Advantages and disadvantages of decorative chicken breeds. Features and description of ornamental chickens

They are always popular among connoisseurs and amateurs. These breeds are not so much for eggs or meat, but for the pleasure and variety of living creatures on their site. Decorative breeds are distinguished by their miniature size, unusual appearance, combinatorial nature, brightness, and colorful plumage.

Did you know? Ornamental chickens are not commercially bred. These types are for personal subsidiary plots.

Let's look at the most popular decorative breeds of chickens.

This is a Chilean breed. It is both decorative and egg-laying. The breed has a characteristic appearance - a tailless bird, bearded, with “shaggy” cheeks. Araucanas are hardy, unpretentious, and quickly adapt to living conditions. Laying hens have good productivity - 170-180 eggs/year. What is characteristic is that their egg shells are blue, bright blue, light green. The weight of an egg is on average 56-57 g, which is also a good indicator. The meat is tasty and nutritious. Araucana chickens weigh on average 1.4-1.6 kg, roosters - 1.9-2 kg. The color of Araucan can be different - silver, golden, wild, black, blue - there are 13 varieties of colors and their combinations.

Ayam Tsemani

Perhaps the Indonesian miniature Ayam Cemani is the most exotic ornamental chicken. This is a completely black bird!

Did you know?Ayam Tsemani is one of the rarest and most expensive breeds in the world.

Personality: fearful, distrustful, uncommunicative, active. A walk is needed, but Indonesians fly well - the fence should be high or an awning or net should be stretched on top. They are heat-loving; in winter, a room with heating is a must. The weight of the chicken is 1.2-1.3 kg, and the weight of the rooster is 1.6-1.7 kg. Egg production – 100 eggs/year. Egg weight – 45-50 g, shell – black.

Japanese decorative dwarf chickens. The bird is highly active, agile, playful and unpretentious. Color – pockmarked (black and white), black, beige-brown. The breed is thermophilic and cannot tolerate cold. Roosters crow loudly, hens are excellent hens. Used for meat, the meat is tender and tasty. A bantam chicken weighs about 500 g, a cockerel weighs 650-800 g and up to 1 kg. Egg productivity – 85-100 eggs/year. There are subspecies of the breed - Danish Bantam, Nanjing Bantam, Dutch White-tailed, Feathered Bantam, Peking Bantam - the smallest of the breed, Padua Bantam - the largest variety of Bantam.


Dutch decorative meat and egg breed. The bird is calm, easy-going, tame, cold-resistant, hardy, unpretentious. The plumage is long, thick, dense. A special feature is the almost complete absence of a ridge, instead of it there is a small leathery outgrowth. More characteristic feature– heavily feathered legs. Color – ash-black. The weight of the chicken is 1.7-2 kg, the rooster is 2.3-3 kg. The meat is juicy, tasty, its taste is not very similar to the usual chicken. Egg production is about 145-160 eggs/year. Egg weight – 53-61 g, shell color – white.

Important!In order for chickens to lay eggs better, you need to extend their daylight hours to 12-13 hours.

German decorative egg-laying and sporting breed, bred on the basis of the Dutch one. Chickens are hardy, unpretentious, friendly, active - they need walking. The bird is miniature with long wings. The hen weighs 1.4-1.9 kg, the rooster weighs 2-2.4 kg. Color - silver-black or striped or spotted, black, golden - with stripes or spots. Egg production – 180-190 eggs/year. Egg weight – 48-55 g, shell color – white.

Dutch bearded

This rare breed today is also called the owl-headed one. Characteristic features of this bird are a black beard protruding against the background of a white or brown chest and a low forked crest in the form of horns. The breed is generally calm, friendly, and easy-going. Color – white-black, golden-black.

The breed is decorative and at the same time is considered a meat-egg and down breed. Chickens of this breed have the appearance of a fluffy ball of wool because their feathers are “shaggy”. The feather fibers do not adhere to each other, but are in a free state - they become shaggy. Color – golden in different shades, white, black. Another feature of the breed is that the skin, meat and entrails are black.

Did you know?In Asia, silken chicken meat is used for medicinal purposes. It is believed to have special healing properties.

Hens weigh 1.2-1.3 kg, roosters 1.7-1.8 kg. Egg production – 85-90 eggs per year. Egg weight – 43-50 g, shell – brown. Down productivity – 100-110 g per haircut.

Cochin dwarf

Homeland - China. This is a decorative, small, stocky, squat, spherical bird. The body is densely feathered, the feathers seem to hang over each other, and the paws are also covered with feathers. The color is often golden beige, but fawn (yellow), dark brown, and black chickens are also found. The weight of the chicken is 0.7 kg, the weight of the rooster is 0.8-0.9 kg. Egg production – 70-80 eggs/year. Egg weight is 35-40 g, the shell is cream-colored.

This is a French ornamental meat and egg breed of chickens that originated in Normandy. Cockerels have a long, flowing, not very thick crest on their heads, while chickens have a thicker and rounded crest. The bird has a very low forked small comb and a spreading beautiful tail. Personality: tame, non-conflict, easy-going, calm. The most common color is iridescent black with a brown tint; it can also be pockmarked, blue-gray, and white. The weight of hens is 2.7-3.3 kg, roosters are 3.4-4.6 kg. Egg production – 130-140 eggs per year. Egg weight – 63-65 g, shell – white.

Did you know? This breed is considered rare. At the same time, dietary eggs and Crevecoeur meat are highly valued.


The origin is unclear, but the bird has long been known in America and Europe. These are short-legged chickens. Short legs - theirs distinguishing feature, because of this feature, their gait is a waddle. And in general, chickens look disproportionate - a rather massive body with powerful but short legs. Color – orange-red-brown with black. The weight of the chicken is 2.1-2.6 kg, the rooster is 2.6-3.1 kg. Egg production – 140-150 eggs/year. Egg weight – 52-55 g, shell – slightly creamy.

Important! When breeding, Creepers need a separate room, equipped taking into account the structure of their body. They should not be kept together with other poultry.

It is difficult to indicate exactly where the Curly breed came from; it is generally accepted that its homeland is India. These are decorative meat and egg chickens. They have raised, rounded feathers curling upward - this gives the bird a shaggy and tousled appearance. The paws are also covered with a feather. Color – silver, white, ash, golden brown, black.

Personality: accommodating, curious, friendly, calm. They cannot stand the cold, do not fly, and require a spacious room to keep them. The weight of hens is 1.7-2.1 kg, cockerels - 2.6-3.1 kg. The curly breed of chickens begins to lay eggs at 170-180 days. Egg production – 110-120 eggs/year. Egg weight – 56-58 g, shell – brown, white. There is also a dwarf subspecies of Curly-haired chickens.

Malaysian Serama

These are the smallest of all decorative chicken breeds. The weight of a chicken is 240-300 g, a cockerel is 300-600 g. In fact, they are often kept as pets, that is, they are kept not in the poultry yard, but in the house. We also immediately recognize the appearance of these babies - their breasts seem to prop up their necks due to high rise housings. These birds are lively, active, lively, and at the same time gentle and thermophilic. The breed is rare and expensive. Egg production occurs in 180-270 days. They lay very few eggs - 45-50 eggs per year. The eggs are small, weighing 9-11 g.

A popular dwarf hairy-legged French breed, it is also called “chickens in pants”. Millefleur poultry is small, weight of chickens - 550-700 g, roosters - 700-850 g. Egg production - 100-105 eggs/year. Egg weight - 25-30 g. Color is bright, combined - white, yellow, blue speckled, blue striped, ivory, tricolor. The chickens are active, quite friendly, not shy, tame. They can be kept in the house.

Important!For Millefleurs are necessary good conditions maintenance and proper feeding, otherwise they lose the characteristic of the breed - “pants”.


Rare decorative and meat-egg Italian (according to some sources - English) breed. The bird has a long, densely grown crest, creating a high cap hanging back on its head. The comb and wattles are missing, the beak is blue color. Character – active, confident, temperamental. They approach easily and become tame. Color: tricolor, shamoa, black, gold, white, silver. In Paduan, the average weight of a rooster is 2.6-3 kg, and a chicken is 1.6-2.4 kg. Egg production – up to 120 eggs/year. Egg weight – 50 g, shell – white. There is a subspecies of the dwarf Padua.

Dwarf chickens of the English Seabright breed are graceful, fighting, energetic, and trusting. They can fly, easily adapt, and do not require special conditions. Color – golden (cream-black, brown-black), silver (gray-black). They have an easily recognizable plumage pattern - a border along the edge of the feather. The meat is eaten. Connoisseurs consider it one of the most delicious among decorative breeds. The weight of the hen is 450-500 g, the rooster is 550-600 g. Egg production is up to 100 eggs per year.

Bred for sporting purposes. The ancestors of many decorative breeds were previously used in cockfights.

Due to the fact that people paid a lot of attention to the development of the appearance of chickens (features of plumage and body structure), many productive breeds turned into decorative ones. Some breeds of chickens have become purely sporting.

A large number of decorative breeds came from ancient cultures Southeast Asia And Far East. They require careful care and appropriate conditions. You need to be an experienced and talented poultry farmer to be able to create the necessary habitat for them.

When raising ornamental chickens, you need to follow strict selection for the dominant traits of the breed. And even if all conditions of detention are observed, these chickens reach adulthood quite late - in the 9th month. They differ in that they lay very few eggs (about 80).

And before you start studying decorative breeds, I suggest watching two videos in which you will see all the diversity of these beautiful birds as well as their conditions of detention.

This was, so to speak, a general excursion into decorative breeds of chickens. Now let's begin a detailed study of specific breeds. We have collected the best and most common representatives, according to the editors. We will be glad to see your comments, perhaps you keep ornamental chickens, please share your personal experience.


The name bantam includes many ornamental breeds of chickens. Two groups can be distinguished. The first is the bantams themselves, and the second is copies of the Hamburg, Orlov, fighting breeds, as well as doubles of the Cochins and Langshans. All of them are decorative breeds of chickens, characterized by miniature sizes.

Among the variety of birds represented, there are bare-legged ones and those with feathers on their legs. In addition, each breed has its own subgroups.

The bantam is a vocal, unpretentious bird with a playful but cocky character. Representatives of this breed reach sexual maturity somewhat earlier than other large-sized chickens. They produce an average of 100 eggs per year, but can produce more.

Bantams - video

Compared to other breeds, bantams are more resistant to disease, but do not tolerate cold well. The frost causes these chickens to freeze their feet and combs, and they can even die from low temperatures. Therefore, the main condition for their maintenance is to provide warmth in their habitat.


Phoenix is ​​one of the representatives of decorative breeds of chickens. Representatives of this species have long been an integral part of any bird exhibition.

In Japan, the phoenix is ​​considered a shrine that deserves honor and respect. Chickens of this breed cannot be sold or killed.

Such actions are considered illegal and are subject to heavy fines. Phoenixes can only be exchanged.

The decorative breed of Phoenix chickens has a slightly elongated body. The unusual long tail is distinguished by silk braids.

Phoenix chickens - video

And the next video shows a white phoenix with a long tail.

The color of the phoenix is ​​red and white or white. The weight of a male individual is 1.7–2 kg, and that of a female individual is 1–1.5 kg. The number of eggs laid is 60-80. A white egg with a reddish tint has a mass of 40 g.

Another representative of decorative breeds is the Shabot. A bird of this breed was transported from China to Japan in 1630. It appeared in Europe only in the 19th century, when Woodcock transported it to England in 1850.

Chickens similar to chabots can be seen in the paintings of the 60s of the 17th century by the painter Jan Steens. The import of this breed from England to Germany in 1857 is officially documented. It is known that curly chabots lived in the poultry house of Baroness von Ulm-Erbach.

It is noteworthy that the decorative breed of Shabo chickens has the most diverse different shades plumage: white, black and gold, silver, wheaten, striped, porcelain and even black and silver. And that's not yet full list! Shabo cannot be attributed to large birds. The weight of a chicken is only 500 g, and that of a rooster is 600 g. They lay up to 80 eggs per year, the weight of which is about 30 g.

Pavlovsk chickens are the result of folk selection. True, no one can say what species of birds participated in the creation of this breed. Some experts are of the opinion that Pavlovsk chickens originated from Turkish sultanas. Others boldly claim that their relatives are Paduan, simple Russian chickens and Cochins.

Birds of this breed have unusual contrasting plumage: silver or golden with black spots. Previously, there were two types of Pavlovsk chickens - Pavlovsk silver and Pavlovsk golden. It is known that there were also smoky, black, white, black and white. But, unfortunately, there is no information about this.

Beautiful posture and dapper movements give them a unique charm. Pavlovian chickens are characterized by a small rounded head with an underdeveloped comb. But these, so to speak, shortcomings are compensated by a huge impressive crest on the head. The plumage on the legs sticking out back creates a special effect. By nature, these animals are trusting and lively.

Pavlovsk chickens Video

Decorative breeds of Pavlovsk chickens have an egg production of 150 - 170 eggs per year. The shell can be white or creamy in color, weight - 45-51 g. However, such chickens cannot boast of the brooding instinct. In addition to decorative chickens, you can get acquainted with the best ones, as well.

Silky chickens

Silky chickens come from South America. Native American tribes valued and respected this breed because it was extremely fertile.

In addition, the Indians firmly believed that its meat could cure any ailments. First of all, the appearance of these birds is worthy of attention. The white feathers seem to be smeared with black soot.

The comb, earlobes and earrings are of an unusual lead color. It is also interesting that the wings and tail do not contain large feathers, which are so characteristic of ordinary chickens.

The name of this breed is no coincidence. The feathers covering the entire body of the bird look like thin silky hairs.

The egg production of silky chickens is 80 eggs with a brown color and a weight of 35 g. The hen has a weight of 800 g, and the rooster has a weight of 1 kg.


Such an amazing decorative breed of chickens as the Paduan deserves attention. These are intelligent birds, distinguished by their unusual plumage. They have a lush crest in the shape of a chrysanthemum, sideburns and a beard.

German breeders consider this breed a “European cultural treasure.” After all, paduan is over 500 years old! Birds of this breed lay an average of 120 white eggs, the minimum weight of which is 50 g.

Decorative breeds of Paduan chickens are breeds with an average body weight. The weight of a chicken is 1.5-2 kg, and that of a rooster is 2.1-2.5 kg. They are characterized by thick plumage adjacent to the body. They have an upright posture.

By nature, these birds are, on the one hand, affectionate and calm, and on the other, unpredictable and temperamental.

Decorative chickens are quickly gaining popularity among breeders poultry. In addition to their beautiful exterior, they attract with good meat and egg productivity. Dwarf chickens have undeniable advantages, which encourage enthusiastic hobbyists to devote time and effort to breeding these unusual birds.

The following breeds are popular among poultry farmers:


Giants of the entire chicken tribe. An adult rooster weighs 4–4.5 kg, a chicken - 3–3.5 kg. Brahma chickens with a dark color weigh 500–700 g more. Brought from North America. Late ripening: ready for reproduction no earlier than 7–9 months. 100–120 eggs are laid annually.

curly chickens

People from Southeast Asia. They are mentioned in ancient manuscripts, many centuries old. Adult roosters gain weight about 3 kg, hens - 2 kg. The average annual egg production is 150–160 eggs.

Dutch white-haired

The most amazing detail in the appearance of the Dutch woman is the crest that flows down the sides of her head. Also noteworthy is the butterfly pattern on the sides of the beak - an indicator of the purity of the breed. The weight of roosters reaches 2–2.6 kg, chickens - 1.5–2.1 kg. High productivity -100–110 eggs per year weighing 55–60 g.


English breed. The birds are medium in size and egg production. Adult roosters gain weight 2–2.5 kg, chickens - 1.7–2 kg. Over the course of a year, they produce 120 white-shelled eggs weighing 48–55 g.

Spanish whitefaces

They cannot be confused with chickens of other breeds due to their characteristic white face. Large sizes: Roosters weigh 3–3.5 kg, chickens 2.5–3 kg. Productivity - 180–190 eggs.

Exotic with a completely black color. Even the bones and blood are painted black. They lay few eggs (about 100 per year), but the eggs are large. Roosters weigh 1.7–2 kg, chickens 1.2–1.5 kg.


They are easily recognized by the fluffy “pants” on their legs. Various colors: black, white, fawn, speckled. Very large (roosters up to 5 kg, chickens - 3.5–4 kg), lay 100–110 eggs per year with an average weight of 55 g, with a yellow-brown shell. Peak egg production occurs in winter.

Dwarf Cochin small size with white, marble or blue color. The Mini Blue Cochin is easy to tame and often shows strong affection for its owner.


The name comes from the Nizhny Novgorod village of Pavlovo, where they were bred. Birds are distinguished by the size and beauty of their plumage: golden with black or silver spots. The head is decorated with a crest.

Pavlovsk chickens are productive. During the year, 150–170 eggs weighing 45–55 g are laid. Roosters gain weight 1.5–2.3 kg, chickens - 1.1–1.5 kg.


In China, where they come from, phoenixes were revered as symbols of empire. They are distinguished by their longest tail, reaching 10 m. Every year the tail grows by 90 cm. In other regions, phoenixes have an average tail size of 3–3.5 m. Because of this, chickens are kept with virtually no movement so that the tail does not lose its beauty. This practice is not common in Russia; chickens have their tails shortened to 90 cm, so they can move freely. Annual productivity - 140–160 eggs.


Chickens of meat and egg production with a focus on decorativeness. Very cute, with beautiful sideburns. Roosters gain weight by 3.5–4 kg, chickens by 2.5–3 kg. The annual number of eggs laid is 160–180.

Russian Crested

Decorative-meat-egg, or universal type. External feature- a luxurious crest on the head. With good feeding, roosters gain weight of 2.7 kg, chickens - 1.8 kg. Females lay eggs every other day on average, so it’s not a problem to get 150–160 eggs in a year. The eggs are white or cream in color, with an average weight of 56 g.

Ukrainian forelocks

The breed was formed in the regions of Central Ukraine. The main external difference is the crest (forelock) on the head, hiding a small comb, as well as a developed tail. Average weight: roosters - 2.8–3.2 kg, chickens - 2.2–2.5 kg. Annual egg production is 150–180 eggs. Sexual maturity is reached at 6 months.

The name brings together many varieties that can be divided into two large groups: purebred bantam and others. These small chickens, native to Japan, weigh 700–1200 g and lay 45–70 eggs per year. Bantams are energetic, cockerels are excellent singers and warriors, and hens conscientiously hatch their chicks. Bred both for decorative purposes and to obtain delicious meat and eggs.


Strikingly beautiful chickens, most often white and yellow, but there are also silver, speckled, and striped ones. The birds are not large, dwarf cockerels weigh 600 g, hens - 500 g. During the year they lay 45–70 eggs weighing 30 g each. Excellent hens.


Subspecies of bantam. The birds are light and compact, thanks to which they fly well. They are distinguished by a rounded body, protruding chest and fan-shaped tail. Dwarf hens - seabrights weigh 400–450 g, roosters - 500 g. Every year they lay 60–90 eggs weighing 30–40 g.

The main part of decorative breeds was formed in Southeast Asia and the Far East: China and Japan.

The main task of the poultry farmer is to create conditions as close as possible to the usual ones. If ordinary chickens require minimal care, then decorative ones are very whimsical. It is not easy for an inexperienced poultry farmer to raise them.

The greatest difficulty is climatic conditions. Most ornamental breeds are heat-loving and cannot tolerate cold weather; therefore, a heated house is required for wintering.

For the normal functioning of ornamental chickens and the production of healthy offspring, proper feeding is extremely important.

The diet of ornamental birds includes:

  • fresh vegetables: cabbage, carrots, beets;
  • grains: oats, barley, preferably sprouted;
  • young seedlings in large quantities contain vitamin E, necessary for better egg fertilization;
  • B vitamins and yeast. They are introduced into the diet by yeasting feed;
  • cottage cheese, food waste;
  • grass meal contains essential protein. The most useful flour is made from nettles and young stalks of barley;
  • additives containing minerals: chalk, shells, eggshell, gravel.


Chicks are obtained by placing a hen on eggs, but the incubator method is more common. In order to breed offspring from their own birds, during the breeding period the hens are surrounded with care, paying increased attention balance and variety of diet. Decorative chicken She takes care of the chickens herself, who only need food.

Babies from the incubator are completely dependent on the owner. Pedigree chickens are demanding of care and any deviation from the rules of keeping results in their death.

  1. During the first days of life, chicks are kept in a box that is continuously illuminated and warmed by an incandescent or red lamp.
  2. Chickens do not like cramped spaces. The size of the box should be 70% larger than the area required for placement. A corner for feeding and watering young animals is equipped in the box. The bottom of the box is covered with sawdust and fine hay. Be sure to keep the filler dry and clean. If chickens are left on damp, dirty bedding, they will easily get sick and die.
  3. The chickens are fed prepared feed; crushed corn grits are also suitable. From 7 days of age, the diet is supplemented with kefir and cottage cheese; at one month of age, greens are gradually introduced.
  4. Vitamins are given to prevent diseases.

Active, well-developed chickens with a good appetite are an indicator of proper care.


Most ornamental breeds come from Southeast Asia and the Far East, where they have been bred for hundreds of years. In Russia, breeding dwarf chickens is a young trend, dating back no more than two centuries. The efforts of breeders to improve the exterior of chickens have led to the fact that most breeds have become decorative, and some have become sports.


The main feature of decorative chickens is their remarkable appearance: bright plumage unusual coloring, feathers various lengths etc. Dwarf chicken breeds are distinguished by their miniature size.

All birds have very short legs. It is difficult for dwarf cockerels and hens to move on such tiny legs, so representatives of this species are inactive. Short legs are a feature of purebred breeds. Due to the difficulty of movement, birds experience many inconveniences.

Other features:

  • wide chest;
  • high body;
  • fleshy body;
  • lush plumage on the neck;
  • often disproportionately large head, with a pod-shaped crest;
  • small red earrings;
  • short strong beak, colored to match the plumage;
  • the tail is straight. Its length depends on the breed.

Decorative hens and roosters hardly differ from each other, since outwardly sexual differences are not clearly expressed. However, hens have smaller heads than roosters, the comb is small and hangs to the side, and there are no sharp braids in the tail feathers.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Poultry farmers love decorative breeds for a number of undeniable advantages:

  • attractive, sometimes exotic appearance;
  • calm, peaceful character;
  • a small room is enough for breeding;
  • require less feed than other breeds.

There are also disadvantages, but they are few:

  • weak brooding instinct;
  • difficulty of winter care.

The listed disadvantages do not prevent decorative chickens from winning the hearts of breeders with their unusual beauty and satisfactory performance.

Where to buy representatives of the breed for breeding

Although the listed breeds are rare, and some are exotic, it is possible to find them in Russia if desired, by contacting a specialized nursery. Buyers are offered adults, young or fertilized eggs, ready to be placed in an incubator and hatched on their own.

Unusual creatures, such as ornamental chickens, give joy from contemplating their beauty, and also delight with delicious eggs and meat.

Decorative chickens are gaining great popularity among professional and amateur poultry farmers. For an ordinary person, chickens are only a source of products obtained from them, but in nature there are also ornamental chickens. Most of these chickens have roots from fighting cocks living in Asia, which are valued for their fiery disposition and beautiful appearance. Ornamental chickens are also famous for their delicious meat; it is even compared to game, but it has a more delicate consistency.

The most popular ornamental chickens

Both ordinary egg and meat breeds who have beautiful posture, long motley tail, unusual color, but decorative breeds of chickens evoke admiring glances.

Chinese silk chicken

These chickens are so fluffy that they can be compared to animals. They have lush feathers, silky and shiny, the feather shaft is soft. Feather balls are present on the head, limbs and tail. The skin, beak and claws are black, but with a bluish to brownish tint. Productive qualities of Chinese silk chickens: the female lays up to 100 eggs per year, the weight of the cockerel is up to 1.5 kilograms, the weight of the hen is 1.1 kilograms.

curly chickens

These chickens are native to Asia and are often used for... decorative decoration farmstead, the breed is very diverse. Main feature are feathers curled up. This feature gives the bird a tousled appearance. Such birds cannot fly. The egg productivity of laying hens is 120 eggs per year, cockerels weigh 3 kg, hens up to 2 kg.

Pavlova chicken

It is the oldest breed, in appearance it is more similar to wild pheasants. There are two varieties of color: golden and silver-black. Sometimes you can find gray, white, black, black with whitish splashes. Birds that have a crest of a dominant color on their head have an underdeveloped comb. It is small in size, located across the head. This crest comes in both the form of a helmet and in the form of a veil. The limbs are covered with feathers. In Pavlovian chickens, the entire face is feathered and has developed sideburns and small size goatee The average egg production of laying hens is impressive, almost 179 pieces per year, the size of Pavlovsk chickens is small, males reach 2.2-3 kg, hens weigh up to 1.5 kg.


The faverolle is clearly an ornamental bird, as well as early maturing and productive. During the entire period of egg production during the year, a laying hen produces up to 120 - 130 eggs. Over time, the productive capacity decreases to 100 eggs. Despite the decorative nature of this breed, cockerels are large in size, live weight can reach 4 kg, hens weigh slightly less, up to 3.2 kg. Faverolle has a lush beard, which turns into a large collar on the neck hanging down to the chest. Plumage covers the limbs. The head is medium in size, leaf-shaped crest, compact wings, well pressed to the body.

Dutch white-crested

For several centuries, European countries have known this decorative breed of chickens. A distinctive sign is the presence of a white crest. It, together with feathers of the main color, creates an unusual pattern on the frontal part of the head, in the shape of a butterfly. Egg production is decent, 140 eggs, roosters weigh 2.5 kg, hens 2 kg.

Russian Crested

These decorative chickens are very productive and are in high demand as a meat-egg breed of productivity. The live weight of chickens is 2.5-2.7 kg, the live weight of roosters is 3.3 - 3.5 kilograms. The chicken lays fairly large eggs weighing almost 60 g. The average egg production per year is 180-200 eggs. The decorative feature of this breed is the lush mane combined with a tuft. The crest is large, has the shape of a ball of narrow feathers, the color of the main tone can have different shades of color, the legs are without feathers.


There are several varieties of Araucanas around the world. Although they originated in the same place and have almost the same characteristics, there are still some differences. Araucans are characterized by the presence of pubescence on the face in the form of a beard or mustache. Chickens can be tailless, mainly according to German standards. The average egg production per year is 160 eggs of blue shell color, laying hens have a live weight of 1.6 - 1.7 kg, cockerels reach 2 kilograms.


This breed originated in China, but after it appeared in Japan, the breed's external decorative characteristics acquired a larger scale. Cockerels have a long narrow tail; it grows very quickly throughout the life of the male; by the age of one year, the length of the tail can reach one meter. An adult male Phoenix can weigh 2.4-2.5 kg, females up to 2 kg. Hens, unfortunately, do not have the same decorative qualities as males, but they can boast of high egg production, almost 160 eggs per year. Colors include: golden, silver, white, orange and uniform.

Ayam tsemani

The super decorative breed Ayam has a leaf-shaped crest, a narrow body, and long legs. The color of the whole body is deep black. Given decorative quality This breed is highly valued because skin, comb, face, eyeballs and feather are black. This breed originated in Indonesia, and the delicious qualities of the meat are noted, which can be compared to game, but much more tender. Cockerels weigh up to 2 kilograms, chickens up to 1.5 kilograms. Egg production is not too high, about 100 eggs per year. Traditional medicine loves to use Ayam Tsemani to get rid of all ailments.


Belongs to a large group of all decorative breeds. Bantams come in dwarf and normal sizes. Therefore, the body size of this breed is decisive. Small breeds have a live weight of roosters no higher than one kilogram, hens weigh 650 g. Despite this, there is a decent egg production, up to 120 eggs per year, and bantams are also famous for their strongly expressed maternal instinct. Chickens are often used to hatch not only their own eggs, but also those of others. The exterior range of this breed is varied, and the number of feather colors is more than several dozen.

How to keep and care for decorative breeds of chickens

Decorative chickens require a more careful approach to methods of keeping and care. For example, bantams love warmth; some birds do not tolerate rain, low humidity, or low temperatures. Therefore, for decorative chickens, the room temperature used is + 15 o C -25 o C, and additional lighting is also installed. Since daylight hours should be 15 hours. Decorative features Chickens require cleanliness in the place where they are kept.

Long tails, feathered legs, and crests require careful care. Therefore, if the chicken coop is dirty, all this beauty will quickly lose its attractive appearance. To do this, the floor is covered with bedding material, which is changed as it gets dirty. They build individual perches for those breeds that need them; for example, dwarf chickens do not need perches. But large breeds Having a long tail, they require perches that should be located high.

You should also pay attention to the character and temperament of ornamental birds; they require a lot of free space. In the walking areas, a separate pen for swimming is made, into which sand or ash is poured. Chickens of decorative breeds can feed on pasture on their own and this is very important for them. But a full-fledged diet cannot be canceled. Vitamins and minerals must be constantly present in the diet.

The lack of any micro- and macroelements will affect the appearance of the bird. When organizing the raising and keeping of ornamental birds, it is necessary to understand that they will require a lot of care. Many poultry farmers who raise ornamental birds take part in various exhibitions, competitions, and transport their chickens all over the world. It should also be taken into account that ornamental poultry farming is very expensive, but these investments can be recouped by creating breeding material for sale or selling adult or grown birds.

Decorative chickens are popular in different countries. There are several types that differ in their unusual appearance. They are bred at home not only to produce eggs and meat, but also for aesthetic pleasure. In addition, such birds are presented at exhibitions.

People who have exotic birds claim that breeding them is easy. The main rule is regular cleaning and it is best to do it twice a day. To prevent decorative dwarf chickens from being hungry, it is necessary to ensure that the feeders and drinkers are full. If you want to breed birds at home, then you can use special fragrances that spray products and remove the unpleasant aroma

To create for decorative chickens necessary conditions For good content, consider several features:

  1. It is best to locate the chicken coop on a hill on the leeward side.
  2. A walking yard must be present. It is important to have a shadow; it can be a tree or a special mesh.
  3. The height of the building should not be more than 1.8 m, and good ventilation is equally important.
  4. Nests are also a must.
  5. and drinking bowls should be located in the chicken coop and on the walking area. Choose oblong-shaped containers so that all birds can approach them.

Decorative dwarf chickens - feeding and care

Exotic birds are distinguished by their whimsical living conditions. It is important to consider that each breed has its own characteristics. TO general rules care includes:

  1. Heat-loving individuals cannot tolerate frost. Be sure to avoid drafts.
  2. During winter, it is recommended to place thick bedding in the chicken coop. Beautiful decorative chickens with feathered legs require frequent loosening of the substrate.
  3. Insufficient light has a negative impact on the fertility of birds, so it is important to do everything to ensure that daylight hours last up to 15 hours.

Proper nutrition is of great importance for the health and attractive appearance of ornamental birds.

  1. The chickens' diet should contain vitamins and easily digestible protein. Good source These substances are yeast, which must be added to regular food.
  2. The daily menu should include succulent foods, such as chopped beets, carrots and cabbage.
  3. Ornamental chickens should receive vitamin E, the source of which is oats and barley.
  4. Grass meal can be used as the main source of protein. Mineral supplements include shells, gravel, shells or chalk.

Types of ornamental chickens

Many breeds of animals with original appearance have eastern origin, since in China, Japan and India they began to create breeds with non-food purposes. In most cases, the birds are miniature in size, but there are also large representatives. Decorative breeds of chickens mature at 9 months. and produce an average of about 100 eggs per year.

Decorative silk chickens

It is believed that such birds first appeared in southeast Asia. Beautiful little decorative chickens of this breed cannot go unnoticed. They have their own distinctive characteristics:

  1. The male weighs approximately 3 kg, and the female reaches about 2 kg.
  2. The comb of such ornamental chickens is red-blue, and the muzzle is dark blue.
  3. Non-standard features include the presence of five fingers and dark blue skin.
  4. The plumage is presented with beautifully curled feathers, which creates a curly appearance. Because of this, they cannot fly.

Decorative chickens Bantams

IN wildlife In Japan, there are dwarf chickens, and people also cross domestic chickens with them, obtaining unusual specimens. Small decorative chickens have a number of features:

  1. They tolerate the influence of various harmful factors well and are productive in egg production.
  2. Birds are unpretentious to their living conditions and they eat little. It is important for them that the chicken coop has a dry microclimate and is clean.
  3. Chickens are light in weight, approximately 1 kg. The plumage is thick and covers the paws.
  4. There are several subspecies of Bantam.

Chinese ornamental chickens

It’s hard not to be surprised when you see birds of this breed for the first time. Such domestic decorative chickens have a number of features:

  1. The body contains a lot of melatonin, which is why the skin, bones and meat are dark in color.
  2. They have five toes on their feet, which are covered with feathers.
  3. Externally, the coat is similar to fur or wool, and the head has a crest, sideburns and a beard.
  4. Chinese ornamental chickens have a round, dense body with short legs. Their beak blue-turquoise color. Males are larger in size than females.

Crested ornamental chickens

This group includes several unusual species that are distributed in different parts of the world.

Ornamental chickens Cochin

Among other breeds, such birds stand out for their large size, so adult females reach 4 kg, and roosters - up to 5 kg in weight. They are unpopular in Russia, and all because of low fertility. Decorative roosters and hens have the following features:

  1. The birds have a small head and thick plumage on the body and legs. The “pants” are especially attractive.
  2. The crest is small and bright red in color, and the beak is small and yellow. The wings are small and the eyes are orange-red.
  3. Such decorative chickens have high meat productivity, a calm character and are unpretentious in care.
  4. Disadvantages include a tendency to obesity, high cost and difficulty in maintaining breed characteristics.

Breeding ornamental chickens

If you want to start breeding beautiful poultry, then you should know some features.

  1. First you need to prepare the chicken coop. Place straw on the floor, make perches and provide light. It is important to keep nesting and egg-laying areas clean and shaded.
  2. To breed offspring, you need decorative laying hens or an incubator. When choosing the second option, keep in mind that the eggs should be turned once every 4 hours.
  3. It is important to pay special attention When raising chickens, day-old babies need warmth and the temperature during this period should be at least 30 degrees. If a hen hatched eggs, then additional measures not needed, otherwise use a heating pad wrapped in a towel.
  4. Ornamental chickens in childhood need food that is rich in protein, for example, it can be cottage cheese, boiled eggs, kefir, and so on. Don’t forget about vitamins, for example, it can be chopped greens, and birds especially love nettles. Remember about mineral fertilizers, for example, about bone meal.