Calculation of sections of bimetallic batteries by area. Calculation of heating batteries per area. Calculation according to the volume of the room

In order to make the calculation bimetallic radiators, sufficient for repairs in an apartment or house, does not require serious knowledge of accurate measurements. Heating in apartments is almost always implemented using sectional batteries. This is due to the fact that the central heating system operates with high blood pressure. For example, most often working pressure steel radiators is 10. Atm. Aluminum or bimetallic batteries can withstand temperatures from 40 atm. At the same time, for each room or radiator you can determine the number of sections required to heat the area even with different heat losses.

Why do you need to calculate sections in a battery?

Organizing heating of a house or apartment is one of the most costly tasks during construction or renovation. Not only the room temperature during the cold period, but also the total repair costs depended on the number of sections in the battery. A radiator that is too large may be inefficient, not warm up fully, or not perform as well as it should.

Each room has different area, heat losses, nuances and features of furniture arrangement. Their operating efficiency also depends on where exactly the heating batteries are located. The main task is to compensate for the heat loss of the building, to evenly warm all rooms, to ensure comfortable conditions for using radiators. Which is better? One battery for 12 sections, or 2 batteries of 6 each? You can calculate the number of sections if you have a plan, a calculator and a few minutes of your time at hand.

Calculation of the number of sections based on area

Focusing on the area when choosing a battery, it is necessary to make allowances for the height of the ceilings. The average is 2.5-2.8 m. To heat a square meter of living space, according to building regulations you will need about 100 watts of energy. Naturally, heating a house made of cold brick and insulated foam block will require different power thermal appliances. The same can be said about the energy efficiency of the house, the presence of double-glazed windows, good ventilation, and insulation of the roof or floor.

Calculation example:

A room of 30 sq.m., with two windows, and a ceiling height of 2.4 m. You need to calculate the number of sections for several heating devices.

30 x 100 W = 3000 W of energy on average will be needed to heat this room.

Aluminum and bimetallic radiators have different capacities. Moreover, there are several standard sizes. Most common center distance for sectional radiators - 500 mm, there are also 800 mm, 350 mm, or even 200 mm. In order to correctly calculate the number of sections in the radiator, you must first check with the seller thermal power from a specific manufacturer. Some companies label their products based on standard in 10 sections, some indicate the power of each element individually.

The average power is in the range of 140-170 W. You should be careful, since this parameter is determined based on a coolant temperature of 60 degrees. If you plan to use low temperature system heating, for example, through a heat accumulator, the number of sections will be required greater than when heating directly from the boiler.

Total: 3000 W/150 = 20 sections.

Considering that there are two windows in the room, as a result of our calculations the best option will be the installation of two radiators of 10 sections each.

What does this amount give?

We could calculate the ratio in any direction, for example - 8 and 12, 6 and 14. Why is it better to install exactly 2 radiators of 10 sections? The fact is that radiators from the manufacturer come in packs of 10 sections. This guarantees you that it was the manufacturer who assembled all the elements. Almost all radiators are subject to testing before being sold. This usually occurs by building up pressure. In some cases, even the use of special liquids is allowed. There are also ways to treat the radiator from the inside to increase its service life. This can be spraying paint, varnish, or special anti-corrosion compounds.

The sections are assembled by connecting each other with nipples and sealing with a paronite gasket. Sometimes the gasket adheres to glue, sometimes to silicone, sometimes it works only due to its flatness. If the gasket is damaged, it cannot be reused and must be replaced immediately. The result is a situation - you need a radiator, the length of which consists of 12 sections. The store must take the factory packaging of 10 sections, unscrew 2 sections from another battery, twist two nipples and place them on the gaskets. As a result of this you will get 12 sections, but also space hand assembled, for which you will not be able to get a warranty for more than a year. At the same time, manufacturers provide a warranty from 5 to 25 years for the factory assembly of the battery.

Question two - what does the store do with the remaining 8 sections? What kind of gaskets and nipples are used? What are the properties of the sealant used?

Installation of 2 batteries of 10 sections is oriented under the windows. Aluminum and bimetallic radiators create sufficient convection to organize thermal curtain in front of the source of energy loss. This will save money and make your home warmer.

Calculating the number of sections in a battery is quite simple, but it is worth remembering that the parameters of your heating system will change over time. This can be affected by wear and tear on equipment, debris deposited in pipes or inside radiators. Don't forget also about very cold winters, which can happen once every 7-10 years. Considering the service life of the heating system, a reserve of 20-30% would not be amiss.

If you plan to hide the battery behind the screen or thick curtains– it is worth increasing the radiator power by 10%. The same applies to rooms with high ceilings; the larger the internal volume, the more thermal power of the radiator will be needed.

There is no need to strive to count down to 1 unit. Your boiler will not be able to produce more than its rated power, and adjustment, even if the calculation is not correct, will be made due to the temperature of the coolant. It is important to correctly design a heating system so that it is comfortable. Installed taps, thermostatic valves should allow you to regulate the volume of coolant passing through the heating device.

The heating system includes many different elements. All of them are important for normal functioning, including radiators. Today, various batteries are used to heat private houses and apartments (this is what people call radiators). They can be made of cast iron, aluminum or bimetallic. But to keep the house warm, it is important to correctly calculate the number of required sections in the radiator. This is exactly what this article will discuss. Specifically, an approximate calculation of the number of sections of a bimetallic radiator will be given.

A simple way to calculate when replacing old batteries

If you decide to replace the old one cast iron radiator heating, then you can use a simple method and make a calculation required quantity battery sections. For this it is necessary consider some factors. Namely:

  • The heat transfer of bimetallic and cast iron radiators is slightly different. If for the first this value is 200 W per section, then for the second it is 180 W.
  • how the old battery warmed up. If her work suits you, then that's good. If not, then you can increase the number of sections.
  • through certain time The heating radiator will heat up a little worse. This is due to clogging of the internal cavities of the device.

As a rule, when replacing a cast-iron heating radiator with a bimetallic one, the number of battery sections does not change. Of course, if work old battery suited you. If there was not enough heat, then you can increase the number of sections.

Calculation based on room dimensions

It’s another matter when the heating system is installed in a new house. In this case, it is not possible to rely on previous experience in operating heating radiators. Here more accurate calculation required, based on the dimensions of the room.

Such calculations can be made based on:

There are a number sanitary standards, according to which there must be a certain power for each square meter of room area heating devices. These standards can be easily found online. Yes, for middle zone In our country, the power per square meter should be at least 100 W. Based on this, it is easy to make the necessary calculations.

For example, if we take room area 12 square meters (three by four), then the power of the heating devices should be 1200 W (12 sq.m. * 100 W). We divide this value by the power of one section of the bimetallic radiator (200 W at a coolant temperature of 90 degrees) and we get 6 sections.

To get more accurate calculations, you can use a method that relies on the volume of the heated room. In this case, data is also taken from sanitary standards. So, for the middle zone, per cubic meter you need to have 41 W of heating power.

If we take the same area as in the previous example, then with a ceiling height of 2.7 meters we get the volume of the entire room 32.4 cubic meters (20 sq.m. * 2.7 meters). Then the power of the radiators should be 32.4 * 41 = 1328.4 W. If we divide by the thermal power of one bimetallic section, we get 6.64. This means that for heating it is advisable to install a 7-section radiator.

As you can see, using the calculation method based on the volume of the room, you can obtain more accurate data on the number of sections of a bimetallic (and any other) heating radiator. But even in this case, the presence of windows in the room and some other factors are not taken into account. To clarify, it is necessary to use correction factors.

Determining correction factors

When calculating the required number of sections of a bimetallic radiator, it is not enough to know the area or volume of the room. Many factors are important here: the condition of the walls, the presence of unheated premises, temperature of the supplied coolant (the thermal power of each section will depend on this), etc.

In order for the room to be warm, it is worth considering some correction factors. Namely:

Another correction factor applies to private houses. Such buildings have cold attic space, and all the walls face the street. This means that the power of heating devices should be greater. Thus, for private houses, when calculating the number of sections of a bimetallic radiator, a correction factor of 1.5 is applied.

Calculation of the required number of sections on a bimetallic radiator depends on many factors. This includes the volume of the room, the presence of windows, and much more. For example, if the walls of a private house are well insulated, then there will be little heat loss. This means that radiators can be installed with a smaller length and power. Also number of sections may depend on the people themselves who live in the home. If they like a lot of heat, then they install more powerful heating devices.

Bimetallic radiators are high-quality and highly efficient heating devices that can be used to heat a residential building, office space or industrial building. The main thing is the availability internal elements made of steel.

Design features contribute increased level safety margin, and the negative results from contact of the coolant with aluminum are reduced to zero. The only drawback of such heating structures is the unreasonably high cost among similar equipment.

All positive directly depend on their structure. The core can be steel or copper, which increases resistance to the composition of the coolant, as well as pressure drops.

Convenient type of connection with standard piping and aluminum surface radiator allows you to get high heat transfer.

Bimetallic radiators sold in our country, depending on the device and characteristics, can be are divided into two main types:

  • absolutely "bimetallic type", possessing steel pipes and aluminum body. The main advantages are durability and the absolute absence of the possibility of leaks;
  • "semi-bimetallic version", in which vertical channels are reinforced with steel tubes. Such heating radiators are characterized by an excellent combination of low price and high thermal output.

The operating principle of this heating equipment as simple as possible. On an aluminum body via a steel tube heat is transferred from the coolant, which contributes to the heating of air masses in the heated room.

The use of steel facilitates the use of equipment in conditions high level coolant pressure inside heating system. Steel components allow the use of bimetallic type batteries in the presence of coolant with a low quality index.

Standard sizes and diameters

Today, bimetallic radiators are produced in generally accepted standard sizes:

  • thickness indicators– 9 centimeters;
  • width indicators– at least 40 centimeters;
  • height indicators– 76, 94 or 112 centimeters.

It should be taken into account that the linear parameters of heating devices can vary significantly and depend on the materials used and design features:

  • if it is necessary to install thinner devices, it is impractical to use a bimetallic type of equipment, which is due to the double metal layer;
  • belongs to the category of the thinnest devices option devices.

In addition, there is a difference in height, which can vary from fifteen centimeters to three meters. Standard batteries have a height of 55-58 centimeters.

Features of calculating heat losses

Heat transfer dimensions are indicated by manufacturers and are based on calculations for the temperature parameters of the coolant at seventy degrees. The operation process assumes the presence of some deviations from the specified values, which requires consideration when choosing.

It is for this reason that competent selection of heating equipment involves determination of building heat loss values.

These calculations are based on data about all walls and ceiling structure rooms, floors, types of windows and their number, design features doors, material of the plaster layer and other factors, including the direction of the cardinal directions, solarization, wind rose and other criteria.

Standard thermal output should based on an indicator of one kW per ten square meters heated area. However, such results will be very approximate.

More accurate data on total heat loss can be calculated using the formula:

V x 0.04 + TPok x Nok + TPdv x Ndv

  • V– volume of the heated room;
  • 0,04 – standard heat loss on one cubic meter squares;
  • TPok– parameters of heat loss from one window according to a value of 0.1 kW;
  • Nok– total number of windows;
  • TPdv- heat loss parameters of one door according to a value of 0.2 kW;
  • Ndoor- total number of doors.

More accurate data can be obtained by using a special device called a thermal imager. The device not only makes the required calculations with maximum accuracy, but also takes into account such important characteristics as hidden construction defects and bad quality building materials.

Calculation of the required quantity per area

Almost the entire volume of such radiators is produced in standard version execution and has stable dimensions. To calculate the number of sections, it is advisable to use a fairly convenient formula:

According to which:

  • X is the estimated number of sections in one heating device;
  • S corresponds to the heated area in square meters;
  • N represents the power of one section.

An example of calculating the number of sections of bimetallic heating radiators by area:

For a room 5 x 4 meters with a ceiling height of 2.5 meters optimal indicator the power of one section is about 150 W, and the calculations in accordance with the formula are as follows -

X = S x 100: N = 5 x 4 x 100: 150 = 13.3 or 14 sections.

Rules for choosing wisely

In order for it to meet all the required parameters, you should take into account some nuances:

  • radiator sizes must be selected according to the interior design and the amount of generated thermal power;
  • equipment under the windows should overlap the width window openings by 50 or 75 percent;
  • the minimum distance from the upper segment of the battery to the window sill should not be less than 10 centimeters;
  • bottom of battery should not be more than 60 centimeters closer to the floor surface;
  • for premises with non-standard forms , the best option there will be placement of designer batteries made to order;
  • Please note that such devices can have top, bottom, side and cross connection options to the system.

If you decide to completely change the batteries in your home and are going to provide a truly warm environment in winter, you need to learn how to correctly calculate the number of sections of a bimetallic radiator. Any mistakes in choosing the correct size and number of batteries can ultimately lead to the room being constantly cold or, conversely, hot.

In particular, it is worth noting several advantages of such radiators.

  1. Durability. It is worth saying that in fact, the maximum durability of bimetallic radiators has not yet been established, since not a single device has yet worked for a full period, however, most manufacturers provide a guarantee for such equipment for about 20 years.
  2. Power. Only some aluminum devices can provide as much heat as the kW in a bimetallic radiator. Due to this, the calculation of such devices is simpler.
  3. Design. Bimetallic batteries can easily fit into absolutely any interior, which is why they have become so widespread.

All this has made relatively young bimetallic radiators the most popular heating option.

However, as is known, the only drawback of this heating option is the cost of bimetallic radiators, because they are an order of magnitude more expensive than their analogues. This is why it is important to know how to calculate the number of sections. Bimetallic radiators must be installed in the right amount so as not to overpay for unnecessary equipment.

It is quite natural that the most efficient and optimal calculation of the number of sections can be done by experts who have great experience work in this area, so it is best to use the services of specialists. Professional calculation of the number of sections of bimetallic heating radiators is as accurate as possible and provides the opportunity to optimally determine how many devices need to be used not only in each separate room, but also in any types of objects.

The professional calculation method takes into account a huge number of different parameters, including:

  • the material used to construct the building, as well as the thickness of the walls;
  • the type of windows that were installed in this room;
  • general climatic conditions;
  • is there heating in the room directly above the one in question;
  • how many external walls are there;
  • room area;
  • ceiling height.

All this allows us to achieve maximum accuracy of the calculations.

Calculation of bimetallic radiators for 1 m 2 independently

If you want to completely independent calculation what exact quantity sections is necessary for you, then in this case there is a fairly simple and accessible method that allows you to carry out the calculation.

First, you should decide which bimetallic heating radiators you are going to buy. Calculating the area will allow you to determine their number in the future.

Initially, a standard is selected indicating the required thermal power that each m2 requires. Thus, you must first correctly determine the number of Watts that will be required to heat 1 m2 in your room with a standard ceiling height.

For rooms with a single window and only one outer wall It may take about 100 W to ensure normal heating of each m2.

If there is only one window in the room, but two walls go outside at once (for example, a corner room), then in this case, in order to ensure normal heating of each m2, it will be necessary to install radiators with a power of 120 W. All this is also reliable only when the room has a ceiling with a height of up to 2.7 m;

If the room is completely different standard height ceilings, but at the same time has 2 windows and 2 external walls, then in this case it will be necessary about 130 W in order to heat each m2 of it.

Bimetallic heating radiators: video

Calculation of radiator power for the entire room

Multiplying such values ​​by full area your room, you can calculate exactly how much kW of heat you need from the installed heating radiator.

Measuring the area is quite simple - the width of the room is multiplied by its length. It is worth noting that if your room has a rather complex perimeter, then in this case you can also take rougher measurements, but the error should always be interpreted on the larger side.

You should also decide on the height of each section of the bimetallic radiator so that it fits where it is installed. At the same time, if you have high ceilings or an increased window area, then in this case you should also multiply the value you obtained by the correction factor in order to understand in what quantity to install bimetallic radiators. Thus, we will calculate how many sections of a bimetallic radiator are needed a little differently.

In order to decide how many radiator sections you need, you need to divide the power that, in accordance with the calculations, required to heat your room, by the power that the sections of the model you like have. Often the section capacity is mandatory is indicated in the passport of each device, so it is not difficult to find out how many kW is in a bimetallic radiator. As a last resort, you can look up the power on the Internet.

As is already known, the power required for normal heating of each m2 is approximately 100-120 W. In order to determine the battery power for your room, you can multiply its area by 100, and then divide by the power that each section of the bimetallic battery you choose has. The resulting number will be the number of radiator sections you need.

Separately, it should be said that certain models modern radiators may have a number of sections that is a multiple of two, and some devices do not provide adjustment options and have a strictly fixed number of sections.

In such a situation, you should choose a battery with the most approximate number of sections, but their number must be greater than the calculated one, because it is better to make the room a little warmer than to freeze all winter.

30*100/200 = 15.

That is, to heat such a room it is necessary to install a radiator with 15 sections. The use of this formula is relevant for ordinary premises, having a ceiling height of no more than three meters, and also only one doorway, window and wall facing the outside of the building. In the event that the calculation of the number of bimetallic heating radiators is carried out for non-standard rooms, that is, those located at the end or in the corner of the building, it will be necessary to multiply the resulting number by the coefficient.

In other words, if the room considered in the above example had 2 external walls and 2 windows, it would be necessary to make a further calculation as 15 * 1.2 = 18. That is, in this situation it would be necessary to install three radiators, each of which has 6 sections.

How many sections of heating radiators are needed depending on the volume of the room

For example, you can take a standard room with an area of ​​20 m2 and a ceiling height of 2.7 m. Thus, the volume of such a room will be 20 * 2.7 = 54, that is, the volume of the room will be equal to 54 m3. For normal heating of such a room, it will be necessary to provide 54 * 40 = 2160 W, that is, if, again, we take a radiator with a power of 200 W as an example, then 2160/200 = 10.8 will be required. In other words, to properly heat such a room you will need to install 11 sections of this radiator.

It is worth noting the fact that most companies that sell radiators provide quite convenient and simple calculators. All calculations by such programs are carried out entirely in automatic mode, and the screen ultimately displays comparative characteristics and the cost of a specific heating battery option.