How to start your own online game development business? How to start a video game development business

It must be said right away that for all its attractiveness, this business is not for everyone. The fact is that the successful creation of a computer game requires no small investment. Plus, creating worth playing- it's long creative process, which also requires timely "brainstorming".

By the way, no one is working on serious game projects alone. We need a professional team.

The total price of the issue.

It is not easy to talk about the size of investments unambiguously. The fact is that the amount depends on the degree of complexity of the game in the first place. But if it is very mediocre, then a sufficiently high-quality project will cost at least 500 thousand dollars. In Western countries, such projects cost from 4 to 5 million dollars.

In the US, the work of specialists takes up to 80 percent common funds. In our country - up to 60 percent. Everything else goes to taxes, rent, utility bills, etc.

For example, the work of a programmer is paid in the range from 500 to 1000 dollars. And on a serious project, an average of 15-20 specialists work. And that's not counting the involvement of other people at different stages of work on the entire project.


And do not forget that we do not train real specialists for this area. Therefore, it is not easy to find even an expensive professional. And good programmers and 3D artists are very much needed.

Do not forget that experts should catch changes in the fashion for computer games. And for a year, two forward to calculate them. Otherwise, by the end of creation, the game may become obsolete.


In our time and in our country, it is most profitable to develop, publish and sell a game at the same time. Otherwise, competitors will eat perky at one of the stages.


The first development costs will be about 10 thousand dollars. A team is created, a computer, special programs (C++, 3D Max, etc.) are purchased, the cost of which reaches 5 thousand dollars. Then work on the demo version begins. This version is shown to the publisher. If the publisher is interested, then further funding takes over.

Profit opportunity.

Let's consider an option when it took about a year to develop and create a game. About 50,000 copies will be sold. We also take into account that the appropriate equipment (computers and programs) is already available.

So, general expenses during the year - 70,000 dollars (93.3 percent).

These include: salary for 5 people - $30,000 (40 percent), rent of premises - $10,000 (13.3 percent), printing of copies - $25,000 (33.3 percent), advertising - $5,000 (6.7 percent) .

As a result, the net profit will be $5,000 (6.7 percent).

Many entrepreneurs include game development in the list of seemingly crazy business ideas. Long "production cycle" of a product unit (at least three months). Risks associated with investing huge funds in development and the inability to calculate income. Complete dependence on the qualifications of the staff... All this stops many startups from choosing such an activity as a new business idea in Russia.

On the other hand, creating a product that began to be a hit with customers has allowed many idea owners to make some serious money. This article is devoted to the main points of creating development projects computer games.

Million Dollar Business Idea: Game Development

The production cost of one game, depending on its complexity, can range from 20 thousand to several tens of millions of dollars. Naturally, the quality of the final product and its demand in the market will depend on the qualifications of the team, its loyalty to the project and the amount of capital.

The release of cash products is mainly carried out by large companies, whose staff and budget allow them to bring the game to the market as soon as possible, promote it and start calculating daily profits. A successful end product can bring in up to a million dollars a day, which happened in the history of one business. Finnish company that released Clash of Clans.

Finding money to create a cash game is very difficult - huge amounts and, as mentioned above, the lack of minimum guarantees success worries investors. But the creation of simple casual games is quite realistic to consider as a new business idea in Moscow or any other Russian city.

Casual games, or how to come up with a business idea

Simple games, the main users of which are office workers and housewives, are called casual games. To create them, it is not necessary to have a multi-thousand budget (on average, 20 thousand dollars), which allows us to consider such a project as a new business idea in Moscow or the regions.

A team consisting of a game designer, programmer and producer, with the right distribution of duties and responsibilities, will be able to create a promising product in a couple of months. Its cost in Russia will be about 5 dollars, but the implementation in the West allows you to set a price of 20 dollars per user.

Similar new business ideas in Russia can be targeted at social networks, such as Odnoklassniki, whose users willingly combine correspondence with friends with gaming entertainment. The support of successful operators of the gaming industry, which have at their disposal promoted Internet platforms with relevant content, will provide a wide audience of potential users.

Nikolai Ermakov, a participant in the Business Molodist project, was able to create a business for a million: having opened a custom software development company, he earns such a coveted million in 2.5 months. Having learned how to properly communicate with clients on the BM project, realizing the need to attract qualified managers, organizing effective distribution channels, Nikolai was able to build his business for a million.

According to the most successful players in this industry, the main success factor is the selection of personnel and the ability to interact in a team. In addition, you should have communication skills in order to find out the needs of customers and reach agreements with partners. All this can be learned at the Business Youth project, the organizers of which teach young Russian entrepreneurs successful methods of high earnings.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Humanity has always needed entertainment. With the advent of the digital age, computer games have become especially popular because they can become a real immersion in new world. Sociologists are sounding the alarm that computer addiction deprives a person of his personal life, but the development and publication of computer games are growing at an increasing pace. However, there is an alternative opinion that considers such games to be a new direction in art, which had no analogues before.

If we ignore the problems modern world, but you can see that major computer game developers have multimillion-dollar annual incomes that sometimes exceed the income from making big-budget motion pictures. This business was spawned by the development of technology only at the end of the twentieth century, and therefore today has many prospects. But a novice developer will have to really make his way to the stars through thorns for a really long time.

The development of a video game involves the presence of two companies - a developer and a publisher. The developer is the company that directly creates the game, tests it, brings it to mind, in general, is completely focused on the technical component.

The publisher, on the other hand, is engaged in the promotion of the game, its sale, demonstration, and it is he who determines what should be in the game and what should not. The creators of games are directly comparable to people of creative professions, their impulse is aimed at creating something ambitious, grandiose and surpassing everything hitherto seen. The publisher is a prudent realist who pays for development and wants not only to return his money, but also to earn on sales, so it is not profitable for him to sell a raw product that will not be bought. This is the main confrontation between the publisher and the developer, because the first is simply forced to limit the ambitions of the second and direct his activities in the direction that will bring money, while reminding the developer of the deadlines. Therefore, many developers become their own publisher, trying on their own to bring their brainchild to the players. History knows a lot successful people, who independently achieved their goal without the help of third-party companies, but for one such genius there are hundreds of teams that, in the end, no one will know about.

The entire video game industry is conditionally divided into 2 components: large companies and indie developers. Large companies publish "AAA-class" games that are aimed at a wide audience and meet the needs of very a large number people (a kind of pop production, although there are also brilliant ones among such projects); individualists develop an inexpensive game and sell it themselves. As a rule, these are several people or even a single programmer who registers as an entrepreneur immediately before the sale of the game. There are a lot of high-tech games, but they require significant funds, so indie developers survive by implementing a brilliant idea. The game can be technically very simple, but at the same time be a masterpiece due to the unusual and interesting idea. But still the best option for everyone, when the publisher and developer work in tandem and are part of the same mechanism.

Many talented programmers start the hard way as a game developer. But this is also a business, and without commercial consciousness it is hardly possible to win a place among competitors. Of course, you can become just another maverick by devoting yourself to developing a brilliant project to eventually release it and make money from it, or, which is also not bad, earn the recognition of a major video game studio and join it as an employee.

Ready-made ideas for your business

However, if we consider game development as a business, then attention should be paid to the publishing component. In general, the division into the developer and publisher companies is due to the total difference in business processes, despite the fact that both are engaged in a common task. The developer does not have to be a commercial organization at all (as, for example, a writer is not required to register as an entrepreneur), but a publisher is a taxpayer who takes over all organizational work. However, it is quite possible to remain one company that develops the game, just everyone minds their own business, and managers sell, and do not sit at computers.

So, to start your similar activity, you need to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity, specifying the code (OKPD 2) 58.21 Computer game publishing services. If the entrepreneur himself is eager to create games, he can join the workflow not only as a manager, but also as a lead programmer. If computer technology is not his professional activity, then you can either find a ready-made development team and offer them cooperation, or look for specialists one by one. As noted above, the staff may consist of one person, and may include more than a hundred people in different positions. The following people are directly involved in the development:

Programmer. A person who writes code, creates an engine, and other programming. The staff of programmers can include many positions for writing individual game parameters.

Game designer. His work is not design in the usual sense of the word, but rather direction, he finds the perfect balance of all components of the game.

Painter. Creates appearance all characters and the game as a whole. Separately, a specialist in textures and 3D models is singled out.

Animator. Engaged in the development of character movement, and should be able to create animation for non-existent creatures. He also works in the motion capture studio, if there is one.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Musician. Designed to create not only original compositions for filling, but also to pick up all kinds of environmental sounds and, in general, the entire “sounding” part of the game.

Screenwriter. He writes not just a script, but one that can be interactive and multi-variant. Works closely with the designer, constantly discussing with him the revision and change of the script as needed.

Tester. In the early stages of a project, they are the employees themselves. At later ones, a beta test of the game is thrown out, which can be free for the company, because fans begin to test the game, unless, of course, there were people who showed interest in the project at the stage of its development. But even in the state itself there should be special people who constantly check the quality of all elements.

The publishing department includes people who are already familiar with business affairs: a producer, a sales manager, a marketer, a legal consultant, a company representative. The number of employees strongly depends on the initial idea. To do this, you need to study the market in order to find unoccupied niches, which can be unused genres, game mechanics, or even something new that has no analogues. The fact is that in this type of activity you have to compete with players from all over the world, and compete with big companies certainly will not work - they have experience, and recognition, and money.

As for the Russian market itself, there is no serious competition here, most of the developers of this country have long been retrained as localizers (companies that adapt foreign games for Russia, often this involves only translation) or manufacturers of frankly unsuccessful, cheap to manufacture and designed for stupidity of the consumer of games. Today, success in game development can only be ensured by an idea that is brilliant in conception and execution, or simply a very high-quality project. Therefore, the less creative potential in employees, the more staff should be in order to get at least a polished and interesting game. Of course, it is possible to create a clone of an already well-known game under a different name, it is quite likely that it will be possible to earn money on this, but this will not arouse public interest, and there may not be enough money for subsequent development. Therefore, the concept of the game should be initially thought out based on the needs of the market, so as not to change everything on the go - this will only delay the already long, and therefore costly process of creating the game.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Most simple games created in 2-3 months complex projects it takes a couple of years, although the gaming industry has known so-called long-term construction, which has been developed for almost ten years. Only a very rare company can survive without sales for so long, and even then only if it is constantly invested. Excessive delay in the process also affects the quality, because technologies are moving forward every day, and what was an innovation today is already a proven material tomorrow. However, in recent times games, although they did not reach the peak of their development, but still slowed it down, because modern technologies meet the aesthetic preferences of the majority of buyers, and for them in the first place is no longer a beautiful wrapper in the form of ultra-graphics, but high-quality content - the so-called "gameplay". From this it can be concluded that longer than a year it is not worth delaying with one project, during this time potential players can switch their attention to competitors' projects. Only hits or continuations of the already recognized series will be waiting.

Thus, the team needed to create a game for the entire period is calculated and the budget is allocated. Directly on the game itself, you can spend 20 thousand rubles and 20 million, and both projects may be viable. The main expenses are borne by office rent, staff salaries, utility bills (the most serious expenses are high-speed Internet and electricity), ordering third-party content. Today, a rare developer creates everything himself, even game engines are bought, not to mention typical textures, sounds and other content.

The practice of game outsourcing is also developing, when the production of some game elements is transferred to third-party companies. For example, it is completely unprofitable to keep your own voice actors. A motion capture studio involves sophisticated equipment and serious computing power, so special companies are involved in this. Sometimes in general, the developer is engaged only in basic programming, outsourcing everything else. This is expedient, as it saves the most important resource - time.

Now imagine a small company that employs 15 people, 10 of them are developers, the rest are engaged in publishing. The average salary is 20 thousand rubles. The project is designed for a year. An office of about 50 m 2 is rented on the outskirts of the city for 20 thousand rubles a month. Monthly utility bills - 20 thousand rubles, taking into account outsourcing of business processes and security. Constant advertising campaign, meetings and presentations cost another 20 thousand rubles every month. The game should not be too difficult, but long term due to the independent development of all content. The budget for the year, even for such a not too serious project, will be 4 million 320 thousand rubles.

The main expense item is employees, and you can find enthusiasts who are ready to deny themselves normal life for the sake of their favorite business in order to receive both recognition and money in a year (that is, the salary will become less, but a large percentage of sales will be provided). But finding them is difficult. Many fans of computer games are ready to devote themselves to this area, creating a dream game with their own hands, but they will be able to work for a whole year for free only in their free time from their main job. But we must remember that much cannot be done on bare enthusiasm, employees must have knowledge and experience.

Such activity is associated with serious risks. An ingenious project can gain recognition and even revolutionize the gaming industry, but at the same time arrogantly not pay off, not to mention profit. Therefore, many publishers work according to a scheme that minimizes these risks; the most common example is taking on a movie or book franchise. But good movie transfers or works of art on the screens of monitors can be counted on the fingers, but the profit, as a rule, from games under licenses is significant - people buy a promoted name, wanting to prolong the pleasure of the original source. But you need to buy a license, which involves significant investments, and then develop a game based on it. They often save on the second point.

Piracy is becoming a serious problem, today, perhaps, there is not a single hacked game that is not freely distributed on the Internet by pirates. Previously, pirates resold a hacked game on their discs, and the buyer could still opt for a legal copy by overpaying a little, but today you can get the game for free without going to the store without spending money. Publishers are trying to combat this by not providing support for players who use a hacked game or by constantly checking through the Internet and blocking pirated copies. Publishers of online games feel best in this situation, because to create a full-fledged analogue of the official game server Pirates can't. Also, the owner of an online game not only receives money for a one-time purchase of his product, but also for a monthly subscription. Not so often console games and games for non-Windows operating systems are hacked. If you develop a single-player game for ordinary personal computers, then in the end you will not be able to get even half of your potential revenue. However, not everyone who downloaded a hacked game would have bought it if there were no alternatives.

However, there is also positive sides. Everything today less people buys games through specialized stores, the DVD format is slowly dying out in general. Games are bought through virtual stores, they are generally specially designed for consoles and function with maximum support from manufacturers. Developing a game for all platforms will become more costly, but will result in significantly more money. If the project is recognized as promising, then console manufacturers may want to make it exclusive to their platform, but such offers do not come to Russian developers due to the low quality of their products. But everything can be changed if there is a desire and strength.

If we consider the above project, then in order to cover the costs of its development, you will have to sell more than 12 thousand copies of the game (taking into account that average price one licensed copy - 350 rubles). Having sold 20 thousand copies, you can already earn 7 million rubles or 2 million 680 thousand rubles of operating profit. At the same time, a successful game will be bought for many years, but the lion's share of the income will be received in the first time after the release.

This business is characterized by the fact that if the project does not pay off in the first few months, then it is unlikely that it will ever pay off. The top-selling game in the gaming industry was able to recoup the funds spent on its development almost three times in the first 24 hours after the release. In general, such a business has prospects, but they will open only to geniuses or people who know how to offer quality products.

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* Calculations use average data for Russia

The entertainment industry related to the development of computer games is developing very quickly today. However, it should be noted that large projects that are becoming popular with a large number of the population can currently afford only well-known and long-standing companies. However, this does not prevent novice developers from creating their own projects that use more simple technology, in which much less money has been invested, but which at the same time have their own consumers and can also bring profit to their creator.

The most popular and widespread are multiplayer online games, and a relatively simple and promising direction is the development of browser games. More details about the development of computer games in general were discussed in this article. However, the development of online projects that work through the user's browser differs significantly in many aspects from the development of a full-fledged game. Even a multiplayer game provides for a slightly different technology of not only creating, but also promoting the game, which is important to consider even at the very beginning of work.

Today, a large number of companies are engaged in the development of computer games, but many of them are represented by enthusiasts and small groups of people. When creating a browser game, there is usually no separation between the publisher and the developer, the game is fully promoted on the market and developed by one team, just official duties distributed within the team, and not among several companies. It will almost certainly be unprofitable for an aspiring entrepreneur to compete with large companies that develop single-player and even multiplayer games.

To minimize your risks, you can start by creating small project, the promotion mechanism of which differs significantly from the sale of conventional games. Multiplayer games are distributed over the Internet; in the case of browser games, the consumer does not even need to install a client or software, directly game process running in the Internet browser. Typically, such games are not designed to make a profit by selling a copy, but to implement paid subscriptions and privileges that give a significant advantage to the player who purchased them. Among the players, this practice is characterized by one capacious word - donat, although donation is usually called voluntary donations for the development of the project.

Multiplayer and, to a greater extent, browser games are designed not so much for the pre-sale promotion of the project, but for the wow effect of the players who launched the game for the sake of the interest of the players. Promotion of a browser game is possible only when using all modern methods marketing, while attracting as many players as possible, for whom the initial acquaintance with the game will be free, then enhance the impression of the effect and only then offer paid services. A novice entrepreneur will be forced to face simply a huge level of competition, in connection with which he needs to offer his consumers a truly interesting and somewhat stand-out project. But it should be noted that relatively recently a new technology has appeared that allows you to run full-fledged 3D games in the user's browser, and today this direction is the most promising.

Ready-made ideas for your business

For your work, you need to register as a business entity in order to be able to use the simplified taxation system, it is enough to register as individual entrepreneur, but if there is a need for registration legal entity, then it is better to choose the form of a limited liability company. In this case, it will be possible to transfer to the state no more than 6 percent of income or 15 percent of operating profit. Some entrepreneurs register only immediately before the release of the game, and before that they are completely engaged only in development. The code for such activities is (OKPD 2) 58.21 Services for publishing computer games. On the other hand, sometimes it is advisable to start promoting the game at the stage of its creation. In any case, you will have to allocate a staff of direct developers and a separate staff of marketers who will not participate in programming, but will look for consumers and analyze the market.

The entrepreneur himself, who is the founder of the project and its ideological inspirer, depending on his personal qualities and capabilities, can become a participant in the development, and a participant in the promotion, while occupying leading positions. In extreme cases, an entrepreneur can simply become an investor for a project. Further, the work will require a fairly large staff of programmers, and these people should cover different areas of creating the program code of the game, and for browser games, a separate position is allocated for programmers who support and implement the game in the user's browser.

Also, the team should include designers, game designers and artists, sometimes it may be necessary to involve animation specialists, musicians and testers. A special mention is given to the specialist of the support team, who are primarily involved in maintaining the server and ensuring its stable operation. The marketing department consists directly of marketers, sales and public relations managers. small project can be developed by a team of no more than 10 people, but a full-fledged and large-scale game requires the involvement of a large staff, sometimes more than a hundred. For obvious reasons, the content large team costs the entrepreneur a lot of money, but in this situation there is a fairly simple and effective method save.

Currently, many responsibilities can be outsourced, a large amount of content for the game can also be bought from specialized companies that already offer ready-made kits textures, sounds and models. Thus, full-time employees perform only the most important tasks and the most complex parts of the game, simpler and more typical tasks are transferred to third-party programmers, who charge much more for their work. less money. Working with outsourcing companies and just freelancers significantly reduces costs not only for wages, but also to purchase equipment and pay utility bills, and also allows you to rent a smaller space for your office. In some cases, the creation of a browser game can be carried out without renting a room, when all project participants work at home, communicating with each other via the Internet, and, if necessary, meeting on neutral territory.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Usually creating a game starts with an idea. Many companies use an already proven scheme for creating a game, when a typical plot is taken, typical game mechanics, something new is introduced, which begins to be presented as the greatest feature of the game, which distinguishes it from general list competitors. These are clone games of some successful project, and the gaming industry knows few examples of successful implementation of the same product under different names. The situation is different if the developers have found a new and interesting idea However, in this case, you need to be sure that the consumer will like this idea no less, and preferably even more, than the creator himself.

In order for the game to be successful and interesting, it must have an exciting plot and interesting mechanics, in online games usually less attention is given to graphics than in single-player due to the desire to reach as large an audience as possible. In browser games, the presence of just 3D already greatly increases interest in the project, however, a large number of competitors suggests the emergence of someone else's project, which, by its feature, exposes the most modern and perfect graphics. Today, the most popular genre is MMORPG, because in this case the game involves the development of its character, the competitive element between players, the depth of game mechanics and the complexity of the interaction of all elements of the game, which adds interest to the project, not to mention the fact that this genre has stood the test of time and loved by many players. However, the project does not have to be a multiplayer role-playing game; many other genres can be used, including very specific ones.

Some start by creating completely simple projects, such as browser chess or checkers, or even browser games that are designed for single-player passage, and interaction between several players is not implied. If we take the sphere of browser games, then the creation of simple applications, for example, a collection of tests, can become a promising direction. The main thing in any undertaking is some kind of competitive advantage, otherwise the project will be lost among hundreds of other similar crafts.

In order for the multiplayer game to function, you need to rent a server, buy a hosting space and purchase a domain name. Today, a small number of developers are registered on the territory of this country, it is much easier and cheaper to get a domain in Europe or even in exotic countries, this was done to simplify their work due to the peculiarities of the legislation, as an example, registration of sites with online casinos in Curacao can be cited. Renting a server will cost the entrepreneur up to 50 thousand rubles a year, which is a very small amount. However, your server needs to be constantly maintained and, if necessary, expanded, for which there are special companies and employees within the enterprise.

Ready-made ideas for your business

In the case of a browser game, development may take place not on a personal site, but on a third-party site. The simplest example is creating applications in in social networks(in Russia, Vkontakte and, to a lesser extent, Facebook are relevant) or on specialized sites that offer visitors a huge number of games. In this direction, you will also have to compete with large quantity companies, however, there are not many, but a lot of players on such sites and potential consumers, and the ease of installation allows you to attract a considerable number of users. Social networks are today the most fertile ground for the development of such a business - there are many people, users often spend their time on social networks, and the owners of such sites offer complex solutions to promote the game, that is, the advertising campaign becomes much more effective - if there was money.

If you take a full-fledged multiplayer game, then usually its purchase costs money for the players, often there is also a subscription fee for use. With browser games, the situation is somewhat different. Due to the fact that it is technically much easier to create and maintain it, the developer offers it for free. If the project is gaining popularity or initially differs very favorably from its counterparts, it may be provided paid subscription for the game. But usually in browser games there are several game modes, the so-called paid accounts. By purchasing such an account, the user gets a significant advantage over players who do not pay anything. The developer himself is focused specifically on paid players, he seeks to encourage everyone else to purchase a paid version. It turns out an effective and interesting scheme - you can play, but if you want more - pay.

There may not be a subscription, but the developer will receive money by selling in-game benefits - currency, items, abilities, etc. However, it is very important to fine-tune the line here, because such a system can even be harmful if paying subscribers get too much of an advantage, making it impossible to play without a subscription. Many criticize such a system, but without it, an entrepreneur will not be able to earn money.

As an alternative, it could be just placing ads in the game, while the players remain equal among themselves.

The profitability of such an undertaking directly depends on the number of players, if there are a lot of them, then we can talk about profitability of several hundred percent, although you will have to gradually increase your capacities and improve the game.

In many cases, a long-term scheme is effective. Only the created game at first is engaged only in attracting players, but by itself it is only essentially honed to a shine, but still only a demo mode. Gradually, the game improves, the number of fans grows, the interest in the project increases, and the entrepreneur begins by introducing a small number of inexpensive paid features. And then on the rise.

Especially for browser games, multiplatform support is relevant. The game can become popular with social network users who launch it through Personal Computer, but at the same time they are deprived of the pleasure of playing it through other devices running on other operating systemsCell phones and tablets in the first place. Therefore, it is worth ordering the development and support of your games through browsers of mobile devices, since today the technological implementation of most of these products allows you to launch even projects that are quite resource-demanding. The development of this support will result in additional expenses, but it will significantly increase the popularity of the game and attract new players. We can say that in the near future the requirement for multi-platform will be mandatory.

It must be said that advertising can become the main source of the project's expense, because online and browser-based games can only pay off if they attract a large number of users. To promote your full-fledged online game, you will have to hire public relations specialists who will represent the game at exhibitions, communicate with the press and players, hold contests and promotions, and negotiate with distributors. Here we need an extensive marketing campaign, and it will take place both on the Internet and in the media, and in many other areas. However, it is advisable to advertise a simpler project only to potential users. To do this, you can order advertising on social networks, and it will be shown only to those users who have indicated their preferences or fit the parameters specified by the developer. The same goes for contextual advertising in search engines. As a last resort, you can attract lead managers from the relevant companies.

The development of a multiplayer game is in most cases a fairly long-term and expensive project. Simple browser games can be developed in a couple of months by a couple of enthusiasts and spending several tens of thousands of rubles on it. Successful projects require multimillion-dollar investments. An entrepreneur may not develop online games for himself at all, but recruit a team of professionals and create games only for individual orders. Given the growth of this market, even this direction can become good source income.

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Of course, creating an interesting game is incredibly difficult, because you have to think through a lot of technical solutions. In order to develop a game you will have to find at least one talented developer...

It is also desirable to find experienced people who will be responsible for 3D models, sound, textures, etc. Of course, one person can handle all this, but you have to sweat a lot. As a rule, modern computer games are developed by a huge number of people.

For a computer game, you need a foundation, that is, a graphics engine. You can create it yourself, or buy it ready-made. Of course, a simple graphics engine will cost you a small amount.

And here is a functional graphics engine that gives wide opportunities can cost several million dollars.

Please note that the success of your game depends on the experience and professionalism of the programmer. So try to find a really good programmer.

Also, a lot depends on the idea. If you come up with original idea, and the programmer correctly and accurately implements it, then your computer game is doomed to success.

The biggest downside to making a game is that it's technically incredibly difficult to make a game. But after the creation of the game, the developers have problems with the sale of their offspring. The point here is not only piracy, but also huge competition.

As a rule, it is not necessary to assemble a large team to organize this activity. The most important thing is to find some talented programmers. After all, even one talented developer can create a more interesting game than a whole staff of boundless programmers.

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