What will a biometric passport look like? What does a biometric passport of a Russian citizen look like. In addition, the document contains

The modern world is open to travel. Everyone can collect enough money, choose a point on the globe, buy tickets, and then go to another country. The main thing is to have all the necessary papers with you. Today we will be interested in an extremely important element for all travelers - a new type of passport. What does this paper look like? Why is she needed? What needs to be done to get it? The answers to all these questions will certainly make life easier for the modern population. In reality, everything is not as difficult as it seems. Only biometric "foreign countries" are not ideal. Certain categories of citizens still refuse them.

a brief description of

What does a new biometric passport look like? This is a small book that looks like a civil passport. It has 46 pages. They indicate the data:

  • about a citizen-traveler;
  • about where the citizen went.

The document is used primarily as a travel reference. Outside the Russian Federation, "foreigner" will serve as an identity card. Very comfortably! Only the new sample of the relevant documentation differs from its predecessor. This is a newer type of foreign passports. It is generally accepted that it is almost perfect.


What does a new Russian passport look like? Outwardly, it resembles, as already mentioned, a civil identity card. In addition, it is problematic to distinguish the corresponding document by its cover from the "foreigner" of the old type.

How is the paper being studied different? For example, expiration date. Biometric foreign passports are issued for 10 years. Only after that they are subject to mandatory replacement. You can not reissue the "foreigner", but then you won't be able to travel.

Main U-turn

What does a new passport look like? This paper is nothing special. "Red Book" with the inscription "Passsort" can be obtained by every citizen of the Russian Federation if desired. It is not mandatory for anyone to receive it. This is not a civil passport, which all citizens of Russia should have.

What does a new and old passport look like? It is worth paying attention to the main spread of the biometric document. This is the one that contains information about a person.

Here the citizen can see:

  • your picture;
  • date and place of issue of the "foreigner";
  • RUS designation;
  • emblem with a hologram;
  • personal data of the owner of the document;
  • control line;
  • validity period of the paper;
  • special information chip.

What does a new Russian biometric passport look like? It looks a little different from the old paper sample. But in reality there is a huge difference between these documents.

For example, the photo is not pasted in a specially designated place in the "foreign". It is applied to the document by laser engraving.

In addition, you can see the "foreigner" a special chip. It is useless for the average citizen. The corresponding component contains human biometric data. Namely, fingerprints. With its help, you can understand who actually owns the "foreign land".

To whom is issued

Many are interested in who needs to order a biometric sample of a foreign passport. Are there any restrictions in this sense?

No. A foreign passport of a new type is issued (we found out what it looks like) to everyone. Neither gender nor age plays a role. As a rule, the execution of the relevant paper is required when a citizen wants to leave Russia for one time or another.

A significant drawback of the biometric "foreigner" was the inability to enter information about minor children in the document. If parents have foreign passports of a new type, they will have to make a "foreign passport" for a minor without fail. Even for a newborn!

Where they ask

What does a new Russian passport look like, found out. Where can you get it?

Usually you can order and pick up a new "foreigner" through:

  • "Public services";
  • migration departments;
  • FMS;
  • passport desks;
  • one-stop-shop services;
  • passport and visa centers.

Unfortunately, not all multifunctional centers and passport offices produce biometric foreign passports. Therefore, before contacting a particular service, it is recommended to clarify this point.

It can be said with confidence that biometric-type "foreign visas" on the territory of the Russian Federation are accurately processed in all FMS. Here you can also request an old sample of a foreign passport.

Network instruction

What does a new passport look like? The photo of this paper was presented above. Now it is clear what the corresponding documentation looks like. And how can it be obtained?

Let's start with the most popular trick. We are talking about working with "Gosuslugi" to achieve the desired goal.

The instruction for ordering a "foreigner" will look like this:

  1. Log in to your completed and pre-confirmed profile, after which you will open the catalog of available services.
  2. Find the option "Passport".
  3. Select the type of "foreigner", and then the category of the recipient. For example, "Production of a biometric foreign passport for adults."
  4. Press the "Get..." button.
  5. Fill out an electronic application. In some questions, you will need to select the appropriate answer option, and in some, use the keyboard to enter the requested data.
  6. Specify the authorized body for issuing the document in hand.
  7. Click on the button responsible for sending the request.
  8. Open LC "Gosuslug" and pay the state fee.
  9. Come at the invitation to the authorized body and undergo the procedure of fingerprinting. It can be avoided by persons under 12 years of age.

That's all. Now it remains to pick up your passport. You can use it for the next 10 years. Of course, if the citizen has no reason to exchange documents ahead of time.

Instruction: draws paper independently

We examined what a new passport looks like? More of this kind of question will not confuse a person. Much more problems are the production of documentation.

To request it in person, you will need:

  1. Prepare a package of documents for receiving the service.
  2. Submit certificates with a request for the manufacture of a "foreigner" to the authorized body.
  3. Contribute funds to the state budget as a state duty.
  4. Get fingerprinted if necessary.
  5. On the day appointed in advance, pick up the finished form of the document.

It is done. Citizens' problems mainly arise when filling out an application and compiling a package of certificates to achieve the desired goal.

Application: filling basics

What does an application for a new passport look like? This paper is a kind of questionnaire. Data is written on both sides.

You can take the appropriate form in any of the listed bodies. In addition, intermediary companies help in filling out questionnaires for a "foreigner" of a new type for a fee.

Here are the rules that must be followed when specifying data in the application:

  1. All fields must be filled in the application form.
  2. The text in the documents must be clear, understandable and legible.
  3. Corrections, strikethroughs, blots are not allowed.
  4. The document must be completed in black ink.
  5. The text is written in capital letters.
  6. The questionnaire for a "foreigner" without fail contains only relevant information. Otherwise, the issuance of a passport will be refused.
  7. In the field reserved for career data, you need to write about all official places of work or study for the last 10 years.
  8. For minors, applications are filled out by their legal representatives.

Perhaps this is all about how the application for a new passport looks like. An example of this paper is presented to our attention. This is just a template to help clarify the situation with filling out the application.

Help for an adult

The answer to the question of what a new biometric Russian passport looks like will no longer cause any trouble. It is much more difficult to form a package of documents to achieve the desired goal.

Adults and citizens over the age of 14 have to take with them:

  • questionnaire;
  • check for payment of duty;
  • identification;
  • old foreign passport;
  • military ID (for those liable for military service);
  • Personal Photos;
  • a copy of the work book (if any).

This should be enough. In fact, everything is easier than it seems. And requesting a "foreigner" is not difficult.

Extracts for a child

What does a new Russian passport look like? The pages of this paper were presented above.

What documents are needed to issue a new type of "foreign visa" for a child? Usually this:

  • birth certificate;
  • application form;
  • old foreign passport (if any);
  • the identity card of the parent-applicant;
  • photo of the child (several pieces);
  • receipt with paid duty.

As soon as all of the listed components are with the applicant, he will be able to request a new passport.


A few words about how much a biometric passport costs. State duty is paid on a mandatory basis.

At the moment, in Russia for an "adult" copy of the document you need to pay 5,000 rubles, for a child - 3,000 rubles. Fees are current as of August 2018.

If you transfer funds through the "Gosuslugi", you can get a discount. It is 30% of the transaction amount.

The official name of the new series of personalizing certificates: electronically readable. Journalists very quickly gave him an unofficial name - "biometric passport". What is it in simple words? Such a definition arose due to the fact that data on personal biological indicators were added to the standard personifying information about a person, which means:

  • a clear image of the face with the transfer of individual features,
  • DNA Sample,
  • fingerprint Drawing,
  • special photo of the iris,
  • handwriting sample,
  • voice feature.

In modern world practice, about 20 personal biological parameters are used to identify a person with an identity card. Each state independently establishes a specific list of parameters according to which personalizing documentation will be issued and recorded.

Important features of the new generation document

The main feature of a biometric passport is the presence of a special microchip embedded in a paper booklet, on which the biological identification indicators of a person are applied. This is the fundamental difference between a new generation of identity cards and previous types. Thanks to the microchip with the personal data of the owner, the reliability of the correspondence of the document to the person presenting it reaches the highest possible level.

The polygraphic protection of OZP (common civil foreign passports) of the previous types (including machine-readable certificates), the technical procedure for reading data could not guarantee the authenticity of the identity of the certificate to a person. After all, the identification procedure was carried out only on the basis of the visual similarity of the person depicted in the OZP photograph with the person presenting it.

The decision on compliance was made subjectively by the identity verification officer. Visual verification could not guarantee the exclusion of errors. A subjective visual check has always left a high level of risk of crossing the state border on someone else's identity card. For example, twins or a person very similar to the other could use the situation for their own selfish purposes and cross the border under a false name.

Passing border control according to the old types of OZP makes the procedure lengthy, laborious, with an increased level of responsibility for the inspector. In modern biometric passports around the world, a unified contactless identification technology has been adopted, described by the ISO14443 standard.

An ID card microchip is a classic smart card controlled by a specific operating system. To use the technology for reading information from a microcircuit, access standards are determined by a single organization GlobalPlatform. All states that introduce work on biometric passports are subject to them.

ICAO is entrusted with the collection standards, a list of personal biological indicators and information about a person to be included in the microchip. The described practice is already applied all over the world. In the post-Soviet space, biometric passports are actively used by: Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Estonia. In these countries, the new type of documents brings significant benefits to its holders. The previous forms of OZP have lost their relevance here.

The world community is on the path to minimizing the number of identity cards for citizens of the country. Many states have already introduced a two-in-one citizen's identity card: it can be used both within their own country and abroad. A similar form has already been adopted in Belarus and Uzbekistan.

In Russia, Ukraine, it is still necessary to have two different documents. Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Baltic countries have introduced plastic cards instead of booklets. For those who are more accustomed to the classic form, it is issued upon request.

In the world there is not an official OZP rating. In it, the identity cards of the countries of the world are divided into "profitable" and "unprofitable". What does a biometric passport look like from the "favorable" list? “Favorable” is tacitly called those OZPs that allow you to visit a large number of countries and territories without having to open a visa before the start of the trip.

The rating of "favorable" foreign identity cards in the territory of the former Soviet Union is headed by identity cards of Latvian and Lithuanian citizens. They can easily cross the borders of 179 countries. Estonians will be welcomed without visas in 178 countries. This figure is only one less than that of the leaders of a kind of rating of visa-free travel.

But a kind of record belongs to the holders of the biometric passport of Belarus. Of all the post-Soviet states, only they have the opportunity to travel to China without opening a visa in advance.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the process of issuing a new passport in the article.

Biometric passport: Ukraine

Few believed, but the fact of the accomplished signing of an agreement on visa-free travel to the EU countries by Ukrainian citizens has come to pass. From 06/11/17. residents of a neighboring state can travel to Europe without a visa. Of the 28 member states of the European Union, they are allowed to enter 26 with a biometric passport. The only exceptions to the rule are the UK and the Republic of Ireland. They left the requirement for Ukrainians to open a visa before entering their territory.

With active assistance in moving Ukrainians around Europe, it seems surprising that there are countries on distant continents that are not yet ready to see them in their countries without previously obtained visas. A biometric passport of Ukraine does not allow entry without first obtaining the right to do so in certain countries of South America. The Cooperative Republic of Guyana, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Colombia oblige Ukrainians to obtain an entry permit.

By the way, citizens of the Russian Federation can enter these countries freely.

The states of Southeast Asia - the Philippines, Vietnam - oblige Ukrainians to have a visa even in bio-OZP and present it at the border control at the time of entry. Russian citizens enter these countries freely.

A modern identity card has been issued here since 2011. The country has chosen to include the following anthropometric indicators in the document:

  • digital photography,
  • blood type,
  • fingerprints.

An additional difference: information about the child was excluded from the new type of parent's PCR. For children, they introduced the issuance of an individual OZP from the moment of birth. It is issued at the request of parents for a period of 4 years. For adult citizens, OZPs are issued for 7 years.

In some cases, Moldovan citizens have the opportunity to receive ORP while outside the country.

The list of situations in which it is possible to issue a document at a diplomatic mission or consulate:

  • damage, loss of the document in the territory of another state;
  • change of personal data of a citizen;
  • expiration of the identity card;
  • initial issuance of the ORP;
  • obtaining Moldovan citizenship.

Biometric passport of the Russian Federation: what it looks like

The personifying documentation of the Russian state is not limited to a single sample. The general name "biometric passport of the Russian Federation" means a whole list of foreign certificates:

  • general civil RFP, which is issued upon application to all Russians;
  • diplomatic RFP, it is provided to employees of the diplomatic service and persons equated to them;
  • official RFP, issued for foreign trips on business matters;
  • seafarer's identity card required to work on sea vessels.

Citizens interested in obtaining this document should know the maximum information about a biometric passport: what it looks like, what are the requirements for a photo, what to prepare from documents ..

The appearance has a number of differences from the previous series of similar documents:

  1. On the cover of the identity card, under the name, there is a special logo that denotes a document containing an electronic chip.
  2. The number of document pages has increased.
  3. The thickness of the first page is greater due to the complex polypropylene layering.
  4. A special photo of the owner is engraved and dubbed with a hologram.
  5. The presence of an inlet built into the layers of the page - a microchip with an antenna and non-volatile memory.
  6. One personal biological indicator is entered on the inlet - scanned fingerprints. The procedure is carried out by a special device - an electronic scanner. The inner side of the digital upper phalanx is alternately applied to the apparatus. For this, it is not necessary to apply a contrast agent to the fingers. After the procedure, the hands remain clean.

Fingerprinting is done twice. For the first time, when submitting a request for a biometric passport of the Russian Federation. Repeatedly - when the finished document is taken. This is necessary to identify the applicant with the recipient of the document.

The anthropometric data obtained for the production of the OZP are used only in the document chip. After they are applied to an electronic carrier embedded in the OZP, samples of personal biological indicators are destroyed without a trace. Therefore, if it is necessary to receive a new RRP, it will be necessary to re-submit biological information material.

The biometric passport of the Russian Federation is currently issued for a period of 10 years. If after this period there is a need for it, then the person simply needs to submit a new request for the manufacture of a new OZP.

Biometric passport of the Russian Federation: how to get?

A new type of OZP is issued to a citizen of the country at his request. It is expressed in the form of a statement that he wants to receive a document of this particular type.

With the prepared package of necessary documents, you should contact the Federal Migration Service at the place of residence.

According to the new rules for issuing foreign identity cards, the child's details are not included in the parent's PCR. Children are now issued their own documents.

Many people ask about a biometric passport, how to get it for a child? In accordance with the new rules, children are provided with their own international passport, data about them is no longer entered into parental identity cards. A mandatory package of documents for the preparation of an OZP for a child in the presence of him/herself is provided personally by the parents or by a person who officially replaces them.

"Adult" and "child" passports are produced within 1 calendar month from the date of submission of documents, when the applicant has provided a complete information package at the place of permanent registration. In other cases, the production time is increased to 4 months.

Biometric passport: photo

If for the previous samples the photograph was submitted by the applicant along with other documents, then in order to obtain a new type, photographing takes place in a special room of the Migration Service with special photographic devices.

A biometric passport contains a photo of such quality that allows you to determine the individual unique parameters of a person's face:

  • chin height,
  • nose shape,
  • interpupillary distance,
  • forehead height
  • ear shape.

This data helps to identify the person with the document presented to them.

Advantages and disadvantages of a biometric passport

The main advantages of the new type of identity cards:

  • high security against forgery;
  • the criminal "Hunting for OZP" loses its meaning, because it is not possible to use someone else's passport;
  • speed and simplicity of border control, exclusion of subjective errors and misunderstandings.

The disadvantages of the modern identity card include:

  • the fragility of the electronic chip: it easily becomes unusable if the booklet is bent at its location;
  • high manufacturing cost;
  • total control over the movement of the owner around the world.

In 2018, the biometric passport of the Russian Federation does not yet allow its owner to freely travel around the world. It does not affect the receipt of visas of foreign countries. But the legislative situation can change at any moment: the deep integration of all world communications contributes to the simplification of border crossing rules.

For almost a year and a half, Ukrainians have been using a visa-free regime with the EU countries. But a prerequisite for visa-free travel is that a citizen has a biometric passport. Everything you need to know about getting it is in the publication of Channel 24.

The difference between such a document and its old version is that it has an electronic chip built into the cover and a corresponding mark on the cover. The electronic media duplicated information about the owner of the passport, as well as his digitized face, signature and fingerprints. All this in order to simplify the process of identifying a citizen at the border.

What documents are needed for the production of a biometric passport

List of documents for persons over 16 years of age:

- application form (submitted personally or by a legal representative);
- passport of a citizen of Ukraine (for persons over 14 years of age);
– birth certificate (in case of issuing a passport for traveling abroad for the first time to a person under 14 years of age);
- the relevant documents with a bank mark on the implementation of payments established by law (consular fee) or the original and a copy of the document on exemption from such payments (consular fee);
- a document on registration in the State Register of Individuals - Taxpayers, if any (for citizens who have reached the age of 18).

You can take a picture on the photo right on the spot. If you draw up a document for a child under 12 years old or a person who, for health reasons, cannot move (and there is a corresponding certificate about this), then you can bring ready-made photos: two color photographs 3.5x4.5 centimeters in size and one 10x15 centimeters in size.

The State Migration Service also advises to have with you previously issued, but not handed over, passports of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad. You can decide whether to return them to the state, cancel or leave them for traveling abroad (for example, if there is a valid visa to countries with a visa regime in the "old" passport).

Since November 2018, an application for a biometric passport can be submitted through the online service. However, this is not a complete paperwork via the Internet. A person needs to personally arrive at the migration service in order to be photographed and scanned for fingerprints. But the service will save time.

Biometric passport sample

If issued passport for traveling abroad for a child under 16 years old, living with one of the parents, the original or duly certified copy of one of the following documents is additionally submitted:

- death certificate of the other parent;
– court decision on deprivation of parental rights of the second parent;
- a court decision on the recognition of the second of the parents as missing;
- a court decision declaring the other parent incompetent;
- certificates of registration of the place of residence of the child together with one of the parents who submits an application form, or in case of registration of a passport in a foreign diplomatic institution of Ukraine - another document confirming such registration;
- the original extract from the State Register of Civil Status of Citizens on birth, indicating information about the father.

Where to apply for a biometric passport

You can also submit documents to the center for the provision of administrative services (TSNAP), the service center "Passport Service" or SE "Document".

There is such a possibility that, in response to considerable demand, some "enterprising" individuals may organize such a business of providing services for issuing international passports. For example, for a certain amount, they will agree to carry documents for you, stand in line, and the like. But note - a person must submit an application for a biometric passport in person. Or this can be done by the legal representative of a citizen, in cases provided for by law. But not an outsider, and also ask for money for it.

Biometric passport in Ukraine: biometric chip details

How much does a biometric passport cost

before 20 working days:

  • 682 hryvnia (earlier - 557 hryvnia 32 kopecks);

before 10 working days:

  • 1034 hryvnia (previously - 810 hryvnia 32 kopecks).

The State Migration Service also notes - if you issue a passport through the consular service - pay an additional consular fee.

In October, the State Migration Service announced the introduction of online payment for administrative services on the website of the migration service and promised that from November the service would be available for all departments connected to the electronic queue. The absence of a payment card will not be an obstacle to receiving services or registering in an electronic queue - most places in the queue will continue to be available through terminals at the migration service, with the option of paying in cash or at any banking institution.

Issuance period

Ideally, applications for a passport are processed within no more than 20 working days from the date of submission of documents. Exception: in case of urgent registration (at the request of the person) with the payment of a double amount of the state duty and the cost of the service - up to 7 working days.

If the trip is related to urgent treatment of the departing person, the departure of a person who accompanies a seriously ill person, or the death of a relative who lived abroad, within 3 working days.

However, the real ones, unfortunately, are very different from the above. Due to the hype, people have to wait for documents for three months. Therefore, if you are planning a trip, take care of your passport in advance.

Validity of biometric passport

It is not issued for life, keep in mind. For citizens under the age of 16, such a passport will be valid for 4 years, for citizens over 16 - 10 years from the date of issue. Next - you will need to draw it up again.

Sample biometric passport

Traveling outside of Russia is impossible without a foreign passport. Traveling around Europe and the world is breaking popularity records, almost every Russian has issued travel documents at least once in his life and knows well what a passport looks like.
Recently, they have been introduced into circulation, which differ from the usual books in many ways. As a result, travel lovers are faced with a choice: to issue a familiar passport for the trip or to give preference to a new biometric document. What is the difference between these two passports and can they be distinguished by their appearance?

The old-style passport is a red booklet. It contains a number of mandatory features.

  1. This document is printed on a letterhead, equipped for security purposes with the relevant state signs and special protection.
  2. An old-style foreign passport of the Russian Federation contains all the personal information about the owner on the last laminated page.
  3. The inscriptions on the cover of the passport are made in Russian.
  4. The authenticity of the photo of the owner is confirmed by an ornament to the left of the picture and a round hologram in the lower right part of it.
  5. Validity - 5 years.

What does a new passport look like?

The international passport of the new sample differs significantly from the document of the previous generation. It is also a booklet with red crusts, but this is where its similarity to an old-style document ends.

  1. The cover contains an icon informing about the presence of a chip in the document.
  2. The page with the personal data of the owner is made of plastic. An electronic chip is embedded in it. The remaining pages of the passport are printed on paper with state signs.
  3. The photo of the owner is not pasted into the document, but is applied to the plastic page by laser engraving. In this case, neither the ornament nor the hologram is used to confirm the authenticity of the photo.
  4. A special emblem is placed in the upper right corner of the page with individual data.
  5. All inscriptions in the passport, including the cover, are made in Russian and English.
  6. The new passport contains 46 pages.
  7. Issued for 10 years.

What information does the passport contain

Understanding what a passport looks like is not difficult. It is much more important to figure out what information about his owner he can tell.

Regardless of the type, the passport contains the following data:

  1. Name of the owner.
  2. Date information and .
  3. Information about .
  4. Date of issue and total expiration date.

The biometric passport is also equipped with an electronic chip containing additional information about the owner.

What data is on the chip

Despite the fact that the standards of new foreign passports have been approved at the international level, they do not contain a clear list of information subject to mandatory chipping. Therefore, each country adopts its own rules for encrypting data about passport holders.

For example, the United States does not put any information about its citizen on the chip in the passport. Instead, it encrypts a link to a government resource that contains all the necessary information about the owner of the document.

Russia, in 2009, adopted for itself the rules established in Europe. The following information is recorded on the electronic carrier in the biometric document:

  1. Owner's personal information.
  2. Date of Birth.
  3. Index finger prints.
  4. Photo.
  5. Information about the state body that issued the document.

All information that is printed on the chip is protected by BAC control technology. You can read the data only after entering the passport number and its validity period into the system.

The international organization ICAO calls for encryption of the iris scan, but so far none of the countries using biometric documents have supported this initiative.

Main differences

The external form of passports of different generations is identical, but in some respects they differ significantly from each other.

First of all, the differences relate to parents planning a trip with children. In the passport of the previous generation, pasting his photo, and hit the road. But the new biometric type passport does not provide for such an opportunity.

Even if the child is only a few months old, parents will have to issue their own passport for him. At the same time, experts do not advise issuing a new document for a child, since it will still need to be changed several times as the baby grows and its appearance changes.

The cost and terms of registration of the document differ. You have to pay 2,000 rubles for an old passport, and you need to wait for a document from 3 to 10 days, maximum 30 days. A new biometric document will cost 5,000 rubles, and when issued at the place of registration.

Many Russians prefer new passports. The difference in the validity period of a biometric document compared to its old counterpart allows you to forget about the problems of paperwork for 10 years and enjoy foreign trips.

At the beginning of the 21st century, at the initiative of the US government, taken up by many countries of the world (188), the introduction of a biometric passport by Americans took place. The Government of Russia, by adoption, decided that it is mandatory to add the biometric data of its owner to the electronic microcircuit of a foreign passport of the Russian Federation.

This is an identity card of a citizen when leaving the country and staying in the territory of another state.

The document looks like a paper book (the main page is plastic). Visually readable information (verbal - in Russian and English):

  1. Series and number;
  2. Surname, name, patronymic (the last initial is indicated only in Russian);
  3. Citizenship (Russian Federation);
  4. Date and place of birth;
  5. Account (in this place of the page there is an electronic chip (memory size 32 Kb));
  6. Personal photo;
  7. Dates of issue and expiration of the document;
  8. The name of the authority that issued the document (with the subdivision code);
  9. Address (registration);
  10. Personal signature.

At the bottom of the page is a code line (machine readable). In the memory of the electronic microcircuit, you can enter (except for the above) data from the health insurance policy, driver's license and other personal documents (at the request of the owner). The microchip necessarily contains unique biometric indicators of the owner: images of papillary patterns of both index fingers.

If necessary, the index fingers can be replaced by others (large, medium, etc.).

Advantages of the "new" foreigner:

  • Expedited passport control;
  • The “subjective” assessment by a border or migration service officer who is not able to accurately distinguish people is excluded;
  • Limiting complication of a potential forgery of a document;
  • Extending the service life of a passport up to 10 years;
  • Exclusion of the possibility of use by an unauthorized person (in case of theft, loss);
  • The impressive volume of the book (46 pages to fill out) allows you to make a large number of trips around the world.

Disadvantages of a biometric passport:

  • It is used in full only if there is special equipment at the checkpoint;
  • The microchip can be damaged (page fold, hit with a heavy object) and “hacked” (leakage of all information);
  • The applicant may have physiological defects that prevent the removal of fingerprints of any fingers (deformation (erasure) of the papillary pattern, absence of limbs). The law does not provide for the use of another biometric identifier (for example, a cast of the irises). In this case, it will not be possible to obtain a full-fledged biopassport;
  • Contactless reading of data not controlled by the owner. Standard technology captures information on a microcircuit from a maximum distance of 10 cm. If you are afraid of falling under the influence of stronger equipment, it makes sense to store a biometric foreigner in ordinary foil or a foil cover;
  • Only citizens over 12 years of age have the right to apply, this is due to the ban (Article 1 (a)) on taking fingerprints from children of a younger age;
  • High cost (1750 and 3500 rubles for persons under and over 14 years old).

The size of the state duty charged (price per book) changes in an unpredictable way. Initially, its maximum value was 2500 rubles, by 2017 it had grown to 3500 rubles, and by 2018 - up to 5000 rubles.

Comparison of "new" and "old" passports

Characteristics of action and external paperwork:

IndicatorPassport of the old sample
Period of use (years)10 5
Number of free pages to fill46 36
Home page materialPlastic (polycarbonate)Paper sealed in polyethylene
State duty (2019):

For persons over 14 years old

For persons under 14 years of age

3500 1400
Special "Electronic Chip" logo (on the cover)AvailableIs absent
Photo protectionInner elementHologram
Emblem with a holographic image of a photograph (on the main page)There isNot
Laser engraving (photo, signature)YesNot
Visually readable "passport" dataare the same
Code lineThere isThere is
Built-in microchipThere isNot

Who needs a biopass

There is not a single state in the world that has completely “switched” to biometric passports (beginning of 2019). Consequently, the "new" foreigner everywhere remains only a possible (optional) alternative to the "old" one.

A visit to any country in the Schengen area is impossible without a separate fingerprinting. The presence of these data in the chipped passport does not play a role.

How to get a new passport

Two possible ways to purchase a document are described below: on the Gosuslugi website and through a personal appeal.

public services

The portal is used only for applying. It can be used by persons with a verified account.

2. Choice of option - Obtaining a passport;

4. Select the age group (under 14, 14-18, over 18 years old) of the biopassport recipient;

5. Select the type of receipt of the service "Electronic service".

The further algorithm of actions is described in detail on the website (last page).

Personal appeal

Produced in the local division of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or the MFC (pre-registration on the relevant sites). All documentation is required (originals, list below).

Conditions for receiving and replacing

Citizens of this country over 12 years of age have the right to purchase a biometric passport of the Russian Federation. An indispensable condition is the submission of an application and documentation specified by law.

In what cases will you need to make a replacement

The biopass is replaced under the following circumstances:

  • Expiration date (10 years);
  • Getting damage that prevents the full use of the foreigner;
  • Change in any of the initials, date or place of birth, gender and/or appearance of the owner;
  • Complete all pages of the book.

When can I get a ready-made foreigner

When requesting at the place of residence - after 30 days, on the basis of a temporary residence permit, you will have to wait up to 3 months. A half-year failure to appear for a passport (from the moment of application) is fraught with its cancellation.

Documentation required for obtaining a biopassport

Standard list:

  • Passport;
  • Photo (in 2 copies, on electronic media, JPEG (JPEG 2000), maximum resolution - 450 dpi, size - no more than 300 Kb, should look like a passport photo);
  • Previously issued biopass (if any);
  • Receipt of payment of state duty;
  • Command Permit (granted by males in military service);
  • Military ID or certificate of the military commissariat (for men aged 18 to 27 years).

How long does registration take and how to pay the state duty

With any form of application, the registration time does not exceed 10 minutes. Standing in line (personal appeal, preliminary appointment) will have no more than 15 minutes. The authorized body starts issuing ready-made passports in a month.

Payment of the state duty is made at bank and post offices, Sberbank ATMs, on the Sberbank-online and State Services websites (30% discount), in electronic wallets (Webmoney, Yandex-money). The payment algorithms for the "new" and "old" passports are the same.

In 2019, the fee for a biometric passport is not charged from residents of the city of Sevastopol and the entire Republic of Crimea (initial application, the presence of a Ukrainian passport), as well as the Kaliningrad region.

Who will not receive a biopass of the Russian Federation

The following groups of persons are defined:

  • FSB officers;
  • Suspected, accused or convicted by a criminal court of the Russian Federation;
  • Avoiding the fulfillment of obligations imposed by the court (any);
  • Passing military or alternative civilian service, who did not provide permission from the command or superiors;
  • Having access to information of particular importance or perfect secrecy (the level of state secrets in Russia);
  • Those who violated the requirements for filling out an application, providing documents and paying the state duty.

The first biometric passports began to appear in Russia in 2015. Since then, the country's government has found no reason to refuse their further introduction. Ordinary citizens have time to determine for themselves the need to acquire a "new" passport.