Secrets of successful admission to the university. Supplement for applicants with a referral. If you are a conscript

The profession of a doctor is one of the most respected and prestigious, and how could it be otherwise, if the health and longevity of almost every person depends on doctors.

If you are firmly convinced that treating people is your calling, and you are ready to overcome any obstacles on the way to your goal, if the pessimistic remarks of skeptics do not bother you, then choose an educational institution and start preparing for admission.

What exams do you need to pass to enter medical school?

Admission to medical universities in Russia is based on the results of the Unified State Examination. Universities establish biology and chemistry as core subjects for most medical specialties.

For some areas of training, instead of chemistry, physics or even specialized mathematics, computer science and a foreign language may be required, for example, bioengineering, biotechnology or medical biophysics. These details must be clarified on the website of the university. But usually applicants for classical areas of study: medical and preventive medicine, dentistry, pediatrics and pharmacy - for admission, they need high scores in three exams: biology, chemistry and the Russian language. In total, this is approximately 240 for a medical professional and 280 for general practitioners and dentists.

A special advantage in the competitive selection will be prizes and diplomas for participation in olympiads, various scientific conferences and competitions - universities add up to 10 points for all these achievements.

You can study at medical universities in Russia on a budget and for a fee. Prices can be found on the official websites of universities, but on average, those who have not scored enough points to go to the budget will have to pay from 80 to 400 thousand rubles for each course for their studies - the amounts depend on the direction of training and the prestige of the university. The most expensive is studying at medical, dental and pharmaceutical faculties, regardless of where the university is located - in the capital or in the regions.

What documents are needed for admission

If everything is in order with the USE scores, then for admission you will need a standard package of documents from an applicant of any Russian university. It includes:

  • statement;
  • questionnaire with personal data;
  • certificate of complete secondary education (diploma of secondary specialized education);
  • passport (original to be presented upon enrollment;
  • photographs 3x4 (2 pcs, signed in pencil on the reverse side);
  • medical certificate of the established form 086-y;
  • documents for granting benefits, if any.

The results of the exam are stored in the federal database, to which the admission committees of universities have access, so no certificates are needed.

You can apply for admission in person or by mail. Some universities provide for preliminary electronic registration of applicants who are going to send documents through postal operators, so carefully study the requirements of the university. Many medical institutes accept applications via the Internet; you must personally submit the originals only after enrolling in the first wave. All these details need to be clarified on the websites of universities in the sections "Applicant", "Applicants", "Admission campaign".

Where to study to be a doctor

You can get the profession of a doctor not only in specialized medical universities, but also at the medical faculties of classical multidisciplinary universities, for example, Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, RUDN University.

Choosing a medical university, you should be guided not only by the prestige of the university. Medical "towers" in Moscow and St. Petersburg are especially popular with applicants, respectively, the competition in them is much greater than, for example, in equally worthy Tomsk, Samara, Khabarovsk, Omsk, Kazan or Irkutsk universities. So it is worth taking into account the territorial factor - each region has its own medical university that trains therapists, surgeons, pediatricians, dentists, gynecologists, ophthalmologists, pharmacists - in general, doctors and specialists of all major profiles.

Traveling far away is worth it only if you want to get a rare medical specialty at the faculties:

  • biotechnology;
  • sports medicine;
  • clinical, medical or special psychology;
  • medical biophysics, biochemistry or cybernetics.

Such faculties are not available in all medical universities.

It will take longer to study than students of all other higher educational institutions - 6 years. This will give the right to work as district pediatricians or general practitioners in primary health care - in polyclinics, outpatient clinics, feldsher-obstetric stations. To get a narrow specialization, for example, a dermatovenereologist, a neurosurgeon, a gastroenterologist or an orthodontist, after a year of work, you will have to enter a residency. You have to unlearn from it for another 2 to 4 years - the period depends on the specialization.

The best medical universities in Russia

If you still have not changed your mind about becoming a doctor, it's time to choose an educational institution.

The leading medical universities in Russia today are:

  • Moscow Medical Universities: First Med. Sechenov; Russian National Research University. Pirogov (Second honey); State Medical and Dental University. Evdokimov.
  • St. Petersburg Medical Universities: State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlova; State Medical Academy. Mechnikov.

Leading positions among other medical universities are consistently occupied by Kursk, Yaroslavl, Ufa and Ivanovo State Universities.

In the summer of 2018, Forbes compiled its ranking of universities for the first time, it included 13 medical universities at once. Each university was evaluated in terms of statistics on the employment of graduates, their demand in the regions and the number of entrepreneurs among them, including participants in the Forbes list.

The highest (32nd) position in the general list belongs to the Kursk Medical University, it overtook even the First Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov (who has 34th place), North-Western Medical University. Mechnikov (37th place) and Siberian State Medical University, which in 2017 received the honorary status of a "core" university. At the same time, RNIMU them. N. I. Pirogov was not included in the rating at all.

The largest Russian universities, which have a medical field along with many others, turned out to be higher than specialized ones in the ranking - for example, Moscow State University ranked 6th, St. Petersburg State University - 17th, and RUDN University - 25th.

But still, the most important thing that those who decide to become a doctor need is not information about the positions of universities in the rankings and successfully passed the Unified State Examination, with the results of which you can enter a medical university on a budget, but the desire to devote your life to helping those who needs medical care, and often those whose lives hang in the balance. Therefore, it is important for future doctors to possess such traits as stress resistance, the ability to quickly respond to critical situations, and readiness for self-sacrifice. Being a doctor means saving people, giving hope and becoming a real guardian angel in the eyes of others!

In Russia, the vast majority of high school students, after receiving a school certificate, plan to continue their education in vocational education programs, and a significant part seek to enter a higher education institution or university, counting on the fact that a prestigious and sought-after education will help in building a career and a prosperous fate.

The choice of a university and success in such an event as admission largely determines the future life of young people, so high school students and their parents are ready to make every effort to achieve their cherished goal. A variety of means are used to increase the likelihood of coveted enrollment in the chosen university:
- classes with tutors in specialized subjects;
- participation in the open day of the desired university;
- participation in olympiads and events that provide additional points;
- attending preparatory courses at a potential university.
The last point often gives a real head start in the form of an advantage in admission or the opportunity to get into the desired area of ​​training without competition - for the most successful cadets. However, there is no better preparation for admission than coaching yourself in the subjects to be taken in the USE format, since the number of points scored has a paramount influence on the prospect of enrollment.

Options for entering a university after grade 9

Some high school students decide to leave the school walls immediately after the 9th grade, but it is a mistake to think that the path to higher educational institutions for “early” applicants is ordered. Young people who did not study in the 10th and 11th grades also have the opportunity to subsequently receive the coveted HE - through college. Moreover, when studying in the "college-university" system on the basis of 9 classes, applicants can enter higher education programs without having to take the Unified State Examination - subject to choosing a similar specialty. Knowing this, some high school students prefer not to waste time on obtaining school knowledge in "unnecessary" subjects and leave the general education institution at the first opportunity to start acquiring professional skills. This way to get a higher education is suitable for young people who have decided on their future profession earlier than their peers.

Apply for training


Options for entering a university after grade 11

Entering a university after grade 11 for purposeful applicants is not difficult, but there are several options. Bachelor's or specialist's degree programs can be both the only link in higher education and the final link in the college-university chain. And although entering a university after college on the basis of 11 classes does not eliminate the need to present the results of the Unified State Examination to the selection committee, this strategy is a good option for acquiring two diplomas, and often two professions, because the possibilities of choosing a specialty after college are not limited by anything.
In any case, preparation for admission requires answering the following questions:
What city do I want to study in?
- what specialty is closest to the profession of my dreams?
- What is my progress in profile subjects?
- Am I ready to go through college or do I want to go straight to the VO program?
- in what format do I plan to receive education?
- which university offers training in the program I need?
- what are the conditions for admission to a suitable university and the list of required documents?

Apply for training


University or institute? What to choose?

Having decided on the choice of the direction of professional training, the future student must make a choice in favor of a certain university. Education in the desired specialty is offered by educational institutions of various levels - both institutes and universities. What to choose and what's the difference?
As the name of the type of educational institution implies, the university provides a more universal higher education, i.e. prepares specialists of a wide profile. The institute, in turn, has a narrow specialization and trains specialists to work in a particular field of activity - industry, construction, medicine, architecture, psychology.
In addition, universities have a number of differences from institutions, most of which can be called advantages:
- high percentage of teachers with academic degrees (at least 60%);
- availability of postgraduate programs;
- developed opportunities for research work of students;
- implementation of educational programs in various formats, including full-time;
- regular introduction of innovations and Internet technologies in the educational process.
Of course, an education received at a university is more appreciated by employers and provides more prospects both during study and after it. And in this regard, the type of educational institution can be even more important for a subsequent career than the specialty itself.

Foreign universities are attractive because they are prestigious. A graduate of such an educational institution will certainly be competitive in the Russian labor market. Some of the students dream of working in one of the Western companies, and with a diploma from a good European university, this is also realistic.

It is believed that you can enter one of the universities in Europe only if you have an oligarch dad or talent. In fact, our compatriots were able to enter foreign universities without such advantages. You just need to correctly approach the choice of university.

Problems and first steps

You can’t just take it and suddenly enter a foreign university. Even in order to become a student of a Russian educational institution, preparation is needed. First of all, you should take into account the peculiarities of the foreign education system. In many universities, there is nothing to do with 11 classes, an extra preparatory course is needed. The easiest way out is to study for a year at a domestic university, and then apply to the university of your dreams. There are also special courses that prepare school graduates for admission to a foreign university.

Another problem is the language barrier. Entering a university in any country, you need not just to know the language. Universities require a standardized certificate stating that the applicant knows the language at a high level. Not everywhere you can get by with standard English.

The third problem will be material support. Even if the applicant received a grant for education, he will have to live abroad for something. And this means that you need to be quite independent. You can start the path to independence - writing term papers or control papers is well paid.

So, given the problems described above, you need to take a number of steps:

Choose a country for study, university and department;
- learn more about the requirements for applicants;
- get acquainted with the teaching staff;
- learn about the current research work carried out by the department;
- enroll in language courses;
- prepare financially.

All these steps are very important. For example, having familiarized yourself with the teaching staff and current research work, you can think about getting into a university on a grant. A grant can be issued if the applicant is interested in problems that are already being dealt with at the department.

By attending language courses, the prospective student is preparing to pass a specialized language proficiency test. You just need to remember that a standard hour a day is unlikely to be enough. You will have to devote time to the language at home, studying on your own. Otherwise, it is impossible to immerse yourself deeply in a foreign language and learn it like a native one. These are the very first steps that an applicant must take. Without them, one cannot enter a serious university.

The problem of choosing a country and a university

Ideally, an educational institution is selected as follows:

You decide in which country you want to get an education;
- you choose the university and department;
- then you just need to prepare and submit documents.

However, this method is not available to all students for one simple reason - for sure, training will be paid. Although sometimes a graduate manages to enroll in a dream university on a grant, here it’s how lucky. More often, applicants look for a university like this:

Choose universities that offer grants or high scholarships;
- carefully prepared;
- Submit documents.

In order not to lose the opportunity to realize a dream, it is better to first check all the decent universities in the country where you want to spend a few years. If there are absolutely no opportunities for admission, then in this case it is worth looking for universities in other countries.

Grant admission

It is easier to enter a university on a grant for a master's degree or for a doctorate degree. The requirements for such applicants are different. The applicant must have scientific papers or research in the relevant field.

You can search for grants on websites, information is provided by:

the universities themselves;
- platforms for work with foreign students;
- government websites;
- Russian resources of large companies.

Sometimes Russian firms are ready to pay for the training of specialists abroad. As a rule, these are large organizations. However, you should not rely on such luck. It is better to take a closer look at the proposals of the universities themselves and the foreign government. The authorities may be interested in attracting students from other countries.

Applying to a university on credit

You can go to university on credit. In fact, this is quite real, banks are willing to cooperate with such students. However, in order to receive funds for training, you do not have to immediately run to bank offices.

To begin with, a future student will have to go through the same path as an applicant who enters on a grant or has money. That is, it is necessary:

Pass a language test;
- prepare for admission;
- submit documents;
- receive a certificate that the commission has been successfully completed;
- conclude an agreement on paid training.

Already with the contract in hand and a package of documents, the student can go to the bank. Such applications are considered carefully, and a positive response from the bank is almost guaranteed here. Desirable borrowers for banks are students who enter business faculties. For example, MBA students will almost certainly get paid.

Unexpected requirements of universities

From foreign universities, you can expect the requirement to confirm their knowledge, for example, with the help of additional testing. In some cases, you will also have to take an additional course after graduation. However, sometimes the conditions for admission can be puzzling. For example, it is known for sure that universities in the UK and Japan need to confirm the financial solvency of students.

If you decide to become a student at a Japanese or English institution, then you will almost certainly have to provide a bank statement. It must have a certain minimum amount, which will be considered an "airbag".

When a student enters a university in Turkey or the Czech Republic (as well as universities in some other countries), he may be offered to learn the language during the year in specialized courses. This is the best solution, because in these courses the applicant will get used not only to the language base, but also to special terms. They will come in handy when passing the commission.

Language exams

In many universities for admission it is required to present a document on knowledge of the language. As a rule, this is a certificate with a certain validity period. Individual certificates are perpetual, they are always valid. Language tests are almost always paid, some types of testing are only a couple of times a year. The most popular exams are conducted over the Internet, which makes life easier for applicants.

You need to be well prepared for the test. The test covers all aspects of language proficiency, including writing and speaking skills. For an example, you can ask,. Almost all types of language exams are similar to the most popular test.

There are several common tests that students take before entering:

- "TestDaF" (DSH).

TOEFL, IELTS and GMAT are English language tests. The first two tests are almost similar, TOEFL can be considered the American analogue of IELTS. Before you prepare for admission to a university, it is better to clarify which certificate would be preferable. Certificates are valid for 2 years after passing the exam. Some universities require that no more than one and a half years have elapsed after passing at the time of admission. The GMAT is taken by applicants applying to business schools like the MBA. The results of this test are valid for 5 years.

The DELE certificate is perpetual and is accepted by all universities in Spain. The TestDaF is a German language proficiency test. The DALF certificate will be required for applicants entering educational institutions in France (for example, the Sorbonne), and the results of the CELI test are needed when entering Italian universities.

There are also other specialized tests. For example, all universities in Japan accept certificates of "Nihongo noryoku shiken". The Japanese language test takes place only twice a year. The certificate is valid for only 2 years, then you need to re-test.

Final Steps

Sending documents to the university

If you have chosen a country and a university, have the results of a language test in your hands and are ready to storm the university of your dreams, then all that remains is to prepare and send a package of documents. In no guide you can find an accurate and complete list of documents for admission to a foreign university, because each educational institution has its own requirements. However, some papers are required in most cases. So, you will definitely need:

- a copy of the document on education, certified by a notary and translated into a foreign language;
- language certificate;
- autobiography in a foreign language;
- several letters of recommendation in a foreign language;
- documents on the financial position;
- A completed application form.

As a document of education, you can use a certificate, diploma or certificate from the university. Students who have not yet completed their studies have the opportunity to take an extract from the statement. As for the transcript, this paper can cause some problems. After all, not every school gives it. If the educational institution does not provide a transcript, then you will have to prepare it yourself.

Not all universities require financial documents from applicants. It has already been said earlier that an account statement will definitely be needed when applying to universities in England and Japan.

When preparing documents, it is very important not to forget about the deadlines for submitting applications. Indeed, in Europe, many universities complete the admission of students by the end of July. If you delay, you may be late. Although being late in this case will give the applicant an extra year to prepare, so you should not despair.

When to get a visa?

Applicants often make mistakes when obtaining a visa. Some begin to apply for a visa before sending documents to the university. In fact, there is a clear algorithm of actions that must be followed. A visa can be obtained without any problems only after the applicant has been enrolled in the university, and the funds have been credited to the current account of the educational institution.

Only after that follows:

Fill out the application form on the website of the embassy;
- collect a package of documents for visiting the visa center.

The package of documents must include:

Payment confirmation document;
- enrollment document;
- a receipt stating that you have paid the visa fee;
- financial document.

An account statement is suitable as a financial document. Data from the sponsor's account is also considered. You will receive your student visa in about two weeks. Formally, the period for consideration of such applications is 15 days.

It is not worth rushing to get a visa, you need to wait until the funds come to the account of the university, but it is also not recommended to hesitate. After all, you can get a place in a student hostel only after obtaining a visa. If you delay visiting the visa center, you can be left without a place to stay.

Where to live abroad?

Abroad, you can live in a hostel for students, on campus, in an apartment or in a family. There may not be a place on campus, and living in a hostel does not suit students for some reason. Renting an apartment is sometimes expensive, especially since there are not always free living quarters. For example, in London it is difficult to rent an apartment.

A great option for a student is homestay accommodation. It may seem that homestay and renting are one and the same, but in fact there are serious differences. It is cheaper to live in a family, and this is only one of the advantages. Usually families accept several students at once for accommodation.

When you are in a family, you get a unique opportunity to observe the life of foreigners and their habits. This experience is simply priceless.

What else needs to be considered?

There are little things that applicants do not pay attention to when entering. Then these shortcomings cause a lot of problems. For example, students dreaming of Paris need to be aware of the bureaucratic red tape that one has to go through when living in this city. France offers free education to foreign students, but it also requires compliance with a number of formalities.

When traveling to a foreign country, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with its norms and customs, otherwise there is a risk of getting into an uncomfortable position. This applies to both Western and Eastern countries. It would be unwise to go to a foreign country without knowing its culture.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the language tests. In many prestigious educational institutions there is a minimum passing score. The higher your score on the language test, the better. After all, Harvard or Oxford will not be accepted with the same results with which you can get into any average university. Therefore, preparation for language testing should be given special attention. By the way, before passing the exam, it is recommended to look at the requirements for the minimum passing score for such an exam.

Is a prestigious university always the best choice?

Western psychologists have recently been researching the problems that students face at prestigious world-famous universities like Yale or Oxford. Some of them concluded that a prestigious university is not always the best solution for a student. Such universities have several disadvantages. By enrolling in such an educational institution, you:

You find yourself in a highly competitive environment;
- you can not count on help;
- will experience psychological pressure;
- you will have to meet high standards, including academic performance.

Most of the students are not the first in the group. There is always someone smarter, more capable, more talented. Of course, if you are a genius, then you have a direct path to a prestigious university. Then they will look up to you and feel envy. But the average student will always catch up with someone ahead. Psychological dissatisfaction and competition lead to the fact that many students leave the university in the second or third year. Someone can not stand it after the first course. In any of the prestigious universities, an intensive training program.

Psychologists have called this phenomenon “the effect of a small fish in a large pond” - in other words, you can always be “eaten”. By going to an average university that is not popular and does not appear on the front pages of specialized publications, on the contrary, you become a “big fish in a small pond” and get benefits.

In such a university there is less competition, and students are more often ready to help a friend. Here you can stand out and even become the first. After graduating from such a university, you will still get advantages in the labor market. Some of the little-known universities occupy a solid place in international rankings. It is up to you to decide which educational institution to choose, but the results of the study should always be remembered.

Conditional offer and unconditional offer

If you are enrolled in a university, then you will receive an unconditional offer - this is a letter of unconditional enrollment. There is also a so-called conditional offer - conditional crediting. Such letters are sent to applicants who can be enrolled, but subject to certain requirements.

It is not uncommon for a conditional acceptance letter to be received by young people whose language test certificate has expired. Sometimes applicants are required to pass some kind of exam. In any case, conditional credit is not such a bad sign.

Universities that are available for admission

There are universities where you can study almost free of charge or for a nominal fee. Sometimes it is even cheaper for a student to enter one of the foreign universities than to study in their hometown. These are not some supernumerary educational institutions, but decent institutions like the Sorbonne and the Charles University in Prague.

Charles University: the oldest university in Central Europe

This university is called the most prestigious higher education institution in the Czech Republic. And this is true, because the Charles University is known all over the world. It was founded in the 14th century, and today this university has as many as 17 faculties. Charles University is compared with Bologna, Sorbonne and Oxford. One of the advantages of the university is that you can study here completely free of charge with one amendment: the student must be trained in the Czech language.

There are English-language programs at the Charles University, but they are paid. Therefore, before entering, you need to think carefully. The Czech language is difficult, but it is still possible to master it. Moreover, the Charles University offers specialized annual language courses. In such courses, the applicant receives all the necessary knowledge in order to successfully pass the exams.

At Charles University, upon admission, you will have to pass from 2 to 4 exams in Czech. The minimum level of language proficiency is B2. This is the so-called "high average". The Institute for Language and Vocational Training at Charles University provides the necessary knowledge, level B2 is achievable in a year. Preparatory courses take into account the future specialization of the student.

Theoretically, you can prepare for the exams on your own, mastering the language at home, but you will not be able to get special knowledge. The applicant simply will not be able to take into account all the subtleties of the upcoming testing.

Sorbonne: the pride of France

There is a university in France whose name is known all over the world. More precisely, this is not even a university, but a system of universities. We are talking about the Sorbonne - an educational institution that is on a par with Oxford and Bologna. This is a prestigious university, which is available to Russian students. France has free public education, so the doors of the Sorbonne are potentially open to everyone.

It is only important that the applicant be ready to go through the notorious French bureaucracy. As for the language exam, some Sorbonne programs are conducted in English. It accepts TOEFL and IELTS certificates. To study in French, you need to get a DALF certificate.

Many Russians study at the Sorbonne. They say that it is easier to enter here for a master's program under the "double diploma" system. This is true, but future bachelors also have every chance to settle within the walls of this educational institution. There is a lot of information about the documents that are needed when entering this university, even on Russian websites. Some students managed to publish articles about the successful experience of entering the university. So, if desired, the applicant will find everything necessary for preparation.

Universities in Germany

There are dozens of higher educational institutions in Germany where foreign students can study. Moreover, the state allocates quotas specifically for free education, but only if two conditions are met:

The applicant must have an excellent knowledge of German;
- the level of knowledge of the applicant must correspond to the level of knowledge given by the German gymnasium.

Of course, the latter can be a problem for a Russian graduate who has just left the walls of the school. After all, according to German standards, he will not be enough for 1 year. However, you can learn the language, as well as get all the missing knowledge, at the Studiencolleg courses. This is a one-year preparatory program for international students. Courses in Germany are paid, but this investment will definitely pay off. Indeed, in the future it will be possible to study completely free of charge, the main thing is to find funds for living in the country. The most expensive city to live in is Frankfurt am Main.

University of Helsinki and other universities in Finland

In Finland, you can get a free education or get a diploma for a nominal fee. This university regularly offers students grants for education. Probably the only drawback of the university is that almost all undergraduate programs are conducted here in Finnish. The language can be mastered in additional courses.

But the University of Helsinki is very attractive for masters with knowledge of English. Approximately 40 programs are available to future masters if they intend to enter here. The most important thing is that it is really possible to get a grant here. at this university, too.

In Finland, private universities offer expensive education, but public universities are relatively affordable. In some cases, a student will have to pay no more than $150 per semester. Living in the country will cost about $ 1,000 a month, if you do not show off too much.

The University of Turku is another university in Finland where you can get higher education for free. Moreover, the programs here are conducted mainly in English, so the applicant does not need to learn any other language.

There are several reasons to enter a Finnish university:

Many universities here recognize the Russian certificate;
- students can count on scholarships;
- Students are allowed to work.

Advantages of universities in Austria

In Austria, most universities are paid, but the fees in some educational institutions are moderate. Studying here is cheaper than in Zurich or London. However, the main advantage of Austrian universities is not at all in this. Teaching in universities is conducted mainly in German, so it is enough to pass the standard DSH test.

Upon admission, they do not look at the passing score. Universities do not offer entrance exams either. If the student has any shortcomings, then he can then retake the exams at a convenient time. If you want to enroll without too much stress, then Austrian universities are the perfect option.

In Austria, they purposefully decided not to arrange entrance exams. Indeed, after a semester, many students begin to understand that they have chosen the wrong specialty. If students had to constantly take exams, they would hardly change departments. And the system adopted today facilitates the transition of a student from one faculty to another.

Universities of Poland, Lithuania and Estonia

Free education in Poland is available only to applicants who have a "Polish card". If you still plan to enter one of the local universities, then in this case:

Choose a private educational institution;
- Learn Polish.

Programs are mainly conducted in Polish, the requirement for applicants upon admission is a level of knowledge not lower than B1. Some universities require level B2. Private universities in Poland are more accessible, here education is about 2-3 times cheaper than in public educational institutions.

In Lithuania, ISM University is worthy of attention. This is one of the most famous business schools, so you should not expect that studies will be free. For a semester, you will have to pay about 1700-2000 euros.

In Estonia, an applicant may be interested in the University of Tartu, which is known for being a member of the Coimbra group. This university cooperates with fifty other higher educational institutions from 19 countries. The annual cost of studying at the University of Tartu can exceed 3,000 euros. But the student will receive a "crust" of one of the most prestigious educational institutions.

Universities of the CIS countries are not so accessible, it is much easier for an applicant to enter any university in Germany or Austria. In countries such as Poland and Lithuania, it is sometimes difficult to obtain a visa - there are too many requirements for entry. Moreover, the cost of living in these states can be the same as in large German cities.

Online education at a foreign university

At some universities, you can get an education without leaving your home. Online learning is not uncommon these days. In fact, a Russian student can easily graduate from both a Russian university remotely and one of the most prestigious universities in Europe or America. The difference will be only in the complexity of preparation for admission.

Benefits of online education

There are several reasons to choose distance learning:

Such education will cost less;
- the student will not need to break away from work;
You can study anywhere and anytime.

If you enter the most ordinary faculty, then you will have to live in the country where you study, or make regular trips to take exams. With distance education, this is excluded, therefore, you save time and money. A student does not have to think about where to live, where to get funds for living abroad and how to deal with bureaucratic troubles.

Online learning is ideal for busy people. If a person works and has a family, then a trip abroad can only be a dream. But this is not a reason to refuse quality education. European universities even offer refresher courses. In America, some of the universities provide free education programs.

Prestigious universities also participate in the distance learning program. After the student passes the final exams, he will receive a full diploma. Online education is an opportunity to get the necessary knowledge and "crust" without unnecessary stress.

How is the study

Usually distance education groups have 15 students, although sometimes their number can be higher. Students listen to lectures, get homework, and even take exams. The student is provided with a library for classes, lists of references and much more.

Exams at the end of the semester can be held either online or in a real classroom. In the latter case, you will have to make a trip to the university, and this is not always convenient. Online you can get a bachelor's or master's degree, so you can study in an MBA, which only attracts managers. Distance education is very beneficial for mothers, because it is a complete punishment.

Applying to a university online

Requirements for admission to a foreign university online depend only on a particular university. Each educational institution has its own characteristics. Usually everything goes according to the following scheme:

The applicant passes preliminary testing;
- the university sends documents to fill out if the person has passed the exams;
- the applicant fills out the documents and sends them back.

After the documents arrive at the university, the applicant is enrolled. From that moment on, he is considered a full-fledged student of the university, he is immediately given access to electronic resources and databases of the university.

You can study online at universities in many countries, including American, Canadian and European universities. Educational institutions offer both long-term programs and short-term courses for one or two semesters. Passing such courses will quickly increase your competitiveness in the labor market, which is very important for a busy person. In any summary, the mention of a foreign university looks solid.

Here you will find a detailed description of the process of independent admission to American universities.

To get comprehensive information from the universities you are interested in, ask questions to their representatives directly on the pages of US universities.

The sequence of actions for admission to a US university

STEP 1: Choose the right universities

Need help - order the service of individual selection of the university and program.

STEP 2: Choose a specialization

If you know exactly what profession you will study, great! See the US university program finder to select programs of interest.

Not sure which specialization to choose - see the list of subjects taught in American universities and the video below about professions that will be in demand in Russia and the world in the next 5-20 years.

STEP 4: Register on the university website

Often, a complete list of admission requirements and exact questions for motivational and recommendation letters can only be found on the university application form. Therefore, it makes sense to register with the university's online application submission system in order to familiarize yourself with the exact admission requirements before you start working on preparing it.

In America, automated online university application systems are widespread, through which you can send the same application to several universities. The most popular are Common Application and Universal College Application. Be careful: some universities can only send documents through them, while others do not accept applications through these systems. You can only use one of these systems, so before registering, determine the list of desired universities and prioritize.

Unlike bachelor's programs, applications for admission to master's programs are submitted to universities directly - as a rule, through an online form on the website. Need help? Order the service of checking the application and documents.

STEP 5: Prepare documents for the application for admission

Requirements for foreign students entering colleges in America vary depending on the subject area, program, position of the university in the rankings, competition for a place. Regardless of the competition, most US universities will require you to provide a motivation letter, references, proof of English proficiency and a document on previous education.

Motivation letter

In this essay, the applicant talks about his career goals and how the program he is going to will help him achieve them. This is perhaps the most important document for admission to most American universities. In our materials for self-preparation of a motivation letter, you can read how to get started and how to plan an essay, as well as examples of successful motivation letters.

Need help? Our editors who have studied at Oxford and LSE universities will be happy to assist in the preparation of a motivation letter.

A recommendation or reference to a student given by his teacher or employer is a mandatory document for admission to all study programs of any level. Often, applicants themselves have to compose the main text of the letter in order to provide it to the recommender for verification and signature. Materials on writing a letter of recommendation to a foreign university will help to cope with this task.

Need help? Order the recommendation preparation service.


When applying to a foreign university for master's and some bachelor's programs, a resume or CV is required. This is an opportunity to talk about the merits and achievements of the applicant, not shown in other documents of the application for admission.

Try to fit your resume on one A4 page and write not only about the place and time of your work, but also about the results.

Document confirming previous education

Without a document confirming the previous education, it is not possible to enroll an applicant. If a certificate of complete secondary education is not received or a bachelor's degree is not received at the time of application, then the applicant sends an extract with grades and its translation to the university.

STEP 6: Take IELTS or TOEFL - a test confirming knowledge of English

If your previous education was not in English, then you need to pass an English proficiency test.

And be patient. Terms of consideration of applications vary depending on the university and specialization. Perhaps the university will ask you to provide additional documents, for example, proof of solvency. As soon as admission is confirmed, the college will notify you of admission, deadlines, and tuition fees.

If you need to get a decision faster, write a request to representatives of American universities, and do not forget to indicate your application number.

Good luck! Break a leg!

The efforts and diligence of the applicant, applied to admission, can be completely crossed out by not going through the usual bureaucratic procedure - submitting documents. It's a shame when, due to ignorance or inattention, an applicant has to try his hand for the next year. To avoid such a fate, we suggest you find out from this article what documents are needed for admission to a university.

List of documents for admission to full-time department

From year to year, this list remains unchanged - an applicant entering the full-time department must submit:


In some educational institutions, it is printed out in advance, and the applicant only has to sign. Others require handwriting. The content of the application usually boils down to a request to enroll a person in a specific direction, specialty, department, indicating personal and contact details. Difficulties in compiling it should not arise, since the writing of the application is controlled by the members of the selection committee and checked before final acceptance.

Passport or identification document
Document on secondary general or special education:
Certificate of passing the exam

It is issued after passing the unified state exam in the subjects chosen by the applicant, indicating the points received. It can be photocopied, certified and kept for subsequent admission attempts, and a copy can be submitted to the commission.


You will need 6 pieces, 3x4 in size.

Help from a medical institution

Without form 086, you will not be accepted anywhere, and high USE scores will not save you. This certificate can be obtained at the clinic at the place of registration or in paid clinics that help to issue it quickly, but for a fee.

This help contains information about:

  • general state of health;
  • undergoing an examination by specialists;
  • test results;
  • vaccination.

This is a universal package, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 2895 dated December 28, 2011, which will be required at any university. In some cases, it can be supplemented with additional certificates, papers, etc.

What do the attendees serve?

Future students for admission to the correspondence department prepare the same documents as in the list above, taking into account the only point:

If an applicant wants to receive a second education in absentia, then instead of a document on secondary education, he provides a diploma of higher education.

What documents do you need to collect for a master's degree?

The list again does not differ markedly, except for two points:

  • instead of a certificate, you need to provide a bachelor's degree;
  • many universities do not require a 086 y certificate for a master's degree, so check this point before you bring documents to the university.

If you have changed your last name

First of all, change your passport, as required by law - within a month. The passport with the old surname will not be accepted by the commission.

Other documents - certificate, diploma - do not have to be changed. Just along with them, provide a marriage certificate or a certificate of change of name.

If you are a conscript

Persons liable for military service are males over 17 years old, as well as some women due to their professional duties. In this case, the documents must be accompanied by a military ID or registration certificate.

Supplement for applicants with a referral

For those who are sent to study at target places or, as the people say, "in the direction" you need to present the original:

  • target direction;
  • confirmation of being on the list of target recipients of a particular area.

People with disabilities and the disabled: what to cook for them?

People with disabilities are often given the opportunity to take exams directly at a higher educational institution without passing the exam. This needs to be clarified in advance - even before recording at the session. If this information is confirmed at the university, then it is not necessary to provide a certificate of passing the exam.

But still, the list will definitely be supplemented by other documents:

  • the conclusion issued by the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission;
  • disability certificate.

The last certificate will have to be included in the package with documents for disabled people of groups I-II, and also take a certificate from a medical expert institution stating that there are no contraindications for studying at a university.

Full list of documents for foreigners

Foreigners collect much more documents than citizens of the Russian Federation, which is quite understandable - basically the number of pieces of paper increases due to translations of original documents.

And if in more detail, then a foreign citizen will need to submit to the commission of a Russian university:

  • statement in Russian;
  • originals or duly certified copies of the document on education;
  • its certified translation into Russian;
  • certifying document;
  • a copy of the entry visa, if the foreigner entered the Russian Federation through it;
  • 6 pcs of photos 4x6;
  • for foreign citizens with Russian nationality - documents confirming nationality.

Remember that after receiving these papers, you must issue a receipt. After the completion of the admission campaign, all documents must be returned to you if you do not enter or refuse to study.