The combination of modernity and antiquity: bedroom in the Greek style. Greek style in the interior (18 photos): fresh design and ornaments DIY Greek-style paintings

If you would like to make your kitchen more spacious and bright, as well as add harmony to it, we advise you to take a closer look at the design in the Greek style.

This direction originated from the country of the eternal sun and the Mediterranean waves. Quite quickly, the Greek style in the interior of the kitchen has become widespread throughout the world.

Greek cuisine - how to recognize it?

The main feature of this direction, as well as any Mediterranean interior, is the rigor of forms, functionality and democratic approach to design.

Having correctly completed the creation of a Greek-style kitchen interior, you can even make it visually larger or add lightness and airiness.

You can easily recognize the Greek style in kitchen design by the following features:

  • Maximum light, sometimes even whitewashed ceiling and walls;
  • A large number of ceramic elements - from tiles and an apron to dishes;
  • The use of cold shades, as well as natural tones;
  • Ordinary wooden furniture, not even always varnished;
  • natural textiles;
  • Pretty calm, relaxing decor;
  • Uncomplicated modest curtains.

It is noteworthy that all the above attributes are always harmoniously combined with each other, creating an elegant and cozy atmosphere. The task of the owners is to make sure that the furniture and interior elements do not look new.

It is the feeling of antiquity that allows you to truly feel the beauty and originality of the culture of Ancient Greece.

A variety of shades in the interior

Deciding on the color scheme for Greek cuisine is not difficult. It is enough just to remember what Greece is, and what colors can best describe it.

Try to close your eyes and imagine:

  • The gentle lemon sun that floods the olive trees with its light;
  • Warm azure sea and iridescent shells;
  • Gray-white mountain peaks hiding the majestic Olympus;
  • Green grapes wrapping around the roofs of houses;
  • Light blue sky and pink flowering meadows;
  • White and blue stripe on the national flag of Greece.

Note! Chalet-style kitchen - how to design a stylish and modern design (89 photos)

As you have already understood, for the design of a Greek-style kitchen, you can use any of the color combinations inherent in this extraordinary country.

Most often you can find Greek cuisine, finished in blue and blue shades and furnished with natural dark brown furniture.

How to choose furniture for Greek cuisine?

As a rule, furniture and sets for Greek cuisine are made from certain types of wood. Many designers additionally process surfaces to create the effect of artificial aging.

Such experiments have a beneficial effect on the general environment, allowing the owners of the house to fully plunge into the life of ancient Hellas.

The following attributes can serve as an excellent addition to the interior:

  • Chairs woven from vines;
  • Wooden rectangular table;
  • Many small shelves without doors on the walls;
  • Transparent glass sideboard;
  • Old worn cabinets.

We hasten to note that the Greek style does not require compliance with any fashion trends. On the contrary, its main feature is simplicity and uncomplicatedness.

Bright, conspicuous, accessories will not work here, but refined carving and a barely noticeable varnish coating are quite.

If you look at any photo of a Greek-style kitchen, you will not find any frills there, but the room will seem refined and noble.

However, the lack of pretentiousness and a lot of accessories does not mean that there should be no jewelry at all.

In order to give Greek cuisine a certain zest, you should give preference to such decorative elements:

  • Tall vessels, inside which are fragrant herbal preparations and aromatic oils;
  • Dried greens, collected in bunches and hung over the stove;
  • Clay vases with artificial flowers inside;
  • Cotton towels for the kitchen with an original ornament;
  • Cast iron dishes - cauldrons and pans;
  • Ceramic sets of saucers, cups and teapots;
  • Clay pots handmade;
  • Sea elements in a transparent bowl;
  • Wicker baskets for bread and fruit.

Greek style is often referred to as Mediterranean country. This is not surprising, because only he is able to recreate both a cozy and original atmosphere.

A Greek-style kitchen will seem flooded with sunlight even on the most cloudy day.

Do not be afraid of cold shades in the design - they will not disturb the warm home environment at all.

Photo of a Greek-style kitchen

The wonderful history of Greece, especially Ancient Greece, its cultural wealth, expressed in art, architecture, does not leave millions of its fans indifferent to this day. The Greek style in architecture and interior design has become an object of imitation for many. Since the main feature of the Greek style is the absence of any elements of luxury, the simplicity of decoration, which has an almost ascetic appearance, it is quite natural that the admirers of this style are practical and economical people, but at the same time, they love comfort. The Greek style perfectly combines elements of antiquity and modernity. It is characterized by cold colors, the presence of ceramic tiles and marble.

History of the Greek style

The history of any culture is inextricably linked with the stages of development of its state, and often the neighboring one. It is believed that the Greek style originated in the period of the VIII-VI centuries BC.

The history of the development of the Greek style has several periods. For the early periods of the history of development, the style is characterized by a mythological orientation, in which the main place was given to the ancient mythological gods, who symbolized the power and flourishing of the Greek Empire. At the earliest stage (VIII-VI century BC) the formation of the basic principles took place. In the period from the VI century to 470 BC. a gradual change began in the principles and elements brought from Egypt, Asia, into the corresponding religious outlook of the people of Greece, its spirit, form. In the period from the 5th century to 338 BC. in the Greek style, cardinal changes are taking place. The style becomes more noble, harmonious. Elements of luxury appeared in materials, forms, decorations. The next period (IV century - 180 BC) of the history of the Greek style is characterized by the influence of the East. Structures are created more magnificent and spectacular. In the last period, after Greece is in the power of the Roman Empire, the Greek style merges with Roman art. But still, he retained his main features - simplicity and practicality, while the Roman style was characterized by luxury and pomp.

Greek style is characterized by:

  • high ceilings
  • columns with stucco
  • meander patterns
  • frescoes
  • color scheme from natural shades, lack of bright colors, a minimum of gilding
  • granite, ceramic tiles, marble
  • furniture - simple in form, made of natural wood, handmade, upholstery made of leather, velvet are excluded
  • vertical orientation of all interior details
  • textured plaster walls, wallpaper excluded
  • decor items - vases, amphoras, figurines, sculptures
  • minimal use of fabrics on windows

Before you make your dream Greek-style apartment come true, be sure to check if your apartment is suitable for its decoration in this style. Otherwise, no matter what is done, the apartment will not correspond to the classical idea of ​​the Greek style.

Ceilings in the Greek style

Ceilings should be high, give those in the room a sense of freedom, space, and draw the eye up. To emphasize the grandeur of everything in the room, the ceiling is supported by monumental columns with stucco molding.

Sometimes meander patterns are superimposed on the ceiling

Often the ceiling is framed with skirting boards made of artistic stucco.

If possible, a square-shaped window is mounted in the ceiling, which improves the illumination of the room.

The heart of the ceiling is usually a massive chandelier hanging on gold-plated chains, and small lamps located around the perimeter of the ceiling will highlight the ceiling plinth.

The ceiling is finished with textured plaster. The tone of its color should be in harmony with the color of the walls. But most often the color of the ceiling and walls is the same.

The Greek style does not exclude ceilings of different levels, which allows you to get out of the predicament with different ceiling heights in the room.

Greek style walls

Walls require a special approach, because. not everyone is suitable for decorating them. Only textured plaster is used, which gives austerity and simplicity to the room.

Occasionally, panels made of wood or some other facing material (ceramic tiles, stone "plastushka", etc.) are used.

The Greek style allows niches in the walls, which are made using drywall. Often this is done to the detriment of the area of ​​​​the room.

Sometimes, the desire of the owner to install columns cannot be realized due to the small area. In this case, the Greek style solves this problem by installing polyurethane pilasters.

color in greek style

Only natural colors are used - lemon yellow, white, all kinds of shades of blue and green.

Greek style floor

The Greek style does not set clear rules for the design of the floor. But carpets are not welcome. The classic floor is laid out with marble, mosaic tiles in the form of meander patterns,

But it does not exclude other types of coverage.

A combination of different coatings is allowed, which does not in any way reduce the beauty and originality of the floor design.

Furniture in the Greek style is characterized by:

  1. simple but solid upholstery of armchairs, sofas. Leather, velvet not applicable
  2. the legs of chairs and tables are curved to the outside.
  3. made from natural wood.

Greek style accessories

Interior accessories of the room are usually represented by ceramic, marble amphoras, jugs, figurines of ancient heroes,

mythical Beasts,

wall ornamented lamps.

Fabric on windows is used extremely rarely. It is mainly found in sleeping quarters in the form of natural cotton, linen. Flower vases are very rare in the Greek style. Ceramic ware is present in abundance.

We wish everyone who likes simplicity and asceticism in harmony with the past, the ancient beauty of the Greek style, to make their dream come true, fortunately, it is not so difficult and means it is possible.


An antique pearl, lost between the three seas, evokes different, but invariably pleasant associations for everyone.

The Greek style evokes memories of the Mediterranean breeze and delicacies, famous thinkers, mythical gods and heroes, sports battles and theatrical performances, rich history and unique culture that we inherited from the ancient Hellenes.

All this is fully embodied in the interior design in the Greek style.

Its recognizable features are the harmonious combination of the smallest details and the sophistication contained in simplicity. That is why even in a modern apartment of a lover of the classics you can meet a completely different era.

Basics of creating an interior

The culture of Ancient Greece went through a rapid process of development and liberation from Egyptian influence in just a hundred years.

Already in the 5th century BC, in the design and architecture of Hellas, one can observe the triumph of the "golden mean" - the perfect balance of beauty and practicality.

Each detail had its own special significance in the aesthetic composition. The basic principles have remained unchanged even after several centuries:

The white color at the heart of the design of the room is combined with the natural shades of the environment: most often it is the blue color of the sea wave and pastel, as if faded in the sun, tones.

Wall decoration with plaster, stone and rough whitewash - the main thing is that they are not smooth. Gypsum stucco, frescoes or ornaments, various niches for decorative elements are also welcome.

Traditionally, the ceilings were painted with images of mythical characters. This is available in modern rooms with high vaults, but if you have low ceilings in your apartment, it is better to just whitewash or paint them.

Advice! Try to decorate the walls and ceiling in the same color scheme to create the impression of a continuous endless space.

The material for the floor is correlated with the decoration of the walls and ceiling: if the whole room is decorated with wood, then the flooring will also be wooden, the brickwork of the walls is complemented by a stone floor, and the plaster is complemented by rough tiles. In order to make the room authentic, the floor is laid out with mosaics.

Natural materials for textiles are also one of the foundations of the Greek style. It is important to remember that any thing, whether it be a pillow or a curtain, should have not only a decorative, but also a practical role.

Simple lighting without frills

The decor should contain items reminiscent of a bygone era - the ancient history of the Greeks: amphoras, thematic sculptures and images.

Colors and patterns

To decorate a room in the Greek style, there are three main color combinations: white + blue, sand + olive, white + beige.

At the same time, bright accents should be avoided and the entire room should be kept in one palette. In order to diversify the primary colors and add a Greek flavor, a variety of ornaments are often used. These famous patterns are always associated with Greece:

  • A circle inscribed in a square as a symbol of harmony and perfection of forms.
  • Zigzag or graphic wave are the most common for decorating textiles.
  • Floral motifs straight from painted Greek amphoras.

Room decoration

Walls. In addition to the finishing methods already described, you can also decorate the room with columns, built-in niches and decorate the walls with mosaics or stones. It is permissible to put a fireplace in the living room.

Ceiling. For small rooms, simple painting is suitable, but owners of spacious apartments can afford bolder solutions: stucco decoration, hand-painted decoration or wooden beams.

Floor. Depending on the size of the room, natural materials (pebbles, wood) are usually used to finish the floor, or fancy patterns of tiles and mosaics are laid out on it.

Textile. Jewelry should have a national flavor. These can be carpet tracks with a thematic print of dense woven fabrics, bedspreads with patterned edges, light thick curtains.

Lighting. Choose light fixtures of a simple form from natural materials - elaborate heavy chandeliers and lamps can spoil the picture of elegant restraint.

Decor. There are usually few small decorations in the Greek style. The main role here is played by architectural and sculptural ensembles in the form of arches, niches, stucco moldings, fountains and statues. The mood of the promenade on the sea coast will help to recreate living plants, vases with flowers and fruits.

The 21st century allows the use of modern materials in the design of the premises. The main thing is that the original purpose of the interior does not change - an uncluttered, harmonious and cozy corner of Greece in your home.

Photo of the interior in the Greek style

The Greek style bedroom is one of the most popular. The fact is that this version of interior design combines modesty, turning into asceticism, with convenience and comfort.

As a result, the owner of the premises manages to combine elements of modernity and antiquity, which creates a unique atmosphere of Ancient Greece in a modern bedroom located in the same standard high-rise panel. At the same time, the room becomes a real center of attraction not only for the guests of the house, but also for all family members, which contributes to its unity.

Fashion and design historians believe that the Greek style originated in the 8th-6th centuries BC. Our contemporaries have the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of ancient architects by studying the examples of architectural creativity of the inhabitants of Hellas that have come down to us. In addition, many elements of ancient design have entered the decoration of modern Greek houses, especially in rural areas.

Unlike Ancient Rome, the interiors of the premises of Ancient Greece stand out for their simplicity and minimalism. Excessive luxury is alien to them, and therefore if you want to have something flashy and expensive in the bedroom, the Greek style is not for you. But for lovers of antiquity and practicality, it will undoubtedly suit, “in Greek” you can furnish almost any housing, whether it is a summer house or an apartment, a village house or a mansion.

The described interior design style is characterized by the following common features:

  • the presence of high ceilings;
  • the use of natural and pseudocolon with stucco;
  • the use of so-called meander patterns;
  • drawing on the walls of frescoes;

  • the absence of gilding with the simultaneous use of colors exclusively from natural shades for the decoration of the room;
  • refusal to use wallpaper in favor of using only plaster.

On a note! The Greek-style bedroom is finished exclusively with the use of natural materials such as marble, granite and ceramic tiles.

All artificial materials are strictly prohibited here. The furniture should also be made of natural wood by hand. In this case, all the details of the room should have straight lines and a vertical orientation.

As for decor items, the use of various items and accessories in the antique style is welcome - amphoras, vases, figurines, sculptures. They should be exposed outside and placed on special shelves or stands. The windows here should be as open as possible, and the fabrics on them should be used as little as possible.

Before proceeding with the design of the room, you need to make sure that it is suitable for this. So, for example, if it is not possible to install or make columns in a room, as well as vertically oriented architectural elements, such a room will not correspond to the idea of ​​​​the Greek style.

To prevent this from happening, it makes sense to consult an experienced designer in advance, who will tell you whether or not your bedroom is suitable for decorating in antique style.

Greek bedroom interior

If you like a Greek-style bedroom, you should choose a photo of it in advance in order to make it as easy as possible to arrange a bedroom in your home. This style is characterized by the design of the walls, floor and ceiling in colors typical of the nature of Greece. In connection with this circumstance, the dominant color here will be white with various shades. In addition, various shades of blue, green and yellow are additionally used. Since the Greek style, unlike the Roman style, does not welcome gilding and bright colors, all tones should be slightly muted.

As for finishing materials, in addition to natural stone, wood and mosaics, the described style of interior design also allows the use of glass. At the same time, the Greek bedroom must have columns. If the room is small, you can install two of them, and in a large area it is worth placing a whole colonnade.

In the event that it is not possible to decorate the room with columns, they can be replaced with pilasters.

Another characteristic element of the style is the presence of arched niches. Usually they are created from gypsum boards, but such a design move “eats up” the usable area in the room. At the same time, niches and columns should be combined in appearance with wall decoration. In the Greek style, wallpaper is fundamentally not used, which is replaced by rough decorative plaster.

The most diverse ornament is applied to such plaster. It can be a "wave", a meander, or just double lines. In order to emphasize the specific features of the Greek style, the walls in the bedroom are sometimes decorated with a wooden carriage in order to give them a sun-bleached look.

As for the most expensive type of wall decoration, these are frescoes that can become the center of your bedroom. If you do not have the opportunity to order them, it makes sense to purchase photo wallpapers that imitate the surface of a plastered wall with a fresco.

The floors are also decorated in an original way using pebbles, stone, marble and granite. At the same time, carpets are not used, so only the floors themselves can please the eye with patterns and drawings. This is worth keeping in mind when starting to plan the interior of your bedroom in the Greek style.

On a note! As for the ceiling, it is considered the final chord in the design of the entire bedroom.

At the same time, its design can be absolutely any, for example, plasterboard or suspended suspended. At the same time, the ceiling can also be painted with paintings or their imitation using photo wallpapers. Experienced designers do not advise combining ceiling painting with wall painting, as this can cause disharmony. Highlight the ceiling with the help of LED lamps or sconces.

A Greek-style bedroom requires space, so there should be a minimum amount of furniture in it. In this case, the bed should have a calm color and curved legs. At the same time, designers are advised to avoid velvet, leather and velveteen upholstery of both the bed and all upholstered furniture. All Greek-style couches, sofas and armchairs are perfectly combined with wicker furniture, which for this reason will be quite appropriate to place in the room.

Of the alternative options for equipping the bedroom with furniture, one can name its combined options, for example, the same table with stone legs and a wooden table top. For storage in the Greek bedroom, designers advise using aged, rough wooden cabinets and chests of drawers. At the same time, they should not have unnecessary decorations, but can be trimmed with wooden or forged overlays.

As for the decor of the bedroom, the Greek style usually does not use textiles for interior decoration. All fabrics here are used for their intended purpose - to protect the room from the rays of the sun, and not to decorate it.

Important! Curtains for windows must be selected so that they have natural shades and are made from natural materials: cotton, bleached linen, jute.

If the side is sunny and it is not possible to install shutters, they can be replaced with curtains and blinds.

Accessories and small decorative elements in the Greek style must fully comply with the spirit of antiquity, so it makes sense to place in the bedroom:

  • amphorae from small to large;
  • various figurines and busts made of marble and plaster;
  • old hazy mirrors;
  • floor and table Greek vases.

In addition, you can use lamps imitating torches, as well as a hanging chandelier.

The subtleties of the Greek style

If you were able to master the basic principles of decorating a Greek-style bedroom, you should pay attention to some of the nuances of this process. So, for example, in any bedroom, the bed is considered the center. In the Greek bedroom, it should be done with a canopy, since in the homeland such a technique allows you to protect the owners of the premises from the sweltering heat. In a temperate climate, the canopy creates coziness and comfort during sleep.

In no case should you abuse mirrors when creating an interior. This is especially true for the ceiling. It is better to decorate it with a painting or leave it pure white than to place a mirror on it. If the presence of a mirror is necessary, it is worth aging it a little or taking a ready-made unclear one.

In the Greek bedroom there is no place for modern electronics and equipment, so all equipment will need to be hidden in closets. The more the spirit of antiquity and antiquity, the more your bedroom will benefit in terms of design. If you do not want to give up the achievements of civilization, place the same hair dryer or tape recorder in a separate niche, decorating it with a linen curtain.

The greater the impression of antiquity will cause the interior of your bedroom, the better. At the same time, it is worth furnishing other rooms accordingly. So, for example, if your living room is made in a classic style, it will be necessary to remove various luxury elements from it. By doing this, you will bring it closer to the Greek style, and the contrast between the two rooms will not be so noticeable.

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Ancient Greece gave the world a great culture, which became the basis of many areas of architecture and design in subsequent centuries. Today we decided to tell you what the Greek style should be like in the interior of a dwelling and the exterior with the features of a traditional house of a resident of Ancient Hellas.

Greek style in the interior: Greek style house

It is difficult to find a person who is not delighted with photos of Greek provincial towns with snow-white houses with traditional architecture. There are no less fans of ancient architecture.

If you have a desire to build a house in the Greek style, first of all, you will have to make a choice which option is closer to you.

In architectural terms, a modest house or cottage, built in the tradition of dwellings characteristic of Greece, should be a two-story building of a simple rectangular shape with a flat roof.

To decorate its exterior, it is better to use white plaster. The external design is successfully complemented by shutters painted with dark blue paint. You can use several forged decorative elements. For example, street lamps with a characteristic design.

For a chic mansion, architecture in the style of Ancient Hellas is more suitable. The best option for finishing the walls on the outside would be facing with travertine or artificial stone in a light, warm shade. For example, travertine will look very authentic.

Mandatory design elements should be columns, moldings, pilasters and a portal.

If funds allow, sculptural elements can be used in the exterior of the structure. Stucco molding is also suitable as a decor.

Greek style in the interior: Video review

It should be remembered that one should not go to extremes and use too many decorations.

Otherwise, your home will look tasteless and even cause ridicule from others.


Most often, those who decide to use the Greek style in the interior take the design of the Classical era as a model. For centuries, it has been a source of inspiration not only for architects, but also for artists. Suffice it to recall the painting "Greek interior" (Jerome Jean-Leon).

Characteristic features of the classical design are the use of frescoes, sculpture, arches, columns and stucco.

The classic Greek style in the interior is suitable for spacious rooms with high ceilings. In a small typical apartment, it is unlikely that it will be possible to create such a design.

In addition, the name "Greek style in the interior" may hide the design of the dwelling, characteristic of the Mediterranean countries, which was given the appropriate ethnic color with the help of decorative elements.

Living room in Greek style

As already mentioned, when creating a Greek design, you should proceed from the size of the room and the goals that you set for yourself.

Do you want to arrange a front room for receiving guests in a large private house? Then without a doubt it will suit you perfectly. If we are talking about a cozy room for a family holiday, then pay attention to the Mediterranean Greek style.

Classic living room in Greek style

The classic interior is characterized by the following features:

  • using only natural materials;
  • rough surfaces that create an atmosphere of antiquity and lack of technology in the interior;
  • a light color palette in which white, light beige, cream and blue play the “first violin”;
  • the use of plaster moldings and pilasters to give the room a resemblance to examples of ancient architecture.

An important feature of the interior of the "Greek" living room is a symmetrical layout. The use of paired pieces of furniture is encouraged. In particular, it is recommended to install the same cabinets, cabinets, floor vases, etc. clearly on both sides of the semantic center of the interior. In this capacity, for example, a dining table, a large sofa or a chest of drawers can act.

As noted above, pilasters can be used to decorate walls. With their help, columns, arches and niches are imitated.

The use of finishing materials with a rough surface will help to emphasize the antique Greek style in the interior. First of all, we are talking about natural stone, which should not be polished. It is suitable for finishing not only walls, but also the floor. In the latter case, he welcomes the creation of a mosaic panel from pieces of natural stone of different varieties.

Mediterranean Greek style in the interior of the living room

Mediterranean style has become especially popular in recent years. This is largely due to such qualities as:

  • minimalism;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • the use of ethnic accents;
  • practicality;
  • focus on maximum comfort.

The "Greek" living room in a traditional ethnic style should be filled with light and air as much as possible. It is desirable that there are large windows facing south.

In the decoration of the walls and ceiling of such a room, plaster and white (light) paint should be used. Wood is more suitable for the floor. The latter may be colored or only slightly processed.

If you are creating a "rustic" Mediterranean living room in the Greek style, then roughly hewn wooden beams can be fixed on the ceiling.

Furniture should be fairly simple. Chairs, armchairs and sofas covered with covers made of natural durable materials will look interesting.

It is also acceptable to use a few vintage pieces of furniture. They will make the design even more rustic and cozy.

Greek style kitchen

For the kitchen, it is better to choose a Mediterranean version of the Greek interior design. It involves the use of a blue and white color palette. The contrast against its background is the natural color of natural wood. The latter is used to decorate the ceiling, on which massive beams are mounted.

This solution is ideal for a private house or summer cottage, giving them a resemblance to a traditional Greek-style house.

For interior decoration in the Greek style, you can also use natural stone or tiles. It is not recommended to use glossy versions of such coatings.

Along with blue and white options, Greek-style “olive” cuisine looks beautiful. The olive shade is perfect for finishing walls, ceilings and or painting furniture facades.

An important rule that must not be violated is the use of only natural materials.

Greek style in the interior: Decor

In recent years, a technique has been widely used, when quite modern, ethno-color is given with the help of decor. In particular, the Greek style in the interior of the kitchen can be emphasized using a mosaic apron. In addition, it is recommended to actively use the so-called "Cretan Wave" or the "Meander" ornament. It can be used as a "piping" on the facades of quite modern kitchen furniture or a frieze on the walls.

Pottery in the tradition of the potters of Ancient Hellas will help to complement the interior. For example, it is recommended to place amphoras or dishes painted with black paint on racks or open sections of storage systems. Drawings depicting scenes from mythology or ornaments typical of Greece will look appropriate.

A Greek-style kitchen should be well lit. For this purpose, you should use the most simple lamps, including those with a vintage design. They should be made of forged metal and have a fairly simple shape.

If you choose a white and blue rustic design option, you can paint the window frames in a rich blue color and decorate the windows with curtains.

Bathroom in Greek style

Greece is a country in whose life the sea plays an important role. It was in ancient Greece that the cult of Poseidon, the god of the deep sea, arose. In addition, we must not forget that the idea of ​​combining steam and hot water, as a complex of water and thermal procedures, which underlies such a phenomenon as a bath, originated in Hellas.

Luxurious Greek style bathroom

Those who want to have a chic Greek-style bathroom in their house can be recommended to decorate such a room with a mosaic depicting mythological heroes. The Greek style will look chic in the interior of the bathroom, finished with natural stone, marble or travertine. Such a decision will create a status design that will testify to the excellent taste of the owners of the house.

Luxurious decoration will suit a spacious bathroom. Ideally, if there are columns and / or a niche, with an arched vault. You can place a sink in it or arrange a podium and install an antique-style statue on it.

Greek bathroom in Mediterranean style

A more democratic version of the "Greek bathroom" can be obtained by using ceramic tiles. Fortunately, today you can buy tiles of different sizes and designs that successfully imitate natural stone.

White and blue or black and white tiles with a pattern in the form of a “Cretan wave” are also suitable. It can be "launched" on the floor, around the perimeter of the room or at the top or bottom of the walls.

It's good if the Greek-style bathroom with a Mediterranean "accent" has a window. In this case, you can put a large tub with a lemon or orange tree there.

Hallway in the Greek style

The Greek style in the interior of the hallway is suitable for spacious private houses. It is distinguished by status and helps to impress guests as soon as they step over the threshold of the dwelling.

A mosaic will look great on the floor of the room. It can also be finished with natural stone with a special impregnation that prevents moisture absorption.

The entrance hall in the Greek style should be finished in light colors and shades. The absolute favorite is white. Light beige, creamy or sandy are also suitable. You can also use trim in various shades of blue and blue. At the same time, furniture for the hallway should be wooden and painted with white paint.

In the spacious hallway, you can install a statue or a large floor vase of a characteristic shape.

Hallway in a city apartment

A more modest Greek-style entrance hall can have a fairly simple and inexpensive finish. As an option, it is proposed to paint the walls with blue paint and use light-colored tiles for finishing the floor.

The choice of furniture should be approached very responsibly. It should not clutter up the space. It is best to install a small-sized storage system with a mirror, painted in white. It is ideal if pilasters are present in its decor.

To give the hallway features of antiquity, it is enough to use moldings. Engravings with scenes from ancient Greek mythology or photos depicting famous works of art from the ancient period are also suitable.

Remember! Greek design is minimalistic in nature. It originated in an era when any objects were created with the help of hard manual labor, using primitive tools.

This means that you should use little furniture and responsibly approach the selection of decor items.

Greek and Roman style in the interior: the difference

It is quite difficult to name the differences between these two styles of interior design.

At the heart of the Roman design direction are the features that the Greek style had in the interior of public and residential premises long before the founding of Rome. Both of them are based on the traditions of the classical era, so they are most often combined under the general name "Antique Design".

However, there are differences between these two directions. In particular, the Roman interior is characterized by the use of curtains of a special design. Their use will make the interior of a private house look like patrician mansions and create a cozy and private atmosphere.

Now you know how to decorate your home in the traditions of Ancient Hellas or give it the features of a traditional Greek house. We hope that this information will be useful to you, and you will be able to create the interior of your dreams.