Dry seal for sewerage 110. Sewer seal: varieties, installation rules, familiarity with samples. The main design solution to prevent unpleasant odors

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Sewer gate: varieties, installation rules, familiarity with samples

In this article, I will introduce the reader to the element stop valves, which is relatively rare in housing construction- water seal for sewerage. We will find out what it is for, how it works and get acquainted with the rules for mounting the shutter. In addition, I will introduce you to several product samples from worldwide well-known manufacturer- Hutterer & Lechner.

In the photo - a shutter opened for maintenance.

Why is it needed

The withdrawal of sewage outside the building, with rare exceptions, is carried out below the ground level. There are several reasons for this:

  • Soil temperature. Below the freezing level, the soil has a temperature of 8 - 12C, which allows you not to be afraid of pipes freezing;
  • Defence from mechanical damage , which provides the deepening of the output to the well;
  • Finally, buried pipes do not clutter up the yard, do not create barriers to transport and pedestrians.

However, basements and ground floors many buildings are used for warehouses, administrative premises, gyms, etc. Often, plumbing fixtures are mounted in them, and their sides are significantly lower than the well cover.

When the collector or yard sewer is clogged, the level begins to rise. Much earlier than it reaches the level of the well cover, drains begin to flow to the plumbing fixtures in the basement.

We are talking about the drains of the entire house, or even several houses, since the exploited basement floor turns out to be the lowest point in the sewer network, which is backed up by blockage.

Sewer check valves and gates exclude the backflow of sewage: as soon as they begin to enter the building from the outside, the pipe lumen is completely blocked.


Shutters can be divided into two main categories - mechanical and electrified. Within each category, in turn, several more subspecies can be distinguished.


A typical modern mechanical shutter is a polymer housing in which a profiled stainless steel shutter is movably fixed. Its normal position is closed; the shutter is oriented with its concave side towards the shutter inlet.

The shutter must be oriented relative to the direction of movement of the drains in a strictly defined way.
The direction of wastewater flow is usually indicated by an arrow on the housing.

The shutter cover is removable. The hatch is necessary for servicing the damper and cuffs, which ensure its tight fit to the seat.

At regular work sewerage sewage pressure lifts the damper; in counterflow, the overpressure at the outlet, on the contrary, presses it tightly against the seat seal.

Since the speed of movement of effluents in a gravity sewer is small, on sealing cuffs dirt will inevitably build up over time. Accordingly, the shutter needs to be cleaned.

It is carried out in two ways:

  • Once every three months, one or two buckets of water are poured into the toilet, located as close as possible to the valve. A volley of discharge provides the movement of water at a high enough speed to flush the sealing collars;
  • Once every six months - a year, the valve hatch is opened, and the seat with cuffs is cleaned mechanically. You can clean them with your own hands, using a regular toilet brush, or with a stream of water from a hose. The technological hatch cover is removed without the use of tools.

On sale you can find several subspecies of mechanical shutters:

  1. Single chamber;
  2. Single chamber vertical;

Sewer drain with dry shutter - special case single chamber vertical valve.

  1. Single-chamber, providing for manual fixation of the damper;

I have come across the use of a conventional wedge water valve with a diameter of 100 mm, welded into a sewer gap, as a manual lock valve.
Despite its considerable age, it perfectly performed its functions in case of blockages in the yard sewer.
Garbage that fell under the cheeks was simply ground up when closing.

  1. Two-chamber (with manual fixation of the damper in one of the chambers).


How is a typical electrified shutter arranged?

  • It is equipped with two cameras. One chamber is equipped with a conventional mechanical shutter, the second - with an electric drive;

The mechanical damper provides for manual fixation in the closed position.

  • The filling sensor located inside the housing is responsible for the actuation of the electric drive;
  • Each chamber is equipped with its own maintenance hatch;
  • The control unit monitors the position of the valve and transmits information about it to the dispatcher;
  • If necessary, the motorized shutter can be forced closed;
  • Optionally, the shutter is equipped with a battery that can support its operation in standby mode for a week.


Now let's get acquainted with several representatives of the line of sewer closures from Hutterer & Lechner (HL).




Here short instruction for the installation of gates of various types:

  1. The sewerage of the basement or basement should be a separate network and have its own outlet to the well. Its connection to the sewerage of the upper floors will lead, if the well is clogged, to the inevitable flooding of the basement. The outlet to the well, in fact, is equipped with a sewer gate;

It is advisable to use electrified models capable of signaling to the dispatcher about the backwater flow.
When using mechanical shutters, a situation often arises when toilets and sinks continue to be used for their intended purpose after blockage.
As a result, the basement is drowning in its own sewage.

  1. With proper technical justification, the sewerage of the upper floors can be connected to the same outlet to the well after the shutter. At the same time, the risers are mounted without revisions in the basement;
  2. Electrified shutters are installed only in enclosed spaces. Their installation in wells and on the street is prohibited for reasons of electrical safety;

For the same reason, it is forbidden to pass through an electrified shutter storm drains from the roof of the building.

  1. Checking the functionality of the valves should be done monthly. Leak test and maintenance (in particular, cleaning the damper seat) - once every six months;
  2. Do not forget that when the yard sewer is backed up and the shutter is actuated, the area after it automatically becomes pressurized. The outlet pipes to the well and, most importantly, the connections between them must withstand a pressure of at least five meters without depressurization.


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July 4, 2016

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In order to ensure the functioning of the sewage system at the proper level, it is necessary to equip a water seal. This design prevents the spread of unpleasant odors, and is also an obstacle to the spread of water hammer that can compromise the integrity of the pipeline.

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The main functions of the water seal

The siphon provides a difference in pressure levels at the inlet and outlet. This phenomenon helps to prevent the spread of gases emanating from the pipeline. For better performance sewer system pipes with absolutely smooth inner surface are taken. Plastic in this case is ideal option, since plastic pipes do not have burrs, roughness. The water seal related to the toilet, as a rule, is made of faience, like the main product, because it is not installed separately, but is already built into the product itself.

It is this water seal that is considered the main one in the system, since it is possible to regulate the entire system only after installation flush tank. After all, the descent of water in the tank contributes to the maximum pressure fluctuation. As a result of this action, the water seals of the sinks are drained, because the water leaves under the influence of the resulting pressure drop.

The structure of the water seal

According to its structure sewer water trap is a siphon filled with water. For each type of plumbing, there are varieties:

  • tubular (for sinks in the kitchen);
  • corrugated (for sinks in bathrooms);
  • ladders (for baths, showers, saunas);
  • bottle (for any type of plumbing);
  • double-turn (for equipment requiring high reliability);
  • special for exclusive bathtubs (manufactured under certain types baths).

Each water seal needs to be individually adjusted, otherwise the siphon may break after the tank is completely flushed. This cannot happen with dry water seals for baths, because the role of water in such a device is played by a ball that blocks the entrance to the sewer pipe. In this case, it is not advisable to use a water siphon, because such a drain is used quite rarely, so the water in the siphon will dry up sooner or later.

Water seals in toilet bowls have their own characteristics. They are divided into 2 varieties: S-siphons (water moves down to the floor) and P-siphons (the drain is located behind the toilet bowl).

Features of the bottle siphon

The bottle siphon is the most common. It can be disassembled, so this variety is easy to repair by replacing individual elements. If a valuable thing falls into the water intake, you can quickly get it by disassembling the siphon and washing it. Its compact dimensions make it possible to use a bottle siphon in the pedestal of a tulip sink.

In their form, such devices can be S-shaped, P-shaped. The revision cover is installed from above, this allows you to control the state of the siphon, its contents.

Video instruction - installing a siphon on a sink

Features of a dry water seal

A dry water seal is used if the drain is rarely used and the water in this area dries up. A dry device is installed separately or in parallel with a conventional water seal. At independent creation such a device, you can simply put a tennis ball so that it blocks the entrance to the hole sewer pipe.

When dealing with the device of a dry water seal, it must be remembered that its functioning is based on the action of a membrane attached with a spring. The spring fixes the float in cases where the water has completely dried out. If the water flows constantly, then the spring will not be able to fix the float for a long time.

Therefore, it is advisable to turn to the pendulum system, the essence of which lies in the gravitational properties of materials and in ensuring the displacement of the center of gravity.

When arranging the sewer system in the bath, you can make a dry water seal yourself. To do this, find a ball, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the diameter of the sewer pipe. A chamber is set up at the entrance to the sewer pipe, and the ball is placed on the inlet. If there is no water, the ball lies on the hole, closing the passage, excluding the outflow of gases from the system. If the chamber is filled with water, the ball floats, and the water passes unhindered into the sewer pipe.

This method is suitable not only for arranging sewage in baths that are operated exclusively during the warm period. If the ball freezes to surfaces in cold weather, it is easy to thaw it by pouring boiling water into the drain.

Corrugated, tubular siphons

In this situation, a plastic pipe becomes the basis of the water seal. It can be either smooth or corrugated, but in any case flexible. Smooth pipes they bend worse, so each bend takes up a lot of space, this does not affect functionality, but the aesthetic appearance of the room deteriorates. Therefore, corrugated systems are more popular, containing bends of the desired length in a very limited space.

These systems have the following advantages:

  • the ability to adjust the siphon loops after installing the entire system;
  • the ability to move the sink or other device without disconnecting the siphon.

What causes a water seal to break?

Sometimes the water seal breaks. There are several reasons for this.

  • Significant pressure drops within the sewer system. As a result, the water plug can be squeezed into the water inlet. Sometimes the air from the sewerage gradually penetrates into the room.
  • Vacuum in the pipeline. This situation is possible when a large number of water is coming from the water intake to the system, completely blocking the pipe clearance.

The second situation occurs when the norms provided for by SNiP are violated:

  • improperly selected pipes (too small diameter, unable to cope with water flows);
  • failures in the slope of horizontal lines that appeared after repair;
  • the occurrence of blockages or icing, leading to a narrowing of the lumen of the pipes.

Advice! Sometimes in corrugated models, dirt accumulates at the bottom of the siphon, which provokes the appearance of an unpleasant odor. To avoid such a development of events, it is necessary to use additional nets for the sink.

Video review - causes of smell in the sewer

When is a bathtub indispensable without a water seal?

Sewer drain from the bath can be done in common system or in a hole specially designed for this purpose. If wastewater enters a separate pit, it is absorbed there quite quickly, so in this situation any odors are excluded. If the drain goes into the general system, a water seal is needed.

For this, standard siphons of any type are purchased. Most often, corrugated or bottle devices are used for this. They can be either plastic or metal.

In old houses you can sometimes see cast iron models, now they don’t produce them, but in the Soviet years cast iron siphons were widespread, so some are still used today.

Here are hydraulic seals from the company CENTER AQUAPA, they are designed for pipes with a diameter of 55 and 110 mm.

The water seal is in many ways reminiscent of 2 cups inserted by the arcs of a friend.

When the floors are poured in the bath, the upper part is deepened so that the water drains freely.

The photo shows that top part the water seal is located at the bottom of the floor

Advantages of this type of design:

  • can play the role of a sump;
  • even when frozen, it will retain integrity.

The manufacture of this device requires some special skills and the availability of certain tools. First, a pipe fragment is bent in the shape of the letter "U". Next, the resulting element is welded or fastened with couplings to the pipe where the drain funnel ends. It is customary to make the height of the water seal about 50 - 70 mm.

These works are carried out during the laying of the foundation and pouring the floor. But it is possible to equip a water seal even if the bath is already built, but bad smell makes it impossible to use it properly.

If the bath is on column foundation, it is necessary under the building to weld the necessary fragment of pipes, a siphon, to the drain site. If the foundation is of a different type, you will have to disassemble the floor. The boards are disassembled or, with the help of a grinder, the concrete floor is cut at the drain point, and the desired fragment is already attached there.

Advice! Maximum amount the time that water can be in the water seal if the drain is not used - 50 days. Then the smell will reappear because the water has evaporated. So it is better to periodically drain the water to prevent the water seal from drying out.

A water seal is a traditional element of the sewer system that creates a barrier to unpleasant specific odors. Nowadays, he has a promising rival - a dry siphon for sewage. To install a dry model, you should find out how the siphon works and on what grounds it is chosen.

Principle of operation and advantages

The device is a vertical or horizontal tube with a polypropylene body and threaded shanks. One of them is connected to the plumbing fixture, and the second to the sewer pipe. Inside the housing there is a shut-off device that operates on the principle of a check valve. When the washbasin or shower is not in use, the valve closes the pipe section and does not allow the smell from the sewer to pass through.

A siphon with a dry shutter (unlike a water one) also plays a regulatory role - it does not allow waste water move to opposite side. This function is especially important for plumbing fixtures mounted on lower floors. apartment buildings: in case of blockages, the liquid is often returned to the building by reverse current. If the room is semi-basement, the rise of sewer drains can lead to its flooding.

The siphon with a check valve has a number of positive features:

  • reliable in operation, does not require regular checks;
  • does not need water - therefore it is widely used in rooms without heating;
  • made of polymer anti-corrosion material, meeting all technical requirements;
  • easy to install, does not take up much space, allows vertical and horizontal installation;
  • prevents stagnation of water in the drain and, accordingly, the reproduction of microbes harmful to human health;
  • durable;
  • does not create noise during operation.

A big plus of a dry siphon is its resistance to blockages. The drain pipe is used only during valve opening. Polluted drains pass unhindered into the sewer, fat does not have time to deposit on the walls and does not form traffic jams. A dry water trap is especially useful in the country: it does not freeze in winter, it does not require abundant flushing to eliminate stagnant odors.


Shutter models differ in size, design and purpose (dry siphon for sinks, toilet bowls, shower drains).

By design features, siphons are divided into several groups.

  1. Membrane. The role of the valve in it is played by a spring-loaded membrane. Under the pressure of the liquid, the spring is compressed, opening the sewer hole for the free passage of sewage. When the pressure disappears, the membrane returns to its original position and ensures tightness.
  2. float. Essentially, this combined model, which is a combination of hydraulic and dry options. The design consists of a siphon with a vertical outlet with a float valve inserted into it. When there is enough water in the water seal, the float stays afloat and allows runoff to pass through. If the faucet is not used for a long time, the liquid in the drain dries up, the valve drops and clogs the hole.
  3. pendulum. In this design, the valve is fixed at one point. Passing drains put pressure on it, forcing it to deviate from the axis. When the pressure stops, the pendulum returns to its previous position under the influence of gravitational forces and closes the hole.

Recently in trading network models of dry locking devices appeared with working elements made of materials with molecular memory. Thanks to this property, the valves work flawlessly and tightly seal the drain.

To purchase suitable model draw attention to a few key points.

  1. The hydraulic seal must have a certain nominal diameter to ensure sufficient bandwidth depending on the stock volume. For a washbasin, a diameter of 50 mm is sufficient, for a bath or shower - at least 100 mm.
  2. If two washbasins are located at different sides from the wall, each of them is provided by a separate device.
  3. for dishwasher or washing machine select a product with the possibility side mounting.
  4. In order to avoid blockages, it is better to equip a kitchen sink with greasy drains with a bottle-type water siphon.
  5. Ladder with dry siphon for shower. It should be noted that the models horizontal type do not require large stock in height, since their own does not exceed 10 cm. For vertical varieties, a gap of at least 15 cm should be left.
  6. The shower drain is chosen by design: a protective grate made of plastic or stainless steel with shaped holes can play the role of a decorative element.

Finally, to verify the functionality of the siphon, a small amount of water is poured through it.

Avoid mistakes when self assembly plumbing devices will help the following recommendations.

  1. The purchased device is checked for the presence of gaskets and the quality of their installation - without distortions, with a fairly tight fit.
  2. Between the sink and the dry shutter put a special annular rubber gasket so that there are no leaks at the junction.
  3. Install a siphon, treat the joints with silicone sealant.

Sewerage is far from a bottle of perfume, its composition is such that it emits extremely unpleasant pungent and persistent odors. To protect against unpleasant odors, they came up with such a device for sewage as a water seal.

This simple device reliably cuts off inner space drain from the living quarters, saving the inhabitants of the house from unpleasant contact.

How does a siphon work and on what principle does it work

Wherever this device is located, its purpose is always the same:

  • compensation of hydraulic shocks to limit the loads on the scheme of gravity sewerage of sewage;
  • preventing foul-smelling air from entering drain system into living space.

If the hydraulic seal is selected correctly and installed in accordance with the requirements for it, the room retains fresh air, and the sewer works for a long time without failures. This can be achieved by knowing what a water seal is in the sewer and using it correctly.

The designs of closing devices are different, but, in general, it is a product of pipes, in the bend of which water is stored, blocking the lumen along the inner diameter.

The water plug is constantly inside the pipe, periodically updated. With a long break, the liquid in the hydraulic seals gradually dries up, while opening the smell to the room. This phenomenon is typical for buildings of periodic visits, for example, country houses.

All elements of the sewer system are interconnected. For example, - drawing water into the riser during the descent due to pressure equalization in the sewer pipe. For the same purpose, and are used. They are used in the absence of fan pipes in the building structure.

What are hydraulic seals for sewers

Many designs of interrupting devices for drain systems have been developed and are being used.

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Their classification is possible taking into account various properties, but mainly takes into account design differences. Thus, up to six main types of sewer hydraulic seals are distinguished.

Hydraulic elbow valves

This device is easily identified by appearance- they have the shape of the Latin letter U. The advantage of devices of this shape is their strength, which allows you to freely install the system without fear of damage.

Most often, siphons of this type are used for installation on bathtubs and sinks. Material for making hydraulic shutter is plastic or metal.

Plain plastic inserts are often disposable, without the ability to adjust the position. When dismantled, they are usually simply cut out.

Composite products allow you to adjust the position of the nozzle by changing relative position elements.

The knee is made with two bends - inlet and outlet, while the point of the second of them is located 5-6 centimeters lower than the first. If you need to clean, you can use several methods:

  • with complete disassembly of the product, or;
  • using a flexible cable with a brush on the end.

Some modifications are equipped with an additional inlet that can be used when connecting a dishwasher or washing machine.

Bottle type devices

Dry water seals for sewerage

However, in the case of a sewer ladder, it is necessary to take into account long downtime rooms, which is especially true for shower rooms in baths. In this case, when the water in the shutter dries up, the air from the sewer freely enters the room.

Therefore, in addition to the water seal, the installation of a dry siphon is also practiced in the baths. It is not a special device and is mounted as part of the structure. sewer ladder. Such a shutter is guaranteed to close the drain hole even without water.

Choosing a water seal for sewerage

If it is necessary to clean the device, it is simply dismantled and then assembled back.

  1. The easiest way to connect to kitchen sink bottle water seal.

To do this, you need to install the upper funnel in the hole in the sink and tighten the clamping nut. Before this, a gasket is installed under the funnel. Do not overtighten the nut as it may force the gasket out of the tapered seat and cause leakage.

After that, a casing is put on the pipe and fixed with a nut. A corrugated pipe is diverted from the body to the inlet rubber bushing at the sewer pipe opening. The bushing is selected with an outer dimension for the hole, and an inner one for the diameter of the corrugated pipe tip.

Just in case seats better handle silicone sealant. It will take about 15 minutes to complete such a connection.

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How to make water seals with your own hands

The need for a siphon in the sewerage system is quite obvious. How to make this simple but important detail with your own hands? For this, it is best to use standard fittings. right size. Of course, you need to have soldering skills plastic pipes using special equipment - a soldering iron.