How friendly is a scorpion. Scorpio friends. Business Compatibility Scorpio Man and Scorpio Woman

The pair that two Scorpions will create will be very rare. This will happen if the partners do not look alike, because Scorpios are very different. Perhaps one of them will be a tough type of watermark - imperious, harsh, and the other will become the embodiment of diplomacy and gentleness. Despite this separation of roles, Scorpio and Scorpio Sign Compatibility becomes the basis of a very complex relationship. Not everywhere they are able to give in to each other, so their union will be based on passion and harsh calculation, but not on mutual tenderness and friendly communication.

Be that as it may, Scorpio is a tough sign. This representative of the water element is used to cruelly settling scores and carefully hiding feelings behind a cold mask.
indifference. The thing is that he does not want to show his weakness, because this will make him vulnerable.

Everything that Scorpio undertakes, as a rule, has a solid foundation. This extends to relationships as well. If he loves, then he is ready for anything for the sake of the chosen one. But if someone has become his sworn enemy, nothing good can be expected.

Both Scorpios are very suspicious, at every step they are haunted by a sense of betrayal and deceit. If these people have created a couple, then it is better for them to be extremely honest with each other from the very beginning. Then, behind their suspicion, Scorpios will be able to discern in a partner such traits as courage, nobility and the ability to stand on their feet even in the most difficult situations.

The compatibility of the signs Scorpio and Scorpio makes partners learn to forgive each other. Only in this way will they be able to get along together and know deep feelings, not overshadowed by constant resentment and fear of revenge.
Scorpions should be softer in relationships, because they can not always be strong and strict. There are situations when every Scorpio wants to feel the attention and care from a partner. If mutual understanding cannot be reached, betrayal is possible in the relationship, which will absolutely destroy the fragile substance that their relationship represents.

Sexual compatibility of two Scorpios

For this sign, intimate relationships mean much more than for others. The sexual compatibility of Scorpio and Scorpio is perfect. Often their relationship arises and continues in the bedroom, in order to then develop into a real love union. They are insatiable, passionate to the point of madness, but at the same time, in love they are like-minded people. The mutual desire for an emotional storm brings them to the brink of unearthly bliss.

Compatibility: Scorpio Man and Scorpio Woman

Scorpios are those people who are hard to converge, very slowly kindle feelings in each other, but then they cannot be forced to leave. And if this happens for some good reason, these representatives of the water element will never again become either friends or lovers.

Each Scorpio seeks to insure itself as best as possible from betrayal and betrayal, which is why there are so many distrustful and suspicious individuals among these people. Entering the same water for Scorpio is a terrible stupidity. He always remembers that people don't change. And everything he creates is for centuries, whether it's a house, a family or his career.

The compatibility of the signs of Scorpio and Scorpio requires them to have a little more ability to understand and condescendingly treat the partner’s shortcomings than they are capable of by nature. Everyone wants to take the reins of government into their own hands. Here, both men and women, on equal terms, claim the role of leader. It is unlikely that they will be able to give each other at least a couple of romantic moments. Because of their secretiveness and causticity, Scorpios push their partner away, offended and considering a plan for revenge. However, it is very difficult for them to improve relations after a quarrel and forgive, as well as ask for forgiveness. Even if these people of Water wanted to make the atmosphere warmer, their natural coldness would not give them the opportunity to perform such a feat. Thus, the ability to forgive and communicate openly is the most important aspect of their relationship. Only if they manage to master the basics of diplomacy will they become faithful companions.

All of these problems in no way relate to the intimate life of partners. Everything here is so good by Scorpio standards that it is often this side of their life together that keeps Scorpios from parting.

Scorpio Business Compatibility

The business compatibility of the signs Scorpio and Scorpio is extremely negative. Both are too fixed and incapable of business mobility. Outside of partnering with each other, Scorpios are of great business value, as they can manage finances well. In addition, they are used to doing everything thoroughly, and can guarantee the quality of their work. However, cooperation with a representative of another sign will be much more fruitful.

Scorpios make great friends and usually have many acquaintances that stimulate their intellectual and emotional interests. However, the presence of a Scorpio can be somewhat of an aggravating circumstance for some. You are unusually amorous and direct in relationships, and you can analyze a person's character and emotional needs. Scorpio will never be friends just like that and with just anyone. He always chooses his friends and acquaintances very carefully. If people get a chance to get close to you, your intensity and intensity may put them off. However, once your intentions are clear, a long and strong relationship is established with your friends.

As a friend you are kind, courteous and pleasant. Contrary to the notion that Scorpios are serious and even vicious, you have a talent for entertaining and telling interesting stories. In fact, you entertain others with your past experiences, and you like to embellish small details to make the story even more exciting. But Scorpio is also an excellent listener and psychologist at heart. You have a keen understanding and enhanced intuition that allows you to feel what is really happening. You like to play healer and help other people in life.

Superficial or languid associations do not captivate you as your soul beats for richer, deeper relationships. You prefer to indulge in friendship only when you sense a similar inclination in the other person. Because Scorpios are often intellectually high achievers by nature, they enjoy working with people of similar caliber and self-esteem. You are constantly looking for inspiration from friends and lovers and don't have time for silly talk or people. If someone wants to impress a Scorpio, then he should try to add something of value and harbor hidden meaning in their conversation.

The best way to strengthen your friendship with a Scorpio is to involve him in outdoor activities, competitive sports, or intrigue him with new interesting topics. Making him communicate with new interesting people, visit new cultural and intellectual places with him - this is the main recipe for strong friendship with Scorpio. Scorpios are young at heart, and you can safely attend music, rock concerts and similar events with him.

Scorpios are extremely loyal and devoted as friends, but only if they are ready to reciprocate their care and attention. If they feel hostility or their enthusiasm is taken for granted, they quickly redirect all their emotions and passion to the other person.

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In very rare cases, a long and favorable relationship develops between a Scorpio man and a woman.

A strong passion is possible between partners, which will be extinguished very quickly by frequent conflicts and the desire to take a leading position in a relationship.

Only if one of them gives way to the leader, a favorable alliance is possible.

What is the compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac and the combination between a man and a woman Scorpio in sex, relationships and love, marriage?

general characteristics

The Scorpio man is a very strong personality. who knows what she wants and goes for it. For him, someone else's opinion is not important, he does not need advice.

He will not live by patterns or try to please anyone. They set goals for themselves and go for them, no matter what.

He is quite an impulsive and irritable person. He immediately expresses his dissatisfaction, which is the reason for a large number of ill-wishers.

In work, he often reaches unprecedented heights. He can do any business, as he knows how to give himself to work.

He expects the same from others. It is difficult for him to communicate with frivolous, absent-minded people.

Despite outward calmness, emotions overwhelm him and at any moment can splash out. It is difficult for people to live with him because of the increased demands, conflict.

The woman is sexy, which attracts to it, like a magnet, representatives of the opposite sex. Despite this, she is often lonely.

She is smart, smart. Not afraid of hard work, finds a way out of the most difficult situations.

She is emotional enough, but she never shows it in public. She will not cry or complain about life, although it may be too bad for her.

Young woman aggressive, confrontational. She could have avoided a lot of stress if she had controlled her emotions.

It is difficult for her to remain silent when someone is unfairly accused or slandered in front of her eyes.

Despite being very popular among men, she knows how to love and is faithful to her partner.

She will do everything possible to make his life a paradise, and in case of betrayal, she will definitely take revenge.

Are they suitable for each other, are they compatible

Compatibility between them is favorable in rare cases. Most often this happens when one of them has a weaker character and agrees to give up his leadership position.

Relationships and friendship

It may seem that a woman and a man of this sign are the perfect couple.

They have similar interests, are active and know how to organize leisure. They are completely satisfied with a sexual life filled with experiments.

But sooner or later between partners the war for dominance begins. A man of this sign will never tolerate being led by the weaker sex. He starts pointing out her every mistake and tries to prove that he is better.

A girl can pretend to agree with her partner, but only at first. Every day her resentment grows, and at the right moment she will spill out in a stormy scandal.

She will try to reciprocate her partner and point out his weaknesses.

Gradually, hatred will grow between them., which with destructive force will change the romantic period of the relationship to a black streak.


If a marriage is entered into, which means that a woman has resigned herself to take a second position in relations with a man.

How long it will be depends on the behavior of the young wife. If she agrees to recognize her husband as the main one and does not point out his shortcomings, the union can be quite long.

This couple can achieve a lot and become an example for others. They know what they want and go for it. They are not afraid of difficulties.

They love children, become good, but demanding parents. In their house there will always be order and prosperity.

The girl of this sign is quite cunning and, by controlling her emotions, she could build a happy family with almost any sign.

But most of the time she gets bored with it, and she is looking for a more pliable partner with a less strong character which is easy to manipulate.


In bed, they fit together almost perfectly, can make great lovers. These partners know how to enjoy intimacy, they are completely liberated.

They love experiments, and all other signs can envy their sex life. At first, they cannot get enough of each other, they try to try everything at once.

In the future, their sexual potential remains at the same high level.

This couple will not experience problems in bed until old age. But men of this sign are capable of treason. No matter how liberated his wife is, he can go in search of something new.

At the same time, he will be completely sure of the sincerity of feelings and love for his soul mate. Sex for him is a way of getting pleasure, not a manifestation of love.

Is this couple perfect? How does a man treat a woman? Is such a man suitable for her, is she suitable for him?

This couple can hardly be called perfect, even if she pretends to be. These partners find it difficult to be with each other.

Scorpio wants to see a woman next to him who will appreciate his efforts, praise his every act. He does not like conflict and aggressive girls.

At home, he needs complete peace of mind. In a woman, he sees a rival. He understands that without him she will be able to reach heights and build a happy life.

It is difficult for a man to restrain himself and not point out the shortcomings of such a partner, even if there are practically none. He will spend days looking for her weak points, just to show his advantage.

But nothing will come of it, since the woman is confident in her superiority.

Scenes of jealousy often occur between partners. Even in the absence of feelings, they want the partner to belong only to them.

It is very difficult for a jealous man to live with a woman who attracts the opposite sex. It is also difficult for her, because her partner also attracts women.

The man and woman of this sign needs a calmer partner., which will not claim leadership. Representatives of this sign want to be the best in everything, even in relationships.

This game will not lead to anything good. Instead of achieving their important goals, they will spend time competing.

This union can spoil the psyche of two people, even make them enemies.

How to interest, seduce and tame

A woman has an attractive appearance, intelligence, quick wit. She has everything to win a man.

But for success she needs to be more feminine refrain from harsh criticism. She must show that she completely trusts a new friend and considers him better than the rest.

He must be pampered with compliments, while abandoning coarse flattery. Scorpio must be confident in their irresistibility.

You can tame it with care, kindness, understanding. He wants to feel that his partner completely belongs to him and is ready for anything for him.

At the same time, she must be beautiful and smart. Relationships will be dominated by patriarchy. The girl should not pretend to be the leader.

It shouldn't be too accessible., but must stand out with sexuality and beauty.

What will happen if a Scorpio woman offended a man of the same sign?

It's very easy to offend him., although he rarely shows it. He doesn't know how to forgive. Every day the resentment will only grow, and he will begin to develop a plan for revenge.

If the offense is too strong, it will make itself felt even after ten years. Scorpio will not forgive betrayal, although he himself is quite greedy for beautiful girls.

A proud man can abruptly cut off contact with the one who offended him. Do not wait for time - every day his hatred will only grow stronger.

Betrayal and lies are what hurts the soul completely changes his opinion of a person.

If at a younger age they are more loyal to the mistakes of others, then at a mature age they exclude offenders from their lives.

Love and sexual horoscope: a forecast of what to expect in the future

Love between them is possible but rarely does it lead to anything good. These two people are too similar.

They are not used to giving in: very quickly the purest feelings can turn into hatred. Secretly, they envy each other and want to suppress the activity of a partner.

A Scorpio man only needs a Scorpio woman when she is ready to listen to him and acknowledge his leadership. At the same time, both are attracted by the beauty, sexuality and intelligence of each other.

A woman can come to terms with such a fate and recognize that her partner is stronger and better than her. Then the relationship can last a long time, but sacrificing yourself for them is not recommended.

To build personal happiness and a happy life, both partners need to learn to listen to each other and become more restrained or abandon this relationship.

Love works miracles, but the stars are not subject to it. Two Scorpios is a sea of ​​emotions, success and violent conflicts.

According to the horoscope, there is good sexual compatibility between a woman and a man of this sign, these two people can become good lovers, straightforward friends, but they rarely manage to create a happy family.

To do this, you need to make a lot of effort and carry out difficult work on yourself.

To be frank, Scorpio does not need friends. He is a complete individualist who is used to relying only on himself. He does not like to share, especially his victories, and does not like to help, especially selflessly. In the early years, Scorpios believe that other people are endowed with the same willpower, determination and responsibility as themselves. Usually, disappointment does not keep itself waiting, and the young Scorpio makes a decision - "that's it, now I'm on my own." That is why they do not like to work in a team - they know that people are basically weak and cannot be relied upon.

The issue of relationships with the opposite sex also does not contribute to the friendliness of Scorpios. Imagine that the young man Scorpio, walking down the street with a friend, suddenly meets a sweet and alluring beauty - exactly the one he was looking for! But here's the problem - it turns out that his friend is not averse to trying himself in the role of Romeo. No, Scorpio will not tolerate such competition. It’s better to play it safe right away and walk in splendid isolation, throwing mysterious glances at the girls you like. Do you think this only applies to men? The rivalry among women is much more "tough". The Scorpio girl secretly wants to be the only star in the sky of every man. She, without hesitation, will sacrifice a long-term relationship with her friend for the sake of her lover. And in matters of jealousy and possession, it is better not to compete with Scorpios - you will still lose, and even get injured for life.

And yet, Scorpions still have friends. Most often, these are childhood friends - literally from kindergarten or from school. In their youth, Scorpios are more malleable and can not only get used to the shortcomings of their friend, but even completely accept them. Such friendship is very valuable, primarily because Scorpios never betray those they truly love. They will come to the rescue in the most desperate situation, when even relatives turn their backs on a person. And they can be completely trusted - even if you accidentally send someone to the forefathers, Scorpio will help you hide the corpse without further questions. It's a joke, of course, but there's a lot of truth in it.

As you understand, and the answer Scorpions require a similar attitude. They do not forgive betrayal. And you will be lucky if you get off with a simple termination of the relationship. Because Scorpios - one and all - are simply specialists in matters of revenge. Sometimes they can wait for years and even decades before delivering a fatal blow. And in words they can forgive you - do not believe it. After the declaration of war, lying in the eyes is just a military trick, which they gladly allow themselves. However, there is a higher type of Scorpio, also called the Eagle, who can sincerely forgive the offender, show condescension and mercy.

The last topic worth mentioning is finance. This is not to say that Scorpios are shaking over money, but they keep track of them. Do not forget to repay their debts on time, or better yet, borrow from someone else. Make sure that in your friendship you bear the costs approximately equally, but at the same time be ready to sacrifice all your money if Scorpio asks you about it. Be sure that he will do this only in the most hopeless situation - and when everything works out, he will thank you a hundredfold for your generosity and help. That is what he considers true friendship.

Scorpio Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs:

Scorpio and Aries Friendship: this won't last long. Scorpio will try to take control of his companion, how long do you think Aries will last? A storm of indignation is inevitable.

Scorpio and Taurus Friendship: each of them is patient enough, so the game of "who is more important" will continue for a long time. But if they manage to reach a compromise, then the friendship will be unusually strong.

Scorpio and Gemini Friendship: it would be better for the fickle Gemini to stay away from the tenacious Scorpio. Despite their initial mutual interest, their friendship is unlikely to last.

Scorpio and Cancer Friendship: a very good combination, where both friends are capable of sacrifice. The main thing is that they can trust each other. Joint pastime for both of them is the best vacation.

Scorpio and Leo friendship: rivalry is more likely here than cooperation. Leo will quickly realize that a fair amount of sarcasm, and even poison, lies in Scorpio flattery.

Scorpio and Virgo Friendship: they are especially good at joint business projects. Money will never become a cause of contention, since both signs are extremely careful about finances.

Scorpio and Libra friendship: superficial relationships are possible between them. However, they do not require more from each other. Sometimes you need a person with whom you can just chat about this and that. And this is just the case.

Scorpio and Scorpio Friendship: they rarely converge on the same field. They prefer to maintain a distance, and as friends they choose those in whose company they can finally relax and not wait for a catch.

Scorpio and Sagittarius Friendship: they can communicate, but they cannot become close friends. Scorpio will not trust such a frivolous and naive friend, and Sagittarius is not one of those who will be imposed.

Scorpio and Capricorn friendship: great relationship, long and trusting. However, they lack a ray of light, explosions of laughter, joy and fun. However, stability and responsibility are not so few things.

Scorpio and Aquarius Friendship: Unfortunately, most often, misunderstanding is born between them, and then hostility. They have completely opposite views on issues of property and honor.

Scorpio and Pisces friendship: here we are talking about patronage rather than true friendship. Scorpio takes Pisces under his protection, and in return receives "rest of the soul" and fairy tales. Everyone gets what they want.

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Scorpios are individualists to the core. Therefore, it is not easy for them to start friendships with anyone ... even more difficult to maintain these relationships. Only a person who resignedly recognizes his right to dominate and is able to perceive his eccentricity and despotism without criticism can communicate with Scorpio without a threat to his psyche. This is a friendship between people, one of which looks down on the other, and the second looks up. Or you should be such a calm and balanced person that scorpion antics simply cannot hurt you. If you belong to one of these two types, in the person of our hero you can find a truly reliable comrade who can help in a critical situation with both advice and deed, an interesting conversationalist - and maybe even a spiritual teacher. loyalty is highly valued. Those who are able to endure them are strongly respected, although they do not always show their affection.

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Responses (26) to Friendship with Scorpions

    During my school years, my best friend was a scorpion, with whom we went to the same class, sat at the same desk for four years. But school years have passed, friendship has passed. I had to meet sometimes, but these were meetings of strangers. Perhaps the characteristic feature of this sign is only forward movement and there is no sentimentality towards the past.

    That's just such a reliable comrade and became a scorpion - my son. But I understood it intuitively. Knowing my son for 25 years, I am constantly surprised at the manifestations of his character. I am sure that I am his authority. Therefore, I feel safe. But whoever is not among his close associates, then that is the end.

    I myself am a Scorpio, an individualist, yes. But not selfish. And I don't look down on people. I value and respect my friends, I am ready to help in any way I can. So they don't have to "carry" me. But maybe the whole point is that due to busyness, meetings are infrequent. But my relatives (in the sense of home) get it, I agree, including the cat.

    I am a Scorpio and I really tend to go ahead. It's really hard for me to make friends. Why? I try to understand and I can't. But maybe I really seem arrogant to people, or maybe I am, but I don’t understand? I can't be intrusive. I keep everyone at a distance, because I feel people very strongly - their experiences and emotions. I do not like to come into contact with the energy of others. And those who are nearby - it is difficult for them with me. I am truly the owner. Being a scorpio is not easy.

    I am a Scorpio and I love this zodiac sign. Yes, it is not easy with us, but this does not apply to loved ones. I can’t keep silent when I don’t like someone or something, I’m not a team player, if I do something, I do it alone and with high quality, or I don’t do it at all. I can't imagine my life without goals. But for those who are close, I am a rather sensual person and I will do everything for those I love. As for me, this is a great sign, because only scorpions can understand how much energy, strength and enthusiasm we have.

    My brother is Scorpio by zodiac sign. So, he has a lot of friends, much more than me, for example. Therefore, this description puzzled me somewhat, since it does not coincide with his character at all. Apparently, the fact is that, in addition to the sign of the Zodiac, many other factors also matter.

    My zodiac sign is Leo and my work colleague is Scorpio. Outwardly, we get along with her, she treats me normally, even sometimes with attention, but wary. I, as they say, “tolerate” her, I cannot speak frankly with her. Apparently, you need to look at her from the bottom up, but this is not for me, so our relationship is tense.

    • I am a scorpio by sign, with a lion in work and in life, constantly skirmishes (misunderstandings). There are a lot of lions around me, I try not to have anything in common with them.

    I fight with scorpions all the time. Oh how I don't like them...maybe because they think they are kings on this earth. No matter how!
    P.S. I am a shooter.

    • As I understand you, I am also a Sagittarius, and my friend is a Scorpio. It is very difficult with her. They are narcissistic and can often say no when help is needed. But they don’t perceive your no, because they look down.

      • I am a Scorpio and I also have a Sagittarius girlfriend, and she constantly infuriates me, why? because I do not like meanness in friends. Therefore, sometimes, a refusal to help follows. And who is good to me and I am good. I love faithful and good friends, and I do not like vile ones.

    It's true, it takes a long time to build friendship with Scorpio) However, this is easiest when he is the first to decide to trust a person. They are like idealists and they like to see it in others. They have critical periods: sometimes everything is good, then everything is sharply bad. (it seems that this is the most “not so hot” feature in their quick-tempered character) You need to adapt to this, however, they really appreciate friendship, although through a rush of emotions sometimes Scorpios themselves do not notice that because of the riot they can say or do a lot of things: ,)
    But I have never seen a friend more purposeful and ready to listen.

    About friendship, as well as about my relationships with people in general, there is only one popular phrase of TP: “Everything is very complicated.” Why can’t you say so specifically, maybe the wrong people were on my way or my requests for people are high, or maybe I’m such a person. But I don’t trust people, and all because every time I let a person closer, it suddenly turns out that they are changeable like the wind and flexible like a stripper on a pole - there is no constancy, and therefore reliability, fidelity, and I don’t like to constantly look behind my back and expect when they spit in the back, and pry with a knife. Yes, and tantrums and ridiculous attempts at a bloody vendetta against me based on an unreasonable insult also do not hurt my taste. People are emotional, unstable, petty and spiteful creatures, caressing their notorious Ego cleaner than all Scorpios put together, regardless of the sign of the Zodiac. One disappointment. In general, I clearly learned that the best friend - constant, faithful, strong, incorruptible always and everywhere - is you yourself and you can rely on yourself in everything.

    I am Aquarius, I became close friends with a young woman Scorpio. I train her at the gym. There was no sex, just a very good relationship. She was the only one who helped me with deeds when I was on crutches after the operation, in a terrible depression. She dragged me to the gym, paid for my membership, knowing that my finances were very tight. The fact that Scorpions have energy over the edge, yes. Sometimes you have to slow it down in the hall, otherwise it won’t stop until you fall unconscious)) There is also such a feature, blurt out without thinking - which can offend. Well, in general, a very reliable person. It’s just that I don’t climb tactlessly into some areas of her life, and indeed, to climb with advice to any person in purely personal areas of life, I consider it the height of indecency (although I myself sinned this). I feel comfortable with her. She interrupts me in time if I start to carry something wrong. I regulate this infernal internal engine of hers, and somewhere she regulates me. Although, to be honest, I myself adjust my settings next to her, I become different. Scorpio is a strong sign, and she tells me that I am strong))) It turns out that I am stronger than Scorpio?)) Well, in general, Aquarius is the strongest sign in the Zodiac.

    • my friend, even though you correctly emphasized friendship with scorpion,
      but the last phrase is laughter.

      Aquarians pour water, air sign, => very superficial. how can a flying sign be strong?
      - What is the strength in, brother?

      I have an Aquarius husband. oh..
      not obligatory, liar, show a finger, he will laugh for a day, (stupid? - no, he is EASY!)
      I was driving the way to show the hearse, I was sitting next to the driver, I drove the right turn, I started talking about music with the driver.
      (what a trifle - death, according to FIG, that the coffin. NO SORRY, no soul! IMHO
      there is only, guard, I hit (cut) my finger and .... for a week in bed - have pity on me! STRONG SIGN?
      lazy to the point of parasitism!
      drunk and a liar, drove out the moonshine in the country, from the old jam, and ate it all up, but said that the cans FALLED and crashed !!! ALL
      greedy, not helpful, at the table pulls the biggest piece from the plate. little, pull more.
      not clean on hand, dude,
      in everyday life - a complete fool! does not know how to support a family and does not STRIVE TO UNDERSTAND THIS MAIN feature of a man. egocentric!
      I understand it's specific.
      i don't like aquarius
      He also has an Aquarius sister! ICEBERG! FOR ANY event! to complain to her - that about the wall with peas. a little bit of trouble she has depression!
      SCORPIONS pass someone else's pain through their nerve cells
      help - burn - get sick!
      crying in the shower, outwardly smiling

      • I am a non-drinking Aquarius)) I do everything on the farm myself. Yes, periods of Leni happen, but this is from overload when I do everything myself. This I would even say is not laziness, but an emotional rollback. What was written above is pure particularity, although something general slips through. My aunt was Scorpio, she died of alcoholism at the age of 39. Well, what is the strength? Not everything is so unambiguous and one-sided, with Aquarius and Scorpio. Scorpios are vindictive, Aquarians forget insults. Although I am able to carry in myself for a long time, until it disappears by itself. Either the situation, or until negative feelings outlive themselves. The fact that Scorpios burn out, yes, and this is wrong. Then they walk like a bare nerve.

        • "An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth".
          Scorpions are very vindictive and vengeful. They will not rest until their abuser is as hurt as they are.

          "Trust and life are lost only once."
          The trust of representatives of this constellation is worth a lot. If you have lost it, then do not expect to get it again.

          "Do your best and leave the rest to fate."
          In Scorpios sit both a perfectionist who tries to do everything perfectly, and a fatalist who believes in fate.

          That's right about you.
          (a friend wrote to me. she knows better :))

          Scorpios remember the evil done to them for as long as the situation requires. The moment has come to sting - sting. They sting so that for the offender it was very painful, mortally painful.
          Because "revenge is a dish best served cold"

          Usually, Scorpios are not interested in the opinions of others, and they express their own even when they are not asked about it at all, neglecting tact or decency.
          Scorpios are so independent in their judgments that even a well-known fact will be easily and sincerely questioned, and it will be simply impossible to convince them. Absolute confidence in their own rightness, as you might guess, also does not add to them the ability (or at least the desire) to compromise.

          Some astrologers distinguish three types of Scorpions:
          (evil, vengeful, greedy and merciless, moreover, often becoming victims of their own aggressiveness),

          (such people are also called Eagles, they are fair and reasonable, the least selfish of all Scorpios and the most intelligent)

          and gray lizards
          The latter would be dangerous if they were not so weak: they are only able to hate quietly, painfully shy, may seem harmless, but on occasion they are able to bite even a friendly hand.

      • It’s good to fence on Aquarius!)), even if they are not perfect, but in any case, they are honest and fair. My mother-in-law is a scorpio. Smart-ass, moreover, flat smart-ass, selfish, jealous, hypocrite and alcoholic. He does not see a log in his own eye, but he will not rust behind it to crap everything and everyone around. I don't understand these people. To pay tribute, a hard worker and a strong personality, only this strength would be in a peaceful direction!

        Aquarius is a very strong sign. And he sees what others do not understand. So what, that the turn passed and the coffin? A person cannot be returned and this turn is all the same to him. Aquarians understand that you need to take care of people in life. And all this grief and hearses is ostentatious. First you devour each other, and then you pretend to mourn. It is Aquarians who support, inspire, inspire hope and optimism in everyone who meets them on the way. And so every day. Who, apart from Aquarius, is able to digest all the vile deeds and words of others and remain cheerful, always friendly, TACTICAL and understanding? Yes, no one. But we are very good at dealing with people. And yet we accept and appreciate them as they are, we strive to make everyone's life at least a little, but still brighter, we give everyone a piece of our heart, and so every day, no matter what it costs us. We understand that no one else will do this. This is the strong character. And to eat each other and hate, you don’t need a lot of mind here)))) And in general, people who love to criticize and condemn others, most often do not see beyond their noses, moreover, they have low self-esteem and are envious. But we, Aquarians, understand such people, and are not offended. Nature created them that way, which means that someone needs it. Everyone shares what he has in abundance. Someone with malice, someone with light))) And there is no light without darkness.

        • It's true. And selfish Aquarians are called those people who tried to use them to the fullest and rob them to the bone, but could not. And then such people include offended and unhappy. No one will ever admit their true intentions. So, for example, my friend Cancer proclaimed herself my close friend. For her, this means giving me used cosmetics, which she herself is tired of, bringing me leftover food - she cooked, tried, but her family was not fed up, to whom, if not a “close” friend, take all this, but don’t care if she gets poisoned. Then you get calls at 3 am - I took a sip of beer and felt like talking heart to heart. It means loading me with problems that aren't problems at all. With anguish, she talks about a runny nose, about a boring job (and does not try to change) and her husband who left 15 years ago (about the fact that he had endured her drunkard for 20 years and unsuccessfully tried to cure her - he does not say a word) - and so on ad infinitum . And as soon as you delicately refuse to be a drain bucket for her to whine, you explain that you need to work (and there are 3 jobs), eat, get enough sleep, that you have a personal life and several hobbies, you immediately turn into a soulless egoist. Moreover, this is angrily reported to the entire district. Once, for the sake of interest, I tried to tell her about my problems and affairs. And what do you think? And she didn't listen. Just interrupted by another sad story. Her runny nose is a mega problem, and your broken ribs are just little things in life. You know, it happens ...))) So, comrades, before calling someone an egoist and a bastard, watch yourself from the side))) Open your eyes and watch from all four sides))

    One of my best friends is a scorpio. Actually, if anything, then I myself am a virgin. There has never been a more comfortable person in my life. That's who your secret "grave" is - so it is. Who understands and accepts everything to the end - it's her - my scorpion. He will not betray and meekly listen without condemnation and prejudice. Closed, secretive, proud .... but I know how to approach her ... a rock with a vulnerable heart. Doesn't show that he's worried. But I always feel and see it. I don't need words from her... support and acceptance. And she is grateful and devoted. And my Scorpio mom is my best friend. There is no person with more heart. And yes. The most important thing is that they do not condemn, but accept people close to them, regardless of anything, or anyone's opinions. It's worth it!