Molecular cuisine food. Molecular cuisine. Diet recipes of molecular cuisine: espuma - foam

If we talk about molecular cuisine, then perhaps we need to start with what molecular cuisine is. A huge number of rumors and conjectures: this is pure chemistry, this is actually not food, etc. The definition from Wikipedia is a section of trophology, it does not bring clarity to the consumer. Especially if cuisine is trophology, and even molecular one, and the term “molecular cuisine” itself was introduced into wide use by an American physicist and a French chemist.

However, let's not rush, because any food is chemistry. Not in the sense that there are no natural products left in the supermarket, but in the fact that the digestion of food in our body is a chemical process, and therefore, in the end, any cuisine is chemistry, and molecular cuisine is no exception. The question is what we will digest and why this kitchen is needed at all.

Not all professional chefs are willing to accept molecular cuisine, sometimes referred to as the cuisine of experimental and/or culinary physics. But there are already leaders and authorities among chefs.

What is molecular cuisine

Of course, molecular cuisine is, on the one hand, a fashion trend in cooking. To say that chefs study the physical and chemical properties of food only in this kitchen is nonsense. You might think that traditional chefs study metallurgy. Well, God be with her, with fashion. Let's just go back to the kitchen and its molecularity.

A specialist who prepares molecular cuisine dishes must not only know about the chemistry and physics of food products, but also be able to use equipment that the tongue cannot call household or kitchen: heat, freeze, create a vacuum and pressure, emulsify and process food with carbon dioxide , etc.

Andria Ferran, the famous chef from Catalonia, said well about molecular food.

...molecular cuisine is an attempt to feed the public with incredible nonsense and shock conservative gourmets

Hence, the gourmet's preparedness for the unusual look and taste of cuisine dishes that will be served in a decent restaurant in a strictly defined sequence. It is unusual that they will offer you 15-30 different dishes, but do not be afraid for your stomach - the portions are quite meager and very often the entire portion fits in a teaspoon. Rather, you should worry about your wallet.

The chef does not have the task of feeding you - his task is to surprise you with an incredible combination of tastes, textures, colors and achieve at first a stupid, and then an admiring smile on the face of a gourmet: liquid bread, hot and cold tea at the same time, transparent dumplings and hard borscht, etc.

Moreover, having received modern technologies and modern (not at all kitchen) appliances, some chefs have begun to reconstruct dishes from the past: Chef Blumenthal offers to try the tastes and aromas of dishes from the British royal table during the 15-16th century, and Grand Ekitz pampers guests "dishes" of France-1865 or Mexico-1625.

Molecular cuisine is a deception of the senses: food will be brought to you, and its smell will be served separately. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, but it is a reality. And the reality is harmless - the bulk of molecular dishes are dietary. Just an unusual appearance, unusual taste and aroma.
And this effect is achieved by using special equipment, various devices and a unique cooking technology. Consider the most popular technologies for preparing molecular dishes.


We are not talking about freezing food in the refrigerator - liquid nitrogen, which, as you know, has its own temperature of minus 196 degrees Celsius, has found wide use in molecular cuisine. This temperature allows you to freeze any dish almost instantly, and at the same time nitrogen evaporates. This freezing allows you to save all the useful properties of products, their color and natural taste.


Imagine the most delicate foams that are made from fruit or vegetable juices - there is a taste and aroma, but the product itself, as it were, does not exist. What about fruits and vegetables! And imagine the most delicate mousse, which consists of fresh Borodino bread, unrefined butter and salt. Imagine such a foamy dish.
The effect of espum is obtained with the help of a special additive - soy lecithin, which is extracted from pre-filtered soybean oil.


When specialists in molecular cuisine talk about vacuumization, they are talking about heat treatment of food in… a water bath. All that is needed is placed in special packages, in which food is cooked in a water bath at a temperature of about 60 degrees for several hours, or even several days. Meat cooked in this way acquires an incredible aroma, becomes very tender and very juicy.


All housewives work with gelatin. What is the secret of molecular cuisine? In products. Molecular cuisine involves the preparation of ordinary dishes from unusual products: honey caviar, orange spaghetti, peach-flavored egg, etc.
For cooking, the following additives are used:

  • agar-agar
  • carrageenan.

Both thickeners are prepared on the basis of natural algae.


Take sodium alginate and dilute it in a liquid - you get a thickener, and upon contact with calcium lactate we get a gelling agent. This is how you get caviar with the taste of anything. You expect the taste of red caviar (for example), but you get raspberry jam (also an example). And everything looks like red caviar.

Centrifuge Application

And what could be innovative here? With the help of a centrifuge, for example, milk has been separated from cream for many years. It's just that specialists in molecular cuisine use a centrifuge in an unusual way: (for example) an ordinary tomato produces the most delicate and fragrant tomato paste, yellow (from a red tomato) juice and incredibly fragrant foam.

Dry ice in molecular cuisine

You certainly know about such a property of dry ice as the ability to evaporate at room temperature. But if a piece of dry ice is poured with something fragrant or simply odorous ... The smell will not just be strong.

Rotary Evaporator Application

Why do you need a rotary evaporator in a molecular kitchen? The device itself allows you to change the pressure during the cooking process, i.e. a wide variety of liquids can boil at very low temperatures, but the essential oils that are released at such a low temperature boil will not evaporate. In this way, these oils can be collected for the subsequent "fumigation" of dishes and not only dishes. For example, rose-scented fish (for those who don't like the fishy smell).

Molecular cuisine recipes

It must be admitted that it is very difficult to cook a real molecular cuisine dish at home. And it's not even in the absence of special equipment. Just the same equipment can be bought, and it is relatively inexpensive. For example, a siphon for mousses and foams costs 4,500 rubles, and for 11-12 thousand rubles you can buy a quite tolerable set for a novice chef of molecular cuisine. It's about knowledge.

However, not everything is so hopeless. I offer you some simple recipes that will allow you to surprise and please your loved ones.

molecular egg
This dish can be prepared in the most unusual way - put the pan with the egg in the oven (just like you put it on the stove) and set the temperature to 64 degrees. Cook for two hours. And you get a completely different (to taste and tenderness) dish.

Tomato soup
Pour 350 ml of low-fat chicken broth into a saucepan. We cut vegetables into circles: carrots - 1 pc., half a leek stem, cherry tomatoes - 6 pcs. Add vegetables to the broth, season with spices and herbs in accordance with your taste, salt. Then you can squeeze 2-3 cloves of garlic into the broth, add 2 tablespoons of thick tomato paste. Bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes.
Cool and pass through a blender. Strain the resulting puree through cheesecloth, and then add one sachet of agar-agar to the resulting broth. Put the saucepan back on the heat and bring to a boil, stirring. Pour the broth into molds and place in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

Herring under a fur coat - roll
Beat the beet pulp (along with the juice) in a blender, and then strain through cheesecloth. Pour the resulting “beetroot” liquid into a saucepan and add one sachet of agar-agar, bring to a boil and remove from heat.
Pour the resulting juice onto a flat dish or tray covered with cling film. After the juice hardens in the form of gelled plates, grated boiled vegetables, an egg and herring strips are applied in a thin layer on these plates. Twist the roll, and then cut it into rolls.
In the same way, you can prepare any salad. For example, Mimosa.

These are probably the simplest molecular cuisine recipes that do not require special equipment and food chemistry.

And don't be afraid of the word chemistry. Molecular cuisine is very different from molecular chemistry, and the chemical ingredients used in it are designed to change the consistency of the finished dish.
And yet, just not much about how molecular cuisine can be used. This is a very useful invention for those who want to lose weight. Think roasted pork oatmeal or healthy carrots flavored with chocolate. In a period when you want to ah reduce your teeth, you can afford such culinary masterpieces. But that's a topic for another article.

I bring to your attention 2 videos on the topic of Molecular cuisine

Video 2

This term was introduced by the Hungarian physicist Nicholas Kurt, but with the light hand of the French chemist Herve This, scientific experiments with products in the 70s of the last century turned into an independent direction. Hervé Thies once said: “The trouble with our civilization is that we are able to measure the temperature of the atmosphere of Venus, but we have no idea what is happening inside the soufflé on our table.”

Since then, enough time has passed to not only understand the composition of the soufflé, but also learn real culinary tricks with ordinary products.

Molecular gastronomists perceive food not as a combination of various ingredients, but as a collection of molecules with certain properties. By changing these properties, you can influence the texture, color and taste of dishes. For which this science is called experimental cuisine or culinary physics.

Guru of molecular gastronomy

The most famous restaurant of molecular cuisine El Bulli was located in Spain and belonged to the chef and physicist Ferran Adria. This restaurant topped the list of the world's 50 best restaurants a record 5 times, but closed in 2011. It was always very difficult to get here, since Ferran could serve 8 thousand people during the season, and there were always about 2 million people who wanted to. It took about a year to book a table in this restaurant. The restaurant served customers only for six months, because the rest of the time they were engaged in laboratory research and the creation of new dishes. Here you could try salmon steak in the form of marshmallows, olives in capsules and pasta that looks like whipped cream. The restaurant bill could reach 3,000 euros.

Ferran Adria

Chef and physicist

“Food for a restaurant visitor should be a provocation and at the same time an amazing surprise. Satisfying hunger is not the main thing. The ideal customer comes to El Bull not to eat, but to experience something new.”

Another talented culinary alchemist is French chef Pierre Garnier. At his restaurant, El Celler de Can Roca, he surprises diners with a gourmet mousse scented with earth and sea foam, but his Gucci Envy-scented cakes are especially popular.

In Russia, there is, perhaps, the only such restaurant - "Barbarians", which was opened by chef Anatoly Komm. He tried to combine molecular cuisine with Russian culinary traditions. And he succeeded. Anatoly arranges a kind of gastronomic performance for visitors, for which you need to sign up in advance. During the tasting set, those present can taste pancakes with caviar, vinaigrette, millet porridge, jelly and even ice cream with jam. But it all looks completely unrecognizable! For example, dumplings look like transparent balls with a pink-green filling, Olivier is served as ice cream, and Borodino bread has the consistency of liquid drops. Borscht from Anatoly Komm is two white balls floating in beetroot broth - with the taste of lard and bone marrow.

Anatoly Komm


“They don’t come to the Barbarians to get enough. This is a place where you can learn something new about your own taste sensations, about modern haute cuisine and how you can transform and beat, it would seem, such an unshakable concept as Russian cuisine.”

Secret technologies of culinary physics

Let's lift the veil of secrecy and look into the kitchen of a molecular cook. Instead of the usual pots, pans and kitchen appliances, you will see flasks, test tubes, strange appliances and convection cookers. Directly not a kitchen, but a continuous chemical laboratory! The cook in this kitchen should also be a chemist, physicist and biologist. How do chefs manage to create such masterpieces of culinary art?

Agar-agar and gelatin are popular ingredients in molecular cuisine. They turn any product into jelly. One example is tomato spaghetti soup. Until you try this dish, you will not understand that this is the first tomato dish in front of you. The taste will be so bright and rich that no doubts will remain!

According to the technology of gelation, edible spheres are prepared from legumes, fruits, coffee and other drinks, caviar from fruits, berries, broths, juices and alcohol. Soup in the form of capsules, reminiscent of drugs or vitamins, is already something from the field of space nutrition. In the mouth, the balls burst, resembling caviar in texture, and the taste can be different - ham, herring, cognac, tangerine, cucumber or okroshka.

Sergei Lavrov

“With the help of emulsification technology, any product is turned into an emulsion. Imagine salad Olivier in the form of a sauce that has preserved the taste and aroma of all the ingredients! However, often products change flavors, and this miracle is possible with the help of ultrasound. Technology such as espumization helps to turn the product into foam using soy lecithin. Who would have thought! Baking at low temperatures, which are achieved thanks to dry ice and liquid nitrogen, is very popular. And the fish, imagine, is fried on the water! This is possible by adding vegetable sugar to the water, which raises the temperature to 120 °C. And thanks to centrifugation, it is possible to separate the taste of the product into individual flavors and combine them into new unique combinations. This is real creativity!”

The cooking time is quite long - from several hours to two days. For example, beef tea with truffles takes 48 hours to prepare. The accuracy of proportions is important - even an extra gram of a product can change the taste of the dish, and it will turn out completely different from what you expected.

Is it harmful?

Irina Govorukhina


“Some people think that molecular cuisine recipes contain a lot of chemical ingredients and therefore are very far from a healthy diet. In fact, everything is not so. This cuisine does not use flavor enhancers, preservatives and dyes, which are stuffed with modern food. All supplements are natural chemical compounds and natural ingredients. Liquid nitrogen is just a component of the air we breathe. The stabilizer sodium alginate is derived from seaweed and is labeled E401 and can be found on the labels of many grocery stores. Calcium chloride (E509) is a type of edible salt that is added to ripening cheeses. Also in the composition of the dishes there are various sugars, extracts from seaweed and soy lecithin. All these ingredients change the texture of food beyond recognition and make us admire the virtuosity of the chef.”

Many technologies of molecular cuisine speak in favor of a healthy diet. Some dishes are steamed in vacuum bags. As a result of languishing a rabbit for one to one and a half days at low temperatures, very tasty meat with an amazing aroma is obtained, in which all vitamins and other useful substances are preserved.

In addition, instant defrosting creates thin ice crystals (they are thicker with quick defrosting), so ice cream prepared according to the traditions of molecular cuisine has the consistency of a cream, and it no longer needs to add fatty ingredients. So, the dessert will turn out to be low-calorie.

Despite the fact that the term “molecular cuisine” has been known since the last century, there are still many mysteries in it. Dishes of molecular cuisine can amaze even the most demanding gourmet. However, molecular cuisine recipes are not a mystery at all, and those who wish to master this futuristic culinary trend will be able to learn how to cook familiar dishes in an unusual way!

Diet recipes of molecular cuisine: espuma - foam

There are many varieties of sauces in French cuisine. However, gourmets prefer olive oil as its basis. The taste is more tender, and there are fewer calories. We bring to your attention a recipe for molecular cuisine for the preparation of dietary mayonnaise.

  • Diet mayonnaise.


  • 1 gr. xanthan (food additive stabilizer E 415);
  • 30 gr. mustard;
  • 150 ml. water;
  • 200 ml. olive oil;
  • 50 ml. vinegar;
  • salt;
  • pepper.
  1. Mix water with xanthan and beat in a blender
  2. Add mustard, vinegar, olive oil
  3. Beat, add spices, beat again.

This mayonnaise is indispensable in home cooking and will be an excellent dressing for your favorite dishes and salads - Olivier, mimosa and fur coats.

On the eve of the winter holidays, molecular engineers have developed the traditional drink Ai-Nog in their own, unique performance. Molecular cuisine recipe attached: familiar products with a touch of magic in the end.

Egg Nog Christmas drink


  • 2 gr. lecithin;
  • 1 egg;
  • 15 gr. Sahara;
  • 30 ml brandy;
  • 30 ml dark rum;
  • 150 ml of water;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 10 gr. cinnamon or nutmeg.
  1. Mix the egg, brandy, dark rum and sugar in a blender, pour into a container (tall glass), add 100 ml of milk;
  2. Mix 150 ml of water and milk, add cinnamon and lecithin - beat into foam;
  3. Decorate the egg mixture in a tall glass with foam.

Serve with a straw and garnish with grated chocolate and a mint leaf.

Molecular Cuisine Recipes: Gelification - New Jelly

Want something new and different? Molecular cuisine recipes to help you. A recipe for wheat-free spaghetti and pitted oranges is an unexpected combination for the sophisticated sweet tooth.

orange spaghetti


  • 250 ml orange fresh;
  • 3 gr. agar;


  • plastic syringe;
  • small diameter silicone tube (for spaghetti).
  1. Boil agar and juice (strain orange juice) for 1 minute. Cool down a little.
  2. Use a plastic syringe to fill the silicone tube with the warm mixture.
  3. Cool the tube in cold water for 3 minutes.
  4. Remove the jelly from the tube: draw air into the syringe and squeeze out the spaghetti by pressing the plunger.

Bright orange spaghetti will decorate any dessert and perfectly emphasize the taste of meat or poultry.

Who doesn't love natural, organic foods? What about your favorite marmalade as a child? With the help of this molecular cuisine recipe, we will turn sweet apples into a favorite delicacy, a gelatin miracle - marmalade.

apple marmalade


  • 400 gr. apples
  • 2 gr. agar
  • ground cinnamon;
  • Red pepper;
  • 10 gr. powdered sugar (for decoration)
  1. Peel the apples and grate the puree.
  2. In a saucepan, mix applesauce with Agar, boil for 1 minute.
  3. Pour the hot apple mass into silicone molds, cool.
  4. Remove the blanks in the refrigerator until the marmalade is completely solidified (10-15 minutes).
  5. Mix the spices, dip marmalades in them and put on a dish. Decorate with a pattern of powdered sugar snowflakes.

Molecular cuisine recipes: unusual food pairing

Foodpairing- Creation of new flavor combinations. This is a system of flavor combinations selected in the course of scientific research of molecular cuisine. The traditional approach to pairing food and spices is completely ignored to create an absolute new flavor combination and impress even the gourmet.

A vivid example of the combination of fruits and tender lamb meat in a molecular cuisine recipe is food pairing. Let's combine the pleasant with the very useful and tasty.

Lamb with pear, vanilla and chocolate


  • 500 gr. lamb ribs;
  • 40 gr. shallot;
  • 20 gr. carrot;
  • 1 sprig thyme;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • ½ vanilla stick;
  • 20 ml brandy;
  • 150 ml red semi-dry wine;
  • 500 ml of veal broth;
  • 6 pcs. parsnip;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable broth;
  • 5 ml white wine vinegar;
  • 3 juicy pears;
  • 30 gr. Sahara;
  • 175 gr. flour;
  • 125 gr. sugar;
  • 25 gr. cocoa powder;
  • 125 gr. butter;
  • vegetable oil;
  • pepper, salt.
  1. Grate the meat with spices, fry until golden brown in vegetable oil (bring to readiness in the oven +180 C).
  2. Break the ribs into small pieces, fry in the same pan for a rich taste.
  3. Separately fry vegetables, thyme and bay leaf. Pour cognac, wine and slightly darken, evaporate. Add 1 vanilla stick and beef broth. Boil down to the consistency of a sauce.
  4. Strain. Before serving, grease with butter and bring to taste to the desired temperature.
  5. Peel and boil the parsnips (cook in salted water until tender). Cool down in ice water.
  6. Fry in butter. Add vegetable broth, cook until parsnips are completely evaporated and glazed in it.
  7. Add vinegar and season to taste.
  8. Cut one pear into thin slices and quickly fry in butter.
  9. Peel the last two pears, cut into small pieces, stew with sugar and a little oil.
  10. Add a small amount of water to the pears and puree them with a blender.
  11. Mix flour, sugar, cocoa and butter. Bake in the oven at 90 C. Cool. Cut into strips.

Serve on the table, decorating the lamb with a pear and “twigs” of dough.

Homemade recipe for molecular cuisine! Make a delicious lemon pie just like mom used to make. But add a hint of cinnamon and raspberry - revive memories and refresh the taste.

Lemon Pie with Cinnamon and Raspberries

Prepare the shortcrust pastry, roll it into a thin layer and put it in a pie dish, make a side. Prick with a fork. Lay parchment, a layer of beans or peas on top of the dough (for a smooth surface of the pie). Bake 15-20 min. in a preheated oven to 180 C. Cool.

Filling Ingredients -

  • 6.5 gr. lemon zest (grated);
  • 250 ml lemon juice;
  • 390 gr. white sugar;
  • 300 gr. cream;
  • 9 pcs. eggs;
  • 1 PC. egg white.

For pickled lemon -

  • 175 gr. Sahara;
  • 100 gr. water;
  • 0.12 cinnamon;
  • 0.25 vanilla.
  1. Wash your lemons. Cut one into slices (thin slices).
  2. From 2 lemons squeeze 100 gr. juice.
  3. Mix juice with sugar and water.
  4. Bring the mixture to a boil, add spices.
  5. Marinate lemon slices with syrup (about 12 hours).

We spread the filling on the cooled pie, cool and decorate with fresh raspberries and pickled lemon slices. Serve lemon pie for tea. Great recipe for molecular cuisine!

Recently I watched the French film "The Chef" with Jean Reno in the title role. And for the first time I heard about molecular cuisine from there. Read and you what it is and how to cook such dishes.

When a chef serves you an amazing “something” in a restaurant, it is not clear from what it is cooked and filled with meat foam, and proudly calls it a dish of molecular cuisine – there is something to be surprised at.

But in fact, molecular cuisine is not at all as scary as it is made out to be. And every housewife owns tricks from her, even if she does not know that her actions are a “molecule”.

Did everyone make aspic from fish? Here! This is molecular cuisine.

What is called molecular cuisine?

Molecular cuisine is a special approach to cooking. This kitchen pays special attention to the chemical and physical processes that occur during the preparation of products. This is a whole science that studies changes in products under the influence of one or another processing method. Adepts of molecular cuisine actively apply all this knowledge in practice, breaking our ideas about familiar products. First of all, the consistency goes: solid products become liquid, thick products foam, liquid ones turn into stones.

Basic tricks

Despite the fact that molecular cuisine changes the products very much, the dishes from them turn out to be healthy. At the very least, every chef working in this field tries to make their dishes as healthy as possible.

Sous vide technology is one of the most sought after technologies. In short: the products are sealed in vacuum packaging and boiled for a long time in a water bath at low temperature. During this cooking, the meat, for example, becomes indescribably soft, and all its beneficial properties remain with it.

Applying textures: special textures are added to products that change the properties of the product: they make jelly from liquid, remove fat ...

Gel creation: for this, special substances are used that make liquid products gel-like. Molecular cuisine guru Heston Blumenthal's famous dish, Hot and Cold Tea, is created using this technique. When you drink cold tea from the same cup, then hot tea. In fact, not liquids are poured into the cup, but two gels, they do not mix due to different densities. And the taste is indistinguishable from ordinary tea.

Foaming: products are passed through a special device: a cremer or a siphon, and foam is obtained. Various mousses are created using the same method. All dishes that are obtained from kremer are called espumas.

Fluid Removal: in this matter, liquid nitrogen or dry ice helps molecular cooks. There are other techniques, for example, sublimation. Or use evaporators.

All these techniques, except for changing the texture of products, also concentrate its taste. And sometimes, having bitten through one gel caviar, we get a real explosion of taste on the tongue.

Young Fighter Pack

For molecular cuisine, one frying pan and a set of pots will not be enough. You have to buy additional equipment. Ivan Varlamov, Chef at Novotel Moscow-City, recommends starting with the purchase of a vacuum cleaner (a device for vacuum packaging products) and a slow cooker for sous-vide. In principle, you can even do without a device for sous-vide, an injector stove will cope with slow heating, and you will need a thermometer to regulate the temperature.

Another important device is a cremer. It can be purchased inexpensively. And with the help of a creamer, make purees, mousses, creams, foams.

Difficulty with liquid nitrogen. Ivan Varlamov says that it can be rented, but only in the form of a large bottle. This is more suitable for a professional kitchen than for the home.

Dry ice is more affordable than nitrogen, it can also be purchased by amateurs. Dry ice is useful if you want to make original ice cream, quickly bind liquids in the product, cool it instantly and carefully.

Finally, you'll need a texture pack. They are now easy to order in online stores for culinary specialists. But it may not be possible to order in small batches.

Why people are afraid of molecular cuisine

Ivan Varlamov, Novotel Moscow City Chef: Many visitors are tense about molecular cuisine, they are afraid that they will be served chemical products processed by chemical methods. But in fact, molecular cuisine is not chemical additives at all, but very healthy dishes, simply unusual and amazing.

Balls with salted salmon in tomato juice

For juice:

  • 150 g tomatoes in their own juice
  • 1 g tarragon
  • Pinch of fennel seeds
  • Salt and pepper
  • 15 ml olive oil
  • 2 g xanthan texture

For balls:

  • 200 ml tomato juice
  • 50 g lightly salted salmon (see recipe below)
  • 2 g fresh green basil
  • 500 g cocoa butter
  • A liquid nitrogen
  • Black pepper
  • dry paprika

Step 1. Warm the tomatoes in a heavy-bottomed saucepan, add spices and cook for about 15-20 minutes.

Step 2 Cool and pass through a sieve.

Step 3 Beat the resulting mass in a blender with a xanthan texture, it will give the juice a uniform glossy structure.

Step 4 Combine juice with finely chopped salmon fillet, add chopped basil.

Step 5 Pour into spherical silicone molds, freeze.

Step 6 Melt the cocoa butter in a water bath, it should become transparent.

Step 7 Remove the resulting balls from the molds, lower them into liquid nitrogen for 5 seconds, then into melted cocoa butter - it will evenly cover the balls and instantly harden.

Step 8 Do the same with all the balls, put them on a sheet of parchment.

Step 9 Put in the refrigerator until the filling in the spheres is completely defrosted. Sprinkle with freshly ground pepper and paprika when serving.

Salted salmon

Would need:

  • 1 kg fresh salmon fillet, skin on
  • 6 g dried dill
  • 35 g sea salt
  • 15 ml vodka
  • 5 g sugar
  • ½ lemon
  • 2 g pepper

Step 1. Put the fish on a sheet of parchment, pour vodka.

Step 2 Salt, pepper and sprinkle with sugar.

Step 3 Sprinkle tightly with dill so that there are no open spaces.

Step 4 Cut the lemon into circles and put on the fish.

Step 5. Wrap salmon in parchment and leave for a day.

Beef with sea buckthorn jelly and tangerine sauce

Would need:

  • Beef brisket (the layer of meat that covers the ribs)
  • 25 ml olive oil
  • 60 g tangerine (without peel)
  • 1 g fresh tarragon
  • A liquid nitrogen
  • Ground black pepper

For "snow":

  • 50 ml olive oil
  • 50 g texture "Malto"

For jelly:

  • 200 g frozen sea buckthorn
  • 200 g fresh persimmon
  • 150 g sugar syrup
  • 60 ml hazelnut liqueur
  • 7 g texture "Agar"

Step 1. Cook persimmon, sea buckthorn and sugar syrup over low heat for 10 minutes.

Step 2 Beat with a blender and rub through a sieve. Cool in the refrigerator.

Step 3 Add agar and beat again.

Step 4 Heat the mass to 70 degrees, remove from heat and add liquor. Then pour into a mold and refrigerate for a few hours.

Step 5 Salt and pepper the beef. Vacuum.

Step 6 Cook in a water bath using sous-vide technology for 2 hours at a temperature of 60 degrees. Cool down in ice water. Cut into thin slices.

Step 7 Jelly cut into large cubes. Arrange with meat on a plate.

Step 8 Peel the mandarin slices from the films, mix with spices, tarragon and sprinkle with olive oil and tangerine juice.

Step 9 Stir and add some liquid nitrogen, stirring vigorously.

Step 10 Add cooled tangerines to meat and jelly.

Step 11 Mix the olive oil thoroughly with the texture and sprinkle the dish with the resulting snow.

Molecular gastronomy is a separate branch of cooking that appeared only at the end of the twentieth century. It is based on the use of physics and chemistry in the preparation of products. The first dish of molecular cuisine was prepared by Heston Blumenthal, the chef of a famous English restaurant, who made mousse from caviar and white chocolate. It turns out that both of these products have the same amines, so they mix well.

The peculiarity of simple molecular cuisine recipes is that they include only natural ingredients. Unlike the fast food industry, where the desired flavor is chemically added to foods, molecular cuisine, including recipes for beginners, does not allow the use of chemical additives and the desired flavor is achieved by adding ingredients of natural origin to dishes.

The preparation of molecular dishes only at first glance seems complicated. In fact, if you know the basics of this culinary branch and use the recommendations of chefs, then you can cook foamed meat with a side dish of foamed potatoes, cucumber-flavoured jelly and even seafood syrup in your home kitchen.

If you want to treat yourself and your loved ones to an unusual dinner, lunch or breakfast, cook molecular cuisine - recipes for cooking at home can be found on our culinary website.

Molecular dishes and their names

For almost twenty years of the existence of molecular cuisine, the chefs of the best restaurants in the world have developed dozens of unique dishes, the task of which is not to feed, but to surprise the visitor with an unusual taste and combination of products. The names of the simplest molecular cuisine dishes that you can cook at home:

  • Fondant egg;
  • orange spaghetti;
  • coffee meat;
  • Spicy chocolate and chili truffles;
  • Tomato jelly.

Using the appliances that every housewife has in the kitchen, you can cook molecular dishes according to recipes with photos posted on our website.

Molecular cuisine recipes with photos

For those interested in how to cook molecular cuisine, recipes at home can be found on the Make-Eat culinary website. Especially for users who love culinary experiments and like to surprise loved ones with unusual dishes, we have collected the best and simplest molecular recipes with photos that you can use at home.

Pay attention to the following features:

  • The simplest dish can take several hours to prepare;
  • Recipes for molecular dishes must be followed literally to the gram, because even a small drop of one of the ingredients, added in excess of the recommended rate, can greatly change the taste of the product;
  • Some homemade molecular cuisine recipes may require special tools that need to be purchased separately.

Otherwise, to make interesting and unusual dishes of molecular cuisine, you only need a set of necessary products and a great desire to experiment. Therefore, if you want to experience incredible sensations, learn a lot of new facts about healthy nutrition and get gastronomic pleasures, scroll through the pages of our site and choose the best recipes with step-by-step descriptions and photos.

The Make-Eat Culinary Portal is the largest collection of recipes, including molecular cocktails from unexpected food combinations that will allow you to look at cooking in a completely different way. Try it - and you will be able to see for yourself how interesting, exciting and delicious it is! The time spent will be more than compensated for by the pleasure received from both the cooking process and the food itself!

The employees of our portal make a lot of efforts to publish for you the most interesting recipes, original illustrations and other useful materials related to cooking at home. We sincerely hope that we will become your reliable guide to the world of modern and classic cuisine, and you will become our regular readers.