Recent requests for help

It is important to know if the thought “I have no strength to live on” has appeared, then there is a problem. If this thought becomes regular, returns again and again, you should seriously think about getting help.

I repeat: if you constantly think about where to find the strength to live, you mustfind a psychotherapist to talk about this issue.

Why do we lose the strength to live?

Where does this idea even come from? Why do we at some point feel total helplessness and weakness?

As a rule, the main reason is an unexpected “strong psychological blow”. Thoughts of meaninglessness and hopelessness visit those who have suffered bereavement: loss loved one, social status, large amount, work or health. At this moment, lonely people are in a special risk zone, it is more difficult for them to answer why and for what to live on.

What if there is no way to contact a psychotherapist?

When there is no way to turn to a specialist, find a mentor. For example, a woman who, in this matter, "ate a pound of salt." Ask her for help, let her guide you for a while. Let it be not a girlfriend, but a person whose opinion is authoritative for you, like the opinion of a beloved teacher.

Recognize that you will not figure it out yourself and you need a person who cares about you. Understand that your head is now dangerous, like the most unfavorable area in the city, and you cannot walk on it alone. Most importantly, be prepared to change and listen to advice.

An analysis of the huge amount of data collected by suicidologists suggests that often the cause of suicide is the indifference of others. You don't have to do irreversible things.

Many discussions about the problem of suicide contain almost contemptuous remarks that "people are just trying to attract attention in this way." Indeed: 85 to 90% of suicide attempts fail, with four times among survivors more women than men. But does not the fact that a person has to draw attention to himself in this way deserve sympathy?

People should be kinder to each other, especially since this, as a rule, does not require high costs. To pronounce a sympathetic word and refuse a stinging one - what could be easier?

Be kind to yourself and to others, be able to hear yourself. If you feel that you have no strength, be sure to seek support.

When the world loses its colors, you don’t want to see anyone and go nowhere, nothing terrible happens.

In the life of every person there are situations of crushing defeats and terrible losses.

Sit out in solitude for a while, cry for the departed - and the smart body will gradually take its toll, even out the emotional background. But what if you don't want to live? It's time to take immediate action.

What to do if you don’t want to live: situation analysis

First of all, you need to understand what is happening. Analysis of the situation will help to make correct solution, outline specific actions and generally a little distracted from painful thoughts.

It is important to distinguish between a depressive state, or despondency, which fits well into the concept of the norm, from depression that is really terrible in its consequences. It is quite possible to cope with despondency on your own, but depression requires serious treatment with the involvement of specialists.

If a person completely loses interest in life, loses social and physical activity, an urgent need to contact psychologists. Depression can last for years, and sometimes only a practicing psychiatrist can recognize the disease. It is extremely difficult to heal on your own.

If a person plunged into the abyss of experiences after a specific event, you can and should try to get out of this state yourself. If nothing is done, you can get hung up on problems and gradually fall into depression. What if you don't want to live? To begin with, deal with yourself.

fixation on something negative event- most common cause despondency. Constantly replaying failure in his head, conducting an endless internal monologue with an ephemeral opponent, imagining how everything could have been, if not for ..., a person drives himself into an unbearable trap for the soul.

The inability to fix what happened and the passionate desire to change everything will drive anyone to insanity. To stop all this right now is the goal of healthy consciousness. It's difficult, but not impossible. You need to take an example from children: in their mentally healthy world, it is simply impossible to be sad for a long time.

It is children who have an amazing ability to fill with emotions every minute of their lives. They easily discard everything that hinders them and move on. Experiencing the strongest emotions every day, they do not get hung up on one. It just doesn't make sense - after all, ahead whole life.

What if you do not want to live for some far-fetched reason? For example, if suddenly, on the threshold of his thirtieth birthday, a man begins to rush about in search of the meaning of life and insist that thirty years have passed, and nothing has been done for eternity, this means that it is time to get down to business. AT literally the words. Free time gives rise to free thought. And that's not always good.

What to do if you do not want to live: is it necessary to fight?

Dejection is accompanied by a gentleman's set negative emotions. There is a feeling of helplessness, and resentment, and anger. And this is good, because if the emotional sphere is alive, there is something to work with. All you need is to change the plus to minus.

But if it came to indifference, loss of desire to get up, go somewhere, work, listen to music, read your favorite books, things are bad. Usually it is in this state that a person wonders what to do when he does not want to live. And this is good again! Because a person is still able to ask himself and the world constructive questions.

The easiest option is to start contacting the world. The simplest everyday issues will initially cause irritation, denial, and then all the wisdom and patience that is in the soul will be required. This will soon pass, because time heals any wound. These are not empty words: in banal verbal formulas the amazing power of age-old wisdom is hidden.

If a person who is discouraged is ready for a dialogue, the easiest way is to ask for help. Reach out to people you can trust. It doesn't have to be close friends. On the contrary, sometimes it is easiest to speak out to an unfamiliar or not close person, with whom neither common pain nor common joy connects.

Internet forums are not the best place to search for like-minded people, but this option can also be considered. Who knows, maybe there is a person who was in the same situation or is experiencing it now. A common experience, advice, easy non-binding communication will help get rid of longing. I wonder what network strangers will say if you ask them: what to do if you don’t want to live? The answers can surprise, make you think, evaluate what is happening differently. Sometimes it is very useful to look at yourself from the outside.

You have to fight for your life, for your happiness. Otherwise, why all this?

What to do if you don't want to live

The key to success is the awareness of the problem and a strong desire to end the senseless state of despondency. Without this desire, nothing will come of it. The simplest and most effective advice that can be given in such a difficult situation is to try to get out of a depressive state in the literal sense of the word. Only movement physical activity quickly and effectively return the lost peace of mind.

Scientists have found that with strong physical exertion, a lot of endorphins are produced in the body - hormones of happiness and bliss. Walking, running, swimming, going on a multi-day hike, conquering some peak - that's what you need to do to get out of a depressive state.

You can do something with your hands - it also distracts and gives pleasure. The simplest chores around the house and garden can be a lifesaver. It is not necessary to devote all later life. But in order to shake emotions, put thoughts in order, make the soul wake up, this is enough. It is no coincidence that people who cannot find a solution to some work task, often use the simplest trick: they go on a long walk. Monotonous movement switches the brain, and the solution is found by itself, by some miracle.

You need to force yourself to give up the role of the victim. It's humiliating, after all! No one and nothing has the right to take away the life bestowed by God. Start chatting in fun, easy, positive people. If necessary, change the environment.

When the time comes, it would be good to work out the situation on your own or with the help of a psychologist. It is worth asking yourself the simplest questions: why did I need this situation? What lesson did I learn from it? How can I use the invaluable experience gained? This is actually very effective way reevaluate what happened. You need to learn to take responsibility for your life. This is the only way live it happily.

What to do when you do not want to live in the former life situation, according to the previous scenario? Gradually change it. Changing the situation is, first of all, a cardinal change in one's thoughts. As soon as the brain begins to emit new signals, life will miraculously change. The technique is described in many books on psychology written by in plain language. As soon as the first results appear, it will become interesting to continue changing reality.

And you can start with small goals. For example, put them in front of you in the morning and reprimand yourself in the evening. Reach the nearest stop and return, bring some trophy from a walk: a maple leaf, a box of matches, a photo of a street cat. Let at first it will be something small, insignificant. Gradually, tasks can be complicated, and there, you see, you will want to enroll in a group to conquer Elbrus.

Probably, from time to time, every person is faced with a feeling of oppressive hopelessness and despondency. Unfortunately, we all sometimes suffer from the blows of fate, and sometimes a crushing failure or a painful loss can completely discourage the desire to wake up in the morning, and even breathe in principle. Of course, we can agree that life is the greatest value for a person. But what to do if you don’t want to live, let’s try to give simple and effective advice how to deal with this condition.

Psychologists' advice

Many experts advise those who do not feel any desire to live to take and carefully analyze the current situation. To begin with, accurately formulate the problem that has arisen (for you, most likely, a real tragedy). After that, try adding black colors to this problem, imagine that it is even stronger and scarier. What do you feel?

Try to figure out the root cause of the problem? Perhaps you yourself have long and confidently walked towards a disaster, and it, naturally, has come. But you don’t need to execute yourself, you can’t fix the perfect.

Some experts recommend comparing your misfortune with the scale of possible troubles that can happen to a person. Sometimes such a look at things helps to understand that the situation that has happened is not as catastrophic as it seemed at first glance. And the realization that it happens to someone even worse can make the readers of “Popular about Health” literally pull themselves out of the mire of unwillingness to live.

Try to find at least something positive in what happened. Perhaps trouble is a signal from heaven that you need to follow a completely different path. Or maybe this is your chance to change yourself for the better? Or maybe just a test, having survived which you will eventually be rewarded by fate.

What to do? Advice from ordinary people

People who are faced with a sense of hopelessness and a complete unwillingness to live often give completely different advice, somewhat different from the recommendations of psychologists.
In their opinion, you need to take a break first. Try to exist solely on the knurled, do not change anything and do nothing. All the actions that you can do in such a emotional state can be quite unpredictable and even dangerous.

If you have a person you trust nearby, ask him to just be there. There is no point in grinding the current situation and analyzing it. A friend or just a close one is needed in order to get rid of loneliness and obsessive thoughts.

Of course, sincere conversations can also come to the aid of someone, because all people are different. But if you understand for sure that you cannot get out of a state of psychological crisis on your own, do not hesitate and seek help. Now there are many "hot lines" where you can be supported at any time of the day. Also, it will not be superfluous to look at the doctor's appointment and ask for the appropriate treatment for you. Sometimes doctors prescribe antidepressants, tranquilizers or anxiolytics, which help to successfully stabilize the mental state.

Finding an exit

In fact, it is impossible to escape from your own thoughts and emotions. But you can find your own personal way of switching, which will help you concentrate on life. So, if you have children (younger siblings, nephews) try to spend as much time as possible with them. In fact, a child's soul, sincerity and purity will help to open up to positive, forget pain and learn to enjoy life from scratch.

For some, workaholism helps. To disconnect from negative thoughts about unwillingness to live, you can plunge headlong into work. You can force yourself to improve in something new, you can hone existing skills to perfection, the main thing is that the brain is constantly busy with something. A nice bonus can be a new position and a good salary.

And sports can be an excellent method of finding positive and desire to live. Give all your best so that there is no strength left to stand on your feet. And over time, this lifestyle will begin to bring pleasure. After all, sports wonderfully activates the production of endorphins. And over time, you will be able to appreciate the effort spent by seeing your reflection in the mirror.

Try to close your eyes and imagine that your wish has come true - you are not there. What will happen around this? Of course, there will be people who will be very saddened by your disappearance, they will feel bad and sad. But time does not stand still. Their pain will pass, and life will go on as usual. Families will be built, children will be born, ringing laughter will sound. And you won't. Pretty horrifying prospect, isn't it?

Maybe depression?

Sometimes the lack of desire to live is not a temporary period, but a symptom of a serious illness. Real depression can creep up on the sly, and lead to sad consequences. If you notice that:

You are constantly in a state of despondency and anxiety;
- you can not concentrate;
- you can not sleep normally;
- lose weight;
- Stop taking care of yourself
- not interested in sex life;
- suffer from nightmares and/or hallucinations;
- lash out at others, etc.

It is possible that you are developing a depressive disorder. To cope with true depression on your own, without the help of a doctor, is almost impossible. Therefore, having noticed such symptoms, it is better to seek medical help as soon as possible.

Sometimes, even the most inveterate optimists can lose their taste for life. It so happened that life path not without serious losses and failures. Some of them are so terrible and irreparable that, willy-nilly, depression sets in and hands down.

What do you do if you don't want to live?

Analyze what happened. You should not understand the "tragedy" on your own, it is better to turn to a friend or, as is customary in America, turn to a psychologist.

State the situation. State clearly what happened. For example: “I can’t pay off a loan with a bank”, “I can’t recover after parting with my beloved”, “I contracted an intractable disease”, “I can’t survive the death of a loved one”.

Consider why this happened. It is clear that it is impossible to think soberly and coldly in these situations. To do this, there should be a person next to you who was not affected by your "grief". It is necessary to find the root of the problem so that in the future, if possible, to avoid mistakes and not to fall into depression.

When wondering what to do if you don’t want to live, understand that it can be even worse for others than for you. Compare other people's grief to your own tragedy. Money, unrequited love is nothing compared to a terminally ill child or death.

Try to find in any situation positive moment. For example, if you were fired from a job, this is an opportunity to find another, more highly paid and interesting one; if you were abandoned - why continue a relationship that has no future. Now you are open to new love.

When you put the situation on the shelves, it will be much easier to find solutions to the problem. Let's talk about this further.

simple truths

In the cultural heritage of any people of the world there are a huge number of sayings and proverbs. With early childhood we read and memorize them, but, unfortunately, we do not use them at all in life. And in vain, because these are not empty words. This is the wisdom accumulated over the centuries.

If the thought came to your mind: “I don’t want to live!”, Folk art will come to your aid.

  • Time heals

Yes, this is true. The only difference is that some “diseases” easily pass and are forgotten, while others need more than one month, and sometimes even years, for mental wounds to heal. Recall the losses that have happened to you before. Are you still hurting like before? No. Even the most terrible pain is dulled, and people become happier.

  • Life goes on

Life is unpredictable. You do not know for sure what awaits you around the "turn". Yes, she is full of disappointments, difficulties and grief, but she also has many wonderful surprises in store for you. Have you managed to do everything you dreamed of? Why are you immediately ready to fall into depression, rather than try to do something in spite of the turmoil? Remember, everything ends sooner or later, opening the way for new emotions, people and deeds.

  • Fight fire with fire

Most often you can find your loss "replacement". And it is most likely that this replacement will be better than that, what happened. You lost your job - so be it, look for another; abandoned by a loved one - it means that your heart has become open to new, fruitful and happy relationships. In the end, do what you love, so that stupid thoughts don’t get into your head.

  • Man is the smith of his own happiness

Everything that happens in your life is a consequence of only your actions or inaction.

No matter how many close and true friends you have, only you yourself can correct the situation in which you find yourself. Even in a very difficult situation, pull yourself together and find strength change life for the better.

Each of us perceives life's "steps" differently. Some take everything that happens to them in life calmly, for granted; others are seized by panic, overcome by depression, and at least climb into the noose. If you are from the category of pessimists or your grief is so great that the thought came to mind "I don't want to live anymore", There are several effective ways bring yourself back to life.

What if you don't want to live? Count to ten, breathe deeply and do the following…

We plunge headlong into work

Nothing can so distract from sad thoughts as business. Plunge headlong into work so that no painful thoughts have time to come to mind. Perhaps your enthusiasm will lead to career growth and improving material well-being, which will further instill confidence in you and cheer you up.

Finding a hobby

Work is work, but it's just a way to make money. She is rarely loved. You need to find a suitable occupation for yourself that will help fill the void that has formed in your soul. Creativity, sports, cooking - whatever. Opening new horizons of your possibilities, you will receive emotional satisfaction from the result of your efforts.

We focus on children

If you have children, they, like no one else, will help you cope with even the deepest and irreparable grief. The spontaneous and pure-hearted little people need you. Come up with an exciting joint business: bake pies, go to the movies or make crafts. Jokes and children's laughter are a medicine that will distract you from painful thoughts and make you start enjoying life. You always want to live, looking at your child, feeling his selfless love and kindness.

Changing environment and ourselves

For some reason, many, faced with trouble, immediately hide from the outside world in the shell. In order not to get depressed and want to live from the beginning, in a new way, in spite of someone or something - buy a new dress, change your hairstyle, throw away the trash, move the furniture. You need to “pull yourself out” of the atmosphere and images that remind you of past defeats and misfortunes.

I am a twenty year old girl. A year as at the university, a year as I live "alone", that is, I rent a room in an apartment with very nice people.
I have no interests and I can't find them. There are simply no special preferences, there are no things that you want to do. Because of this, the difficulties with the university - even those things that are easy, I always do very late - I'm just not interested.
Mostly I spend time on the Internet. Light leisure; pastime without meaning and purpose. I almost never go out, except for occasional lectures and equally rare grocery shopping. There are no friends. I don't want to communicate with anyone, it's like a waste of time. I have nothing to give to other people, communication is not interesting. I have almost no self-esteem, it exacerbates the situation. I don’t feel anything except fear, boredom and pain.
I really, really don't want to live anymore. For a long time already, but the problem has increased greatly over the past two years. Before that, there were just long periods of depression. The only thing holding me back is the fact that suicide would ruin my mother's life. I survive on tranquilizers and alcohol on the most critical days.
What should a person do without skills, interests and extraversion? You can say that I'm just drowning in self-pity, and I do not have enough "kick". But why kick, where? I just don't want anything. It is usually scary to go outside the apartment. Whatever I do, I drop everything.
Maybe someone has come across a similar situation. Help get out of the circle. If there are tips.
And please don't talk about God. I am not religious.
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Donkey Eeyore, age: 20 / 29.06.2014


I also had a similar condition, at the age of 18, approximately. And just the same religion, faith, God helped me. I understand that this is a very personal topic. But if someone here writes to you about it, please don't ignore it, because it's really important.
To be honest, I didn’t quite understand - do you still want to communicate with people, make friends, or do you not need it? There are such people, and there are many of them, who live apart, and they like it. After all, everyone has their own path, and even if someone has many friends, this does not mean that everyone should be like that. If you are so comfortable - do not look at how others live, you are not obliged to break yourself and try to be sociable through force. Although basically it is introverts who are the best friends, because it is not the number of friends that matters to them, but their inner qualities. So I guess you could be someone good friend. If you still want to get out of your state, try to communicate with absolutely strangers- from such a company you can leave at any time, and from more just acquaintances, there will definitely be at least one person with whom you will make friends. Just choose good places for acquaintance, for example, some courses, etc. Look like trial classes, just to get out of the usual state.
I'm sorry if I wrote something wrong, I understand your condition and don't want to offend, it's just difficult to express in words everything that I want to say about getting out of this state, because I am familiar with this to some extent.
Good luck and write if you want. I hope you get more actionable advice)

Mary, age: 20/29.06.2014

Hello! It seems to me that the narrowing of your interests is connected with the enumeration of the computer. I'm even sure of it.
Watched many times. The son sits for a long time at the computer: angry, irritated, does not want anything. We take away for a month - and the mood is better, and he studies better, and he runs for sports. It's like a person has been changed.
As soon as you stop sitting at your computer, you will become terribly bored. Then boredom will drive you and wash the floors, and study, and communicate. Then you'll like it.
What to do to a person without skills - urgently acquire them, of course!
What is a person without interests to do? - study at the university. All knowledge will be useful. Just because you're not interested doesn't mean you don't need it. Finishing university is already in order to accustom yourself to discipline. Get up on time, listen, do, teach, pass. Any job implies exactly the same thing. If you are accustomed to this, then life seems easier.
I already said about extraversion: password-protect your computer and forget the password.

Elena Ordinary, age: 38 / 06/29/2014

Maybe introversion isn't so bad after all. I read somewhere that introverts are those people who do not fill their loneliness with just anyone. I'm an introvert myself and don't have many friends either. Maybe you just haven't met the person you're really interested in. I had that too until recently. Now I am talking with a girl with psychological problems, and helping her gives me unprecedented moral satisfaction. Do not worry that you are not able to give people something tangible. Often, many interlocutors (especially the same introverts) enjoy the fact that they are simply listened to. Art, especially classical music and theater, also helps me cope with sadness. And do not be afraid to try yourself in different areas, because you can often find yourself where you absolutely did not expect.

Vladimir, age: 23/29.06.2014

Good afternoon.

I want to give advice about pastime, activities, activities throughout the day. It really helps me (although, honestly, I have psychological problems enough).

So, we must try to live by processes, and not by ticks. In general, forget about the result (but this does not mean the absence of a goal!), But just enjoy what you are doing. I will bring specific example: Let's say I need to read an article (I'm doing science). So, you need to forget about the tick-read the article. And just enjoy reading. From the fact that you learn something new for yourself. Forget about time. And just enjoy the process. Many other examples could be given - cooking, studying, working, communicating with people, etc.

Try to do something (for example, cook something; understand some university subject; take a walk in the park; do exercises, etc.), and live the process. And feel whether you like it or not. I am sure that sooner or later you will definitely find a case (more precisely, several cases), from the process of which you will feel your life complete.

Vanya, age: 24 / 30.06.2014

Everyone thank you very much Thank you for your response, I didn't expect a response so quickly.
Mary, I won't ignore religious advice, no. It's just that the same Buddhism is closer to me in spirit, and if faith helps many people, then this is wonderful.
I can't get along with faith.
I can't even say. Probably, I would like a couple of understanding people, but it's very difficult - to find them and not offend, not spoil their mood, I'm afraid to turn people into drain cisterns for your depression. Very often they do not understand me, that is, my behavior, my situation. It's hard.
Advice about finding places to meet.. I just don't feel like it, or I'm scared to try to make contacts. It seems that people are always superficial. I'm also afraid of crowds, so talking to strangers is like torture.

Elena: Yes, maybe it is. I noticed that when they used to take me to the sea, it was terribly boring all the time, but I didn’t feel bad. There was no Internet, that's why life fell upon me. But how can a student refuse a computer? But yes, it's unhealthy behavior to sit here from morning to night. It doesn't matter if I read books and articles or just watch videos, it's wrong. But intensively engage in university, sports, study, etc. it doesn't work.. not interesting. I don't feel the point. I don't feel the need. Maybe because I am a man without dreams and ambitions.
Thanks for the critique on this site.

Vladimir, no, no, introversion is the ability to be independent of others. I just have me, I have my fantasy, my thoughts and experiences. It doesn't mean that I don't enjoy talking to you sometimes. good people(this is very rare and happens randomly). When I speak, it often seems that I am talking complete rubbish, I feel ashamed and I disappear. There is one person on the Internet, a friend, we have not spilled water for eight years. But this is not a substitute for real communication, is it? And there are few like her.
Music, yes. As for art .. I abandoned it. I no longer feel the fire and motivation. I tried myself in some things, but apathy is an indescribable feeling of hopelessness, my hands just drop. All the time the question in my head - why?

Thank you all very much for listening. It just seems like everyone is living and holding on to something important, and I have nothing to hold on to. An empty life and I don't know how to fill it. After all, everyone likes to do something.

Donkey Eeyore, age: 20 / 30.06.2014

There are several programs that allow you to block social networks (if we are talking about sitting in social networks). There you can set the time settings. Those. per day, you can allow yourself to communicate in social networks for exactly as much time as you see fit. It seems to me that despondency and longing arise precisely from an unnecessary shaft of information, which creates only the illusion of communication and the illusion that you have learned something new and useful for yourself. Often, unfortunately, this knowledge that we receive from the Internet is destructive to our internal state.
You correctly said about the kick, which is not enough. There comes something like a paralysis of the will, this leads to depression. You just need to try to pull yourself together, and gradually, in small steps, take yourself out of this apparent comfort zone. Google employees are increasingly sending their children to special schools where there are no computers at all. And it is right. When children just read, learn to count, do needlework, they acquire really important skills. And immersion in the Internet makes a person a sociophobe. And if there are no external factors that could stop this process, then sooner or later any person comes to the state that you describe. You just have to admit that there is an addiction, it takes your life, time, feelings, emotions.
Try to start small. Just walk in certain time. Look at trees, houses. Something to take pictures. If possible, give yourself physical exercise maybe ride a bike, or do whatever sport you like. Just experiment for a week. See if it gets better or not. Increased blood circulation enriches the brain with oxygen, and the inner feeling of this changes, the mood changes. No need to ask yourself the question: why? Just force yourself to do it to get out of the familiar circle. The main thing is to start somewhere. Feel the taste for life, understand that life is interesting. Fool yourself if you like. And now, in a new state, you may be visited by completely different thoughts.
At the age of 20, many are not confident in themselves, and it seems to many that they are uneducated, they cannot say anything smart. But it's not. There are bound to be like-minded people. There is bound to be something that will intrigue you.
You don't have to think for people, because you don't know what's in their heads and how they really feel about you. Do not be afraid that your problems are not interesting and close to no one. This is not true. That's what friends are for, to support each other, to share what really worries you.

Olya, age: 42 / 06/30/2014

If you only want to overcome everything yourself ... what can I say. Try to change your life, it does not suit you, change it. Make a different course of action. It is not so important whether you do well or not, in any case there will be a chance to get out of this state. If you have a head on your shoulders, you will not do bad deeds all the same.
Hold on, you're making life difficult for yourself by giving up faith. But it's not fatal, just difficult. I believe you can do it :)

Alexey, age: 32 / 07/02/2014

My good one! How can I understand you! You wrote, and I understood everything, because I myself am in the same state now. You know, I've had it for a few months now. I don’t want to wake up, and when I wake up, I don’t want to do any actions, because I don’t see why, I sit on the Internet and read, read, about people who got through, about motivation, about mental illness and their treatment ... As if life is a stupid game, in which all people understand the rules, but I don’t, and therefore I got out, fell out of life ... And outwardly big problems not in my life. I have not won yet, but I am fighting, I believe - it will be better - one day, I must give myself time. And life... great life, for which they are fighting, which we have ... we will open it! I just wanted to tell you that you are not alone, that I understand you. This can happen. Don't worry. My brother says that our brain, like other parts of the body, can get tired and needs to rest. Hold on!!! We have everything ahead!

Lady, age: 09/26/2014

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Where I live now, they hate me because I'm a nuisance. I have hopelessness, in principle, nothing keeps me in this life.
She was my goal and my motivation. Every day I wake up and think about how to end my life. These thoughts never leave me.
It’s better to leave all this with a calm soul, because I don’t see the point in my life.
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