Expanded clay concrete for external walls technical specifications. Expanded clay blocks: technical characteristics. Why choose this material

Expanded clay concrete blocks occupy an intermediate place between brick and porous blocks of foam and aerated concrete.

They inherited strength and frost resistance from brick. They can be compared with lightweight concretes due to their large dimensions, low thermal conductivity and low weight.

The production of blocks from expanded clay concrete consists in adding to cement mortar expanded clay gravel fraction from 5–10 mm and coarse expanded clay sand. The energy-saving characteristics of the block and its strength directly depend on the size of the filler. The larger gravel is added to the molding mass, the warmer, but less durable expanded clay blocks are obtained.

Let's consider in more detail specifications of this material in order to have a good idea of ​​its capabilities, advantages and disadvantages.


The building standard provides for the following dimensions of expanded clay concrete blocks: 188x190x390 mm and 188x90x390 mm with the maximum allowable deviation from the specified dimensions by 10-20 mm. The first standard size is wall blocks, the second is partition blocks.

Depending on the quality of the surface of the side faces, expanded clay blocks are divided into ordinary and front. Privates are designed for laying walls, additionally protected exterior trim. Front blocks allow you to erect a building without subsequent processing of the facade with finishing compounds or tile materials.

Partition block made of expanded clay concrete

Another one important detail, relating to the characteristics of this material, is the presence of voids. The hollow block has through or non-through vertical voids. They reduce the weight of the material and increase its energy-saving qualities. Solid blocks, on the contrary, are heavier and more durable. They are used for laying capital walls that take high loads.

Density and strength

These are the most important technical characteristics of expanded clay concrete blocks, since energy-saving and acoustic properties depend on density, and reliability depends on strength. bearing walls building.

Density given wall material depends on the filler fraction and varies over a wide range (from 500 to 1800 kg/m3).

The strength of expanded clay blocks is from B3.5–B20, which, in terms of the static load, is from 35 to 250 kg/cm2. The weight of the blocks is in the range from 10 to 23 kg. The durability of this material reaches 60 years.

The optimal ratio of thermal conductivity and strength of the block is achieved by using a suitable clay for the production of expanded clay of the desired density and fresh high-quality cement grade M500. Here is an example of a qualitative proportion of expanded clay concrete blocks produced by the Cheboksary Construction Plant.

Standard, thick and solid block

energy saving

A very important parameter for any masonry material is thermal conductivity. In expanded clay blocks, it strictly depends on the density.

Density, kg/m3 Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/(mS)
1800 0,81–0,90
1600 0,66–0,78
1400 0,57–0,64
1200 0,45–0,53
1000 0,32–0,42
800 0,25–0,32
600 0,21–0,27
500 0,18–0,24

For a simpler orientation in the purpose of the blocks, builders use the concept of structural and thermal insulation and structural material. Expanded clay blocks with a volumetric weight of 600 to 1100 kg/m3 are referred to the first type, and with a material density of 1200 to 1800 kg/m3 - to the second.

Frost resistance and fire resistance

The frost resistance of expanded clay concrete determines the durability and load bearing capacity walls. For expanded clay blocks, GOST has established several frost resistance grades: F25, F35, F50 and F75. The numbers here indicate the number of freeze and thaw cycles that a block completely saturated with water can withstand without loss of strength.

Expanded clay blocks have the highest class fire safety- A1. This means that the action open flame masonry of them is not destroyed for 7-10 hours.

Vapor permeability

An important environmental parameter, which today is carefully studied not only by professional builders, but also by ordinary developers. Expanded clay concrete is a breathable material, which is confirmed by the table below.

To an inexperienced person, these numbers will not say much. The builder will see in them that expanded clay concrete "breathes" 2 times better than brick and almost not inferior in vapor permeability to wood and drywall.

In addition, the claydite block has the ability to absorb from the air excess moisture and give it at low humidity in the room. Therefore, in a house built from this material, even without the use of forced ventilation a comfortable microclimate is established.


All the most important technical specifications expanded clay blocks can be recognized from the abbreviation that the manufacturer labels its products.

The first letter K indicates that this material belongs to the category of artificial stone.

The second and third carry information about the scope and purpose:

  • C - wall;
  • P - partition;
  • L - front;
  • P - ordinary (for decoration).

The fourth and fifth letters specify the purpose of the block in the masonry: UG - angular, PR - serial, PZ - for dressing seams. The hollow block is marked with the letters PS. Further, the marking indicates the length of the block (39 cm).

Then there are grades of strength, frost resistance and density. Knowing this simple algorithm, you can easily read the most important information about the material. For example, we will decipher the marking of the KSL-PR-PS-39-75-F20-1200 block as follows: wall stone, front, ordinal, hollow. Its length is 39 cm, compressive strength 75 kg/cm2, frost resistance 20 cycles and density 1200 kg/m3.

Advantages and disadvantages

As we have already said, expanded clay blocks according to GOST are made without the use of toxic synthetic resins and other additives harmful to health.

In addition to good vapor permeability, their advantages include:

  • Durability.
  • Strength.
  • Light weight and low labor costs for masonry (large block format).
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Possibility to use as additional thermal insulation the main bearing material of the walls (concrete, silicate brick).
  • Fire resistance and absence of toxic combustion products during thermal decomposition.
  • Good masonry compatibility with different types facing materials(tile, regular and decorative plaster, wood).
  • A flat surface reduces the consumption of the finishing solution.
  • Affordable price.


  • Poorly tolerate dynamic and shock loads.
  • Due to the high abrasive qualities, it is difficult to saw and cut, forming uneven edges with cracks.

Comparing the pros and cons of expanded clay concrete blocks, it is easy to see that positive qualities they have more than negative ones. Therefore, the reviews about this material are mostly positive.

When buying such blocks, attention should be paid to this point: some manufacturers, in an effort to save on cement, add organic and synthetic adhesive additives to the initial solution. They degrade the environmental performance of the material. Therefore, before buying expanded clay blocks, you should check that the seller has a GOST certificate of conformity.

Estimated prices

When planning the construction of a house from expanded clay concrete blocks, you should clearly navigate the prices for this material. Manufacturers indicate its cost not only in rubles per 1 m3, but also for 1 piece.

Understand different prices It's easy if you use a simple translation algorithm: 1 m3 contains 72 blocks standard size(188x190x390 mm).

The average cost of one hollow wall block made of expanded clay concrete is from 40 to 54 rubles (1 m3 - 2900-3800 rubles).

A corpulent full-length block is offered to be bought at a price of 52 to 65 rubles (price per cube 3700 - 4600 rubles)

The price of a hollow partition block ranges from 32 to 34 rubles apiece. Unlike full-length ones, these blocks are sold not in cubic meters, but in “squares”. The cost of 1 m2 (13 blocks) is from 416 to 450 rubles.

Comparison with foam and gas silicate blocks

Comparing expanded clay blocks, foam blocks and aerated concrete blocks, it should be noted that these materials are quite similar in a number of properties. They have comparable frost resistance and thermal conductivity.

Expanded clay concrete of structural grades surpasses its competitors in strength. It absorbs less moisture than foam and aerated concrete, which is also an advantage.

Comparative characteristics of these materials for clarity, we have given in tabular form.

Expanded clay concrete blocks, the characteristics of which are appreciated construction companies building low-rise buildings not only in Russia, but also in European countries. They have a number of undeniable advantages: light weight, high strength, low heat transfer, good thermal insulation, sound insulation, fire resistance; resistant to low temperatures and chemical influences; durability (up to 75 years), environmental safety and affordable price. Expanded clay concrete occupies a certain niche in the line of building materials - between bricks and blocks of aerated concrete and foam concrete.

What are claydite concrete blocks made of?

The production of expanded clay concrete consists in adding expanded clay gravel having fractions from 5 to 20 mm and coarse expanded clay sand to the cement mortar. The size of the filler affects the strength and heat-saving characteristics of the block: the larger the gravel that is added to the molding mass, the less durable, but the warmer the house turns out. To increase strength, frost resistance and fire safety, various chemical and mineral additives are also introduced into the mixture.

In order for products made of expanded clay concrete to meet the technical specifications, the composition of the solution for the preparation of a particular brand is strictly regulated by GOST. Before buying blocks, you must make sure that the appropriate certificate and quality standard for this batch of goods is available. This will help you avoid purchasing low-quality goods from an unscrupulous manufacturer.

Claydite concrete classification

Expanded clay blocks are of three types: heat-insulating, structural-heat-insulating and structural.

In the production of heat-insulating blocks, large fractions of expanded clay are used. This type of firing uses special technology, which provides swelling of the components, due to this, pores are formed large sizes. Panels of this type are not distinguished by high strength, but they are light in weight and have high energy-saving rates. Therefore, they are used as thermal insulation.

Structural and heat-insulating blocks have an increased density, which leads to an increase in their weight, but an increase in strength. Most often, panels of this type are used for the construction of interior partitions.

Structural blocks are the heaviest, but at the same time the most durable. Therefore, they are intended for the construction of load-bearing and other structures that are subjected to heavy loads (houses, bridges, flyovers, and so on).


Dimensions of standard expanded clay concrete blocks:

  • wall - 188 x 190 x 390 mm;
  • partition walls - 188 x 90 x 390 mm.

The dimension of each surface of the block may have a tolerance of 6-8 mm.

According to the quality of the surface of the side faces, the blocks are divided into:

  • ordinary - used for the construction of walls that require additional external finishing;
  • front - used for the construction of buildings without subsequent finishing of the facade.

Another detail that is important is the presence of voids (from 0 to 40%). Blocks are hollow, which have through or non-through holes different shapes. This reduces the weight of the material, but increases it thermal insulation properties. Solid blocks, on the contrary, are heavier, but also more durable. It is from them that the masonry of the main walls is made, which perceive high loads.

Density and strength

The strength of expanded clay concrete is determined empirically, that is, measurements are made of the maximum loads at which the material begins to collapse. Strength varies from 25 to 300 kg/cm². The marking of this indicator looks like the letter M and a digital index indicating the maximum allowable load on the material in kg / cm². For example, M150: the number 150 indicates that each square centimeter of the block can withstand a pressure of 150 kg without being threatened with destruction. The most durable is the M300 brand. Reliability and durability depend on strength load-bearing structures buildings.

The density of expanded clay concrete varies depending on the filler (fraction size). From this indicator depend on heat-saving and soundproofing properties blocks.

Density and strength of various expanded clay concrete blocks:

Thermal conductivity

The thermal conductivity coefficient determines how well a material retains heat, and it is entirely dependent on density: the coarser the gravel is added to the molding mass, the warmer the structure becomes. That is, with an increase in density, the thermal conductivity of expanded clay concrete blocks increases and, as a result, energy-saving properties deteriorate.

Frost resistance and fire resistance

Resistance to low temperatures and fire - these are the two indicators that affect the durability of the material.

The marking of the frost resistance indicator looks like the letter F and a digital index indicating the number of freezing and thawing cycles that a block soaked in water can withstand without loss of strength.

In terms of fire resistance, expanded clay concrete blocks have the characteristics of the most high class fire safety A1, which means that structures made of this material are able to withstand the fire test for 7-10 hours and not collapse.

Specific and volumetric gravity

Such an indicator as specific gravity expanded clay concrete is rarely used in practice. This parameter depends on the type of filler used and its quality.

To calculate the loads on the foundation and floors, experts use an indicator such as volume weight expanded clay concrete, which shows how much one weighs cubic meter blocks.

Depending on the density of the solution used for the manufacture of blocks, the presence or absence of voids, the weight of expanded clay concrete with a volume of 1 m3 varies widely:

Vapor permeability

Another rather important parameter that shows how expanded clay concrete is a "breathing" building material. This indicator is in the range from 0.094 to 0.256 mg / m * h * Pa at a density of 1400 to 500 kg / m³, respectively. In addition, CB blocks can remove excess moisture from the air and return it in case of low humidity.


This is the ratio of pore volume to volumetric weight, that is, expanded clay concrete can be heavy, light and extra light.


All manufacturers of CB blocks mark their products:

  • K - means that the material belongs to the type of artificial stone;
  • C - wall;
  • P - partition;
  • L - front;
  • P - ordinary;
  • UG - angular, PR - serial, PZ - for dressing seams, PS - hollow;
  • block length in cm;
  • strength grade;
  • frost resistance parameter;
  • density index.

Armed with this knowledge, you will be able to find out all the necessary information about the material. Let's look at the marking of the next block - KPR-UG-PS-39-35-15-500. The decoding will look like this: stone, partition, ordinary, corner, hollow, 39 cm long, with a strength index of 35 kg / cm², frost resistance of 15 cycles and a density of 500 kg / m³.

Single block weight

How much an expanded clay concrete block weighs depends on what type of expanded clay concrete it belongs to, as well as on its dimensions, porosity and the amount of expanded clay in its composition. The weight of one expanded clay concrete block can be in the range from 5 to 29 kg.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that expanded clay concrete blocks are not inferior in their technical characteristics, but in many ways even surpass such a worthy competitor as brick, although they are much cheaper. When using expanded clay blocks instead of bricks, the following happens:

  • the load on the foundation is reduced by 2 times;
  • home heating costs are reduced by 3 times;
  • construction time is reduced many times;
  • labor costs are reduced by 4 times (one block is equal to a laying of 6-8 bricks).

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you decide to build country house, and do you want to use expanded clay concrete blocks as a material? Then you are probably interested in questions about their cost, size and much more.

Time does not stand still, the assortment classical material comes from the sixties" for last years increased noticeably. This happened due to the fact that manufacturers want to stand out from their competitors.

The main problem when searching for information is that 70% of advertising messages about the sale of expanded clay concrete blocks are published by so-called outbids. Most of them contain unreliable data and distort all information about wall blocks.

To help you understand all aspects of choosing this building material, we have written this article. Today you will learn what claydite concrete blocks are. Pros and cons, reviews, projects, sizes and prices - we tried to cover the topic from all sides and we hope that the information we have collected will be useful to you.

Sizes and prices of expanded clay concrete blocks

Wall blocks used for masonry walls, and their key indicator is strength grade, because they bear the brunt of the burden. Wall blocks are divided into:

  • four-slot(from 37 rubles apiece);
  • corpulent(from 59 to 66 rubles apiece);
  • two-hollow(from 40 to 45 rubles apiece);
  • three-hollow(from 39 to 44 rubles apiece);
  • multi-slit(from 35 to 57 rubles apiece);
  • (from 119 to 149 rubles apiece);
  • through(from 119 to 270 rubles apiece).

Expanded clay blocks

Purpose vertical voids(or slots) is to give the material mass, density and thermal conductivity. AT corpulent There are no voids in the expanded clay block, so it is much heavier and stronger than its counterparts with through and non-through holes. This type of material is used in the construction especially strong walls all types of buildings (multi-storey garage or house).

Four-slot hollow wall blocks will be a good basis for a cottage-type building and any other three-dimensional buildings.

Expanded clay concrete (expanded clay) blocks are a fairly popular building material, which in recent times has become widely used not only in the design of buildings for household purposes, but also in the construction of cottages and private houses. The great popularity of this material is due to its high performance and technical characteristics.

The most popular brands of expanded clay concrete are: M50, M75, M100, M150, M200, M300.

Technology for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks

Despite the fact that each enterprise engaged in the manufacture of expanded clay blocks can use different proportions of raw materials, as well as additionally add plasticizers, with the help of which the initial mixture becomes more plastic, the technology for their production is practically the same.

At the first stage, the initial mixture is prepared, which includes expanded clay, cement, water and fillers. These substances in certain proportions are poured into a concrete mixer and thoroughly mixed for 2-3 minutes. Cement plays the role of a binder here. The ratio of proportions depends on what characteristics the concrete block should have at the output. For example, if cement prevails in the composition, then the material will have increased strength and density, but have little thermal insulation. Conversely, a large concentration of expanded clay will increase insulation characteristics expanded clay concrete, but will reduce its strength.

At the second stage, molding is carried out using a vibrating machine. To do this, a stainless steel plate is placed in a special recess of the required dimensions, on which the prepared mixture is poured. After that, with the help of vibrations, it is compacted.

The last stage is the drying of the compacted mixture. Concrete blocks, being in special plates, are dried for 2 days, after which the plates are removed and drying continues for outdoors about 8 more days. The result is construction material, which has the following advantages:

  • high frost resistance (more than 25 cycles);
  • slight moisture absorption (less than 20%);
  • excellent heat and sound insulation;
  • complete environmental friendliness;
  • high strength;
  • light weight;
  • durability;
  • good value for money finished product.

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Claydite concrete grades

The brand of this material directly depends on its density. The greater the density, the greater the brand, respectively. Expanded clay blocks have a slightly lower density than most other building materials, but this does not affect their mechanical strength.

Due to the internal structure of expanded clay granules, its resistance to mechanical stress increases significantly.

The most popular brands of expanded clay concrete are:

  • M50 - used in the design of partitions and load-bearing walls;
  • M75 - used for the construction load-bearing elements both in private and industrial construction;
  • M100 - for pouring screeds;
  • M150, M200 - used for the manufacture of expanded clay concrete blocks;
  • M300 - used in the construction of bridges and road surfaces.

The dependence of the claydite concrete grade on strength is shown in the table (Fig. 1).

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Dimensions and characteristics of blocks

The dimensions of the blocks depend on the needs of the customer and the design purpose, so they can be completely different. According to GOST 6133-99, standard expanded clay concrete blocks for load-bearing structures have dimensions of 400x200x190 mm, and for the construction of partitions - 390x90x190 mm.

The main characteristics of expanded clay concrete blocks are:

  1. Strength. Depending on the scope of the blocks, it can be in the range from 5 to 500 kg / cm 2.
  2. Volume weight. This value also depends on the scope of the material and can be 350-1800 kg / cm 3.
  3. Thermal conductivity. It is 0.15-0.35 W / (m * K). The thermal conductivity of expanded clay concrete increases with an increase in the amount of cement in its composition. According to this property, concrete blocks are at the level of wood. The use of hollow blocks in construction reduces the thermal conductivity of the structure and makes the building warmer.
  4. Frost resistance. Increases with decreasing porosity. Minimum value is 15 cycles, and the maximum is up to 500 cycles.
  5. Shrinkage. It is at the level of heavy concrete and is about 0.4 mm/m.
  6. Vapor permeability. It is 0.3-0.9 mg / (m * h * Pa). This characteristic increases with increasing hollowness and porosity of the material.
  7. Moisture absorption. Makes no more than 10% by weight. Moisture absorption can be reduced by adding various plasticizers to the initial mixture.

Concrete blocks can have not only various sizes but also the design. The entire range of expanded clay blocks is conditionally divided into 2 groups:

  • wall expanded clay blocks;
  • partitioning expanded clay blocks.

The table shows the main types of expanded clay concrete blocks and their characteristics.

Expanded clay concrete blocks are a common building material that is made in accordance with GOST 6133-99 from sand, cement and expanded clay (in a ratio of 2/1/3) and is actively used in the construction of low-rise buildings.

High performance and technical characteristics, combined with an affordable price, make expanded clay concrete one of the most popular materials in the construction market.

The use of expanded clay concrete blocks instead of bricks can reduce:

  • the load of the walls on the foundation is 2 times;
  • home heating costs 3 times;
  • labor costs by 4 times (due to low weight, large format - one standard block is equal to 6 bricks);
  • significantly speed up construction time.


Standard dimensions expanded clay concrete blocks are - 190/390/90 mm and 190/390/188 mm. Manufacturers have the right to change these parameters upward or downward, but not more than the allowable deviations indicated in the tables of the technical regulation:

  • length: +/- 44 mm;
  • width: +/- 3 mm;
  • height: +/- 4 mm;
  • the maximum deviation of the straightness of the ribs is 6 mm.

The weight of expanded clay concrete blocks depends on the type, dimensions and voidness and can vary between 5 and 26 kg. The list of the most common types of blocks indicating the weight, brand, dimensions and the presence of voids:

Solid block (390/190/188 mm.)

  • SKTs-1PRP 01/01C - 16.9 kg;
  • SKTs-1PRP - 26 kg;

Solid block (250/188/120 mm)

  • SKTs-25R - 9.9 kg;
  • SKTs-25L - 12.8 kg.

2-hollow block (390/190/188 mm)

  • SKTs-1R - 14.7 kg;
  • SKTs-1L - 17.5 kg.

Ordinary smooth block (390x188 mm / 196x140 mm):

  • SKTs-14R 01/01 - 7 kg;
  • SKTs-14R - 10.9 kg.

Seven-slot block (390/190/188 mm.)

  • SKTs-1RG 01/01 - 12.2 kg.
  • SKTs-1RG - 16.8 kg.

Partition block (390/90/188 mm.)

  • SKTs-3R 01/01C - 5.1 kg;
  • SKTs-3R - 9.7 kg;

Volumetric weight of expanded clay concrete blocks depending on the variety

  • constructive - volumetric weight up to 1700 kg/m3;
  • structural and heat-insulating - volumetric weight 700 -1400 kg / m3;
  • heat-insulating - volumetric weight -150–200 kg / m3.

Strength of expanded clay concrete

According to the tables of GOST 6133-99, depending on the brand, it can vary in the range of 25 - 150 kg / cm². This indicator is marked with the letter M and a digital index, which indicates the maximum allowable pressure on the material in kg / cm². For example: M50. The number 50 means that each cm² of the block is able to withstand a load of 50 kg without destruction.

The coefficient of thermal conductivity depends on the type of blocks

  • structural expanded clay concrete - 0.55 W / (m * K);
  • structural and heat-insulating expanded clay concrete - 0.22 - 0.45 W / (m * K);
  • heat-insulating expanded clay concrete - 0.10 - 0.17 W / (m * K).

Frost resistance

  • constructive - 100 - 400 Mr3;
  • structural and heat-insulating - 20 - 100 Mr3;
  • heat-insulating - 15 - 50 Mr3.

Compressive strength

  • structural and heat-insulating - 35 - 100 kg / cm2;
  • constructive - 100 - 500 kg / cm2;
  • heat-insulating - 5 - 25 kg / cm2.

Other specifications

  1. density: from 400 to 1800 kg/m3;
  2. water absorption - 50%;
  3. vapor permeability - 0.30 - 0.090 mg / m / h / Pa (under normal conditions);
  4. shrinkage - 0%;
  5. fire safety class A1. Expanded clay withstands without destruction the impact of an open flame at 1000ºC for up to 10 hours;
  6. sound insulation indicators comply with the norms of SNiP 23-03-2003. Wall blocks provide noise protection from 50 to 62 dB, partition blocks - from 41 to 50 D;
  7. durability - 50 - 75 years;
  8. high environmental friendliness. The content of radionuclides is essentially established norms.

Conclusion: Analyzing the above data, it can be noted that the technical characteristics of expanded clay are very worthy. In terms of its physical and mechanical properties, the material is in no way inferior to brick, but is significantly cheaper.