Profession sales manager: description, skills, essence of work. The main whales of the work of a sales manager

The person who daily defends the interests of the company, conducting commercial negotiations with potential customers, is the main breadwinner of the "family". Ultimately, the fate of the organization and all its employees depends on sales.

The well-known Russian manager Maxim Batyrev tells about how to achieve high results in this difficult work, and even enjoy it, in the bestseller 45 Tattoos Sold. Sharing ideas from the book.
Other books by Maxim:

Each of us is a seller of joy

The job of every salesperson is to energize people, give them joy and inspiration. Bring your clients a good mood, radiate light - this is an integral part of your profession, and this must be trained separately.

A sincere smile works wonders!

Most products and services do improve the lives of customers, which means you should be happy with what you do. If the client does not become happier from your products, then you need to think ten times: are you selling, but are you doing this?

A salesperson who is not very good at his product, but enjoys this world and sparks through life, in the end still works more successfully than a dull and grouchy expert.

Met by clothes

The seller should at least look presentable. It doesn't matter if he sells apartments, 3D printers, cosmetics, computer programs or axes for lumberjacks.

Regardless of the field of activity or the region in which you work, customers are always more pleasant to communicate with people in freshly ironed shirts, with trimmed nails and clean shoes.

The level of trust is higher for those who look good.

If you put on a suit, it will be psychologically easier for people to give their hard-earned money into your hands. Even if just because appearance gives you status and solidity.

We sell the customer's future lifestyle

A sale is the exchange of a customer's money for a better future with your products and services. That is, thanks to the product that you offer, a person will feel more beautiful, smarter, more status, more competent, stronger, richer; his life will become a little more interesting; relationships are more harmonious; work is easier and more convenient ...

Tell your client about it! How much more comfortable he would be in a tailored suit. How will his health improve if he buys a subscription to a fitness center. What eyes will his beloved women look at him when he runs a marathon at a running school (or her beloved men when she visits all SPA procedures).

How comfortable will he be in the new car?

An important addition: do not lie and do not promise what is obviously unfulfillable. You must be responsible for your words. This is the only way to get a “client for life”, and at the same time provide yourself with enthusiastic reviews and recommendations.

Sale starts after the first "no"

The seller must deal with the doubts and objections that are born in the head of the client. No one will ever immediately after the presentation of your wonderful goods and services take out a wad of money from the safe and joyfully stuff it into your pocket.

People should have doubts, and they express them in the form of objections: “Expensive”, “No money”, “The director does not want to buy anything”, “Come after the crisis” and so on. But this is not a reason to immediately give up.

Treat objections as prompts. “I already use your competitors” means “I don’t see a fundamental difference between your products and your competitors’ products.” “My husband refuses to pay such big money for cosmetic procedures” translates as “I don’t know what arguments can be used in a conversation with my husband so that he allocates money from family budget to your beautiful SPA-salon. Etc.

Consider that any objection is a request: "Dear seller, please explain to me ..."

Fight and go to the end. Keep the dialogue going, try to defend the credibility and benefits of your offer. Sometimes you really want to believe the client and after the first objection let him go! But you can't.

Best Improvisation - Prepared Improvisation

The quality of a salesperson is determined by his ability to juggle many learned speech modules called scripts. Of course, a person who monotonously mumbles a memorized text about their products or services does not inspire confidence, without changing facial expressions and without showing any emotions. But prepared phrases are perceived quite differently when the seller colors them with expressiveness and really believes in the benefits of the client.

Many people criticize scripts, believing that they limit the flight of creative thought. But only the actor who masterfully masters the studied role can improvise on stage. It's the same in sales.

The seller's teeth should bounce answers to the most likely questions and objections. Then, at the right moment, he will be able to clearly state the arguments, and not mumble: “Uh ... well, this is ... like him ...”

Preparation is a salesman's best friend

Always be prepared to negotiate. What is a client? What does he do? What is known about him? What is the history of the issue? Internet and social media help you.

The fight is won before it starts.

Why is this step so necessary? Firstly, if you take the trouble to learn something about the client, then your professionalism will cause at least respect from him. Second, by preparing for the meeting, sellers are essentially creating a scenario for themselves in which negotiations can develop and increasing their chances of influencing what happens.

Let's try. It always works!

Not all customers will decide to give you money immediately after your visit, no matter how brilliant your presentation is and no matter how confidently you show the product.

If the client thinks for a long time, give him the opportunity to work with you for free and independently evaluate the benefits of the product. In this case, you will have a good reason to come or call once a week and get feedback.

Product transfer to trial operation - The best way win the heart of the client.

After a couple of months of working with you, the client will finally form an attitude towards the product. Of course, the probability of rejection is still high, but then at least you will be sure that a person makes a choice consciously. He tried, made sure that he did not like it, - he rejected the offer. Or, on the contrary, I decided for myself that I irrevocably fell in love with you and your services.

Even if you failed to sell the product, just tell the client this phrase: “You can always count on me if you have any questions. And I would be grateful if you would recommend me as a specialist to your acquaintances or friends.” And then give a couple of extra business cards.

No great product, no unique line of services, no great company can play the same role as you. You are someone the client already knows a little, you are someone their friends might like, and most importantly, you are someone who can help them. This is the key.

We need a client solution. Any!

There are people who cannot make a decision due to various circumstances. Someone is afraid to take responsibility, someone is endlessly trying to weigh the pros and cons, and so on. In sales, these are the hardest customers. They do not say yes, but they do not give a categorical refusal either.

You may have dozens of potential buyers who "think" or wait for something. And there are no sales. In this case, you just need to get a decision from each of them.

If a person refuses to cooperate - also good! Because a negative result is much better than no result. You can pause that client, switch to someone else, and use your time more productively.

Every manager is first and foremost a person. In the book, Maxim Batyrev gives the rules for interacting with the world, family, oneself - and all the successes and difficulties add up to a picture of how to remain yourself in any situation and step higher and higher on the ladder of self-development and career.

The profession of a sales manager is one of the most demanded today. Its main task is to convince a potential customer to make a purchase. What are the responsibilities and where to get the education necessary for work?

Average salary: 40,000 rubles per month




entry barrier


One of the most popular and sought-after professions in the trade sector is the sales manager. the main task of such a specialist lies in the successful sale of the company's goods, increasing the number of customers and maintaining partnerships with them. A significant part of his working time is spent on negotiations with the clientele (by phone or in person). Let's take a closer look at what a sales manager is and what it takes to get this position.

Excursion into history

The first sales managers appeared along with merchants and merchants. They were called barkers, shop clerks. Despite the different names, the essence of the activity remained unchanged. They were engaged in the sale of goods and the search for new buyers.

The most talented and successful merchants even managed to go down in history. Surely, many at least from the school course recall the dynasties of the Eliseevs, Goncharovs, Morozovs, and also heard about the famous entrepreneur Sibiryakov and the merchant of the 1st guild Medvednikov. They actively participated in the industrial and social development countries as engines of economic progress.

During the existence of the USSR, the position of the supplier was closest to the sales manager. This person was responsible for the purchase of goods for its subsequent sale. Partially, the functions of a modern manager were also performed at that time by a commodity specialist.

In the form in which we know this profession today, it appeared in the 1990s. The rapid development of marketing provoked the emergence of many new positions. And the sales manager is one of them.

Characteristics of the profession of a sales manager

Today it is impossible to imagine an enterprise conducting trading activities without this position. Some employers immediately specify what they will have to work with. In this case, vacancies for a sales manager appear on various websites and in the print media:

  • automobiles (automotive spare parts);
  • machinery and equipment;
  • windows;
  • furniture;
  • real estate;
  • services.

Regardless of what exactly a sales manager does, the essence of the work of such a specialist is the same. It comes down to the sale of goods, keeping sales volumes at a stable level. high rate and an increase in the latter.

Today, the sale of goods is mainly carried out through intermediaries. They deliver products to stores or retail outlets. To ensure the consistency and uniformity of the flow of goods sold, it is necessary to establish and maintain partnerships with customers at all times. This is one of the functions of a manager.

After signing a cooperation agreement, such a specialist controls the supply of products. In addition, he monitors the fulfillment by all participants of the concluded agreement of the obligations prescribed in it.

In other words, the manager does everything so that the client is not disappointed. A satisfied customer often becomes a permanent customer. This is the key to success.

Education and USE

It is possible to take the position of a sales manager without higher education. Of course, a university degree will be a significant advantage. However, its presence is not a requirement.

Theoretically, a person with any education (college, technical school, institute, university) can master this profession. As a rule, this is best done by graduates of economic faculties, as well as those who have been trained in the areas of "", "" and "". People with higher pedagogical and legal education. They have well-developed communication skills that are valuable for this position.

The mentioned specialties are available in almost every university of the Russian Federation. 'Cause today get economic Education- not a problem. As an example, we list several higher educational institutions where you can study:

  • . Specialty "Management". Level of training - magistracy.
  • . Specialty "Management". Level of training - bachelor's degree.
  • . Specialty "Management". Level of training - bachelor's degree.

For successful admission in any university in Russia for the above specialties, the applicant will need to take, and. To get a chance at a budget (free) form of education, you need to try to learn these subjects as best as possible.


The sales manager has a clear description of the scope of responsibilities. They are set out in job description. First of all, such a specialist must:

  1. Increase sales volumes in the sector of the enterprise entrusted to him.
  2. Look for and attract new clients (process incoming applications, conduct business negotiations and conclude contracts).
  3. Maintain good and mutually beneficial relationships with existing clients.
  4. Keep detailed records of work with current clients and newcomers.
  5. Provide advice on the range of products sold and their characteristics.

This is an average, basic set of functions that every manager performs, regardless of the scope of his activity. In addition to the above, duties may include:

  • Receive goods and help put them on shelves or showcases in the trading floor.
  • Conduct presentations on new products, as well as drawings and promotions of the company.
  • Participate in exhibitions.

Skills and personal qualities

Communication is very important for a sales manager. It is necessary to have a special ability to conduct a dialogue in such a way as to have a person to yourself. Of course, this is not always possible, since all people are different.

However, good specialist finds mutual language with any person who has expressed a willingness to purchase the goods. Therefore, the ability to convince and competent speech are of particular value.

In addition to communicating with customers, the job of a sales manager includes many other tasks. He must collect information, replenish databases, engage in analytics, draw up contracts, draw up primary documentation, and so on. In order to do everything, the specialist will need the skills of clear planning of the working day. You can learn time management in special courses. Lots of valuable advice concerning the organization of time is freely available.

The sales manager must be goal-oriented and result-oriented, active and deeply interested in the quality of his work. In addition, he should be ready for constant learning and improving his qualifications.

Since the client does not always know exactly what he needs, it is important to be able to choose an approach to each of them. So great advantage there will be creativity.

What the employer requires

According to reviews, most often employers want to see in the resume and hear at the interview from the applicant for the position of a sales manager information about the availability of:

  • higher education (unfinished is allowed);
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • skills in working with PC, office programs, 1C and electronic catalogs at the level of a confident user;
  • experience in active sales.

Some managers additionally require that a potential manager have:

  • driver's license category B;
  • Personal car;
  • experience in the preparation of the most common documents (agreement, invoice, invoice, waybill, and so on).

The employer also pays attention to appearance. Of course, it is not necessary to match the model parameters at all. But to have a pleasant and neat appearance is very desirable.

Wage level

A number of factors influence the income of a sales manager:

  • scope of the enterprise;
  • feature of the work of the specialist himself;
  • region of residence;
  • fulfillment of the sales plan.

The salary of a sales manager varies from 12 to 250 thousand rubles. On average, a person holding this position earns about 40 thousand rubles a month.

The salary usually consists of two parts:

  1. Fixed amount (depending on the region, it ranges from 300 to 800 dollars).
  2. Percentage of concluded deals (from 5% to 10%) and premium.


Sales manager promotion career ladder involves a gradual increase in the number of responsibilities and the addition of new powers. He can grow to the head of the sector, who is responsible for the sales of a particular group of goods. The next steps are the regional manager (head of department) and the director.

It is realistic to take the position of the head of the sales department in 3-4 years successful work. The terms of reference will be replenished with the organization and planning of the work of the department, control of sales volumes and negotiating with VIP clients.

The main task remains the same - to increase sales, acquire a new clientele, promote the product to the market, and achieve cooperation with customers on the most favorable terms. The manager who heads the department will have to analyze the market and develop tactics to increase sales, evaluate not only potential partners, but also competitors, and engage in planning.

Advantages and disadvantages

Some of the key benefits of being a Sales Manager include:

  • demand in the labor market;
  • the work is interesting and creative;
  • fast career growth;
  • Increasing earnings through increased sales;
  • a variety of trade areas (you can choose a product to your liking).

Inspired by the advantages, do not forget about the disadvantages. The most serious are:

  • irregular work schedule;
  • stress and emotional overload;
  • the need to constantly travel to meetings;
  • income is not stable.

Prospects of the profession

Today, the market is in dire need of qualified professionals who can quickly and profitably sell products. It is due to the constant growth in the number of stores of various sizes, shopping centers and manufacturing firms, as well as tougher competition.

In the struggle for leadership positions, the victory goes to the company that managed to sell the product more profitably than others. Thus, the efficiency of the sales manager directly affects the level of profitability of the company.

This is the situation now. But what is the future of this profession? It is possible that some functions of the manager will be automated. But the position itself is unlikely to disappear. Such specialists will be needed until people stop consuming goods.

What is the job of a manager? This will be discussed in this article. Previously, in the context of a shortage of goods and a planned economy, the main attention was paid by enterprises to production process, but never sell. A merchandiser, a salesman, a marketer - not a prestigious job at that time.

The sales manager began to appear at enterprises only in the nineties of the twentieth century, when the owners small firms began to pay more attention to the marketing of their own products. This specialist should be a link between buyers and manufacturers (or trade organizations).

Essence of work

The main areas of work of the sales manager:

  • communication with clients;
  • detailed understanding of the type of product and its properties in order to satisfy customers.

At the same time, it is necessary to know some technologies and possess certain skills for regular sales.

What is the job of a manager? It's not just selling a product. This is a kind of system for organizing the work of a specialist, aimed at developing trading network and increase in sales volumes.

However, there is also an opinion that the work of a manager is not prestigious. At the same time, it is the most demanded specialty. The current situation is related to the orientation economic system to the service sector. It is the account manager who contributes to ensuring financial well-being most enterprises. His life is mostly spent in constant telephone conversations.

The essence of the work of a sales manager is to sell goods through intermediaries, delivering it to stores or outlets. To ensure the uniformity and consistency of sales, it is necessary to maintain and establish partnerships with clients. And after signing the contract, the manager must control the fulfillment by the contract participants of their obligations, as well as the delivery of goods. In other words, the account manager must do everything possible to ensure that consumers do not regret the purchase and turn to the form again.

The profession of a sales manager: the pros and cons

Positive aspects of this specialty:

  • it is necessary to constantly improve the level of education;
  • enjoyment of a successful transaction;
  • irregular working hours;
  • there is an opportunity for self-realization and getting a good income.

Cons of this profession:

  • high responsibility;
  • signs of spontaneity of activity;
  • the maximum level of dynamism of work;
  • high level of analytics;
  • constant control.

Personal qualities

First, the manager must know the market thoroughly in order to respond in time to any changes in it. He must have communication skills. In other words, to be able to listen to others, take the position of a partner and be able to win over others. You need to be able to speak in a way that people understand.

It is necessary to maintain and maintain contact with the interlocutor even in the event of a conflict, such a job! The sales manager should calmly accept criticism and not focus on problems. Special higher education plays an important role in acquiring such skills. It gives an understanding of what the job of a manager is.

Also, a specialist in this field of activity should have Creative skills: be able to generate your own ideas, be creative in making decisions on emerging problems and interacting with potential customers.

How to Become a Sales Specialist

As mentioned above, for a thorough understanding of the features of the profession, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate education. So, if you plan to sell clothes, then you need to graduate educational institution textile direction, and when selling tractors - the faculty that is associated with the automotive industry.

What areas does the manager work in?

Remote work is the most convenient mode of execution of your functional duties. We can distinguish the following specializations, depending on the type of object of sale:

  • manufactured goods;
  • consumer goods;
  • services.

The managerial profession is widely used in wholesale trade. In some companies, these specialists work directly with consumers (for example, when selling large and expensive goods), while in others they work with distributors who purchase goods and then deliver them to stores. Often you can find a situation where the manager's work plan combines both the first and second sales schemes.

At first glance, it may seem that the activities of such a specialist are constant phone calls, a tedious search for clients, as well as negotiations. However, it should be noted that the work of a manager is quite interesting. His duties may include the collection and analysis of information, the presentation of projects, the development of documentation, the conclusion of contracts, work at various exhibitions. Also, this specialist must constantly monitor the timely delivery of goods.

Management career

Experienced managers claim that after several years of work in the initial (lowest) position, it will be possible to become the head of the sales department.
And this is already interesting job, which includes the organization and planning of the department, control of sales volume, as well as negotiating with a certain category of customers.

The main task facing managers is to increase sales, search for new potential customers, promote their product or service to the market. At the same time, it is necessary to achieve favorable conditions for cooperation. In this case, you can conduct a conversation in a slightly different perspective - a strategic one. And this is already an analysis of a functioning market with the development of opportunities for expanding sales, evaluation of potential counterparties, as well as business planning.

Sales manager income

As you know, sellers have always had a salary an order of magnitude higher than production workers. However, there are some nuances. Yes, on initial stage sales professionals have a small income, since they receive most of the money from interest on transactions concluded by them. The newbie doesn't have his own yet client base which will be developed in the future.

Manager's monthly income lower level at a trading enterprise is in the range of 15-20 thousand rubles. The salary of the head of the sales department is 30-90 thousand rubles.

In addition to the salary, the applicant for the position of a manager may be offered training (moreover, free of charge), bonuses or a high percentage of sales. There is a possibility of looking for part-time work. Also, the social package may include corporate holidays.

However, the basis of the income of a sales manager is the number of attracted customers. This specialist must form his own client base in any way, often using the services of enterprises, for example, in the form of a created website. Also, the manager's income is directly dependent on the saleability and prestige of the goods. The same criterion is taken into account by top managers of a trading enterprise when selecting employees.

Demand for sales professionals

Today, about a quarter of vacancies in the labor market belong to sales managers. It can be argued that this is one of the most sought-after positions in any enterprise. It is on the competence of these people that the profit of the company depends. However, despite a large number of there are few specialists in this field in the labor market, real professionals.

Most employers require candidates to have a thorough knowledge of the core market, key suppliers and customers. Also among the requirements there is the necessary experience in a similar field of activity and knowledge of all the specifics of the industry.


Thus, in this article we tried to figure out what the job of a manager is. They also discussed the main priorities in choosing this profession and the requirements put forward by employers to candidates.

The work of a manager can be associated with certain neuropsychic loads, which are caused by liability, as well as constant communication with various customers. It is important that a specialist in this field has good analytical skills.

Is it possible to say something new about a profession that has become familiar to the point of banality? Let's start by describing the myths that surround this profession.

Myth one. A haven for non-professionals

If life was not successful, they were laid off from work (fired, stopped paying wages), you can always go to . Newspapers are full of ads with these vacancies, and it seems that only the lazy will not get this job. This is an alternate airfield, which they leave for themselves, in case they fail to land in some company in their specialty.

Myth two. The profession that doesn't exist

It does not require any special education or special skills. There are no institutes that train sales managers, and the requirements for higher education taken as a joke. It does not involve any career, but only a transition from one company to another, where the salary is higher and conditions are better.

Myth three. A real deal for rogues

The main thing is to be able to “push”, “powder brains”, “circle around your finger”. Only people who are not very honest at hand can succeed in this matter.

Debunking myths is a thankless task. Once having arisen, they settle in our minds for a long time. But it's always worth looking at the other side of the coin. Have these myths become the point of view of HR managers?

The opinion of most of them looks like this:

  • finding a good "" is difficult;
  • most of the employee training budget is spent on sales managers;
  • motivation and incentive systems in companies are primarily developed for sales managers.


Historically, the profile of education often determines the scope of business. Graduates of medical schools, if they decide to pursue a career in sales, are engaged in the sale of pharmaceuticals or medical equipment, yesterday's students of technical universities specialize in the sale of equipment, and yesterday's students of financial institutions specialize in the sale of banking services. It is often easier to get your first job this way, and then, already having an idea about this group of goods, it is easier to find a similar one. Although a sales manager is usually a versatile person, a professional doesn't care what to deal with - with securities or security systems.


Many, in order to take the first start, start with work or. This job, despite the "harsh" conditions, is a good start for a career. It provides an opportunity to evaluate how suitable this job is, and most companies, both insurance and real estate, conduct good training for their new employees. The only thing that must be kept in mind is that selling services is a special art. Trading in something that has no taste, color, smell is much more difficult than what you can really feel in your hands. A high-class manager who successfully sells building materials or stationery may not be able to sell a package of advertising services.

When recruiting for the vacancy of a sales manager in a company, preference is given to candidates who already have experience in this market and know the product, but not always luck accompanies this search, and then they try to find specialists from close (by sales technology) businesses. For example, no matter how strange it may seem, the food and pharmaceutical markets are close - managers have to work with a large assortment of goods that have limited time validity. And a manager who was engaged in the sale of expensive stationery will be able to successfully prove himself in the trade of Swiss watches.

A vertical career is associated with a gradual expansion of the range of responsibilities and powers - from an ordinary sales manager to one who is responsible for selling a group of goods, and,.


Sales Representative. Its task is to conclude contracts for the supply of small wholesale consignments of goods to shops, pharmacies, supermarkets. It is desirable to have your own client base. And when it is developed - the ability to control and support its work. Personal qualities. These people require high mobility, the ability to negotiate, control the result. Career. The first step is a sales manager, then work as a supervisor (organization and control of the work of several sales representatives) or a sales manager.

. A mysterious word that attracts most candidates by its name alone. In fact, these are employees involved in the placement of products and promotional materials of the company in stores. It is important that the product is located in convenient location and supported by promotional materials. Product placement in a store is a whole science. For example, it is better to place chewing gum, small toys and other small goods at the checkout, buyers willingly take it for change, and the choice between Orbit and Dirol will rather predetermine the presence of advertising. Personal qualities - activity, attentiveness in general and to details, in particular, organization, self-control. Career - Head of Merchandising Department, Promotion and Advertising Events Manager, Sales Manager.

Trade agents. The activity is usually related to the sale of real estate or insurance services. While a sales representative sells to organizations, the agent's job is to sell directly to people. Personal qualities - mobility, efficiency, stress resistance, the ability to find a common language and understand the problems of different people, perseverance. Career - corporate client manager, head of department. W / n involves, mainly, interest from concluded transactions, sometimes a small salary.

Wholesale manager. The work consists in the sale of large quantities of goods, for example, building materials, rolled metal, grain, spare parts, etc. Managers are required to have good knowledge and “feeling” of the market, knowledge of market participants, pricing policy, product range and its features, the ability not only to find clients (their circle is usually limited and known), how many to establish long-term relationships with them, the ability to negotiate, calculate deals. Career - brand manager, head of sales department. Personal qualities: the ability to create and maintain an extensive contact network, see the relationship between problems, the ability to understand the problems of other businesses, interest, the ability to formulate business proposals, the ability to see alternatives.

Head of ()- is responsible for sales of a certain group of goods, negotiates with suppliers, develops a dealer network, coordinates the work of the marketing and advertising department to promote these goods to the market, often conducts or organizes training for dealers in their group of goods. Career - Head of Sales. Personal qualities: the ability to predict, the ability to negotiate, analytical and organizational skills.

Components of success

Almost all of the listed professions are united by one requirement - communication skills: the ability to find a common language with the most different people, the ability for long-term intensive communication, understanding of other people. But not everyone who can communicate well can become successful agents or sales managers. It’s not enough just to win over a person, the main thing is to complete the task - to make a deal, to achieve a result. And only those who show perseverance and initiative succeed.


Take a good look at the product or service you are selling. Product knowledge is a must for a sales manager who wants to achieve impressive success. Anyone who knows the entire catalog or list of services perfectly, is always aware of what exactly should be offered to the client, is not distracted from the sales process for consultations with product managers and inspires respect and trust among customers due to his high competence.

Know the strengths and weak sides the company you work for. Naturally, when talking to potential client it is worth talking only about the advantages that cooperation with your company brings. However, knowing the cons will give you the opportunity to prepare a response to the buyer in advance and dispel his doubts.

Learn sales techniques. Learn how to build a conversation with a client, what stages the sales process consists of, what you need to pay attention to in this or that case. It is important not only to learn, but also to test in practice all the skills. The more you work to keep efficient scheme communicating with a client, the faster the desired behavioral strategy will become a habit for you. Believe me, you can successfully sell almost automatically. The main thing is to practice a lot.

Do not miss the opportunity to learn something from your experienced colleagues. Self-confident salespeople who think that their personal charm will do everything for them are mistaken. AT unusual situation you will be able to remember how other people in your sales department are doing and get out of the predicament with honor.

Be always neatly and cleanly dressed and combed. The sales manager should be a pleasure to deal with. polished shoes, classic style in clothes, an unobtrusive perfume, an open smile will help you win the favor of customers. Separately, it is worth mentioning the punctuality and literacy of oral and writing. These qualities are essential for managers.

Gather information about the competitors of the company you represent. Knowing exactly what, under what conditions, in what time frame and at what price other firms offer will help you focus on the advantages of your company, give a discount in time, or tactfully mention one or another shortcoming in the work of other firms. Remember that it is impossible to openly scold and criticize competitors. This can cause negativity on the part of the client.

Level up your skill. Attend internal and external sales trainings, read specialized literature, learn new sales techniques. Training and development in this area not only provides new knowledge, but also creates a certain drive that helps to make successful transactions.


  • How to become a successful manager

A sales manager has a number of responsibilities, each of which directly affects the performance of his team. The best representative of this profession should not only be able to sell well, but also have leadership qualities that allow you to properly set up your team.


The best salespeople always set long-term goals for themselves. You must be able to prioritize your work. Without this, you run the risk of getting bogged down in solving small problems, losing sight of the big picture of your project. In addition, the presence of a goal and priorities allows you to highlight the most important for this moment tasks facing the team, as well as establish the order of their implementation.

You must be able to draw up a clear and feasible plan to achieve the goals set for the team. Your plans should be as flexible as possible to always fit the current circumstances. However, they should not be allowed to be too vague and meaningless. Any changes to this plan can only be made after a long review of the new circumstances in which you have to work. Any external information, which relates to your work, should be carefully studied. Don't make decisions about adjusting plans unless you fully understand what the changes will lead to.

The best sales manager should be an integral part of the team. It is very important that the sales representatives who work on your team trust you and your decisions. Be attentive to your employees, go to meet them if they have personal circumstances that affect their work. Be consistent in your demands, your agenda should always be clear and transparent. Do not force employees to think out what you require of them. Never criticize the personality of an employee, if he did something wrong, discuss with him only his mistakes. Remember that everyone makes mistakes sooner or later. Your task is to build the work of the team in such a way as to minimize the number of such errors. To do this, it is necessary to constantly work on such errors so that they do not repeat in the future.

Help your employees reach their full potential. You should conduct various trainings as often as possible, allowing you to discover strengths workers. Do not try to make everyone the same seller as you. There are many work styles, let your employees develop their own.

Remember that you are responsible for the work of the entire team as a whole. Do not shift responsibility for the result of his work to your employees. At the same time, you should not be responsible for the activities of a particular employee.