Is there such an ending? Ending (flexion)

Each part of speech has its own ending, which is unique to it. For verbs they are personal, for adjectives and participles they are generic, for nouns they are case. Variable words in one of the forms may have zero endings.

The ending is a variable part of the word, it helps to determine which morphological structural unit you have to deal with. In such morphological entities as adverbs, gerunds, pronouns from the category of personal, service ones have no endings. This is because they are immutable.

Verb endings

At the end of the verb, tense, person and number are determined. The word "write" is considered. The ending -ut indicates that the verb of the present (future tense), third person, plural.

The variable part will tell you what number and case the noun is in. Adjectives with participles have gone further, their endings point to:

  • Number
  • case

Ending adjectives

There was, for example, the word "clear". Its ending -y is masculine. Let the base remain the same, but the ending will change to -th, there will be the word “clear”. This adjective has become female. And only the ending has changed.

Adjectives have their constant landmarks, knowing about which, it is impossible to make a mistake. It looks like this. The endings involved in the analysis are:

So the word is an adjective in singular, masculine, in the nominative case. This can be done with feminine and neuter adjectives.

These are the tricks that the most changeable part of words does.

There are such identification marks for endings, by which you can immediately say what part of speech is in front of us.

The ending nouns

Identification marks of parts of speech

Nouns have the following endings:

  • Masculine - th, ь
  • Feminine - a, i, b
  • Middle gender - oh, e
  • Plural - and, s

Nouns change in cases, have characteristic endings and are divided into three declensions. The first includes both feminine and masculine with the endings -a, i. To the second, only the masculine gender of nouns ending in a consonant, and neuter gender on -o and -e. the third declension has only the feminine gender with the stem in -ь.

By defining grammatical meanings, endings can serve to form new words. Thanks to them appear various forms the same word. In addition, they link words in phrases and sentences.

The ending is a variable meaningful part of a word that forms the forms of a word and serves to link words in a phrase and sentence. This formative morpheme expresses the grammatical meanings of gender, person, number, and case.

Not all words have an ending. It is only for modified words. It happens that a word has an ending, but it is not seen or heard, i.e. it is not expressed in letters and sounds - it is null ending. In addition, the ending is not always at the end of a word. A word can have two endings. Sometimes, to highlight the ending, you have to use phonetic transcription.

The ending is a formative morpheme that expresses the grammatical meanings of the word (gender, person, number, case), and not lexical meanings as derivational morphemes.

The ending differs from formative suffixes in the nature of the grammatical meaning it expresses.

Only changing parts of speech can have an ending(inflected, conjugated or changing by gender and number):

  • inflected nouns,
  • adjectives,
  • numerals,
  • pronouns,
  • Verbs,
  • communion.

To highlight the ending, you need to change the form of the word:

  • change number:

    meadow () – meadow (a),
    herbs (a)– herbs (s),
    dared () - dared (s);

  • change gender for adjectives and participles:

    white (th)- white (oh)- white (and I), thinking (s)- thinking (and I), sat () - sat (a);

  • case of parts of speech that decline: house () - house (a)- house (y), sin (s)- blue (his)- blue (him) ;
  • face of verbs: write (y)- write (yeah)- write (ut) .

The part of the word that changes when changing the form of a word, is the ending.

The ending not included in the stem, since it only has grammatical meaning.

Ends of words different parts speeches may be the same, but their endings are different, i.e. words have different morphemic structure. Examples:

  • small and vision - adjective small and noun vision at the end of the word have -s . Changing the gender of the adjective: small(s) - small(s) -small(s) , we define the changing part - the last two letters change, therefore, -s - the ending. Inflecting a noun vision (e) - vision (I) - vision (eat), determine the ending -e .
  • yawning and evil - gerund yawning does not have an ending, because is an invariable word, and an adjective hl (th) - evil (oh) - evil (s)) has an ending -and I .
  • in vain and Earth - adverb in vain does not have an ending, because is an immutable word, and a noun earthl (i) - earth (ey) - earth (s) has an ending -I .
  • banner and biology - nouns znam(s) - znam(s) -znam(em) and biologists(s)-biologists(s)-biologists(s) have the same endings -i.

Attention! Second person plural verbs the present and future numbers and forms of the imperative mood of these verbs may coincide, but have a different morphemic structure, i.e. have two variants of morphemic parsing:

Complete (imperative mood, you-full-and-(those), -and- - imperative mood) second task after doing (present tense, you-full-(ite)) first.
you-years-and-(those) (imperative mood) - you-years(ite) ;
you-treat-and-(those) (second conjugation, imperative mood) - you-treat-(ite) etc.

In verbs of the first conjugation, an unstressed ending -(eat) in sound it coincides in sound with the imperative mood, but is written differently:

jump-and-(those) (mandatory inclination) — jump out-(you ) (first conjugation (to jump), second person, pl.).

With the help of the ending, the forms of modified words are formed.

The ending expresses various grammatical meanings of parts of speech:

  • number and case of nouns, numerals, personal pronouns (without a preposition or with )
    noun 2nd declension, Tv.p., singular who?, what? elephant( ohm), father( ohm), con( eat
  • gender, number, case of adjectives, participles, pronouns
  • person and number of verbs in the present and future tenses:
  • gender and number of verbs in the past tense, short adjectives

In addition to distinguishing word forms, endings sometimes perform meaningful function:

bread(s) - cereals and bread(s) - products baked from flour; men are men, teeth are teeth, leaves are leaves.

Sometimes the end is easy define not only form but also Part of speech. For example:

In a phrase, invariable words obey the main word in meaning, with the help of word order and intonation: run fast, run up.

Invariable words have no endings:

Invariable parts of speech Examples
gerunds seeing, hearing, collecting, washing
adverbs naked, fun, better, in German, first of all, unbearable, married
indeclinable nouns (usually borrowed): cocoa, necklace, flowerpot
indeclinable adjectives: khaki, bordeaux, beige
comparative adjectives: stronger, higher
possessive pronouns denoting belonging to a third person: him, her, them
interjections and onomatopoeia: wow, ah!
Service parts of speech:
unions though
let be

Attention! The absence of an ending in a word is not graphically indicated. In morphemic and word-formation parsing, you cannot put a zero ending sign! The whole word is included in the stem.

Participles and adverbs are invariable parts of speech, therefore they have no endings. Do not confuse gerunds and adverbs with adjective endings. Adjective endings can be changed:

  • doom/ a/t - doom / a/I- gerund suffix;
  • mil( and I) - the end of the adjective, which can be changed: cute (th), cute (th).

Zero endings

Declined or conjugated (changeable!) Parts of speech in some forms may have a zero ending.
The zero ending is not expressed by sound and is not indicated by a letter on the letter. You can find it by changing the forms of the word. If, when changing the form of a word, an ending appears, expressed in letters and sounds, then e
The null ending conveys a specific grammatical meaning:

table(), horse() - Im. n., male gender, second declension; cloud(), puddle(), mam() — meaning of the genitive plural.

When the form of such words changes, after the stem, a pronounced (sounds, letters) ending appears.

Zero endings have: Examples
masculine singular nouns 2 declensions in the nominative and accusative cases:

forest() - forest(a), forest(y);
house() - house(s), house(s);
elephant() - elephant(a), elephant(y);
hero() - hero(s) [g'irOy"(a)];

feminine nouns of the 3rd declension in the nominative singular:

mouse() - mouse(s);
night() - night(s),
net() - set(s)

nouns in the genitive plural different kinds:

cloud() - cloud(a) - cloud(s),
fox() - fox(a) - fox(s),
soldier() - soldier(s),
windows() - window(o);
articles () - become (s) [stat'y "(a)]

short adjectives and participles of the masculine singular:

beautiful () - beautiful (a), clumsy - clumsy (a),
bad() - bad(a);
wounded () - wounded (a) - wounded (s),
conceived - conceived (a), conceived (s);

possessive adjectives in I.p. m.r.h.

fox () - fox (I) - fox [th "(a)], shark () , wolf ( see below why so)
mother's(), father's()

past tense masculine singular verbs in the indicative and subjunctive mood:

sang(), sang() would - sang (a),
washed (a) - washed (a) washed;

for verbs of the imperative mood singular:

learn(), watch(), write();

numerals in the nominative and accusative cases:

ten() - ten(s), ten(s)

Attention! It is necessary to distinguish between zero-terminated words and invariable words, because in a word with a null ending, it is indicated during morphemic parsing of the word, but in invariable words it is not (no ending)!

  • noun already() (already (u), already (oh)) has a zero ending, and the adverb already - an invariable word and, therefore, has no ending.
  • network() - noun ( set(s), set(s)),
    ) - verb, where the ending is indefinite (th),
    start(s) - verb,
    five() - numeral ( heel(s)),
    way() - noun ( put(s), put(s)),
    though - union and immutable word, so there is no ending,
    let be , immutable word - no ending,
    thinking - gerund, unchangeable word - no ending.

The ending can be inside a word:

  • If the word has , then the ending is in front of it, inside the stem of the word: uch (y) s, uch (shh) sya, uchivsh (s) Xia(after the end there is a verb -sya / -s - the most common case); go (eat)-te; in the middle of compound pronouns: as (oh)-either as (wow)-either as (wow) something, to (omu) someday.
  • In some difficult words: to Komsomolsk (e)-on-Amur (e) .

Two endings in a word.

Compound words can have two endings:

  • for nouns: armchair (about)-bed () - armchair (a)-bed (and) ;
  • for numerals: five () ten () - five (and) ten (and) .

But, in compound nouns and adjectives that are written together, after the first there is a connecting vowel, and not an ending: myself- about-years () , red- about- leather (s) .

The ending is distinguished by the sound composition

using transcription, since the spelling does not reflect the morphemic composition of the word:

  • Possessive masculine adjectives ending in -y:

    fox(), wolf(), bear(), where - uy is a suffix and has a null ending. When declining, runaway - and - drops out of the suffix, there remains a suffix that sounds like [th'] , and in the letter it is transmitted with a separator soft sign: fox (his) [fox’-th-‘(willow)], wolf (his) [wolf’-th’-(willow)], bear (his) [m’edv’ezh-th’-(willow)] - suffix sounds in transcription [th'] and ending.

  • AT following words the suffix -й- also appears in the sound composition of the word: guns [rouge-y'-(a)],gun [rouge-y'-(o)]; sparrow ya [sparrow'-y'-(a)], sparrow yu [sparrow'-y'-(y)] ; edge, edge [edge-th'-(y)]. Suffix -th- is also preserved in the formation of related words: rifle, sparrow [ sparrow'-y'-in-(th)] . In these words and others like them (dancer, grumbler; gorge, knowledge, aspiration; May, tram etc.) not in all forms the ending is indicated by letters.

List of used literature

  • Kazbek-Kazieva M.M. Preparation for Olympiads in the Russian language. 5-11 grades. - 4th ed. – M.J. Iris-press, 2010
  • Panova E.A., Pozdnyakova A.A. Reference materials on the Russian language for exam preparation. - M .: - LLC Astrel Publishing House, 2004.-462 p.
  • Svetlysheva V.N. Handbook for high school students and university applicants / V.N. Svetlysheva. — M.: AST-PRESS SCHOOL, 2011 — ISBN 978-5-94776-742-1.

The ending is a formative morpheme that expresses the grammatical meanings of gender, person, number and case (at least one of them!) And serves to link words in a phrase and sentence, that is, it is a means of coordination (new student), control (letter brother- y) or the connection of the subject with the predicate (I go-y, you go-eat).

Only modified words have endings. Functional words, adverbs, invariable nouns and adjectives have no endings. Changed words do not have endings in those grammatical forms that do not have the indicated grammatical meanings (gender, person, number, case), that is, the infinitive and gerund.

Some compound nouns and compound numerals have several endings. This can be easily seen when changing these words: tr-and-st-a, tr-ex-hundred-Ø, sofa-bed-Ø, sofa-a-bed-and.

The end may be null. It stands out from the modified word if there is a certain grammatical meaning, but it is not materially expressed. A null ending is a significant absence of an ending, an absence that carries certain information about the form in which the word is. So, ending -a in table-a shows that this word is in the genitive case, -u in table-u indicates the dative case. The absence of an ending in the form of a table indicates that this is a nominative or accusative case, that is, it carries information, it is significant. It is in such cases that the zero ending is allocated in the word.

You must not confuse words with a zero ending and words in which there are no and cannot be endings - immutable words. Only inflected words can have a null ending, that is, words that have non-zero endings in other forms.

Zero endings are widely represented in the language and occur in nouns, adjectives and verbs in the following positions:

1) masculine nouns of the 2nd declension in I. p. (V. p.) singular: boy - I. p., table - I. / V. p.;

2) feminine nouns of the 3rd declension in I. p. (V. p.) singular: night;

3) nouns of all genders in R. p. plural: countries, soldiers, swamps.

But in this position, non-zero endings can also be represented: night-she - articles- . The correctness of parsing such words is achieved by declining the word. If the sound [th ’] disappears during declination, then it belongs to the ending: noch-her, noch-ami. If [th '] can be traced in all cases, then it refers to the basis: articles - become [th'-a] - become [th'-a] mi. As we can see, in these forms the sound [y'] is not expressed at the letter level, it is “hidden” in the iotized vowel. In this case, it is necessary to identify and identify this sound. In order not to clutter up the spelling with transcription brackets, in linguistics it is customary to designate the sound [th ’], “hidden” in an iotized vowel with the help of j, entered without brackets in the right place: articles j-s.

A fairly common mistake is to determine the endings of words ending in -iya, -е, -й. The impression is incorrect that these sound complexes are endings. Two-letter endings in the initial form are present only for those nouns that are substantiated adjectives or participles. Compare:

genius, genij-th, genij-th

army-i, army-she - tables-th, tables-th, etc.

4) short singular masculine adjectives: handsome, smart;

5) possessive adjectives in I p. (V. p.) singular; despite the external similarity of the declension, qualitative and possessive have a different morphemic structure in these cases:

units number

I. p. blue fox-Ø

R. p. blue-his foxj-his

D. p. blue-him fox-him

V. p. \u003d and. p. / c. P.

T. p. blue-im foxj-im

P. p. blue fox j-em.

Such a morphemic structure of possessive adjectives is easy to understand, given that possessive adjectives denote a sign of belonging to a person or animal and are always derivative, formed with the help of derivational suffixes -in-, -ov-, -иj- from nouns: mother → mother-in-Ø , fox → fox-y-Ø. In indirect cases, this possessive suffix -ij- is realized in [j], which is "hidden" in an iotized vowel;

6) a verb in the form of the masculine singular in the past tense of the indicative mood and in conditional mood: deeds-l- (would) - cf .: deeds-l-a, deeds-l-and;

7) a verb in the imperative mood, where the zero ending expresses the meaning of the singular: write-and-, write-and-te;

8) in short participles, the zero ending, as in short adjectives, expresses the meaning of the masculine singular: read-n-Ø.

Ending or inflection(lat. flixio- bending) is a significant part of the word that changes and is formative. The ending serves to connect words in a sentence or phrase and indicates the relationship between words, expressing grammatical meaning.

The grammatical meaning of the endings of different parts of speech.

  1. Noun. Noun endings

    river - rivers - rivers

  2. Adjective. Endings of adjectives indicate their number and case and gender:

    beautiful - beautiful - beautiful

  3. Numeral.Endings of nouns indicate their case and number:

    second - second - second

  4. Verb. Verb endings present and future tenses indicate person and number:

    read - read

    The endings of past tense verbs indicate their number, person and gender:

    Looked - looked - looked - looked

  5. Pronoun. Pronoun endings indicate first of all the case, then the number and gender, if any:

    he is his
    one's - one's - one's - one's

  6. Participle. Participle endings indicate number, gender and case:

    read - read - read

The end is exclusively formative morpheme, which does not give the word any additional meanings.

Endings are materially expressed and zero.

Zero ending- this is the ending of modified words, which is not expressed by sounds during pronunciation and by letters in writing, but at the same time conveys a certain grammatical meaning. The null ending can be indicative of a particular gender or case, for example:

  • Nominative and accusative case of nouns f.r. 3 declensions in the singular: daughter, oven, mother, rye;
  • Nominative nouns m.r. 2 singular declensions (for inanimate - nominative and accusative): friend, chair, reed;
  • Genitive nouns of different genders plural: countries, soldiers, windows;
  • Short forms unit m.r. adjectives and participles: cheerful, read, good.
  • Nominative case of possessive adjectives m.r. unit: brothers, mother, fox;
  • Imperative mood of verbs in singular: look, learn, watch;
  • indicative and subjunctive mood singular verbs m.r.: wrote - would write; looked - would look; walked - would have walked.

There are unchangeable words and word forms that do not have endings and a system of grammatical properties. These words and forms include:

Indeclinable nouns, often of foreign origin: taxi, coat

Possessive pronouns that indicate belonging to a third person: her, him, them

Indeclinable adjectives: burgundy, khaki


Such words have connections with other words with the help of semantic relations, and the zero ending is not indicated in writing in any way.