. For example, one of the photographers posted an interesting work done in your photo studio and it was liked by other photographers who want to repeat this success. Commercial photography is a good idea to advertise through the business press and glossy magazines.

Financial plan

The fixed monthly expenses of the photo studio, according to the calculations of the business plan, are:

  • Rent (70 sq. m.) - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Salary + insurance contributions (administrator and photographer) - 70 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Consumables - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Taxes (UTII) - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Accounting services (outsourcing) - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses - 15 thousand rubles.

Total - 185 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn by opening a photography studio

  • The average check of the service (1 hour of work) is 3000 rubles.
  • Ordered hours a day - 5 (50% of the working time)
  • Revenue per day - 15,000 rubles.
  • Revenue per month (22 days) - 330,000 rubles.

Hence the profit: 330,000 - 185,000 = 145,000 rubles per month. Business profitability - 43%. With such indicators, the project pays off in 8-10 months of work (taking into account the time for the promotion of the studio).

Recommended download photo studio business plan, from our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete finished project which you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Photographing today is not only a hobby for many people, but also a form of income, both additional and basic. Many do it individually, taking pictures on the road, and someone does it in their own photo studio. Of course, the second business format is more profitable and stable, but it will take a lot of effort to create it.

How to do it? Let's talk about this in more detail.

The relevance of this type of business

Today, the relevance of this type of business is very high.

Corporate events, parties in clubs, birthdays, photo shoots, weddings - all this I want to capture, so to speak, documented, in the form of colorful and memorable images.

If we analyze the photography market in recent times, it becomes clear that over the past five years this type of business has been steadily progressing and gaining momentum. This is mainly due to the competent popularization of photography.

If we remember the Soviet times, we used to take pictures only on big holidays and on special occasions, which, of course, was not a good opportunity for photographers to develop their business. Due to the improvement in the general well-being of the population, we can conclude that the better we live, the higher the relevance of photography.

Analysis of the photo services market and competitors

Recently, competition in the market for photo services can be regarded as incredibly high. However, the offers of photographers are not always profitable, which you can play on by opening own business in a similar format.

On the this moment The most voluminous resource for advertising their services for photographers is the Internet and social networks. Now offers for the provision of photographic services are rarely seen on television, radio and in the media.

It is social networks that have become the most powerful tool for promoting your business in this field of activity. However, this does not mean that only the best photographers have offers on social networks, this is actually far from the case.

A huge number of offers suggests that you can run into non-professionals on the Web, and this is much easier to do than to find a worthy photographer. In addition, if you carefully consider social networks for such offers, you can be horrified by how many of them there are: almost every fourth advertising offer contains information about the possibility of providing photography services.

And this, in fact, is not good, since it is quite difficult for those who are true professionals to find themselves in this highly competitive world and win the fight against everyone else for a place in the sun. That is why we advise you not to resort to this method of advertising as the initial one.

Watch the video for an example of creating a business plan for a photo studio.

What do you need to open a photography studio?

The very first thing you need to open a photo studio is, of course, a room. Many photographers do not hesitate to open a photo studio at home, adapting their living space as a workplace.

But this format of work scares away many clients, since a well-registered photo studio inspires much more confidence than a well-equipped room in a residential building. Therefore, it is best to rent a small room.

When opening your own photography studio, you must be prepared for competition. Photo business can not be called the most expensive of all possible types. entrepreneurial activity, despite the fact that the achievements of certain photographers increase the chances of opening their own studio.

But many of them cannot meet the requirements of customers, and it is on this that you can play well when opening your own photo studio. The legal form of the enterprise also needs to be well thought out.

The best option is to open an individual business, since with this format of the enterprise you will pay much less taxes, and you will not need to issue a special license.

Renting a room will cost you no more than 20 - 25 thousand rubles. It makes sense to choose a production site that will be removed from the city center, as this can significantly reduce the cost of rental costs.

If the premises do not have a presentable appearance, then you should not immediately refuse this either, since this nuance will also affect the rent.

Particular attention should be paid to the design. It shouldn't be very bright.

It would be much better to give the photo studio a more gloomy and dark look. It is better to use pulsed sources as light sources.

Constant lighting will be much more efficient to use, but pulsed sources perform their function much better. Lighting power should directly depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

You will also need different backgrounds. For this, a woven fabric of different colors is usually used.

Photo studio services

The range of services provided by your photo studio will directly depend on how highly qualified the photographer himself is. Also, everything will depend on how well equipped your studio will be.

For normal functioning you need a computer and good specialist for image processing.

In general, modern photo studios provide a large number of services.

Here is a sample list of services for a potential photo studio:

  1. Framing Workshop.
  2. Registration of mirrors in a baguette.
  3. Registration of a photo and painting in a baguette.
  4. Design of embroidery.
  5. Photography.
  6. Photo printing.
  7. Recover old and damaged photos.
  8. Photomontage in the image.
  9. Photo collage.
  10. Sale of photographic goods.

Let's take a look at each service.

An oil portrait on canvas (framing workshop) is a rather memorable gift that can be passed on from generation to generation. To order a similar portrait, you just need to take a photo and listen to the client's wishes.

It will take a little more than a week to finish and process the photo. In some urgent situations, this can be done in 3-4 days, while this service can be provided for an additional fee.

Decorating mirrors in a baguette is also not difficult to manufacture, but the cost of such works of art is quite high. Also, paintings and photographs can be finished in exactly the same way, the main thing is to know the exact dimensions of the paintings.

Photography, of course, will be a key service in your studio, this service should be fundamental. Here you can present several shooting options to choose from - studio, location, sessions, advertising shoots, passport photos, children's and family photos and much more.

Accordingly, professional photographic equipment is required to provide such services, otherwise the competition will be outright lost by you to other enterprises.

Also, after filming, it would be rational to offer printing of photographs, now these services cannot be separate at all, since without one there cannot be another in modern world. Printing must be carried out on the highest quality photographic paper, photographs will definitely need to be corrected both in light and in color.

Printing of photographs can be provided both for individual clients and for photo exhibitions.

Removal of defects in the photo image is the most common among the new services for photo studios. Elimination of cracks, spots, scratches, loss of color, emulsion peeling - all these services are very relevant today for those photographs that were taken in Soviet times or were previously damaged.

You can also, if you have the equipment, convert black and white photographs to color and retouch them.

Also, a fairly common service is the collection of individual photos into collages. This can be done both for certain groups of photographs by subject, and for those that will simply be relevant in order for them to be collected together, for example, for one chronological event.

A photo collage is a display of a beautiful story in several photographs, and for today it is very valuable to see several photographs on one canvas.

In addition to providing services, you can also engage in the sale of photographic products. They can be photo frames, albums, accessories for paintings and frames, suspension mounts for frames, as well as a system for hanging pictures.

How to open a photo studio: step by step instructions

So let's start with a good business plan. It should include information such as legal form, costs and possible approximate profit, choice of premises, analysis of competitors, recruitment (if necessary), marketing activities etc.

First you decide on the place of the studio, then you register as an individual entrepreneur. After that, you need to start dealing with the design of the lease or purchase of premises for work.

Then you should think about how the interior of your room will look like, take care of its safety. Usually photo studios rarely have a lot of valuables, so installing an alarm and hiring security for the initial stage of establishing a business is an extra and useless waste of money.

If you do not know how to edit photos yourself, then you will need a computer scientist, a photoshopper who will handle images with high quality and skill.

The most important thing is to analyze the competition in the city and study the range of services that they provide.

In accordance with this, it will be necessary to consider the cost and availability of your own range of services.

After that, it's time to work on the marketing and advertising campaign of your future enterprise. It is better to launch advertising through the media and television, only then it will be possible to make advertising offers on the Internet, after the enterprise has gained some momentum, at least after six months of operation.

Costs and profits: calculations

Costs and profits are the most important and responsible article of enterprise planning, which should be reflected in detail in the business plan. Costs include quarterly, annual and monthly.

All categories will include costs for personnel, rent of premises, materials, equipment, consumed energy, etc. Also, a separate article should be prescribed the cost of taxes.

They can only be calculated approximately, since with an individual entrepreneur it would be better to use the simplified taxation system - a simplified taxation system. There is an opportunity to pay income taxes, and therefore, in order to calculate taxes, you will need to know the approximate income.

If we consider in general all operations for opening a photo studio, we can say that this business will not have super profits at the initial stage, but later, with proper marketing, it will be possible to create entire networks of studios and gradually move to other cities and regions.

Therefore, starting with one photo studio, you should not stop - you must always go forward!

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Today, the market for photo services is constantly evolving by discovering new needs from its potential consumers. Not only a photographer can open a photo salon, but also an entrepreneur for profit. And for successful implementation in this market, you will need your own business plan for a photo studio.

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The photo business belongs to the field of small business. Having decided to create your own studio, you will need a well-designed photo studio. In the summary, we reveal the key success factors of the photography business and reflect the indicators that confirm its effectiveness. It is necessary both for the entrepreneur himself and for attracting borrowed funds.

The organization of the work of a photo studio is quite transparent view activities even for a beginner. The main advantage of photography in the studio is the ability to use specialized professional equipment with the right lighting. In this case, the possibilities of the photographer are not limited by weather conditions or the influence of other environmental factors.


The work of the photo salon is based on two main types of services:

  • staff photographer shoots in the studio;
  • renting a studio space where photography will be done by a freelance photographer.

Studio photography genres:

  • portrait;
  • photography of an object (for example, shooting a company's goods to fill an online store);
  • artistic photography.

When organizing the work of the studio, scenery and props will be required to create the necessary atmosphere.

The main areas of activity can be distinguished:

  • photograph for documents;
  • subject photo for catalogs, booklets, online stores;
  • photo accompaniment of such celebrations as weddings, anniversaries;
  • participation in exhibitions and competitions;
  • photoshoot.

Photos of the documents subject photo artistic photo Wedding photo

Additional services of a photo studio can be:

  • installation and printing of photo albums, photo books;
  • make-up services.

Business Relevance

The relevance of this case is sometimes in doubt, but now amateur photographs are increasingly preferred professional work. As before, many people want to somehow vividly and unusually capture important moments of their lives. It is the photography business that is distinguished by its flexibility and willingness to change along with the needs of clients and the creative impulses of photographers. Here an amateur photographer can become a real professional or a young entrepreneur can develop a profitable and interesting project.

Studio Options

Exist various options organization of a photo salon with decorations. The idea for the design of a photo studio is very important. The interior studio needs to be thought out to the smallest detail.

photo studio

A profitable photo studio is a company that specializes in:

  • portrait photography;
  • making photos for documents;
  • photo retouching.

This studio option is well suited for starting a business. The first investment in a photo studio can be quite modest, the minimum amount of funds will please entrepreneurs who do not have a lot of capital. The only thing you can not save on is photographic equipment. With a good flow of customers, the photo studio will pay for itself in 5-6 months. In order to attract customers and make the business more successful, it is important to choose the right location for it.

mini studio

From the name you can already guess that a mini-studio is a small copy of a full-size photo studio. She works in various industries. This version of the studio is also well suited for starting a business. The opening of a mini-studio retains the prospects for further growth.

Full-format photo studio

The option of a full-scale studio involves the provision of a full range of photo services. The studio must have an interior decorated room, costumes and the necessary equipment.

Home business

The organization of a home photo studio is well suited for starting a novice entrepreneur. At the same time, capital investments are minimal due to the lack of rent and the need to purchase expensive equipment. Working from home, you will gain invaluable experience in communicating with clients and get acquainted with the key features of running this business.

Photo studio for children

This format of the studio is focused on serving children and their parents. The entrepreneur will need to arrange the premises, focusing on the tastes of children and organize demand. Due to the difficulties in ensuring constant demand, we do not recommend opening this type of studio for beginners.

Opening a franchise studio

If you are not ready to organize a business on your own, then in the franchise market you can find quite a lot of franchising offers of photo salons.

Among them are:

  • Fotomatik;
  • Photobook;
  • e-photo;
  • Foto7;
  • photobox;
  • photogravure;
  • Academy of Photography.

Selling a profitable business, the franchisor also shares his experience with you. You get a well-functioning business scheme, a well-known brand, comprehensive support, staff training, etc.

Description and analysis of the sales market

A photo studio is a profitable and promising business, but many aspiring entrepreneurs make a number of mistakes that significantly affect future income. In order for a business to bear fruit, it is important to determine your target audience, identify competitive advantages and invest in an advertising campaign.

The target audience

Potential clients of the photo studio can be:

  1. Professional photographers, for rent.
  2. Photographers amateurs, for rent.
  3. Individuals (men and women) who want to be photographed for documents, make an artistic photo, who need photographic support for any celebration.
  4. Parents with young children to capture every important moment in their child's life.
  5. Companies, to carry out corporate shooting of employees, products.

Given the scale of the proposed activity, financial capabilities, the format of the photo salon being created, its geographical location, etc., the entrepreneur must decide on the target audience. From the preferences and tastes of potential customers, you need to build on the design of the premises, purchase necessary equipment, marketing, etc.

For young clients, from 16-30 years old, the premises can be decorated in the style of "loft", "vintage" or "shabby chic", which is very popular today. If you are targeting an older audience, then the Provence, Modern or Classic style will do. From the details you will need: a sofa, an armchair, a fireplace, a motorcycle, etc. Ideally, cover a wider target audience. In one room, you can provide up to eight zones, decorated in different styles and filled with interesting props.

Competitive advantages

The key competitive advantages of a photo studio should be:

  1. High level of customer service.
  2. Professional photographers.
  3. Room decoration. It is important that the sets and available props meet the requirements of the studio's clients.
  4. A wide range of services offered.
  5. professional equipment.

Before proceeding with the repair of the premises, its decoration and thinking through the spectrum possible services, we recommend studying competitors in the local market. Seeing them weak spots, you can make your business stronger. You will be able to evaluate the level of service, see their props, equipment used, etc.

Advertising campaign

The success of a photo studio largely depends on the quality of the advertising campaign. An effective advertising campaign involves the development of your own website, the placement of information in electronic catalogs, as well as the participation of photographers in exhibitions and competitions. It is also very important, at the stage of developing a business plan, to come up with bright name and think over the corporate identity. Advertising campaign also involves the distribution of promotional materials in local media and leaflets with the interiors of the studio.

What do you need to open?

Below we will dwell in more detail on the most important points of a photo studio business project. In order to open this business you need to study them carefully. We will tell you about what needs to be done in order for the photo studio to start its work.

The documents

First of all, you need to decide on organizational form for business. A photo studio can be organized as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. This choice you must do it yourself, based on the scale of the proposed activity and your ambitions. Most often, an enterprise is created as an individual entrepreneur, it is cheaper.

The following OKVED codes correspond to this type of activity:

  • 74.81 - activities in the field of photography;
  • 70.20.2 - renting out own non-residential real estate.

Location and decor

After completing the registration of the company, you have to choose a suitable premises. In most cases, the premises are taken on a long-term lease.

For the studio you need a spacious room with high ceilings. Most of the room will be equipped for shooting, and the rest will remain at the disposal of the administrator and make-up artist. A bathroom should also be provided. An ordinary apartment, unfortunately, is not suitable for a photo studio. Typically, their ceilings are quite low and it will not be possible to install lighting according to all the rules.

The studio needs a creative design that takes into account the tastes and needs of the target audience. You may need help in resolving this issue. professional designer. How much it costs to open a photo studio depends to a greater extent on where the room is located, what is its area and the complexity of design ideas.


A full-length studio should include in the staff:

  1. leader;
  2. at least two experienced professional photographers;
  3. two administrators.

The hallmark of a successful photo studio is a talented photographer, just like a chef in a restaurant. The head of the studio performs management functions, carries out planning, selects priority areas for its development, adjusts the range of services provided, deals with marketing, etc. The importance of the administrator cannot be underestimated. His responsibilities include not only communicating with clients, but also installing studio lighting and setting up basic equipment.

Step-by-step instruction

Summarizing the above, we can form the following sequence of actions:

  1. Development from scratch of a business plan with calculations.
  2. Company registration.
  3. Room selection.
  4. Conclusion of a long-term lease agreement.
  5. Studying competitors.
  6. Definition of business concept.
  7. Room design and renovation.
  8. Purchase of equipment and supplies.
  9. Personnel selection.
  10. Marketing events.

The step by step guide focuses on key points organizing your own business. In preparing a business plan, you will also be helped by ready-made samples that can be found on the Internet for free. After reading them, you will understand how to start a business in 2019. Below we will look at an example financial plan business project that you can use as a sample or template.

Financial plan

The amount of capital investments in the business includes (in rubles):

  • costs for registering an enterprise: 30,000;
  • marketing costs: 40,000;
  • website creation: 60,000;
  • decoration of the premises: 100,000;
  • purchase of working equipment and inventory: 650,000;
  • rent (for three months): 90,000;
  • other costs: 30,000.

In total, it turns out that 1 million rubles of initial investment is needed to organize a full-scale studio. The profitability of the photo business reaches 50 percent. However, if you want to open a business with minimal investment, then pay attention to simpler photo studio options.

Regular investments

  • rent: 30,000;
  • utility bills: 10,000;
  • wages with accruals: 130,000;
  • consumables: 5,000;
  • other expenses: 5,000.

After completing the calculation, it turns out that regular monthly investments will amount to 180,000 rubles. The profit reaches 360,000 rubles.

Opening dates

The business plan involves the development calendar plan with a detailed list necessary activities and their duration. The opening date of the photo studio depends on the pace of implementation preparatory work. On average, from the moment the company is registered to the start of its work, it takes about two months.

Risks and payback

Risk factors:

  1. The risk of losing reputation with the client due to poor quality of services provided by a staff photographer. Negative reviews can push customers away from the services provided by the studio for a long time.
  2. Outdated props, outdated decorations.
  3. The growth of competition.
  4. Not enough clients.
  5. The entrepreneur’s lack of desire to develop, open up new areas of activity and invest in more modern photographic equipment.

With well-organized management, the listed risks can be successfully controlled and it is profitable to do what you love. long years. The initial investment will pay off in about a year and a half, since the profitability of the business is quite high.

Photo studio business plan is a fundamental part of starting your own business. Photographer is a creative profession and far from the economy, however, it is this fact that is decisive in determining the need for a business plan. Since the master will have to not only create, but also deal with current affairs in order for the business to work and generate income.

Photographic services are extremely popular today, which means this species business seems promising, and you need to take a place in the market quickly and reliably, for this the photographer needs step by step business plan opening your own photography studio.

Key features of a photo studio business plan with calculations for the provision of photo services

Photographer Business Plan: Business Idea Analysis

The idea to engage in the provision of photographic services is currently very relevant and in demand: almost no celebration is complete without the accompaniment of camera flashes. Naturally, in such conditions, this business idea seems quite promising. However, practice shows that one talent is not enough for a photographer to organize a business; here a detailed business plan is needed.

A photo studio, in addition to the obvious advantages, is still associated with certain risks, which are important to analyze and evaluate when drawing up a business plan. These risks include:

  • Changing fashion trends
  • Falling solvency of potential customers
  • Relative seasonality of work
  • High level of strong competition



The work of a photographer as an economic activity

For a novice entrepreneur, it is important to understand what the specifics of his intended business will be. So the activities of a photographer who takes pictures for the soul and who makes money on it will differ from each other, this should be noted when drawing up a business plan.

The photographer, as a subject of the market, is forced to somewhat expand his functions and combine creativity with sound calculation - this will be the peculiarity of the business plan of the photo studio.

As a rule, a photographer who decides to turn his favorite business into earnings has a lot of questions. How to open your photo studio from scratch, how to calculate the budget - all this and more difficult questions Let's take a business plan as an example.

1 - Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. Investment volume for

1.3. Work results

2 - Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 - Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market Dynamics

4 - Staff

4.1. staffing

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 - Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Funding plan

5.3. Sales program photo studios with calculations for the provision of photo services

5.4. Spending plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 - Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks photo studios with calculations for the provision of photo services

7 - Conclusions

Business plan photo studios with calculations for the provision of photo services provided in MS Word format - it already has all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it's ready to use. Or you can adjust any section for yourself.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, then this is easy to do in the "Project Concept" section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - in financial model parameters are highlighted - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all tables, graphs and charts.

For example: if you need to increase the sales plan, then it is enough to change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and all tables and charts will be ready immediately: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model for themselves.


Feedback from our clients

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The business plan was prepared by a website consulting company in accordance with the requirements, with high quality and even a little ahead of the agreed time. As a result, funds in the amount of 50 million rubles were received from a private investor.

Oleg Alexandrovich, city of Sarov

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Extremely sound business plan. He helped our printing house get a loan from Sberbank necessary for expanding production (21 million rubles), for a period of 4 years.

Sergey V.V., Nizhny Novgorod Region

Feedback on a business plan for opening a photo studio with calculations

He has been a professional photographer for many years, but he decided to start a business on this very recently. Having opened an interior photo studio, I quickly realized that it brings quite small profit and is unlikely to recoup the costs - the need for a business plan seemed essential. I turned to Plan Pro for help and purchased from them ready business plan- photo studios with examples of all calculations. It contained a financial model, thanks to which I was able to adjust my budget, and based on the proposed marketing strategy was able to attract more customers. Now my average income is about 100 thousand rubles.

Timofeev G.A. Individual entrepreneur. Kaluga region

Photo studio business plan: structure and features

Photo studio business plan concept

Formulation general concept projects are an important part of a photographer's business plan. The level of expenses of a business project, the choice of advertising methods depends on the format of the studio, the range of the target audience is directly related to it.

Based on the analysis of the market situation in the business plan, several popular formats of the photographer’s activity can be distinguished: interior photo studios, portrait photo services, photo support for events, etc. Experts do not exclude the combination of formats, but the entrepreneur must clearly understand the concept of his business.

Composition of a business plan for a photographer

Business plan for a photographer should be as detailed as possible in order to properly organize the case and avoid risky situations, so its range of topics will consist of:

  • Photo Studio Business Plan: Counting Investments
  • Photo studio profitability

Photo studio marketing strategy

In a market economy effective development Any business is impossible without competent marketing. To formulate the right sales strategy in a business plan, a photographer needs to analyze the market and the main target audience. According to experts, the photo services market is very developed today, and the range of potential customers is very wide, so a business plan must define its own USP. Market advantages in this case can be:

  • Favorable prices
  • Unusual studio interiors
  • Short lead times

Photo studio business plan should include the main set of advertising methods. In addition to standard techniques, visual advertising works effectively here, for example, promotion of your own website or page on social networks.

You can expand your activities and get additional profit if you also start an advertising agency. contains all the information necessary for the successful start of the project.

Legal registration of business

A competent business plan should include not only the economic side of the issue, but also the legal details of the photographer's work. The main task in this case will be the choice of the organizational and legal form of activity. The best option would be to register an individual entrepreneur, which will reduce your paperwork and tax costs.

In the registration documents, you will need to indicate the OKVED code corresponding to activities in the field of photography - 74.20.

For full-fledged work it is also important to register with the PF, the FSS, as well as open a bank account.

Photo studio business plan: investment calculation

The organization of any business requires start-up capital, a photography studio is no exception. And the business plan must necessarily take into account all the cost items for the provision of photo services, for example:

  • Renting a room for a studio
  • photographic equipment
  • Scenery
  • Personal Computer
  • Communal payments
  • Staff salary
  • tax costs
  • Advertising
  • Other expenses

According to experts, the estimated amount of investment in the project will be from 5 to 50 million rubles.

To successfully pass the credit committee check and receive capital for the development of your business, you can download ready photo studio business plan example with everyone calculations. It contains all the necessary schemes and spreadsheets, based on which you can create a high-quality business presentation for the bank.

Room and equipment analysis

It is necessary to develop requirements for visiting for the work of a photographer in a business plan based on the chosen format of a photo studio. In this case, there are no clear and normative prescriptions.

Particularly worth considering decoration(furniture and accessories) and its types, since the number of customers, and hence the profit, will depend on this.

AT photography studio business plan an analysis of the necessary photographic equipment, computer equipment and software should also be made.

Core and additional staff

The business plan should include traditional and specific labor relations ., however, the organization of a photo studio carries some features in this regard. In a business plan, it is worth considering that, in fact, only a photographer is required for the operation of a photo salon, however, in practice, studios resort to the services of makeup artists and hairdressers, entering into partnership agreements with them of various forms.

In addition, to maintain documentation and submit reports, you will need an accountant, with whom you can cooperate on an outsourcing basis.

Photo Services Business Plan: Budget Calculation

One of the main tasks of a business plan is to create a high-quality accounting system for the financial movements of a photography studio in this case. Here it should be understood that the entire budget will consist of two groups of funds: expenditure and income.

Expenses include: rent payments, utility bills, taxes, etc. In the business plan, you can determine the approximate income from the provision of photo services, taking into account the average prices for the same services in the region, which for the xxx period will amount to xxx rubles.

Photo studio profitability

Determining the profitability and payback period of a photo studio in the business plan should be associated with the calculation of the ratio of costs and profits. But according to experts average term payback photo salon can be from 3 to 5 years.

There are no macros in the financial model. All formulas are transparent and accessible to

The cash flow statement is the most important document of any business plan. It contains comprehensive information about the operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows of the company, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

Download a ready-made business plan for opening a photo studio with financial calculations and an Excel financial model

The provision of photo services is currently an urgent matter, but only a high-quality development of a business plan can make it profitable, since any business operation of a photo studio is associated with certain financial risks.

In order to avoid them and organize your business quickly and correctly, you can download example finished photo studio business plan with calculations. The sample financial model that is presented in it will help you better understand the economic side of the issue, and the marketing plan will expand client base. As a second option, you can order an individual business plan, fully tailored to your business and taking into account real indicators.

Literate and detailed business plan necessary for a novice entrepreneur in order to open a photo studio, since with the apparent simplicity of organization, this type of business also has a number of financial and legal nuances. Step-by-step planning will be the key to a successful start and development of the enterprise.

Recently, interest in the services of photo studios and professional photographers has increased greatly - this is the main success factor for a person who is going to open a professional photo studio. Of course, such a business will be most relevant for those who are interested in and engaged in photography. However, if you do not have such skills, you can hire the appropriate specialists. The main investments will be used to purchase the necessary equipment, as well as to equip the site.

First of all, you need to understand: what is a photo studio? This is a room with a large area, which is professionally equipped with various interior zones, which allows photographers and their clients to implement a variety of thematic photo shoots. In the last few years, one can observe a significant development of the represented business segment: people are showing more and more interest in the process, they want to acquire high-quality images. This is associated, among other things, with the advantages of professional photography.

  1. Professional equipment and equipment. The ability to use high-quality equipment, correctly set the light, use additional devices and objects allows you to get really high-quality and beautiful pictures.
  2. Independence from weather conditions, time of year. An important plus of the photo studio is that it is possible to enter and immediately start shooting, which is impossible when shooting outdoors. Besides, modern equipment allows you to easily recreate all the necessary natural effects, such as wind, bright light and even snow.
  3. A large number of decor, interior zones, props and other things. All additional equipment is an opportunity to embody an endless number of ideas. In a photo studio, you can change several images in one day of shooting.

Any photo studio, especially with high-quality equipment, conducts its activities in two directions at once, which allows you to significantly increase profits: this is the implementation of filming with your own photographer and the rental of zones and equipment. In the first case, the income of the institution will be higher. However, the second service is in great demand, so it should not be abandoned. Remember that if you are going to provide both designated services, this will need to be indicated in the documentation when registering a company.

The activity of any photo studio is based on providing the end user with professional photography in the interiors of the studio. The main advantage is the use of additional equipment and professionally exposed lighting. Studio photo session provides clients with wide opportunities in terms of creative work. So, in a short period of time, a person receives a large number of professional photographs in several images.

The standard cost of renting a photo studio varies from 1000 to 3000 rubles per hour. What will the final amount depend on? The more you are ready to offer interior zones, additional equipment and props for work, the greater the amount for rent. The quality of the equipment directly affects the cost of the service. However, it is important to understand that at the initial stage it would be inappropriate to invest a lot of money in interior furnishings. It will be better if you gradually begin to improve the institution, gradually buying more equipment and props: this will help reduce the initial investment burden.

A business plan for opening a photo studio with calculations involves indicating the main genres in which specialists will work. It:

  • portrait shooting;
  • staged artistic shooting;
  • object shooting;
  • nude photography (nude).

These are the main genres in which photographers work, however, you can expand the range of services. Remember that for each type of shooting you will need the appropriate props and equipment, details that will help create the necessary atmosphere.

Market and competitor analysis

The main clients of the photo studio are both photographers and end users services, i.e. filming customers. The latter can be conditionally divided into companies and individuals. Private clients often order portrait photo shoots, family shoots, and shoots of children. Companies focus on professional product photography for catalogs and online stores.

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Before you start working, it is very important to define your target audience in order to target it. First of all, this will be reflected in the design of your photo studio.

  • If you plan to target young people, an effective move would be to design a loft, vintage or chic interior. Props will match.
  • If you want to focus on a more adult age category, prepare the interiors for family photo sessions. It can be an interior in a classic or scandinavian style, with a soft zone, a sofa and a fireplace.
  • Several zones should be decorated with a plain background.

The ideal option for any photo studio is the diversity in the design of the premises, so you can reach the potential audience as widely as possible. Optimal choice- This is a design in different styles from 5 to 8 zones. Each zone must be maintained in the appropriate color scheme using props.

Most often, the services of photo studios are used by girls under 30 years old - they account for about 60% of all clients. Shooting is ordered for posting photos on social networks. Thematic photo shoots are popular, but most often girls order shootings with several changes of images and plans.

Before opening your own photo studio, you will need to study the competitors and the conditions in which they offer to work. This will allow you to create a unique trade offer, as well as evaluate the level of service and quality of the equipment offered. After analyzing them, you can understand what is better to offer your client. Not all creators of photo studios are ready to invest cash into unusual props, as well as into the environment of a large number of zones. Use it.

Also take advantage of the competitive advantages of a photo studio:

  1. Service quality. Very often this is forgotten, especially in such related areas that are not fully related to the service sector. However, clients really appreciate the hospitality, help with equipment and selection of areas, the opportunity to relax during the shooting, as well as drink coffee and snacks.
  2. The possibility of not only ordering a photo session, but also renting a photo studio and equipment. Many clients prefer to work with their own photographer.
  3. High quality equipment. This includes both props and lighting and equipment for filming. This is the main factor in getting very good professional photos.
  4. Possibility of subject shooting. This will give you a large number of client-firms with which to work comfortably and quickly.
  5. Availability of additional equipment for obtaining non-standard effects. This can be, for example, a smoke generator, LEDs or even a fan.
  6. Equipment for at least five interior zones with unique, interesting props. Give preference to those solutions that are not available in other studios.

These factors will help you not only make a big name for yourself, but also quickly start making profits.

Registration of business in state institutions

In order to start working, you do not need to obtain licenses or certificates - this is another advantage of opening a photo studio. However, register at government bodies will still be required. It will be optimal for a photo studio to issue an IP with a simplified taxation system. The following OKVED codes are indicated:

70.20.2 "Rental of own non-residential real estate"

74.81 "Activities in the field of photography."

Selection of premises, equipment and personnel

An important milestone business plan for opening a photo studio with calculations there will be a choice suitable premises. Remember that the profitability of your business will greatly depend on the location and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises. Therefore, focus on the following factors:

  • do not place a photo studio in a remote area - not every client will be ready to spend his time getting to a remote studio, most likely, he will choose a competing organization, but in convenient location. Therefore, make sure that the room is close to the center, and its transport interchange is convenient;
  • about 10 square meters are allocated for each interior zone, therefore, choose a room with an area of ​​​​at least 60 square meters. This is enough to arrange 5 zones and arrange a reception hall or a dressing room;
  • ceiling height is very important. In order to comfortably work with all the equipment, you will need a ceiling height of at least 3 square meters;
  • very good if you buy quality studio lighting, but you can't underestimate the effect that natural light can give. There should be two or three large windows that let in a lot of natural light;
  • also, natural light should be in the dressing room so that the makeup artist can choose the right makeup, starting from the texture of the face.

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The next issue to consider is the equipment that will be required for a photo studio. If you are not a professional photographer, it would be better to further consult on this issue with a specialist. He will help you choose the necessary equipment, based on what types of shooting will be carried out. This is very important, because equipment is the most expensive item. The following is a standard list:

  • professional camera;
  • set interchangeable lenses for various kinds shooting;
  • softboxes;
  • reflectors;
  • color filters;
  • reflectors;
  • backgrounds;
  • exposure meter;
  • furniture for interior areas.

Be prepared for equipment costs ranging from half a million to a million rubles.

At the initial stage, you can hire only a few employees who will perform the main tasks for the photo studio. It:

  • photographer;
  • administrator.

You can find a makeup artist who will be paid by the hour and only show up on the days they are needed. The main key to the success of your company is a professional and qualified photographer. With the right choice of a specialist, you will get an employee who will not only cope with his tasks, but will also advise you on basic issues. Therefore, approach this choice with special care. Look not only at the work in the portfolio, but also at the feedback about the person.

The administrator, in addition to direct duties, can maintain the company's website and engage in advertising. It can also keep the rooms clean.

What services will the studio provide?

Despite the fact that we have already dwelled on this point in the initial part of the photo studio business plan with calculations, we will consider it in more detail and in detail. In order to correctly form the range of services, it is necessary to consider those areas that are most popular:

  1. Subject shooting, design of advertising booklets, corporate calendars, postcards, posters, publications for magazines.
  2. Work at presentations, competitions, events, high-quality shooting of celebrations - weddings, anniversaries, birthdays.
  3. Portrait photography for documents: passports, foreign passports, driver's licenses.
  4. Thematic shootings: family, children's, for lovers, photo shoots for expectant mothers.

Possibility to add Additional services, such as professional makeup, design of collages, calendars, photo books - all this will significantly increase the number of your customers and, accordingly, your profit.

Marketing plan to promote a photography studio

The first thing that any expert in the segment will advise you to do is to develop your own corporate identity for your company. After that, you can start designing various promotional materials, that is, business cards, booklets, signs. The advertising campaign of the studio should be carried out in several directions:

  1. Internet. Create your own website and social media pages. This will allow you to present your own services. Be sure to place high-quality interior photos on the sites - this will be the main attractive factor. Can be used various ways promotion on the Internet, but one of the most effective is placement in city directories.
  2. Printable advertisement. If you are planning to hold promotions, then good option there will be distribution of leaflets, as well as placement of promotional materials in those places where your potential clients. These are beauty salons, fitness rooms and more.
  3. Advertising in the media. As advertising in the media, you can use a variety of magazines that publish news about the social life of the city. The advantage of such publications is that you can offer them barter instead of paying for services - for example, some kind of shooting.