Hot water shutdown schedule by street. Hot water shutdown schedule. Hot water shutdown in the city of Dolgoprudny

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From May 22, 2017, a gradual shutdown of some residential areas, some apartment buildings. When will this happen, are there buildings that will not experience power outages? hot water.

The hot water supply shutdown schedule in Moscow stipulated that annual maintenance of networks with supply shutdown hot water starts on May 10, 2017. But the drop in average daily air temperature forced utility workers to resume supplying heat to city buildings. Accordingly, the annual network maintenance was shifted according to the time schedule by 2 weeks.

Hot water shutdown schedule in 2017

Basically, hot water will not be supplied to residential buildings and some buildings. In total, hot water will be turned off in 71 00 buildings. Of these there will be 33,000 residential buildings. In 9.4% of residential buildings, preventive maintenance will not be carried out at all, this will amount to 3,100 houses in which the hot water supply will not be turned off in the summer. At the same time, utility companies promise that there will be no pipe breaks in these houses, because the connection to communications modern type does not require annual testing or maintenance of equipment and networks.

Residential buildings in Moscow with old communications will be left without hot water in 2017, which is quite traditional both for the capital and for other cities. Old communications are connected to more than 90% of the capital's houses. This means that they will be cut off from hot water for two weeks. It turns out that the vast majority of residents of the capital will heat pots of water and kettles in order to wash their bodies and hair. Only a few prudent citizens have installed water heating boilers. Old electrical networks in some houses do not allow the installation of powerful heaters, increasing the risk of short circuit wiring.
But this story of turning off hot water has a long history; every resident is mentally prepared to endure a short-term lack of warm water.

A resident of Moscow can find out in advance when there will be no hot water in his house. To do this, PJSC MOEK offers to use the service offered by their website. You just need to fill out a simple request form and enter the address of the house where the service consumer lives. Almost instantly information will be displayed about when the hot water supply will be turned off in this house.
The fact that Moscow utilities may change plans to disconnect specific houses should be taken into account by city residents. Sometimes you need to receive up-to-date information and check your plans for traveling, going on vacation or going to the country with it.

The period and timing during which hot water supply will be stopped due to planned work has become known. The hot water shutdown schedule is somewhat different for Moscow and the region. The work period will be 10 days, but for some areas it will be reduced to three.

Disabling DHW in Moscow

The period of termination of hot water supply will begin in May of this year. It will be completed by September. The planned shutdown of hot water will take place in Moscow from May 13, 2019 to September 1. The same period is relevant for New Moscow. The termination period for hot water supply will not exceed ten days. For some areas it will be limited to 3 days. In some homes, water shutoffs are not expected at all.

The schedule for turning off hot water at the address can be clarified in the form at the beginning of the article, on the official website of the Moscow United Energy Company OJSC. Or call the toll-free hotline, which is available to citizens 24 hours a day.

Notification must occur no later than 10 days before the start of work. The information will be constantly updated. Therefore, for individual areas and streets it must be clarified during the period of preventative work.

In the form or on the MOEK website, hot water shutdowns can be specified for individual administrative districts of the capital and microdistricts.

Hot water shutdown by area

In order to clarify the start date and termination date of hot water supply for each individual district and microdistrict, you must select the administrative district from the drop-down list: North-East Administrative District, North-Western Administrative District, Eastern Administrative District, Western Administrative District, Central Administrative District, South-Eastern Administrative District, South-Western Administrative District, Northern Administrative District, Southern Administrative District. Then determine the street and house number.

In the case where the schedule is not determined, this means that the object of interest is owned by another organization and the work schedule must be clarified directly with the Management Company.

The schedule is presented in full days. That is, the start from 00 hours 00 minutes of the specified date, the planned completion of work at 23 hours 59 minutes of the day indicated in the schedule.

Turning off hot water in the Southern Administrative District

At the beginning of May of this year, it will be possible to familiarize yourself with the interactive list of addresses for termination of hot water supply and the work schedule.

The list will include 16 districts. Including Biryulyovo, Chertanovo, Tsaritsyno, Orekhovo-Borisovo and others.

Turning off hot water in North-Eastern Administrative District

Termination of hot water supply in the North-Eastern Administrative District of the capital will also be presented in the form of an interactive list. Data on the schedule and timing of the work will be published by MOEK in early May of this year.

The list will include 15 districts. Among them will be Sviblovo, Maryina Roshcha, Otradnoe, Bibirevo, Rostokino and others. A detailed schedule for each district can be found separately.

Hot water shutdown in the Moscow region

The termination of hot water supply in the Moscow Region is somewhat different from the capital and may have its own characteristics. This is due to the fact that each municipality sets its own rules and deadlines for completing work.

So, if water outages in Moscow in 2019 will last from 1 to 9 days for each site, then for regional cities the period can stretch up to 14 days. Detailed information The work schedule at addresses can be found on the official websites of municipal administrations.

Water outage in Zhukovsky

It is already known that the cessation of hot water supply in Zhukovsky will be carried out from May 16 to May 26. Hot water supply time is scheduled for 20:00. During this period, the equipment must be pressure tested, any defects in the heating networks must be identified and eliminated.

Turning off hot water in Khimki

You can get acquainted with the exact schedule of work on the official website of the Khimki City District Administration. The preliminary planned period for stopping water supply is from May 10 to August 20, 2019.

The list of boiler houses where preventive work will be carried out includes those that serve the Ivakino, Planernaya, Podrezkino, Novogorsk microdistricts and others.

Hot water shutdown in Mytishchi

Work to restore heating networks will be carried out by Mytishchi Heating Network Company. All detailed information about the period of stopping the water supply is posted at the beginning of the article.

Here you can find out the schedule for each street. They are sorted into alphabetical order connected to the boiler room

Hot water shutdown in Zelenograd

From May to the end of August 2019, work will be carried out in Zelenograd to restore heating networks. As a result, residential buildings will be cut off from hot water supply. The maximum duration of work will be 10 days for each site.

You can find out the exact schedule by addresses for the city of Zelenograd at the beginning of the article.

Turning off hot water in Balashikha

Carry out work in preparation for heating season there will be “Balashikha Heat Networks”. Detailed information on the timing and addresses of stopping the supply of hot water can be found at the beginning of the article.

Hot water outage in Korolev

The Korolev Science City will provide information on the timing and areas of preventive work as part of the notification of the population on the official website of the Administration.

The list of those subject to preventive measures includes more than 20 boiler houses. These include New Podpilki, Tekstilshchiki, Samarovka, Committee Forest, Alfa Loval, Suvorovskaya, Tarasovskaya and others.

Hot water shutdown in the city of Zheleznodorozhny

A detailed schedule and disconnection addresses can be found on the website of the city administration or the Moscow Region Government. Current information on this issue will be submitted no later than the first days of May of the current year.

The list for work will include more than 25 boiler houses. During the planned period of DHW shutdown, defects in heating networks must be identified and eliminated and prepared for the upcoming heating season.

Hot water shutdown in the city of Dolgoprudny

Accurate information on the hot water supply shutdown schedule will be provided by the City Administration. The duration of the work will not exceed 14 days.

The scheduled outage will be indicated in full days, that is, from 00:00 on the start date to 23:59 on the end date.

Why is the hot water turned off?

Water shutdowns in summer are a common occurrence. This is due to the need to carry out preventive work in preparation for the heating season.

Hydraulic tests are carried out in boiler houses and heating networks. They are aimed at:

  • assessment of the quality of repair of heating networks;
  • identifying defects and eliminating the causes of heat loss.

Turning off the water is a necessary measure. Without it, utilities will not be able to carry out necessary work and tests. Therefore, without stopping the hot water supply, adequately prepare for winter period impossible.

Every summer, Muscovites are faced with one, but very unpleasant situation - turning off the hot water in the house. Despite the fact that in anticipation of this event, a warning about the schedule for turning off hot water in the house is posted on the information board at the entrance, it is impossible to prepare mentally for this. The current year 2017 was no exception. Some have already survived the time of basins and pots, while others are yet to do so. Our new article is dedicated to them and all those who wish to familiarize themselves with the hot water shutdown schedule in Moscow in 2017. We will tell you why it is turned off every year, why there are houses where this does not happen, how and on which official website to look at the schedule for turning off hot water in your home this summer.

When the hot water is turned off in our house, the first thing that comes to mind is why? Who needs this anyway? They are mocking us, we live in the 21st century and are running around the apartment with pots and basins! But let's not forget. According to weather observation statistics since 2006, in Moscow, out of 12 months of the year, the temperature is less than 10 degrees in 7 months.

In this regard, shutting off hot water is required by utility services to check the communications of the house and prepare them for the next heating season. During this period, all elements of the city heat supply are tested, which include thermal stations, central and individual heating points, as well as distribution and main heating networks. Unfortunately, high-quality diagnostics and necessary repairs everyone technical units impossible to do without turning off hot water in homes.

For how many days is hot water turned off in Moscow?

In 2017, hot water in Moscow was turned off for 10 days. You will be pleasantly surprised that just a few years ago, for example, in 2011, this period was 14 days. Once upon a time, hot water was turned off for 21 days!

It should be noted that in different neighborhoods and even houses the condition of thermal communications is different - less wear and tear and more technically accessible diagnostics. In this case, the time spent on checking all heating lines is lower, which means the 10-day period for turning off hot water will be reduced.

I know peoplewhose hot water is not turned off in the summer?

We all know the lucky ones whose hot water is not turned off in the summer, and in this difficult time we envy them. The question of why hot water is turned off in some houses and not in others also worries many Muscovites. The answer is simple. It is extremely rare that water is turned off in houses with an alternative pipeline or with new generation heating networks.

If the house has an alternative pipeline, then it is used to supply hot water to the apartments while checking the main one. As for modern heating networks, their diagnostics are generally possible remotely via a computer. As a rule, an alternative pipeline and, especially, a new generation of heating networks are installed in new houses, and not for which, including for this reason, they were launched in 2017.

Has the hot water been turned off in your home this summer?

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Hot water shutdown schedule in 2017

If you do not yet know when hot water will be turned off in your home, you can find out on the official website of the Moscow Mayor in the public services section. To check the hot water shutdown schedule, just enter the street and your house number in the interactive field. Let's check how it works!

State service – Check the hot water shutdown schedule at the address on the Moscow Mayor’s website

For example, on Metallurgov Street, building 17, hot water was turned off this year from June 26 to July 5, and on Petrovka Street, building 20/1 happy event will occur from July 27 to August 5. The luckiest of all were the residents of the house at Novopeschanaya Street, building 8, building 1. In their house, hot water will not be turned off in the summer of 2017.

Hot water shutdown schedule at address - Example No. 1
Hot water shutdown schedule at address - Example No. 2
Hot water shutdown schedule at address - Example No. 3

You can check the hot water shutdown schedule in your home, as we did, by following the link -

Time for repairs has expired, but they didn’t give me hot water!

This situation also happens often. IN in this case we have the right to report this to three authorities at once. The first thing you can do is write email message to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate. The electronic reception of this service is available at the link -

Infographic “What to do if the hot water is turned off at home?”

Infographic “What to do if the hot water is turned off at home?”

Social media review “Hot water outage: how do people survive?”

Water / Water outages

Hot water outages in Moscow by address. Interactive service. 2019

Hot water outages in Moscow in 2019 will begin on May 13. The duration of outages should not exceed 10 days. When there is no hot water in your home, you can find out using a special online service published by the Moscow authorities.

To clarify the timing of turning off hot water in your home, you need to open the item “When is hot water turned off?” in the form below. and start typing your address. By selecting from the hint lists correct option, you will receive information about your home.

You can also find out more information about the timing of hot water shutdowns on the website of the Moscow United Energy Company (MOEK).

The service looks like this:

To find out information about your home, you need to start typing the address you are interested in in the information entry box, and then select it from the drop-down list of “tips”».

If you do not find your address in the widget, please contact your management company for information about when hot water will be turned off in your home. Most likely, hot water is supplied to your home not by MOEK, but by another company.

Hot water shutdown schedule by address. Administrative districts of Moscow

Hot water outages in Moscow by address. A little about the history and reasons

They started publishing interactive graphs of hot water outages at addresses in Moscow about five years ago. Before this, MOEK, at best, posted Excel files on the Internet with lists of houses and streets. Well, until the mid-2000s, it was possible to find out about hot water outages only from advertisements in the entrance. And in this sense, of course, the capital’s utility workers have come a long way over the past ten years.

Why does the problem of hot water outages arise? The fact is that the heat and hot water supply system in Moscow was formed during the Soviet period and is characterized by extreme centralization. From large thermal power plants, the coolant (in simple terms, steam) is supplied directly to houses. And only in very rare cases do houses have their own boiler rooms (heating boilers are installed).

As a result, in order to carry out the necessary preventive and renovation work, you have to turn off the coolant supply (and hot water is heated from it) for several blocks at once. Otherwise, the central heating pipes cannot be repaired. As a result, residents suffer. They have to sit for weeks without hot water.

Hot water outages - timing and start dates of outages in 2019

Hot water outages in Moscow in 2019 begin on May 13. During outages, preventive maintenance is carried out and major renovation at district heating stations and central heating points. Repairs are carried out using modern energy-saving technologies. Diagnostics of networks, hydraulic tests, and also, if necessary, relocation of pipelines are carried out.

A few years ago, Muscovites lived without hot water for almost a month, then three weeks (21 days), then 2 weeks (14 days), and today maximum term hot water shutdown is 10 days.

Why are there hot water shutdowns in Moscow in the summer?

Hot water shutdowns are associated with so-called "hydraulic tests" tests. They are carried out following the results of a repair campaign on heating networks. For what?

This is how goals are formulated hydraulic tests The utilities themselves:

checking the strength and density of pipelines and their elements, including all welded joints, as well as identifying weak spots caused by corrosion and metal fatigue of pipelines;

  • checking the quality of repairs performed on heating networks;
  • identifying defects and eliminating the causes of heat and coolant losses;
  • ensuring trouble-free operation of heating network equipment and reliable heat supply to consumers during the heating season.

What does the legislation say about the rights of citizens in connection with mass outages of hot water in the summer?

The current legislation of the Russian Federation establishes requirements for the organization of hot water supply in apartment buildings as follows.

Permissible duration of hot water supply interruption:

  • 8 hours (total) for 1 month;
  • 4 hours at a time;
  • in case of an accident on a dead-end highway - 24 hours;
  • when carrying out preventive maintenance (once a year);
  • shutdown of hot water supply systems should not exceed 10 days.

How do I pay for hot water during a power outage?

In the summer, when hot water is turned off for scheduled repairs, a recalculation must be made for consumers - no payment is made for hot water at this time.

In the event of an unscheduled shutdown due to a malfunction engineering equipment- both main and intra-house ones, recalculation is also done. If the owner of the home (premises) did not receive hot water in the required volume or there were interruptions in its supply, he can count on the recovery of moral damages and payment of penalties provided for by the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights. It is 3% of the monthly tariff for each day of non-fulfillment of obligations management company or the supplier organization.

Deviation from standard values by 3 degrees during the day and by 5 degrees at night (from 0 o'clock to 5 am). If the temperature of “hot” water is below 40 degrees, you can pay for it as for cold water.

Turning off hot water in summer. How to escape?

As evidenced by opinion poll data, 45% of Russians heat water on the stove during hot water outages. Women (52%) and respondents with low incomes (51%) do this especially often. At the same time, some of them are thinking about buying a water heater, while others consider this invention dangerous.

Those who use the stove have different attitudes towards turning off the water. Some people are very annoyed by this: “I’m going crazy from this”; “This shutdown just infuriates me!”; “Three weeks of hot water outage is an excessively long period of time for carrying out repair and maintenance work on heating networks”; "Horror . And I’m trying to live somewhere else.” Others take this period calmly: "Adapt- not a problem"; “Not the worst loss. A modern person can easily do without hot water for some time.”

Every fifth respondent (20%) acquired a water heater. More often, this solution to the problem is preferred by Russians aged 40-49 years (27%) and respondents with high incomes (23%). “Three weeks without hot water is a disaster!” - they explain their decision. True, many of those who decided to buy a water heater say that for them the shutdown of hot water lasts more than three weeks: from a couple of months to decades.

9% of respondents do not experience any inconvenience due to the hot water being turned off, since they are hardened enough to take a cold shower. Men (14%) and those with high incomes (11%) more often boast of such hardening. According to them, a cold shower is invigorating and good for the skin.

6% of Russians go to friends and relatives to wash themselves during difficult periods. “Very convenient: I ate, washed, talked,” they comment.

Another 3% of respondents believe that turning off the hot water is a good reason to go to the bathhouse. “There is nothing more beautiful than on a hot summer day to forget about the bustle of the metropolis and find yourself in a sauna among beautiful and interesting people, and at the same time wash. Moreover, a sauna is good for the skin,” said the respondents.

3% of respondents offered other answers. Here are the most interesting of them: “I go to the pool”; “I don’t wash,” “I wash at work,” “I swear.”

Some Russians are lucky and have no problems with hot water. 9% have a gas water heater.

Well, 5% of respondents do not turn off hot water in the summer. Lucky ones))