How to check Da Hong Pao for quality? Tea Da Hong Pao or "Big Red Robe" - useful properties

The rarest Da hong pao tea is one of the famous Chinese rock oolongs with a long history. It has a memorable taste with a very persistent aftertaste. It has a unique effect of relaxation while maintaining clarity of mind.

Da hong pao tea - a diamond among oolongs

The recipe for authentic Da Hong Pao tea is over 600 years old. It is grown in the northwest of Fujian province, on the lands of the Tian Xin Si monastery in the Wuyi mountains. The name is translated into Russian as "big red robe". At the same time, it is almost impossible to buy original tea of ​​this variety - it grows on 6 tea bushes, from which 400 gr. leaves per year and solemnly transferred to the state storage. Last time In 2006, the harvest of tea from those same bushes went on sale, its value at the auction amounted to half a million dollars.

Da hong pao tea is a highly fermented oolong tea produced using a sophisticated technology. Under his name, descendants of the original mother bushes are now sold, which are grown in the same natural conditions. For this, a special government decree was adopted, according to which all Wuyishan rock oolongs can be called Da hong pao. Distinguishing these related oolongs from each other in terms of taste, aroma and effect is difficult even for experienced tea masters.

origin of name

The history of the name of tea is shrouded in legends. One of them says that the monks once saved a student who suddenly lost consciousness on the way to the exam with an infusion of the leaves of Da hong pao. A mug of tea put the young man on his feet, he successfully passed the exam and earned a position, which was attached as a form of a red robe. With gratitude, the former student returned to the monastery and offered his robe to the bushes from which that healing infusion was made.

Other sources say that after his healing, the student heard about the insidious illness of the emperor's wife, which the best doctors could not heal. He managed to give her some Da Hong Pao tea leaves, which helped the woman get better. For this, the emperor gave the best red fabrics to the trees to protect them from frost.

Manufacturing technology

Raw materials for the correct Da Hong Pao Oolong are carefully selected according to several parameters. Preference is given to tea bushes from the slopes of the Wuyishan Mountains, and the age of the bush is also taken into account - the older it is, the more valued it is in the market. Collect leaves 4 times a year, of which autumn is considered the most saturated.

The first collection of leaves occurs in May. They are cut along with the stems and laid out on the street until the moisture evaporates. Then they are loaded into rotating containers to extract juice and enhance fermentation. After a few days, the fermentation is stopped, the leaves are fried in cauldrons, rolled and dried. At the next stage, the leaves are torn off the stems and sorted. At the final stage, the raw materials are heated over coals or in a special oven. From this, the leaves darken, acquire a greenish-brown and Brown color. Depending on the time of the final stage, tea is obtained with a strong, medium or weak degree of roasting. At the end, the leaves are packaged and sent to stores.

Distinguishing good tea from old and poor quality is easy. Fresh leaves are bright and dense. Try to grind one leaf in your hands - if lumps form, then the raw material is not properly dried. Old leaves crumble into the smallest powder.

Color, smell and taste

The right Da Hong Pao tea should be a uniform, rich dark color with green and chestnut reflections. The smell is deep and sweet, with hints of fruit, vanilla and freshness. An infusion made from fresh raw materials has a persistent aroma, if it disappears during subsequent brewing, a dye has been added to it.

The taste is pleasant and very individual, its perception depends on the temperament and mood of the person drinking this magical infusion. Notes of caramel or fruits, vanilla or toffee - they are united by a soft taste that envelops and leaves behind a long sweet aftertaste. Each new brewing of one serving of tea tastes slightly different from the previous one, giving new shade this drink.

Beneficial features

The popularity of Da hong pao brought its effect on the body. The "Da hong pao effect" is known - a mug of this tea warms and relaxes, pushes all problems into the background, pacifies and calms. Thoughts flow smoothly and internal clamps recede, while the brain works clearly and clearly. This state is called tea intoxication - relaxation without fogging.

It has Da hong pao oolong and properties to gently stimulate the immune system, slow down aging, ridding the body of free radicals. It strengthens teeth and helps lower cholesterol levels. However, the effects of tea also depend on how da hong pao is brewed.

How to brew

Let's figure out how to brew Da hong pao? Follow the next steps:

  • Take water and bring to a boil.
  • Rinse the kettle with boiling water.
  • Pour into a teapot 7 gr. Da hong pao and pour water that has cooled to 90-95 degrees.
  • After 5 seconds, pour the infusion into cups to warm them up, then drain.
  • Secondly, pour the tea leaves with water and leave for about a minute.
  • Re-brew one portion 6-7 times, increasing the infusion time by 15 seconds.

Experiment with the steeping time and the amount of raw materials to get new shades of taste!

Chinese red robe - what is it? Connoisseurs will immediately answer that these are not national clothes, but the legendary variety of oolong tea da hong pao. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire are masters of inventing different stories and legends, so they say about da hong pao that it got its name after the miraculous cure of the empress, who was treated to tea by a poor student. He, in turn, cured his stomach on the way to Beijing in a monastery, where a monk brought this drink to him, as a token of gratitude, the emperor covered the tea bushes from the frost with luxurious red robes. The effect of the tea was so amazing that the monks used it during their meditations and to treat many diseases. Now a real Big Red Robe is a rarity that is very expensive, for 10 years dahongpao has not been harvested from its mother bushes, its last harvest is in National Museum Tea. The descendants of the famous tea trees growing in the same climatic zone go on sale.


Da hong pao grows on cliffs and mountain slopes at an altitude of more than 2000 m above sea level, its homeland is the northwestern part of Fujian province. It is in these places that the climate and soil are most suitable for growing high-quality varieties of tea known throughout the world.

Rocky Chinese tea has a multifaceted aroma, tart taste and unusual aftertaste, these qualities change with each new brew, softening and adding more and more new shades.

The big red robe contains many different chemical compounds that cause it to beneficial features and a stunning effect on the whole body:

  • trace elements - compounds of iodine, manganese, selenium, iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium;
  • vitamins - group B, as well as C, D, E, K;
  • about 4 hundred different substances, among them tannin, caffeine.

The healing properties of tea are enhanced in the process special processing. Da hong pao is harvested four times a year from spring to autumn. The most fragrant and rich taste is tea made from leaves collected in golden autumn. After assembly, the leaves of the plant are twisted manually or with a special apparatus, then they are fried in special baskets suspended over a fire. In the process of roasting, the leaves darken, acquiring a dark green, brown or chestnut color with a red tint.


Tea Red Robe produces the same unusual effect on the body as the legend of its origin. The first sips of tea give a feeling of intoxication while maintaining complete clarity of mind, which is especially important in a circle of like-minded people and friends to create a positive wave of communication. The Chinese have long used da hong pao as a natural antidepressant and more. All the properties of tea were studied later, for example:

  • strengthening of the vascular walls;
  • reducing the content of harmful cholesterol in the blood and preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques;
  • protective effect against heart attack, hypertension, stroke;
  • prevention of thrombophlebitis and venous insufficiency;
  • normalization of the genitourinary system;
  • excretion of salts of heavy metals, toxins, free radicals from the body;
  • anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effect;
  • improvement of the condition of the skin and hair;
  • improved assimilation nutrients and digestion of food;
  • fat burning effect and weight loss;
  • strengthening of tooth enamel and gums;
  • immunomodulatory properties - stimulation of the production of lymphocytes in the spleen;
  • psycho-emotional effect (antidepressant properties) - relaxation, clarification of consciousness, clarity and positivity of thinking, cheerfulness.

The properties of da hong pao tea can manifest themselves in different ways in different people depending on the situation in which the person is, his psychological status and characteristics of the body.

Brewing method

The properties of Red Robe tea are preserved for a long time if the raw materials are kept away from dampness in a dry and dark place in a sealed container. There are a lot of brewing methods, but they have one meaning, so that Chinese tea can produce a stunning effect on a person. Usually take 5 or 6 g of tea leaves for half a glass of hot water (boiling water must be cooled for 1-2 minutes). Tea utensils () are preheated by rinsing with boiling water. The first brew is drained, then poured again and infused for 2 to 5 minutes, depending on which tea strength is preferable. You can repeat the brewing up to 5 or 6 times, while the taste and aroma will change all the time, and the taste sensations may not match for different people (taste of fruits, nuts or caramel, smell of smoke), while beneficial properties do not change.

This variety of tea still has some contraindications for use in pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with arrhythmia, hypertension and gastritis, you should not drink this drink with medicines and drink it at night.

The da hong pao currently sold is not the original, but its related teas are still healthy, delicious, and unique when grown with love in similar climatic conditions in the tea provinces of China.

After watching the video, you will learn how to brew da hong pao tea:

Bad breath is caused by parasites!

Head of the Institute of Parasitology German Shayevich Gandelman: Diseases caused by parasites, in frequency of manifestations are second only to colds. Only a thorough cleaning will help to remove all the muck. Drink fast...

Dear friends! Today I invite you to make a trip to the homeland of the legendary Chinese tea Dahongpao. The town of Wuyishan (prov. Fujian) is relatively small by Chinese standards (233.5 thousand inhabitants), but everyone in the country knows it. Millions of domestic and thousands of foreign tourists come here every year.

Wuyishan is located in one of the most beautiful places in China. There are many historical and natural attractions in the city and its environs. Mostly tourists tend to visit the famous Wuyishan Mountains. They are beckoned by fog-shrouded peaks, picturesque views that have inspired artists for centuries and have become classic subjects of Chinese painting. Here they created their the best works Chinese poets, writers, philosophers. The Wuyishan Mountains are one of the shrines of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. The followers of the three teachings still live and practice in mountain monasteries.

Oct 27 2018

Name Da Hong Pao (大红袍)- one of the most famous among the pantheon of vintage Chinese teas. He managed to go far beyond the narrow niche of high-quality Chinese tea: even a simple housewife, accustomed to tea bags, may know this variety, and perhaps even once took it as a gift in one of the many tea shops. Da Hong Pao, legend tea, myth tea. A tea worth understanding. Well, let's try!

First mentions
The history of the name Da Hong Pao dates back more than five hundred years, and it should be noted that for tea from Wuyishan (then the area belonged to the now abolished Chong'an county), this period is not a record. Records for 1279 testify to the already popular variety Shi Zhu (石乳, “Stone milk”), as well as Songluo (松萝, “Climbing vine”, the translation of “Green Snail” is not entirely correct). Already at that time, Wuyishan tea was famous for its quality and was supplied to the imperial court, being included in the list of products that then levied tribute. It should also be noted that the technology for the production of these varieties at the dawn of the Yuan dynasty was different from modern ones - the technology for the production of modern oolongs was invented and described several centuries later. The first mention of the Big Red Robe dates back to 1385.

Jan 29 2018

Da Hong Pao is the most famous misty tea.
which grows high in the mountains!

Wuyi Mountains: turquoise peaks - cinnabar waters
The Wuyishan Mountains are a favorable place for growing tea, bestowed by nature on man. As the Chinese say: "Turquoise waters - cinnabar mountains" (碧水丹山) are hallmark this region. Wuyishan is an absolutely unique place - it is a picturesque area where the endless landscapes of mountains and rivers stretch for 65 km.

The Wuyishan Mountains belong to the National Geopark, where the red soils of the color of Chinese cinnabar dominate. If you look into the distance, you can see only the majestic solid rocks of the mountain peaks, and under the blue sky with white clouds, the red glow from the Wuyishan rocks with a burgundy tint. The earth in the Wuyishan Mountains is red because the main element of the rock is a large content of iron oxide hydrate, that is, iron, as the main element of the rock, has been oxidized for a long time. In addition to iron, quartz, psephite, red sandstone, shale, and tuff are also found in the Wuyishan mountains. Wherein upper layer soil - just red earth (or as it is also called in China - " acidic soil"), rich in humus. Such a soil, according to the ancient sages, “上者生烂石,中者生砾壤,下者生黄土”, that is, it is covered with rock fragments on top, gravel lies in the middle, and yellow soil below. This land is ideal for growing tea.

Dec 25 2017

5-7 years ago in Russia it was often possible to meet Cliff Oolong Bei Dou (北斗) - "Northern Dipper"(meaning the seven most famous stars of the constellation Ursa Major). Then this variety somehow went into the shade, and in recent times began to appear under the name "Da Hong Pao Bei Dou" and "Bei Dou Da Hong Pao" with loose translations of "Big Red Robe from North Bucket Cliff" or even "Big Red Robe from Bei Dou Village" (although, it would seem, which rocky area of ​​the village).

This is generally a strange tendency - to perceive any pair of hieroglyphs added to famous name wuyishan oolong as a toponym. For example, I met Jin Bian Qi Lan (金边奇兰), translated as "Wonderful Orchid from Jinbian Village", when in fact Jin Bian Qi Lan, Golden Border (or Golden Edge) Wonderful Orchid is one of the botanical varieties Qi Lan varieties, along with Bai Ya Qi Lan (白芽奇兰), White Bud Miraculous Orchid, and Bai Ye Qi Lan (白叶奇兰), White Leaf Miraculous Orchid.

Apr 7 2017

Thousands of years of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism; tens of thousands of years of mountains, rivers and teas - this is what an ancient proverb says.

Wuyishan is a mountain range located in China, on the border of Fujian and Jiangxi provinces. It is a mountain range with an average height of about 650 m, spread over an area of ​​more than 1000 km². The highest point is Mount Huangganshan (2158 m). In 1999, it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List simultaneously according to cultural and natural criteria. In terms of biodiversity, the Wuyi Mountains are the most valuable area within Southeast China. The nature of the ridge is rich in ancient relict species, many of which are endemic in China. The Wuyi Mountains produce many varieties of tea, including the famous Da Hong Pao cliff tea. The mountains are also famous for their picturesque places: the "River of Nine Bends", high sandy remnants, numerous temples and monasteries, many of which are now destroyed. Among them, the largest monastery has been well preserved to this day, this is the Buddhist monastery Tian Xin Yun Le - the Will of Heaven, Eternal Joy.

Aug 12 2015

At the foot of the Tian Xing cliff is completelyspecial tea plantation -
Da Hong Pao Plantation (大红袍茶园, Da Hong Pao Tea Garden).

The path runs between unusual rocks, which, like guardians, grow in emerald greenery, showing travelers the way to the very basis of rock teas - Da Hong Pao tea.

For many people, Da Hong Pao tea is the first thing that comes to mind when they mention the Wuyi Mountains. This variety of tea has become known in China since the Song Dynasty, and during the Yuan Dynasty, a special department was established in Wuyi, responsible for preparing Da Hong Pao tea for the imperial court. There are many legends about the origin of the name Big Red Robe (this is how the combination Da Hong Pao is translated from Chinese). Most of them talk about miraculous healing(official, governor, beloved concubine and even the mother of the emperor), after which, as a token of gratitude, a luxurious outfit was put on the tea bush. But these are still legends, it is more precisely known that the Da Hong Pao variety was discovered by the monks of the Heavenly Heart Monastery, and cultivated on Tian Xing Rock for a long time.

Tea "Da Hong Pao" is oolong, only with the caveat that it is highly fermented. It is of Chinese origin and is harvested in the spring. Grown in Fujian. Literally, the name can be translated as “big red robe”, it grows at an altitude of 600 m. Clean mountain air, changeable climate, special land have a positive effect on useful and gustatory qualities. - tea, the effect of which is achieved due to enhanced fermentation and long drying, has a unique aroma and bright aftertaste.

How did the name "Da Hong Pao" originate?

Fujian is home to a special kind of tea from China. "Da Hong Pao" is the most fermented oolong.

Translated from Chinese, we get the name "big red robe". Legend has it that in 1385, Ding Xian, being a student, went to take an exam to the emperor, on the way he became unwell. Soon he met a monk who gave tea to the traveler and thus helped to get rid of the disease. After successfully passing the exams and getting a position, the young official made a gift to his savior. It was a red coat. But he did not take the gift, because of this, the grateful Ding Xian asked to cover the growing bushes with bathrobes.

How "Da Hong Pao" (tea) is made

The collection of the leaves of the future oolong takes place annually, but once in early May. The leaves are dried, then crushed, subjected to fermentation. Then they are fried and rolled. In order to shape and rid the leaves of possible remaining moisture, they are dried. This happens throughout the summer. final step- the leaves are heated over coals.

tea growing areas

The height of the mountains sometimes exceeds two thousand meters, but "Da Hong Pao" - tea, the effect of which is different for everyone, is grown at an altitude of 600 m between cliffs that protect nature from sudden changes. Continuing high humidity, sour and clay soils have a positive effect on the quality of oolong tea. Due to these lands, it became possible to cultivate high-quality rock teas. Bushes that grow in close proximity to the river are called valley bushes, and those that grow in the mountains are called cliff bushes.

Only these varieties are especially valuable for lovers of quality teas, which have a versatile taste and bright character.

Cliff bushes are shrubs, their branches grow quite densely. The tips look to the sides and slightly up, they hang down and are bent inward. The dark green leaves have an oval shape, slightly pointed ends, covered with delicate villi.

tea properties

Tea with a similar complex name has the same taste and smell. It is at one moment soft and rich, gives a fruity and honey aftertaste, which is then felt in the mouth for a long time. The aroma is full of various shades of flavors: vanilla, caramel, dark chocolate, shades of smoke, nuts.

You will see rich peach colour with unobtrusive orange by brewing "Da Hong Pao" (tea).

The effect, reviews of which are diverse, can be called positive. Tea stimulates digestion, improves immunity, cleanses internal organs. Also, this type of oolong has a beneficial effect on the condition of the teeth and breaks down fat. Chinese tea"Da Hong Pao", the effect of which lies in the places of growth and processing methods, also contributes to the normalization of blood pressure, calming. Many argue that drinking even a small amount of "Da Hong Pao" (tea), the effect of intoxication is guaranteed, because it introduces a person into a state of some kind of euphoria.

It is believed that this drink can bring the drinker to a state of relaxation, achieved only by long hours of meditation.

But a cup of "Da Hong Pao", the effect of which can be mistaken for any kind of intoxication, has nothing to do with it. The drink only has a rich aroma and has tonic properties.

What is the effect of tea "Da Hong Pao"

It also bears the name of magical nectar for its healing properties:

  • lowers the number of fat cells and the level of cholesterol in the blood, normalizes metabolic processes, reduces appetite;
  • has a diuretic effect, reduces the possibility of edema formation;
  • ideal for the morning, as it gives clarity of mind and prepares for action; soothe during the day, relieve fatigue;

  • due to the presence of fluorine, it increases the strength of teeth and gums;
  • for colds and similar diseases, tea helps to eliminate sputum and toxins, strengthens blood vessels and the heart muscle;
  • increases the body's strength in the fight against stress and infections;
  • drink "Da Hong Pao" will help to relax the muscles.

The effect, reviews of which contain mostly positive information, occurs almost immediately after drinking the drink.

What to remember before brewing oolong tea

When brewing tea, one must remember that it contains no less, and sometimes even a large share caffeine, the effect of which lasts longer. A large amount of this stimulant causes insomnia, can increase blood pressure and anxiety.

Because of this, "Da Hong Pao", the effect of which was also mentioned by the ancient monks, is best used in moderation, following the following rules:

  • Strong tea is generally contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. It should be taken by moderately arrhythmic people, people with high blood pressure, gastritis. It is also better to refrain from this drink if you notice an elevated temperature and there is an acute phase. viral diseases(such as SARS).
  • Can't drink tea medicines, since tannin blocks the optimal absorption of drugs.
  • The scalding drink is a threat to digestive system, too cold tasteless, slimy. The wise Chinese considered sputum in the lungs to be a provocateur. The ideal temperature for drinking this drink is from 50 to 60 ºС.
  • If you drink too strong tea on an empty stomach, it can lead to indigestion or cause vomiting. The Chinese strongly recommend not to drink the drink on an empty stomach.

How to brew tea

The process is divided into several stages.

  1. The kettle needs to be slightly warmed up (or rinsed with hot boiled water). Then put tea leaves, add water (temperature 85-90 ºС). Wait approximately 30 sec. and drain. This is how the leaves are cleaned of possible dust.
  2. The same kettle is filled with water again. Now tea is brewed based on preferences: if you need strong tea, you can keep it for one or two minutes; weak - 30 seconds is enough for brewing. Tea is poured into small porcelain bowls and used without any additives "Da Hong Pao" (tea). The effect of surprise is always there, as with each sip it opens up from a new side.
  3. Tea can be brewed 5-7 times, all this time it retains its properties and aroma. In addition, with each brew, it shows new sides of its multifaceted taste and bouquet.

Cosmetic properties

Tea that has been brewed for a day and, as a result, has been infused, is considered poisonous and unhealthy. But he'll go well for holding cosmetic procedures. Alternatively, compresses with tea for the eyes will relieve fatigue, remove dark circles and bags. By wiping your face with a cotton pad soaked in tea, you can refresh the skin, get rid of small pimples.

Distribution of "Da Hong Pao" (tea)

effect and its properties when proper storage this oolong does not lose. On the contrary, it acquires additional shades of taste.

It is important to remember that quality products are often expensive. So, a tile weighing 350 gr. pressed "Da Hong Pao" will cost 1600-1900 rubles. 100 gr. tea packaged in bags will come out at about 550-750 rubles.

There are no taste differences in pressed and packaged teas. There is a greater risk of buying a low-quality or moldy tile than a low-quality one packaged in packages of "Da Hong Pao" (tea).

The effect, reviews of which are generally positive, may disappear with improper collection, packaging or storage. So be careful before buying.


High humidity and excess odors will adversely affect the taste of tea. As a result, it is better to keep it in an airtight container, where neither light nor additional odors penetrate. Long-term storage will only increase its properties, taste and aroma. However optimal time storage of tea - up to four years.

Enjoy every drop and moment.

Da hong pao, which in Chinese means a big red robe, is one of the most famous tea drinks. Along with unsurpassed taste and aroma, it has a truly strong effect of healing the human body.

Description of the drink

The taste of this tea is pronounced, and each brewing modifies it, giving new notes. This creates the impression of tasting completely different drinks. Properly prepared Da Hong Pao allows you to enjoy the taste, devoid of any bitterness. Especially this touches the cooled tea, which additionally acquires sweetish aftertaste and special softness endowed with a long pleasant aftertaste.



  • saturated;
  • velvety;
  • soft;
  • sweet


  • rich and persistent;
  • invigorating;
  • with the presence of vanilla notes combined with the smell of roasted nuts;
  • with the obligatory presence of spicy tones


  • tea leaves can have shades of color from green to reddish brown;
  • the drink is painted in black and chestnut color;
  • repeated brewing can brighten the drink, giving it shades of amber

Beneficial features

Dahongpao has a whole range of vitamins and minerals that give this drink beneficial properties for the body. Tea contains::

  1. Minerals: iron, manganese, zinc, iodine, caffeine, tannin.
  2. Vitamins: B1, B12, D, C, B3, K, E.

Da Hong Pao is able to have a healing effect on almost all body systems, providing a general beneficial effect and normalizing the work of individual organs.

Leaves large

The effect of da hong pao tea on the body


  • strengthening the hair and nail structure;
  • elimination of fragility;
  • increase in the number of hair follicles;
  • reduction of inflammation on the skin;
  • reduction in the incidence of acne and rashes;
  • counteracting premature skin aging;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • smoothing out irregularities on the surface of the skin


  • acceleration of the metabolic system;
  • removal of slags and impurities of heavy metals;
  • easy weight loss (subject to the use of special programs and regular training)

The cardiovascular system

  • strengthening of the vascular walls;
  • improvement of blood circulation in all systems and organs;
  • reducing the likelihood of inflammation of the veins and arteries;
  • preventing the development of atherosclerosis;
  • reducing the risk of hypertension and ischemic problems

Oral cavity

  • increase the strength of tooth enamel;
  • combating the occurrence of erosions of the oral mucosa;
  • strengthening gums;
  • caries prevention

The immune system

  • increasing the body's resistance to external influences from infections and bacteria;
  • normalization of the immune system

genitourinary system

  • removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • prevention of the development of genitourinary infections;
  • rid the body of excess lactic and uric acids

central nervous system

  • stimulation of the central nervous system;
  • Da hong pao improves energy balance;
  • increased ability to concentrate;
  • improved thinking;
  • achieving simultaneous invigorating and calming effects

Respiratory system

  • relaxation of the smooth muscles of the respiratory organs;
  • reducing the likelihood of bronchospasm;
  • improvement of blood circulation in the vessels of the bronchi and lungs;
  • acceleration of sputum discharge

Gastrointestinal tract

  • suppression of the growth of pathogenic microflora in the intestine;
  • acceleration of recovery in the presence of diseases such as cholera, dysentery, enteritis, typhoid fever;
  • ulcer healing

Whole body

  • prevention of the occurrence of neoplasms, both benign and malignant;
  • increase in body tone;
  • increase the effect of the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • inhibition of the body's natural aging processes

Chinese invigorating tea dahongpao normalizes emotional condition person using it regular basis. This drink has the ability to relieve anxiety and increase calmness. A leisurely tea ceremony allows you to get a positive attitude and promotes fruitful communication in a pleasant company.

The history of the origin of the variety Da hong pao

The history of the origin of this healing drink goes back to the 14th century, when the Ming dynasty ruled in China. According to legend, the mother of the emperor, who is in power, was seriously ill for a long time. No medicine helped her until a monk from the high mountains named Wuyi Shan arrived at the palace and brought a healing drink. This drug helped the emperor's mother to heal, and as a token of special gratitude, her son threw red robes over the tea bushes.

There is another, no less interesting legend, according to which a student from the Chinese province went to take important exams in Beijing. On the way, he suddenly became ill, he lost consciousness, and woke up already in the caring hands of the monks, who gave him a miraculous drink to drink. To a young man much better, and he was able to continue on his way.

After passing the exam, the student managed to get an excellent position and, in addition to it, a red robe. It was he who presented it to the monastery as a sign of special gratitude for helping him on the road. The monks did not agree to accept this gift, so the young man put the robe on the tea bushes.

And last but not least interesting version, says that the name "dakhon pao" tea received due to the fact that monkeys working in red coats were engaged in collecting its leaves. This was necessary in order to see where the little craftsmen were.

Today, Da Hong Pao tea leaves are harvested in northern China, in the province called Fujian. There are only 4 bushes of this variety left, they are under reliable protection and give only about 500-600 grams of tea per year. Therefore, this tea has a high cost, which comes up to $ 1,000 for a package with a small weight.

Multiple harvests recent years were not put up for sale at all, even at the traditionally held auction. They were immediately sent to the state storage, from where the drink is delivered to the president's table or to a special tea museum for storage.

Nevertheless, it is still easy to find a “red robe” in free sale, which is a variety that was obtained after cutting branches from the mother bush and their subsequent propagation.

These varieties include:

  • Wu Shui Xian;
  • Xiao Hong Pao;
  • Wu Ba Xian;
  • Wu Qi Lan.

The cost of these teas is somewhat lower, although they have a great taste resemblance to Da Hong Pao tea.

Pressed tiles

How Big Red Robe Tea is Made

The Chinese authorities, realizing the value and popularity of this tea, allowed to call any oolong grown in the Wuyishan region, Da Hong Pao. This measure made it possible to establish mass production popular drink and greatly reduced its cost.

The degree of fermentation of Big Red Robe tea is 80-85%, which refers it not so much to the green as to the red variety of drinks.

Obtaining tea that meets the highest requirements, differing in the necessary criteria of taste and aroma, is possible only when its production goes through a number of mandatory stages. All of them are carried out manually, by no means mechanized. Their beginning and end are controlled by specialists who have a wealth of experience passed down through the ages.

Stages of production of da hong pao tea:

  1. Collection of tea leaves, produced only manually. Most often it is held in the first decade of May.
  2. Drying of raw materials, necessary to eliminate excess moisture from the leaves. To carry out this procedure, the raw material is placed in an open, ventilated space, after which it softens and dries.
  3. Fermentation: involves the release of juices from the foliage, which, together with oxygen, start the processes of biochemical processing of raw materials. During this stage, the foliage is slightly crushed and placed in special drums, where they are stored for several days. How long this period will last, decides experienced master there are no exact dates.
  4. Roasting of raw materials, carried out to suspend the fermentation process. This procedure is carried out in a special boiler.
  5. Twisting in a longitudinal way to give the foliage a unique shape.
  6. Drying the foliage to remove residual moisture and bring it to its final shape.
  7. Sorting tea leaves, during which they rest, ripen and are saturated with aroma and taste. This stage can last all summer.
  8. The last roasting is carried out by slowly moving the raw materials over burning coals in order to dry them completely.

The degree of heating and its duration have an important influence on the character of the resulting Da Hong Pao. The soft variety is called Qing Xiang, the strong one is Nong Xiang.. Only an experienced specialist can competently regulate the process of creating raw materials for this drink, timely stopping the process of roasting or fermentation. This has an important influence on the final taste and aroma of tea.


Selection of quality tea

To really get healthy drink, which, when brewed, will reveal all its facets, attention should be paid to choosing the right raw materials. It must meet the following requirements:

  1. tea must be harvested in the current year, freshness is a guarantee of fine taste and unsurpassed aroma;
  2. the foliage of Da Hong Pao should be bright, dense;
  3. raw materials should not crumble, crumple into balls or wrinkle. All this is evidence of improper processing and drying of raw materials;
  4. the brewed drink should not lose its aroma after repeated brewing, if this happens, it means that dyes were added to it in the process of creating tea.

How to brew da hong pao

In order for a noble drink to reveal all the subtle facets of its taste, you should take a responsible attitude to the process of its preparation and comply with the following requirements:

  1. Use of water that has been filtered or taken from a spring. tap water will only spoil the taste of the drink.
  2. To brew tea "big red robe" you should use a liquid whose temperature varies from 90 to 93 degrees Celsius. This factor is critical for the preservation and isolation useful qualities tea. If boiling water is used for brewing, then most of the benefits of drinking such a drink will be destroyed.
  3. Porcelain, clay or glass vessels should be used for cooking. Moreover, the volume of such containers should not exceed 200 ml, which will allow you to take about 6-8 grams of raw materials for a single brew.
  4. Tea is brewed only in a preheated teapot: for this, tea is poured into it. hot water, stand for 50 seconds and drain it.

The process of brewing Da Hong Pao goes like this:

  1. First, the so-called "zero welding" is carried out, which allows you to remove excess impurities that often get into the raw materials during storage or production. The procedure is carried out by pouring sheets hot water with immediate withdrawal. Moreover, the resulting liquid does not have to be poured out completely; it can be used to heat tea bowls.
  2. After 3 - 4 minutes after the first brewing, when the foliage opens, it is again poured with hot water, kept for 40-50 seconds and poured into a glass bowl called Cha Hai. Only from there tea is poured into bowls and offered for tasting.
  3. Each subsequent brewing should last 30 seconds longer than the previous one. It will reveal more and more new notes in Da Hong Pao's taste music, gradually revealing hints of vanilla, fruits, flowers and honey. In the case when brewing gives a weak shade and aroma, its holding time can be increased by 1-2 minutes.

For the preparation of teas of different strengths, there are special recipes:

  1. Weak tea: it is required to pour no more than 5 g of raw materials with hot water and hold it for about 2 minutes.
  2. Strong tea: at least 6 grams of foliage is taken for brewing, and the exposure time is increased to 5 minutes.

Contraindications for drinking

Chinese tea Da Hong Pao, despite a lot of advantages, has some contraindications for use. It is not recommended to drink it to the following categories of people:

  • women during pregnancy and lactation;
  • suffering from hypertension, gastritis or arrhythmias;
  • in the process of acute respiratory diseases, especially with fever.

The effect of consumption

Tea Big Red Robe is able to have a special, incomparable effect on the human body:

  • it relaxes and warms a person from the inside;
  • increases the susceptibility of the surrounding comfort;
  • improves mood;
  • contributes to the spiritual unity of the company gathered at the tea ceremony, sets people on the same wavelength.

An important feature of Da Hong Pao is the ability to give a person a tea intoxication that does not affect the mind, leaving it sober and clear. This drink relieves emotional stress, and gives the body a pleasant sensation, as if spreading from the fingertips throughout the body.

All the legends that tell about the origin of this drink emphasize its healing power. However, it is rarely used as a medicine, much more often, it is enjoyed, receiving a pleasant bonus in the form of preventing the development of many health problems.