How to make anti-mole pinwheels out of plastic. DIY mole repeller from a plastic bottle. Electronics against moles - modern methods

The issue of mole control is very relevant for summer residents. These seemingly harmless creatures can cause great harm the garden and the products that are grown in it. Therefore, many are wondering how to solve this problem. Despite the mass of anti-mole remedies and devices in the city, there is one simple option that everyone can afford.

You don't need to be a skilled craftsman to create this remedy, and the whole job will take about 20 minutes. Intrigued? Then let's find out how to make a mole repeller from plastic bottle.

Looking for solutions

There are a lot of requests on the Internet regarding the topic of rodent control, especially moles. Everyone wants to make sure they don't have to deal with this problem anymore. However, not everyone knows how to act in this case. Killing animals is not entirely humane, so poisons and other killing devices will not work. Often gardeners run to the store to ask for advice or buy an effective and at the same time inexpensive product. Others take a simpler path, making a mole repeller with their own hands.

But how can a plastic bottle repel moles? It's simple. All you have to do is upgrade it by constructing unique blades from a bottle that will make it spin. While rotating, the turntable will make noise. The design is quite simple:

  1. Plastic bottle.
  2. Stick.

That's all you need. The container is placed on a stick or rod, after which it will spin under the influence of the wind. Due to the fact that the rod is buried in the ground, vibration and noise repel moles. You can make many such products for the garden, the cost of which is simply meager. And most importantly, you don't have to spend a lot of time. Let's look at the instructions on how to create this simple miracle of technology.

What you need for work

Advantage plastic repeller from bottles is what you will need minimum set tools and materials. Anyone can work with them, and purchasing them is not a problem at all. You can see this for yourself. Here's a list of everything you'll need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • steel rod or wooden stick;
  • stationery knife or scissors;
  • drill with a drill (in some cases this is not required).

That's the whole set. Are you surprised? It’s not worth it, because for all its simplicity, the mechanism works flawlessly. You just need to connect it all into one device.

Pay attention! The device is automatic, but only works from the wind. In calm, windless weather it will simply be useless.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a mole repeller

So, when you have everything you need, you can get started. The bottle can be of any color, shape, volume... This is not so important. Provide yourself convenient place for work. It's better to do everything at the table flat surface. Then no problems will arise. The instructions are as follows:

That's all, the device is ready. Now you just need to find the mole's tunnel in order to insert the rod into it. Due to the vibration and sound transmitted from the bottle along the rod into the ground, moles will not approach this place. They are afraid of such aggressive noises. If you have a large garden, then make several structures to prevent moles from appearing in another part of the garden.

Advice! Such a repeller will act not only on moles. Birds and other rodents are also very afraid of such noise. Therefore, you do not have to fear that our smaller brothers will devour your harvest.

The mole looks like a cute, harmless animal, but it can cause destructive damage to a planted plot of land. The mole lives underground and, breaking through tunnels, harms the root system of plants.

Ways to combat moles are as follows:

  1. Ultrasonic repellers;
  2. Poisoned with food;
  3. The holes where the mole comes out are filled in.

Some gardeners use homemade traps. About how to make a mole repeller yourself and which of them are more effective is described in this article.

Types of repellent devices

All repellers, even homemade ones, are divided into 4 types:

  1. Mechanical. They are effective because their parts, when moving, create noise and vibration that scare away the animal;
  2. Biological - capsules containing aromatic oils. Pests cannot tolerate their smell. This group also includes plants whose smell cannot be tolerated by moles;
  3. Electronic mole repellers. They are usually vibrating, powered or battery operated;
  4. Ultrasonic. They repel small pests by emitting frequency sound waves. When they hit the ground, such sounds send a signal of danger to the animal’s brain.

Although modern market offers a huge number of mole repellent devices to choose from, homemade devices They also enjoy considerable success. If you use homemade repellers in a comprehensive manner in the fight against pests, then the land area can be completely cleared of annoying animals.

Watch the video! DIY mole repeller

How to make a mole repeller from a plastic bottle

A plastic bottle is an indispensable universal item used to create various devices in the garden plot. It can be used to make an excellent weapon against moles, the so-called windmill.

Method No. 1

For making a windmill from a plastic bottle necessary:

  • large scissors;
  • plastic container 1.5 l;
  • permanent marker;
  • awl;
  • stationery knife;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • metal plates with a hole in the middle (washers);
  • strong stalk.

The manufacturing process itself consists of the following steps:

  1. Use a permanent marker to make a mark on the bottom of the plastic bottle. Draw a strip just above the bottom along the lower border;
  2. Using a stationery knife, cut off the figured bottom of the bottle along the drawn strip;
  3. In order for the spinner to rotate in a clockwise direction, you must correctly mark the bottom of the bottle. First, draw a line with a marker and draw it from the center of the bottom of the bottle to the center of any of the convex irregularities. Next, draw a line that goes from the center of the bottom and ends in the concave part. And thus we place markings along the entire bottom.
  4. Use large sharp scissors to cut out unnecessary elements. The result is a device in the form of a propeller. We cut out the first element and then cut through one after another.
  5. 5 such parts should be removed;
  6. In the resulting bottom, we pierce a hole in the center with an awl heated on the fire.
  7. We put a washer on the prepared self-tapping screw and insert it from the inside of the propeller. Then we put three more washers on it;
  8. Take the remaining element from the bottle. Use a heated awl to make a hole in the lid and screw a self-tapping screw into it. In this way the propeller is connected to plastic bottle. There is no need to screw in the screw all the way. The plates must rotate freely;
  9. Attach turntable to the support.
  10. Two holes are made in the neck and a small nail is inserted into them, which is then hammered into the handle.

The principle of operation of such a windmill is simple: gusts of wind, hitting the propeller, begin to spin it, and the largest element turntables It also rotates around the nail. The washers create noise, which scares away small pests.

Method No. 2

This method requires fewer items to be used. You will need a stick, garden shears and a bottle:

  1. We make wide cuts in the walls of the plastic bottle from top to bottom;
  2. From these holes we make two more smaller ones perpendicular to the main one. One above, the other below;
  3. We bend the resulting elements to the sides, you should get blades;
  4. We put the resulting mechanism on the support after making a hole in the bottom of the bottle.

The wind rotates the blades, creating noise that scares away moles. Such devices are usually placed near an animal's burrow.

Advice! If you do end up catching a mammal, it is worth remembering that it can bite painfully. To protect yourself from an unpleasant surprise, you should wear thick gloves or mittens.

Method No. 3

To build a structure for repelling moles, you will need elements from the second method, as well as a plate cut from the wide part of another bottle:

  1. In a plastic bottle we will make slits 15 cm long;
  2. From the additional part it is necessary to cut blades for the propeller of approximately the same length;
  3. The blades must be inserted into the holes to form a propeller;
  4. You need to make several holes in the lid and insert metal rods into them. Then attach the device to the stick.

When rotating, a rustling sound is produced, accompanied by vibration. Hearing it, the mammal gets scared and feels discomfort, so it moves to another habitat.

Method No. 4

Along the perimeter land plot you need to stick sticks, placing several supports in one place. They need to put empty plastic bottles or beer cans.

When there is a gust of wind, the plastic or metal will bang against each other, creating noise that prevents the approach of a harmful mammal.

Method No. 5

This is the so-called electronic mole repeller. It is made from a hollow metal pipe. The scheme is like this:

  1. The pipe is dug into the ground and an inexpensive electronic beeping part from a battery-powered alarm clock is placed inside;
  2. At the top, the pipe is covered with cloth to prevent noise from reverberating throughout the surrounding area, and with a cut-off bottle to protect the structure from rain.

The effectiveness of homemade devices

The mole is a blind animal. This makes his hearing and sense of smell impeccable. When constructing structures from simple elements either ultrasonic mole repellers, or repellers that create noise and vibration.


It must be clearly remembered that moles live in families consisting of a couple of adult individuals and several younger ones. Some mole families unite. And the passages they break through reach several meters in depth.

Moreover, each underground passage has several exits, which complicates precise definition family location.

All of the above devices have been repeatedly tested by gardeners. And their production is inexpensive. Therefore, even when buying modern device To combat harmful animals, don’t be too lazy to make a couple of homemade ones.

Watch the video! Windmill made from a plastic bottle

In this video we'll talk about how to get rid of moles in the country. They do not feed on vegetables, but make numerous holes in the soil, which are used by shrews and voles, which can destroy crops. To get rid of these pests, you can make a pinwheel with your own hands.

First, it is necessary to make a movable structural element. Will be required aluminum tube, having a length of 25 cm. A through hole is made a little closer to one of the edges, into which it is inserted for guests. The tube itself should rotate smoothly relative to the nail. A piece of wood, preferably round section. A small carnation with a wide head. Thin copper or brass plate 4 x 25. Thin lightweight galvanized plate 15 x 15.

First we will make a weather vane that will rotate. We make a hole in the middle of the copper plate to attach to the nail. We hammer a small round piece of wood into the tube. It should fit snugly and not wobble in different directions.

We place a metal plate - a propeller - on a nail with a wide head. We hammer in a nail so that the wood does not split. We leave a small gap between this nail and the piece of wood so that the propeller rotates smoothly. We attach the shank so that the turntable can turn to the side relative to the wind. We use a 15 x 15 plate. Attached to the tube with a screw. One is enough. The plate should be in the same plane as the stud coming out of the hole. With its help, the structure is attached to a large, tall pipe.

Must be at a height for the wind to have an effect. Through hole in the tube it is not done in the middle, closer to one of the edges. Where the propeller is attached. This is necessary so that the shank has a larger lever arm. Then it will be easier to move under the influence of air currents.

It is important that the propeller moves under the influence of the wind, so it is necessary to bend the petals correctly. The video shows how this is done. If you did this correctly, you can run with this windmill around the area and with an oncoming air flow, when you move quickly, the propeller should rotate.

Let's move on to installing the turntable on the site. First, you need to dig a hole to a depth of 1 min-1, place an inverted bucket. It will act as a resonator and transmit vibrations from the structure to the ground. This will repel moles. After this, we place a thick iron pipe on the bucket. This is the foundation future design. After this, it is necessary to level the ground.

The topic of fighting moles on the site is very relevant for summer residents. She interests many. And here, as they say, everyone has their own path. Someone simply goes to the store to buy special devices to scare away these small animals. And, someone goes to the Internet, hoping to find information there on how to get rid of them with your own, simple methods and devices. It turns out that this option is quite possible, I have already written a little on this topic (read), therefore, today there will be some kind of continuation of the topic already raised.

Making a simple mole repeller

A simple plastic bottle will help us here. The thing is also very multifunctional, from which craftsmen make everything very simply and no abstruse drawings or operations are required.

How to make such a repeller from a plastic bottle?

We just take the bottle and cut it out, and then bend the blade pockets. Next, from below, in the bottom, we make the hole we need. And we put the bottle on a tube (diameter about 1 cm) or on a thick steel wire (or something similar).

How does the repeller work and why are moles afraid of it?

At the slightest wind, such a bottle with blades spins very well on the tube, and this creates noise, which also resonates into the tube (therefore, the tube is preferable in this case). And this noise, through the tube, goes into the ground, that is, into mole tunnels.

Such a tube with a bottle should be inserted into underground voids, next to a fresh molehill.

How to improve the device?

To further enhance the effectiveness of this technique, you can further improve the design of such homemade device pinwheels from a plastic bottle.

For this we will already need a water supply, metal pipe. The diameter of this pipe can be 1/2 mm or 3/4 mm, there is not much difference. We drive this tube deeper, that is, so that the lower part (end of this tube) is slightly deeper than the level underground passages mole.

Next, we insert a suitable metal pin into this tube (the part at the top). And so that this pin does not dangle in the tube, it will need to be strengthened in the center with a wooden stopper. Then we also put it on the pin, having previously made a hole in its bottom, with a hot awl or a nail. The diameter of such a hole should be slightly larger than the diameter of the pin itself.

We also make blade pockets on the bottle, which we bend outward. That's it, the repeller is ready.

When the wind blows, the bottle will rotate, and the hollow pipe will again resonate this unpleasant sound. This creates noise, which moles are very afraid of; they simply cannot stand this constant and very unpleasant noise for them and will leave your area.

What can replace a plastic bottle?

You can create the same effect if you stretch your used tape from a video or tape cassette onto small pegs made of any material (25-30 centimeters).

When it vibrates, it also creates an unpleasant, slightly whistling sound. Such a sound is also good at scaring away these mole rats. In addition to moles, birds, such as sparrows, for example, are also afraid of such a device.

In conclusion, there is also a video where they will show you the manufacturing technology of this device. Let's see.

Gardens and vegetable gardens are a good help both in terms of food and in terms of relaxation for the soul. But everything that is grown on personal plots, there are many dangers - beetles, larvae, birds, moles. And if they help fight plant diseases or insect pests chemicals, then it is best to scare away birds and moles from the site, rather than destroy them. A primitive design will help with this - a windmill made from a plastic bottle, made with your own hands from scrap materials.

Waste material goes to work

Many, many different useful crafts can be made from the so-called waste material. Here are some useful things for garden plot and vegetable gardens are also easy to obtain by applying imagination and skillful hands to, it would seem, unnecessary things. Many various options repellers for birds and moles can be seen in various sources, some of them are quite complex, and some are primitive. It’s worth starting to create with the simplest designs. Plastic bottles, scraps polyethylene pipes, broken handle from a house mop, used welding electrode, gift ribbons from already unwrapped gifts, toy bells or tin cans from drinks - you can put everything into action.

Design Basics

It is no coincidence that a device for scaring away birds or moles from a site has a very specific name “windmill”. The main force that makes the structure perform its function is the wind. The wind is blowing - the windmill is working. In order for such a repeller to work, it needs to catch air currents, which means it needs blades. If you set a goal, then making a windmill from plastic bottles with your own hands is quite simple. The most main part- blades, cut from plastic. Moreover, the blades from the bottle will not need to be attached, because they are cut in place and simply bent. The remaining design elements will depend on the purpose of the windmill. Tools you will need for work:

  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • universal glue;
  • hard wire;
  • beads with a hole for wire;
  • self-adhesive film or colored electrical tape.

What are birds afraid of?

Birds provide many benefits by eliminating pests. But when the harvest ripens, they are not averse to eating tasty, sweet fruits, pecking at cherries and spoiling apples, pears and plums. Making a windmill from a plastic bottle with your own hands is quite simple, if you remember that birds are afraid of moving objects. That is why turntables and scarecrows with fluttering sleeves have always helped gardeners and gardeners preserve their harvest.

How to scare away birds

A windmill made from a plastic bottle must be movable to scare away birds. The simplest and budget option- spinner. It does not require additional costly motors and batteries, because it operates on air movement. But it needs blades to catch the wind. You can make several options for such garden helpers. For example, like this.

Cut an ordinary plastic bottle in the center into four sections that can be bent without separating the parts from the whole.

Then, bending the blades so that they catch the wind, pieces of foil are glued onto them. You can use self-adhesive mirror film. It is also necessary to cut a hole in the bottom that is suitable in diameter. The finished bottle-windmill is put on the remainder plastic pipe or a mop handle. The bottle should rotate freely when the wind blows, but not dangle too much, otherwise rotation will not work. The remainder of the pipe should be long enough for the birds to see the pinwheel.

You can make a windmill from a plastic bottle with your own hands in this version - cut long blades from the base of the bottle, bend them at an angle of 45 0. The turntable diagram is shown below.

Such a windmill is mounted on a rigid base at right angles to the ground. You can secure it in any way - using a nut, if the base is threaded, using a large smooth bead, making a loop on the wire with pliers. There are many options; the master decides which one is more convenient to use. The most important thing is that the turntable rotates freely. Some craftsmen attach several of these devices to one base, decorating them with colored film or painting them acrylic paints. The result is not only functionally useful, but also beautiful thing for a personal plot.

What are moles afraid of?

A windmill made from a plastic bottle to repel moles is a very useful thing, because moles are also pests. They eat earthworms that loosen the soil and spoil the roots and tubers of plants. Sometimes a lot of such underground inhabitants appear on the site. You should get rid of uninvited guests - moles. Moles are practically blind; you can’t scare them with some kind of flicker. But moles have good hearing. It is on this feature that the principle of scaring these animals away from the garden is based. Making a windmill from a plastic bottle with your own hands means saving the harvest, leaving underground inhabitants alive, and not flooding your garden with chemical poison.

How to scare away moles

Moles are afraid of noise, and if you place something on the site that will make noise underground, the moles will leave it, going in search of a quieter habitat. A windmill made from a plastic bottle to repel moles, the diagram of which is proposed below, works just for this outcome. In order for sound to travel well in the ground, it must be amplified using resonance. This can be achieved using a hollow pipe dug into the ground. It will amplify the sound and transmit it across the earth.

The basis of the windmill can be taken from the design proposed above - blades are cut out on the body of the bottle, and the windmill itself is placed on metal base eg used electrode. Sound will be transmitted better through metal than through plastic. Then the electrode, a metal rod, must be placed in the buried pipe so that the sound from the rotation of the windmill is amplified. A do-it-yourself windmill made from a plastic bottle to preserve the harvest is a very simple design.

Pinwheel beauty

Many of those who maintain a garden or vegetable garden try to decorate the area using available materials, the same plastic bottles, for example. What craftsmen can come up with from this waste material. For example, by placing a windmill made of plastic bottles above a flowerbed, you can make it much more interesting. The classic turntable is made of 4 blades according to this scheme.

The blades can be cut out from colorful bottles, then assembled in the center using a bolt and nut or a stapler. Can transparent plastic decorate with self-adhesive film or paint with acrylic. You can make more than 4 blades. In any case, such a classic windmill made from a plastic bottle, made by yourself, will be an interesting addition to the flower garden.

There are absolutely simple designs windmills-suspensions. From a small plastic bottle you can make interesting decoration- cut the bottle lengthwise in the middle into thin, 1 centimeter wide, strips. Then connect the upper and lower parts to form a “flashlight”: press the blades in the middle, folding them in half, but at the edges they should be bent at an angle of 45 0. Make a hole in the cork using a hot nail and insert a looped paper clip into it. You can hang a bell or shiny beads on it. The windmill pendant is ready and can be placed on a tree branch.

It’s not difficult to make a windmill from a plastic bottle with your own hands, but it will provide a lot of benefits and beauty.