Why do you dream about collecting large ones? Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about collecting something? Interpretation in a modern dream book

IN real life We don’t have to pack our things so often: once or twice a year before a vacation, or, even less often, before moving. Why do you dream about such an action? the dream book interprets the collection of objects in a dream in terms of their quantity, type, as well as the emotions and activity of the dreamer.

If in reality you don’t even plan to go anywhere, and you dreamed of such a plot, then be prepared for the fact that very soon you will be sent on a long business trip, or you will receive a win that involves a long journey. In any case, the dream book predicts that your path will be related to receiving funds.

If you had to pack things into a bag in a dream, and at the same time they did not fit in the proper order, you constantly had to clean up the chaos, you can be sure why you dream of such a picture if you are a young girl. This is a harbinger of a new dream book strong love, which will come unexpectedly and change the entire way of life.

For business man, confusion in collected items in a dream can only mean one thing: the dream book predicts a sharp promotion, or receiving a lucrative offer that will help sort out troubles and increase earnings.

Why do you dream of packing things in a suitcase? If it is old, shabby, then news from a long-forgotten old friend awaits you, or news from the past, a reminder of departed relatives and acquaintances. Be prepared for anything - the news can be of a very different nature.

For what purposes are fees collected?

Do you remember why you packed your suitcases in a dream? Traveling, traveling, moving, or maybe you just put your cosmetics in your purse and went for a walk? It all has direct meaning for a reliable interpretation of the dream book.

Why do you dream of packing things for the road? If you know that the path will be long, then, according to the interpretation of the dream book, you will soon have a cherished dream, a goal to which you will strive with all tenacity, and will not rest until you achieve the desired reward for your work.

If you were just going to take a walk on the street, then such an action in a dream foreshadows minor and unpleasant household chores, the appearance of household trifles - malfunctions, pollution - which will take a lot of time.

Packing things for moving in a dream, if in reality you are really planning to change your place of residence - good sign. The dream book guarantees that when you move into a new home, everything will go like clockwork, you will quickly cope with cleaning and arranging furniture, and will celebrate a solemn and pleasant housewarming.

But if your place of residence is not planned to change, then moving and packing things in a dream means bad sign. The dream book promises discord and conflicts in the family, which can provoke a long quarrel. But if you load furniture into the car, then expect a solution to your housing problem as soon as possible.

Why dream of packing for a trip if you are soon going to travel in reality? This is a dream that has a subconscious meaning. You worry about the success of your vacation, and your excitement results in such stories. Be patient, and everything will work out perfectly for you; such an action in a dream means that you are completely ready for a good rest.

Find out from online dream book, why you dream of Packing things, after reading the answer below in the interpretation of the interpretive authors.

Why do you dream of collecting things in a dream?

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about collecting things and what does it mean:

Collecting things - This is a sign that it’s time for you to move forward, not to stand still. This applies to all areas of life, perhaps you are already ready to switch to new stage, bring your plans into reality. At the same time, the dream may indicate your indecision, you are not sure of the correctness of the chosen path, and you are not ready to take responsibility for what is happening. The dream book says that fate provides you with a unique chance to start life from scratch. The dream also signals a misunderstanding that runs between you and your loved ones.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about collecting things in a dream?

Packing things for a young girl - in a dream you cannot decide what to take on the road, you are overcome by the feeling that something is missing, you have forgotten something - in reality you will fail, your plans will fail. Perhaps you are trying with all your might to attract the attention of an adult and wealthy man, but he will not reciprocate your feelings. Collecting things that are scattered or in disarray has a good interpretation if the dream is for an adult. It promises the conclusion of a successful deal, success in endeavors, rise in career ladder, a new acquaintance that will develop into love.

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov

If you dream of Packing things, what does this symbolize?

Collect things - Do as much as possible in a short period of time, sort yourself out.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Why does the dreamer dream about collecting things?

In a dream, collecting things - You will have to save money. Imagine that you are not packing things, but rather unpacking them.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about collecting things?

If they are scattered throughout the apartment or lie in chaos in your suitcase, then in reality you can expect a promotion at work or an increase in salary. It can also be news that is very useful to you if you deal with it quickly. Packed things for the road - you are ready to go towards your dream and you have the strength and capabilities for this.

Modern dream book


Packing things - If in fact you are not going to leave anywhere and have not planned any trips, the dream can be interpreted in literally. You are not planning to go anywhere, but your subconscious mind warns you that you will soon need to go on an unplanned business trip or visit family. Packing things into an empty suitcase that refuses to be filled means that in reality you will face troubles in your personal and family life; your favorite activity will no longer bring you the same pleasure.

Universal dream book

I had a dream - Packing things

In a dream, you are packing things before a long and long journey - in the near future there may be conflict situation, as a result of which you have a serious fight with your family and friends. There may also be misunderstandings with colleagues or superiors, professional sphere will not go through the best of times.

Packing things into a large bag or suitcase indicates that you have planned something serious and are constantly thinking about all the ways to implement this plan. A new business can radically change your life. If there are very few things, then in reality you will have troubles in household, minor troubles.

Treating dreams as a phenomenon that means nothing to a person is, to say the least, reckless. Many must have been surprised when what they experienced in the kingdom of Morpheus came true in reality, and regretted that they did not take the signal seriously. Did you have to pick mushrooms while traveling at night? The dream book will tell you what such an activity means.

Various sources agree on one thing: picking mushrooms in a forest dreamed of at night is most often a not very positive sign, promising troubles of various sizes or calling on the sleeper to pay attention to the bad traits of his character. But there are still favorable interpretations, depending on the circumstances of the dream.

The seer Vanga's dream book predicts quick profit if the lord of sleep brings you to a clearing with beautiful boletus mushrooms. But be careful, in fact, if you end up with specimens that have a can of worms in your basket: you may be let down by those whom you consider reliable friends.

The philosopher Freud, in his interpretations, regards enthusiastic mushroom picking in a dream as a sign of an intense but disorderly sex life.

Miller's famous dream book associates picking mushrooms with difficulty, followed by reward. If you collect beautiful edible mushrooms in a dream, it means that in reality you will be successful in your career. If a “quiet hunt” is dreamed of by young people who are faced with the choice of getting married or being rejected, in reality you should not be afraid to join your destiny with your loved one. The family will be happy.

Nostradamus warns that a large clearing completely strewn with mushrooms, seen in a dream, is a clear signal that in reality the dreamer better be careful: they want to deceive him.

Loff's dream book warns that if you fill your basket with toadstools and other inedible mushrooms during your night “travels,” in life, be prepared for the fact that one of your family and friends will let you down.

Why do you dream about picking edible mushrooms?

Although edible mushrooms are real life do not cause us fear or bad associations; typing such in a dream is not necessarily a favorable symbol. This could mean:

  • light flirting, pleasant, but fleeting. It won't end in anything serious;
  • Perhaps in reality you are cherishing vain hopes. This means that the dividends received will be insignificant and fleeting;
  • the rich fantasy of the dreamer, in reality divorced from reality and soaring in the clouds;
  • an artificial problem that a person created for himself and is now unsuccessfully trying to solve it;
  • the impossibility of hoping for reciprocal feelings when you went “to mushrooms” in a dream with someone you sympathize with;
  • probably old wise people given to you in life good advice, but out of stubbornness and stupid contradiction you do not listen to him.

Interpretation depending on the type of mushroom

Since in order to try to unravel what what you see in a dream means, it is important the smallest details, then the variety of mushrooms is of great importance.

  1. If you dreamed of porcini mushrooms, this is a sign of wealth and prosperity. It’s especially good when in a dream you collected boletus mushrooms with your whole family. This indicates that in reality there will be no shortage. And such a vision, which appeared to the owner of the business, promises success in business and numerous material benefits. However, when mushrooms that are slightly twisted or slightly eaten away by worms get into the bucket, check carefully financial condition your company, down to the smallest detail. Such a turn is a sign of danger for the company.
  2. In a dream, your yard is overgrown with honey mushrooms and boletuses, and there is no need to go into the forest to get them. This is good? Only at first glance. The ability to fill your wallet in a dream without practically leaving home indicates that you are tormented by some secret that you are afraid to tell others about.
  3. Do you put champignons in a bucket? When you wake up, think about whether you rely too much on other people's opinions and tastes to the detriment of your own. And if they are mixed with other types of mushrooms, small and wormy, accept it: boring, monotonous work awaits you.
  4. Did you have to collect milk mushrooms in a dream? Prepare for a long-term business trip. It will suck a lot of strength out of you and keep you in suspense, but the return - both monetary and moral - will be unexpectedly high. There is another, not so rosy, explanation - upcoming conflicts and major troubles in the family.
  5. The boletus that I happened to collect is a symbol of the fact that the dreamer is not confident in himself and underestimates himself. There is no need to continue to be tormented by unfinished business. Take a deep breath, be brave and take action. Everything will work out.

Poisonous mushrooms in a dream

Seeing mushrooms in a dream that cannot be eaten should not be regarded as a clearly negative signal from the subconscious. Again, remember that the interpretation of night dreams depends on many factors and nuances.

For example, fly agaric mushrooms. Poisonous, but what beauties! And since you managed to collect a whole basket, you simply must look into yourself. Your enormous potential needs to be released; your remarkable abilities will bring a lot of benefit and well-deserved recognition. At the same time, if you notice that during picking you only see red mushroom caps, life is preparing something sad.

When you wake up and continue to clearly see how you are picking a single, but huge and picturesque fly agaric, and you can even describe it in the smallest detail, it means that in reality you were faint-hearted, which now haunts you.

Did you dream that you were picking mushrooms, deliberately avoiding honey mushrooms, chanterelles and other suitable ones, and picking exclusively toadstools? Contrary to understandable associations, this is an exclusively positive sign. He talks about what's ahead pleasant surprises that can change your life in a moment. Your home will be filled with love, and your wallet will be filled with big money.

What do dreams with wormy, rotten mushrooms mean?

When collecting such loot in a dream, in the morning you need to figure out what it is for? Perhaps then it will be possible to avoid some difficulties. Spoiled mushrooms can mean:

  • the birth of many illegitimate children, since mushrooms are literally swarming with worms;
  • a large number of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren;
  • that there is a disease lurking inside, and it will soon make itself known;
  • that you should not run “ahead of the locomotive”, hastily conclude agreements and sign contracts: there are pitfalls that will work against you;
  • humiliation from loved one.

An almost rotten large mushroom in a dream is a dead person who did not tell you something during his lifetime or is pulling you towards him. Dream books advise you to try to control your actions in your dreams; under no circumstances should you pick such mushrooms or even look at them for too long.

But if you dreamed something like this, open your eyes, calm down, forgive yourself, ask for forgiveness from all your friends who died, and say goodbye to them discreetly.

Picking mushrooms in the thicket of the forest, in an open clearing

Do you dream of picking mushrooms in the forest or in an open clearing? You also need to pay attention to this when trying to unravel the dream.

If in a dream you wandered into the forest thicket to pick mushrooms:

  • a carefree and joyful “white streak” will come in life;
  • the dreaming girl is about to get married and will be happy in her family life;
  • To married woman the time of great material well-being will come;
  • businessmen should expect success in all matters and bright prospects.

“Silent hunting” in an open clearing or forest edge, and no matter what kind of mushrooms you collect, in real life predicts someone’s treachery. Take a closer look at those who surround you, understand in whose souls envy is seething and evil plans are swarming. This will save you from tragic consequences. “Close friends” with deceitful hypocritical masks on their faces can be especially dangerous.

The gender of the sleeper is also not the least important factor in the interpretation of dreams. Why does a man dream about picking mushrooms?

  1. He is completely satisfied sex life, if you walk along the forest edge, every now and then you will come across beautiful mushrooms.
  2. Watches in a dream how someone picks mushrooms - does not give rest love relationship familiar couple.
  3. If he puts large specimens in the basket, he subconsciously fears impotence. And it doesn’t matter that in reality everything is wonderful in this sense and he has many mistresses.
  4. He is looking for only one mushroom, large, fresh and beautiful - which means he is already ready for a permanent relationship and responsibility for the family.

For a woman, picking mushrooms in night visions is not very good. As a rule, this is a symbol that she is wasting herself in vain, those around her do not take her seriously. Dream books give other explanations:

  • it is necessary to pay attention to health, especially for women;
  • for a young girl there is a risk of getting involved in dubious relationships and ruining her reputation;
  • a young lady in love is threatened by the betrayal of a loved one and disappointment in men;
  • It’s better to beware of unfamiliar guys and boyfriends, so as not to experience humiliation.

Picking mushrooms in the forest is not only an interesting and exciting activity, not devoid of romance, but also good for health, giving you the opportunity to breathe fresh air, get closer to nature. What if you had to pick mushrooms in the forest, not in reality, but in a dream? Why would this be?

So, such a dream is not without reason, and the interpretation various dream books these visions vary greatly.

Miller's famous dream book believes that picking good, edible mushrooms will bring you to the emergency room. financial profit. After all, here, as in life, every work must be paid, and picking mushrooms is painstaking, labor-intensive work.

  • If young people preparing to get married pick beautiful, edible mushrooms in a dream, there is no doubt that they will family life everything will turn out great, they will live in love and harmony.
  • But collecting in a dream poisonous mushrooms: toadstools, fly agarics, etc. a bad signal for anyone who has had such a dream. This is a big scandal, a health problem, and for people leading an immoral lifestyle a warning about terrible, irreversible consequences.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga, whose dream book is distinguished by detailed, detailed interpretations of dreams, believes that it is important to remember what specific mushroom the sleeping person picked in the dream.
  • If he finds a clearing with porcini mushrooms, a big profit is expected soon financial plan, as well as other gifts of fate in a good way.
  • If the collected mushrooms are wormy and inedible, best friend will soon turn out to be a traitor.
  • In a dream, huge mushrooms the size of multi-storey building, This prophetic dream, predicting a nuclear disaster.

Freud's Dream Book

For the philosopher Freud, everything is not so scary, and the dream of picking mushrooms comes down to the promiscuous sex life that the dreamer leads. How worm mushrooms, the more children are expected as a result of such sexual relations.

  • But if you peel mushrooms in a dream, it means you can straighten out your messy sex life, having found a permanent partner, and maybe the only loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Nostradamus, whose authority is not in doubt by anyone, considers seeing mushrooms in a dream a call for caution, a warning about an impending serious illness. The exception is porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, which promise quick success in all matters.

Interpretation in a modern dream book

The modern dream book takes a broader approach to solving such a dream. Here the name and even the color of the mushrooms collected are important.

  • So it is believed that waves are always dreamed of monetary profit or for a big harvest.
  • Honey mushrooms also refer to money.
  • It is also good to see champignons in a dream: great deeds will bring great fruits.
  • Porcini mushrooms are beyond competition. This and financial well-being, and success in all matters.
  • Collecting chanterelles will not bring anything good in the near future, except vanity and anxiety. Family troubles await the mushroom pickers, but the worst thing is picking mushrooms: unjustified risk in all matters, unnecessary connections and acquaintances.
Thus, mostly mushrooms in a dream are a symbol of caution and prudence. But maybe it’s not bad to be warned in advance in order to avoid mistakes and exercise caution in various life situations.

We pack things very often: when cleaning, on vacation, at the dacha, when moving or on a business trip. Everyone is waiting for a miracle and a journey. Sometimes you can see such gatherings in a dream. Why do you dream of packing things?

Deciphering a dream is not easy. You need to devote a lot of time to your memories and little things that were encountered in the vision.

Dream interpretation

Modern dream book

Collect things dreams of a real trip. Nobody knows what kind of trip this might be, but you will have a great time.

Putting things in a suitcase? Personal life will become gray with a lot of troubles. Your significant other may be offended, but you don’t need to say too much, otherwise you won’t get your lover back.

For young girls in relationships the dream predicts separation. If you were planning to move, then change your place of residence.

Miller's Dream Book

Haste while packing promises trouble and failure for young women. Your plans will fail.

We collected things around the apartment? Wait for a profitable deal. The deal will bring profit and career growth.

Female the dream predicts an acquaintance with a subsequent wedding and a happy life.

Collecting your loved one's things? The time of parting is approaching.

Dream book of the 21st century

A dream in which things were collected, predicts changes to the dreamer better side, change of interests and responsibilities. Sometimes a dream reflects a person’s indecision, hinting to him that he needs to get his act together.

For young ladies the dream is about new opportunities. For adult women - the man's disposition.

Collect your loved one's things dreams before a quarrel and misunderstanding. It is worth resolving the conflict quickly, otherwise you will have to run away. Men sleep will talk about possible infidelities of his wife.

Esoteric dream book

Collect spilled or small items dreams of facing financial difficulties.

Dream book of healer Akulina

If you were packing your things, you'll soon be saving.