The most effective diets for weight loss. The best diets for fast weight loss at home

There are many diets that can work for you.

But most of them don't work the way they should. Basically you lost weight, then gained it back.

Therefore, I suggest that you find not just a diet, but a meal plan that will not only help you lose weight, but which will become your habit.

And today I will show you 4 healthy and most effective diets weight loss products that work and most importantly, it's scientifically proven and approved.

You will learn detailed information about foods to include and which you should avoid. And also understand how they work and why they are good.

The most effective diets for weight loss

But before I begin, I warn you that you will not hear a word about the Malysheva diet, the Kremlin, Japanese, and even preached by many advocates of the animal world.

However, these diets are simplistic and stripped-down versions of proper and healthy eating plans that don't always work or benefit. Therefore, I suggest that you learn about the full versions of such diets.

So let's start with a low-carb diet...

1. Low Carb Diet

A low carb diet is a meal plan that emphasizes protein and fat and reduces carbs.

There's a lot various types low-carbohydrate diets and research shows that they actually work for weight loss and may even improve health.

Or let's take a quick look at everything you need to know about her.

Eliminate the following foods from your diet

  • Sugar:, fruit juices, candy, ice cream and all that.
  • Cereals containing a lot of gluten: wheat, barley and rye. This also includes products from these cereals: bread and pasta.
  • Trans fats:"hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" oils.
  • Vegetable oils rich in omega-6 fats: soybean, corn, rapeseed oil and so on.
  • Artificial Sweeteners: aspartame, saccharin, sucralose, cyclamates and acesulfame potassium. Use stevia instead.
  • Low fat foods: many dairy products, cereals, crackers, etc.
  • all non-home cooked

Include the following foods in your diet

  • Meat: lean beef, lamb, pork, chicken (better buy meat at home).
  • Fish: salmon, trout, sardines, herring (wild fish is best).
  • Eggs: buy homemade eggs, they are enriched with omega fats.
  • Vegetables: spinach, cauliflower, carrots and many others.
  • Fruits: apples, oranges, pears, blueberries, strawberries (especially eat more of those that grow in your garden).
  • Nuts and seeds:, walnuts, sunflower seeds, etc.
  • Milk products: cheese, butter, cream, yogurt (preferably homemade).
  • Fats and oils:, butter, lard, and cod liver oil.

If you need to reset excess weight, be careful with dairy products and nuts. It's just that they are easy to overeat, they are very high in calories. In addition, dairy products are not suitable for everyone and can cause allergies.

Also, do not eat too many fruits, you will saturate your body with fructose, which is deposited immediately in the form of subcutaneous fat.

Add sometimes

If you are healthy, active and do not need to lose weight, then you can afford to eat a little more carbohydrates.

  • Tubers: potatoes, sweet potatoes and others.
  • Gluten free cereals: brown rice, oats, quinoa and others.
  • Legumes: lentils, black beans, beans (if you can tolerate them or cook deliciously).

You can have them in moderation if you wish:

  • Dark chocolate: choose chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% or more.
  • Wine: dry wines without added sugar or carbohydrates (homemade dry wine is fine if you know how to do it).

The Mediterranean diet is based on traditional foods that people used to eat in countries such as Italy and Greece as early as 1960.

The researchers noted that these people were exceptionally healthy compared to Americans and had a low risk of developing many deadly diseases.

Most likely all of these foods are similar to the ones we mentioned in the previous meal plan, but you should still avoid them:

  • sugary carbonated drinks, candy, ice cream, sugar and so on.
  • refined grains: white bread, pasta made from refined wheat, white polished rice and so on
  • trans fats: found in margarine and similar processed foods.
  • refined oils: soybean oil, rapeseed oil, cottonseed oil and others.
  • processed meat: sausages, sausages, hot dogs, etc.
  • Highly processed foods: low-fat or diet foods that seem to be designed for weight loss.

Foods you must include

You should base your diet on these healthy, unprocessed Mediterranean foods:

  • vegetables: tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, onions, cauliflower, carrots, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, etc. These are practically those foodstuffs that can grow in different latitudes.
  • fruits: apples, bananas, oranges, pears, strawberries, grapes, dates, figs, melons, peaches, etc.
  • nuts and seeds: almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and more.
  • legumes: beans, peas, lentils, beans and so on.
  • tubers:
  • cereals: oats, brown rice, rye, barley, corn, buckwheat, whole wheat, whole grain bread and pasta from durum wheat.
  • Fish and seafood: Salmon, sardines, trout, tuna, mackerel, shrimp, oysters, mussels, crabs, as well as some types of fresh fish that are available to you.
  • Domestic bird: chicken, duck, turkey and more.
  • eggs: chicken, quail and duck eggs.
  • milk products: cheese, yogurt, Greek yogurt.
  • herbs and spices: garlic, basil, mint, rosemary, sage, nutmeg, cinnamon, pepper, whatever you like
  • healthy fats: olive oil, olives, and avocado oil.

Whole and natural foods and ingredients are the key to good health and proper weight loss.

Its useful to note

Many of the foods listed do not belong to the Mediterranean diet. At least this is controversial issue. Partly because there is big variety between various countries of this region, and some were even previously brought to Europe.

This diet, according to research, is characterized by a high content of plant foods and fiber, but it is low in animal products.

Of course, a lot of emphasis in this diet is on fish and seafood. It is recommended to eat them at least twice a week. After all, fish oil prevents some types of cancer, improves the health of the heart, skin, hair.

In addition, if you want to lose weight faster, then know that.

Water should also be your #1 drink. This diet also includes a moderate amount of red wine, about 1 glass per day.

However, wine is optional. Those wines that have a lot of alcohol and sugar should be avoided.

Coffee and tea are also perfectly acceptable in moderation. But avoid sugar-sweetened drinks and fruit juices, which are high in sugar.

Sample meal plan for one day

This is a sample menu for one of the days. You can adjust portions and food choices based on your own needs and preferences. If you are active and exercising, you should increase your portions.

Here is the menu:

  • Breakfast: Greek yogurt with strawberries and oats (sesame).
  • Dinner:grain sandwich with vegetables.
  • Dinner: Tuna and vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil.
  • Some fruit for dessert.

But at the same time, you can eat more than 3 times a day. And if you're hungry, snack between meals. Use: A handful of nuts, fruits, carrots, some berries or grapes, Greek yogurt, apple slices with almond or peanut butter.

3. Paleo diet

The paleo diet is based on mimicking the diets of our hunter-gatherer ancestors. It includes whole, unprocessed foods that are reminiscent of what they were then.

Our ancestors were the same as modern people. They were healthy and had a beautiful torso. They did not suffer from diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, cancer.

Avoid these foods and ingredients:

  • Sugar and fructose: soft drinks, fruit juices, sugar, sweets, confectionery, ice cream and more.
  • Cereals: including pasta, wheat, rye, barley.
  • Legumes: beans, lentils and others.
  • Milk products: avoid low-fat dairy products (in some versions of the paleo diet, you may even see very high-fat dairy products such as butter and cheese).
  • Vegetable oils: soybean oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, corn oil, grape seed oil.
  • Trans fats: margarine and various processed food products. They are commonly referred to as "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated".
  • Artificial Sweeteners: aspartame, sucralose, cyclamates, saccharin, acesulfame potassium. Use natural sweets instead.
  • Highly Processed Foods: all kinds of artificial food substitutes.

Does this look familiar already?

But pay Special attention that this diet plan for weight loss completely excludes grains and legumes.

Foods You Should Eat

Your diet should be based on real, unprocessed foods:

  • Meat products: beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, pork and others.
  • Fish and seafood: salmon, trout, shrimp, shellfish and your own, if possible.
  • Eggs
  • Vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, peppers, onions, carrots, tomatoes and so on.
  • Fruits: apples, oranges, pears, avocados, strawberries, blueberries and more.
  • Tubers: potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips.
  • Nuts and seeds: almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and others.
  • Healthy fats and oils: Salo, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil.
  • Salt and spices:, Himalayan salt, garlic, rosemary and others

Try to choose organic food of animal origin that have walked the pastures and eat real natural food. If this is a problem for you, then just make sure you stay away from processed foods.

May be

Now there are several "versions" of the paleo diet. Many of them allow themselves some modern food products that were not previously known and discovered scientifically.

These are some meat products, but from animals grown at home. Some allow more butter and even some grains, such as rice.

Many experts call gluten one of the strongest poisons these days.

There are several products that always contain gluten and should be avoided:

  • Wheat: All forms, including whole wheat, wheat flour, wheat germ, and wheat bran.
  • Rye.
  • Barley.
  • Triticale.
  • Semolina
  • Pasta
  • Cereals
  • Cakes, pies and pastries
  • Cookies, crackers
  • Sauces and gravies, especially soy sauce.

As for oats, they do not contain gluten and are well tolerated by people even with celiac disease.

Also be aware that some dietary supplements and medications may contain gluten.

Important: in You really should read labels. Wheat and other gluten-containing ingredients are found in many types of food.

Foods to eat

There are many healthy and nutritious foods that are naturally gluten-free.

  • Meat: chicken, beef, lamb, etc.
  • Fish and seafood: salmon, trout, shrimp and others
  • Eggs
  • Milk products: milk, cheese, yogurt.
  • Vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, carrots, onions and others
  • Fruits: apples, avocados, bananas, oranges, pears, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and others
  • Legumes: lentils, beans, peanuts
  • Nuts: almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts
  • Tubers: potatoes, sweet potatoes
  • Healthy fats: olive oil, avocado oil, butter, coconut oil.
  • Herbs, spices and seasonings: salt, garlic, pepper, vinegar, mustard, etc.
  • Gluten Free Grains: quinoa, rice, corn, flax, millet, sorghum, buckwheat, oatmeal.
  • Other:

All of them are gluten free.

Final Thoughts

If you decide to lose weight and you are worried about the most effective weight loss diets, then my recommendations for beginners are

One that you can easily follow. Here is an overview of 4 really healthy diets that will help you not only lose weight and it has been proven with scientific point vision.

In the end, each of them will not only help you lose weight faster, but also improve your overall health.

What could you add to these diets?

If the article was useful to you, please share it with others!

Every representative of the weaker sex knows what a diet is. This is a very painstaking work - to deny yourself what you madly want; lose weight, lose kilogram after kilogram, enjoy the results, and then suddenly return everything again. It’s very disappointing when everything that I was striving for for a whole year went down the drain, because it was incorrectly selected. What is the most effective diet for weight loss? There are a lot of diets, but it is unrealistic to try each one on yourself. Let's take a look at the most viable options.

The most popular and effective diets in the world

Diet is an image of regular nutrition and one of the most effective ways monitoring of appearance, figure and health. Everyone is more interested in diets that help, but you need to understand what criteria you should follow when choosing. Try to use the following recommendations to do right choice for fast, correct and effective weight loss:

  • It is important to prefer not only fast, but also healthy weight loss, during which your vitamin minimum for the day will not be limited, and the body will not feel stress due to the rapid loss of necessary substances and elements.
  • If you can not withstand a strict diet, do not force yourself, then this is not for you, choose a more sparing diet.
  • The basic principle of all diets is calorie counting, and strict maintenance of the daily maximum that you can afford in food (it must be at least 1200 kcal).

Remember that each body and the various processes in it are individual, so it is very difficult to figure out on your own which diet is right for you from all the variety available. Consider also the state of your health. Contact a nutritionist who will professionally select you perfect way nutrition. But so that you have plenty to choose from, check out the list of popular dietary diets in the world and choose the most effective diet for weight loss for yourself.

Hollywood diet

This system acquired an extravagant name due to its popularity at the Hollywood Star Factory. Its main component is seafood. It is necessary to give up bread and carefully monitor the amount of fat, carbohydrates, sugar, salt consumed. Stars lose an average of 7 kg with such a diet. Foods to eat according to the Hollywood diet are more eggs, fish products, white meat, low-carb fruits and vegetables. Here are some rules for this diet:

  1. Breakfast is not provided, the only thing you can afford is one cup of coffee / tea or eat half of a grapefruit.
  2. Method of food processing - steam, boiled, baking.
  3. Nutrition is traditionally distributed into 5-6 approaches.
  4. Drink plenty of water (2 liters daily).

Protein - minus 20 kg

This is the most effective weight loss diet for those who are absolutely indifferent to sweets and gravitate more towards meat products. The system is based on the consumption of proteins (i.e. it is more meat dishes): the principle is based on nutrition that successfully satisfies hunger. And this diet is also in great demand among athletes, as it is effective in building muscle mass. Basic rules to follow during the protein diet:

  1. One serving always consists of a protein product plus a food with a high content of nutrients.
  2. Fractional meals and small portions of dishes are observed.
  3. Eat breakfast an hour after waking up, and have dinner a couple of hours before bed.
  4. Only in the first half of the day is it allowed to eat any one unsweetened citrus fruit.
  5. Traditionally - plentiful drink.
  6. It is allowed to follow such a diet for a maximum of two weeks a year (it is harmful to do without carbohydrates and fats for a long time).

Separate meals - minus 30 kg in 90 days

It provides for a special regime during which you strictly follow the products and eat them without combining one with the other. It is allowed to eat almost everything, on one condition: the products must be compatible with each other, or the interval of their intake should not be less than two hours. Follow these nutritional rules to follow this diet:

  • Different types proteins should not be taken together.
  • Do not combine fats and proteins in your diet.
  • Sour fruits are not recommended to be eaten with protein foods.
  • Products that cannot be combined with anything at all: milk, tomatoes, watermelon, pear, melon.

The best weight loss diet reviews

The majority of women in choosing the optimal diet for themselves are guided by the amount positive feedback for one mode or another. diet food. There are diets that are universal and help practically. absolute number people to achieve 100% results. The effect will be fast and impressive, however, this species is characterized by the scarcity of the diet and belongs to strict diets, which not everyone is able to withstand. Consider some diets, the best in the fight against excess weight, according to reviews.

Kefir - lose weight in 3 days

A feature of such a system is strict nutrition according to the allotted time (each meal has its own time for consumption). And the main product that is present throughout the diet is kefir. Efficiency directly depends on what your initial weight is: the more it is, the large quantity kilograms will leave you. Check out an example that you can use in your diet for this diet (monotonous meals for every day, the interval of each meal is 2 hours):

  1. Wake up at 7 am, drink one green tea no sugar (use a sweetener).
  2. Prepare yourself a carrot salad: two grated carrots with one teaspoon olive oil.
  3. One apple, drink a glass of one percent yogurt.
  4. For lunch, cook boiled beef (100 grams), you can replace it with white meat of chicken or turkey without skin.
  5. One unsweetened apple.
  6. Prunes (10 pieces).
  7. The last meal at seven o'clock in the evening, it is limited to one glass of the same low-fat kefir.

Buckwheat - minus 10 kg per week

Refers to very strict diets, its essence lies in eating the main product - buckwheat, which is prepared in the evening: pour hot water and wait until it gets steamy. A meager variety of products is the use of kefir or green tea. But reviews refer it to one of the most effective and useful systems diet regimen. Important conditions that must be observed in nutrition:

  1. It is allowed to eat 5 hours before bedtime.
  2. If you really want to eat in the evening or you suffer from constipation, one hour before bedtime you can afford one glass of fat-free kefir.
  3. An important condition for the preparation of buckwheat: steaming.
  4. Another product that you can afford is green tea with a weak consistency.

Menu for every day:

  • Half an hour before breakfast, prepare and drink a glass of warm water, adding a teaspoon of honey and a couple of slices of lemon.
  • Actually breakfast should consist of a small portion of steamed buckwheat and unsweetened green tea.
  • Lunch is the same as breakfast.
  • Dinner is the same.
  • Always remember about water, at least 2 liters per day.

How to prevent a diet break?

Most often, the reason for the "failure" from the diet is the inability to overcome the obsessive feeling of hunger that occurs as a result of caloric restriction of food and changes in eating habits. In order to reduce appetite and avoid breakdowns, doctors recommend the drug Cefamadar, which acts directly on the hunger center in the brain and reduces appetite. It does not contain sibutramine and acts gently, without side effects, discontinuation does not provoke an increase in appetite and the return of "lost" kilograms.

Unloading days for weight loss at home

At the end of the protracted holidays, everyone needs food not only to control weight, but also to restore the loaded digestive system, putting in order your well-being. Some use this method of dieting regularly (once a week / month) to prevent the appearance of extra pounds and minimize the risks of getting better. On the effectiveness of fasting days for weight loss, see the video:

Simple and effective diets for weight loss after childbirth

The condition of women after childbirth in itself requires a diet, not even for the purpose of gaining weight, but so that a nursing mother does not harm her baby with what she eats. Therefore, the diet becomes the most dietary, in which fatty foods, fried foods, all types of sweets (except for biscuit cookies), more vegetables, almost all kinds of fruits. All food is steamed, stewed or boiled, in extreme cases, baked in the oven. A few rules for postpartum:

  • Eliminate sweets and all types of dough from your diet.
  • Meals should be modest in portions, but frequent.
  • Have your last meal four hours before bed.
  • Meat low-fat products must be present in your diet, as well as others. useful material that you urgently need during this period (vitamins).
  • Eliminate salty, smoked, spicy, spicy foods.

Based on protein products:

  1. Distribute half a kilogram of fat-free cottage cheese for the whole day.
  2. For dinner, boil half a kilogram of white meat without salt or fish.
  3. For dinner, eat boiled eggs (two pieces) plus a daily norm of hard cheese - 300 grams.
  4. During the day, drink one liter of fat-free fermented baked milk, kefir.

Unloading diet, the nutrition of which is based on the use of carbohydrates. It provides for eating raw fruits or vegetables up to one and a half kilograms (grapes and bananas are not allowed). For a change, you can bake yourself apples. Supplement dishes with a small amount of low-fat sour cream or olive oil. Use the following menu in your diet:

  1. Distribute one liter of low-fat kefir during the day, for breakfast - 200 grams of bran.
  2. During the day, eat a total of one kilogram of boiled potatoes.
  3. Take 150 grams of boiled rice, dividing it into three portions, eat for breakfast with cinnamon, for lunch - with grated apple, and for dinner - with carrots or sweet peppers.
  4. Follow a strict diet.


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Verified Information

This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strives to be objective, open-minded, honest and present both sides of an argument.

Most women believe that there are no diets that can and effectively get rid of excess weight. However, it is not. Of course, with the help of such diets it will be extremely difficult to maintain the achieved results, but if you urgently need to lose weight, for example, before some important event, you can quickly transform your figure. How? Now you will know everything.

There is a huge variety of diets that are aimed at weight loss. Some of them last very long (more than a month), but at the same time they allow you to safely lose weight and keep the results achieved for a long time. But there are also other diets that last from 2 to 7 days, while it is possible to lose from 1 to 8 kg.

Of course, at first glance it seems that this is not real. However, such diets exist and, as practice shows, they are really effective.

Do not forget that fast diets can lead not only to the desired weight loss in a short time, but also to such a side effect as the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. Dermatologists strongly recommend using a modeling cream during the diet. But not every cream is good for health. If the composition of the cosmetic product contains components such as parabens, animal fats or mineral oils, then they should be discarded.

Experts advise using only natural cosmetics with the necessary certificates. These include the products of the Russian company Mulsan Cosmetic. The modeling cream of this company does an excellent job with stretch marks and is completely safe for female body. We recommend that you visit the site and choose for yourself not only a cream, but also other products of the company that will help you not only achieve the desired result, but also keep your skin healthy and young for a long time.

General rules to guide when choosing a diet

Quick and easy diets are based on severe dietary restriction and usually include 1 or 2 foods that are allowed to be consumed. Therefore, if you urgently need to lose weight, then choose exactly the diet that will include foods that are available to you and you love.

If you force yourself to use this or that product, then most likely you will not last even two days. In addition, you will have to set yourself up on a psychological level, since you will definitely have to starve, and this, as you know, leads to the formation of depression, irritability, dizziness and sleep disturbances.

Choose a diet that includes meals that do not require a complex cooking process and will take a minimum of time. The less you'll be in the kitchen, the less you will be tempted to eat something tasty.

So, let's move on to the description of simple diets that will help you transform in a very short time.

This light and simple diet is the most popular today. It involves the use of 1% kefir during the day. On the day you need to drink only 1.5 liters of kefir and the same amount of regular drinking water. You can't eat anything else.

It is worth noting that this diet has a pronounced laxative effect, so it should be used only on those days when you can afford to spend the whole day at home.

It is impossible to “sit” on a kefir diet for more than three days. Since a strong one occurs during it: slags, toxins, excess salt and water are removed from the body (due to which, in fact, weight loss occurs). However, already on the 3rd - 4th day, along with harmful substances, useful substances begin to be excreted from the body, which can lead to a deterioration in well-being and the development of various diseases.

If you feel severe pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness or headache- It is worth abandoning such a diet and switching to the usual diet. However, the transition should be very careful, gradually increasing the daily caloric content of meals.

Kefir-cucumber diet

This diet is one of the variants of the kefir diet and involves the use of 1.5 liters of 1% kefir, 1.5 kg of fresh cucumbers and the same amount of drinking water per day. All these products must be divided into equal parts, while you can use them even before bedtime or at night, if you suddenly have an appetite that keeps you awake.

However, this diet, like the previous one, has a pronounced laxative effect. Therefore, you should be careful about your well-being. This simple diet lasts 5 - 6 days, no more, allows you to lose up to 7 kg of excess weight.

This is the simplest and most effective diet for weight loss. Buckwheat is a dietary product that has a low calorie content and does not cause allergic reactions so anyone can try it out.

In just one week, you can lose about 5 kg. Only buckwheat can be eaten. However, you can cook it different ways, the main thing is that it does not contain fats, that is, add creamy and vegetable oil no, and salt.

You can eat such buckwheat in unlimited quantities. This is how this diet works. Unsalted buckwheat helps to remove salt from the body, which retains excess fluid in the body. And the low calorie content of this product makes the body spend much more energy per day than it receives, due to which fat deposits are burned.

You can watch the following videos for cooking buckwheat for weight loss:

This diet is more rigid, but at the same time it is the most effective. The diet of top models lasts only 3 days, but during this period it is quite possible to lose 3-5 kg. In this case, your daily diet will consist of:

  • one boiled chicken egg;
  • 300 g fat-free cottage cheese.

The main rule of this diet is that all these products must be consumed before 17:00, dinner should be completely absent, and if you really want to eat, you can drink a glass of warm water with the addition of lemon juice.

Fresh juice diet

This simple but effective diet involves drinking freshly squeezed juices for three days. However, it is not so easy to withstand it, because it is necessary to drink only juices from citrus fruits. However, they cannot be diluted with water and sugar cannot be added to them.

Juices should be prepared just before drinking. You can use only oranges, lemons or grapefruits for these purposes. At one time, you need to drink one glass of juice (200 - 250 ml), there should be three meals in total. The rest of the time it is allowed to drink only non-carbonated mineral or ordinary drinking water.

This is another easy and simple diet that is designed for 7 days. During this time, you can lose 4 - 5 kg. During the week it is necessary to eat only vegetable soups, and their number is not limited.

The main rules for cooking vegetable soups:

  • do not use potatoes;
  • do not use meat products for making broth;
  • do not use oils;
  • add salt in small quantities.

Such a diet is easily tolerated, since the soup is a liquid, a hot liquid that quickly fills the stomach and contributes to almost instant satisfaction of hunger.

It is very important to observe the drinking regimen. By the way, this applies to all diets. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. At the same time, you can’t drink it immediately after eating, as this will lead to stretching of the walls of the stomach, due to which the feeling of hunger will return very quickly, and to a slowdown in metabolism, which will this case definitely not needed.

Carbohydrate-free diet of fashion models

This diet gained its popularity due to rapid weight loss and long-term preservation of the results achieved, since its action is not based on cleansing the body, but on the breakdown of body fat.

The diet lasts three days. In this short period of time, you can lose 2 - 3 kg. However, in this case, active training in gyms is required. I think this diet has the following:

  • on breakfast you can eat one boiled egg in a "bag";
  • for lunch 150 g of fat-free cottage cheese and one cup of unsweetened tea are allowed;
  • for an afternoon snack only fat-free cottage cheese (150 g) and unsweetened tea are also allowed.

Dinner in this diet is completely absent, the rest of the time you need to drink plenty of drinking water.

This is the hardest version of the diet. But there is another option for a carbohydrate-free diet, which is most easily tolerated and also gives positive results as soon as possible. The diet lasts 7 to 14 days.

Her menu is monotonous and includes:

  • on breakfast a piece rye bread, one cup of unsweetened tea (preferably green) and a couple of slices of hard cheese;
  • for lunch a slice of rye bread, a portion of boiled beans, fat-free cottage cheese (150g) and one cup of tea;
  • for dinner steamed chicken breast (100 g), tomato and cucumber. One cup of tea is also allowed.

Pumpkin diet lasts for 12 days and allows you to lose up to 6 kg. It is transferred quite easily, as it involves a variety of dishes, but has contraindications. The pumpkin diet is forbidden for people during lactation and pregnancy, as well as for people with chronic diseases.

The essence of the diet is that it is necessary to prepare dishes from pumpkin pulp. However, they should be boiled or steamed. In addition, a minimum of salt, oil and various spices should be used. Pumpkin is allowed to be combined with various vegetables, but the main ingredient, which should make up 80% of the diet, is pumpkin.

From it you can cook various soups, mashed potatoes, mashed soups, cereals, salads. In addition to all this, you can use pumpkin juice, only natural and preferably freshly squeezed, as well as pumpkin seeds, which allow you to have a good time in the evenings in front of the TV.

It is worth noting that the main meals should not be more than 3, and snacks should not be more than 2. Physical exercise and compliance drinking regime are also welcome and lead to the best results.

As you can see, the list of fast and effective diets is very large. You just have to choose the right one for you and go to your goal.

Video about the best diet

Video with recipes for a quick diet

Numerous diets differ from each other not only in the set of allowed and prohibited foods or the list of requirements. The fact is that in most of them it takes almost a day to figure it out.

So, for example, the famous "Kremlin" involves the daily calculation of points-carbohydrates. And in general, every second one is based on the daily calorie content of food consumed: portions need to be weighed, then find out how many kcal they contain, count ...

Separating foods into alkaline and acidic, protein and carbohydrate, high-calorie and calorie-free - all this takes a lot of time and effort. Our task today is to determine which of the diets for weight loss is the simplest, which does not require this kind of hassle.


If you have made the decision to fight excess weight at home for the first time, you do not need to look for overly complicated diets. You run the risk of getting confused in counting calories and numerous tables. Only a professional nutritionist or those who have been waging this unequal battle for a long time and have tried more than one nutrition system can understand them. Choose the simplest one that does not require long preparation and exhausting work with a calculator.

But how to see it in the variety of proposed methods? It must meet the following requirements:

  • no need to count calories;
  • no complicated formulas;
  • there is no division of products into different groups;
  • no long tables;
  • all products are available (both in terms of price and availability in stores);
  • a detailed menu for every day is attached, close to reality;
  • recipes are as simple as possible;
  • no long lists of requirements and recommendations;
  • there is no binding to certain hours of meals.

And remember: the diet should be simple but effective. Ideal in this regard are mono-diets.

TOP 10

According to nutritionists, for effective weight loss, you can choose the following options, which are simple:

  1. Banana.
  2. Salt-free.
  3. Cabbage.
  4. Kefir.
  5. Vegetable.

These are the simplest diets that meet all of the above requirements and allow you to lose weight by required amount kilograms to the maximum short time. How exactly they work, will show a small overview of some of them.


Even the simplest diets call for adherence to the principles proper nutrition. You need to drink a lot of water (one and a half liters a day), streamline the regimen of meals, do not eat before bedtime, leave the table with a feeling of slight hunger.

Throughout the weight loss, everything fried, flour, sweet, pickled, as well as fast foods, alcohol and soda, is on the forbidden list of products. There is nothing difficult in this, but you will have to be patient. And the rest of the schemes are as simple as possible and easy to understand.

1. Banana morning

Morning is one of the easiest. Developed by Japanese nutritionist Hiroshi Watanabe.

Essence. Breakfast should consist of 1 banana and a glass of water. Lunch and dinner are ordinary, meeting the principles of proper and healthy nutrition. Snacking is undesirable, but if hunger is unbearable, you can always drown it out with the same fruit that helps to lose weight. Weight loss is provided by the low glycemic index of bananas and their low calorie content (96 kcal per 100 g). And since they are very satisfying, sweet and tasty, the hunger strike promises to be not only simple, but also easy.

For a month, weight loss will be 5-10 kg.


  • slightly unripe bananas;
  • drinking water at room temperature.


  • simple power scheme;
  • easily tolerated;
  • does not affect performance and well-being;
  • no side effects.


  • unripe bananas with constant use can cause an eating disorder;
  • nevertheless, a number of products have to be abandoned as part of proper nutrition;
  • minor effect.

sample menu

Notes. Hiroshi Watanabe in his book "The Morning Banana Diet" focuses on the fact that it is undesirable to consume a lot of dairy products (does not go well with fruits) and alcohol.

2. Kefir

As simple as possible: during the day you need to drink a certain amount of kefir. If the period of weight loss is 1 or 3 days, then, apart from it, you will not have to use anything else. If you have chosen a meal plan for a week or more, the diet is supplemented with other products.

Essence. Kefir cleanses the stomach, improves its functioning, saturates, satisfies hunger, activates the burning of fats. Such a diet is ideal for losing weight on the abdomen and sides, as it allows you to remove even visceral (internal) fat, which is the hardest to deal with. On fasting days, you need to drink one and a half liters of the drink in small portions. As part of longer marathons, each meal should end with a glass of kefir.

You can lose 10 kg in 10 days.

  • fresh 1.5% natural kefir at room temperature and even a little warm (to activate beneficial bacteria in it).


  • kefir is good for health;
  • the work of the stomach improves significantly;
  • saving money;
  • easily tolerated.


  • at first it can be so unpleasant side effects, as a strong seething in the stomach and flatulence;
  • in the presence of problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic diseases can worsen.

sample menu

Notes. Experts advise testing it only for those who really love this drink. And no matter how simple the diet is, remember: it should not contain any sugar and other tasty additives.

3. Vegetable

If you are looking for a simple diet for a week, it will come in handy.

Essence. You can eat dishes exclusively from vegetables. And their heat treatment not welcome. So you don't even have to look for recipes. diet meals You don't have to stand at the stove all day. Try to eat only fresh vegetables for as long as possible. They can be eaten in unlimited quantities and at any time. You can stick to a certain schedule - it's already as convenient for you. When the raw food diet is tired, vegetables can be consumed in boiled form.

  • all vegetables.


  • easily tolerated;
  • provides the body with essential vitamins;
  • improves well-being;
  • effective.


  • raw vegetables can upset the stomach, leading to diarrhea, bloating, flatulence;
  • vegetable fiber provokes gastrointestinal disorders;
  • in vegetables there is little protein, iron, vitamin B12 - their deficiency adversely affects health;
  • comes on quickly;
  • I always want to eat meat and fish.

sample menu

Notes. Since potatoes and corn are considered starchy and high-calorie vegetables, it is recommended to limit their consumption.

4. Salt-free

If you need a simple but effective diet for 10 days, you will not find anything better. However, it must be borne in mind that there are completely non-salty dishes - a test only for the strong in spirit.

Essence. Adhering to the principles of proper nutrition, you need to give up salt. This technique fights not so much with body fat, but with excess fluid in the body, which accumulates over the years and forms a considerable proportion of excess weight.

You can lose 5 kg.


  • everything except harmful ones (the main thing is that they are unsalted).


  • the water-salt balance is normalized;
  • the body is cleansed;
  • disappearance of edema;
  • no side effects;
  • a balanced diet, in which the required amount of JBU is present.


  • liquid leaves, but not fatty layers;
  • difficult to bear;
  • all dishes seem bland and tasteless;
  • large list of contraindications.

sample menu

Notes. You can not lose weight in the summer to prevent dehydration.

5. Cabbage

For 7 days, it is distinguished by its maximum simplicity.

Essence. All dishes are based on cabbage, which is healthy in any form: fresh, boiled, stewed, sauerkraut, etc. It cleanses the blood, speeds up metabolism, makes the body use stored fats, improves mood and digestion. AT fresh vegetable there is a unique substance - tartronic acid, which slows down the conversion of carbohydrates into fats.

  • all varieties of cabbage.


  • parallel treatment and prevention of oncology, diseases of the joints, spine, tuberculosis, constipation, ulcers;
  • efficiency;
  • supplying the body with vitamins;
  • blood purification;
  • improved digestion;
  • blocking free radicals.


  • after a diet, kilograms come back;
  • side effects: flatulence, colic, abdominal pain;
  • cabbage dishes quickly become boring;
  • hunger;
  • lack of carbohydrates reduces efficiency, provokes weakness.

sample menu

Notes. The set of products in the table is divided into 5 meals of 250 gr. Most beneficial effect white cabbage has a weight loss effect.

If you need the simplest diet for fast weight loss, do not bother with those systems where at first you need to do mathematics for half a day, and then the same amount more - selecting the necessary recipes and compiling the correct menu.

Although mono-diets are often scolded for an unbalanced diet, they do not involve calorie counts and long tables of 48 sheets. Purchased a certain product - and eat it, limiting yourself only in the amount eaten and the duration of the hunger strike. So do not think that all power systems are complex pyramids - among this variety you can always find more lightweight options.

Nutritionists tend to believe that long-term soft diets are more effective and safer than those that have severe dietary restrictions. But there are situations when time is running out and you urgently need to lose about five kilograms of excess weight.

Everyone has their own reasons for this, so we will not go into them. Let's talk about whether it's realistic.
Yes, it's quite real. Diets for fast weight loss require a lot of endurance and willpower, but they give very quick results. There are dozens of such diets, but in this article we will only talk about the most effective diets that will help you get rid of 3-7 kilograms.

The most effective diet for weight loss

Perhaps, of all diets, this is the most effective. It's called the jockey diet.
It is quite tough, so get ready for the fact that you may feel a little dizzy and experience a breakdown. Try to set aside time for this diet when you are not required to high costs energy. It is best if you are at home during this time.

So, this effective diet will quickly drive you up to five extra pounds in three days if you stick to the following diet:

On the first day, one small baked chicken will serve as your food. The skin must be removed from it. Bake without salt and spices. Divide it into three meals. Eat nothing else!
- On the second day, the diet is tightened. Your entire diet for the day is a 300-gram piece of baked veal, which is divided into portions of 100 grams.
- The third day is the hardest. On this day, you can drink natural coffee 4-5 times without adding sugar and milk.

If you can hold out in this mode for three days, this express diet will exceed all your expectations.

Effective diets for fast weight loss

We have selected only the best for you. Let's look at each in detail.

With this diet, you can build up to three kilograms in three days.
It is based, as the name implies, on the diet of vegetables and fruits. You can forget about other products, including milk, eggs and cheeses for this time.

This diet has undoubted advantages. In addition to losing weight quickly, you will cleanse the intestines and get a good portion of vitamins.

The first and third days consist exclusively of vegetables, and the second - only fruits. Below is a detailed menu.

Vegetable days:

For breakfast, bake four medium-sized tomatoes in the oven, drink vegetable juice and coffee.
- For lunch, choose one of the dishes: fresh cucumber salad with green onion or green leafy lettuce, drink tea.
- For dinner, boil or stew cabbage with spinach with a teaspoon of lemon juice and drink tea with lemon.

fruit day:

For breakfast, prepare yourself a salad of grated fresh apple with the addition of citrus fruits (grapefruit or orange) and drink tea or coffee.
- Have lunch with the same salad and half a medium-sized melon.
- For dinner, eat the same as for lunch

This simple diet will help you lose weight quickly. There will be a feeling of hunger, but you can endure three days for the sake of harmony.

Buckwheat diet

Gentle, but at the same time effective diet, with which you can get rid of four extra pounds in a week.

All this time you will eat exclusively buckwheat, washing it down with green tea and kefir.
Buckwheat should be prepared as follows: in the evening, rinse a glass of dry cereal and pour two glasses of boiling water over it. Wrap up well. This is all your food for the next day - no more, no less.
In the morning, divide the porridge into several meals.
This is a very effective diet for 7 days.

Kefir diet

This is one of the most popular diets at the moment. There is a kefir diet, in which only kefir is allowed to drink. And for unprepared people, nutritionists have thought out an easier way to harmony. It differs in that on certain days, in addition to kefir, you can use another product.

On the first, second and third day, in addition to kefir, you can eat boiled rice.
- On the fourth, fifth and sixth day, you can add to the diet boiled chicken from which you must first remove the skin.
- For the next three days, add apples to your daily menu.

Rapid weight loss on this diet will be about six kilograms in nine days. And this is a very good result.

Nutritionists often hear the question: What is the most effective diet? Well, what is the answer to it. All this is purely individual, since different organisms need different products.
But there are diets that give great results, no matter what.

For example, a diet on prunes. This product has a number of undeniable advantages, such as low calorie content, mild laxative effect, high content potassium and other trace elements. Due to this, the prunes diet can be called a kind of therapeutic diet aimed at cleansing the intestines from toxins and strengthening the heart.

According to some women, this is the best diet for quick weight loss.
You need to follow it for four days, during which you will lose about four kilograms of excess weight. In this article, we provide the exact menu for all four days of the diet. If you want to achieve visible results, in no case deviate from it.

First day:
- In the morning you need to eat one boiled egg, grapefruit, drink a cup of tea and eat two pieces of prunes.
- For lunch, cook borscht without adding potatoes. You can take a piece of bread, but only black. Add two cores to dinner walnut and 8 pieces of prunes.
- In the evening, you can refresh your strength with a small portion of baked or boiled fish with egg, orange and tea.

Second day:
- Breakfast we have today is very modest - just a small piece of cheese and two prunes.
- But the dinner is quite hearty: a plate of cabbage soup without potatoes, a slice of black bread and a hundred-gram piece of beef.
- For dinner, we eat only a light vegetable salad and 4 pieces of prunes.

The third day:
- Breakfast is light but pleasant. Allow yourself a small sandwich of diet bread with a slice of ham and cheese and complement your breakfast with three prunes.
- For lunch, as always, vegetable soup. In addition to it are: a small piece of black bread, a tomato, one potato (boiled in their skins) and two prunes.
- For dinner, drink a glass of milk or yogurt, supplementing it with a small piece of bread and five prunes.

Fourth day:
- For breakfast, eat half a glass of oatmeal with milk (no need to cook) and four prunes.
- For lunch we have a plate of borscht, a slice of bread, fresh cucumber and tomato, and two prunes.
- We complete the menu with a small black bread sandwich with ham, a handful of raisins and six pieces of prunes.

This diet is fast and effective, it is easy enough to follow, as there is no feeling of hunger.

This diet is designed specifically for those women who are unable to withstand the conditions of a strict diet.
And it consists in a reasonable distribution of food during the day.

In the morning, the metabolism in our body is at its peak of activity, which means that it is at this time that you can eat quite satisfyingly and plentifully. But you still need to watch what you eat. You can eat lean fish or ham.

A lot of energy is required of you during the day and therefore it is not right time for hunger. Eat your fill of fish and any vegetable salad again.

It is undesirable to eat in the evening, but you can “deceive” your hunger by snacking on fruit and drinking tea.

This effective diet for a week will help you get rid of excess weight without feeling hungry.
The result of weight loss is not fixed, everything will depend on what you eat. The lower the calorie content of food, the more noticeable the result.

Salt-free diet for four days

Created specifically for those who do not have time to prepare complex dishes. With its help, you can throw off up to five kilograms of excess weight.

The main condition of this easy diet for quick weight loss is not to overeat.
During this diet, you can not eat salt, oil, sugar and alcohol. You can eat to your full, but only one certain food per day. So, what kind of food is allowed.

First day: on this day you are allowed to eat only boiled potatoes without salt and oil. You can drink any drink that does not contain sugar.

Second day: on this day we eat only boiled pasta without salt and oil. We drink any drinks without sugar.

Third day: the menu of this day of an easy diet for quick weight loss is boiled chicken meat. You can drink, as usual, any drinks without sugar.

Fourth day: on this day we eat potatoes again. We drink sugar-free drinks.

We looked at very short diets that get rid of two to six kilograms of excess weight. Let's move on to longer diets.

Express diet for three days will help you lose up to five kilograms of excess weight in just three days. In addition to losing weight, you perfectly cleanse your body of toxins and toxins. All three days of the diet are identical.

In the morning, after waking up, drink a glass of water at room temperature on an empty stomach. Wait 15 minutes and have breakfast with a glass of milk with one tablespoon of cocoa and honey. This is the fastest diet, and you will have to limit yourself in food.

Eat a grapefruit shortly before dinner. After fifteen minutes, have lunch with a small portion of boiled fish or chicken. For a side dish, you can eat a vegetable salad with olive oil.

The rest of the day you can only drink vegetable broth. To prepare it, pour one and a half liters of water into a saucepan, crumble a kilogram of leeks into it, half as many tomatoes and carrots. Sprinkle in some cumin seeds. Boil for twenty minutes, then strain. You can drink as much as you like, but the last dose should be no later than two hours before bedtime.

This most effective and fastest diet will give you slim figure within three days if all directions are followed.

Ten-day diet for weight loss by 10 kg

The most effective diet for weight loss, which gives a weight loss of up to ten kilograms, is designed for ten days. Such results are guaranteed for people with a significant excess weight. For the rest, they will be a little less.

It is worth immediately warning that the diet is quite tough and not everyone can withstand it. But if you have a great desire to lose weight, then stop on it.

During the diet, all foods containing carbohydrates are excluded, except for one day. Another condition is a large number of liquids drunk per day. All food is divided into several receptions. You need to eat every two hours.

So, the diet will quickly get rid of the hated wrinkles on the sides if you stick to the following diet:

Day 1: Only boiled eggs can be eaten on this day. Five eggs are allocated per day. Salt should not be eaten.

Second day: on the second day it is allowed to eat only boiled fish without salt in small portions.

Third day: Boil a large skinless chicken breast.

Fourth day: boil five potatoes without salt.

Fifth day: half a kilo of boiled chicken or beef

Sixth day: any fruit, except bananas.

Seventh day: any vegetables.

Eighth day: half a kilo of low-fat cottage cheese.

Ninth day: one and a half liters of kefir.

Tenth day: decoction of rose hips.

If you decide to quickly lose weight by 10 kilograms, then try to ensure that the portions at each meal are equal, and the interval between meals is two hours.

From the diet you need to go out gradually, daily increasing the amount of carbohydrates. It is desirable that the exit lasted at least a week. Otherwise, the weight may return.

If you have a chronic disease, then before the diet, talk to your doctor about the presence of contraindications.

Is it possible to lose weight quickly: reviews

So we reviewed all the most popular fast weight loss diets. Reviews about them confirm that it is quite possible to lose weight quickly. The human body is individual and a certain diet may help one person, but not bring any benefit to another. Therefore, choose the most effective diets for weight loss, based on the characteristics of your body. Most of those who sat on fast diets, they say that they require considerable effort of will, but the result is pleasing. The main thing is to gradually return to a normal diet, and not to eat up on the very first day after the diet. Good luck to you!