Psychology of color: pink. Pink color

Orchid color, light purple, pale lilac - all these names denote pink. It symbolizes tenderness, friendliness, love, innocence, purity, femininity, organicity, kindness, romance.

In psychology, this color is the most passive of all colors. It dulls aggressiveness, nervousness, and is able to calm even the most irritated person. Contemplating the pink color, a person relaxes, calms down, becomes friendly, friendly, the desire to conflict evaporates by itself. This color contributes to the creation Have a good mood, relieves negative obsessive thoughts, helps in crisis situations.

Like any other color, pink has characteristics negative value. An excess of pink indicates that a person flaunts himself, he lives under the motto "all or nothing." The negative features of this color are also excessive exoticism, excessive sensitivity, inconstancy and frivolity.

Since ancient times, pink has been considered the color of joy, sincerity, optimism and love. He was the color of princesses. bright in Europe pink decorated estates and palaces. AT ancient greece this color was the color of Aphrodite - the goddess of love. In China, pink was attributed healing properties. AT Asian countries this color meant knowledge, study and career.

Everyone loves pink, from young to old. Newborn girls are dressed in pink clothes, tied with a pink ribbon. In the wardrobe of a mature woman, it is not uncommon to find clothes of this color.

This color should be worn by those who are instantly irritated, make scandals from scratch, cannot calm down in any way after nervous overstrain and stress. Pink color perfectly calms, relaxes, regulates the emotional state.

However, this color is preferred by frivolous persons who are not permanent by nature. It is better not to go to an interview in this color.

Pink lovers should know that this color is very full of the figure. Therefore, going to solemn events or for a photo shoot, you need to think carefully before choosing clothes in pink shades.

There is a "blonde in pink" stereotype. This means that such a woman is characterized by frivolity, inconstancy, frivolity, tearfulness. For the first date, it is better to refuse clothes of these tones.

Since this color helps to move away from worldly fuss, problems, stress, circus performers dress in pink costumes with large quantity sequin. Looking at the circus performers pink clothes, people's mood rises, insults are forgotten, nerves calm down and they gain peace of mind.

Pink color in the interior

Increasingly, in the interior, people prefer pink. If earlier children's rooms for girls were decorated in this color, now you can find in pink the kitchen, the bedroom, the living room, and the bathroom.

On a psychological level, this color calms, relaxes, balances, harmonizes the situation.

AT pink room a person quickly restores mental balance. Therefore, psychologists advise decorating the interior of the room in pink for those people whose work is associated with constant stress and nervous tension.

A design in pure pink is very rare, only highly glamorous people, especially women. BUT various shades pink combined with some other color, such as orange or green, are common.

To achieve the calming effect of pink, it is not necessary to decorate the walls and ceiling in this color. It is enough to use textiles, furniture or accessories in pink tones: curtains, pillows, shelves, tables or sofas. In the kitchen in pink, you can arrange an apron in the work area.

AT psychology value is given to each bloom, pink- not an exception.

It is used not only in clothing, interior, but also in therapy to harmonize mood.

What does it mean in psychology?

Pink is a mixture of red and white.

It has many shades, sometimes with an admixture of gray, lilac.

Color passive, unobtrusive, does not cause aggression, excessive emotions, strong irritation.

Considered more feminine than masculine. A feature of pink is that it can be warm, soft, or contain a cold spectrum, becoming sharper, defiant.

There is a stereotype that this color is more preferred by teenagers, so it associated with infantilism, youth, immaturity. Actually this is not true.

People of all ages can wear pink, but it is important to choose the right shade.

Basic values:

  • youth;
  • freshness;
  • the origin of life;
  • novelty;
  • romance;
  • tenderness;
  • friendliness;
  • femininity;

As we see, this calm, moderate a color that evokes positive emotions.

What does pink mean in psychology? Find out from the video:

What does it symbolize?

What do you imagine when people talk about pink?

First thought- tenderness, calmness, tranquility.

Pink combines white - the color of freedom and red - the color of action.

He is associated with spring, the birth of a new life, transformation. AT Ancient Rome pink was associated with Venus, the goddess of beauty and love.

It is associated with childhood, sentimentality.


The presence of pink gives feeling of calmness, freshness. The pink room is filled with romance, innocence, airiness.

Rose therapy used when:

  • you need to take a break from mental work;
  • neutralize;
  • create a sense of romance, holiday.

This color dulls aggression, calms nervous system, harmonizes the internal state.

What is it used for in advertising?

Since it's a color tenderness and innocence then pink is used in advertising of goods for youth and women.

Often, a dye is added to cosmetics so that creams have a pleasant effect. pink shade.

Jars of this color also look more attractive, speaking of purity, youth, beauty.

Colour calm, intimate, therefore it can be used to advertise lingerie.

Children also love him. Rich pink toy packaging draws attention.

Physiological and psychological impact

Pink color able to calm even the most irritable person.

It softens the effect of other colors. It has a beneficial effect on health, promotes recovery, faster recovery after illness.

If a Small child too excited, prone to fears, then it is useful for him to be in a pink room. A bedroom in this color contributes to a good and restful sleep.

It also has a beneficial effect on mental activity, since the composition contains a red spectrum, but white softens it without causing excessive irritation and at the same time stimulating thinking.

How to use Vibrations Pink:

What is the use of pink glasses?

Pink glasses are capable improve mood. Color reduces the pulse rate, heartbeat, therefore it is useful for stress, chronic or periodic. In addition, it improves appetite.

Everyone has heard the expression “seeing everything as if in rose-colored glasses” - this means not noticing some negative aspects in life, being naive, too joyful.

Physical glasses with glasses of this color, of course, will not change the quality of perception of life, but will help relieve stress and significantly improve mood.

If it is a gray day outside, then it will become brighter and more attractive, and gloomy people will appear in a different color.

What can you say about a person who likes him?

People who prefer pink do not tolerate cruelty, violence in any form is unacceptable for them.

A person who loves this color is fickle and emotional. He can get upset about almost anything.

An excess of this color indicates protection needs. People who love pink tend to go into fantasies, fairy tales from the real world.

He gives women femininity, lovers of pink look gentle and innocent, they want to be protected, patronized. They are kind of grown-ups.

This color is associated with talent, creativity the ability to create something new and extraordinary. pink people they are hardworking, it is difficult for them to switch to rest, they have developed the habit of achieving their plans, fulfilling their tasks.

People prefer it sociable, extroverts who are easy to contact and make friends.

Such individuals are drawn to, they radiate joy and positive, boldly go through life, trying to look for the positive in everything.

If there is too much pink in life, clothes, this may signal a overconfidence, increased emotionality and at the same time compliance.

5 reasons why pink is the color for real men:

What does color aversion mean?

If a person cannot tolerate the color pink, this indicates his irritability, conservatism. It can also talk about fatigue, physical or mental.

The rejection of pink is also a denial of romance, an overly strict view of the world, a lack of spontaneity.

Those who do not like this color are afraid to show their emotions, they are secretive, keep even joyful feelings in themselves. It is difficult for them to express love, affection, to surround their partner with tenderness.

Pink is not for everyone. More suitable for innocent girls of short stature. Soft pink is preferred for blondes, while saturated tones are suitable brunettes.


The fashion for pink was in the 30s of the last century.

Designers use it now, but in combination with other colors.

It has many shades, which makes it fertile for creation. casual wear, festive and even business.

Summer look especially good bright colours, in winter, calmer shades are preferable.

If you use pink in a business meeting, then add to it, otherwise there is a chance of seeming overly frivolous.

The color fits perfectly for a romantic date, walking in nature or going to a restaurant. Beautiful and unusual pink Wedding Dress, as a symbol of the innocence of the bride.

Combined with white and black. Interesting clothes, where there is pink and. Green and pink looks bright and fresh in summer. The color goes well with gold and silver.

Pink lingerie sets you up for romance, symbolizes tenderness and attractiveness.

man in pink looks romantic and bold. Suitable for summer and holiday wear.


pink bedroom- the abode of a young girl.

Delicate shades create a feeling of romance, youth, freshness.

It is desirable to use light and dark shades so that they do not tire the eyesight and do not cause irritation over time.

Do not make a room in only one color. It is better to dilute it with white, beige, add elements of black or.

For the living room deep saturated tones are suitable - fuchsia, light cherry, dark pink, purple and calmer - ash pink, flamingo.

Different colors evoke different emotions. Pink sets you in a romantic mood, blue pacifies, red makes you act, green has you. Each person has "his" native color. Further about what qualities of character those who are especially fond of a pink tint have. Psychology closely intertwined the color and character of a person.

But first, let's see how human psychology is connected with relatives of pink - red, burgundy, yellow, as well as its opposites - blue and turquoise (aquamarine).

Who loves red: psychology

Red - first of all passion. Lovers of this color always want to do everything faster, higher, stronger. Be ahead of others. These are born athletes, politicians, careerists. However, impatience, reckless courage, excessive stubbornness often prevent them from achieving anything significant in life. Life on the principle of "all or nothing" often ends badly for lovers of red.

Who loves yellow - psychology

Lovers of yellow are sanguine by nature. Difficulties are experienced easily, do not lose heart. They love creativity (especially acting), noisy companies. Those who respect yellow are generous, sincere. love

Burgundy color - meaning in psychology

A dark shade of red (burgundy) is preferred by pragmatists and conservatives. Such individuals adore everything concrete. Emotions are usually not liked - among burgundy lovers they are associated with female impracticality, empty chatter without concrete deeds. Burgundy color in psychology belongs to ambitious individuals. They have real goals in front of them, they achieve them by real means. Without fanaticism. Such rationality favorably distinguishes the burgundy from the "reds", who, in order to achieve their goal, are ready for rash acts.

Who loves blue: psychology

Blue is the color of calmness and confidence. Blue lovers prefer to spend time alone with themselves. Such individuals are non-conflict, it is very important for them good relationship those around them. People who love the color blue, in their psychology, will always prefer a bad peace to a “good” war.

Turquoise color - meaning in psychology

The greenish-blue shade of the oceans-seas is called turquoise (aka aquamarine). Turquoise color in psychology is preferred by individuals who are phlegmatic in nature. These are calm strong-willed natures, doing everything on the sly, gradually confidently moving towards the goal. That's what it means turquoise in psychology.

What does pink mean?

Girls and young girls. Lovely and very feminine - the first thing pink is associated with. But this is with us, but in the West. But in other cultures (in the same Japan), this color, on the contrary, represents masculinity. Although it is difficult to find aggressive "machism" in pink. Here is faith, hope, love in it more than enough. No wonder the first Sun rays, dispelling the darkness - "hopelessness" is just pinkish.

What does pink mean in psychology - feminine

For a very long time, pink has been associated with girls. Especially kind, naive. This soft shade associated with the ability to find compromises, avoid conflicts. Lovers of this shade are often devoid of ambition, prefer to give more than take. Such individuals respect other people's freedom, therefore they are unobtrusive, tactful.

But in all this femininity there is a negative side. The pink color in psychology belongs to individuals who are rather unstable, easily carried away by the new, looking at things too superficially. Yesterday, they seemed to be completely devoted to the cause, to the person, and today they are interested in something else.

In addition, because of their dreaminess, impracticality, lovers of a “feminine” shade tend to greatly exaggerate their own capabilities. Therefore, they often promise what they will not deliver. And there is no boasting here. It’s just that such individuals naively believe that whoever is “right is strong,” since inwardly they are alien to the “right of the strong,” in general, any injustice.

Tender love

Where there is naivety, there is romance and tender love. No wonder the greeting cards for Valentine's Day are just pink. If red represents passion, pressure, then a calm cousin is associated with tenderness, devotion, care. In the love of individuals who prefer pink, there is a lot of sacrifice, chastity, correctness. Flirting, courtship, courtesy, flowers as a gift, vows of fidelity, secret dates - such old-fashioned naivety is very close to those who adore pink.


But even more admirers of this shade love home comfort, spiritual comfort, when everything around is their own - native, non-prickly, kind.

They love to take care of others - feed their beloved cat, clean up after mischievous children. And no special reward is expected. It is simply important for them that their loved ones need them, be there.

Pink, of course, touchy, but quick-witted, absolutely unforgiving. Therefore, they are ready to forgive even the most vile, low deeds on the part of loved ones. The main thing is that they “correct”, return to their arms.


Pink color in psychology is also optimism. Which is quite logical, because while we are young, we believe in a better tomorrow, we hope, we are waiting. Until we settled down in sediment on the sinful earth, we soar in transcendental distances, it seems: “the flight is normal.”

Then we get into the first air pockets. "Tin" begins real life. A little time passes, and the pink color begins to give way (though not without a fight) to various shades of gray reality.

Sentimentality and sophistication

Pink individuals are often too sentimental, vulnerable. They love to talk heart to heart, sincerely rejoice in someone else's happiness, cry over someone else's grief from a love story.

Admirers of this color adore sophistication, perfection. They like what makes others yawn. They can get aesthetic pleasure from ballet, enjoy the sophistication of the tea ceremony performed by Japanese geishas. In all this they see not banality, kitsch, but pristine beauty, Garden of Eden before the fall of man.

Idealism with altruism

Lovers of pinkish shades are by nature very trusting. Suffering from a kind of emotional claustrophobia, such individuals do not notice the shortcomings of others, they may misinterpret other people's motives. Therefore, they are quite easy to deceive, they often become victims

Unselfishness, idealism leads lovers to public organizations where they can:

  • serve some idea;
  • to compete with the authorities for the rights of stray dogs;
  • try to snatch playgrounds from the clutches of developers.

However, they are not enough for a long time, because no complaints to higher authorities, exhortations help. The power of dogs poisons further, developers methodically seize playgrounds.

They say that kindness should be with fists. But pinkish pacifists accept this with great difficulty. They are cowardly relaxed hippies, not desperate hysterical punks. So they give up quickly. Well, if things start to smell like fried, then they generally run away.


The main thing that most people associate pink with is the carefree, innocent time of childhood. No wonder toys for babies, children's clothing styles (especially pajamas), as well as sweets very often have just a pinkish tint.

Those who love this color, like children, love to live in a fantasy world, are prone to "magical thinking", naively believe that their own feelings and objective reality are identical things.

Pink is preferred by individuals whose psychology is structured as follows: it seems that it is enough just to want something strongly, and it will be. Therefore, reality hits the pinks especially hard, they just turn out to be not ready to meet with it. Fortunately for themselves, they are quick-witted. Like children - they cried and forgot. Admirers quickly recover from the painful blows of fate, “stick together” the broken rose-colored glasses and again dive headlong into the illusory world.

Yes, they certainly want to grow up. They are especially attracted to a close relative - the red alpha male (or alpha female). Pinks often try to act like they are red. But it turns out badly. Inwardly they remain children.

But kids are far from angels. And those who love a pinkish tint do not have wings behind their backs. No matter what they imagine there, they are far from real angels. Such individuals are prone to ill-considered actions, if "so the heart dictates", they are not strong in planning, live beyond their means, squander money if they believe that they are going "for a good cause."

The other side of childishness - the meaning of pink in psychology

In childhood, lovers of pink are very bashful, sentimental. Often they passively obey the will of the "leader" - a parent or more emotionally mature, strong peer friends. It's easy to join companies. Their inherent conformism helps to "catch" the mood of others, quickly adapt to it. A girl who loves pink is a kind of vest that her friends can always cry into. They bring a little kindness to even very aggressive children's groups.

Who doesn't like pink

Pink color in psychology means sentimentality and gullibility, so it annoys realists, pragmatists. Hue is associated with the inability to defend one's own interests due to weakness of character. Pink realists remind blissful fools who cannot objectively look at things, and because of naivety, gullibility, they constantly step on the same rake.

Color tranquilizer - color therapy

Pink is in many ways the opposite of aggressive, exciting red. Although it is inextricably linked. After all, it is from a mixture of passionate red and neutral white that pink is obtained. The shade pacifies, removes anger, “injects” a good dose of positive. Therefore, it is often used in color therapy. In the West, in some maximum security prisons, the walls are painted just pinkish, as it calms even murderers, rapists a little.

For many, the contemplation of this color (even just on the monitor screen) helps to calm an increased pulse, lower blood pressure. Pink (in clothes, interior) is especially useful in winter - it dilutes the cold grayness, dispels winter depression.

However, this ability to relax has another side to the coin. In pink, weakness, vulnerability are clearly felt. Therefore, if you want relaxation, you should not overdo it with a shade (in the same interior). When there is too much pink, it sometimes begins to annoy (especially men), cause strong associations with weakness, even spinelessness.

By the way, that is why in the West the attitude towards painting prison walls pinkish is far from unambiguous. Some studies suggest that this color calms repeat offenders only at first. Gradually, this effect disappears, and pink in its effect begins to resemble red - to cause emotional arousal in hardened criminals.

The colors and character of a person in psychology are interconnected. The validity of such a statement is easy to verify on loved ones and on oneself. If you notice any psychological problems in yourself or others, we recommend contacting a psychologist-hypnologist

The world of flowers is beautiful, fragrant, pleasing to the eye of everyone. Carnations, chrysanthemums, lilies, daffodils, etc. - the representatives of this vast kingdom cannot be counted, but the graceful rose is considered the undoubted queen of this world. White, yellow, red and absolutely each of them has its own meaning.

The history of rose flowers

Throughout the history of giving bouquets, the language of flowers has been formed. Roses can say a lot, and above all, the feelings of the giving person. These flowers are chosen as a gift by self-confident people who stand firmly on their feet, who value stability and comfort.

The Greeks spoke of the rosebud as a symbol of infinity, because the shape of the rose is round, and the circle has neither beginning nor end. In addition, the leaves in the rosebud are twisted so tightly that it cannot be unfolded, but as soon as it opens, its petals begin to wither. The captivating, but short-lived beauty of a rose reminds us of the short duration of beauty, that human life is fleeting.

From Greece, the rose came to Rome and was considered a symbol of morality during the Republic. When going on a campaign, Roman soldiers took off their helmets and instead put on wreaths of roses, because it was believed that this was how courage poured into their hearts.

Also, the rose was considered a symbol of courage - on the day of the triumphal entry into Rome, Scipio the African, the famous Roman commander, allowed his soldiers to carry bouquets of roses in their hands, and in order to perpetuate the memory of the bravery of the soldiers, he ordered to engrave images of roses on their shields.

However, there was another unexpected symbol of the rose - silence. The rose has not saved a single talker's life. During feasts, they hung out in the halls artificial roses, attaching them to the ceiling, dedicated to Harpocrates - the god of silence.

In the 19th century, the language of rose flowers became exclusively of a love character, but at the same time, roses were distinguished by varieties: for example, giving an Austrian rose meant with great love. Quiet love is a white rose, shy love is Damask, and infidelity was attributed to a yellow rose. However, it mattered, and with what flowers in the bouquet the rose was connected.

Throughout the history of giving, rich and long, rose color meaning improved, and the flowers themselves have undergone many changes. If we talk about the basics and principles of the language of a bouquet of roses, then the most basic is the number, color, shape and type of buds.

One of the Christian legends says that a rose without thorns meant love at first sight. She grew up in garden of paradise but that was before the fall. After Eve and Adam were expelled from paradise, thorns grew on the rose, as if reminiscent of mortal sin.

Rose flower meanings

The symbol of parting is attributed to the tea rose - “I will never forget you”, reminding the addressee and the donor of unforgettable meetings. It also symbolizes constancy, and perfumers consider it a symbol of romance, femininity and beauty.

white rose color

The white rose and violet have become a symbol of purity, innocence and chastity of the Mother of God. According to legend, the archangel Gabriel made three wreaths of yellow, red and white roses for the Most Holy Theotokos.

Each wreath had its own meaning: joy meant white, yellow meant glory, and suffering meant red. The white rose is a symbol of harmony, purity, love, fidelity and innocence.

Presenting these flowers, the donor seems to say to the addressee - “You are heavenly and pure, I am delighted with your pristine and unearthly beauty! You are perfect, like these flowers!”. The white rose is a symbol of strong, pure and eternal love, which is why they are given as a wedding gift.

Rose red

Rose color meaning red means true, passionate love and desire. Many people know that the smell of pink and red roses is amazing. It expresses passion and deep love. Also, these flowers are presented as a sign of admiration and respect.

Red and white roses combined in one bouquet mean harmonious love, unanimity, strong and long friendship, union.

Moreover, if the giver chooses white rose petals framed by a red edging, then the meaning will be the same. The combination of white and red flowers in the bouquet, as if says to the addressee - "I and you are a single whole."

pink rose color

The beginning of a relationship is symbolized pink roses. They hint at the emerging love feelings, which in the future may flare up with all their might. A bouquet of these noble and beautiful roses expresses sympathy, pride and nobility, a sense of admiration and tender emotions.

Pink also has many shades, and their combination is used to compose promising, often eloquent messages.

A pink rose is a symbol of sophistication, courtesy, elegance, courtesy and courtesy.

If you want to express your gratitude, then present a rose of cherry or bright pink color. And sympathy can be expressed by presenting a bouquet with unopened pale pink flowers.

Burgundy rose color

A scarlet and burgundy rose in a bouquet will speak of love, admiration and violent passion. The giver seems to want to say - "You are so beautiful that you do not realize it." It is burgundy roses that are traditionally considered to be given on February 14 on Valentine's Day to express their feelings.

Burgundy petals with purple and purple tint they will tell you about charm, magnetism and splendor, but this will not mean a strong and strong feeling. It would be more accurate to say that burgundy color means love at first sight.

At burgundy roses there are also many shades that have various meanings. A maroon bouquet will be somewhat gloomy, it would be better to dilute it with light, but close to burgundy color roses, such as peach, scarlet or pink. It is customary to give a maroon rose to representatives of the Balzac age.

This color symbolizes unconscious, but fading beauty. She can also talk about a passing passion, she can express condolences, grief.

yellow rose color

The yellow rose has the most positive values- joy, happiness, friendship. According to rose color meaning it has nothing to do with separation, jealousy and betrayal, although it is very common among the people.

Yellow roses have a completely different meaning - recognition, friendship, admiration, respect and admiration. People who have been married for a long time give yellow roses as a sign of the regularity and sweetness of family relationships.

At all times, this color meant a freedom-loving and active beginning, so bouquets of yellow roses can often be found at various celebrations, as a congratulation to the hero of the holiday.

Few people know that these roses can mean reconciliation. If you see in the hands of your soul mate, after a recent quarrel, a bouquet of yellow roses, know what it will mean - "Let's leave behind past grievances and open a new page in our relationship."

orange rose color

Best wishes are expressed orange roses. It is enthusiasm and hot feelings. If you are under the power of a heady feeling of love, then these flowers will help you tell your beloved about it.

Orange roses are able to convey charm and pride to the object of your feelings. The meaning of the color of roses of peach shades express modesty. Often they are presented as a gift as a sign of the completion of affairs.

Also, with the help of these roses, you can express the warmth of relationships, gratitude, joy at a meeting. They will decorate any festive table.

Blue and blue colors of roses

blue and blue tones roses can hint at mystique or achieve the impossible. Such an unusual color of roses was achieved through artificial breeding and selection.

They are mysterious and extraordinary, so they are given to people who are inaccessible and mysterious. At blue color roses are available in various shades, with their own meanings.

For example, lilac, speaks of first love, admiration and charm.

Rose color green

More recently, florists began to use green roses to make bouquets, they speak of generosity and abundance. These unusual flowers are a symbol of fertility.

They are valued by successful and prosperous people. It is impossible to express love with the help of green roses, but they can tell about the jealousy of the giver.

All light roses can be given to friends without any connotation, because they symbolize friendship.

In history, it so happened that black roses were assigned a sad emblem and a symbol of death. However, they express not only feelings and grief, they can often express new deeds, trips, new beginnings. The giver can use these flowers to express his admiration for the rebellious and strong spirit addressee.

However, not only the meaning of the color of roses is able to convey words and feelings, the shape of the flower itself is also remarkable. For example, unopened buds speak of innocent love.

Pink and red buds emphasize the admiration for youth and beauty, while white ones hint at the impossibility of the emergence of affection and love or young unripe love.

If you decide to confess your love, then the most the right combination in a bouquet - from green and light roses.

If you present a bouquet of two unopened buds and an open rose as a gift, then this will mean a riddle or a mystery.

How many roses to give

Two flowers connected together - an invitation to a meeting or expectation of marriage.

A wreath of roses worn on the head means chastity and purity.

One orange and yellow rose symbolizes a lonely heart.

Three roses mean strong and passionate love.

Five roses - well-being at home, a wish for happiness and good luck.

Nine roses mean admiration for a woman.

Fifteen roses would be appropriate as a sign of the first meeting or on anniversaries of acquaintance, wedding.

Nineteen are given as a wedding gift as a sign of a long life together.

"You are my favorite in the whole wide world!" - twenty-one roses will say.

Twenty seven roses mean strong love to his wife.

Twenty-nine is eternal love.

The wish that every day be joyful and happy, thirty-six roses will say.

A bouquet of one hundred and one roses will tell you that you are the only one and forever.

Pink color - symbolizes romance, kindness, love and passion. He is nourished by an aura of innocence and purity.

Pink is a mixture of white and red. Tenderness, masculinity, lightness, inspiration, strength, stability and self-love “live” in this color.

This color is the most passive of all in psychology. It reduces external and internal aggressiveness and provokes friendliness. Its purple (red-violet) hue indicates that it is most often chosen by people who do not recognize slavery (their motto is freedom in everything).

Pink is calming

Why, with psychological point view, pink is considered a calming and soothing color? The thing is that the contemplation of this color can bring even the most irritable person to life, since pink dulls aggression and nervousness. (Example: football team. Her coaches paint the walls in the dressing room pink to reduce the level of aggressiveness of the players on the field). In this regard, pink is often used in prisons and correctional homes to raise disadvantaged children.

This color always attracts the attention of others. Therefore, it is not surprising that, as a rule, the packaging of goods (especially for children and women) is produced in pink. Pink is the "native" color of Barbie dolls and ribbons (for girls) from the hospital.

For example, people who get irritated very quickly and recover for a very long time after that. Pink color can calm the nervous system and make people more restrained and much calmer.

Of course, you are aware that "pink", in English, sounds like "pink". It is this word that denotes something perfect and sublime. And it used to be called beautiful people and any member of the elite.

Psychologists have proven that the pink color in psychology helps to get rid of stress, has a miraculous effect on the psyche (shaken), takes part in emotional balancing.

Pink color is unlimited, but it has a drawback: it is quite rare in everyday life. Yes, this color can not be called universal. But in combination with white, it looks more than wonderful: white turns it into a softer, more romantic and gentle.

Chromotherapy advises pink for those who find it difficult to calm down. Those who love pink are always in the world of dreams, soft, sincerely believe in miracles. Admirers of pink color dream of sublime and endless love, strive to create home comfort and comfort. They are gentle and relaxed, they endure the “meeting” with reality rather hard, as they live in “rose-colored glasses”. Pinks, unfortunately, tend to let people down, even those they really appreciate. They almost always overestimate their capabilities, their promises are usually just an illusion (they promise much more than they can deliver). Fans of pink are extremely lucky: they are said to live to a ripe old age.

Favorite color is pink

If you love pink, you do not tolerate cruelty and violence (in any of their manifestations). You are talented, refined, but you have no ambition. Pink is your favorite color.

Those who love pink are fickle. It is also disappointing that a “pink” person is able to get upset and upset for absolutely any reason. Pink lovers are sensitive individuals. This is their pink color psychology.

Pink color is contradictory: at the same time, it can relax, create a feeling of comfort and disperse (mentally). What is the secret of the charm of this color? - He has the ability to be very different.

Pink is the color of life (and all life in general). Bright pink is livelier, because there is more red in it. Moderate - saturated looks pretty funny, fun. In general, the pink color is the same as the skin of a baby. From here, in fact, associations about childhood and infancy are born.

Remember emo. They “appropriated” this color to their subculture and, we see how vulnerable and infantile pink can be.

Pink color in clothes

Became considered fashionable in the 30s of the twentieth century. This fashion was "composed" by Elsa Schiaparelli (a famous and gifted fashion designer). It was she who started using bright neon pink for her clothing collection. And she called, by the way, this color "shocking pink." Interesting name, is not it?

We are all well aware that, thanks to established stereotypes, it is dangerous to trust a woman driver with a steering wheel. Of course, it is unfair on the part of men, but the fact remains. Men, by their behavior, are trying in every possible way to prove that there is no place for a woman behind the wheel. Here, in Switzerland, for example, men park in places designed specifically for parking women. Noticing such discrimination, the authorities decided to scare the men away. What, what did they do? They gave the order to paint the place of the “female” parking lot pink and plant a flower garden not far away. And the main goal was to somehow scare away men. So, remember that pink is not the best color. good option to meet the opposite sex.

What is the use of the color of "pink glasses"?

It improves digestion, lowers heart rate and pulse rate, normalizes sleep, and greatly improves appetite. It's all pink psychology.

Despite everything, pink color and its shades can improve mood. We will verify this based on the results of one experiment. The authorities of Aurangabad (Indian city), just a couple of years ago, decided to repaint all the houses and buildings in the city in pink. Thus, they wanted to significantly improve the mood of all the inhabitants of the city, who are tired of enduring crime, "walking around" in their vicinity. It can be said with certainty that the huge amount of money that was allocated specifically for the experiment was not spent in vain: the expectations were justified.