Wooden shoe racks. In our electronic catalog - Do-it-yourself shoe racks from leading Italian manufacturers. DIY portable shoe rack

How to save money and make an original stand for shoes with your own hands - find out here!Ideas, useful tips, instructions for making.

We make a stylish stand for shoes with our own hands

A beautiful shoe rack can become not only a place to store shoes, but also a full-fledged element of the interior of the hallway. The choice of options in stores is extensive, but the cost is often too high. To make a capacious and compact shoe rack that fits perfectly into the look of the corridor, you need to make a little effort and imagination. Consider options for making shoe racks from available materials with your own hands.

Varieties and purpose of homemade shelves for the hallway

Before installation, it is necessary to make a measurement of the space where it is planned to put a shelf for shoes. For a small hallway, a narrow (20-30 cm) and high shelf would be ideal; in a more spacious room, a closed cabinet with a width of 60-90 cm will look good.

Should the shelf be closed? If you want to make the hallway look more aesthetically pleasing, this is a good option. Do not forget to regularly air a closed shoebox, otherwise unpleasant odors cannot be avoided. Also, this problem can be solved by installing a lamp inside for drying and disinfecting shoes.

The advantages of homemade shoe racks are obvious:

  • you can use eco-materials;
  • the cost of a homemade shoe rack is several times less than in a store;
  • you can make a shelf for the hallway of a non-standard layout.

The design of the shoe rack directly depends on its purpose and the number of residents. Here are some popular and practical options:

Shoe rack design



Shoe shelves of this type are popular because of the simple and convenient installation. May have a conventional rectangular or asymmetric design.


The shelf is attached to the wall with rails, belts or cables. Conveniently folds if necessary (for example, if you need to carry furniture into a narrow corridor).


Fastening is carried out on adjacent walls. Great space saver.


Support in this design falls on the floor. Suitable for spacious hallways, but can also be compact if the sections are distributed not in width, but in height.


This option looks more aesthetically pleasing. Doors can be made of plywood, frosted glass.


Shoes will be stored vertically here, on the door there are 2 or more cassette-type drawers that slide out when opened. Well suited for a small corridor (width 20-25 cm).

There are many options for making shelves. The interior can be decorated with shelves made of metal, in particular aluminum, processed clay shelves, dense oak, glossy plastic look very nice. The material of manufacture can be any, as well as the configuration of the elements. According to the type of installation, shelves for shoes can be conditionally divided into several types.

Materials and tools for making shelves

The service life and ease of use depend on the material chosen for the manufacture of the shoe rack. For example, making a shelf out of a cardboard box is easier than a lung, but it will not last long either. But, as a temporary option, it will work fine.

When choosing wood as a material, it is worth taking care of the final processing of wood with varnish or paint so that an attractive appearance is preserved for a long time. A universal set of tools, due to the nature of installation and material, does not exist. But you will definitely need the following tools:

  • electric drill;
  • glue;
  • simple pencil;
  • sandpaper;
  • fastening accessories;
  • screwdriver;
  • wood saw;

You will also need varnish or paint, the color of which is selected for the overall interior of the hallway.

How to make a shelf with your own hands

Before starting work, it is worth drawing an approximate layout of the future product, where you also need to specify the dimensions. After that, they start marking on the material, where they indicate the location of the fasteners (if any), the required length and width. Here are some helpful tips:

  1. When creating a simple shoe rack, you can do without the use of metal fittings - all elements are fastened with self-tapping screws.
  2. Doors are easy to install if you use canopies.
  3. The processing of materials with varnish or painting should be carried out before assembly. If you do this after, the layer will be uneven, and the procedure itself will be problematic. The process of assembling a shelf for shoes depends not only on the design, but also on the complexity of processing the material, the features of working with it.

wooden shoe rack

First of all, a shoe rack should have small dimensions, but at the same time contain a sufficient number of pairs of shoes. This is its essential feature. There are many materials from which this structure can be built, but the main one is wood. Unlike chipboard and MDF, it will not stick or swell when exposed to moisture. To do this, the tree should be varnished or painted.

What will be needed?

The basic set for manufacturing: wood, glue, screws, glazing beads, varnish or paint. Of the tools you will need: saw, screwdriver or screwdriver, hammer, sandpaper, drill. Glazing beads, self-tapping screws, drill are selected in accordance with the size of the structure. Self-tapping screws need to choose small, but able to firmly gain a foothold in the structure. It must be remembered that the tree can crack or split if the size of the screws is not chosen correctly.

Construction assembly

In depth, 35 centimeters will be enough. This distance is enough to accommodate almost any shoe. This will be the length of the sides of the structure. You need to saw off 6 elements of 35 cm each. You can determine who in the family has the largest shoe size and measure the distance along it, leaving 1 cm in stock. Then you need to distribute 4 bars on one of the elements and wash down to the depth of the bars. It is necessary to arrange the bars evenly.

Each shelf should allow you to place 3 pairs of shoes, so its length must be determined from the calculation of the 3 largest pairs of shoes in the family. 4 blanks of this length will go to each shelf. To connect the elements, it is necessary to cut out recesses. These places must be fastened with screws. For a more aesthetic look, you can drill holes and use glazing beads and glue that will withstand shoes without any problems. This operation is similar for each shelf. After that, sand the tops of the sidewalls with sandpaper.

Any height can be made, but a reasonable limit is not higher than 80 cm. High shoes should fit in one of the compartments of the structure. The distance between the shelves (between the floor and the first shelf) should be 30 cm. All connections are made in the same way.

Practical shoe rack made of chipboard

To make a simple shelf for shoes from chipboard, you need to take two sheets of canvas (dimensions are determined based on the space in the hallway). You will need a sheet of fiberboard for the back wall. The assembly algorithm is simple:

  • We attach the bottom and the shelves themselves to the two side walls. A drill is used for screeds (drill 8 mm), a drill with a diameter of 5 mm is used at the end.
  • The folding element is fixed with medium-sized screws;
  • The upper part is mounted on self-tapping screws 4 * 30;
  • Shelves are mounted inside;
  • Fix the back wall of the product.
  • This is a budget and uncomplicated option, which can be used for any layout of the hallway.

Beautiful laminate shoe rack

If after the repair of the apartment there is an unused laminate, you can make a stylish and compact shelf out of it, which will organically fit into any design. For manufacturing, you will need laminate sheets, the number of which depends on the tiering and slotted metal pipes. They can be made with a grinder for metal. If desired, the structure can be made of any height; for safety, the edges of the tubes are sealed with plugs.

From profile

An interesting option are shelves for shoes made of profile and tempered glass (or wood). For manufacturing you will need the following tools:

  • glass cutter;
  • jigsaw;
  • Bulgarian;
  • level;
  • electric drill for metal;
  • screwdriver

You can use a regular color profile or galvanized, the second option will be more reliable, as it is resistant to moisture.

Step-by-step instruction

  • The profile is fixed to the wall with one self-tapping screw;
  • With the help of the level, the horizontal markup is checked;
  • Screw in the remaining screws;
  • The frame is assembled;
  • Already cut shelves are attached to the frame.
  • This option will look good in Hi-Teck design.

Simple shoe rack made from boxes

The presented design is able to withstand a lot of weight, despite the fact that cardboard is a fairly flexible material. For its manufacture, it is desirable to use boxes from household appliances. Depending on the height and width, take the required number of boxes. The structure is attached with glue, adhesive tape, a stapler or in another way. The finished shelf can be decorated as fantasy tells. There is one drawback - such a shelf is suitable only for summer shoes.

Corner shoe rack

The most suitable material for creating a corner wooden shelf for shoes is larch. It tolerates moisture well and is easy to use.

To begin with, we determine the size and design of the shelf, draw a diagram and calculate the required amount of material.
To create a corner shelf, the following materials and tools are needed:

  • two boards up to 2 m long (the ends of the boards can be rounded or cut in a wave);
  • shelves cut from the same board (while the shelves can be cut into different sizes and shapes);
  • jigsaw for sawing;
  • planer and sandpaper for leveling;
  • corners and self-tapping screws for connecting parts;
  • level to check the accuracy of the design;
  • antiseptic;
  • varnish or paint.

Boards must be sanded and treated with an antiseptic, varnished or painted. Varnish is chosen if you want to emphasize the naturalness and structure of wood, paint - if you prefer saturated colors and when deciding to use special design techniques with a play of color.

Construction connection

To create lightness of construction, the two main boards are not attached to each other: they are set at an angle and connected using shelves. First, the lower shelf is attached, then the upper one, the structure is installed vertically and its evenness and stability are checked. Then the rest of the shelves are installed.

The space between the shelves must be sufficient, otherwise there will be a feeling of tightness and congestion.

decorative elements

For additional decoration of the shelf, you can use thin decorative slats, sawn out on your own. Or purchase a decorative wooden lattice-partition, and after sawing it, decorate the shelf by adding carved limiters.
The use of decoupage or aging techniques in painting will also bring a fresh touch to the interior of the hallway. Bright colors can be relevant to complement the interior.

How to do

Workpieces are cut from fiberboard in the form of circles and quadrangles. With the help of a compass and a rail, markings are made for the pins.
Disks for stands are fixed with disks of smaller diameter, which are placed at the desired height.

The bottom is prepared, on which quadrangular blanks are attached, attached with a corner. The bottom circle is conditionally divided into 3-4 parts (a place for 3-4 pairs of shoes on the "floor").

For the manufacture of a shoe shelf, you can connect your imagination and then the most unexpected solutions come to mind. Here are a few ideas that will be interesting not only for self-use, but also as a gift for loved ones.

On the video: do-it-yourself shoe rack from an old closet

Photo gallery

The photo gallery presents the original solutions of the shoe shelf.

Every person's wardrobe is undoubtedly large. Among all things, shoes occupy an important place. It is placed separately from all other items of clothing. In most cases, shoes, for convenience, are stored in the hallway or corridor. In order for it to serve for a long time, it is necessary to handle it carefully, as well as properly store it. For the latter, a separate shelf is best suited. You can buy it in the store or make it yourself. From this article you will learn how to make a shoe rack with your own hands.

To date, furniture stores have a huge number of shelves of different shapes and designs. Choosing a model yourself is sometimes difficult. First of all, the dimensions of the structure are calculated:

  • height;
  • length;
  • width.

It is also worth considering the number of shelves or cells and their height. To do this, you need to review all shoes for their size. In addition, the design can be supplemented with a pedestal, bench or other decorative trim. The shelf can have an angular, round, rectangular shape, be rotating.

A simple, but at the same time durable shelf can be made from improvised materials, such as wood or a fiberboard sheet.

The durability and practicality of a shelf for shoes will depend on the material from which it is made. So today there are practically no restrictions in the choice. Among the most common materials are:

  • plywood;
  • wood;
  • laminate;
  • slats;
  • profile;
  • box;
  • pipes;
  • metal.

The most common is the tree. You also need to buy varnish or paint. Thanks to this, the shelf will repel moisture and dirt. This also applies to chipboard. Experts advise for wet shoes to provide a lower shelf, which will serve for drying. Metal products also need additional protection, as corrosion can form as a result of exposure to moisture. Remaining paint can be used to create a protective layer. The finished shelf can be installed in the hallway.

Thanks to the protective layer, the tree will not swell and, as a result, deform. This will increase the life of the product by several years.

To make a shelf at home does not take much time and effort. In most cases, it all depends on the design, so specifying a standard set will be somewhat problematic. When choosing tools, be sure to include in the list:

  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw (for metal or wood);
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • fasteners;
  • chisel;
  • grinder or sandpaper.

When planning to make a shelf of wood and metal, carefully select paintwork materials. It is desirable that the finished shelf is combined with the interior of the room.

The most relevant and simple option is a shoe rack made of wood. For its installation, it is enough to take a few boards that remained after the repair and finishing work. As already mentioned, first of all, it is necessary to determine the dimensions, functionality and design of the product. After selecting all the tools and fasteners, you can proceed with the assembly:

  1. From the prepared lumber, it is necessary to cut out all the elements in a given quantity: support bars, crossbeams, side racks.
  2. To prevent injury, all prepared parts are processed with fine sandpaper.
  3. With the help of self-tapping screws and a screwdriver, the frame is fastened and the shelves are installed.
  4. The finished product is varnished or painted.

An old cabinet or shelf can serve as the basis for making a shoe rack. In this case, the whole procedure is greatly simplified.

An equally simple option that you can do yourself is a combination of wood and metal planks. You can use both ordinary boards and fiberboard sheets, but the thickness should not exceed 1.5 cm. The planks should have a cylindrical shape with a diameter of 2 cm. Stainless steel, which is not afraid of moisture, is ideal. Do not forget about fasteners.

For convenience, it is better to draw a sketch of the future product on paper. This will help avoid errors or defects. Side and back walls are cut out of wood. All edges must be smooth. For convenience, a grinder or sandpaper is used. Before fastening all prepared elements, it is necessary to apply markings. Nails and self-tapping screws can serve as fasteners.

It is best to place such a shelf on the floor. In order for a large structure to be held on the wall in the corridor, it must be securely fixed.

So, creating a shelf for storing shoes yourself is quite simple. You need to have a desire, as well as allocate a little time. Having shown imagination, you can get not only the necessary thing, but also an original decor element that can harmoniously fit into the interior of the hallway.

You may be interested in these materials:


From the provided videos, you will learn about two simple methods for making a shoe rack for shoes:

A photo

Below are a number of photos with different ideas for making a shoe rack with your own hands:

Residents of small apartments often face the problem of storing shoes. Two or three pairs per season for one person is a necessary minimum, so even a small family of 3 people needs a design that allows them to compactly place shoes in the hallway.

Shoe storage options

There are several main reasons to make your own shoe rack. Undoubtedly, it is easier to purchase ready-made furniture, but often standard sizes are not suitable for small spaces. The situation when shoes need to be stored in the country is also more practical to solve on your own from improvised materials, without resorting to additional costs. The third side of the issue is the desire to create an exclusive design that impresses with its originality and unconventional approach. Consider various options for arranging a shoe rack, depending on the ultimate goals - to save space or budget.

From the point of view of cost savings, the material for making the shelves is chosen as affordable as possible: it can be cardboard boxes or cheap plywood. The design of such shelves for shoes depends solely on the imagination of the owner:

  • From the disassembled boxes, using adhesive tape and staples, they assemble the classic form of a shoe shelf with vertical racks and transverse crossbars;
  • Several cardboard containers of a suitable shape are fixed to each other in a vertical shelf, after which they are attached to the wall. Its minimum depth allows you to install the structure even behind the door.

Remark ! This model of the shelf is suitable only for light shoes. To store winter boots, you will have to take care of a more reliable place.

Plywood construction allows you to achieve a successful combination of cheapness and originality. To do this, they assemble a frame in the form of a box, after which they equip it inside with shelves with asymmetrical bends, which allow placing shoes of various shapes and sizes.

Adherents of a classic interior are better off making traditional shelves made of wood material or combined with metal elements for shoes. They can differ in height, have a variety of configurations, and be additionally equipped with doors. It all depends on the material possibilities, the area where they will be located and the design of the room.

Those who like to impress others or simply push off from the usual forms will like non-standard approaches in the form of using PVC pipes or equipment of a kind of shoe cabinet that performs two functions at the same time: storing and drying shoes.

Budget proposals

Improvised materials in the form of cardboard, plywood or slats will allow you to build a shelf for shoes without additional expenses.


The most economical solution to the problem is the use of cardboard. Such a product is appropriate to place in the country, but in some cases, with a creative approach in the design of a shelf for shoes made of cardboard, it can also be installed in an apartment. One option includes the following steps:

  • cardboard boxes are marked with a pencil;
  • elements of blanks are cut with a special knife;
  • boxes are formed from rectangles;
  • blanks are connected to each other, forming grooves for shoes;
  • elements are interconnected with brackets;
  • the shelf is fixed to the wall.

As mentioned above, it is also possible to build a standard model, where transverse elements are attached between the vertical parts. The connection is made with adhesive tape and staples. To give a more aesthetic appearance to a shoe rack made of cardboard, its design with a decorative film will help.


A shelf made of plywood will last much longer. For its manufacture you will need:

  • jigsaw and drill;
  • perforator and hammer;
  • pins and glue.

Having built a frame of the required dimensions, the internal filling with shelves is made at your discretion, depending on the number of stored shoes and their dimensions.

Important ! Before joining, all parts are carefully ground.

A model of a shelf assembled from U-shaped elements looks more simplified, which can be attached directly to the wall or fixed on a pre-prepared shield. As in the case of cardboard, it is recommended to glue the final structure with a decorative film. This will not only make it attractive, but also protect it from moisture, making it easier to care for.


Reiki can be a practical solution for giving. Required minimum tools: screwdriver, hammer and nails. The design of the shelves in this case may be different, but all options have advantages, these are:

  • savings in the cost of purchasing materials;
  • ease of manufacture;
  • good ventilation.

What models can be built from rails:

  • The most primitive is to connect two slats of different widths. At the bottom is a wider part, at the top - a narrow one. Shoes are inserted into the shelf with a toe.
  • The semblance of a pallet, exposed vertically, resembles the following design of a shelf made of rails. Having fixed the transverse crossbars on the vertical racks, the shelf is additionally equipped with rails for fixing to the wall.
  • It is also easy to make the traditional shape of a shoe rack. For convenience, the upper part can be equipped with an ottoman.

It is worth noting that in each case, it is better to carefully process the slats so as not to damage the shoes in the future. At the final stage, it is preferable to carry out finishing work, whether it be painting or varnishing.

Classic designs

Traditional models of shoe racks are made of wood, chipboard and metal elements. In most cases, you will need:

  • saw and planer;
  • screwdriver and screws;
  • metal corners;
  • sandpaper;
  • glue for wood;
  • tape measure and pencil;
  • finishing material (paint or varnish).

Preliminary design is an essential condition. You can use ready-made schemes or draw a sketch of a shoe rack yourself.


Let's talk about one of the many options. A suitable material would be a board with a width of 25-35 cm, the thickness of the workpiece is 2 cm. Manufacturing includes the following steps:

  • Side vertical walls are being prepared. The height of the parts is 80-90 cm.
  • For shelves, 4 fragments 60-70 cm wide are cut;
  • All elements are processed with sandpaper;
  • Using self-tapping screws, the crossbars are connected to the side walls.
  • To increase the strength, metal corners are fixed at the rear ends of the shelf.
  • The final stage consists of finishing work - after treatment with a primer or stain, the shoe shelf is painted or varnished.

Chipboard and MDF

Practicality and attractiveness are combined in a shelf for shoes made of chipboard with an ottoman. In the process of preparing parts according to the selected project, it may be necessary to remove chips and bumps with a grinder. The edges of the finished elements of the future shoe shelf are pasted over with a special tape using a hot iron. Fine-grained sandpaper is useful for processing corners, this will prevent damage to the shoes during storage. In some cases, cuts should be prepared, the connection of the parts of the shoe rack is often carried out using confirmations. To arrange an ottoman, take care of purchasing foam rubber and leatherette in advance.

Having shown imagination, you can make an original and practical shoe rack from laminated chipboard. Material consumption is determined depending on the number of shelves, you will also need to purchase metal tubes and clamps to hold the transverse structural elements. The edges of the metal tubes are closed with plastic plugs.

The corner model of a shoe rack will successfully fit into the interior of a square hallway. The stages of its manufacture are not much different from the previous options:

  • a diagram of the future shelf is being prepared;
  • for the material, you can choose laminated chipboard or MDF;
  • parts are cut according to the selected dimensions;
  • all roughness is removed at the edges, after which they are made out with a tape;
  • the construction is assembled with the help of confirmations.

The model of the shelf for shoes "Slim" has the maximum functionality. Accommodating a large number of pairs of shoes, it has a compact size. It is extremely difficult to make it with your own hands due to the large number of accessories. It is much easier to purchase a ready-made design and do self-assembly. The following diagram will help you:

Use of metal elements

External lightness is possessed by structures in the manufacture of which metal elements were used for transverse shelves. Working with such a sketch assumes the presence of a grinder, a jigsaw for metal and a certain experience. Possessing blacksmithing skills, you can create an exclusive model of a shoe rack with forged elements.

Extraordinary models

Non-standard instances of shelves also have two directions: the form and the material used. Sufficient room space allows you to install a round shelf for shoes, the convenience of its operation is facilitated by a rotating mechanism. The most difficult step will be cutting out round blanks and installing a mechanism that ensures the mobility of the device.

Remark ! The radius of the circle should be larger than the largest shoe size you have in your home.

If we consider non-traditional options for shoe shelves in terms of the chosen material, this can be a stand made of PVC sewer pipes. What does the assembly of such a shelf include:

  • Cutting the material to length, taking into account the size of the shoe.
  • Sanding the edges with sandpaper.
  • Registration of sections with a decorative film. In this case, imitation of birch logs looks very impressive.
  • Between themselves, the individual elements of the shelf are connected by plastic holders or straps. If necessary, a similar design of a shoe rack can be easily supplemented with new cells.

Regardless of which model you like best, the important point is the final finish, which can turn the most unpresentable shelf into an exclusive furniture design.

How to save money and make an original stand for shoes with your own hands - find out here!Ideas, useful tips, instructions for making.

  • 1 We make a stylish stand for shoes with our own hands
  • 2 Varieties and purpose of homemade shelves for the hallway
  • 3 Materials and tools for making shelves
  • 4 How to make a shelf with your own hands
  • 5 Wooden shoe rack
    • 5.1 What do you need?
    • 5.2 Assembly of the structure
    • 5.3 Practical chipboard shoe rack
    • 5.4 Beautiful laminate shoe rack
  • 6 From profile
    • 6.1 Step by step instructions
    • 6.2 Simple shoe rack made of boxes
    • 6.3 Corner shoe rack
    • 6.4 Structural connection
    • 6.5 Decorative elements
    • 6.6 Making a carousel shelf
    • 6.7 How to do
  • 7 Interesting ideas
  • 8 Photo gallery

A beautiful shoe rack can become not only a place to store shoes, but also a full-fledged element of the interior of the hallway. The choice of options in stores is extensive, but the cost is often too high. To make a capacious and compact shoe rack that fits perfectly into the look of the corridor, you need to make a little effort and imagination. Consider options for making shoe racks from available materials with your own hands.

Varieties and purpose of homemade shelves for the hallway

Before installation, it is necessary to make a measurement of the space where it is planned to put a shelf for shoes. For a small hallway, a narrow (20-30 cm) and high shelf would be ideal; in a more spacious room, a closed cabinet with a width of 60-90 cm will look good.

Should the shelf be closed? If you want to make the hallway look more aesthetically pleasing, this is a good option. Do not forget to regularly air a closed shoebox, otherwise unpleasant odors cannot be avoided. Also, this problem can be solved by installing a lamp inside for drying and disinfecting shoes.

The advantages of homemade shoe racks are obvious:

  • you can use eco-materials;
  • the cost of a homemade shoe rack is several times less than in a store;
  • you can make a shelf for the hallway of a non-standard layout.

The design of the shoe rack directly depends on its purpose and the number of residents. Here are some popular and practical options:

Shoe rack design



Shoe shelves of this type are popular because of the simple and convenient installation. May have a conventional rectangular or asymmetric design.


The shelf is attached to the wall with rails, belts or cables. Conveniently folds if necessary (for example, if you need to carry furniture into a narrow corridor).


Fastening is carried out on adjacent walls. Great space saver.


Support in this design falls on the floor. Suitable for spacious hallways, but can also be compact if the sections are distributed not in width, but in height.


This option looks more aesthetically pleasing. Doors can be made of plywood, frosted glass.


Shoes will be stored vertically here, on the door there are 2 or more cassette-type drawers that slide out when opened. Well suited for a small corridor (width 20-25 cm).

There are many options for making shelves. The interior can be decorated with shelves made of metal, in particular aluminum, processed clay shelves, dense oak, glossy plastic look very nice. The material of manufacture can be any, as well as the configuration of the elements. According to the type of installation, shelves for shoes can be conditionally divided into several types.

Materials and tools for making shelves

The service life and ease of use depend on the material chosen for the manufacture of the shoe rack. For example, making a shelf out of a cardboard box is easier than a lung, but it will not last long either. But, as a temporary option, it will work fine.

When choosing wood as a material, it is worth taking care of the final processing of wood with varnish or paint so that an attractive appearance is preserved for a long time. A universal set of tools, due to the nature of installation and material, does not exist. But you will definitely need the following tools:

  • electric drill;
  • glue;
  • simple pencil;
  • sandpaper;
  • fastening accessories;
  • screwdriver;
  • wood saw;

You will also need varnish or paint, the color of which is selected for the overall interior of the hallway.

How to make a shelf with your own hands

Before starting work, it is worth drawing an approximate layout of the future product, where you also need to specify the dimensions. After that, they start marking on the material, where they indicate the location of the fasteners (if any), the required length and width. Here are some helpful tips:

  1. When creating a simple shoe rack, you can do without the use of metal fittings - all elements are fastened with self-tapping screws.
  2. Doors are easy to install if you use canopies.
  3. The processing of materials with varnish or painting should be carried out before assembly. If you do this after, the layer will be uneven, and the procedure itself will be problematic. The process of assembling a shelf for shoes depends not only on the design, but also on the complexity of processing the material, the features of working with it.

wooden shoe rack

First of all, a shoe rack should have small dimensions, but at the same time contain a sufficient number of pairs of shoes. This is its essential feature. There are many materials from which this structure can be built, but the main one is wood. Unlike chipboard and MDF, it will not stick or swell when exposed to moisture. To do this, the tree should be varnished or painted.

What will be needed?

The basic set for manufacturing: wood, glue, screws, glazing beads, varnish or paint. Of the tools you will need: saw, screwdriver or screwdriver, hammer, sandpaper, drill. Glazing beads, self-tapping screws, drill are selected in accordance with the size of the structure. Self-tapping screws need to choose small, but able to firmly gain a foothold in the structure. It must be remembered that the tree can crack or split if the size of the screws is not chosen correctly.

Construction assembly

In depth, 35 centimeters will be enough. This distance is enough to accommodate almost any shoe. This will be the length of the sides of the structure. You need to saw off 6 elements of 35 cm each. You can determine who in the family has the largest shoe size and measure the distance along it, leaving 1 cm in stock. Then you need to distribute 4 bars on one of the elements and wash down to the depth of the bars. It is necessary to arrange the bars evenly.

Each shelf should allow you to place 3 pairs of shoes, so its length must be determined from the calculation of the 3 largest pairs of shoes in the family. 4 blanks of this length will go to each shelf. To connect the elements, it is necessary to cut out recesses. These places must be fastened with screws. For a more aesthetic look, you can drill holes and use glazing beads and glue that will withstand shoes without any problems. This operation is similar for each shelf. After that, sand the tops of the sidewalls with sandpaper.

Any height can be made, but a reasonable limit is not higher than 80 cm. High shoes should fit in one of the compartments of the structure. The distance between the shelves (between the floor and the first shelf) should be 30 cm. All connections are made in the same way.

Practical shoe rack made of chipboard

To make a simple shelf for shoes from chipboard, you need to take two sheets of canvas (dimensions are determined based on the space in the hallway). You will need a sheet of fiberboard for the back wall. The assembly algorithm is simple:

  • We attach the bottom and the shelves themselves to the two side walls. A drill is used for screeds (drill 8 mm), a drill with a diameter of 5 mm is used at the end.
  • The folding element is fixed with medium-sized screws;
  • The upper part is mounted on self-tapping screws 4 * 30;
  • Shelves are mounted inside;
  • Fix the back wall of the product.
  • This is a budget and uncomplicated option, which can be used for any layout of the hallway.

Beautiful laminate shoe rack

If after the repair of the apartment there is an unused laminate, you can make a stylish and compact shelf out of it, which will organically fit into any design. For manufacturing, you will need laminate sheets, the number of which depends on the tiering and slotted metal pipes. They can be made with a grinder for metal. If desired, the structure can be made of any height; for safety, the edges of the tubes are sealed with plugs.

From profile

An interesting option are shelves for shoes made of profile and tempered glass (or wood). For manufacturing you will need the following tools:

  • glass cutter;
  • jigsaw;
  • Bulgarian;
  • level;
  • electric drill for metal;
  • screwdriver

You can use a regular color profile or galvanized, the second option will be more reliable, as it is resistant to moisture.

Step-by-step instruction

  • The profile is fixed to the wall with one self-tapping screw;
  • With the help of the level, the horizontal markup is checked;
  • Screw in the remaining screws;
  • The frame is assembled;
  • Already cut shelves are attached to the frame.
  • This option will look good in Hi-Teck design.

Simple shoe rack made from boxes

The presented design is able to withstand a lot of weight, despite the fact that cardboard is a fairly flexible material. For its manufacture, it is desirable to use boxes from household appliances. Depending on the height and width, take the required number of boxes. The structure is attached with glue, adhesive tape, a stapler or in another way. The finished shelf can be decorated as fantasy tells. There is one drawback - such a shelf is suitable only for summer shoes.

Corner shoe rack

The most suitable material for creating a corner wooden shelf for shoes is larch. It tolerates moisture well and is easy to use.

To begin with, we determine the size and design of the shelf, draw a diagram and calculate the required amount of material.
To create a corner shelf, the following materials and tools are needed:

  • two boards up to 2 m long (the ends of the boards can be rounded or cut in a wave);
  • shelves cut from the same board (while the shelves can be cut into different sizes and shapes);
  • jigsaw for sawing;
  • planer and sandpaper for leveling;
  • corners and self-tapping screws for connecting parts;
  • level to check the accuracy of the design;
  • antiseptic;
  • varnish or paint.

Boards must be sanded and treated with an antiseptic, varnished or painted. Varnish is chosen if you want to emphasize the naturalness and structure of wood, paint - if you prefer saturated colors and when deciding to use special design techniques with a play of color.

Construction connection

To create lightness of construction, the two main boards are not attached to each other: they are set at an angle and connected using shelves. First, the lower shelf is attached, then the upper one, the structure is installed vertically and its evenness and stability are checked. Then the rest of the shelves are installed.

The space between the shelves must be sufficient, otherwise there will be a feeling of tightness and congestion.

decorative elements

For additional decoration of the shelf, you can use thin decorative slats, sawn out on your own. Or purchase a decorative wooden lattice-partition, and after sawing it, decorate the shelf by adding carved limiters.
The use of decoupage or aging techniques in painting will also bring a fresh touch to the interior of the hallway. Bright colors can be relevant to complement the interior.

Making a carousel shelf

The carousel shelf takes up little space and at the same time is able to accommodate many pairs of shoes. For its manufacture you will need: fiberboard, metal pins and self-tapping screws.

How to do

Workpieces are cut from fiberboard in the form of circles and quadrangles. With the help of a compass and a rail, markings are made for the pins.
Disks for stands are fixed with disks of smaller diameter, which are placed at the desired height.

The bottom is prepared, on which quadrangular blanks are attached, attached with a corner. The bottom circle is conditionally divided into 3-4 parts (a place for 3-4 pairs of shoes on the "floor").

Interesting ideas

For the manufacture of a shoe shelf, you can connect your imagination and then the most unexpected solutions come to mind. Here are a few ideas that will be interesting not only for self-use, but also as a gift for loved ones.

On the video: do-it-yourself shoe rack from an old closet

The issue of placing shoes in the house remains relevant both in summer and in winter. Often the hallway is lined with shoes, especially in the evening, when the whole family returned home from work, study. To avoid such a problem, you can make special shelves for shoes in the hallway, which will help not only decide on the issue of storing things, but also decorate the room. Every housewife knows that such a useful item is needed in the house, since the durability of shoes depends on both proper care and proper storage, which can be provided by a well-designed shoe rack in the hallway.

This piece of furniture should be characterized by versatility, compactness, because the hallway usually has a small square. Shelves for shoes in the hallway can be made in various versions. Among the varieties that you can do with your own hands, the most popular are:

  • wall models. Ideal in a small hallway, where it is impractical to install a closet. It is easy to create such a shelf yourself using wood as a material. If you wish, you can find a lot of photos on the Internet and make the product according to the picture;

  • Shelving. The most successful choice for the design of free space. The upper part of the shelf plays the role of a bench or is used as a stand for various useful items;

  • Cabinet-slim. Such shelves are practical and convenient, as they hide shoes from prying eyes. Turns out 45 degrees to open. You can make any shelf for shoes in the hallway with your own hands: straight, rounded or corner;

  • Stands. The most common type of floor shelves. In the manufacture, you can use the usual bottom of a cardboard box, glue it with some material that does not get wet, pour pebbles.

What materials can be made

From a large number of different materials, you can choose the one that suits your personal preferences and financial capabilities. Among the materials in demand: profile, slats, laminate, metal, wood, even cardboard.


Plywood is no less popular, from which you can build a convenient and practical whatnot. This type of shelves is attached to the wall, while occupying a minimum of space, saving the free space of the room. Plywood must be cut into even rectangular pieces, for example, 20x30 cm. The blanks are sanded, and then the assembly of the parts begins. From the sheets you need to form U-shaped structures and invest in each other.

In the hallway, you can hang any required number of blocks.

The shelf is attached with wooden pins and pre-drilled holes in the plywood. As a result, the product will take approximately the same form as in this photo:


You can make a shelf for shoes from chipboard. Here it is advisable to make narrow or angular models, with straight or rounded ends.

The process is very simple and looks like this:

Drilling holes in chipboard

This is a very economical and simple option for making a shelf, since the cost of chipboard is very low.


The tree is considered the most convenient in processing, does not emit toxic substances and is considered absolutely safe.

The tree is the easiest to work with, as it lends itself to various processing processes, and it will not be difficult to find it. A variety of tools are used to process the material:

  • plane;
  • a hammer;
  • paper (machine) for grinding;
  • screwdriver;
  • saw;
  • pencil or tape measure.

Tools needed for woodworking

DIY manufacturing

The easiest to manufacture are shoe racks. They can be easily made with your own hands using ordinary tools, materials, a visual photo for an example.

DIY shoe rack

To create such a piece of furniture, it is enough to take:

  • 6 wooden bars;
  • practical self-tapping screws with a diameter of 3 mm and a length of 25 mm;
  • self-tapping screws for wood processing;
  • special varnish for coating.

Creating a shelf with your own hands should start with the sides. The depth should be approximately 33 cm, which is quite enough for various shoe sizes. First you need to saw off 6 even bars of 33 cm each. Next, four bars should be evenly distributed on the blank material and cuts should be made corresponding to their depth.

Bars - blanks for the sidewalls of the shelf

The optimal shelf width is at least 62 cm in order to place at least several pairs on one compartment. Each shelf involves the creation of four blanks of a certain length. After that, pre-made blanks are inserted into the finished recesses and fastened together with the structure with self-tapping screws. Do the same with the rest of the shelves, then carefully sand the sharp elements of the side parts with special paper. Each individual shelf will look like this:

Assembly of one section of the shelf

The height of the self-made shelf is approximately 80 cm. The lower part is mounted at a distance of 25 cm from the floor, to accommodate high types of shoes. Racks are made of wooden planks, 80 cm high. To create them, a special cut is made to the thickness and depth of the timber (16 mm) at a distance of 25 cm from each other. At the top, it is recommended to leave 10 cm for the top of the shelf. Four identical racks should be prepared, and then the finished shelves should be inserted into the pre-cut sections.

Connecting sections to each other with sidewalls

According to this technology, you can also create a do-it-yourself wall shelf, which is especially suitable for hallways with a small square. Ready-made options with photos are easy to find on the Internet and choose the appropriate option.

From the remaining material it is necessary to make the upper part of the shelf. To do this, special blanks of 33 cm are cut out. The top of the bars is carefully cleaned with sanding paper, but if possible, it is better to use a grinding machine. The finished product is covered with several layers of varnish, and parts of the shelf are fixed with self-tapping screws.

It is necessary to use 4 self-tapping screws for each shelf and 2 fasteners for the top.

You can create almost any shoe shelf on your own. There are many photos of ready-made options on the Internet, but if you wish, you can experiment and make an exclusive piece of furniture. The main thing is to have a little imagination and all the materials necessary for work.

Unusual shoe rack made of plastic pipes