Infusion of tomato leaves for what how to use. The use of infusion of tomato leaves in folk medicine and horticulture. Cucumber Pest Control

The insecticidal properties of tomato leaves have been known for a long time. In the book of P.N. Steinberg's "Everyday gardener's recipe. 1000 useful practical advice and recipes”, published in 1911, there is a note entitled: “Leaves of tomatoes as an insecticide”:

These leaves, placed on glass in greenhouses, completely destroyed insects. G. Boucher made the following experiment: he prepared a decoction of tomato leaves and sprayed them with plum trees affected by grass aphids: all aphids died from this spraying. Such a decoction completely replaces tobacco infusion and has the advantage of being much cheaper. Another French gardener, Mr. Berlan, made an interesting observation, according to which the planting of tomatoes in beds with vegetables and other valuable plants completely protects the latter from the attack of aphids.

The effectiveness of tomato tops against a number of pests is due to the presence in all parts of the plant of solanine, a poisonous glycoalkaloid (glycoside), which is found even in immature tomato fruits. It is characteristic in varying degrees all nightshade and has not only insecticidal, but also fungicidal action.

When pinching tomatoes, removing excess leaves, you can use any vegetative parts of plants without signs of disease with benefits for garden and fruit crops, for safe pest control. And also store them for future use.

From aphids, herbivorous bugs, spider mite and leaf-eating caterpillars helps well decoction of tomato. All parts of the plant are suitable for this: stems, stepsons, dried leaves (should be dried in the shade in a draft) or raw.

A decoction of fresh leaves. For 10 liters of water, 4 kg of chopped herbs, leave for 3-4 hours, boil everything over low heat for 30 minutes, cover with a lid, cool and strain. Before use, dilute the concentrate with water 1:4.

A decoction of dry leaves(preferably freshly dried) . For 10 liters of water, 1 kg of chopped tops insist 4-5 hours. Boil for 2-3 hours, covered with a lid, over low heat. When the solution boils, add required amount boiling water. Cool and strain. Dilute the concentrate 1:2-3 before use.

Decoctions retain their toxic properties for up to a year (but it is better to use within six months), they can be stored in tightly sealed glass bottles in a cool place. AT winter time they may be useful for indoor plants, and in the spring - for seedlings from aphids and mites.

For better adhesion of the solution, 30 g of laundry or green soap is added to it before spraying for every 10 liters.

The same decoctions can be used not only for tomatoes, but also for other vegetable crops, fruit plants- against herbivorous bugs, scoops, moths, cruciferous fleas, codling moth, sawfly larvae. Their effectiveness, of course, is lower than chemical insecticides, so you should try to use them prophylactically, without waiting for the mass settlement of pests.

It’s a good idea to add tomato tops to herbal starter culturesused for organic top dressing, providing both nutrition and plant protection at the same time.

In the fall, it is useful to cut the tomato tops removed from the greenhouse into small pieces and spread them evenly under the gooseberry and currant bushes. Some pests will bypass these plants, especially moths. During the summer season, you can periodically replenish the "protection" under the bushes with stepchildren and tomato leaves.

Healing infusions

Plants need protection from pests and diseases almost every year, but it can and should be done in the most environmentally friendly ways and methods. I believe that those who live in the city, especially weekend gardeners, often need ready-made preparations, and those who constantly live near the site have more opportunities to use local folk remedies, for example, herbal infusions.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the use of chemical pesticides is considered acceptable only when the number of a harmful organism significantly exceeds the so-called economic thresholds of harmfulness, in other words, an economically tangible number. These indicators exist for very many cultures, but, unfortunately, few are published for a wide range.

Since vegetable growing is usually started in March, now we will talk about protection vegetable crops. For example, let's take economic thresholds of harmfulness of cabbage pests.

Biological methods for protecting the garden and vegetable garden from pests

May 27, 2014 Natalia

During the period of mass activity of insect pests, they can be disorientated by smells that interrupt the attractive smell of plants that we want to protect. To do this, you need to spray the plants with various herbal infusions or plant spicy herbs and fragrant flowers among vegetables and berry crops.

Planting allies

Fragrant herbs highlighting essential oils confuse insects. Sow parsley, anise, dill, coriander, basil, lemon balm, sage, marjoram, tarragon, thyme in the garden and in the garden.

Their phytoncides are detrimental to pathogenic bacteria and fungus. Plant undersized marigolds (chernobryvets) next to gladioli. This will protect the bulbs from damage by nematodes. If the soil is infected with nematodes, plant chicory, calendula, nasturtium among vegetables.

Their roots, like those of marigolds, secrete substances that are unpleasant to nematodes. At the end of the season, marigolds should be crushed and embedded in the soil. This will scare away nematodes and bears. Do not weed dill that has grown by self-sowing from the beds, leave a few umbrellas.

He scares carrot fly and attracts beneficial insects. It is worth planting onion sets next to the asters. With such a neighborhood, asters will not get sick and will delight you with abundant flowering.


To repel pests, spray the plants with a two-week infusion or decoction of fermented weeds. Before spraying, the infusion is filtered, diluted with water 1:5 and used. Since the smell disappears, spraying should be done at least once a week.

Nicotine to the rescue

spraying with tobacco infusion-photoTobacco infusion is very effective against aphids, suckers, thrips, sawflies, leafworm caterpillars, codling moth. And it is prepared like this:

  • pour 1 kg of tobacco or tobacco waste with 10 liters of water; cook for 2 hours over low heat in a saucepan with a tight lid.

Let it brew for 3 days, strain. Add 2 liters of infusion to 8 liters of water, pour 40 grams of grated laundry soap into the solution and spray. If the trees are heavily infested with these pests, the garden is fumigated with tobacco smoke.

To do this, a film or tarpaulin is spread under the tree. An old bucket is filled with hot coals 3/4, poured on top of 0.5 kg tobacco dust and put under a tree. The crumbling insects are collected and burned.

Fumigation can be carried out in calm calm weather, preferably in the morning, in the dew.

Other tricks that might help:

  • Infusion of garlic, like infusion onion peel, we use against leaf-sucking and leaf-eating; An infusion of needles will help fight aphids, codling moth, strawberry-raspberry weevil; We use an infusion of citrus peels against leaf-sucking insects. garden strawberries it is not recommended to process them. Infusions of tansy, nettle, dandelion, marigold, marigold, wormwood, yarrow, potato tops and tomatoes - against any leaf-sucking and leaf-eating.

Tomatoes will build fences from pests for us

Infusion of potato tops to combat ticks. photo As mentioned above, tomato tops will become an assistant against many pests. It will help in the fight against caterpillars, codling moths, leaf-eating, aphids, moths, sawflies that attack currant bushes, roses and gooseberries. First, prepare a decoction: take 4-5 kg ​​of fresh tops (leaves, stepsons, roots) or 2 kg of tops dry, pour 10 liters of water and cook for half an hour.

Let stand and cool. We filter. Before spraying, dilute with water 1: 3, add grated laundry soap(approximately 40 grams per 10 liters).

  • Basil drives away mosquitoes and flies. Marigolds will save you from nematodes and bears. Immortelle will protect you from moths. Red elderberry will help you from flies, mice, rats, codling moth. cereal crops- from pathogenic soil fungi and nematodes.

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Fighting cruciferous flea without chemistry

The cruciferous flea is the ubiquitous small bouncy black bugger with a silvery sheen. She attacks first, because she loves to feast on young leaves of cabbage seedlings, and especially loves Beijing cabbage.

Since the flea eats three times its own weight per day, its presence is immediately noticeable: cabbage leaves are covered with small holes. If nothing is done, soon only veins will remain from the leaflet, and then it will die.

What helps with cruciferous flea

Method one. If you have a lot of non-woven covering fabric, then you can do it simply: cover the plantings of young cabbage. Access to the cruciferous flea bed will be closed.

After some time, the seedlings will get stronger, its leaves will become coarser and lose their attractiveness for the pest, and the coating can be removed. Method two.

It is good to sprinkle newly planted seedlings of cabbage with ash or a mixture of ash and tobacco dust in equal proportions. The disadvantage of this method is that every time after watering, rain or fog, the ash spraying will have to be renewed. Method three.

At the beginning holiday season plant spring garlic on a cabbage bed. When garlic shoots appear, plant cabbage seedlings next to them. The smell of garlic will confuse the cruciferous flea, and it will bypass the garden bed. Method four.

The cruciferous flea's dislike for strong odors can play into our hands. Add fir oil to the water for irrigation (10-15 drops per bucket), and to be sure, at first cover the young cabbages with the tops of plastic bottles. Method five.

Spray the plant with a weak infusion of chicken manure. It will not only help with fleas, but also serve as a nitrogen fertilizer for cabbage. The leaves will get stronger and grow faster, and the flea will not be afraid of them.

How to get rid of cabbage caterpillars and cabbage scoops

Everyone knows the cabbage butterfly or cabbage white in the face. A white butterfly with a black border on its wings lays its eggs bottom side cabbage leaves, from which yellowish caterpillars with black spots appear.

These “gluttonous bellies” then eat our cabbage. The cabbage scoop is a less noticeable gray butterfly, similar to a night moth, but its larvae can often be found inside cabbage heads. Small green caterpillars can seriously compete with whitefish in the fight for a juicy leaf.

How to process cabbage from caterpillars

Method one. If you have wasps living on your property, make them useful. Dilute old jam, compote or just sugar and sprinkle sweet water cabbage.

The smell will undoubtedly attract wasps, great hunters for sweets, to the cabbage patch. Wasps feed their offspring with caterpillars, so they will not miss the opportunity to “cleanse” cabbage from them. Method two.

Pour 2 cups of ash and a tablespoon liquid soap(even better than tar shampoo) 10 liters of water and insist for a day. Then spray cabbage with infusion. Method three.

As soon as you begin to notice the cabbages flying in the area, place sticks with eggshells hanging on them on the cabbage bed. It is said that butterflies take the shell for their own kind and do not lay eggs where it is already “occupied”. Method four.

Prepare an infusion of tomato tops or onion peel. This simple folk remedy will scare away butterflies with an unusual smell. A liter jar of onion peel should be poured with two liters hot water and insist two days.

Then bring the volume of the infusion to four liters, add a tablespoon of liquid soap. To prepare tomato infusion 1.5-2 kilograms of tops or stepchildren are poured with 5 liters of hot water and infused for 3-4 hours. Then boil for another 3 hours, after which it is filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2.

For better adhesion of the infusion, 20-30 grams of laundry or tar soap are also added to it before spraying. Method five. Sprinkle cabbage leaves with regular baking soda.

Caterpillars can not stand it, but for plants no harm.

Folk remedies against slugs and snails

Slugs and snails are inconspicuous nocturnal hunters of our cabbages. During the day they hide in secluded, dark and damp corners of the site, and in the evening they crawl out onto the cabbage beds and eat, eat, eat ... In the morning, all the cabbage leaves are in uneven holes, and no one is visible - the slugs hid.

What to do in this case? Method one. The good old folk method of dealing with slugs is a bait device.

To do this, in the evening (at 20-21 o'clock), when the slugs begin to get out of their shelters, trays with kvass, juice, beer or diluted jam with yeast are added dropwise next to the cabbage patch. You can moisten old rags or burdock leaves in the “drink” and spread them over the furrows.

All night the slugs will crawl to the smell, and in the morning it will be possible to take the pests with your bare hands. Method two. Scatter the mustard powder between the cabbages.

Slugs can't stand it. Method three. Prepare a solution of 40 ml. ammonia for 5-6 liters of water and pour from a watering can directly over the leaves and heads.

After a few minutes, return to the garden and repeat the procedure: at this point, all the slugs will come out of the ground and from the cabbage, and the ammonia solution will "hit right at the enemy." Method four. Tear off and lay out the leaves and stems of nettles in the garden.

Slugs on nettles will not climb to your cabbage. True, it dries quickly, so nettle protection needs to be updated every day, but this is more of a plus than a minus, because you are simultaneously fighting slugs and mulching plantings with excellent organic material.

Method five. crushed eggshell, scattered around the cabbage, will become an insurmountable obstacle for the mollusks. But where do you get so many shells?

Save all winter! What else to save in winter, so that later you can use it in the country, read here: Method six. Spray the soil on the cabbage bed with an infusion of bitter pepper.

To prepare it, you need to grind 100 grams of pepper, pour a liter of water and insist for two days. Then bring to a boil and leave for another day. Then squeeze the pepper and strain the infusion.

Half a glass of pepper infusion is diluted in a bucket of water and, as usual, a spoonful of liquid soap is added before spraying. The remaining concentrate can be stored in a tightly closed container in a dark and cool place.

We destroy the larvae of the scoop, May beetle, cabbage fly

The larvae of the May beetle, winter scoop or cabbage fly are called underground pests of cabbage, since they do not destroy the leaves, but the roots during the formation of the head. The result of their work is always on the face: the plant instantly withers, withers and dies. To combat the larvae, you can attract garden ants to the garden.

They, like wasps, crawl for sweets, so it makes sense to dig a jar of jam diluted in water next to a withered bush. Black ants will react to the bait and, at the same time, find larvae, which are their natural habitual food.

How to deal with cabbage aphids

The greenish cabbage aphid attacks, as a rule, young plants. Black dots appear on them, leaves curl up. If the aphids are not destroyed, the plant will soon die.

Measures to combat cabbage aphids:

Method one. Spraying with infusion of tomato leaves, prepared in the same way as in the fight against caterpillars. Method two. Treat the plants with soapy water (300-400 grams of soap per 10 liters of water), repeat the procedure after a week. Method three.

Spray the cabbage with a complex infusion against aphids. To prepare it, a glass of ash, a glass of tobacco dust, a tablespoon of mustard and a tablespoon of liquid soap, pour 10 liters of hot water and insist for a day. Then strain and use on the mountain to the pest.

Universal pest control methods for cabbage

Almost all pests of cabbage are not happy with the smell. herbs, That's why The best way get rid of them - plant dill, carrots, parsley or celery next to the cabbage for seeds, mint, rosemary, sage, basil or cilantro. The smells of these herbs and seeds will scare away slugs, fleas, butterflies and aphids, but will attract their natural enemies - ladybugs, rider beetle, lacewing. In addition to herbs and vegetables, flowers can also help in the fight against cabbage pests.

Place flower beds with marigolds or pyrethrum next to the cabbage bed, plant one nasturtium flower between the cabbages. Scoops, cabbage, aphids will forget the way to your site. If you are already late with the landing of "fragrant helpers", and the pests are attacking, use universal recipe a decoction that is not to the taste of almost all enemies of the garden: chop 700 grams of unpeeled garlic bulbs, scald with 10 liters of boiling water and boil for 2-3 hours. Then strain, dilute with water (1:1) and water your beds. We wish you success and great harvests!

The salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves ...

author Ziborova E. Yu., photo Ziborov T. Yu. Wise nature, in which everything is balanced, has created plants, decoctions and infusions from which can be used to protect the garden from pests and diseases. (see plants against garden pests - 2) 1. 200 grams of onion scales are poured with 10 liters of water and infused for 5 days, filtered and used for spraying 2-3 times in five days against aphids, thrips, spider and strawberry mites, apple sucker, codling moth , herbivorous bugs, caterpillars, scoop.

2. Half a bucket of husks is poured with 10 liters of hot water, insisted for a day, filtered, diluted twice before spraying and used to combat aphids. 3. Finely grind 10 grams of scales and 6 grams of onion peel, pour 1 liter of water, leave for 7 hours in a tightly closed container, filter and use immediately after cooking.

4. Pass 300 grams of onion through a meat grinder, pour 10 liters of water, insist 2 days (against suckers). 30 grams of garlic are ground, poured with 10 liters of water, filtered and sprayed on plants affected by aphids and spider mites. Infusion of tobacco dust and shag.

40 grams of tobacco dust or shag is poured with 1 liter of water, insisted for 2 days, filtered. Before spraying against small leaf-eating insects, dilute twice, add 3 grams of soap. (more efficient than economic). 400 grams of liquid soap is dissolved in 10 liters of water and plants are treated against aphids, mites, larvae of other pests.

4 kg of chopped tomato tops are soaked for 4 hours in 10 liters of water, then boiled for 30 minutes, the broth is filtered, diluted twice before spraying, 50 grams of soap are added. Used against leaf-eating pests and codling moth.

1.2 kg of dry tops are poured with water and infused for 4 hours. Freshly prepared infusion is sprayed against aphids and spider mites.

1 kg pepper cut in half is boiled in a closed enamel pan for 1 hour, insisted for 2 days. . Then the pepper is crushed, squeezed, the solution is filtered, the concentrate is bottled, tightly corked, and stored in a dark, cool place. Used against aphids, suckers, slugs, leaf-eating insects...

For spraying flower plants in open ground take 125 grams of concentrate and 40 grams of soap per 10 liters of water, process 2-3 times a month. On indoor plants against aphids, scale insects, spider mites, it is more effective weak solution pepper (7 grams of concentrate and 4 grams of soap per 1 liter of water). A strong solution is used against apple codling moth and moth: 0.5 liters of concentrate and 50 grams of soap per 10 liters of water. The first time the apple trees are sprayed before flowering, the second - after, and then 3 more times with an interval of 15 days. Processing is carried out in the evening, when butterflies are flying. When working with plant preparations, follow the rules of personal safety. The topic of today's article Folk remedies for pest control and diseases of fruit and berry crops. Tops of tomatoes: a decoction is used to fight against apple codling moth, leaf gnawing caterpillars, mites and aphids. The most popular 2 types of decoction from tomato tops:

  1. It is necessary to take 4 - 5 kilograms of tops or finely chopped stepsons and pour 10 liters of water. Boil for 30 minutes on low heat, then cool and strain. Next, you need to add 30 grams of soap to the solution so that the solution sticks to the leaves more strongly. Spraying should be carried out in the evening. You need to take 1 - 2 kilograms of dry tomato tops and pour 10 liters of water. Infuse for 4 - 5 hours, then boil over low heat for 2 - 3 hours, cool and strain. It turns out a concentrate that needs to be diluted with water 2 times. Then also add 30 grams of soap per 10 liters of the resulting liquid and spray in the evening.

Euphorbia: used to combat gnawing leaves, caterpillars. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 1 kilogram of faded plants, chop them, then pour 4-5 liters of water and boil on low heat for 2-3 hours. After that, strain the broth, add water to 10 liters and spray in the evening. Yarrow is very good remedy to control leaf-eating and sucking pests.

To prepare a decoction, you need to take 2.5 kilograms of finely chopped leaves, stems and flowers, pour them with 10 liters of water and boil for half an hour. Then cool, strain, add 20 grams of soap per 10 liters of decoction.

Before spraying, the broth must be shaken. A mixture of garlic, shag and onion peel is an excellent folk remedy for controlling plant pests. It is used against sucking codling moths and for scaring away butterflies. You need to take 200 grams of tobacco waste, 200 grams of ground garlic heads, 150 grams of onion peel and pour this mixture with 10 liters of water, boil for 2 hours, cool, strain, add water to 10 liters, add 70 - 80 grams of soap and spray. Potato tops are a fairly effective folk remedy against leaf-biting and sucking (ticks, aphids) pests.

  1. One kilogram of raw tops needs to be crushed, poured into 10 liters warm water and insist 3 - 4 hours, then strain and add 30 - 50 grams of soap. Shake before spraying. 0.6 - 0.8 kilograms of dry chopped tops should be poured with 10 liters of warm water and insisted for 3 - 4 hours. Then do everything the same way as with the infusion of raw tops.

Red bitter pepper - helps well in the fight against leaf-eating caterpillars and sucking pests (aphids and suckers), as well as slugs. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 0.5 kilograms of dry or 1 kilogram of fresh fruits or 100 grams of ground pepper. Pour 10 liters of water and boil in an enameled sealed container for one hour.

Repair raspberry (part 1)

Before bud break, for spraying, you need to take 0.5 liters of concentrate per 10 liters of water and add 40 grams of soap for better adhesion of the infusion to the leaves. For spraying during periods of a green cone, separation of buds and after flowering, take 100 - 150 grams of concentrate per 10 liters of water and the same amount of soap. Burdock (burdock) - perfectly repels codling moth butterflies and has bactericidal properties against its eggs.

To prepare the infusion, you need to fill a bucket one-third with chopped stems and leaves of burdock, fill the bucket to the top with water and insist for three days. Then strain and use for spraying without diluting. Wormwood - Used to combat leaf-eating caterpillars and apple codling moth. You need to take 0.5 - 0.7 kilograms of dry or 4 - 5 kilograms of chopped raw wormwood, insist 1 day in 10 liters water, then boil for half an hour, strain, dilute with water one to one, add 30-40 grams of soap per 10 liters of solution and spray in the evening. Onion - used against spider mites, aphids, codling moth and other pests.

200 - 300 grams of onions must be passed through a meat grinder, pour 10 liters of warm water and leave for 2 days. Before spraying, strain and add 30 grams of soap. Tobacco or shag is a very good folk remedy for pest control of fruit and berry crops.

An infusion is used against sucking pests. You need to take 1 kilogram of raw tobacco waste or 400 grams of dry raw materials, dust or other tobacco production waste and pour 10 liters of hot water. It is necessary to insist 1 day.

Strain, dilute with water 1:1, add 40 grams of soap per 10 liters of already diluted solution and spray. Garlic is effective tool fight against sucking and to scare off numerous pests of butterflies. You need to take 150-200 grams of garlic heads to prepare the infusion, pass them through a meat grinder, stir in 10 liters of water and spray immediately, since the prepared mixture cannot be stored. Dandelion - dandelion infusion is good for fight against aphids and ticks. 400 grams of crushed leaves must be poured with 10 liters of water and infused for 2 to 3 hours. Strain and spray. Mustard - used against aphids, suckers, ticks. 20 grams of mustard powder should be mixed in 2 liters of water and infused for 2 days.

Then you need to add water up to 10 liters and spray. Hay - Spraying plants with an infusion of rotted hay is excellent folk method pest control. It is used to combat powdery mildew of fruit and berry bushes. 1 kilogram of rotted hay must be infused in 3 liters of water for 3 days.

Then strain and dilute with water 3 times. It is necessary to spray at the beginning of the lesion period, and after a week - repeat spraying. Apply folk remedies for pest control in the form of spraying, you need it in the evening, when the wind subsides and the heat subsides. I wish you that the plants in your garden are always healthy! See you!

The effectiveness of tomato tops against a number of pests is due to the presence in all parts of the plant of solanine, a poisonous glycoalkaloid (glycoside), which is found even in immature tomato fruits. It is characteristic to varying degrees of all nightshade and has not only an insecticidal, but also a fungicidal effect.

When pinching tomatoes, removing excess leaves, you can use any vegetative parts of plants without signs of disease with benefits for garden and fruit crops, for safe pest control. And also store them for future use.

A decoction of tomato leaves helps in the fight against:

  • herbivorous bugs
  • spider mite
  • leaf-eating caterpillars

All parts of the plant are suitable for this: stems, stepsons, dried leaves (should be dried in the shade in a draft) or raw.

A decoction of fresh leaves

For 10 liters of water, 4 kg of chopped herbs, leave for 3-4 hours, boil everything over low heat for 30 minutes, cover with a lid, cool and strain. Before use, dilute the concentrate with water 1:4.

A decoction of dry leaves

It is better to take freshly dried tops. For 10 liters of water, 1 kg of chopped tops insist 4-5 hours. Boil for 2-3 hours, covered with a lid, over low heat. When the solution boils, add the required amount of boiling water. Cool and strain. Dilute the concentrate 1:2-3 before use.

For better adhesion of the solution, 30 g of laundry or green soap is added to it before spraying for every 10 liters.

Decoctions retain their toxic properties for up to a year (but it is better to use within six months), they can be stored in tightly sealed glass bottles in a cool place. In winter, they can be useful for indoor plants, and in spring - for seedlings from aphids and mites.

The same decoctions can be used not only for tomatoes, but also for other vegetable crops, fruit plants- against herbivorous bugs, scoops, moths, cruciferous fleas, codling moth, sawfly larvae. Their effectiveness, of course, is lower than chemical insecticides, so you should try to use them prophylactically, without waiting for the mass settlement of pests.

Tomato tops are good add to herbal starter cultures used for organic dressings, providing both nutrition and plant protection at the same time.

In autumn, it is useful to cut the tomato tops removed from the greenhouse into small pieces and evenly spread under the bushes of gooseberries and currants. Some pests will bypass these plants, especially moths. During the summer season, you can periodically replenish the "protection" under the bushes with stepchildren and tomato leaves.

Have a rich harvest!

Tomato tops release phytoncides that destroy pathogenic microorganisms and pests. Gardeners use the plant to fertilize the garden plot, get rid of aphids, caterpillars, spider mites, moths and others. harmful insects. Scientists have recognized the benefits of using infusion of tomato leaves in the field of traditional medicine. It is possible to treat with means based on it pathologies of the rheumatoid type, fungal lesions of the skin.

Application in traditional medicine

Tomatoes contain tomatotin, a substance that is part of drugs for the treatment of rheumatoid pathologies. Traditional medicine specialists use not only the fruits of tomatoes, but also leaves and tops.

To prepare the infusion, dry or fresh tomato tops are required. Collection lead to any period of plant development. The collected greens are washed under water, excess moisture is removed, finely cut and laid out on parchment. During drying, the pieces are periodically turned over. Dried tops are stored in cloth or paper bags in the basement or refrigerator. The shelf life of such raw materials is 1 year.

Plant Based Recipes Used for Rheumatoid Syndrome:

  1. 1. To prepare the infusion, take 2 kg of tomato tops and 6 liters of water. Finely chop the plant, passing it through a meat grinder several times, pour boiling water over it and insist at room temperature for 1 hour. The agent is filtered and taken with it daily hot baths until the pain disappears.
  2. 2. 1 kg of tomato tops and 400 g of chamomile are ground into a fine powder, mixed together. Pour 6 liters of boiling water, leave for an hour, then filter. The solution is added to the bath until the pain attacks stop.
  3. 3. 10 kg of dry tops are crushed, poured with boiling water, kept for half an hour at room temperature, filtered. 10 ml of infusion is combined with 20 g butter and mix. Rub the ointment daily into the affected areas of the body until the pain disappears.
  4. 4. 10 g of tops are dried, ground into powder, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist for half an hour. Filter, add 200 g of butter and 40 g of crushed birch buds. The resulting mass is rubbed daily into the affected areas until the pain disappears.
  5. 5. 10 g of chopped dry tops of tomatoes pour 400 ml of boiling water, insist for half an hour, filter. Combine with 800 g of honey and mix thoroughly. Rub the ointment into the affected areas until the pain disappears.
  6. 6. 10 g of tops and 20 g of blueberry and burdock leaves are ground into powder, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes under the lid. Used in the form of compresses and lotions.

The use of tomato tops for fungal infections:

  1. 1. Take 20 g of tomato tops, oak bark, calendula, blackberry, verbena horsetail. The dry plant mixture is ground to a powder. 20 g of herbs are poured into 400 ml of boiling water, left to stand at room temperature for half an hour. Filter through gauze and use for compresses - up to 5 times a day.
  2. 2. Take 20 g of burdock root, hop cones, tops of tomatoes and calendula flowers. The herbal mixture is ground into a powder. 20 g of the collection is poured into 400 ml of boiling water, cooled. Filter and combine 20 ml of infusion with 20 g of petroleum jelly. The resulting ointment is applied to the affected areas of the body 3-5 times a day.

Patients with malignant neoplasms are advised to eat tomatoes daily, as they contain carotenoids that prevent the development of cancer cells.

Use in horticulture

Tomato tops are suitable for fertilizing the land on personal plot. But it is required to wait 2-3 years before using the plant. This is due to the risk of spreading phytophthora.

Tomato tops can be used to control the following pests:

  1. 1. Spider mite.
  2. 2. Moth.
  3. 3. Larvae.
  4. 4. Caterpillars and other insects.

A decoction of the plant is used by spraying various crops:

  • Luke;
  • garlic;
  • potatoes;
  • cucumbers and others.

After harvesting tomatoes, a lot of unnecessary tops remain, which are immediately thrown into a landfill or burned. Few people know that it can be used to prepare dressings, because tomato leaves and stem contain large volume mineral and organic compounds. Actually haulm represents for experienced gardeners great value, it is harvested in every possible way, made on its basis nutritional supplements and insect repellents.

Properties and advantages

In the process of growth, the stems and leaves of tomatoes accumulate potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, nitrogen, essential oils and phytoncides. All these components are nutritional elements both for the tomato seedlings themselves and for other crops: cucumbers, eggplants, peppers.

For the preparation of folk remedies, you need to take only healthy plants. Their leaves should be even and green, with no signs of phytophthora, rot, powdery mildew and other fungal and viral infections. Leaves must be dried well in the sun before use. Moisture on it is unacceptable. Water leads to the formation of rot and mold on the foliage, such plants are no longer suitable for harvesting.

Use only upper part plants with the most leaves.

At folk remedies there are a lot of advantages, so it is still often used in the cultivation of vegetables and fruit crops:

  1. Ease of use. It takes a little time and effort to prepare the blank.
  2. Cheapness. Unlike fertilizers presented on the shelves, no monetary investment is required to obtain top dressing.
  3. High efficiency. Regardless of the purpose for which the tops were used, the result will be noticeable immediately.

The disadvantages include the toxicity of tomato plants. If the shoots are handled carelessly, the juice from the stems or leaves can get on the skin or in the eyes and provoke allergic reaction. Be sure to use tools when cutting and harvesting shoots personal protection: gloves and goggles.

Application in horticulture

The rich composition of the tops allows you to use it for:

  • Compost preparation. However, such compost can be used in planting no earlier than after 3 years. Tomato plants contain solanine, which is poisonous. It takes a long time to neutralize it.
  • Feed making. There are several ways to prepare fertilizer from tomatoes. Most dressings are based on infusing the tops for several hours. The second method of harvesting is burning, during which ash is formed, it will be very useful for young seedlings for their development and growth.
  • Repelling pests. The presence of solanine prevents the attack of insects and causes their death.

For compost

If you don’t want to mess around with the preparation of fertilizer for a long time, dried tops are laid on compost. Periodically it is turned over so that fungi do not form from moisture. When 3-4 years pass, the tops will already disintegrate into valuable components of the compound. Compost is added when planting any vegetable crops - one bucket per square meter. It significantly increases the fertility of the soil, as it has a nutritional composition.


Well-dried tops are burned in a barrel or bucket. The resulting coals are crushed to a powdery mass and mixed with furnace ash in a ratio of 1:1. It turns out an excellent folk remedy for feeding. It includes minerals and organic compounds. The powder is added to spring time when digging greenhouses. The amount of ash per square meter should not exceed 4 cups.

You can use fertilizer when planting tomatoes, potatoes, peppers. A glass of ash is poured into the dug hole, the roots of the plant are immersed and buried. Fertilizer intensively nourishes root system, provides fast growth and development. As a result, the culture quickly takes root in a new place and begins to bear fruit earlier.

Ashes can be used to dust the leaves of young seedlings. It prevents the formation of fungus and rot, reduces the level of moisture and nourishes the leaf plate with essential minerals. Foliar top dressing with ash is carried out 2-3 times per season, from the beginning of summer until fruiting.

Leaf infusion

A tincture of tomato stems and leaves is perfect for spring feeding seedlings. For its manufacture you will need:

  • 5 kilograms of tops;
  • 10 liters of hot water.

The tops are steamed in boiling water and insisted for at least 4 hours. When the solution has cooled, it is filtered and the liquid part is diluted with water another 5 times. Water the tomatoes 1 time in 10-14 days, starting from the third week after transplanting into the greenhouse or open ground within a month. Watering is carried out only in the morning or in the evening. Evening watering increases the risk of developing fungal diseases and increases humidity.


For greater effectiveness of the folk remedy, you can add a glass of ash to a bucket of fertilizer in a diluted solution.

When dealing with insects

Leaves are often used instead of fungicides. Unlike chemicals, which can have a toxic effect on the fruits and plants themselves, the tops are relatively safe to use, but no less effective. To prepare the solution you will need:

  • 0.5 kilograms of tops;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. laundry soap, grated.

The components are mixed and infused for 3-4 hours. The resulting mixture is applied to young shoots during the period of insect activation, most often in May and June. Processing can be repeated before the onset of fruiting. You can replace laundry soap with potassium permanganate. For five liters of infusion of tops, 5-6 powder crystals are taken and dissolved. In addition to effective treatment against insects, the action of potassium permanganate reduces the chances of infection. viral diseases and fungus.

Aphid remedy

Dry tops are finely chopped (1 kilogram) and poured with 10 liters of water. The mixture is infused for 3-4 hours, and then boiled over low heat for 2 hours. The resulting concentrate is cooled, and then diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 and seedlings are sprayed 2 weeks after transplanting into the ground. The tool effectively fights aphids, as well as bedbugs, moths, sawflies.

Harvesting from tomato shoots can be prepared in the fall. It retains its healing abilities for up to one year, it is well stored in a cool dark place. The concentrate can be added when using other herbal starter cultures, its effect is only enhanced.

Tomato stems and leaves are a strong fertilizer and an effective insect repellant, but they can only be used dry and in prescribed proportions. Failure to comply with the ratio of the composition leads to a high concentration of the solution. In this case, top dressing will harm the vegetables and will not bring benefits.