The process of strategic planning in the enterprise. Stages of planning: choice of strategy. Strategic planning of the enterprise: advantages and disadvantages

    Essence and main elements of the strategic plan. Formulating the mission and goals of the enterprise.

    Long-term and medium-term strategic planning. Time horizons strategic planning.

    Modeling of economic processes by methods of network planning and management.

    Modeling of economic processes by the method of correlation and regression analysis.

        1. Essence and main elements of the strategic plan. Formulating the mission and goals of the enterprise.

Strategic planning- this is the development of a strategy using a formalized procedure, described by stages, methods, execution techniques and aimed at building a model of the future, as well as a program for the transition to this model.

Strategic planning is a set of actions and decisions taken by management that lead to the development of specific strategies designed to help the organization achieve its goals.

The strategic planning process is a tool that helps in making managerial decisions. His task- to provide innovations and changes in the organization to a sufficient extent. More precisely, the strategic planning process is the umbrella under which all managerial functions are hidden.

Strategic planning sets promising directions for the development of the enterprise, determines the main types of its activities, allows you to link marketing, design, production and financial activities into a single system. The strategic plan ensures the adaptation of the enterprise to the external environment, to the allocation of resources and internal coordination of activities in order to identify strengths and weaknesses. The strategic plan for large enterprises is usually long-term. But the time period of the strategic plan for different enterprises may be different, and what is long-term for one enterprise may be short-term for another. Strategic planning at enterprises should be aimed at their long-term development, achieving high rates of economic growth.

Development is a process in which the ability and desire of the enterprise to satisfy its desires and needs of consumers increase. Thus, strategic planning is designed to ensure the necessary economic growth and the desired level of enterprise development for the coming long-term period.

The strategic plan must be supported by extensive research and evidence. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly collect and analyze a huge amount of information about the sectors of the national economy, the market, competition, etc. In addition, the strategic plan gives the company a certain identity that allows it to attract certain types of employees and help sell products or services.

The most important feature of the formation of a strategic plan is the presence of a mechanism for adapting the company's plans to changing external development conditions. To ensure the adaptive nature of strategic planning, all types of plans, especially tactical ones, must provide for actions in case of unforeseen circumstances. Strategic plans should be designed in such a way that they not only remain coherent over the long term, but also remain flexible. The overall strategic plan should be seen as a program that guides the activities of the firm over an extended period of time, subject to constant adjustments due to the ever-changing business and social environment.

The developed strategic plan may turn out to be ineffective if the company does not create a mechanism for its implementation, including a schedule for the implementation of the plan, the definition of deadlines and responsible persons, a system of control, motivation, and the participation of the first leaders of the organization in its implementation. Implementation strategic plan involves the formation of an organizational culture that allows you to implement the strategy, as well as an appropriate corporate climate focused on the development of the company.

Functions strategic planning:

      The strategic plan sets the direction for the organization and allows it to better understand the structure of market research, customer research, product planning, promotion and marketing, and price planning.

      The strategic plan provides each unit in the organization with clear objectives that align with common tasks companies.

      The strategic plan stimulates the coordination of the efforts of various functional areas.

      The strategic plan forces the organization to assess its strengths and weak sides in terms of competitors, opportunities and threats in the environment.

      This plan defines alternative actions or combinations of actions that the organization can take.

      The strategic plan provides the basis for the allocation of resources.

      The strategic plan demonstrates the importance of applying performance evaluation procedures.

Planning is necessary for the firm to achieve the following goals:

    increase in the controlled market share

    anticipation of customer requirements

    production of higher quality products

    ensuring agreed delivery times

    setting the price level taking into account competitive conditions

    maintaining the reputation of the company with consumers.

Strategic planning has its own technology and includes the following stages:

1. Definition of the company's mission

2. Formulation of goals and objectives of the functioning of the enterprise

3. Assessment and analysis of the external environment

4. Evaluation and analysis of the internal structure of the enterprise

5. Development and analysis of strategic alternatives

6. Choosing a strategy

In general, a strategic plan may include the following: (elements):

    Proposals about the nature of changes in the external environment, trends in the development of the industry and the position of the company in the industry, forecast of competition.

    Strategic goals of the organization; mission; the main long-term development goals and financial objectives of the company and its strategic business units (SHP).

    General strategy; SHP strategies.

    Action plan to create competitive advantages.

    Functional supporting strategies: production, R&D, marketing, finance, personnel, etc. Action plans and budgets for the implementation of functional strategies.

    List of necessary development programs and projects.

    Resources needed to implement the strategies.

    Economic evaluation of the plan and risk assessment of the implementation of strategies.

    Temporary stages of the implementation of the strategic plan.

Summarizing the above, it should be noted that strategic planning is a tool with which the system of goals for the functioning of the enterprise is formed, and the efforts of the entire team are combined to achieve it. Its most important task is to provide innovations necessary for the life of the enterprise. As a process, strategic planning includes four types of activities: allocation of resources, adaptation to the external environment, coordination and regulation of business processes, organizational changes.

The economy is changing so fast that only strategic planning at the enterprise can help build a formal forecast of potential risks and opportunities. It is this method that helps the management or the owner to set long-term goals, create a plan for their implementation, minimizing risks and including the tasks of the company's divisions.

What are the features of tactical, operational and strategic planning in the enterprise

Those who are seriously involved in business usually set some strategic goal for the company. It, in turn, consists of several subgoals, which include tasks. That is, the process of fulfilling the set plans in the company is carried out from setting the largest and most significant goal to the implementation of small everyday tasks.

To optimize the planning process, it is divided into several types:

  • tactical;
  • operational;
  • strategic.

Strategic planning

The most common type of planning is strategic. It should not be compared with the long term. Developing a company strategy is setting a more global goal. For example, L. Mittal, adhering to the strategy of saving to the maximum, became one of the richest people in the world. The strategy was to reduce costs to the limit on the main parameters of activity (personnel, raw materials, resources, etc.).

It is the manager or owner who is engaged in strategic planning.

tactical planning

In Soviet times, medium-term plans were established at enterprises. Tactical planning is somewhat similar to this practice, but there are significant differences. At the same time, although the plans are limited in time, this is the time allocated for the implementation of the goals set. Tactical planning is a consequence of strategic planning. L. Mittal set such tactical goals at his enterprise as to optimize the staff, acquire coal deposits for the production of its own raw materials, automate business processes and production processes.

As a rule, the heads of departments are engaged in the development of a tactical plan. If we are talking about a small company, this task is included in the range of duties directly to the head of the entire organization.

operational planning

Operational plans are created on the basis of a short time period. Based on the circumstances, it can be planning the actions of one day, several days, a week. However, it will be better for the staff and you if a list of tasks is defined for each day, which easily changes depending on the situation. Operational planning allows you to record the results and exercise control.

In some areas of activity, it is more convenient for enterprises to form different types plans of all three types. For example, financial planning, marketing or investment is carried out at the operational and tactical levels.

Different planning methods will allow you to organize work as efficiently as possible, select the right performers, and monitor the implementation of tasks.

How to draw up a strategic development plan

Many managers mistakenly believe that long-term strategic plans can be successfully replaced by sales plans. The development of companies headed by such leaders is hampered by top management's misunderstanding of the business goals, and therefore, the failure to use funds to achieve these goals.

In order for an enterprise not to get bogged down in a routine, it needs a strategic plan. Download example algorithm for the development and implementation of a strategic plan you can in the article electronic journal"CEO".

The main goals of strategic planning in the enterprise

The definition with strategic plans in the company is also to form and transfer to the designated official such a measure of responsibility and authority that will allow him to fully manage the company during the entire term of office. Strategic planning has the following objectives:

1. Creating and displaying an enterprise model in perspective regarding its field of activity, mission, development.

2. Setting goals general manager or manager for the entire period of his activity in accordance with the concluded contract.

When deploying the goals and objectives of the company's strategic plan, it is worth remembering the possible problems that impede movement forward. These problems must be identified and ways to solve them must be found. The most important tasks in this type of planning are the following:

  • analysis of the growth process of the company's activities from the very beginning, as well as compliance with the planned strategic plans;
  • assessment of the external and internal development of the company today;
  • adjustment of the mission and vision of the company in its field of activity;
  • setting common development goals;
  • analysis of the main problem in enterprise management and development of a method of elimination;
  • development of the concept of the enterprise;
  • search for opportunities and ways to implement them to transfer the company to the active sphere of TO-BE;
  • creation and distribution of initiative actions for the implementation of the strategic plan;
  • refinement of certain nuances and provisions in the areas of the company's activities that depend on strategic planning: investments, finance, marketing, etc.

Strategic planning of the enterprise: advantages and disadvantages

Strategic planning in an enterprise is the formulation and setting of strategically important tasks based on forecasts of the company's activities in the face of changing external factors, as well as the identification of the most important areas of development and the selection of ways to complete tasks.

This type of planning is based on the immediate application of innovative ideas, as well as proactive actions to minimize risks and accelerate the development of the company.

The strategic method of planning differs from the tactical one in the following ways:

  1. The forecast of future processes and results is made based on a strategic analysis of the enterprise's activities, risks, opportunities to change the situation in its favor, etc., and not by observing existing trends.
  2. This is a more time-consuming and resource-consuming method, but it gives more accurate and complete information in the end.

The process of carrying out this planning in the company is carried out using the following actions:

  1. Determination of the most important long-term tasks and goals.
  2. Organization of strategically significant departments in the company.
  3. Setting goals when conducting research activities in the marketing field.
  4. Analysis of the current situation and determination of the vector of development in the economic sphere.
  5. Planning for increasing production, developing a marketing strategy for the company as a whole.
  6. Definition of a set of tools to achieve the goals.
  7. Carrying out control measures with adjustment of the strategy, if necessary.

Strategic planning has its own characteristics:

  • it is characterized by a constant analysis of external activities to identify potential risks, problems that may affect the work, as well as trends, development alternatives, etc.;
  • the economic activity of the enterprise easily adapts to changing circumstances;
  • all the time there is a process of optimization of tasks;
  • it is focused on the most important formed goals and stages of development of the company;
  • planning in the company is optimally distributed from higher to lower positions;
  • there is a constant correlation of tactical and strategic plans.

The advantages of this type of planning are as follows:

  1. Plans are based on reasonable probabilities and event forecasts.
  2. The company's management has the ability to set long-term goals.
  3. It is possible to make decisions based on the set strategic plans.
  4. At the same time, the risk in making one or another decision is reduced.
  5. Unites the set goals and their performers.

However, in addition to the benefits, there are a number of shortcomings.

Strategic planning does not, by virtue of its nature, give a clear description of the future. The result of this type of planning will be the creation of a model of potential behavior and the desired market position of the company in the future, but it remains unclear whether the company will remain afloat until then.

Strategic planning does not have a clear algorithm for drawing up and implementing a plan. Goals are set and achieved through the following actions:

  • the company constantly monitors external activity;
  • Goal setting staff have about a greater degree of professionalism and creative thinking;
  • the company is actively innovating;
  • All employees are involved in the implementation of the goals.

Strategic planning needs to invest a lot of resources, financial and time. Traditional planning does not require such efforts.

The consequences of non-fulfillment of strategic plans are usually much more serious than with conventional planning.

Planning alone will not produce results. Mechanisms for the implementation of the tasks set should be prepared.

The process of strategic planning at the enterprise is necessary to identify potential development options in the economic and social spheres of the state as a whole. Company and government bodies should cooperate on the exchange of information on a voluntary basis.

What is the system of strategic planning in the enterprise

The concept of strategic planning today consists of the following points "decision - change - control". That is, it can be said that this species planning is based on three elements: deciding to do something, making certain changes after that, and monitoring the result. Each element represents an organized process.

Strategic planning is provided thanks to various subsystems of the enterprise: personnel, methodological, information and analytical. In other words, strategic planning can be represented as a set of subsystems that, when interacting, make it possible to achieve the set goals.

Subsystem for making strategic decisions

This element consists of methods for identifying company problems, analyzing effective ways to eliminate them, and making decisions that improve the organization's performance in the future. The subsystem includes a certain circle of people dealing with the identified problems, as well as a set of actions to analyze and find optimal solutions.

Change management subsystem

This element is a set of tools that allows you to develop plans and prepare projects for making necessary changes into the structure or functional activities of the company.

However, no plans will arise, and no programs will materialize on their own. This requires proactive people. It is these people who, together with managers, carry out the processes of strategizing, planning and business modeling.

  1. In strategizing, management works out a vision of the company's future place in the external economy, its activities and the means by which this position will be achieved.
  2. With the help of planning, alternative activities of the company in a given situation are discussed, fact-based assumptions are made about what awaits it in the future;
  3. In business modeling, models of a company's business behavior are built or modified based on long-term goals and a defined mission.

Strategic control subsystem

This element allows you to evaluate how the chosen strategy is being implemented, what changes are taking place inside the company and in its external activities, how the goals set correspond to the developed plans, and also allows you to change the scenario for the development of the strategic plan if necessary.

They control the already completed part of previously planned programs and projects. The results should be summed up necessarily, to motivate leaders. Reports should include not only the results obtained, but also the strategic problems that have occurred or are likely to occur.

Information and analytical subsystem

With the help of this element, all direct participants in the strategic planning process are provided with the latest and most relevant information about events taking place inside and outside the company.

This subsystem is aimed at the full implementation of the set strategic tasks through the use of information sources and technologies.

That is, it does not just inform participants about everyday processes. In addition to daily formal reporting, it has tasks of a more global level.

Methodological subsystem

This subsystem is created to carry out the process of full information support of the enterprise during the development of a strategic plan. Information is obtained, analyzed and applied.

The methodological aspect of the company's activities consists of various methods of collecting and applying strategically important information in the process of management, setting strategic goals and monitoring their implementation. It also represents the tools for the implementation of the strategic objectives.

Organizational and personnel subsystem

This element is the interaction of organizational activities and personnel policy. With competent leadership, they organize special forms of interaction in the enterprise, which are used in the formulation and implementation of strategic plans.

Strategic planning management subsystem

The specified subsystem is used to carry out strategies and developed plans, the management process and control over it, as well as to find out how effective the ongoing processes are and whether there is a need to improve them.

The implementation of the activity of this subsystem occurs with the help of a specially organized autonomous unit. It is engaged in the implementation of the developed strategies, organizes the processes necessary for this, controls their implementation and results. All this is done with the support of the regulatory and methodological framework and on the basis of official documents.

Phased organization of strategic planning at the enterprise

The setting of strategic goals at the enterprise goes through the following stages:

Stage 1. Defining the mission of the enterprise

The process of identifying the mission involves an answer to the question why the enterprise exists, what is its role and place in the foreign economic sphere. The establishment of a strategic mission is significant for the implementation of the enterprise, both internal and external activities. In internal activities, a clear defined role helps staff feel unity, adhere to a culture of behavior.

In external activities, a clearly stated mission helps to establish a single image of the company in the market, only its own image, tells about the role of the enterprise in the economic and social spheres, as well as how it should be perceived by customers.

The mission statement consists of four elements:

  • study of the history of the emergence and activities of the company;
  • study of the field of activity;
  • definition of the main goals;
  • strategic aspirations of the company.

Stage 2. Formulation of goals and objectives of the functioning of the enterprise

The goals set do not just show the state that the company will reach after achieving them, they should also motivate employees to achieve them.

Therefore, goals must meet the following parameters:

  • functionality - it is important to determine the functions of the set goals, since the manager must be able to adapt the goal and delegate it in a suitable form;
  • selectivity - certain resources are always attracted to achieve the goal. But in case of their insufficiency, some specific goals should be allocated, on which it is necessary to concentrate, and for the achievement of which resources and efforts are used. That is, there is a kind of selectivity of goals;
  • plurality - goals and objectives are set for all important areas in the activities of the enterprise;
  • achievable, realistic – goals must be realistic. Employees must see that even though achieving the goal will require very hard work, in the end it is possible to achieve them, they lie within the possibilities. Setting unrealistic, unattainable goals demotivates, negatively affects the activities of employees and, as a result, the company as a whole;
  • flexibility - it should be possible to change the goal or means of achieving it in the process of working on its implementation, if this is required by factors in the external or internal activities of the company;
  • measurability - the goal should be measurable both in quantitative and qualitative terms, and not only at the time of setting, but also during work on its implementation;
  • compatibility - all goals set in the company must be combined with each other. That is, long-term goals should meet the requirements of the company's mission, and goals for a shorter time period should stem from long-term goals;
  • acceptability - at the time of goal setting, the interests of business owners, managers, company employees, partners, customers, etc. should be taken into account;
  • Specific – The goal must be clearly stated. From it it should be clear in what key the company will act, what will happen when the goal is achieved, what the results will be, who is involved in its implementation and for how long.

The structure of goals in setting plans is revealed in two ways. The first is centralization. It represents the setting of goals by the management of the company. The second approach is decentralization. In this case, both management and employees at all levels are involved in goal setting.

The structure of goals is determined through the sequential passage of four stages:

  • processing data on the external activities of the enterprise;
  • setting clear global goals;
  • alignment of goals in order of importance;
  • setting specific goals for certain events.

Stage 3. Analysis and assessment of the external environment

When analyzing external activity and the environment, two components are taken into account: the macro environment and the micro environment:

When studying the macro environment, the following elements are analyzed:

  • economic activity and its level of development;
  • legal support;
  • social and cultural spheres of life;
  • the level of technical and scientific development;
  • infrastructure level;
  • the political state of society;
  • resource level, state environment.

The microenvironment of the company includes those firms that are in direct interaction with the company, that is, the enterprises that are constantly in contact with it are studied. These include:

  • supplier firms;
  • firms-consumers of manufactured products;
  • intermediary organizations, including between the company under study and the state (tax service, Insurance companies etc.);
  • competing enterprises;
  • various companies, commercial and not, that influence the formed public image of the company (for example, the media, the Consumer Rights Protection Society, etc.).

Stage 4. Analysis and evaluation of the internal structure of the enterprise

Study internal environment enterprise helps to understand what resources and potential opportunities are available for the company in moving towards its goals.

At the same time, analysis and study is carried out in the following areas:

  • marketing;
  • production;
  • research and innovation;
  • product distribution;
  • resource opportunities.

Analytical work in this case involves the study of potential risks for the company's activities, as well as to determine the positive and negative traits characteristic of the firm.

Studies of external and internal factors are carried out using the following matrix methods:

  • Stickland and Thompson;
  • Boston Advisory Group;
  • SWOT analysis.

Stage 5. Development and analysis of strategic alternatives

Alternatives are worked out to determine ways to achieve the goals and objectives defined in the mission of the organization. The scenario will depend on the position of the company that exists on this moment.

At the same time, when working out a strategic alternative, you need to decide on three points:

  • what activities are being liquidated;
  • what activities are ongoing;
  • in which business direction to start a new activity.

The strategy is developed on the basis of the following areas:

  • reaching the level of a leader in the position of reducing production costs;
  • permanent presence and development of activities in a certain area of ​​the market;
  • constant and high-quality production of the established assortment.

Stage 6. Choosing a strategy

In order to choose the most effective strategy, you need to rely on a clearly built and coordinated system of the company's activities. The choice of strategy should be clear and unambiguous. That is, one direction should be chosen, which is most suitable for the activities of this company. The stages at which the strategy is developed and the form in which it is communicated to the team have a generalized form and may change depending on the activities of the company.

Stage 7. Implementation of the strategy

This process is a very important link in the company's activities. After all, if successful, it will lead to the full implementation of the set strategic plans. Implementation is carried out using a set of actions: various programs and procedures are developed, from which plans are made for long-term and long-term short terms. For a complete implementation, perform the following steps:

  • familiarize employees of the company with the goals set so that they take part in the process of achieving them;
  • the company always provides the resources necessary for successful implementation, prepares a plan for its implementation;
  • in carrying out activities to achieve the set goals, managers at each level act in accordance with their authority and assigned tasks.

Stage 8. Evaluation of the chosen (implemented) strategy

The strategy is evaluated by the answer to the question - will the company be able to achieve the goals? If the developed strategy gives a positive answer to this question, then it is further analyzed according to the following parameters:

  • how it correlates with the demands of external activity;
  • how it correlates with the development potential of the company;
  • how acceptable is the level of risk in this strategy.

The implementation of the strategy is evaluated. Feedback helps to control this process and make changes if necessary.

Methods of strategic planning in the enterprise

There is a classification of strategic planning methods in the enterprise, depending on the point in time they are applied.

Method 1. SWOT analysis

This type of analysis was created to determine the effectiveness / inefficiency of the company's activities in the foreign market. This is a kind of quintessence of a large analytical volume of information that allows you to understand and draw a conclusion about the next steps of the enterprise. Where should he move, how to develop, how to distribute resources. As a result of this analysis, a marketing strategy or intended behavior is created in order to test it.

The classic SWOT analysis method works by comparing the company with the most significant competitors. Based on the results obtained, the pros and cons of the enterprise, risks and possible successes are identified.

Method 2. "Tree of goals"

This method involves dividing the most global goal into smaller tasks, which are also divided into even smaller ones. The method is very important for learning various systems management, because it is possible to represent the activities of the company in the form of a consistent implementation of the goals and objectives. The “tree of goals” method should be used, if only because it allows you to create a backbone, a stable framework that will remain unchanged under changing factors and circumstances.

Method 3. BCG matrix

This tool is also called Matrix BCG. It is used for strategic analysis of the company and its products in the economic and commercial field of activity. For analysis, data are taken by volume market share the enterprise and its growth. This method is quite simple, but at the same time very effective. Therefore, it is used not only in the economic, but also in the marketing and management spheres. Using the matrix, you can see the most successful and the most illiquid products or departments of the company. With its help, a marketer or manager will understand which product or department of the company should be allocated resources to develop, and which should be reduced or removed altogether.

Method 4. McKinsey Matrix

This kind of matrix as a planning tool was developed by a specially created McKinsey department. The order for the development was given by General Electric. The method is an improved BCG matrix. However, in comparison with the latter, it allows more floating funding for the strategy being pursued. For example, if on the basis of the analysis it is found that the company is weak as a competitor in the market, and the dynamics of market growth is not visible, then the financing of activities in this area can still be continued. Since there is a possibility of reducing the risk in this area or the emergence of a synergy effect due to more efficient work in other areas of activity.

Method 5. Ansoff matrix

This type of matrix is ​​a method of analysis in strategic management, invented by Igor Ansoff. It is also called the product-market matrix.

This matrix can be represented as a coordinate field, where the company's products (existing and new) will be located on the horizontal axis, and the markets in which the company is present (already used and potential new ones) will be located on the vertical axis. The intersection of the axes gives four points.

The resulting matrix gives 4 options marketing strategies to increase the sales volume and/or to maintain the existing volume: reaching new markets, developing in the current sales market, developing the assortment, expanding the markets and product range.

The appropriate option is chosen based on how often the company can update the range and how saturated the market is at the moment. You can combine two or more options.

  1. Coverage of new markets - entering new markets with an existing product. At the same time, markets are assumed to be of different scales - international, regional, national;
  2. Development in the current sales market - carrying out various activities from the marketing sphere in order to strengthen the position of the product in the market;
  3. Development of the product range - the offer of new products in the existing market in order to strengthen the position of the company;
  4. Diversification - expanding sales markets, attracting new markets, as well as expanding the range of products. However, one should be wary of dispersing efforts.

Scenario planning- not so long ago appeared a tool for setting strategic plans for the enterprise. With its help, alternative scenarios for the future of the company are developed. This method analyzes the external activities of the organization and combines both the known actual information and the assumed important points in the formation of the scenario. Developed alternatives in without fail combine predestinations (which just exist at the moment) and as yet undefined development options important points activities. The enterprise strategy for strategic planning, developed on the basis of the scenario method, is characterized by flexibility and allows the company to successfully operate in different situations.

Method 6. SADT Method

Another method called Structured Analysis and Design Technique (abbreviated as SADT) is a set of actions with which a model is built. a certain object in a certain area. It is a method of analyzing and creating projections. With its help, the functional structure of the object is determined, in other words, the connection between the actions it performs and the analysis of the actions themselves.

Method 7. IDEF0

As a continuation of the previous one, the IDEF0 method was developed, the essence of which is to build a model and graph of the object's functionality. It describes business processes with an indication of the subordinate relationship of objects, and also formalizes them. The method explores the logical connection of works, but not their temporal sequence. The received information can be represented as a "black box" with holes for inputs and outputs, mechanisms inside, the outlines of which gradually appear up to the desired level. With the help of IDEF0, projects are organized to model various processes (for example, organizational, administrative, etc.).

  • How to find inspiration for solving strategic problems

What are the problems associated with strategic planning of enterprise development

Today there is a sad tendency to reject the method of global strategic planning by a layer key managers. And it makes you wonder why. And was there even a period when strategic management was popular and applied everywhere? It can be concluded that the "golden formula", which they tried to derive and apply, did not work, and this happened due to several factors. Here are some of the reasons that influenced the current businessmen's assessment of the current situation in the field of strategic planning.

  1. One of the main reasons is that the link "enterprise strategy - underlying projects and activities", even with the help of BSC, turns out to be very cumbersome. Real events show that correlation is needed, for example, for corporate cards, but this is unprofitable due to the lack of free resources.
  2. Today, strategic planning and its methods are too static, mechanistic, do not have the necessary flexibility. Therefore, at certain stages, the constructed model turns out to be irrelevant. Scenario modeling could be called upon to help create models of various versions of the current business, but this would require additional funding to organize a special planning structure.
  3. The third reason is a purely Russian problem, which lies in the fact that the basis of strategic planning in business is capital and profit growth. And on the one hand, this is a worthy goal, especially from the point of view of a business owner. But in our country, this position allows the number of investors-speculators to grow above the number of conscientious key shareholders. Moreover, the attitude to the strategic tasks set by these two sides usually differs radically. The first type, in the end, wants to sell his block of shares as profitably as possible, so capital gains are important to him. A strategy developed under the influence of such a message can be said to devalue the very fact of setting strategic goals.

Does all of the above mean that planning for the future is no longer developed in Russian business? The answer is no. There are development prospects, but we should look for them not in copying Western business models and theories of business schools, but in carrying out scientific research and developments in this industry in the domestic market. Strategy as the top of the management model needs ideological support from business owners, but this is not the end of the matter.

And although domestic business is in the global business system, it has its own distinct specifics. There is a possibility that in the near future it will be increasingly nationalized. In this regard, the development new system setting strategic goals can be created using both state ideology and new methods of development in business. If the state found a way to sponsor the study and development of new concepts, to supplement strategic management with new research, then this would contribute to a greater and better breakthrough of our companies into the international economy.

  • Essence and content of strategic activity planning.
  • Stages of strategic planning for the development of the company.
  • Structure and content of strategic plans.

Essence and content of strategic planning

The current pace of change in the economy is so great that strategic planning seems the only way formal forecasting of future problems and opportunities.

Strategic planning provides top management with:

  • means of creating a plan for the long term,
  • o the basis for making decisions that help reduce risk when decision making,
  • o integration of goals and objectives structural divisions enterprises.

Strategic planning- this is the process of developing and implementing an enterprise development strategy in the future based on predicting changes in the parameters of the external environment, determining priority areas for development and methods effective use strategic resources. It focuses on changes and innovations, their stimulation, is based on actions that are ahead of changes in environmental conditions, anticipate risks and capture opportunities to accelerate the development of the enterprise.

Differences between strategic planning and traditional forward planning:

The future is determined not by extrapolation of historical development trends, but by strategic analysis, i.e. identification of possible situations, dangers, chances of the enterprise that can change the current trends;

A much more complex process, but also leads to more significant and predictable results.

The process of strategic planning in enterprises includes the following interrelated functions:

1) determination of a long-term strategy, basic ideals, goals and objectives of the enterprise development;

2) creation of strategic business units at the enterprise;

3) substantiation and clarification of the main objectives of conducting market research;

4) implementation of situational analysis and choice of the direction of economic growth of the company;

5) development of the main marketing strategy and integrated production planning;

6) choice of tactics and refined planning of ways and means to achieve the goals;

7) control and evaluation of the main results, adjustment of the chosen strategy and methods of its implementation.

Strategic planning, along with general ones, has special principles:

Strategic focus of environmental analysis to identify key issues that significantly affect the functioning of the enterprise, analyze development alternatives, identify opportunities for changing existing and emerging trends, etc.;

Orientation to a system of management that easily adapts to changes in the external and internal environment of the enterprise;

Optimization of the time horizon for solving strategic problems;

Focus on strategic points of growth and priority areas for the development of the enterprise and its divisions;

Ensuring optimal decentralization in organizing planning;

Relationship between strategic and tactical planning.

The main advantage of strategic planning lies in the greater degree of validity of planned indicators, the greater likelihood of the implementation of the planned scenarios for the development of events. Along with the obvious advantages, strategic planning has a number of disadvantages that limit its scope:

1. Strategic planning does not give due to its essence detailed description future. Its result is a qualitative description of the state to which the company should strive in the future, what position it can and should occupy in the market in order to answer the main question whether the company will survive or not in the future. competition in future.

2. Strategic planning does not have a clear algorithm for drawing up and implementing the plan. The goals of strategic planning are ensured by the following factors:

high professionalism and creativity of planners;

 close connection of the company with the external environment;

active innovation policy;

inclusion of all employees of the enterprise in the implementation of the goals and objectives of the strategic plan.

3. The process of strategic planning requires significant resources and time for its implementation in comparison with traditional advanced technical and economic planning.

4. The negative consequences of strategic planning, as a rule, are much more serious than traditional long-term ones.

5. By itself, strategic planning cannot bring results. It should be complemented by mechanisms for the implementation of the strategic plan.

Strategic plans of enterprises are needed not only by him. They should serve as a basis for developing and refining forecasts of the economic and social development countries. At the same time, the exchange of reliable information between enterprises and higher authorities and market infrastructure should be voluntary and mutually beneficial.

Stages of strategic planning for the development of a company

Strategic planning has its own technology. The strategic planning process includes the following steps:

Defining the mission of the enterprise (firm);

Formulation of goals and objectives of the functioning of the enterprise;

Analysis and assessment of the external environment;

Analysis and evaluation of the internal structure of the enterprise;

Development and analysis of strategic alternatives;

Choice of strategy.

Strategic planning is the most important function of strategic management. The process of strategic management, in addition to strategic planning, also includes the implementation of the strategy, evaluation and control of the implementation of the strategy.

Consider main components of strategic planning.

1. Defining the mission of the enterprise

This process consists in establishing the meaning of the existence of the enterprise, its purpose, role and place in a market economy.

The strategic mission of the enterprise is important for both internal and external areas of the enterprise. Within the enterprise, its clearly articulated strategic mission provides staff with an understanding of the enterprise's goals and helps to develop a unified position that contributes to the strengthening of the enterprise's business culture. Outside the enterprise, its clearly developed strategic mission helps to strengthen the integral image of the enterprise and create its unique image, explains what economic and social role it seeks to play and what kind of perception on the part of buyers it achieves.

The definition of the strategic mission of the enterprise is based on four mandatory elements:

history of the enterprise;

 areas of activity;

priority goals and limitations;

 basic strategic aspirations.

2. Formulation of goals and objectives of the functioning of the enterprise

Goals and objectives should reflect the level to which customer service activities need to be brought. They should create motivation for people working in the firm.

The requirements for goals are:

functionality - the goals must be functional so that managers at various levels can transform the goals that are set at a higher level of management into tasks for lower levels;

 selectivity - goals should provide the necessary concentration of resources and efforts. In conditions of limited resources, the main production tasks should be allocated, on which it is necessary to concentrate human, financial and material resources. Therefore, goals should be selective, not all-encompassing;

 plurality - it is necessary to set goals in all areas on which the viability of the enterprise depends;

 achievability, reality - an unrealistic goal leads to demotivation of employees, to the loss of their orientation, which negatively affects the activities of the enterprise. Therefore, goals should be tense enough so as not to discourage employees. At the same time, they must be achievable, that is, not go beyond the capabilities of the performers;

flexibility - the ability to adjust goals in accordance with changes in the external and internal environment of the company in the process of their implementation;

 measurability - the possibility of quantitative and qualitative assessment of goals both in the process of setting them and in the process of implementation;

Compatibility - all targets in the system must be compatible. Long-term goals should correspond to the mission of the enterprise, and short-term - long-term;

 acceptability - this quality means the compatibility of the company's goals with the own interests of its owners and employees, as well as taking into account the interests of partners, customers, suppliers and society as a whole;

 specificity - this characteristic of the goals helps to unambiguously determine in which direction the company should operate, what needs to be obtained as a result of achieving the goal, in what time frame it should be implemented, who should implement it.

There are two approaches to the process of structuring goals in planning: centralized and decentralized;

1. The centralized approach assumes that the system of goals at all levels of the firm's hierarchy is determined by top management.

2. With a decentralized method, all lower levels participate in the process of structuring along with top management.

From the point of view of goal justification technology, the algorithm for their structuring includes four successive stages:

Identification and analysis of trends in the external environment;

 Establishing the final goals of the company;

 building a hierarchy of goals;

 setting individual (local) goals.

3. Analysis and assessment of the external environment

The analysis of the external environment involves the study of its two components: macroenvironment and microenvironment (environment of the immediate environment).

Analysis of the macro environment includes the study of the impact on the firm of such components of the environment as:

The state of the economy,

Legal regulation,

political processes, natural environment and resources

The social and cultural components of society,

Scientific and technological level,

Infrastructure, etc.

The environment of the immediate environment of the enterprise, i.e. The microenvironment of an enterprise consists of those market participants with which the enterprise has direct relations:

Suppliers of resources and consumers of its products,

Intermediaries - financial, trade, marketing, state economic structures (tax, insurance, etc.);

competing companies,

Mass media, consumer societies, etc., which have a certain influence on the formation of the image of the enterprise.

4. Analysis and evaluation of the internal structure of the enterprise

An analysis of the internal environment allows you to determine the internal capabilities and potential that a company can count on in the competition in the process of achieving its goals.

The internal environment is investigated in the following areas:

Research and development,




Product promotion.

The analysis carried out in strategic planning is aimed at identifying the threats and opportunities that may arise in the external environment in relation to the company, the strengths and weaknesses that the company has. To analyze the external and internal environment in strategic planning, methods such as:

SWOT analysis method,

Thompson and Stickland matrix,

Matrix of the Boston Advisory Group, etc.

The most common method for studying the internal environment of an enterprise is the SWOT analysis method. It can be carried out from 1-2 hours to several days. In the first case, conclusions are drawn on the basis of an express survey, in the second case, on the basis of studying documents, developing a model of the situation, and discussing problems in detail with stakeholders. At the same time, a quantitative assessment of strengths and weaknesses makes it possible to set priorities and, on their basis, allocate resources between different areas of economic growth. Next, they formulate the problems that can arise with each combination of strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise. So get the problem field of the enterprise.

Along with the methods of studying the threats, opportunities, strengths and weaknesses of the company, the method of compiling its profile can be applied. With its help, it is possible to assess the relative importance for the company of individual environmental factors.

5. Development and analysis of strategic alternatives

At this stage of strategic planning, decisions are made about how the firm will achieve its goals and realize the corporate mission. The content of the strategy depends on the situation in which the company is located. When developing a strategy, a firm usually faces three questions:

1. what activities to stop,

2.what to continue,

3.Which business to go to?

In a market economy, there are three directions for the formation of a strategy:

Achieving leadership in minimizing production costs;

Specialization in the production of a certain type of product (service);

Fixing a certain market segment and concentrating the firm's efforts on this segment.

6. Choosing a strategy

To make effective strategic choices, top-level executives must have a clear, shared vision for the firm. Therefore, the strategic choice must be definite and unambiguous. At this stage, from all the strategies considered, one should be chosen that best meets the needs of the company.

The considered stages of developing a strategic plan and the form of its presentation are of a general nature and can be modified in accordance with the specifics of a particular enterprise.

Lecture, abstract. The essence and content of strategic planning - the concept and types. Classification, essence and features.

Structure and content of strategic plans

The concept and content of the strategic plan of the organization

The main document of strategic planning in the enterprise - strategic plan. His structure could be the following:

Foreword (summary);

1.Goals of the enterprise

2. Current activities and long-term goals

3.Marketing strategy

4. Strategy for using the competitive advantages of the enterprise

5. Production strategy

6.Social strategy

7.Strategy of resource support for production

8.Strategic financial plan enterprises

9.R&D strategy

10.Strategy of foreign economic relations of the enterprise

11. Management strategy


The preface characterizes the general state of the enterprise:

 types of manufactured products, their significance in terms of competitiveness, quality and safety of use,

main technical and economic performance indicators for the last 5 years and for the planned period,

a brief description of resource potential,

Key indicators of technology, organization, management.

The preface should be short, businesslike, specific. It is developed last, after substantiation of all sections of the strategic plan.

1. In the section "Goals and objectives of the enterprise" they formulate the goals of the enterprise, determine its organizational and legal form, charter and features.

The most significant in market conditions are financial goals:

Volume of sales;

The amount of profit;

Sales and profit growth rate;

The rate of return on all capital (or all assets);

The ratio of profit to sales volume.

2. In the section "Current activities and long-term tasks":

disclose the organizational enterprise structure,

 characterize the manufactured goods, their competitiveness in specific markets,

 show the company's connections with the external environment, verified partners,

consider technical and economic indicators entrepreneurial activity over the past 5 years and into the future.

3. Section "Marketing strategy" includes the development of the following components.

 Product strategy - develop standard solutions(approaches) on modification, creation of a new product and withdrawal of products from the market.

targeted programs - in the practice of Russian enterprises, such targeted programs as "Health", "Housing", etc. are developed;

social protection of employees - it is advisable to establish at the enterprise at the expense of profit additional compensation workers, pensioners, women-mothers, to provide workers with products and goods of prime necessity and increased demand.

7. In the section "Strategy of resource support for production" highlight:

resource support for production and narrow places in the organization of the use of production potential;

development of a new strategy for providing production with all types of resources;

feasibility study and coordination of measures to implement a new strategy for ensuring production.

8. In the section "Strategic financial plan of the enterprise" form and determine the use of financial resources to implement the strategy of the enterprise. This allows you to create and modify financial resources, define them rational use to achieve the goals of the enterprise in a changing environment. The development of a financial strategy should be preceded by a deep economic analysis activities of the enterprise, including analysis economic activity and determining its financial capabilities.

9. In the section "R & D strategy" consider the activities of the enterprise aimed at creating new technologies and types of products. This section highlights the following components:

1. Technological forecasting and planning.

2. R&D structure.

3. R&D management.

The specifics of the work requires an adequate management system, flexible, able to make the best use of the qualification potential, with an informal organizational structure, readiness for rapid restructuring, strict control over the timing and efficiency of work.

When developing a strategy, capturing changes in the internal and external environment in a timely manner allows you to reduce losses or gain benefits based on response actions. A special role in the trapping mechanism is occupied by Information system, which should be the same for the entire control system.

Reformulation is the process of revising the goals and developing an adjusted strategy for the development of the enterprise. However, reformulation is not a strategy-making process, because it does not affect all the elements of the strategy, but only corrects it.

One of the most complex processes in management strategy is putting the strategy into action. New goals are not always correctly perceived by the employees of the enterprise, since they do not affect their interests. In addition, people get used to working in conditions of stability, so the introduction of a new strategy meets resistance on their part. There is a need to control resistance.

Applications usually contain the following materials:

Characteristics of competitors;

Instructions, methods, standards, descriptions of technologies, programs and other supporting materials;

Initial data for calculations;

Explanatory notes, etc.

The given composition and content of sections strategic plan exemplary. At a particular enterprise, managers, taking into account the recommendations guidelines planning, independently build a strategic plan.

Strategic planning- this is the process of determining the future position of the organization, depending on the external conditions of activity. It is based on a systematic and situational approach. The initial element is to consider the organization as an open system.

Based on this, in strategic planning, the main source of the organization's success is established in the external environment. The result of the strategic planning procedure is the definition of the mission, goals, strategy and allocation of resources.

Under the strategy of the organization is understood the general program of actions of organizations, taking into account the importance of tasks, resources and actions.

The need for strategic planning in modern conditions arises in connection with changes in the external environment, which requires changes in the activities of the organization.

Stages of strategic planning:

1) mission and goals.

The mission of the organization is the purpose of the organization in society, this is its main public goal, i.e. for what it exists in society. The mission reveals the meaning of the organization, the specific status of the organization.

Mission value:

a) is the basis for all planning decisions of the organization, for determining the goals and objectives of the organization,

b) the mission gives general idea on the organization and content of the forms of property of the organization,

c) the mission as the general goal of the organization unites the actions of all employees.

Targets, what tasks the organization is aimed at solving,

The scope of the organization

The philosophy, values ​​that are accepted in the organization should be reflected,

Ways to carry out activities.

Goals are defined based on the mission.

is a specific end state or desired outcome. Most organizations are multipurpose in nature.

Goals are divided into:

A) economic - quantitative and qualitative,

B) non-economic - improve working conditions.

All goals are divided into:

a) strategic - they are aimed at solving large-scale programs, relate to the organization as a whole, these are long-term goals, they are set by top managers,

b) tactical - aimed at solving problems, these are medium-term goals, set by middle-level managers, operational goals - they are aimed at solving current problems, short-term goals, set by lower-level managers.

Goals are developed in the main areas:

* position in the market,

* innovation,




*control aspects,


* social responsibility.

They usually choose three main areas in which goals are developed. The goals of any organization form a hierarchy of goals. Highlight goals high level, then subsequent ones. Based on the hierarchy of goals, the structure of the management apparatus is developed.

There are 2 main ways of forming goals:

1. centralized - goals are set by the highest level of management of the organization, dignity - all goals are subject to a single orientation, minus - lower levels may not accept these goals,

2. decentralized - 2 schemes: a) the development of goals goes from top to bottom, but at the same time, each next level determines its own goals based on a higher level, b) setting goals goes from bottom to top, these goals serve as the basis for developing a higher level.) ;

2)environment analysis.

Is the basis. It allows you to strategize.

* identification of factors of the external and internal environment that may affect the ability of the organization to achieve its goals.

The external environment includes the background (state of the economy, political environment) and business (suppliers, intermediaries, consumers, competitors). After that, information about the internal and external environment is evaluated. The main purpose of evaluating this information is to determine the negative and positive impacts on the organization's future performance.

Are used various methods assessments - SWOT matrix, finds out the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. As well as opportunities and threats.

3) choice of strategy.

4 basic strategies:

1. stability strategy - the organization chooses its strategy based on what has been achieved,

2. growth strategy - a significant increase in the performance of the organization, a riskier path of action,

3. reduction strategy - separation of part of its activities,

4.combined - any combination of previously noted strategies, approx. large organizations.

4) execution of the strategy.

In order to implement the strategy, it is necessary to implement the conditions.

To create conditions, strategic measurements are carried out - 3 types:

* radical reorganization, fundamental measurements,

* drastic changes

*moderate changes.

To carry out the implementation of the strategy, an implementation mechanism is required, it includes 4 elements:

1. tactics - specific, short-term stages of the strategy,

2.politics - general guidelines for action and decision-making,

3. procedures are actions that must be taken in a particular situation,

4. rules - precise instructions in a particular situation.);

5) evaluation and control of implementation.

The possibilities of further implementation of the strategy, the establishment of a strategy in achieving the goals set are clarified. Availability feedback means that after completing the step, it is possible to return to the previous step.

Sincerely, Young Analyst

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