I dreamed of an underground passage along the vanga. Interpretation of sleep dungeon in dream books. Dream about the Dungeon

Radost Reply

I had this dream several years ago. Then it was a difficult time for me (problems at work, courts, conflict with superiors, but I overcame all difficulties).
This is a very vivid dream. I went underground, deep. In the dungeon, people in white coats, some kind of laboratories, these nice people, mostly women, work with various glass test tubes, do various chemical experiments, but do not talk, but communicate with each other telepathically. That it’s strange that they don’t go through the door, but penetrate into another room (the rooms are not large) through the wall, to my surprise they tell me, they say you will also learn someday, now try it, and I tried, really penetrated once through the wall. And I see a huge field where halva deposits lie beautifully. And I said that it was not there on the ground, carefully cutting it off with an ax (beautiful even pieces turned out) and sent it to the top, like through a well.
Before that, I also met aliens in a dream, flew with them in UFOs, was in the afterlife, descended into the grave ... I often see prophetic dreams, sometimes I find out from them who is dying. So this dream haunts me, everyone interprets it in their own way, I want to know your opinion. Now I will be 41. I am very interested in mysticism and miracles. The man himself is a popular TV journalist and political scientist. From Kazan.

Ejovanovich_rambler_ru Reply

I think that the dream said that everything is in human power, but that you can stumble upon halva deposits only by going down into the dungeon (having experienced difficulties, maybe humiliation, you can find happiness, good luck). There, on earth, it was difficult for you, you had a hard time, so you wanted to sweeten it, send the halva to the top.

Riry Reply

Sleep is very difficult. All colors are dull and dark. It all started with the fact that I became a student of some young woman, what exactly she taught me I remember with difficulty, there were many different things, including dancing and something more serious. In order to become her student, I had to demonstrate some dance moves to her on the street, which I calmly did, realizing, however, that there was something not very decent in them. As a mandatory task or payment for training, I had to visit a secret room, supposedly located underground, under my house, log and gloomy. I tried my best to avoid it. The entrance was hidden on the street between the stones, and, going down there, you could find a staircase underground right in my house, at the usual entrance there was none. I remember how I crawled between the roots, walked along the dark corridor and saw this staircase. I was hard and scared. I went into my room, empty, wooden, there was only an old washbasin with water, and washed myself, trying to gain determination. Time seemed to slow down a lot. I clearly remember how the water dripped down my arms, I raised my face and saw my pale and frightened reflection in the mirror. It seems I went to the secret room, but didn't do what I needed to do. The next episode - they are chasing me in some kind of abnormal car. I ran into the courtyard, and now visiting the secret room has become a necessity, the only way I could escape. Time slowed down again, I stood at the roots and looked around, again gaining determination. Finally, I slipped down and started down the stairs. That's when the alarm clock rang.

Zosia Reply

Hello Dear Oracle. Here is my dream from 2 weeks ago. I'm going underground. For the first time, it was impossible to walk on rocks-rocks. The second descent - some work has already been done and the ground is covered with something. Then there was a strange trip with the subsequent hit in a place - the edge at the edge of the forest, where all the lost ones gather. I walked along the tall wet grass, and then went into the house, where a man was baking pita bread. I left this house and joined a group of young people around which animals frolicked: rabbits, cats, lynxes. I played with them and they bit my hands. Then I am in my apartment, trying to install a Christmas tree, but I do not find help from two men who are also there - they are not focused on the tree, but on me. The final scene of the whole dream, which is just a mystery to me: I and many other people are sitting in the kitchen. I am sitting on the floor next to Foreign Minister Ivanov. Someone sitting at the table says: . I had this dream at the end of two weeks that were terribly difficult and had a destructive effect on me psychologically, after which I still cannot recover. I regarded this final scene as an assessment of myself, but still I do not have a complete understanding. Besides, who can command a minister? President... I guess.

AnaLitik Reply

Descent underground opens access to unconscious processes. There you meet a man who bakes bread. This is the most positive image of sleep, but you leave it and join a group of young people around whom animals frolicked: rabbits, cats, lynxes. I played with them and they bit my hands. Rabbits symbolize health, which begins to depreciate with empty fuss, cats and lynxes symbolize the beginning of negative dynamics, which is even more fully expressed in the image of a Christmas tree. The New Year tree represents duplicity, falsehood, an attempt to seduce men. The minister, like any celebrity dreaming, means that you have a role model. Consciousness summed up its results and chose a new model of behavior based on imperious control over others.

Witch Reply

A gloomy dungeon, slightly reminiscent of a metro: crumbling dark walls, a high ceiling, columns, abomination, dampness: even stalactites / stalagmites! in general, complete neglect. A friend of mine and I are walking along this subway. Around people, but quite quiet. A friend says: “If the train does not come in 15 minutes, a massacre will begin here,” and points to two kingpins under one of the columns. One is not very big, lying in a pool of blood. The other is pinned to a column and is also covered in blood: But he suddenly pushes through and goes into the crowd: I see him: burning evil eyes, disheveled hair: And in his right hand is a shotgun. He came up behind me and put the muzzle to my temple. I see a frightened crowd, but only for a moment, and then I realize that I’m under the gun, that the guy is clearly a fool, that it doesn’t cost him anything to shoot, that my life hangs in the balance. ps I usually don't wake up with fear. But what a fear it was, it cannot be described in words. This is probably the first time I've experienced this. The dream was like reality. Creepy! Wednesday, April 21, 1999

Alexander Reply

I dream that I am driving a jeep along a narrow mountain road. There are only rocks around. And among the rocks I see some kind of hole, like a gorge. Mist hangs over this pit. The sky is blue in general, but above the pit is an orange-yellow color. Yellow light comes from the sky. Above is the inscription "God". Below is not an inscription, but it is already clear that hell. On the left side the inscription "people", and on the right side "non-humans". The inscriptions somehow incomprehensibly stay in the air. Then I find myself in this hole in order to save the World, but I don’t know how in a dream. I see a little 4 year old pregnant girl who knows how. She asks for help to get out of there. I see light and passage. Large brown cockroaches begin to run into this passage. But I gather courage and leave this dungeon together with the girl to the rocks and cuddle up to them. Because I know it will be the end of the world. Then the evacuation begins. The girl literally grows in seconds with her stomach. Then I see her lying in a tent. Under the blanket she has a girl, that is, the child she gave birth to. The girl is 5 years old. They hug each other, as if they missed each other. Nearby, a young pregnant blonde woman lies on a cot, she smiles sweetly and waits for her turn to give birth. And then someone's voice says that the end of the world will not happen. This is where I woke up. This is such an interesting dream.

119 Reply


Mei Reply

Over the past couple of weeks, this seems to be the third dream on this topic. The dreams were different, but the essence was the same. In one, I descend into some kind of deep dungeon in the middle of the square in my hometown, like some kind of catacomb excavation. I tell that I saw this place in a dream (I tell in a dream), and that a glass church from my other dream is buried there, but they don’t show it to me there, but they try to put some kind of mask on me, because. in this dungeon there is allegedly poisoned air, some kind of poisonous gases. At the same time, they show me different rooms inside these excavations and some objects allegedly found there, sort of like on an excursion. It is very uncomfortable to breathe in the mask and I take it off, it turns out that nothing terrible is happening to me. The air seems quite normal, I can't understand why they tell me it's poisonous. Then, in this dream, I was also shown the wreckage of some alien spaceship that landed there in ancient times and had something to do with the origin of the local civilization. In today's dream, there was poisoned air again. It was as if I was at my parents' house and it was announced throughout the city or locality that it was urgently necessary to seal houses and apartments, because. goes soon the city will cover a cloud of poisonous air. We seal all cracks and holes with adhesive tape. I think to myself about where this poisonous air comes from and where it will go later. Then the dream gradually turns into a story about some girl, who I am at the same time, who is traveling on a train with children and this train is also all clogged with poisonous air. It takes a very long time to travel and there is no toilet on the train, which makes the trip extremely difficult. Some child escapes, climbs onto the roof of the train. It turns out that the air is normal and they can breathe. Something similar happens in the part of the dream where I am in a sealed house. I also somehow find myself outside and breathe normally. I can't imagine why this is a dream? Those. the main motive, they convince me that the air is poisoned, urgently put on gas masks, seal the premises, etc., and then I “accidentally” find out that this is not so and you can breathe quite normally.

Alexander Reply

I remembered only short moments from the dream, the first dream: a huge building, more like a dungeon, there are a lot of people there but they are not familiar to me, I go to the stairs, and on the right side of the fence behind this fence there is a woman with a man, and the man takes my hand and says, you wake mine. My dream suddenly turns over, another person comes up with a girl, most likely with her daughter, and says that we need to put the car in gorash and then we go somewhere, I sit in the back seat next to the man at the very beginning of sleep, and holds my hand. we drove the streets were ordinary, they didn’t differ in anything, we drove for a very long time, we stopped at the alley, there was a path to the towns, there were houses, we got out of the car and went along this path. we walked a little more than a meter and there was a woman sitting on a bench, she turned and asked: did you happen to lose a stone, to this question I unexpectedly remember that my favorite cross weighs on my neck, it is made of platen with diamonds, but I notice that one side of the cross is broken off and one stone is missing, and I start to panic where I could break and lose the stone, and I tell the woman that I rubbed the stone, maybe you found it, and she shows a very beautiful thing, I don’t know what it would be made of , it didn’t even matter to me, this vehsh did not look like an ordinary piece on a chain in this flower there should have been stones, but they are not there, and I hang this decoration around my neck. and at that moment I woke up. second dream: I’m walking along the beach with my brother and this woman, we talked about something, I looked around it’s a white pebble and a blue sea, but turning back I saw a boy, most likely, he had a female instead of a male breast, but it didn’t bring me I didn't even feel sorry for him anymore. and after a fraction of a second I felt so hot, my chest was all wet, I put my hand under the T-shirt to wipe it and I notice that milk is flowing from my nipples, I immediately realized that I was pregnant, I was very happy, but to clarify that I was definitely pregnant, I I took a pregnancy test, and a clear close-up image of two sticks indicated that I was pregnant. And then I don’t remember. I will be 19 soon 20 my gender is female. on the first dream, I can’t write anything to the magician and think for sure it’s just a dream, but on the second dream, most likely I just really want a baby but I can’t get pregnant, maybe that’s why I dream that I’m pregnant. that's all.

3337841 Reply

This is the third time in the last 5 years that I have had the same dream, even this alerted me Some kind of gorge - underground housing where people live, under a rock - very large catacombs, many women, beautiful and ordinary, there are hundreds of them - different age. Women live in the underworld, there are no men there, they all died, only a few remained, their housing was made in caves, old beds, broken dishes - the remnants of everything that could be collected on the surface, where nothing has been left for a long time, there are no cities, there is nothing ... The worst thing is that you walk through the caves and they are all naked and offer to have sex - in front of everyone, I am tempted ..., everyone is very sick - they have leprosy, some like it, some strong, some weak ... Then one of them tells me what if if you want to save yourself, then go to that room there is a box and there is a small cube with liquid in it, you drink it and you won’t be able to get sick, I take a cube with liquid, when lifting the cube (translucent plastic) I spill it a little, exactly half remains ... and then I open the door on street ... And I take a step and understand that I’m flying, the earth turns over, I fall into the sky, falling into the abyss, out of the corner of my eye I see the earth, or rather what we called the Earth, from a height of 30 meters, there are dark thunderclouds all around, the earth is all driven out , ash , the remains of burnt trees ... And there is not a soul, everyone who remains lives underground, in the catacombs .... This is where the dream ends ... But the worst thing is that I have seen this dream many times and every time everything is the same ... The same women, rocks , caves, cube, everything remains unchanged. Perhaps this is what awaits us ...

Arktos Reply

A couple of days ago I had a strange dream that left a heavy and nasty feeling in my soul. It begins with how some unfamiliar girl and I are trying to get out of some dungeons that look like prisons. When we get to the surface, we find ourselves in a city that is very similar to Vyborg (I have only been to this city once, so I don’t know why it is). And then a huge wave rises above the city and falls on people. The girl and I stay alive, but we get lost in the crowd of panicking people. And then I meet my friend, whom I miss madly (We stopped talking under rather strange circumstances - she abruptly stopped all communication without explanation). I throw myself on her neck, I almost cry with joy, I ask you to forgive me, although I don’t know why. She strokes my head, says that she forgave me a long time ago and everything is in order. And then she says a strange phrase: “Do you know that another wave will rise now, and everyone will die?” I shake my head in horror, and she says that the last chance to escape is to leave on the bus. We push through the crowd at the bus stop. A bus drives up, a friend pushes me there by force and the bus leaves. And the bus filled only seats and left. But the girlfriend stayed. I would probably get this dream out of my head. But that nasty feeling is still there. I want to howl and whine, but I don't know why.

Angelvvv Reply

One of the dreams, completely accompanied by one very strong refined emotion (in this case, annoyance), and more or less corresponding logically and in strength to the plot: more often it happens that it logically corresponds, but in strength - an unjustifiably strong mono-emotion. So, we are in a pillbox hidden in a wild granite mountain. It seems to be a whole network of passages, storages, warehouses, with several guns in the embrasures. Those who are with me are going to leave, talking about the environment, about making their way to their own. I angrily argue with them: what the hell else do you need, we are in a natural underground city, we have everything, here we are more useful in every way. But they don’t listen to me, and, which completely pisses me off, they don’t object in any clear way, they just want to be with their own people. Everything is very boring, even when a column appears on the opposite side of the gorge. They continue to tediously dig and grumble, I turn to the embrasure and with the same feeling “what the hell do you need here?!” I shoot at the column: the front tank explodes, the rear one, then one after another - cars with people and something else, the gun is controlled easily and obediently, literally with one finger, everything is so well debugged. And I’m tearing up (because after the shots I don’t hear myself) I yell to them that THIS is either to give a hook a hundred kilometers through the mountains, or to shove here; people, they are all yours, look how easy it is, what the hell else do you need! But they continue to gather, leave one after another, epithets like “murderer”, “butcher”, etc. vaguely reach me. And, what is most annoying, I see how machine gunners from the other side of the gorge shoot at those who have already gone outside, but they still crawl away, leave. Annoyed to tears, to a lump in my throat, I shoot down the slope, trying to figure out the machine gunners, to squeeze, to give these stubborn fools the opportunity to leave, so that they would be killed at least not before my eyes, I wipe my eyes every minute so that tears do not interfere with aiming. I am left alone in an endlessly boring world, with my all-consuming annoyance. Nevertheless, even after this, completely unhappy dream, I fly all day as if on wings, feeling, as always after such dreams-mono-emotions, an inexpressible buzz for at least half a day.

AnaLitik Reply

In fact, a dream about war is a vague (intuitive) feeling of aggression from the environment. Vague - because usually there is no direct external reason for this mood. Usually it is an emotion displaced from another level. We can say that this is a karmic payment for belonging to a family, in which there were also those who had to kill. Participants in hostilities, as a rule, had to restrain their feelings (guilt, fear, annoyance), and everything that was repressed gradually shifted to the younger ones in the family. How will these young people behave? Someone will identify with the aggressor, giving him his place. Someone will atone for his guilt. Someone may identify with the victims. Some will share these feelings.

Monolith Reply

I have had this dream not for the first time (sixth), but each time in a different setting of his event. Today it was like this: walking down the street near my former school, I tried to go through the door. There was impenetrable darkness. And suddenly I begin to fall into the ground (more precisely, there was nothing left with my feet). Falling lower and lower, my gaze plunged into complete blackness, only blue ripples in the eyes. And then I realized that I was in Hell. I was overcome with fear. In a few moments I wake up (as I thought), see my room (everything is natural!) and I can't move! Here begins a nightmarish buzz in my ears, I just heard it live, to reduce the jaw. I have already begun to understand that this is a dream and try to move my hands. They did not move, but I felt that I was moving them in life. And then I woke up, but for real. As I said, I often have this dream

Jenuevieve-rambler-en Reply

the first part of the dream is a nightmare. I walk along an asphalt road in the city, parallel to a busy highway. There are plenty of people. I see a hole in the asphalt. When I get closer, it turns out that this is the entrance to the underground passage. Creepy shadow people (mostly men) appear, somewhat similar to the sheep man from Mulholland Drive. There are not many of them, I manage to repel their attacks until another one appears, more like a traditional Irish spirit of evil: a wide-brimmed high black hat with a narrow crown, a wide black cloak, long white hair. It really is a spirit, because, no matter how dense it is, everything shines through it, as if it were created from heavily tinted glass. This spirit frightens me so much that I prefer to dive into a hole that I was not so afraid of before, but did not want to go there for anything. I won’t even say that the spirit scared me, I’m just tired, or something. Diving into the dungeon, I found myself in a completely different world. This is a totalitarian world where a dictator rules, although outwardly it is a solid democracy. The dictator is not visible, but he is felt everywhere. Its servants are monotonous police officers in black uniforms and black helmets, they walk around the city all the time and suppress any dissent. The police are so identical, their actions and actions are so lifeless that they give the impression of biorotobes. All citizens must work, and where the dictator will indicate. Neither fatigue nor aversion to this particular type of work is taken into account. I work for a newspaper, it's not clear what I'm doing. I really don't like it there. And one day I decided to run away. As soon as this intention matured, a tunnel appeared, where I slipped away from the vigilant policemen, who had already “taken the trail”. I got on the asphalt road, hot from the heat and the Crimean sun, wide, meandering around the slope of a huge mountain. Some kind of wild, crazy beauty: the greenery of bushes rushing up, growing in disorder here and there, white houses that seem abandoned, far below - the sea. I like it here. But in order to stay in this city forever, you need to pass certain tests. In particular, run a cross. Right on the road I am picked up by a group of people like me who want to get local citizenship. They (and me) are led by a tough male trainer, just merciless. I stand at the end of the chain, we run along a scorching road, then along the edge of some abandoned viaduct, until we reach the area in front of a large white house. It seems like here we can relax and get documents. I, along with everyone, go into the cool marble hall, and then go down the marble stairs down to the restroom to wash. when I get up, a woman from the newspaper where I temporarily worked in the totalitarian world and from where I escaped blocks my way. She yells at me that I haven't done everything that needed to be done, and because of me the newspaper has not been delivered on time, therefore, I have to go back and finish everything. I am horrified: after I escaped from the totalitarian hell, I ran a grueling cross-country race - to return!? Yes, for nothing! And I say that I have no relations with them, with their newspaper, and I don’t want to have, and what claims to me after I left? That's it, I left - and left. Work yourself. But the woman insisted, and I "sent" her. Then I went up the hall and began to think how good it would be for me in this state.

Ridlipop Reply

I dream that I am as if underground, there are a lot of people around, I don’t see them, I just feel them. No fear. I raise my head, and from above the ceiling is made of human bones. I see a small gap - this is the way out. And someone helps me get out. I got out with great difficulty. Gradually the exit disappeared. The surface has become dense. But I still stand on human bones, the walls are made of bones, there are people around, or not people ... They were tall, they were wearing rags, some had hats. But there was no skin or muscle. Like skeletons, with elongated black skulls (For some reason, one swept up, looked at me, and the second was huge with huge bone ears))) And I have to fight with one of them. I pull the femur out of the wall to start beating, turn around and see the exit. I felt a strong fear and flew to the door. I get it on time.

Ekaterina Reply

Recurring in the image: the second day in a row, dreaming of underground travel.
In the first dream, yesterday, I fell into the ground, it collapsed under my feet, and I ended up in something like a cave from which I could not get out. I was worried, but not so much about myself, but about the fact that I had a sick child at home alone (in reality, Luka really had a temperature). I found a way out, but not to the surface, the entrance to the subway was discovered, where I went.
Today I went with my relatives, with my husband. At some point, we went into a tunnel underground, it was made of some special material, light, and on the floor something like multi-colored, mixed with white, stone chips. She crunched under her feet.
The tunnel went out into the hall, where a certain religious cult of a Hindu orientation held its functions. Maybe a sect. The head of the tusa was an old Hindu - a typical woman with a long beard - I saw him only from afar.
We stayed overnight, went to bed in this room. It was not completely underground, but, as it were, in a semi-basement - somewhere near the ceiling (although it may have been a vault) there was a window outward. I lay and worried - where is the toilet? If I want to go there, what should I do? Does this Hindu even speak English?
Then he comes up to me and says - let's go. Probably in Russian. He has changed, looks like a European, bald (or bald), no beard, possibly bare-chested, tall. And he is 90 years old.
If in the hall I was lying with my companions, then I go to another room with him alone. and there we communicate. I don't remember verbatim, but I remember the intonation of the message. When I woke up, at first I understood it as “do what you want” or “do what you want, despite the fact that those close to you do not like it.” But later it seemed to me that it was more likely: “love and accept yourself, despite what you do may not be liked by your loved ones.”


Find out what the cards say about your dream


I dreamed that you were in a dark dungeon - do not try to unravel the innermost secret, as all your attempts will be in vain and will not give any result.

In a dream, they wandered around it for a long time, trying to find a way out, but could not find it in any way - your new acquaintances can involve you in an extremely dangerous event, which will subsequently lead you to complete ruin or the unfortunate loss of friends.

If you managed to get out of it and finally see the sunlight - you will be able to unravel a very difficult matter and earn the respect of others.

A dream in which for some reason you had to live in it for a long time indicates that at the moment a great threat looms over you, so try not only to monitor your own health, but also control your level of wealth, otherwise In the coming years, your family will experience hardship and deepest disappointment.

In night dreams, you unexpectedly met a huge fire-breathing dragon in the dungeon, which means that in reality you tend to surrender to your passions and in the near future you will plunge headlong into this pool, however, choose someone who is much older and more experienced than you.

Occurs in the following interpretations:

Brick Down Sink Cold

Interpretation depending on the day and hour:

Do you want to know if your dream will come true today, how accurate is its interpretation on a given day of the week or month? Select the desired date and find out whether to trust what you saw in a dream.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17- e 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 0-1 hour 1-2 hours 2-3 hours 3-4 hours 4-5 hours 5-6 hours 6-7 hours 7-8 hours 8-9 hours 9-10 hours 10-11 hours 11-12 hours 12- 13 hours 13-14 hours 14-15 hours 15-16 hours 16-17 hours 17-18 hours 18-19 hours 19-20 hours 20-21 hours 21-22 hours 22-23 hours 23-24 hours

Find out from the online dream book what the Dungeon is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreters.

What is the dungeon for in a dream?

Miller's dream book

What is the dream of the Dungeon in a dream?

Dungeon - Seeing yourself living underground - to a possible loss of reputation and good luck.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand why the Dungeon is in a dream?

Dungeon - subconscious.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Dream interpretation:

Dungeon - loss, theft.

Astrological dream book

Dungeon see what it means?

Dungeon - a serious illness. Pluto and Saturn.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

See the Dungeon, how to unravel the symbolism

Enter the dungeon - do things that can damage your reputation. Living in a dungeon is not doing your job.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Why does the dreamer dream of the Dungeon?

The help of a strong patron will help you weather the storm. Imagine that the dungeon is light and spacious, you fit there with your whole family.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Dungeon from your dream

Dungeon - Inner care, renunciation of the world for the purpose of protection, security ("mole man"); knowledge of one's own (ancestral) roots; the world of demonic forces, influences and motives.

Symbolic dream book

Dungeon - how to solve the vision?

Dungeon - Something painful, dangerous, deadly, secret, demonic; a terrible layer of your own subconscious with its monsters, fears, nightmares, predatory urges.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

What is the dream of the Dungeon for?

Being underground in a dream portends an impending danger, a threat to your good name and success in business. Riding the underground railway means that you will soon be involved in an unusual enterprise that will bring you bitter doubts or endless troubles.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

What is the dream of the Dungeon for?

If in a dream you find yourself in a gloomy dungeon, it means that in reality you will try in vain to unravel a certain mystery. Wandering around the dungeon in search of a way out and not finding it - contact people who will involve you in dangerous business. If you managed to get out of the dungeon - such a dream portends that you will be able to unravel a very difficult matter. The dream in which you are forced to live in a dungeon speaks of a threat to your well-being and health. To meet a dragon in a dungeon means that you will surrender to your passions with a person much older than you.

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Fantasize in a dream - take part in a fun raffle in reality. Fantasy dreamed - a joke will turn into a serious relationship and events. Fantasies - perhaps you will find your happiness. Fantasies are dreaming - you will be deceived or you will be deceived. If in a dream you see completely unusual ...

What does sleep mean - Croutons

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing croutons or crackers in a dream is a sign of your friends' fidelity and a quiet home life. To dream that you are eating or cooking cheese toast means that your affairs will soon become confused due to the fact that your attention ...

Dream Interpretation: what the Tower is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

In a dream, the tower symbolizes the sublimity of feelings, overcoming obstacles or an unattainable dream. If in a dream you climb the stairs to the top of the tower with great difficulty, this is a sign that in reality you will have to overcome many obstacles before you reach your goal. …

Dream Interpretation: why the Egg is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

It is well known that the egg is a symbol of the birth of life, has the power of rebirth and renewal. In dreams, this symbol can have several meanings and interpretations. According to ancient legends, sorcerers and magicians, whose actions were associated with evil spirits, ate an egg in a shell in order to ...

Dream Interpretation: what Boots are dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

This symbol means prosperity, beauty, panache, following fashion. Among the people, the symbol is associated with the craft of a shoemaker, with service people, that is, soldiers and red fashionistas. Red boots are an attribute of fairy tales, songs, boots are the embodiment of the dreams of girls and young unmarried guys. …

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A symbol of temptation and pleasure. If you dreamed of an orange, it means that you have a rich imagination, which often manifests itself in sexual relationships. Picking an orange from a tree, eating an orange is a sign that good luck awaits you, a new love story. Moreover, you will not…

Dream Interpretation: what the Tower is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A dream in which you see a tall beautiful tower in front of you means that feelings and desires overwhelm your heart. If in a dream you climb a spiral staircase to the very top of a tower or lighthouse, in a dream you are building a high tower and ...

Dream Interpretation: why the Fight is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Fight: not natural, but the physical and mental state of a person in extreme forms of opposing one's own self to the world of nature and the Cosmos. A dream can be interpreted as unfavorable, meaning that a gradual departure from reality begins. Unfavorable emotions have already turned into a disease, and she, in ...

Dream Interpretation: what is Heel dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Heel If a man dreams of a woman in high-heeled shoes, this means that he is subject to sexual fantasies, but cannot realize them. You should be more determined - the way you imagine yourself and the way you want to be. This dream is pushing you...

Dream Interpretation: why Orange is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Orange orange symbolizes temptation. Perhaps you are prone to erotic fantasies in relation to a stranger. When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you often begin to imagine what kind of sexual partner he would be, whether you are his type, whether you would enjoy classes ...

How to interpret the dream "Toast"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To dream that you are eating or cooking cheese toast indicates that you are paying too much attention and mental strength to some cunning woman, and mess and confusion reign in your affairs. With your head in the clouds, you...

Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of the Ball

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing yourself in a dream as an inflated ball - low self-esteem and the presence of complexes greatly spoil your life, preventing you from fully enjoying communication with the opposite sex, having fun and loving yourself. If in a dream you see the globe, then in real life take care ...

Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of Murder

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Be careful if you dream of a murder. It is likely that in reality misfortunes, troubles, intrigues, created by the hands of villains and envious people, lie in wait for you. Being killed in a dream yourself means that your work will go to waste, no one will appreciate the efforts and gratitude for the help ...

Dream Interpretation: what the Ceiling is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing a ceiling in a dream can also mean unexpected profits, inheritance, material rewards. If you are a gambling person, it's time to buy a lottery ticket. To dream of a flat, white and high ceiling means that soon you will find stable prosperity, peace of mind and peace of mind. …

Dream Interpretation: why dream of Finding something

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

In the case when a sleeping person spends the entire dream looking for some given object, but does not find it, then some time after such a dream, unforgettable journeys await him. In a dream, you became a treasure hunter and found jewelry, which means ...

Dream Interpretation: why dream Play

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If you lost in a dream game, this means well-being in your affairs and the success of your plans is guaranteed. If you dreamed that you were playing a role on stage or in a film, then this is a bad sign that small ...

Dream Interpretation: why the Snake is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Sausage - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The only sausage in a dream means that at a decisive moment for some business, you will find yourself without help. If in a dream you cooked some dish using sausages, this is a big purchase, replenishment in the family or salary increase. For lovers, such a dream prophesies ...

Apricot - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A blossoming apricot tree dreams that you are too carried away by fantasies and do not want to see reality, hoping that tomorrow you will be as good as yesterday. If you do not wake up from your dreams in time, and do not see the real display ...

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Imagine that you find yourself in a dark, damp dungeon at night! Scary? Still, danger can be around any turn! So it is in a dream. If you dream that you are wandering through dark underground labyrinths, beware of danger. But to be in a dry and bright underground full of products is a sign of prosperity and security. Therefore, in order to understand what the dungeon is dreaming of, remember your feelings and the environment, and the dream book will help with interpretation.

What does Miller tell us?

If in a dream you are somewhere underground, this symbolizes that danger looms over you and your honest name. And if you were driving through the dungeon on something, very soon they will try to involve you in a dishonest and dangerous adventure.

A terrible basement is a symbol of life's difficulties

To be in a dream in a dark and damp cellar - Lunar dream book promises that you will be forced to face problems, but ingenuity will help you overcome them.

Going down in a dream to a dungeon where there is no sunlight - because of your stubbornness, you can lose the trust and respect of colleagues and friends.

If you dream that you are locked in an underground bunker where there is very little air, then this means that competitors will try to harm you, but if you fight, you will be able to defeat them.

Light storage as a sign of prosperity

I dreamed that you were running away from the enemy and descended into the dungeon, in which it is light and calm - no matter how enemies want to give you trouble, they will not succeed, Vanga's dream book pleases.

To be in a bright clean dungeon, which is a food warehouse - rejoice, you are provided with prosperity.

It is a dream that you are trying to get out of the basement, but instead of going out you find a huge ammunition depot - competitors will not share something among themselves and, having quarreled, will eliminate themselves.

I dreamed that you were working as a storekeeper in a dungeon - everything is in your hands. If you want your plan to come true, act, recommends the Women's Dream Book.

Get lost in the catacombs or From joy to sadness

A dream that you are lost in a dungeon and cannot find either a way out or an entrance - problems will make themselves felt, but if you do not dismiss them, but decide, they will dissolve, as if they were not there.

Get lost in your own cellar in a dream - what you want is not known even to you. Before moving towards the goal, make sure that the decision you made is correct, advises the Eastern Dream Book.

I dreamed that you were walking through the dungeon blindfolded - you do not want to accept the help of a friend, but in vain. It will be difficult to cope with the task yourself.

Being in a dungeon, looking for a way out for a long time, but still finding it - luck and joy will enter your life.

Underground voluntarily - take care of your reputation

In a dream, to see that you are going down the subway - be careful, your rash and eccentric actions can harm your reputation.

I dreamed that you were traveling by rail in the subway - a dream portends a troublesome business, without which you risk losing the authority and trust of colleagues and management. Think over all the details before you take it on, gives advice to the Spring Dream Book.