Encyclopedia of Marketing. A market window is an unoccupied segment of consumers whose needs are not adequately satisfied by existing products.

There is no single method of market segmentation. The marketer needs to experiment with segmentation options based on different variables, one or more at a time, in an attempt to find the most useful approach to considering the structure of the market. For such a situation, there is an excellent statistical method to study the influence of factors on the result. This is a factor analysis. Using this analysis, you can easily analyze the influence of a particular factor on the final result. Choose exactly those factors that carry the maximum significance in influencing the final result.

Geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral are the main metrics used by marketers.

  • a) Geographic segmentation involves breaking down the market into different geographical units: states, states, regions, counties, cities, communities. The firm may decide to operate: in one or several regions, or in all areas, but taking into account the needs and characteristics determined by geography.
  • b) Segmentation based on demographics is to break down the market into groups based on demographic variables such as gender, age, family size, family life stage, income level, occupation, education, religious beliefs, race and nationality. Demographic variables are the most popular factors that serve as the basis for distinguishing consumer groups. One of the reasons for this situation is that needs and preferences, as well as the intensity of consumption of a product, are often more closely related to demographic characteristics. As well as demographic characteristics are the easiest to measure and study. Even in cases where the market is not described in terms of demographics (say, based on personality types), it is still necessary to make a connection with demographic parameters.
  • in) With psychographic segmentation buyers are divided into groups on the basis of belonging to social class, lifestyle or personality characteristics. Members of the same demographic can have vastly different psychographic profiles.

public class. Belonging to one of the social classes strongly affects a person's preferences for cars, clothes, household supplies, leisure activities, his reading habits, choice of retail stores. outlets and so on. Many firms design their products and or services for members of a particular social class, including features and characteristics that appeal to them.

Lifestyle. In the same chapter, we already noted that lifestyle influences people's interest in certain goods. Brand and generic sellers are increasingly segmenting markets based on consumer lifestyle. For example, a denim manufacturer wanted to design jeans for one of a particular group of men, such as "active earners," self-indulgent pleasure seekers, "traditional" homebodies, restless laborers, "business leaders," or successful "traditionalists." For each of these groups, jeans of a special cut will be needed, according to different price, offered with the help of different advertising texts, through different commercial enterprises, etc. And if the company does not announce the lifestyle representatives of the product, its jeans may not cause much interest in any group of men.

Personality type. Personality variables are also used by salespeople as a basis for market segmentation. Manufacturers give their products personal characteristics corresponding to the personal characteristics of consumers. In the late 1950s, Ford and Chevrolet cars were advertised as vehicles for different personality types. Ford buyers were generally considered to be "independent, impulsive, courageous, sensitive to change and self-confident, while Chevrolet owners were conservative, economical, prestige-conscious, less masculine and avoiding extremes." Researcher Franklin Evans decided to test the validity of the views by subjecting the owners of Fords and Chevrolets to the usual personality test, which measured the needs of these individuals in the pursuit of success, influence, change, their aggressiveness, etc. Not considering marginal superiority on the basis of achieving influence, the scores of Ford owners differed little from those of Chevrolet owners. Evans came to the conclusion that the convergence of evaluative results makes it almost impossible to separate the audience into personality types. Differences in personality types are sometimes still found in a number of later studies. Ralph Westfold found evidence for differences in the personality types of convertible and hardtop car owners. According to him, the former seem to be more active, impulsive and sociable people.

d) When segmenting on a behavioral basis buyers are divided into groups depending on their knowledge, attitudes, the nature of the use of the product and the reaction to this product. Many marketers consider behavioral variables to be the most appropriate basis for shaping market segments.

Reasons for making a purchase. Buyers can be distinguished among themselves on the basis of the idea, the purchase or the use of the product. For example, Orange juice most often drink for the first breakfast. The manufacturer may try to advertise it as a drink suitable for both lunch and dinner. The confectionery company Curtis Candy has introduced the custom of "fun treats" on All Saints' Day, when sweets are prepared in every family as a gift to little tomboys who knock on the door.

Wanted benefits. One powerful form of segmentation is to classify customers based on the benefits they seek from a product.

Benefit-based segmentation requires identifying the core benefits that people expect from a particular class of products, the types of consumers seeking each of those core benefits, and the major brands that share some of those benefits.

Status user. Many markets can be segmented into non-users, former users, potential users, new users, and regular users. Large firms seeking to gain a large market share are especially interested in attracting potential users, while smaller companies seek to win regular users for their brand. Potential users and regular users require different marketing approaches.

Intensity consumption. Markets can also be divided into groups of weak, moderate and active consumers of the goods. Active users often make up a small part of the market, but they account for a large percentage of the total consumption of a product. Naturally, the manufacturer would rather attract one active consumer for his brand than several weak ones.

Degree of commitment. Market segmentation can also be carried out according to the degree of consumer commitment to the product. Consumers may be loyal to brands, stores, and other stand-alone entities. Let's just focus on brand loyalty. Imagine five branded products: A, B, C, D and E. According to the degree of commitment to them, buyers can be divided into four groups:

Unconditional adherents. These are consumers who buy goods of the same brand over and over. Thus, the pattern of buying behavior type A, A, A, A, A, A represents a consumer with an undivided commitment to brand A.

Tolerant adherents. These are consumers who are committed to two or three brands. A, A, B, B, A, B buying behavior pattern represents a consumer with shared loyalty between branded products A and B.

Fickle followers. These are consumers who transfer their preferences with one brand to another. The A, A, A, B, B, B pattern of buying behavior suggests that the consumer has shifted his preference from brand A to brand B.

"Wanderers". These are consumers who do not show commitment to any of the branded products. The A, C, E, B, D, B pattern of buying behavior suggests that we have a non-committal consumer who either buys any brand available in this moment or wants to purchase something different from the existing range. Any market consists of different numerical combinations of buyers of these four types.

A brand loyalty market is a market where a large percentage of buyers demonstrate an unreserved commitment to one of the brands it contains. In this sense, toothpaste and beer markets can be called rather high brand loyalty markets. It will be very difficult for firms trading in the brand loyalty market to increase their share in it, and for firms seeking to enter it, it will be very difficult to do so. A firm can learn a lot from analyzing the distribution of commitments in its market. She should definitely study the characteristics of unconditional adherents of her own branded product.

The degree of willingness of the buyer to perceive the product. At any given time, people are in varying degrees of readiness to make a purchase. Some of them are generally aware of the product, others are aware, others are informed about it, and others are interested in it. the fifth - want it; the sixth - intend to buy it. The numerical ratio of consumers of different groups to a large extent affects the nature of the developed marketing program.

attitude towards the product. The market audience can be enthusiastic, positive, indifferent, negative or hostile to the product. The more clearly relationships can be identified with demographic variables, the more effective an organization can be in reaching the most promising potential customers.

Segmentation is an important means of increasing profitability... Segment strategy is a "sniper" shooting at the market. J. F. Engel, American marketing scholar. It is quite understandable and natural desire of each manufacturer to create and sell products that can satisfy maximum number consumers. But in real life, this is hardly possible, since consumers have different attitudes towards the same product, use it differently, and, most importantly, purchase it for different reasons.

Therefore, it seems appropriate to divide the market into separate segments in accordance with the motivation of consumers and their specific characteristics. The process of market segmentation is the breakdown of buyers or a market into groups of people with similar needs for a particular product or service, sufficient resources, and willingness and ability to buy.

Segmentation gives the company the opportunity, instead of a ruinous struggle with competitors, to serve this or that segment of the market more efficiently.

Currently, there is no single method of market segmentation. Therefore, firms and their marketing services must consider and test segmentation options based on various parameters or principles. These include the main geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral principles most commonly used in the segmentation of consumer demand markets.

geographical principle. It involves the breakdown of the market into different geographical units: states, regions, regions, towns, districts. Usually, any company starts its business by choosing a geographic location. It must decide where to act - in one or more areas of the city, throughout the city, in one or more regions, nationally or internationally. In this case, the company must clearly understand the climate in the selected areas, population density, preferences inherent in urban and rural populations.

demographic principle. This principle consists in breaking down the market into groups according to such parameters as gender, age, family size, stage of the family life cycle, income level, occupation, education, religious beliefs, nationality. Such parameters are most often used in segmentation, because they are associated with the needs and preferences of consumers, and in addition, they are the most easily measurable compared to other parameters.

Here are some examples of using demographic parameters for market segmentation. The age and stage of the life cycle of the family play a big role in segmenting the market for consumer goods for children, especially toys. This principle of segmentation allows, based on the knowledge of the age of the child, to choose the most suitable toy.

Knowledge of the stages of the family life cycle allows firms to rationally form product marketing structures (for example, various sizes packaging of foodstuffs), most fully satisfy the needs of the categories of families corresponding in their composition.

Gender segmentation is widely used by firms producing textiles, clothing, footwear, Jewelry, cosmetics, furniture, household appliances and some attributes that emphasize the business style and characteristic features of men and women in the course of their professional activities.

One of the most important segmentation parameters is the level of income, according to which consumers are divided into groups with low, medium and high incomes. Each of these groups is characterized by certain levels of consumption of food products, household appliances, vehicles, forms of recreation, etc.

Example. According to the indicators of the level of consumption of goods and services in Russia at the end of the 20th century. the entire population of the country can be represented

in the form of four social strata: the poor, the low-income, the wealthy and the rich. The division was carried out according to the principle of the number of subsistence minimum sets purchased for the average per capita income. The living wage set includes a list of necessary food products and seven types of services ( public utilities, transport, etc.).

Thus, in 1999, the poor (54% of the total population of the country) could purchase less than one set of the subsistence minimum with their income; low-income (26.6%) - 2 - 2.5 sets; average (14.4%) - 3 - 5 sets, and secured (4.3%) - 6 - 7 sets of the subsistence minimum. The gap in the incomes of the richest and the poorest reaches 40 times, which most significantly affects the socio-economic and political situation in the country. Knowledge of these indicators and the nature of their changes should be taken into account when developing marketing activities, manufacturing enterprises and commercial firms.

psychographic principle. Segmentations of buyers are divided into groups according to the signs of belonging to the social class, lifestyle, personality characteristics. This is because members of the same demographic group may exhibit very different psychographic characteristics. Thus, belonging to one or another social class strongly affects a person's preferences in relation to various goods, services, choice of outlets, etc. Therefore, many firms plan their activities, producing goods and services based on members of a particular social class.

Most firms segment their markets by combining multiple demographics, such as gender, age, and income. A way of life is the established forms of a person's being in the world, which are expressed in his activities, interests and beliefs. This concept is very important when choosing the parameters of market segmentation.

Even the belonging of people to the same social class or type of professional activity does not allow us to fully imagine them as individuals. And only a way of life gives an exhaustive portrait of a person in his actions and relationship with the environment.

And it is no coincidence that when developing a marketing strategy for a product, specialists seek to reveal the relationship between conventional and branded goods and the lifestyle of potential consumers. For example, this is how jeans manufacturers operate for specific groups of men who lead an active lifestyle, or, conversely, homebodies. For each of the groups they create jeans of a special cut, at a different price and advertise through different advertising media, etc.

Personality type is a set of distinctive psychological characteristics of a person, providing relative stability and constancy of his responses to the environment. Usually, the personality type is described on the basis of the traits inherent in the individual, such as self-confidence, independence, sociability, ambition, aggressiveness, alertness, etc.

Knowing the type of personality allows you to analyze consumer behavior and establish a certain relationship between the type of personality and attitude to a particular product. This is crucial when the market is saturated with products and the manufacturer is forced to adapt to the lifestyle and personality characteristics of its buyer.

For example, the Volkswagen company divides motorists into two categories: "good citizens", focusing on economy, safety and ecology, and "capricious citizens", focusing on speed, maneuverability and sportiness. In the late 1950s Ford and Chevrolet cars were advertised as cars for different personality types, it was believed that Ford buyers were independent, impulsive, courageous, self-confident, sensitive to change, and Chevrolet buyers were conservative people, economical, caring about prestige, cautious, seeking to avoid extremes.

True, subsequent studies have shown that this approach to segmentation does not always give a positive result. Rather, in favor of segmenting the market by type of personality, one can argue that buyers of convertibles and hardtops can be segmented. Using segmentation by personality types, you can divide consumers into introverts and extroverts. Introvert consumers are more conservative in their shopping behavior than extrovert consumers. They are difficult to persuade, have a negative attitude towards intense personal selling and advertising. Extroverts are more easily swayed into buying through intense marketing and advertising techniques.

behavioral principle. Many experts believe that the use of behavioral parameters is the most appropriate basis for the formation of market segments. These parameters include the reason for the purchase, the benefits sought, the status of the user, the intensity of consumption, the degree of commitment and readiness for the perception of the product and the attitude towards the product.

The reason to buy can help firms better understand the extent to which a product or service is being used. So, the reason for purchasing air tickets can be a business trip, a vacation trip, special circumstances. Therefore, an airline may specialize in serving people using any of these occasions.

One of the pretty effective methods segmentation - the benefits that buyers are looking for in a product. There is a fairly large group of products in which buyers find various benefits for themselves. These include watches, hygiene products, household appliances, etc. For example, an American researcher R. Haley, studying the toothpaste market, identified four segments according to the types of benefits: savings, therapeutic effect, cosmetic effect and taste.

In terms of user status, many markets can be broken down into the following segments:

  • users who do not use the product;
  • former users;
  • potential users;
  • novice users;
  • regular users.

As a rule, large firms aimed at conquering big share market, are interested in attracting potential users to their products, and small firms seek to attract regular users to their brand. At the same time, different marketing approaches should be used for each of the segments.

Consumers of products themselves can be divided according to the degree of intensity of their consumption into weak, moderate and active. This segmentation principle is useful for consumers of various beverages, beauty products, a number of consumer goods, televisions, medical devices, etc. Active consumers usually make up a small market share, but provide the largest percentage of total consumed products.

They also share demographic and psychographic characteristics and the degree of commitment to the media. The degree of consumer loyalty to the product is another criterion for segmentation. Consumers may be loyal to brands, points of sale, seasonal sales, and so on. They can be divided into four groups: unconditional adherents, tolerant adherents, fickle adherents and indifferent adherents.

Conversational adherents always buy the same brand. These may be consumers of clothes of a certain household, lovers of certain types of soft and alcoholic drinks and tobacco products, fans of sports clubs, etc.

Tolerant adherents may prefer more than one, noise or more brands of any product, i.e. they do not have serious prejudices against various brands, just as there is no great commitment to them.

Fickle adherents change their preferences over time and move from consuming one branded product to another. This can be caused by changes in both tastes and financial situation.

Indifferent adherents, in principle, show no commitment to any of the branded products. They tend to purchase whatever brand is currently available.

It is very important for firms to analyze the degree of loyalty in their markets and to study the characteristics of both branded adherents and those who refuse them. This allows firms to more effectively build their marketing strategy. At the same time, it should be remembered that the concept of “brand loyalty” is not always understood unambiguously, and conclusions based on segmentation on this basis should be treated with caution.

The degree of readiness of the buyer to perceive the product is an important factor that requires special research. In total mass potential buyers it is possible to identify both completely ignorant, and well-informed and even sufficiently informed people. Naturally, one cannot expect interest and even more desire to purchase goods from the ignorant. Therefore, firms in developing their marketing strategies should pay special attention to methods of spreading greater awareness of the goods they produce.

The attitude towards the product on the part of potential consumers can be enthusiastic, positive, indifferent, negative and even hostile. The ability to identify segments with one or another attitude to the company's product allows you to more rationally build your marketing strategy. So, if a market segment is identified with a negative or hostility to the product, then you should not spend your efforts and time on this segment; it is better to focus your efforts on a segment with an indifferent attitude to the product.

5.1. Segmentation principles

One of the most important issues of brand effectiveness is the correct definition of the market segment in which it is more profitable to position it. Market segmentation is the division of the market into clear groups of indicators, each of which may require separate products and (or) marketing mixes.

Segmentation is necessary, as different groups of potential consumers have different tastes and preferences, which are important to consider when creating and promoting a brand.

To work in different market segments, you may need different sales channels, as well as establish suitable prices and choose brand positioning methods. Therefore, a breakdown of the market into some groups, homogeneous in some way, is necessary.

Market segmentation in an organization is usually handled by the marketing department. In order to segment, the marketing department determines the market in which the brand is most successfully positioned, namely: the customer needs to be satisfied and the corresponding consumer groups. It is possible to single out the interesting attitude of consumers of the market under consideration to the brand based on such factors as:

1) previous experience in promoting the product in question or a similar product on the market;

2) personal experience of employees of the marketing service;

3) experience of competitors.

So, based on these factors, we can distinguish different market segments. At the same time, the criteria for distinguishing segments can be very different, for example, income, age, gender, or geographical position consumers. It is better to segment by several parameters at once, then the efficiency and accuracy of segmentation increase. For example, the needs and desires of consumers may depend simultaneously on income levels, as well as on age and marital status. In fact, the requirements of all consumers are individual, so each can represent a separate market segment. However, it is more expedient to single out large groups of buyers that differ from each other in the main requirements for goods and in their marketing responses.

Carrying out market segmentation, one should distinguish between such basic concepts as the principles and criteria for segmentation. The segmentation principle is a set of indicators by which the sample is divided into separate classes. As a rule, the principle of market segmentation is a complex concept and may include a large number of indicators. The segmentation criterion is an indicator that divides the market in relation to the marketing mix or its elements, i.e., this is a narrower concept.

There are the following basic principles of segmentation:

1) geographical principle(the division can be by regions, size, climatic characteristics or population density);

2) psychographic principle(level of social class, lifestyle, personality type);

3) behavioral principle(intensity of consumption, degree of commitment, reason for making a purchase, benefits and status of the user, attitude towards the product);

4) demographic principle(age, gender, marital status, income level, occupation, education, nationality, etc.).

When segmenting by geographic principle, it is customary to divide the market into different geographical units, for example, states, regions, states, etc. At the same time, an organization can position its brand both in one and in several geographical areas. Moreover, given the differences in needs for different regions and make appropriate changes to the characteristics of the proposed brand, the company will be able to work in all segments.

However, demographic segmentation is more popular, since, on the one hand, it is easier to single out demographic indicators, and on the other hand, they have a decisive influence on the formation of consumer requirements. For example, in the clothing and cosmetics market, the most important segmentation criterion is gender.

This segmentation principle is also echoed by psychographic segmentation. It is important to consider here that consumers from the same demographic group may have different psychographic characteristics.

Separately, it should be noted segmentation according to the behavioral principle. With this segmentation, consumers are divided into groups depending on their nature, knowledge and reaction to the proposed product. Most economists believe that this is the principle of segmentation that should be taken into account when researching the market, and it is best to group consumers based on the reasons for making a purchase or the benefits sought. Segmentation based on the difference in reasons for making a purchase helps to identify the degree of use of the proposed brand. In addition, it is good to break down the market according to consumption intensity into active, moderate and weak consumers. These groups of people tend to have similar demographic and psychographic characteristics.

In the brand loyalty market, i.e. the market where the majority of buyers show their preference for brands of any one brand, it is recommended to segment by product loyalty. It is difficult for companies operating in such markets to increase their share, and it is almost impossible for other firms to bring their goods to the market.

By conducting a commitment analysis, a company can learn a lot useful information. It is important to study the characteristics of the unconditional adherents of the brand and its tolerant adherents (this will help to identify the main competitors). The diehards are a group of consumers who always buy only the brand in question. They will be the basis of the target market of this company. Tolerant adherents usually include consumers who often buy a given brand, but sometimes prefer competitors' products.

It is also important to consider consumers who prefer competitors' products in order to identify gaps in marketing company, and studying a group of people who have no addictions can help a company find a way to attract them to a group of adherents to its brand.

Of great importance are such segmentation parameters as the degree of readiness of the buyer for the perception of the brand and the attitude towards the brand. The degree of readiness of the buyer to perceive the brand shows how consumers are aware of the main properties of the brand and its existence as such. The attitude towards the proposed brand can be both positive and negative or indifferent, so it should be highlighted in different groups consumers with different opinions and work in each segment according to a separate scheme.

After identifying the main market segments, their degree of attractiveness should be assessed. For this, the following factors are considered:

1) the total volume of selected segments;

2) sales growth rates per year;

3) profitability;

4) rigidity of competition;

5) necessary technological requirements;

6) the degree of influence of inflation;

7) the level of environmental impact;

8) social and political aspects.

In addition, market segments can be evaluated not only in terms of their attractiveness, but also in terms of the strengths of the business that the organization should have in this segment.

Then the selection of target market segments is carried out, i.e. the selection of one or more suitable segments for positioning your brand on them. As a rule, those market segments are selected that have a more favorable ratio of capacity and cost of sales.

After analyzing the attractiveness of the segments and selecting the target segments, an appropriate market coverage strategy should be determined. There are the following main strategies:

1) differentiated marketing- the most expensive option. It implies the performance of the company with its brand in several market segments at once, subject to the development of separate offers for each of them;

2) concentrated marketing- a cheaper option. The strategy is to focus on a large share of one or more sub-markets, instead of focusing on a small share of a large market. This strategy is best suited for companies with limited resources;

3) undifferentiated marketing- most economical option. Such a strategy involves addressing the entire market at once with one offer, without focusing on any individual segments. To do this, the marketing program is designed to attract maximum amount consumers. Basically, mass marketing techniques are used here: mass production, mass distribution and mass advertising of one specific brand. It is this strategy that is often considered the most profitable in branding. When choosing a market coverage strategy, it is better to rely on the following parameters:

1) company resources;

2) the degree of homogeneity of the market;

3) the stage of the life cycle of the product in question;

4) marketing strategies of competitors.

The considered approach to market segmentation is most often used at present by most firms. However, there is another new approach to segmentation, which is based on the use of statistical methods. Such segmentation uses data from quantitative marketing research conducted on a representative sample of potential consumers. Some experts believe that this method of segmenting the market gives the most objective results.

So, market segmentation using statistical methods is carried out as follows.

First, the main (underlying) market is determined, in the same way as when segmenting traditional way. Then a questionnaire is developed, consisting of five basic sections. The first section, socio-demographic, should include a description of the respondent. The other four sections are the marketing mix, namely, the consideration of the so-called 4Ps (product, place, price, promotion), which includes product, promotion, place, price.

Further, a quantitative marketing research is carried out directly on a random sample representative of the selected main market. The answers to the questions are carefully analyzed, and the integral coefficients are calculated, with the help of which the marketing mix is ​​described on an interval scale.

Then a cluster analysis is carried out in the space of derived coefficients. Clusters identified in this way are taken as necessary segments, since in the end they consist of groups of consumers who have a similar reaction to the marketing mix. In conclusion, it is customary to describe the demographic parameters of the clusters under consideration. To do this, their potentials, capacity and availability are determined, and then, based on the data obtained, target segments are selected.

The considered statistical method of market segmentation has several main advantages compared to the traditional approach, namely:

1) the results of market segmentation practically do not depend on the assumptions put forward by the researchers;

2) in the work on segmentation, the entire volume of primary information obtained as a result of quantitative research, therefore, it is possible to verify strategic hypotheses, while traditional segmentation is based on tactical ones;

3) reliable primary data on the market help to segment qualitatively and accurately, since in this case all the information about the segments that is necessary for strategic planning. However, the statistical approach to market segmentation has its drawbacks:

1) when using this approach, it is difficult to correctly identify the identified segment. Also, sometimes segments cannot be described in terms of demographics;

2) the use of a statistical approach to market segmentation requires significant costs, so this approach is best used within fairly large business projects.

Now let's consider in which cases it is better to apply the traditional, and in which - the statistical approach to market segmentation.

In practice, of course, the traditional approach has more supporters, since it is much cheaper than the alternative one, although when using it, it is often difficult to immediately assess the quality of the segmentation performed. The correctness and accuracy of the work done can only be determined by the results of sales, although it is difficult to understand what exactly the level of sales is based on: correct segmentation or not. Additional marketing research will be needed.

The statistical approach does not consider the principles of segmentation as such, it is based on the simultaneous use of segmentation criteria and the main marketing criteria. In principle, this is quite difficult, although with little experience, cluster analysis can be quickly carried out on a computer, and "manually" only calculate integral variables for clustering.

Let us briefly consider the method of constructing integral coefficients for clustering.

Of course, in a simpler version, it would be good to have only one indicator that determines the respondent's attitude to the so-called 4Rs. But most experts believe that it is more appropriate to use four indicators belonging to the interval scale, each of which corresponds to one of the elements of the marketing mix and divides the entire sample in relation to this component. In this case, we will get some grouping in four-dimensional space. Then you can control the size and concentration of groups in each of the four dimensions and at the same time evaluate the response of respondents to all elements of the marketing mix.

It is important to note that when using a statistical approach in segmentation, there is a possibility that the subjective opinion of the researcher will influence the result. After all, here the data about the respondent is obtained through the usual questionnaire, using simple questions, so the survey results often do not show the degree of influence of each of them on the respondent's perception of the brand in question in the complex. The questions required to determine this degree of influence will give rise to the following questions about the influence of the previous questions, and then the researcher will have to determine the indicators necessary for summing up in the final integral indicator. Nevertheless, such subjectivism gives a much more objective result than the subjectivism that manifests itself when choosing the principle of segmentation in the traditional approach.

When applying the statistical approach, the integral variable is calculated as follows:

1) first find out the list of indicators, which will make up each integral variable in the future;

2) then all variables are reduced to a quasi-interval scale of one direction. Thus, it turns out that all indicators have numerical values ​​that determine the peculiar distances between the values. The larger such a numerical value, the greater the positive contribution this indicator makes to the value of the integral variable;

4) at the last stage, the degree of influence of each indicator on the value of the integral variable, i.e. its weight, is determined, and then all the indicators are summarized. This sum will be an integral variable.

Instead, one can conclude factor analysis. This will help reduce the dimension of the feature space. With this approach, the weight of participation of each indicator in the factors is selected automatically. However, the main difficulty lies in the fact that there are often more than one factor, and in this case it becomes difficult to understand how the segment reacts to each component of the marketing mix.

The accuracy of the resulting integral variable can be checked. To do this, you can either study the linear distribution and histograms (large clumps at the edges will show an incorrect calculation), or study the joint distributions of the integral variable and demographic indicators (there is an obvious relationship for them).

In addition, at all stages of calculations, it is important to determine and take into account confidence intervals. Since when calculating the integral variable, all conclusions become mostly probabilistic, in order to make the right marketing decisions, one should take into account the calculation error.

So, the two considered approaches to market segmentation are quite different from each other, however, in any case, the effectiveness of segmentation depends on the extent to which the resulting segments are measurable, accessible, solid, and suitable for targeted actions.

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A sign (principle) of segmentation is a way of highlighting a given segment in the market of goods and services. The enterprise must know how and on what grounds it is possible to select a market segment that will be suitable for it.

The most common segmentation criteria in the market of goods and services are:

  • - quantitative parameters of the segment;
  • - materiality of the segment;
  • - profitability of the segment;
  • - Compatibility of the segment with the market of the main competitors;
  • - performance in the selected market segment

Market segmentation is multifaceted and is carried out by consumers, products and competitors, which complement each other.

There are four signs used for consumer segmentation in the market of goods and services:

  • - geographical; demographic;
  • - psychographic;
  • - behavioral.

Each of these four features can be used to segment both the domestic and foreign markets.

The characteristics of the signs of segmentation in the market has its own characteristics, manifested through the main factors and variables.

Market Segmentation Principles

Geographic indication of segmentation (geographic segmentation) is the simplest sign. The formation of needs is influenced by various regional factors. For example, natural and climatic conditions and geographical location historically determine to a certain extent the formation of habits and traditions; the same underlies economic specialization and the structure of production, which, in turn, determine the occupational composition and structure of the population, as well as the level of monetary income. To segment the market on a geographical basis, such parameters are selected as: market location (region, republic, city), number, and population density (with a population of less than 5 thousand people, 5-20 thousand, 20-50 thousand, 50-100 thousand ., 100-250 thousand, 250-500 thousand, 0.5-1 million, 1-4 million, over 4 million people), structure commercial activities, regional development dynamics, inflation rate, legal restrictions, etc.

Market segmentation by demographics (demographic segmentation) is based on long-term factors (age, gender, marital status, family size, income level, housing conditions, occupation, level of education, religion, race, nationality). Wide application it is possible for two reasons: the demographic parameters of segmentation are quite easy to classify and quantify; their analysis and the system of organizing data and initial information are closely intertwined with consumer groups of different motivations in the market, with variables that characterize market segmentation on a behavioral basis.

Age and stage of the family life cycle. The needs and capabilities of buyers change with age. Even a 6-month-old child already differs in its consumer potential from, say, a 3-month-old. Realizing this, a toy company designed 12 different toys to be used by their children in sequence from three months to a year. One is for use when babies are just starting to reach for objects, the other is for when the baby develops grasping movements, and so on. This segmentation strategy helps parents and other givers to easily select the right toy based on their child's age.

Floor. Gender segmentation has long been applied to clothing, hair care products, cosmetics and magazines. From time to time, the possibility of segmentation based on gender is also discovered by other market players.

income level. Another age-old technique for dividing the market for goods and services such as cars, boats, clothing, cosmetics, and travel is segmentation based on income. Sometimes the possibilities of such segmentation are recognized in other industries.

Segmentation by multiple demographics. Most firms segment the market based on a combination of two or more demographic variables.

Segmentation of the market of goods and services on a psychographic basis It is subdivided into groups of consumers (buyers) according to the signs of belonging to the social class, lifestyle and personality characteristics.

Members of the same demographic group can have vastly different geographic profiles. By themselves, individual characteristics of the psychographic sign of segmentation, being important factors in the analysis of the world market, can hardly serve as sufficiently substantiated signs for distinguishing a market segment without interrelation with other variables.

Lifestyle. Lifestyle also has an impact on people's interest in certain products. Brand and generic sellers are increasingly segmenting markets based on consumer lifestyle. For example, a denim manufacturer wanted to design jeans for one of a specific group of men, such as "active earners," self-indulgent pleasure seekers, "traditional" homebodies, restless laborers, "business leaders," or successful "traditionalists." Each of these groups will need jeans of a specific cut, at different prices, offered through different advertising texts, through different outlets, and so on. And if the company does not announce the lifestyle representatives of the product, its jeans may not cause much interest in any group of men.

Personality type. Personality variables are also used by salespeople as a basis for market segmentation. Manufacturers give their products personal characteristics that match the personal characteristics of consumers. Differences in personality types are sometimes still found in a number of later studies. Ralph Westfall found evidence for differences in the personality types of convertible and hardtop car owners. According to him, the former seem to be more active, impulsive and sociable people. Shirley Young, Director of Research at a leading advertising agencies, announced the creation of a methodology for successfully segmenting the market based on the characteristics of the audience in relation to categories such as women's cosmetics, cigarettes, insurance and liquor.

Market segmentation on a behavioral basis (behavioral segmentation) involves the division of consumers (buyers) into groups depending on their knowledge, attitudes, the nature of the use of the product and the reaction to it. For market segmentation, parameters such as reasons for making a purchase, desired benefits, user status, consumption intensity, degree of commitment, awareness of the product, attitude to the product are selected.

Reasons for making a purchase. Buyers can be distinguished among themselves on the basis of the idea, the purchase or the use of the product. Cause-based segmentation can help firms increase product usage.

Wanted benefits. One powerful form of segmentation is to classify customers based on the benefits they seek from a product. Benefit-based segmentation requires identifying the core benefits that people expect from a particular class of products, the types of consumers seeking each of those core benefits, and the major brands that share some of those benefits.

User status. Many markets can be segmented into non-users, former users, potential users, new users, and regular users. Large firms seeking to gain a large market share are especially interested in attracting potential users, while smaller companies seek to win regular users for their brand. Potential users and regular users require different marketing approaches.

Consumption intensity. Markets can also be divided into groups of weak, moderate and active consumers of the goods. Active users often make up a small part of the market, but they account for a large percentage of the total consumption of a product.

Degree of commitment. Market segmentation can also be carried out according to the degree of consumer commitment to a product (service). Consumers may be loyal to brands, stores, and other stand-alone entities. According to the degree of commitment to the product, buyers can be divided into four groups: unconditional (consumers who buy goods of the same brand), tolerant (followers of two or three brands), fickle (consumers who transfer their preferences from one brand to another) and " wanderers" (consumers who do not show commitment to any of the brands).

The degree of readiness of the buyer to perceive the product. At any given time, people are in varying degrees of readiness to make a purchase. Some of them are not aware of the product at all, others are aware, third are informed about it, fourth are interested in it, fifth desire it, sixth intend to buy it. The numerical ratio of consumers of different groups to a large extent indicates the nature of the developed marketing program.

Attitude towards the product. The market audience can be enthusiastic, positive, indifferent, negative or hostile to the product.

By understanding the various participants in the process of buying goods and services, having found out what has the main influence on their buying behavior, a segment operator will be able to develop an effective marketing program in support of his own attractive position facing the target foreign market.

Signs of market segmentation are used in the analysis of the market not by themselves, but in some combination with each other, in order to more accurately establish what needs a particular type of product serves to satisfy. By coincidence, for certain groups of consumers, several values ​​of variables can be concluded that there is a certain segment in the market for goods and services. Then the head of the enterprise will have to check how well the products manufactured by him correspond to this segment. The criterion for market segmentation is a method for assessing the validity of the choice of a particular market segment for a firm.

Segmentation by product parameters involves a classification of the main functions that a product can perform. Market segmentation by product parameters involves the identification of product niches, i.e. narrower than the segment, market formations, usually small at the initial stage of their development. The attractiveness of niches is, firstly, the absence or insignificance of competition in them, Secondly, a possible prospect if the product sold in this niche has a large market potential (for example, glass, plastic, infrared heaters, etc.). At the same time, the allocation of market segments according to individual product parameters is a kind of accounting for the needs and preferences of consumers, which means that consumers are indirectly grouped according to the nature of their behavior and motivation in the market. Therefore it has special meaning when releasing and marketing new products and is often used as part of integrated marketing. The essence of this segmentation principle is to determine, firstly, for which user groups this product is intended, as well as in which industries and for what purposes it can be used, and, secondly, which functional and technical parameters of the product are of key importance. important for increasing its competitiveness, which still need to be worked on so that they best meet the needs of specific consumers.

Within the framework of many of the problems that arise here, the method of compiling functional maps, a kind of double segmentation (by product and by consumers), provides an important help. Such maps can be single-factor (when double market segmentation is carried out according to one factor and for a homogeneous group of products) and multi-factor (when analyzing which consumer groups a particular product model is intended for and which parameters are most important for promoting products on the market) .

One-factor models are most often used for enterprises that produce several models of the same type of product. Although these models usually differ in several dimensions, the one-factor model analyzes only the most important of them for the enterprise.

The essence of the model is that, based on the allocation of market segments by consumer groups and their comparison with different meanings factor (functional and technical parameters of products) selected for analysis, it is determined, firstly, which of the parameters are most suitable for identifying consumer groups, and, secondly, the potential capacity of the sales market for this product. Among the factors that are analyzed are usually the price, distribution channels, technical characteristics, etc., which are most significant for a new product. The initial parameters and results of the analysis are presented in the form of a matrix, along the lines of which the values ​​of the factor are plotted, and along the columns - the market segments.

When segmenting the market by main competitors it is necessary to find out why they buy not the products of the enterprise, but the products of competitors; what features of the product consumers pay attention to in the first place; what trends have developed in the market on such factors of competitiveness as the range of products, prices for it, forms of promotion of goods on the market and forms of marketing, R&D direction, types of after-sales customer service, methods of training sales personnel. You should also find out who are the main competitors of the enterprise in the market, and start collecting information about them that can be used in this kind of analysis. Segmentation of the market by competitors allows the company to quickly move from the stage of introduction to the market to market expansion, to increase the efficiency of promoting their products on the market.

Having assessed the potential of your enterprise according to all criteria, you can decide whether or not this market segment is suitable for the enterprise, whether it is worth continuing to collect and process additional information and spend new resources on it.

The art of marketing is to choose for a particular enterprise those combinations of simple variables that will allow you to accurately determine which market segment best meets the specifics of the enterprise's foreign economic activity. After determining the enlarged segments, it is necessary to conduct a feasibility study for each segment and determine the likelihood of effective entry into the international market. When selecting segments, the method of expert assessments is most often used.

Basic principles of segmentation of consumer markets.

There is no single method of market segmentation. The marketer needs to experiment with segmentation options based on different variables, one or more at a time, in an attempt to find the most useful approach to consider the structure of the market. Now we will look at the main geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral variables that are used when segmenting consumer markets:

Figure 2.5. – Types and criteria of segmentation

Geographic segmentation involves breaking down the market into different geographical units: states, states, regions, counties, cities, communities. The firm may decide to operate: 1) in one or more geographic areas, or 2) in all areas, but taking into account differences in needs and preferences determined by geography. For example, ground coffee Maxwell House by General Foods is sold nationwide and flavored by region. Stronger coffee is preferred in the West than in the eastern regions of the country.
Table 2.1.- Segmentation of the market by geographical features

Demographic segmentation involves dividing the market into groups based on demographic variables such as gender, age, family size, family life stage, income level, occupation, education, religion, race, and nationality.

demographic variables, the most popular factors that serve as the basis for distinguishing consumer groups. One of the reasons for this popularity is that needs and preferences, as well as the intensity of consumption of a product, are often closely related precisely to demographic characteristics. For example, Ford Motor Company used the age characteristics of customers when creating a target market for its Mustang model. The car was designed to appeal to young people who needed an inexpensive sports car. However, the firm soon discovered that Mustangs were being bought by all age groups.
The real target market for the Mustang was not those who are young in years, but everyone who is young at heart!

Table 2.2. - Market segmentation by demographic characteristics

Another reason is that demographic characteristics are easier to measure than most other types of variables. Even in cases where the market is not described in terms of demographics (say, based on personality types), it is still necessary to make a connection with demographic parameters.
We will now illustrate how certain demographic variables are used to segment markets.

Age and stage of the family life cycle. The needs and capabilities of buyers change with age. Even a 6-month-old child already differs in its consumer potential from, say, a 3-month-old. Recognizing this, the toy firm Aleybe Products developed 12 different toys to be used consistently by their children from three months to a year. One is for use when babies are just starting to reach for things, the other is for when the baby develops grasping movements, etc. This segmentation strategy helps parents and other givers to easily select the right toy based on their child's age.
However, variables for age and family life stage can be unreliable. Floor. Gender segmentation has long been applied to clothing, hair care products, cosmetics and magazines. From time to time, the possibility of segmentation based on gender is also discovered by other market players.

income level. Another age-old technique for dividing the market for goods and services such as cars, boats, clothing, cosmetics, and travel is segmentation based on income. Sometimes the possibilities of such segmentation are recognized in other industries. Segmentation by multiple demographics. Most firms segment the market based on a combination of two or more demographic variables. For example, a boarding house takes care of blind people, takes care of keeping them psychological state, provides professional education. However, in connection with handicapped The boarding house is not able to provide assistance to all blind people of different social status. An example of multifactorial segmentation of these individuals by age, gender and income level. The boarding house has chosen to serve low-income, blind, working-age men because management believes it can the best way satisfy the needs of this particular group of potential customers.

Table 2.3.- Segmentation of consumers by life cycle stages

Life cycle stage Possible segments
Unmarried, bachelor period Young people living separately
Newly created families Newlyweds without children
Complete family, 1st stage Young couples with young children under 6
Complete family, stage 2 Young couples with children aged 6 and over
Complete family, stage 3 Married couples living with minor children
“Empty Nest”, Stage 1 Elderly couples with whom working children do not live
“Empty nest”, stage 2 Elderly couples with no children are retired
Elderly singles Widowed persons with whom children do not live

Psychographic segmentation. In psychographic segmentation, buyers are divided into groups based on social class, lifestyle, and/or personality characteristics. Members of the same demographic can have vastly different psychographic profiles. Lifestyle has an impact on people's interest in certain products. Brand and generic sellers are increasingly segmenting markets based on consumer lifestyle. For example, a denim manufacturer wanted to design jeans for one of a particular group of men, such as "active earners," self-indulgent pleasure seekers, "traditional" homebodies, restless laborers, "business leaders," or successful "traditionalists." Each of these groups will need jeans of a specific cut, at different prices, offered through different advertising texts, through different outlets, and so on. And if the company does not announce the lifestyle representatives of the product, its jeans may not cause much interest in one group of men..

Choice of target market segments. Marketing segmentation reveals the possibilities of various market segments in which the seller has to act. After that, the company needs to decide:

1) how many segments should be covered

2) how to determine the most profitable segments for it.

Let's consider these two problems in turn.

Market segmentation- the main method of marketing, with the help of which the enterprise divides it, taking into account the results of the analysis on certain grounds, into certain segments of consumers. It is carried out for the subsequent allocation of target segments that require a different approach in the strategy of developing new types of products, organizing product distribution, advertising and sales promotion. The market segmentation strategy allows an enterprise, taking into account its strengths and weaknesses when choosing marketing methods, to choose those that will ensure the concentration of resources in precisely those areas of activity where the enterprise has the maximum advantages, or at least minimal flaws. When selecting segments and choosing a target one, one should always take into account the scale of the market and emerging trends in it.

Segmentation according to the degree of consumer readiness for a positive perception of new products is very important. On this basis, a fairly stable division of consumers has developed.

Table 2.4. - Segmentation of consumers according to their behavior in the market

Signs of segmentation Possible segments
Consumption norms Purchasing motives Degree of need for the product Seeking benefits Degree of willingness to buy the product Emotional attitude to the product Price sensitivity Advertising sensitivity Service sensitivity Not using this product; using a lot; average; little savings; status; reliability; prestige, etc. Needed constantly; needed from time to time never required to search the market; high quality goods; good service; lower than usual prices Unwilling to buy; not ready to buy at present; not informed enough to buy; interested in the product; seeking to buy; necessarily buying Positive; indifferent; negative; hostile Indifferent; prefers low prices; prefers high prices (as an indicator of quality); avoids very high prices Indifferent; sensitive to small advertising; sensitive to strong advertising Indifferent; very dependent on good service

When segmenting based on the behavioral characteristics of buyers are divided into groups depending on their knowledge, attitudes, the nature of the use of the product and the reaction to this product. Many marketers consider behavioral variables to be the most appropriate basis for shaping market segments.
Reasons for making a purchase. Buyers can be distinguished among themselves on the basis of the idea, the purchase or the use of the product. For example, the reason for air travel can be something related to business, vacation, family. An airline may specialize in serving people who are dominated by one of these reasons. So, charter airlines serve those whose vacation includes an air flight somewhere.
Cause-based segmentation can help firms increase product usage. One powerful form of segmentation is to classify customers based on the benefits they seek from a product. D. Yankelovich applied segmentation based on the desired benefits to the purchase of watches. He found that approximately 23% of shoppers purchased watches at the lowest prices, another 46% were guided by buying factors of durability and overall quality of goods, and 31% bought watches as a symbolic reminder of some important occasion.

Benefit Segmentation requires identifying the core benefits that people expect from a particular class of products, the types of consumers seeking each of these core benefits, and the major brands that share some of those benefits. One of the most successful examples of segmentation based on benefits was presented by R. Haley, who studied the toothpaste market. As a result of his research, Haley identified four segments according to the types of benefits: savings, curative effect, cosmetic effect, palatability. The audience of each segment had demographic, behavioral and psychographic characteristics inherent only to it. For example, consumers interested in preventing tooth decay turned out to be people with large families, active consumers of toothpaste, conservatives by nature. In addition, representatives of each segment had their favorite brands of pasta. A toothpaste company can use these results to find out which benefit segment likes its product, to determine the main characteristics of the representatives of this segment and to identify the main competing brands. The firm may also look for some new benefit and launch a branded paste on the market that provides this benefit.

User status. Many markets can be broken down into non-users, former users, potential users, new users, and regular users. Large firms seeking to gain a large market share are especially interested in attracting potential users, while smaller companies seek to win regular users for their brand. Potential users and regular users require different marketing approaches.
Particular attention is paid to the status of users of public marketing organizations. Substance abuse clinics are developing rehabilitation programs to help those who regularly use drugs to kick the habit. In particular, talks of former drug addicts are organized, designed to repel young people (not using) from trying to try drugs.

Consumption intensity. Markets can also be divided into groups of weak, moderate and active consumers of the goods. Active users often make up a small part of the market, but they account for a large percentage of the total consumption of a product. The example of beer consumption shows that 68% of respondents do not drink it. The remaining 32% were divided into two groups of 16% each. One was made up of weak consumers, which accounted for 12% of the total volume of beer consumption, the other was active, consuming 88% of beer, i.e. seven times more weak. Naturally, a brewer would rather attract one active consumer for his brand than several weak ones. Active consumers of the product have common demographic and psychographic characteristics, as well as common commitment to advertising media. In the case of active beer drinkers, it is known that among them there are more workers than among weak consumers, and that their age is from 25 to 50 years, and not under 25 and over 50 years old, as is observed among weak consumers. They usually watch TV for more than three and a half hours a day (not more than two hours like weak consumers) and still prefer sports programs. Such data assists the marketer in setting prices, developing advertising messages and strategies for the use of advertising media. Public marketing organizations often face the active consumer dilemma in their work. Family planning agencies usually target families with many children, although it is in such families that the perception of appeals for birth control is most persistently resisted. The National Safety Council focuses its efforts on offending drivers, even though these drivers are the least receptive to calls for safe driving. These organizations must decide whether to focus their efforts on a small number of the least susceptible, hardened offenders, or on a larger group of more susceptible, petty offenders.
Degree of commitment. Market segmentation can also be carried out according to the degree of consumer commitment to the product. Consumers may be loyal to brands, stores, and other stand-alone entities. Imagine five branded products: A, B, C, D and E. According to the degree of commitment to them, buyers can be divided into four groups: Unconditional adherents. These are consumers who buy the same brand of goods all the time. Thus, an A, A, A, A, A, A buying behavior pattern represents a consumer with an undivided commitment to brand A.

Tolerant adherents. These are consumers who are committed to two or three brands. A, A, B, B, A, B buying pattern represents a consumer with a shared commitment between branded products A and B.

Fickle adherents. These are consumers who transfer their preferences from one brand to another. The A, A, A, B, B, B pattern of buying behavior suggests that the consumer has shifted his preference from brand A to brand B.

Wanderers. These are consumers who do not show commitment to any of the branded products. The pattern of A, C, E, B, D, B buying behavior suggests that we have a disloyal consumer who either buys any brand currently available or wants to buy something different from the existing assortment.
Any market consists of different numerical combinations of buyers of these four types. A brand loyalty market is a market in which a large percentage of buyers demonstrate an unreserved commitment to one of the brands it contains. In this sense, toothpaste and beer markets can be called rather high brand loyalty markets. It will be very difficult for firms trading in the brand loyalty market to increase their share in it, and for firms seeking to enter it, it will be very difficult to do so.

A firm can learn a lot from analyzing the distribution of commitments in its market. She should definitely study the characteristics of unconditional adherents of her own branded product. The Colgate firm found that its unconditional adherents are mostly middle-class people with large families and increased concern for their own health. These characteristics clearly define the boundaries of the firm's target market for toothpaste.
By studying tolerant adherents, a firm can identify brands that compete most sharply with its own. If many customers of Colgate buy Crest as well, the firm might try to improve its brand positioning in relation to Crest, perhaps by direct comparison ads. Studying consumers who are abandoning its brand in favor of others will help the firm learn about its marketing weaknesses. As for consumers who do not have commitments, the firm will be able to attract them by offering its brand.

At the same time, the firm must remember that the nature of consumer behavior, which is explained, it would seem, by commitment to the brand, in fact, may be a manifestation of habit or indifference, a response to low price or the lack of sale of goods of other brands. The concept of "brand loyalty" is not always understood unambiguously, and therefore should be handled with care.
The degree of willingness of the buyer to perceive the product. At any given time, people are in varying degrees of readiness to make a purchase. Some of them are not aware of the product at all, others are aware, others are informed about it, fourth are interested in it, fifths want it, sixth intend to buy it. The numerical ratio of consumers of different groups to a large extent affects the nature of the developed marketing program. In general, the marketing program should be built in such a way that it reflects the redistribution in the numerical composition of groups of people who are in varying degrees of readiness to make a purchase.

attitude towards the product. The market audience can be enthusiastic, positive, indifferent, negative or hostile to the product. Agitators political parties Those who make pre-election door-to-door tours are guided by the attitude of the voter, deciding how much time should be spent on working with him. They thank enthusiastic voters and remind them to make sure they vote; do not waste time trying to change attitudes from negative or hostile voters; on the other hand, they strive to strengthen in their opinion those who are positively disposed and to win over the indifferent to their side. The more clearly relationships can be identified with demographic variables, the more effective an organization can be in reaching the most promising potential customers. The market segment profile is college students. A recent study looked at spending patterns and other characteristics of a particular segment of the college student market.
Among other types of expenses, the study examined the cost of acquiring food products and drinks. Beverage consumption by this audience is particularly high. Among the preferred soft drinks are orange juice, milk and various soft drinks. In another group of drinks, beer and wine turned out to be the most popular, while lovers of stronger alcoholic drinks preferred rum. In addition to basic food items, students most often buy light snacks. On average, a college student makes seven shopping trips each month, with 76% of the students in the study group shopping at a supermarket.
Toiletries are very popular within this segment. Thus, 81% of female students buy hair care products and 80% - cosmetics. Shaving creams and facial soaps are also popular.
The best means of communication with this group of buyers are institute newspapers, which, according to them, are regularly read by 87% of the respondents. Radio and television are less effective in this sense. Many students are willing to take advantage of coupons, discount offers, or free samples.

Basic principles of product market segmentation industrial use. Most of the same variables used in segmenting consumer markets can be used as the basis for segmenting markets for manufactured goods. Buyers of industrial goods can be segmented geographically and along a range of behavioral variables, based on the benefits they seek, user status, intensity of consumption, degree of commitment, willingness to accept the product and attitude towards it.
Most often, the segmentation of markets for industrial goods is carried out according to the types of end consumers of the goods.

Various end users often looking for in the product and different benefits. So, in relation to them, you can use different marketing mixes. Let's take the transistor market as an example.
The transistor market consists of three sub-markets: military, industrial and commercial.
Military buyers pay great attention to the quality of the goods and their availability. Firms selling transistors on the military front must invest heavily in R&D, use sales agents who are familiar with military procurement procedures, and have a fairly narrow product line of manufacture.

Buyers of industrial goods, such as PC manufacturers, are interested in high quality goods and a well-established system of technical service. The price, if it does not become excessive, is not decisive for them. In this market, the transistor manufacturer makes a modest investment in R&D, employs salespeople with technical expertise, and offers a wide product range. Commercial buyers, such as manufacturers of pocket radios, are primarily interested in price and delivery time when purchasing components. When operating in this market, the transistor manufacturer spends little or nothing on R&D, uses the services of aggressive salesmen who do not have technical training, and offers the most common range of products that can be produced on a mass scale. Another variable that can be used to segment the market for manufactured goods is the weight of the customer. Many firms establish separate systems for serving large and small clients.

Industrial firms typically evaluate the capabilities of their target markets by applying several variables simultaneously to segment them.