Mole bottles. Do-it-yourself windmill from a plastic bottle: a step-by-step description, interesting ideas and recommendations. How to make such a repeller from a plastic bottle

Very relevant for summer residents is the issue of fighting moles. These, at first glance, harmless creatures can cause great harm to the garden and the products that are grown on it. Therefore, many puzzle over how to solve this problem. Despite the mass of means and devices from moles in the city, there is one simple option that everyone can afford.

You do not need to be a skilled craftsman to create this tool, and the whole work will take about 20 minutes at most. Intrigued? Then let's find out how to make a mole repeller from a plastic bottle.

Looking for Solutions

There are a lot of requests on the Internet on the topic of rodent control, especially moles. Everyone wants to make sure that they no longer face this problem. However, not everyone knows how to act in such a case. Killing animals is not entirely humane, so poisons and other killing devices will not work. Often, gardeners run to the store to ask for advice or buy an effective and at the same time inexpensive product. Others go the easier way, making a mole repeller with their own hands.

But how can a plastic bottle scare away moles? Everything is simple. You only need to upgrade it by building a kind of blades from a bottle that will make it spin. During rotation, the turntable will make noise. The design is pretty simple:

  1. Plastic bottle.
  2. Stick.

That's all you need. The container is mounted on a stick or rod, after which it will spin under the influence of the wind. Due to the fact that the rod is deepened into the ground, vibration and noise scare away moles. For the garden, you can make a lot of such products, the cost of which is simply meager. And most importantly, you do not need to spend a lot of time. Let's look at the instructions on how to create this simple miracle of technology.

What is required for work

The advantage of a plastic bottle repeller is that you will need a minimal set of tools and materials. Everyone can work with them, and acquiring them is not a problem at all. You can see for yourself. Here is a list of everything you need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • steel bar or wooden stick;
  • stationery knife or scissors;
  • drill with a drill (in some cases it is not required).

That's the whole set. Are you surprised? Not worth it, because for all its simplicity, the mechanism works flawlessly. You just need to connect all this into one device.

Note! The device is automatic, but it works only from the wind. In calm calm weather, it will be simply useless.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a mole repeller

So, when you have everything you need, you can proceed. The bottle can be of any color, shape, displacement ... It's not so important. Provide yourself with a comfortable place to work. It is best to do everything at a table on a flat surface. Then no problems will arise. The instruction is as follows:

That's all, the device is ready. Now you just need to find the mole's tunnel in order to put the rod into it. Due to the vibration and sound transmitted from the bottle along the rod to the ground, the moles will not approach this place. They are afraid of such aggressive noises. If you have a large garden, then make several designs to eliminate the appearance of moles in another part of the garden.

Advice! Such a repeller will act not only on moles. Birds and other rodents are also very afraid of such noise. Therefore, you can not be afraid that our smaller brothers will devour your crop.

Making a mole repeller from plastic bottles with your own hands is quite simple, but the benefits of the product can hardly be overestimated. A large number of summer residents are struggling with these annoying pests, without knowing how to do it right.

How to make a mole repeller with your own hands? What materials may be required? What are the benefits of plastic bottles? The answers to these and more questions can be found below.

brief information

As a rule, people want to get rid of problems with moles once and for all, but not everyone understands what exactly needs to be done. Some immediately go to the store in the hope of finding a unique and at the same time inexpensive remedy against these little pests, while others try to make a mole repeller with their own hands. Still others turn to the Internet for help in the hope of finding something new and not previously used.

Simple design

Before you start fighting moles, you need to determine the reason for the spread of these animals and determine the factors that prevent them from scaring away.

You need to start with the fact that all moles live in very large families. And if it turned out to destroy or scare away one animal, it’s too early to rejoice, because his whole family can come after him. Usually a mole family consists of several adults and growing individuals. In addition, different families in certain periods of the year can unite. At the same time, the area of ​​their distribution increases accordingly.

Moles dig holes, the depth of which can sometimes exceed several meters. In addition, they have many outlets. That is why it is so difficult to determine the location of these animals. They can settle throughout the site and do not allow summer residents to live in peace.

These animals are quite strong and agile, they are almost impossible to catch. But even if you succeeded, be careful - moles bite painfully and do it often.

Many years of searching for an effective remedy that could help in the fight against these pests have borne fruit. And as a result, an ultrasonic repeller was designed.

Simple Remedy

For the manufacture of this tool does not need any complex materials. If you have plastic bottles, you can make several necessary products for the future. These things are extremely simple to set up and do not require any drawings. Many skilled summer residents have already adopted this and easily make practical mole repellers.

To make, you will need an empty plastic bottle and a stick / pipe. To begin with, several cuts are made on the bottle, which then need to be bent to make pockets-blades. Then a small hole is made in the bottom, after which the bottle is put on a metal tube or thick steel wire.

Pockets-blades are made so that at the slightest fluctuation of the wind the bottle starts to spin quickly and create noise that resonates well into the tube.

This resonating noise, passing through the tube, goes into the ground, straight into the tunnels dug by the mole. Therefore, it is advisable to stick such tubes into the ground in places close to wormholes.

Some craftsmen-summer residents do not stop there and try to improve this design. To implement the plan, a metal or water pipe with a small diameter may be required, which can range from 1/2 mm to 3/4 mm, there is not much difference in this case. The selected tube must be driven deep into the ground. At the same time, its lower end should be as close as possible to the underground passages of the animal. Then, a metal pin must be inserted into the upper part of the tube and fixed securely. So that it does not hang out, it is fixed with a special stopper.

A plastic bottle is put on the fixed pin, in the bottom of which a hole has already been made. It can be done with the help of a nail or a heated awl. The hole diameter must be larger than the pin diameter. Then you need to make pockets-blades, as described above, which will bend outward.

Conclusion on the topic

Such a device will help to effectively repel pests. In windy weather, the bottle will begin to rotate on the pin, creating a resonating noise. This unpleasant sound will frighten the mole.

Hills of earth and sand that form on a garden plot in mole movement zones are called molehills. In general, they are not dangerous, just like the moles themselves, which feed exclusively on insects, and not on the roots, buds or fruits of crops. Nevertheless, the appearance of the molehill site is spoiled pretty much, which means that tips on how to get rid of moles in the garden plot will not lose their relevance in the next few years, until a universal remedy has been invented that allows you to solve the problem in one fell swoop and forever.

When to start the fight against moles and why?

Traces of the presence of a family of moles in a summer cottage cannot be ignored pending the resolution of the problem without personal intervention. The more time mammals have at their disposal, the more difficult it will be to deal with them in the future. A network of holes and tunnels will entangle the entire site and this will negatively affect not only the aesthetics of the site, but also the crop.

You need to “defend” the earth constantly, even when it seems that there are no more moles on it. Simple preventive measures will eliminate the possibility of the return of pests to their former place of residence if they stay in a neighboring area.

It must be remembered that moles are family animals that breed quite actively. That is why it is so difficult to get rid of them after a long period of residence on the site.

What means are used to fight against earth destroyers and how effective are they? More on that below.

Shovel against pests - an easy way to fight

Not always the fight against moles in the garden is associated with spending on newfangled tools and traps. You can try to solve the problem with a simple shovel. The method is not the most humane and is suitable for those who intend not only to catch, but to take the life of each member of the family.

Moles do not see, but have an excellent sense of smell and hearing, compensating for a birth defect, so they are easy to scare away.

This means that you need to act with a shovel as carefully as possible, moving along the furrows of the dug tunnel. It is important to choose the time when moles go hunting for worms and insects. Usually it is morning, afternoon and evening.

Moving along the furrows, you can see that they become longer, which means that the mole is in the study area of ​​​​the site and is busy working. At such a moment, while maintaining composure, you need to block the mole's path with shovels from both sides. From surprise, the animal will either hit their surface and die, or require additional human intervention (you can use a hammer to stun).

It is worth remembering the large number of moles, which will significantly complicate their capture.

Folk methods for the loyal fight against moles

If a shovel, as a way to get rid of moles, seems too cruel, complicated and long, while the task is to solve the problem with minimal time, effort and money, it is worth trying some other options for folk methods to combat this species of mammals. These include:

  • Unpleasant odors.
  • underground obstacles.
  • Tunnel flooding.
  • Pot trap.
  • Loud music.

Moles, having a keen sense of smell, are susceptible to pungent odors. Animals try to avoid beds with pungent-smelling crops, such as garlic or onions. You can try to plant crops with a pungent odor around the perimeter of the site, thus scaring off pests. The most commonly used plants in the fight against moles are daffodils, ornamental onions, legumes, Siberian blueberry and imperial hazel grouse. You can put a fish head in the mole passage, which after a while will start to smell bad.

Underground obstacles are another option for dealing with moles. Linoleum, slate or any other solid material is dug in along the perimeter of the site at a depth of at least 70 cm, thus preventing moles from entering the garden or vegetable garden area.

Alternatively, you can try and flood the tunnels. The method does not always give a result, since excess moisture can lead to the opposite effect - to lure worms, and with them moles.

The pot trap is a simple method of dealing with animals for those who love and know how to make something with their own hands. Making it is extremely easy. A pot of water is rushed into the molehill in the center of the tunnel, covered with a material that does not transmit light. The animal will sooner or later fall into the trap and die from the water.

Some gardeners are convinced that the mole on the site will not be able to live to the sounds of regularly played loud music. According to reviews, hard rock acts especially strongly on animals. There are cases when pests forever left the area where lawn mowers often worked.

All of the listed means for combating moles can really give an effect, but they are not a 100% guarantee of freeing the site from pests. The only advantage is that they don't cost anything. If the goal is to solve the problem at a higher professional level, it is worth trying to resort to more modern and proven methods.

Repellents - how do they work?

Analyzing the methods of dealing with moles, one cannot ignore repellents. With the right choice and application, they allow you to solve the problem in a few days with minimal effort in half the cases, at least. Therefore, before moving on to more radical methods, it is worth trying to start with repellers.

As noted above, it is realistic to scare away moles from the site with the help of smells and sounds that are unpleasant for them. It is worth using both methods in a combined form.

As an option, it is worth considering sound repellers made with your own hands from improvised materials:

  • turntables;
  • weathercocks;
  • alarm clocks;
  • bottles, etc.

Turntables are made from ordinary empty plastic bottles or cans. They are mounted on metal poles firmly fixed in the ground. When the wind blows, they begin to make loud sounds entering the soil. Often, moles are frightened by turntables and leave the site. But it is impossible to say that a windmill for scaring away moles is one hundred percent effective, because it does not always work the way its manufacturers would like.

Weather vanes have a more complex design, which work on the principle of turntables or, alternatively, reed stalks that make a sound in the wind.

An interesting option is Chinese battery-powered alarm clocks. They are placed in ordinary glass jars, after which the device is buried in the ground in the alleged habitat of moles. You need to bury several cans with alarm clocks, while each set a different time, forcing them to work one after another with minimal pauses.

Alternatively, you can use empty plastic bottles. They are simply laid out on the site in large numbers. Nighttime temperature changes cause the air to expand and contract, which causes the plastic to crackle, again irritating and frightening to the animals.

The way to scare away moles with glass bottles is more than simple. They are buried in the ground at an angle of 45 degrees, leaving only the neck outside. Blowing into it, the wind will cause the extraction of a sound that repels moles.

All of these funds are installed near the intended habitat of moles, focusing on the tunnels. The more repellers are involved, the more likely it is that the methods of struggle will give positive results.

Electronics against moles - modern methods

Good or not folk remedies in the fight against moles - you can only judge after they have been tested in practice. In case of a negative result, it is worth resorting to more modern methods - using electronic repellers.

If we compare a do-it-yourself windmill from moles with a repeller that generates not only sound, but also vibration with a certain frequency, frequency and duration, then the advantage of the second option becomes obvious.

The design of such devices is most often a column buried in the soil (many mistakenly call it an ultrasonic repeller, despite the fact that there is no talk of extracting ultrasound), generating signals in a certain frequency range. In the case of moles, this is a sound with a frequency in the range of 300-400 Hz.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the fight against moles with folk remedies is the simplest, but not always effective method. Therefore, if experiments do not give results, it is worth trying out modern devices of proven quality.

These should not be cheap Chinese solar-powered repellers that are unstable or cheap analogues of high-quality devices that fail after the first rain. Devices should be selected from trusted manufacturers at an adequate price. The costs will justify themselves in the first days after their use, which means that savings are inappropriate here.

The mole is a predator by nature. Its diet consists of larvae, small vertebrates, worms and insects. He also loves caterpillars, bears and wireworms. He can get to them by breaking through long underground passages. As a result, the excess land, formed in the process of painstaking work, is pushed up by the animal. This is how mounds unloved by gardeners are formed. It is noteworthy that he eats precisely those pests that are capable of destroying the future crop.

However, accompanying problems appear - in search of something edible, the mole digs long tunnels in the ground at different depths. Labyrinths, laid in the thickness of the earth, damage the roots and disrupt the natural microenvironment near the root system of plants. And the earthen heaps that appeared on the surface spoil the appearance of the site. In general, it becomes obvious that the animal does more harm than good, and then the question arises of how to get rid of moles on the site.

general information

A large number of moles appear in the gardens in the first half of summer. This is due to the fact that the upper earthen layer of forests and meadows becomes scarce and depleted. And garden partnerships and summer cottages with their fed “fat” land, teeming with all living creatures, attract moles like a magnet.

During a short hunt for their food, a mole can dig up the entire area up and down, while spoiling the garden, beds with crops or a beautiful lawn. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to get rid of an uninvited guest. If you do everything consistently, a positive result will be unambiguous and the mole will leave the area where he is not welcome.

It is believed that moles are afraid of unpleasant odors. As a result, some summer residents water the garden with carbide and kerosene, scatter rotten fish around the site and use smoke bombs. However, such methods are unlikely to suit good gardeners - how can you have a good rest on a site where it constantly stinks of rotten meat and kerosene ?! Therefore, people are looking for alternative ways to fight.

Attention! Industrial enterprises have developed and produce various kinds of electronic repellers. But their price is quite high.

Experienced summer residents know that moles cannot stand various kinds of noise. They don't like the sound of metal, crackling plastic, or the ticking of an alarm clock. It was these features of the character of the animal that served as the theoretical basis for the creation of various kinds of mole repellers.

Do-it-yourself mole repeller

Since the task is not to destroy the mole, but to evict it from a certain territory, for this purpose they use not all kinds of poisons and chemicals, but "noise makers". How to make a mole repeller with your own hands? In fact, it is not difficult and there are several varieties of noise structures.

Materials from which this device can be made:

  • plastic bottles;
  • tin cans of various shapes;
  • ultrasonic and electronic devices;
  • electric alarm clocks.

The leading place among homemade repellers is occupied by those made of plastic.

The simplest device in the fight against moles for their territory is an ordinary plastic bottle worn on a metal pipe. Under gusts of wind, a plastic bottle makes an unpleasant sound, transmits vibration through the pipe. They are heard in the underground passages of the animal and he does not like it very much. It should be noted here that wooden sticks are not suitable for these purposes, since they conduct sound worse than iron.

Windmill from a plastic bottle

A difficult option is a mole repeller in the form of a windmill. This is a kind of weather vane that works under any direction of the wind. With his impulses, he makes an unpleasant sound that scares away moles.

Windmill from a plastic bottle

A mole spinner from a plastic bottle is made as follows:

  1. An ordinary beer bottle with a volume of one and a half liters is taken. Its form should be classical.
  2. The bottle is turned over and the bottom is cut off with sharp scissors. As a rule, the classic bottle shape has a strip near the bottom. It is on it that the cut is made.
  3. The finished cut bottom is turned upside down and a marker or felt-tip pen draws lines along which further cuts must be made. Or rather, remove some of the plastic. The bottom has a central circle from which five rays diverge. It is necessary to make markings from the border of the circle to the middle of the beam. Also from the middle of the circle and in the middle of the depression between the rays. This piece in the form of a half beam must be cut out.
  4. This manipulation is repeated with the remaining rays. And now the turntable is ready.
  5. Exactly in the center of such a propeller, a hole is punched, which should be perfect, without torn edges.
  6. A self-tapping screw is inserted into the turntable (the cap is directed inward) and screwed into the center of the bottle cap. Twist until it stops until the thread ends. To make the fixation more rigid, it is possible to add a nut on the reverse side.
  7. On the neck of the bottle, strictly marking the center line, two holes are made for the nail. They must be against each other.

A do-it-yourself windmill from moles is almost ready. It remains to fix it on a pole and stick it in the ground.

To make the scaring stronger, they take a metal pipe and dig it into the ground below the level of the mole's moves. They stick a pole with a weather vane into it, and fasten it tightly to prevent vibrations. The sound of a ratchet, which is unpleasant for the hearing of a mole, will scare him away from an inhospitable area.

Tin Repellers

It's easy enough to make it. If you imagine the sound of regularly beating metal on metal, it becomes clear that it cannot be pleasant. The mole definitely does not like this sound.

Tin Repellers

But it’s enough to stick a piece of rebar or any other “iron” stick into the ground and hang a beer can on it. Under the wind gusts, the bank will beat against the metal of the rod and the sounds of blows will go deep into the ground. Such a musical performance will again make the mole say goodbye to the garden.

You can also string on a rope any number of the same beer cans you like. The main thing is that the distance between them allows them to knock against each other in windy weather.

How to make a mole spinner from tin cans? It is made by analogy with a turntable from a plastic bottle. Here, the blades are cut with scissors and bent outward. Despite its small size, such a repeller will be loud enough and will quickly drive the mole out of the area.

Attention! As for ultrasonic devices, people with some experience can make them on their own.

Those who wish to have an ultrasonic mole repeller on their site should contact professionals who are well versed in physics and electronics. Because explaining to an amateur how to assemble such a device is not too easy.

Such devices create vibration inside the soil. Only the mole and other underground inhabitants can hear them. The human ear does not recognize ultrasound noise. But the excellent hearing of the animal will immediately suffer. The mole will stop earthworks in this direction and turn the underground passage in the other direction.

Sound waves that have an electronic source act like all mechanical devices. Except that a certain scheme controls them. Sometimes devices with electrical noise have a vibration motor that can increase the power of sound underground. You can buy different types of ultrasonic devices against moles in specialized stores, but the cost can scare off ordinary summer residents.

How are mole alarms used?

Repelling moles from a summer cottage with the help of a clockwork is already a proven and most importantly effective thing. To do this, you need to purchase an inexpensive battery-powered alarm clock, or better not one. Different ring times are set on the clock. Then they are placed in glass jars with screw caps. Such a "gift", previously checked for tightness, is buried in different places of the site. Moles are very annoyed by the endless ticking of the clock, and even more so by the alarm clock. In such a simple way, the mole alarm clock helps a lot.

A slightly more complex variation, again using a clock, is also considered very effective. To make such a homemade clockwork repeller, you will need a wide pipe (half a meter). On its sides, holes are drilled in the lower part. The pipe is buried with one side into the ground, below the level of the underground corridors of the mole. An alarm clock is lowered into the pipe itself, to which a rope is tied for the convenience of further extraction. The ticking mechanism creates an ultrasonic effect inside the pipe. And the mole is forced to leave the area.

Thus, using an alarm clock against moles, you can get rid of them one hundred percent. The main thing is to wait until the enemy's nerves give up, and he retires from the battlefield.

As you can see, various kinds of noisemakers perfectly repel moles. It is the annoying sound that complicates their life in a certain area. Most importantly, the methods are repeatedly proven and effective. Using them it is quite possible to get rid of these creatures in your garden once and for all.

In the 2016 season, along with hordes of pests, moles were also added. They dig everything and everywhere. Grandmother went into shock when she went into the shed and even there she saw a molehill. And this is not to mention the fact that such mounds of earth rise throughout the summer cottage:

All these factors prompted us to seriously address the issue of how to get rid of moles in the country. It turned out that there are many funds. We are starting to use...

How to scare away moles?

most humane means of dealing with moles in the country - to scare away them, create conditions so that the animals no longer want to live on the site. Here it must be borne in mind that moles do not like loud sounds, vibrations, strong unpleasant odors. What can be done:

  • set fire to wool or skin and shove it along the minks. It is possible to use a smoke bomb. Moles have a strong sense of smell, so they react sharply to odors that are unpleasant for them;
  • Squeeze out about 1 cm of Vishnevsky's ointment on sphagnum moss and put it in a mink without burying it. The pungent smell repels pests. Instead of ointment, tar, turpentine or kerosene will do;
  • if you know that moles are farming in a neighboring area and you are worried that they will run over to you, defend yourself 🙂 They recommend digging a fine mesh around the perimeter of the fence to a depth of 30-50 cm. It is best to do this along with the construction of the fence. And then the moles will not pass!
  • use special "mole repellers". They are devices that are stuck into the ground, make sounds (ultrasounds) and generate vibration. The choice is varied: solar-powered and conventional (alkaline). The principle of operation of the device on a solar battery is as follows - the charge is transferred to the built-in battery, which accumulates energy, so that the device also works at night. The range is 10-15 meters. Sold in garden stores and costs 400-800 rubles;

We bought such a device for 430 rubles:

One of these days we will put it, we will try how good it is in action.

  • make a mole repeller with your own hands from improvised means: bottles or cans.

Do-it-yourself mole repellers

1. Glass bottles. Glass bottles are buried in the ground at about 2/3 of the depth (the wind is blowing or what sounds are buzzing in the bottles and the moles are afraid), 2 bottles for each bed. Tried it, it didn't work well for us.

2. Beer cans. Pegs are dug in along the perimeter and in the middle of the site, metal beer cans are put on top of them. From the wind, the banks knock on the pegs, rattle, thereby scaring away the moles;

3. Alarm clock. Take a jar, put a small alarm clock in it, which is turned on for a call, bury the jar in the ground to the depth of the jar. When the alarm clock rings 2 times a day, the effect will not keep you waiting. The result will be enhanced by the use of several such devices around the perimeter of the site;

4. Plastic bottle.From a plastic bottle with your own hands also easy to build Mole Repeller. According to many summer residents, homemade repellers really work. Build a spinner. On the sides in a plastic bottle, 4 windows are made and cut through from three sides. The lid is screwed on, and a hole is made in the bottom. A turntable is placed on a metal tube (reinforcement). Moles do not like the hum and vibration transmitted to the ground from the turntables, and they leave the summer cottage. More about how to get rid of moles in the country via repeller, built do it yourself, look at video-instructions:

Less humane means:

  • chemicals (chemicals) - sold in gardening stores;
  • special mechanical roof traps. They operate similarly to mousetraps. The bait is placed inside. The mole enters the trap and stays there. Usually such devices are stuck in a mink:

  • calling a team of specialists who pump a certain chemical composition into the mink. From him, moles lose their scent and soon die.

Means that literally kill, and do not scare away moles, we would recommend using in extreme cases, when the harm from moles is large-scale and nothing else helps. Remember that moles in the country also have benefits: they eat insect pest larvae (May beetle, bear, click beetle, moth pupae, as well as seeds of some weeds).

And how did you scare away the moles from their summer cottage? Have you managed to get rid of moles for good? Write in the comments 😉