We save on all diaries low-budget recipes. Budget meals for every day

Every day, simple housewives, whose budget is small, have to cook something for their family. If on holidays each of us tries to do something special, while buying more expensive products, then on ordinary days not everyone has such an opportunity. Therefore, as a rule, budgetary dishes for every day are more in demand. It is about them that we want to talk in our article. Compilation good recipes will help any hostess to determine what to cook from nothing quickly and tasty.

hearty breakfast

From potatoes and eggs, you can cook a delicious and unusual breakfast or dinner. Such a cheap dish for every day in a new version will pleasantly diversify your menu.


  • cheese (45 g),
  • two or three eggs
  • potatoes (4-5 pcs.),
  • garlic,
  • vegetable oil,
  • salt,
  • pepper.

This dish is very budget and at the same time unusual. Peel the potatoes and cut into pieces, you can circles. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry the garlic. We shift the potatoes there and fry them until they are golden color.

In parallel, you need to prepare the eggs. Whip them up by adding salt and pepper. As soon as the potatoes are almost ready, pour the egg mass to it. Cover the pan with a lid and continue to simmer the dish for another seven minutes. Grind the cheese and sprinkle it with potatoes, cover with a lid and let it brew for five minutes. The dish is ready.

Stuffed Baked Potatoes

There is a fairly large assortment of budget dishes for every day, which are quite easy to prepare. We just don't always remember them. In the daily bustle, we forget about simple things in the face of eternal lack of time. So, what to cook from nothing tasty and fast? Of course, baked potatoes. Depending on the filling used, the dish can easily become a festive option.


  • vegetable oil,
  • a couple of sausages
  • bulb,
  • salad pepper,
  • garlic,
  • rosemary and oregano (teaspoon)
  • a quarter cup of sour cream
  • hard cheese (125 g),
  • 4 boiled potatoes.

We cut the sausages into cubes and fry them a little in a pan in vegetable oil. After the appearance of a golden crust, they must be removed from the heat and put on paper towels to remove excess fat.

Next, fry the onion, garlic, Bell pepper with spices. We cut the potatoes into two halves and take out the core, leaving the walls no more than 5 millimeters. In each of them we put a little sour cream, then vegetables with pieces of sausage. Sprinkle grated cheese on top. Next, put the dish in the oven for 5 minutes so that the cheese has time to melt.

Zucchini pancakes

What to cook from zucchini? Of course, fritters. This simple and light dish will make a great breakfast or dinner on a summer day.


  • a couple of eggs
  • zucchini (0.6 kg),
  • milk (1/4 cup)
  • thyme,
  • salt,
  • pepper.

Cheap meals for every day are easier to cook in the summer, when we are surrounded seasonal vegetables. These include zucchini, from which you can make excellent pancakes.

We wash the zucchini, remove the skin from them and grind them on a grater in the form of straws. If the fruits were watery, then it is worth squeezing the pulp with your hands so that the excess liquid is gone.

In a bowl, mix eggs and milk to make a batter. Add chopped zucchini to it, mix the mass, adding salt and a little pepper.

Next, heat the oil in a frying pan and pour the batter with a spoon. Fry the pancakes on each side for three to four minutes. The finished dish can be sprinkled with thyme and served with sour cream. Knowing what to cook from zucchini, you can always tasty and quickly feed your family.

Potato pancakes

Let's think about what you can cook for lunch from potatoes? This vegetable is almost always present in our house. As a fast and budget option you can offer potato pancakes.


  • potatoes (5 pcs.),
  • eggs (2 pcs.),
  • flour (3 tablespoons),
  • bulb,
  • pepper and salt,
  • vegetable oil.

Peel the potatoes, wash and chop on a grater. Finely chop the onion and add it to the potatoes. We introduce eggs, pepper, salt and flour there. Heat well in a frying pan vegetable oil and fry pancakes on it.

Grated potatoes tend to darken quickly. To avoid such a nuisance, you can immediately fill it with water. However, after that, you will have to squeeze it carefully so that the dough is not too liquid.

garlic soup

What to cook delicious simple products for lunch? After all, you simply cannot do without the first course. As an option, we offer a light garlic soup.


  • olive oil,
  • onions, potatoes (5 pcs.),
  • chicken broth (1.5 liters),
  • lettuce pepper (1 pc.),
  • bread,
  • garlic,
  • thyme,
  • hard cheese (120 g),
  • ground pepper,
  • greens.

Pour a little olive oil into the bottom of a thick-walled pan and put the onion, then cook it over low heat until transparent. After that, pour 1.5 liters of broth into the container, bring it to a boil and add potato cubes to the boiling liquid. Then add chopped lettuce.

While the soup is cooking, you can pass the garlic through a press and mix it with thyme. We send the seasoning to the soup.

Cut the bread into cubes and fry it on olive oil in a frying pan. The crackers should be golden brown. Serving soup on the table in bowls, you need to add chopped cheese, parsley and crackers to each of them. Such a cheap dish for every day is especially good to cook in the summer.

Soup with homemade noodles

Considering delicious dishes for every day, it is impossible not to think of chicken soup with homemade noodles. Fragrant broth combined with the delicate taste of homemade noodles is something amazing. Of course, independent production domestic pasta takes some time, but it's worth it. The dish has a beautiful yellow color due to chicken broth and noodles.

Soup Ingredients:

  • vegetable oil,
  • Bay leaf,
  • carrot,
  • dill,
  • two bulbs,
  • a couple of chicken thighs
  • potatoes (4 pcs.),
  • black pepper.

Noodle Ingredients:

  • flour (120 g),
  • egg.

Cooking chicken broth with spices. After that, it is necessary to separate the meat from the bones. Cut the flesh into small pieces. And we certainly filter the broth. After that, we shift the meat into it. We put the pan back on the fire, bring the broth to a boil and send the diced potatoes into it.

Chop the onion and carrots and fry in a pan, adding vegetable oil. Then we transfer the vegetables to the pan with the broth. When the potatoes become soft, add homemade noodles and greens to the soup. After ten minutes, the container can be removed from the heat, since the soup is ready.

How to cook homemade noodles? The recipe is quite simple. Noodles can be classified as cheap dishes for every day. But it will take a little fiddling with it. Sift the flour into a wide but deep container, put the egg in the same place and knead the dough. It should be elastic and soft. After we roll it into a thin layer and leave it to dry a little on the table (for at least an hour). Next, cut the dough into thin long strips. homemade noodles ready.

Stuffed zucchini

Summer time makes us happy fresh vegetables from which you can prepare budget meals for every day. After cold winter the first vegetables seem especially tasty and fragrant. The favorite of the summer season is the zucchini. It can be used to make delicious meals. Very good zucchini stuffed with meat. They turn out juicy, tasty and incredibly fragrant. Remarkably, the dish can be served both hot and cold. By the way, stuffed zucchini - very a good option for holiday table if you are planning a celebration in the summer.


  • tomato paste (two tablespoons),
  • dill bunch,
  • minced pork,
  • ground pepper,
  • salt,
  • bulb,
  • hard cheese (230 g),
  • sour cream (120 g),
  • zucchini (3 pcs.).

For cooking a simple dish for every day, it is recommended to take young zucchini, because their incredibly tender flesh gives a special taste to the dish. The food literally melts in your mouth.

We cut the zucchini lengthwise into two parts and clean the pulp and seeds from each half, making a kind of boat. We put the blanks in a baking dish. Now you can prepare the filling.

For this in chopped meat add chopped onion and dill. It is also worth adding suitable spices. With the resulting mass, we fill the blanks from the zucchini. Now you can make a sauce of sour cream, tomato paste and shredded cheese. Spread the mixture on top of the zucchini. We send the dish to the oven. Very delicious to enjoy with vegetable salad which complements it beautifully.

By the way, in the summer, tomato paste should be replaced with fresh tomatoes, which makes the dish even tastier and more aromatic.

Potatoes with chicken

What to cook from chicken quickly? An excellent and satisfying dish is puff potatoes. It is prepared quite simply and it turns out incredibly tasty and fragrant.


  • onion (4 pcs.),
  • potatoes (15 pcs.),
  • chicken, but you can also take pork (15 drumsticks),
  • mayonnaise (450 g),
  • spices,
  • salt,
  • greens,
  • cheese (380 g).

Any meat is suitable for cooking. We cut the onion into half rings and smear it with mayonnaise so that it marinates. Next, cut the potatoes and also grease it with mayonnaise. We also marinate chicken drumsticks or any meat. Of course, it is difficult to call this dish dietary, because it is too a large number of fat it contains through the use of mayonnaise. It can be replaced with good sour cream with the addition of mustard.

After forty minutes, all the ingredients can be laid out in layers on a baking sheet in the following order: potatoes, onions, meat. Now we send the dish to the oven. We will cook it at 220 degrees. The process takes at least an hour. Before cooking is completed, the meat can be sprinkled with grated cheese and herbs on top, and then put the baking sheet in the oven for another couple of minutes so that the cheese has time to melt. Now you know what to cook from chicken quickly, while getting a full dinner or lunch.

Pasta casserole with chicken

As a budget dish for every day, you can offer pasta casserole with chicken. A delicious and satisfying dish is prepared from what is available in the house. Pasta left after dinner can be used.


  • chicken - fillet or other parts (780 g),
  • carrot,
  • mayonnaise,
  • garlic,
  • ground pepper,
  • cheese (180 g),
  • ketchup.

We cut the carrots into circles. We wash the chicken fillet and dry it with paper towels, then cut the meat into cubes. Be sure to salt and add freshly ground pepper.

Onion, cut into rings, brown in a pan, then add the fillet to it, fry until half cooked. Now we take a baking dish, put half of the meat and vegetables on its bottom. Put boiled spaghetti on top. You can use the ones that you have left after the meal. Next, grease the pasta with ketchup, and put a second layer of meat on top with onions and carrots. Bake the dish for 25 minutes, then sprinkle with chopped cheese and put in the oven for a couple of minutes. Here is a delicious and simple dish for every day. It can be served on the table.

French cutlets

Delicious dishes for every day are not only soups and side dishes, because you always want something meaty. We offer cutlets fast food. Their advantage is that you do not need to make stuffing, which takes a lot of time. So, the recipe for every day is suitable even for busy housewives.


  • a few eggs
  • chicken fillet (480 g),
  • flour (two tablespoons),
  • salt,
  • mayonnaise,
  • pepper.

Chop the onion into squares. Just try to chop finely chicken fillet the smaller the pieces, the better. Next, mix the products in a container, salt, add one or two eggs, pepper. We also add mayonnaise. Minced meat should have the consistency of thick sour cream. Using a spoon, spread the mass on a hot frying pan and fry the cutlets for four minutes on each side. Here is the dish and ready. Cutlets can be served with absolutely any side dish.

Cream cheese soup

Soups are an integral part of our daily menu. As a budget option, you can cook the first course based on processed cheese. The soup is tasty, and the cost of the products used to prepare it is low.


  • potatoes (five to six pieces),
  • bulb,
  • vegetable oil,
  • carrot,
  • greens,
  • spices,
  • two cheeses (melted),
  • vermicelli (105 g).

We fill the container with water and send it to the stove. While the water boils, grind the curds on a grater. Then we put them in a bowl. Stir the liquid until the cheese is completely dissolved.

Next, peel and chop the onion, potatoes, carrots. Saute onions and carrots in a pan until golden hue. We send potatoes to the soup, and then fry. After fifteen minutes, you can fall asleep vermicelli, which is cooked in just a couple of minutes. Turn off the fire and let the dish brew.

Stewed cabbage

Of the recipes for every day, it is worth highlighting stewed cabbage. At the end of summer and autumn, they sell a lot of cabbage, and the prices for it are acceptable. Therefore, it is worth making not only salads from it, but also stewing. Braised cabbage can be used as a side dish, filling for pies and pies.


  • cabbage (580 g),
  • carrot,
  • tomato paste,
  • vegetable oil,
  • salt,
  • spices.

Peel and cut the onion into cubes, fry it in a well-heated pan. Then add chopped carrots and finely chopped cabbage. Add ½ cup of water to the vegetables in a bowl and simmer, covered, for ten minutes.

After that, you can salt, add seasonings and tomato paste. Mix all the ingredients and continue to cook further. If necessary, you can add liquid if the existing one has evaporated and the cabbage is not yet ready. You should not get carried away with vegetable oil, as the dish will be too fatty.

Sweet pies

Sweet dishes, pastries and desserts are also on our menu. Homemade pies with various fillings are especially popular. In the summer, you can cook wonderful pies, say, with apricots (you can change the filling at your discretion).

Very quick and easy to make dough in a bread machine. If you do not have one, then you have to do everything by hand.


  • milk (1/2 l),
  • yeast package,
  • butter (65 g),
  • one egg,
  • about a cup of sugar
  • vanilla sugar (two packs),
  • flour (as needed)
  • vegetable oil.

Melt the butter and add slightly warm milk to it. Next add yeast, vanilla and sugar. We also pour about half a glass of flour into the container. Opara is suitable for half an hour. As soon as foam appears in it, it is necessary to fill in the sifted flour (it is enriched with oxygen) and knead the dough. As needed, during the kneading process, it is necessary to add flour, but you should make sure not to overdo it. Otherwise, the dough may turn out to be too tight and not airy. As soon as it stops sticking to the hands, it must be lubricated with oil (vegetable) and covered with a damp towel. The dough should rest for about an hour and a half. During this time, its volume will double. After that, you can put it on the table and let it rise a little more.

In the meantime, prepare delicious stuffing for our pies. We divide the apricots into halves, remove the seeds, after which the pulp is cut into smaller pieces. Be sure to put sugar in the filling to taste. We punch down the dough, divide it into small pieces, each of which is rolled into a circle. We spread the filling in the middle of the pancake, fasten the edges and fry the pies in a pan on each side.

Flatbread in a frying pan

Kefir dough is indispensable in the arsenal of housewives. From it you can cook not only cakes in a pan without filling, but also pies.


  • flour (465 g),
  • soda (1/2 tsp),
  • some salt
  • egg,
  • kefir (210 g),
  • vegetable oil.

Kefir dough is a real find for housewives. On its basis, delicious cakes and even pies with filling are prepared. The amount of oil poured into the dough determines what the crust on the cake will be. If you use a lot of vegetable oil for frying, then the pies can generally be fried on all sides.

This dough is also suitable for pancakes and dumplings. Depending on the amount of kefir, you can get a thicker or thin dough.

Pour kefir into the pan, pour soda and stir. Next, add a few eggs, salt and sugar. Beat the resulting mass, adding vegetable oil. Gradually stir in the flour in small portions and get a pliable dough for cakes. After kneading the dough, put it in a bowl and cover with a towel on top. It should rest for ten minutes.

After that, we roll it into layers that are suitable in diameter for your pan. Fry the cakes on both sides in vegetable oil. We put them in a pile, smeared with jam or jam, or you can just butter.

Potatoes in kefir

Potatoes, cereals and vegetables are the foods we eat most and are not too expensive. Of course, many cannot imagine a diet without potatoes. And indeed, we very often use it for cooking various dishes. You should not get carried away with a fried vegetable, but baked and boiled - it is more useful. Potatoes baked in kefir, you will certainly like it.


  • potatoes (980 g),
  • vegetable oil,
  • kefir (280 g),
  • salt,
  • pepper,
  • garlic,
  • greens.

We prepare vegetables, clean them and cut them. Then fry the onion, potato cubes and pumpkin in a pan. After a couple of minutes, pour all the components with kefir, adding salt and spices, and continue to boil.

Next, we shift all the ingredients into a baking dish, put a bay leaf and send it to bake in the oven at 200 degrees. If the liquid has evaporated, and the potatoes are not yet ready, then you can add a little kefir. The dish will not get worse from this. It can be served with pickles and salads. It makes for an incredibly delicious combination.

Any hostess knows how difficult it is sometimes to figure out what to cook. Especially if the choice of ingredients is limited. The following collection of recipes is just for such cases.

These economical dishes are suitable for every day, and if they are served correctly, then for the festive table. The main thing is to show a little imagination.

Traditional Tuscan bean soup

Total cooking time: 80 min


  • 500 g beans (red)
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 medium onion (preferably red)
  • 2 spoons of vegetable oil
  • Spoon of tomato paste
  • Pepper, salt

Even simple and economical meals for every day should be healthy and nutritious. Red beans are rich in proteins, minerals, vitamins and fiber. The recipe for a delicious and budget soup of Italian origin is extremely simple.

Pour boiling water over the beans and leave for 10-15 minutes, then put to boil. After 45 minutes, add the peeled carrots and onions, leave to cook for 15-20 minutes. It is important to guess here so that all the ingredients reach readiness at the same time. Add vegetable oil and tomato paste, then cook for another 20 minutes. Salt and pepper.

With a ladle, measure out about a third of the thick soup, place in a blender and finely grind. Pour the resulting mixture back into the pan, to the main mass, bring to a boil. Anti-crisis nutritious soup is ready.

Tagliatelle with meat sauce

Total cooking time: 50 min


  • 100 g minced meat
  • 100 g flour
  • Spoon of vegetable oil
  • Clove of garlic
  • Tomato
  • Pepper, salt

As you might have guessed by the name, the recipe for this economical dish also comes from Italy. Many Italians love to cook. egg noodles at home.

It is advisable to take flour for noodles from durum wheat. Mix it well with the egg and roll it thinly. Then the resulting cake should be cut into narrow strips, approximately 0.8 cm wide. The length is approximately 10 cm, there are no special requirements for it. Lay out the strips and let them dry for 20 minutes, then cook like regular pasta.

While the noodles are cooking, you can prepare the sauce. Lightly fry the garlic in hot vegetable oil (ideally olive oil, but any will do). This will add extra flavor to the dish, but if you are not a big fan of garlic, you can skip this step. The same applies to other recipes where it is mentioned.

Now remove the garlic and put the minced meat in the pan, evenly distributing it over the entire area. Add some salt and pepper and simmer, stirring regularly. After 5 minutes, add the peeled and grated tomato, continue to simmer for another 5 minutes.

Drain the water from the noodles cooked during this time, pour the sauce into it, mix well. Everything, the Italian economical dish is ready.

Breakfast rich in proteins and carbohydrates

Total time: 30 min


  • 3 eggs
  • 3 medium potatoes
  • 25 g cheese
  • 2 spoons of vegetable oil
  • Clove of garlic
  • Pepper, salt

One of the most common economical dishes for every day, but with a slightly different sauce. The recipe is simple. Cut the peeled potatoes into small pieces, you can circles, as you like.

Pour vegetable oil into a heated frying pan and lightly fry the garlic. Add chopped potatoes to the same place and fry, stirring constantly, until golden brown.

In parallel, beat the eggs, salt and pepper them. When the potatoes "come to standard", pour the eggs over them and cover with a lid. On a small fire, without removing the lid, leave the dish to simmer for 5-7 minutes. After grating the cheese on a coarse grater, sprinkle them with scrambled eggs. Turn off the stove and cover the pan for a couple of minutes to melt the cheese. Delicious and economical breakfast is ready.

Fish with dill and tomatoes

Total time: 30 min


  • 5-6 pieces of fish fillet
  • 20 cherry tomatoes or 5 regular
  • 30 g vegetable oil
  • Clove of garlic
  • 5 tablespoons flour
  • A pinch of dried dill
  • Pepper, salt

Instead of store-bought fish, you can use carp or carp caught in the nearest pond, which will make the dish even more affordable. Being tasty and wholesome food, fish according to this recipe can decorate any table.

Preparatory stage: roll the fish in flour, peel the garlic, cut the tomatoes into small pieces (if it is not cherry).

Saute the garlic in hot oil, then add the fish. Fry until golden, turn over. Pour the chopped pieces of tomato or cherry on top, salt, pepper, sprinkle with dill, cover, bring to readiness for about 5 minutes, over low heat. Serve immediately.

Fritters with zucchini straws


  • 2/3 cup flour
  • 300 grams of zucchini
  • ¼ cup milk
  • Two eggs
  • 1 st. thyme spoon
  • Pepper, salt

Very economical dishes, you can cook in the summer, when there are a lot of cheap, or even free vegetables around. Delicious and nutritious "instant" pancakes will continue the list of recipes.

Thoroughly washed zucchini should be grated on a large enough grater to make straws. Lay it out on a paper towel and let dry. At this time, mix the flour with milk and eggs until liquid dough. Add dried zucchini straws here, mix, pepper, salt.

After heating the vegetable oil, take a spoonful of batter with straws and put in a pan, shaping a medium-sized pancake. Fry for 3-4 minutes, flipping on both sides. Put the finished pancakes on a dish, sprinkle with thyme.

Meat in tomato sauce

Total cooking time: 40 minutes


  • 600 g meat
  • 20 grams of butter
  • Tomato
  • Spoon of tomato paste
  • Pepper, salt

Well, for dessert, a recipe for a dish that does not quite fit into the concept of "economical" due to the presence of meat. However, not so much is needed, moreover, having approached the matter masterfully, required amount can be further reduced.

The meat should be cut like chops. A little trick for economical cutting: a piece of meat should be put in the freezer for several minutes, where it will harden and can be cut into thin slices. For this dish, you need to beat the meat through parchment paper, with the smooth side of the hammer. Salt, pepper the resulting plates.

Now is the time to cook delicious sauce. Grate a peeled tomato into a bowl, add a spoonful of tomato paste, diluted with half a glass of boiled water, mix. Melt the butter in a frying pan, pour the resulting mixture into it. Simmer for 10 minutes over low heat, stirring. Then dip our “chops” into the sauce, stew on both sides.

Meat prepared in this way does not need ketchup and can be served with a side dish (which will be much more economical) or as a separate dish. Mashed potatoes, rice, or fried potatoes will do.

Do you have any recipes for economical meals for every day? If yes, share them in the comments.

The fact that cooking is an art has long been known. Moreover, it consists not only in cooking deliciously, but also in reasonably distributing products and creating mouth-watering masterpieces “from an ax”. Even the most luxurious dinner and hearty lunch can be prepared without compromising the family budget. You just need to know economical recipes and don't be afraid to experiment.

Soup with chicken and melted cheese

A very tasty economical recipe for those who want to cook unusual, but do not require special costs soup.

  1. We need chicken fillet. Approximately 400 g should be enough. Cut it at your discretion, but cubes are better. And fry a little. Then put them in a boiling broth, send a bay leaf and a little allspice there. Reduce heat, then wait 10 minutes.
  2. Chop potatoes, it is better to do it in cubes, carrots and onions in half rings. Send them to the meat company. And cook for another 15 minutes. Put processed cheese on top (you can skip it through a grater). Wait until it melts completely.
  3. At the end, salt, if necessary - pepper the soup. Decorate with greenery.


This variety of first courses belongs to national food many nomadic peoples near Asia. It is highly nutritious and requires very few ingredients to prepare.

  1. Take 1400-1500 g of beef or lamb shoulder. Cut and cook for 2.5 hours. The fire must be slow. Don't forget to remove the foam.
  2. Carrots (300 g will be enough) cut in half and throw it into the broth along with potatoes (700 g). Boil until soft.
  3. Throw tomato slices, onion rings and bell pepper. Everything needs to be taken in 200 g. Cook for another 15 minutes.
  4. Salt, add spices.
  5. Sprinkle parsley on top, stir in garlic (25 g).
  6. Add melted butter (50 g), close the lid and leave for 15 minutes. Shurpa should be infused.

Main courses

Potatoes in the sleeve

This economical dish can be prepared for the family at least every day. It is very tasty and healthy, despite the fact that it requires very few ingredients to prepare it.

  1. We need potatoes. Its quantity is not limited. Take a kilo. Cut into cubes.
  2. It's the turn of carrots (1 pc.). It needs to be crushed in the form of bars.
  3. Chop the onion too, but only in half rings.
  4. Mix all these products. Add your favorite spices or spices specially designed for potatoes, one large spoonful of sunflower oil, grated tomato (1 pc.).
  5. After mixing again, fill the baking sleeve with this mass. Send it to a hot oven tray (180 degrees). And wait an hour and a half.
  6. Transfer the dish to a large container and garnish with herbs and garlic (through a press).

This is how, with the addition of just a spoonful of oil, a mountain of potatoes is obtained. In this case, you do not need to constantly check whether it is burnt.

Unusual barley porridge

For some reason, barley groats are not very popular. Meanwhile, it is very cheap, it is used as diet food. And if you cook it not like ordinary porridge with milk and water, but with some additives, you can get a tasty and economical dish for every day.

  1. Pour barley groats (2 tablespoons) into a pot of boiling salted water. Bring to readiness.
  2. Fry any mushrooms (200 g), after adding salt and cumin. You need to do this for at least 15 minutes.
  3. Then add pepper, chopped garlic (3-5 cloves) to the mixture and pour into porridge.
  4. Also fry lard (60 g) until greaves form and onions until golden brown. Send this mixture to porridge too.
  5. Place in a mold and send to the oven, heating it to 200 degrees. As soon as the porridge becomes golden, it is ready.


sweet sausage

This sweet dessert comes from childhood. Probably, everyone in the family, although not every day, spoiled their household with it.

  1. The leftover cookies do not need to be thrown away, but it is better to use them for good. It will take 300 g regular varieties like sugar. They need to be broken down. There is one way to do it quickly. Put the sweets in the bag and roll over it with a rolling pin.
  2. In a saucepan, you need to heat milk (5 tablespoons), cocoa (3 tablespoons), sugar (1 tablespoon), condensed milk (5 tablespoons). Keep on fire, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Leave the mass to cool. And only after that grind it until smooth with butter (200 g will be enough).
  3. It remains only to stir in the cookies and chopped nuts. There are no specific requirements here. Take the ones you like best: walnuts or peanuts. Just don't forget to grind them.
  4. Put all this disgrace on the foil and give the shape of a sausage. And send it straight to the refrigerator so that it does not lose its shape.

chocolate mood

Very tender, light and beautiful (you can see it in the photo) dessert.

  1. Pour gelatin (20 g) with water, preferably warm. Leave it for a while, let it swell.
  2. We need cottage cheese (300 g). It is better to take home. But if you follow the figure, then you can replace it with a fat-free one.
  3. Grind cottage cheese, 20% sour cream and sugar (200 g) thoroughly. To make it faster, use a mixer.
  4. Heat the gelatin a little in a saucepan. You shouldn't boil it. Hold until it dissolves.
  5. Let it cool down. To do this, the container can be placed in a sink lined with wet towel that needs to be watered periodically cold water. So the process will go faster.
  6. Pour the gelatin into the curd mixture and mix quickly.
  7. In a confectionery syringe (you can in a regular bag), transfer a quarter of the mass.
  8. Stir in cocoa (4 tablespoons) into the rest. Pour into a mold lined with cling film.
  9. Immerse the syringe into the mass and gently squeeze out small balls of the white mixture. Spread the rest on top.
  10. Leave for 4 hours in the cold.
  11. Before serving, turn the form with dessert into a dish, remove the cling film.


Liver and Rice Salad

Your family will surely love this hearty and tasty salad.

Boil a glass of rice in water. Don't forget to salt.
Since our goal is to save money, take chicken liver, not beef. The taste won't be affected at all. Take 450 g and lightly fry. Don't forget to add salt and some pepper. Then grind on a grater or cut into thin strips.
Pass one carrot through the grater too. Fry it until it becomes soft. Do the same with the onion, only chop it finely first.
Boil eggs (4 pcs.). Separately grind the yolks and whites on a grater.

Grind very finely green onion.
Layer everything:

  • carrot,
  • proteins,
  • liver,
  • yolks,
  • green onion.

Do not forget to grease the layers with mayonnaise.


Replacing meat with sausage does not impair the quality of food, but allows significant savings.

  1. Half-smoked sausage (50 g) cut into strips.
  2. Cheese (50 g) chop on a fine grater.
  3. Chop tomatoes (2 pcs.) into cubes.
  4. Parsley (50 g) chop.
  5. Combine all products and season with mayonnaise.

This is how you can cook delicious and economical meals for every day from a minimum of products, which every family member will definitely like. One view of these dishes in the photo is appetizing.

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Ax porridge: 8 most delicious recipes for a rainy day"

Everything happens in life, my friends. And no matter how much you want the house to always be a full bowl, there are also black days when the refrigerator is empty, and the wallet too. But this does not mean at all that it is time to switch to crackers with water. There are a huge number of "budget" recipes from the available products that will help out on such days. They are tasty and filling. Once you try them, you will cook them in better times. We will now bring economical recipes.

Potato "grandmother"

Potatoes are one of the cheapest foods, especially in autumn. But, despite this, it is tasty and satisfying. Thrifty hostesses in the bins always have several kilograms of potatoes, or even a bag. If there are potatoes in the house, you are not afraid of black days. Now we are going to cook the potato dough.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 1.5 kilograms of potatoes
  • 2 onions
  • 2 eggs
  • Vegetable oil
  • Pepper
  • A little semolina

It is very easy to cook it. Potatoes need to be peeled and washed. Now it needs to be crushed. The method is up to you. You can pass through a meat grinder, or you can grate. Salt the potato mass and let stand for a few minutes. Drain the juice that stands out, add the eggs, grated onion and pepper.

Grease a frying pan lightly with oil and sprinkle with semolina. Now lay out the potato mass, level it well and send it to the oven. Too much high temperature do not set, 150 degrees will be enough. The grandmother will sit in the oven for about an hour, maybe a little more. You can add a little crushed garlic to the mass, then very soon you will feel a delicious, appetizing smell that will crawl around the apartment.

Babka is served as an independent dish. At the best of times, the "grandmother" can be seasoned with lard and sour cream. But she's good without them.

Cream cheese soup

You can't do without soup. It doesn't matter if you don't have a good marrow bone in your freezer. We'll do without it. Let's cook a tender soup with processed cheese.

Pour about a liter of water into a saucepan and put on fire. When it begins to boil, add two finely chopped processed cheese and two bouillon cubes. Cheese should completely dissolve. At the same time, fry one carrot in a small amount of vegetable oil and send the frying to the cheese broth. Peel potatoes and cut into cubes. Put it in a bowl too. Boil until potatoes are cooked. Sprinkle the finished soup green onions(if there is).

The soup is very tasty and tender. Surely, you will remember about it even when there is no need to save.

Bread charlotte

Saving meals for every day
can be very tasty. The following recipe can be heard about grandmothers who have experienced hard times. cook it better in summer or in autumn, when grandmothers sell gifts from their garden. You can buy excellent apples from them at a ridiculous price. They will go to our charlotte.

White stale bread should be cut and soaked in milk. Beat one egg and brush it on slices of soaked bread. Grease the form with oil and lay out the bread in one row. This is followed by a layer of thinly sliced ​​apples lightly sprinkled with sugar. Then more bread. If there is a little egg left, pour it on top.

Now the charlotte can be sent to the oven for half an hour. Tasty, cheap and the bread is not wasted.

Jellied chicken legs

Probably the worst thing for a hostess is when, during a period of complete lack of money, guests have gathered for you and you can’t refuse. Don't worry, we'll definitely figure something out. For example, let's cook jelly from chicken legs.

To prepare it, you will need a kilogram and a half chicken legs, two chicken legs, garlic, one carrot, a little greens. So, wash the paws, put them in a saucepan. Put two chicken legs in there. Pour in water, salt and put to boil on a small fire. Cook longer until the paws are completely boiled, and the broth acquires fat and density.

Boil the carrots and cut into circles or stars. Remove chicken thighs from broth. Filter the broth and add crushed or grated garlic to it (to taste).

Put the chicken meat, beautifully chopped carrots, a little coarsely chopped parsley and dill into the prepared form and carefully pour the broth over. Place in refrigerator until chilled.

One economical holiday meal we have prepared. But this is not enough to meet guests. Let's experiment some more.

Cabbage and pollock salad

Anyone who tries this salad will never guess what it is made of. And don't worry about the price either. Delicious, tender ... Just a fairy tale! And to prepare it, you only need the cheapest fish - pollock and half a head of cabbage. Well, you can also add green onions.

So, chop the cabbage into rather thin strips up to five centimeters long. Put it in a saucepan, pour hot water, salt and cook until half cooked. Do not immediately drain the water, let it stand in hot water while you cook the fish. And the fish needs to be cooked in a special way.

Put a saucepan of water on the fire, add a tablespoon of salt (without a slide), a teaspoon of sugar, bay leaf, a little vegetable oil, half a teaspoon of vinegar and spices - peppercorns, allspice. Dip the fish in this marinade and cook until tender. Cool the boiled fish, and disassemble into pieces. In a salad bowl, mix fish with cabbage, sprinkle some greens and season with mayonnaise. No one will ever guess that the salad is made from pollock. You can safely say that this is a squid!

instant noodle salad

But quick and cheap salad recipe which makes a great appetizer. All you have to do is pour boiling water over a bag of instant noodles, let it steep and drain off the liquid. Add seasoning from the same noodles to it (it’s good if it has a cheese flavor), a couple of cloves of grated garlic and mayonnaise. Just fine if you have a piece of cheese lying around in the refrigerator. It can be rubbed and also added to the salad.

Soup from croutons in pots

This economical, tasty and nutritious soup can help out in the most difficult times. From a loaf white bread dry the crackers. Pour crackers into portioned pots for a third of the volume, add onion and carrot fry, a little greens. If there is, rub a third of the processed cheese per pot. Separately dilute the bouillon cubes of any taste. Pour the broth into pots, cover with lids and put in the oven for one hour. It turns out very tasty and satisfying bread stew.


All kinds of pancakes help out great during periods of complete lack of money. The most satisfying of them, perhaps, buckwheat. Preparing them is easy. Boil buckwheat, add a couple of eggs, herbs and a little flour to it. You can bake. Buckwheat turn out rosy and appetizing.

In general, pancakes can be fried from anything. Any cereal, and potatoes, and zucchini, and carrots, and cabbage and other vegetables will do.

The most important thing is to have stocks of the most basic products at home. Then you have nothing to fear. Store potatoes, pasta, cereals, flour, onions, carrots, vegetable oil at the best of times. Harvest mushrooms and conservation. Even from the simplest products, you can cook cheap meals- tasty and satisfying.

To easily create a menu for every day, you should take into service 7 inexpensive and delicious meals on simple recipes. All the proposed variations are different, but there is something that unites them. The presented selection of budget recipes will not leave a gap in your family budget. Everything is prepared simply and quickly enough. So you can do cooking in the evening, after a working day. You won't have to mess around for a long time constantly mashing, stuffing or blanching something. At the same time, the dishes are simple, but really tasty and satisfying.

Buckwheat with mushrooms

Incredibly tasty is buckwheat baked with mushrooms. It is prepared simply, and its preparation will not hit hard on your wallet.

The number of servings is 7.


To prepare a delicious dish you will need:

  • buckwheat - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • champignons - 200 g;
  • onion turnip - 1 head;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method

Any culinary specialist will cope with the preparation of such yummy.

  1. Clean the onion. Finely crumble.

  1. Wash mushrooms. Cut mushrooms into cubes.

  1. Send washed buckwheat into salted boiling water. Cook until ready. The porridge should be crumbly.

  1. In hot vegetable oil, fry the onion and mushrooms until tender, stirring occasionally.

  1. Send the roasted mushrooms and onions to the porridge.

  1. Whisk the eggs. Pour the mixture into the porridge with mushrooms and onions. Salt. Add ground pepper. Mix well.

  1. Grease a baking dish with oil. Put buckwheat with mushrooms in a container.

  1. Send the porridge for 10-15 minutes in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. And everything is ready!

It turns out satisfying, fragrant, tasty and simple!

crab cakes

Crab cakes are very tasty, which can be served with rice, pasta, potatoes. To prepare them, you do not need to mess around for a long time and spend a lot of money.

The number of servings is 4.


We will need:

  • crab sticks - 200 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • cheese "Russian" - 200 g;
  • breadcrumbs - ½ tbsp.;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.

Cooking method

These cutlets are made, which can be served with a variety of side dishes, very easily.

  1. Remove cellophane from crab sticks. Grate the product on a fine grater. Prepare cheese in the same way. Mix these two ingredients in a common bowl.

  1. Peel the garlic. Grind it in any suitable way. Send to minced meat.

  1. Whisk eggs into the mixture.

On a note! If you want the cutlets to be more piquant and fragrant, you can add black ground pepper or other spices.

  1. To mix everything. From the resulting composition, blind small neat cutlets.

  1. Roll them in breadcrumbs.

  1. Fry cutlets from crab sticks in vegetable oil. The degree of readiness is determined by the presence of a golden crust.

  1. Turn the cutlets over. Fry on the second side.

Chicken in kefir

Another option for a simple, tasty, inexpensive dish is chicken in kefir.

Cooking time - 45 minutes.

The number of servings is 3.


To prepare such an inexpensive dish you need:

  • chicken fillet - 600 g;
  • dill - 1 bunch;
  • low-fat kefir - 1 tbsp.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • ground pepper - 2 pinches;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method

If you don’t feel like messing around in the kitchen at all, then cook chicken in kefir. This is done simply and quickly, but the finished dish will amaze you with its tenderness and juiciness.

  1. Prepare products.

  1. Rinse the greens well. Dry thoroughly. Finely cut with a knife.

  1. Send the greens to a large bowl. Peel the garlic. Grind it (can be passed through a culinary press). Post to greens.

  1. Salt the mass. Sprinkle with ground pepper, guided by your own taste preferences.

  1. Pour in kefir. Thoroughly mix the mass.

  1. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces.

  1. Send the mass to the chicken dressing. Marinate 30 minutes to 1 hour.

  1. Send the chicken fillet to the pan. Pour in the marinade. Close the lid and simmer until fully cooked, stirring occasionally to prevent burning.

On a note! You do not need to add vegetable oil or other fat.

It turns out delicious and easy to prepare. At the same time, the dish is budgetary and not burdensome for the family budget.

Pollock stewed in tomato sauce

Very appetizing and tasty is obtained pollock, stewed in tomato sauce. This dish is tasty and inexpensive. It is perfect for everyday menu.

The number of servings is 3.


To prepare this delicious everyday dish you will need:

  • carrots - 100 g;
  • pollock fillet - 300 g;
  • green onions - 8 feathers;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • canned tomatoes - 1 can;
  • dried basil - 1 tsp;
  • salt, vegetable oil, ground pepper - as needed.

Cooking method

This dish is incredibly easy to make.

  1. Get everything ready right away.

  1. Wash and dry green onions. Finely chop.

  1. Peel the garlic. Chop into crumbs.

  1. Peel and wash carrots. Cut into sticks.

  1. Cut the fish fillet into small pieces.

  1. Pour vegetable oil into the pan. Fry green onion with garlic crumbs on it.

  1. Add canned tomatoes. Stretch them. Simmer the mixture for literally 3 minutes. Sprinkle in dried basil.

  1. Put carrots in gravy. Mix the mass. Salt her. Pepper to taste. Simmer for 5-7 minutes.

  1. Put pieces of pollock fillet into the sauce. Close the container with a lid. Simmer fish in tomato sauce over low heat for another 15 minutes.

It turns out incredibly tasty!

fried cabbage

Another budget dish for every day is fried cabbage. It is done quickly, as, however, it is eaten.

Cooking time - 40 minutes.

The number of servings is 7.


Here's what's required:

  • fresh white cabbage - 1 kg 200 g;
  • large carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - ½ tbsp. l.;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method

If you do not have time for complex culinary experiments, but family budget leaves much to be desired, you just need to fry the cabbage. It's hearty and delicious.

  1. Peel onions and carrots. Coarsely grate the carrot. Cut the onion as desired. Heat up some vegetable oil in a frying pan. Saute vegetables in it until soft.

  1. Remove the top leaves from the cabbage fork. Throw them away. Chop a good part into medium-sized straws. You can further chop it up. Send to the frying pan.

On a note! The dish will turn out even more tasty, satisfying, spicy if you add a little sauerkraut to it.

  1. To mix everything. Fry for 20-25 minutes uncovered over medium heat, stirring frequently. Approximately 5 minutes before the dish is ready, add granulated sugar and salt.

  1. Add tomato paste and bay leaves.

Mix and you're done!

onion cutlets

Another option for a dish for every day from the category “cheap and cheerful”, but at the same time very tasty - onion cutlets.

Cooking time - 20 minutes.

The number of servings is 4.


To prepare onion cutlets, you need a minimum of products:

  • onion - 400 g;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt and spices - to taste;
  • refined vegetable oil - for frying.

Cooking method

The technology for preparing delicious and budgetary onion cutlets is so simple that even a teenager will understand.

  1. Pour in the flour. Its quantity can also be adjusted independently. It is important to get the mass, like on pancakes. Mix thoroughly.

  1. Heat vegetable oil in a heavy bottomed pan. Put the onion “mince” with a large spoon. Fry until golden brown.

On a note! Don't make the patties too tall. Otherwise, they just won't fry.

  1. Flip. Fry until golden brown. To keep the onion inside tender, it is worth covering the pan with cutlets with a lid. Simmer another 7-10 minutes.

  1. Place cooked onion patties on paper towels to remove excess fat.

That's all! Can be served immediately.

Zucchini with cheese baked in the oven

Here is another great recipe for the menu for every day. These are zucchini baked with cheese in the oven.

Cooking time - 25 minutes.

The number of servings is 4.


To prepare the dish you need:

  • cheese - 200 g;
  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 2-3 pinches;
  • greens - to taste.

Cooking method

Everything is done surprisingly easily and for a short time.

  1. Prepare products. Cheese grate on a medium grater.

  1. Peel the zucchini and cut into slices about 5 mm thick. Salt the zucchini and stir.

  1. Grease the baking sheet lightly. Lay the zucchini slices tightly on it in one layer. Top with oil. Send to the oven preheated to 190 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

  1. Remove zucchini from oven. Flip them quickly with a fork. And no less smartly sprinkle vegetables with cheese chips. Reduce the heat in the oven to 160 degrees. Send zucchini with cheese into it again. This time for 2-3 minutes. The key here is to melt the cheese.

  1. Sprinkle the zucchini with chopped herbs.

You can serve to the table! All is ready!