What photo is needed for an old-style passport. What should be the photo on the old passport

If you are going to apply for a passport, remember that two options are currently available - for 5 years and for 10 years. New biometric passport contains more pages, but the former is faster and easier to arrange. The requirements for a photo for an old-style passport have not changed. So, if you are in a hurry, get a passport for five years, traditional.

If you come to apply for a biometric passport, you do not have to worry about photographs - you will be taken right at the passport and visa service department. There are, however, downsides. An instant digital photo cannot be edited; the passport will have a black and white image, which is not always successful.

For clearance foreign passport old-style in 2019, you will have to take photographs in accordance with the requirements listed on the FMS website. In order not to be mistaken, it is better to turn to the services of a professional photographer in the studio. Usually they know how many photos are needed, what requirements are placed on them.

To submit papers, you need to provide four photographs made in accordance with the requirements of the passport service. We advise you to carefully consider the preparation of papers, including photos, because photos that do not fit the parameters may not be accepted. In this case, you will lose time and will not have time to issue a passport on time.

Passport photo requirements

You can see that fulfilling the requirements is not so difficult, but there are some features. For example, a colored background is not allowed. You can not be photographed in a headdress, the ears and oval of the face must be clearly visible. Therefore, photos in bedspreads, scarves that cover the face are not allowed. An exception is made only for persons who constantly wear hats for religious reasons.

The size of the head in the photograph takes up approximately 80% of the total area of ​​the photograph. The person's face should be in focus, clearly visible. The head is in the center of the picture. The image is strictly full face, you can not turn. The facial expression is calm, it is better not to smile, not to grimace.

If you wear glasses all the time, you can take pictures in them, but be sure to ensure that the eyebrow line is not hidden behind a wide frame. Lenses in glasses can only be transparent, not darkened, glare from the flash is not allowed.

Examples of photos that are not suitable for applying for a passport

Remember that the passport photo is very important for proof of identity. In the old passport it is the only way identify the owner, because it does not contain encoded information. The old-style passport does not contain fingerprints or other information that makes it easier to recognize a person.

We recommend that you do not look for old photos, but take photographs again. Remember that the passport will be valid for another five years, so it is in your interest to give fresh photo, made recently, as close as possible to your current appearance. This applies to women who like to change their hair color.

If you do, carefully consider the requirements of the passport office regarding photography. Children grow and change quickly, so it's important to bring a photo taken right before submission.

Today, many people have high-quality cameras. Good optics and a computer program for photo processing allow you to meet strict requirements and take a passport photo yourself.

If you decide to take a photo of yourself, follow these rules:

  • Lighting should be set in such a way that there are no sharp shadows that distort facial features.
  • It is better to use professional equipment with excellent resolution.
  • You can not subject the photo to significant retouching - this changes the appearance.
  • It is important to use a modern photo printer.

If you want to look at the world outside the borders of the Russian Federation, you will need to without fail make a passport.

At the moment, the state makes it possible to make one of two types of this document: the old sample, usable for 5 years, and the new biometric, more complex, with a large number of pages, which can be used for 10 years.

Looking at international passports from such an angle, it seems that issuing a biometric document will be much more profitable and convenient, since the exchange period is longer.

However, with all this, an old-style foreign passport has one significant plus - it can be made much easier, and it turns out faster.

If you decide to issue an old-style passport, be sure to familiarize yourself with all the requirements for its issuance. One of the most important issues will definitely be photography, which has its own number of features.

You should know exactly how you want to take a photo for this document and what size you need so that you don’t have to go through this procedure again later. All questions are answered in detail in our article.

Passport of the old sample: features

To confirm the authenticity of the passport, the pages are covered with protection of different levels

Now, despite the appearance of new passports, the old one has practically not lost its positions.

From this we can say that it has its own characteristics that make the document desirable even for experienced travelers.

An old-style international passport has two undoubted advantages compared to its counterpart.

Speed ​​of issuance - in general, the execution of this document will take no more than 10 days, but in extreme cases it can take as little as 3 days.

Getting a new biometric passport in such a short time is simply unrealistic.

Much lower cost of paying the state fee. Such a foreign passport can be bought for only 2,500 rubles, which is a thousand rubles cheaper than a biometric one.

The old-style international passport is valid for 5 years after its issuance.

It will be beneficial to make such a document for those who rarely travel abroad or who need to change their surname in the near future.

In these cases, the more expensive purchase of a newfangled passport valid for 10 years will simply not be needed, because for almost the entire period of this period the paper information carrier will simply lie on the shelf.

By appearance The old-style international passport has its own characteristics. The Russian coat of arms is depicted on the red cover - a double-headed eagle, English letters written in gold Russian Federation and the word passport.

All of its 36 pages are the same thickness and are made of paper only. The photo is located on the last spread, the page is covered with a film to protect the photo.

To confirm the authenticity of the passport, the pages are covered with protection of different levels, therefore, under the influence of a special lamp, the pages shimmer with different shades.

What is the difference between the old and new pattern?

When a new type of foreign passport appeared in 2009, disputes immediately began, which of the documents has more advantages.

There is no clear answer to this question, so everyone should find a better option for themselves.

In general, the differences between the new and old passports are in the following points:

However, in their effect, both types of passports have equal legal force, which allows you to cross someone else's border.

It should be taken into account that now a number of countries refuse to allow people with old documents, like the UK, to enter their territories, so you should first familiarize yourself with the rules of the country you are going to go to in order to avoid an inconvenient situation.

General photo requirements

There are a number of general requirements that must be followed exactly, since any deviation can lead to a reworking of the photo:

Key photo requirements for an old-style passport

In total, to obtain an old-style passport, you will need to take 3 photos. Only one of them will go directly to the passport, the other two are for questionnaires.

It is advisable to use the most recent photos taken, which have not yet turned six months old, in order to maximize the existing appearance and the changes that have appeared.

Most important requirements presented for photographs for an old-style international passport are as follows:

Key requirements for passport photography

Where is the best place to take a photo?

The best option for obtaining a photo for an old-style international passport is to contact a salon with a professional photographer.

First of all, because the salon employees are well aware of the requirements for documents, therefore, from the first time they will create the most best option.

In addition, they know how to properly adjust the light and play with the surrounding background so that the image does not turn out to be too dark or light.

How to take a photo yourself

If you have high-quality photographic equipment at home and the skills to work with computer programs for photo processing, it is possible to make a high-quality photo yourself at home.

The most important thing here is not to get carried away with Photoshop and not to edit facial features, as this will later make identification difficult.

First of all, prepare yourself for photography, dress properly, tidy yourself up in accordance with the requirements:

How to take a photo through the State Services portal?

If you are applying for a passport through the State Services portal, then you will definitely need to upload an electronic version of the photo.

In the cabin, you can ask to dump it on a USB flash drive or other media.

However, such a photo can be taken independently, the main thing is that it meets the following requirements:

Edit the photo according to all the necessary parameters and start uploading it. While filling out the application, in the section upload your photo, click "Upload".

After that, the image can be rotated, enlarged, reduced so that everything is located along the outlined lines of the head, eyes and shoulders. Save everything and fill out the application further.

Children's photography: the main subtleties

Requirements for a child photo for a passport

Issuing a biometric passport for a child is not a cost-effective option, since children grow up quickly enough and constant photo replacement is required so that the child can be identified.

You will need to provide 2 photos measuring 35 by 45 mm in full face, without a headdress.

It does not matter if they are in color or black and white, however, photographs are required right before applying for a document.

It is very difficult to take a high-quality instant photo of a child, especially a minor.

There should not be toys in his hands, there simply should not be another person in the photo, so it becomes impossible to hold the child in his arms.

The cost of a photo for an old-style passport

In general, in different salons, the price can vary quite a lot, but the quality rarely depends on this.

It is very important to choose right place to get a high quality image, and price category becomes not such a big question:

  • For adults. From 250 to 500 rubles for 4 photos.
  • For kids. From 200 to 350 rubles for 2 photos.

Public services do not impose special requirements on where exactly photographs are taken, so you can take them yourself, but it is best to contact a professional salon.

You should pay great attention to the image taken, this is especially true for old-style passports.

The tightening of visa control in the EU countries was adopted in 2015. In this regard, foreigners had to obtain a Schengen visa - permission to enter the country. In the international passport for registration, you must provide a biometric photo.

Biometrics is recognized as a new technology of the future for personal identification. requirements for this scientific system knowledge appeared in the Schengen countries to create a single sample of a photograph of a person on all documents.

Examples of good photos

A regular digital photo will not work for a Schengen visa. A special snapshot of certain standards is needed. The main features of a biometric photo include:

  • A person is photographed for a passport, on a light or white background.
  • The size of the photo of the new sample must be: 3.5 × 4.5 cm. If the conditions are not met, the visa will be refused.
  • You can't smile or show your teeth in the photo.
  • Full body biometric photography is prohibited.

You can take a picture for a passport in any photo studio in Russian cities. A professional photographer, using special programs, can remove or add the missing millimeters of hair on the head, zoom in or out on the face, correct the hairstyle, slightly change the skin tone and, if necessary, use the “retouch” function. The photo must be in color. The type of paper does not matter.

Among the features of a foreign passport, a photo taken recently (about 6 months ago) is distinguished. However, it is not recommended to change the shape of the nose, change the color of the eyes, remove the second chin and wrinkles - you may not be recognized at the passport control point.

Additional photo requirements

The embedded microchip in the biometric passport is valid for 10 years. The photo on the biometric passport of the new sample must be fresh. Its characteristics are the following requirements:

Examples of bad photos

  • Two photographs are enough for a biometric passport to attach them to documents.
  • Additional photographs are taken at the FMS office at the place of residence or registration.
  • It is better to be photographed on a biometric passport in the same type of clothes in dark colors.
  • The person being photographed must be without a headdress. The exception is the religious beliefs of citizens from the countries of the Muslim world.
  • Face lighting should be uniform, without facial expressions.
  • When wearing glasses all the time, the pupils should be clearly visible in the photograph, the lenses of the glasses should not be tinted (sun protection).
  • A passport photo of a new sample is allowed only in a high-quality image, without any defects.

Compliance with restrictions

Requirements listed above foreign citizens upon receipt of a passport must be observed. Otherwise, the biometric photo will not be accepted by the country's embassy. The conditions under the ban will help to avoid such a problem:

  • Headbands, hats, dark glasses in the photo are not allowed. Exception: blindfolds subject to medical intervention.
  • The photo of children on the biometric passport must reflect the face of the child. The baby's gaze should look into the lens. Frontal position of the head.
  • It is forbidden to be photographed in uniform.
  • The background and clothes of the photographed person should not have red, yellow, orange, shades of pink. The red-eye effect is unacceptable.
  • It is not recommended to use old photos taken last year. Photos must be updated every six months.
  • Photos that are too dark or too light will not be accepted.
  • Head tilt is not allowed.
  • Without shading.

Electronic version of the photo

The picture taken on a biometric passport in a photo studio or in a salon can be asked to transfer the photographer to your flash card. After that, you can upload a photo on the official website of the State Services. In this case, the following conditions must be met:

  • Minimum photo file size: 200 Kb, maximum size: 300 Kb.
  • File Type: Standard JPEG or JPEG 2000.
  • Photo size: 3.5 x 4.5 mm.
  • The resolution of the attached photo should not be less than 450 dpi.

Professional passport photographer

The right decision is to take your own picture in the biometric booth. Its incomparable advantage is the special equipment located in the department of the Federal Migration Service. How is information read from a person? The specifics of the biometric cabin include:

  • laser engraving method on the main page of a foreign passport;
  • biometric parameter - calculation of the distance between the pupils.

New passport sample

A correct biometric passport photo is required in many EU countries. The forced measure was associated with the increased number of fraud in forging passports.

In order to be safe from the terrorist threat and the huge flow of migrants, a new passport control procedure has been developed, which has a long process of issuing.