Not a common noun. Common name. Characterization and examples

From school, we remember how a proper name differs from a common noun: the first is written with capital letter! Masha, Rostov, Leo Tolstoy, Polkan, Danube - compare with a girl, city, count, dog, river. And only this? Perhaps, to figure it out, you will need the help of Rosenthal.

Proper name- a noun indicating a specific object, person, animal, object in order to distinguish them from a number of homogeneous

Common noun- a noun that names a class, type, category of an object, action or state, not taking into account their individuality.

These categories of nouns are usually studied in the 5th grade, and schoolchildren remember once and for all that the difference between a proper name and a common noun is in an uppercase or lowercase letter at the beginning. For the majority, it is enough to understand that names, surnames, nicknames, names of topographic and astronomical objects, unique phenomena, as well as objects and objects of culture (including literary works) belong to their own. All the rest are common nouns, and there are much more of the latter.


Proper names are always secondary and secondary, and not every object or object requires their presence. For example, call natural phenomena, with the exception of typhoons and hurricanes of enormous destructive power, is not accepted and to no purpose. You can describe, specify your instruction different means. So, speaking about a neighbor, you can give his name, or you can give a description: a teacher, in a red jacket, lives in apartment number 7, an athlete. It becomes clear what we are talking about. However, only proper nouns can uniquely define individuality (there can be many teachers and athletes nearby, but Arkady Petrovich is alone), and their relationship with the object is closer. Common nouns denote concepts or categories.

Proper names are most often random, not connected in any way with the characteristics of the object, and if they are connected (Zlyuka's cat, Bystrinka river), then it is very ambiguous: a cat can turn out to be good-natured, and a river can be slow-flowing. Common nouns name and describe the subject, these nouns necessarily carry lexical information.

Only animate and inanimate objects that have significance for a person and need a personal approach are called proper names. So, an average person sees stars at night, and an amateur astronomer, for example, sees the constellation Taurus; for the Minister of Education, schoolchildren are just schoolchildren, but for class teacher 3 "B" - Vasya Petrov, Petya Vasechkin, Masha Startseva.

We have already determined what is the difference between a proper name and a common noun in terms of semantics. Grammatically, they can be distinguished using the plural form: the first ones are not used in such a form (Moscow, Lev Nikolaevich, dog Sharik). An exception is made for geographical names that do not have singular(Velikiye Luki), as well as in the case of association of persons by kinship or belonging to a homogeneous group (the Karamazov brothers; all Peters are now birthdays; there are many Ivanovka in Russia).

When processing foreign texts, proper names are not translated, they are written either in practical transcription (preserving phonetics and as close as possible to the original), or in transliteration (the word is transferred character by character in accordance with international rules).

And, of course, lowercase letters for common nouns, uppercase letters for proper nouns. Have we already talked about this?

Common nouns and proper nouns.

The purpose of the lesson:

to form knowledge and skills to distinguish proper nouns from common nouns,

learn how to write proper names correctly (with a capital letter and using quotation marks).

Lesson type:

Educational and educational.

Common nouns are used to name classes of homogeneous objects, states and actions, persons, plants, birds and animals, natural phenomena, public life. Most of them have singular and plural (mountain - mountains, chamomile - daisies, rain - rains, victory - victories, demonstration - demonstrations, etc.). Common nouns are written with a small letter.

Exercise: Review the story. Name the pictures you saw (example: mountains, seas, etc.). Do they fit under the group of common nouns?

Proper nouns are used to name separate (individual) objects that may be one of a kind.

Proper nouns are always capitalized and in most cases are singular. They can consist either of one word (Bug, Alexander, Boeing, Sahara) or of several words (Ivan Vasilievich, Red Sea, Sophia Square).

Activity: Listen to Little Red Riding Hood's song. Write down all the proper and common nouns you remember.

capitalized, but NOT enclosed in quotation marks:

1. Surnames, first names and patronymics (Ivanov Sergey Nikonorovich), pseudonyms (Maxim Gorky, Lesya Ukrainka), names of characters in fairy tales (Ivanushka, Alyonushka, Pinocchio, Malvina), stories (Ovsov / Chekhov "Horse Family" /), fables ( “The naughty Monkey, Donkey, Goat and clubfoot Mishka decided to play a quartet.” (I. Krylov.).

2) Nicknames of animals (Dzhulka the dog, Jim the cat, Gosh the parrot, Parsley the hamster).

3) Geographical names (Ukraine, Southern Arctic Ocean, lake Baikal, Tibet mountains, Black Sea).

4) Names of celestial bodies (Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Orion, Cassiopeia).

5) Names of streets, squares (Pirogovskaya street, Leningradskaya square, Gamarnika lane).

8) Names with the word name (name), even in the case when it is implied, but not written (Park named after T. G. Shevchenko, Gorky Park, School named after V. Chkalov).

9) Names of organizations and higher public institutions(Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Supreme Court Ukraine).

10) Names of orders, monuments (Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Order of the Great Patriotic War, Order of Glory; monument to M.Yu. Lermontov, monument to the Unknown Sailor).

11) Names of holidays, memorable dates (days), historical events(Victory Day, New Year, Health Worker's Day, Teacher's Day, Mother's Day)

capitalized and enclosed in quotation marks:

1) Names of newspapers and magazines, television programs (galette "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Arguments and Facts", the magazine "The Only One", "Fisherman of Ukraine", the program "Field of Miracles", "What? Where? When").

2) Names of literary and musical works, paintings, movie titles (the novel "Crime and Punishment", "Master and Margarita", the poem "The Prisoner", "Candle", the painting "Black Square", "Bathing the Red Horse", the film " Guest from the Future”, “Petersburg Secrets”), etc.

3) Names of plants, factories, ships, aircraft, cinemas, hotels, and so on (provided that the word “name” is not and is not implied (Krayan plant, Roshen factory, Taras Shevchenko motor ship, Khadzhibey) , Boeing, Tu-124, Zvezdny cinema, Moscow, Krasnaya, Londonskaya hotels).

4) Names of various goods (Lada car, Chanel perfume, Samsung refrigerator, Thomson TV, etc.).

An exercise. Read an excerpt from Korney Chukovsky's poem "Aibolit". Underline proper nouns with a single line, common nouns with a double line.

Suddenly from somewhere a jackal

Rode on a mare:

"Here's a telegram for you

From Hippo!"

"Come, doctor,

Go to Africa soon

And save me doctor

Our babies!"

"What is it? Really

Are your kids sick?"

"Yes, yes, yes! They have a sore throat,

scarlet fever, cholera,

diphtheria, appendicitis,

Malaria and bronchitis!

Come soon

Good Doctor Aibolit!"

"Okay, okay, I'll run,

I will help your children.

But where do you live?

On a mountain or in a swamp?

"We live in Zanzibar,

In the Kalahari and the Sahara

On Mount Fernando Po,

Where hippo walks

Along the wide Limpopo".

An exercise. Highlight proper nouns.

The most famous sailors, travelers, heroes of adventure novels gathered at the meeting of the Club of Famous Captains. The youngest among them was Dick Send, the hero of Jules Verne's novel Captain Fifteen. Everyone considered Tartarin of Tarascon, the hero of the novel by Alphonse Daudet, to be the most cheerful, and Baron Munchausen from Raspe's book was, of course, the most "truthful". All members of the club reckoned with the opinion of the wisest of them, Captain Nemo, one of the heroes of Jules Verne's book "The Mysterious Island".

An exercise. Listen to the song from the movie "Three Musketeers". Answer the question: Burgundy, Normandy, Champagne, Provence, Gascony - proper or common nouns?

In Russian, there are many examples of the transition of a proper name into a common noun.

Here are some examples:

1. Cake Napoleon got its name from a lover this species confectionery Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.

2. Saxophone - this is how the Belgian master Saks called the wind instrument.

3. The inventors Colt, Nagant, Mauser gave names to the created weapons.

4. According to the place from which they were imported, they got their names orange (Dutch word appelsien), peach (Persia), coffee (cafa country in Africa), trousers (Bruges - a city in Holland).

5. Narcissus - a flower named after the mythological youth Narcissus, who angered the Gods by the fact that, because of falling in love with himself, he only looked at his reflection in the water and did not notice anything else. The gods turned him into a flower.

Questions for consolidation new topic:

1. What nouns have singular and plural?

2. How to write correctly: Pushkin cinema, Pushkin cinema?

3. Guess the riddles:

"Flying" city - ______________________________.

"Inanimate" sea - ________________________________.

"Colored" seas - ________________________________.

"Silent" ocean - ____________________________.

Flowers with female names - _______________________.


Independently come up with 5-7 riddles, the answer of which will contain a common noun (for example, guessed in the class) on topics - Interesting Facts Lands, Greek mythology, Russian folk tales.

Many nouns denoting persons, objects and phenomena are usually classified in accordance with the object of naming - this is how the division into a common noun and a proper name appeared.

Common nouns VS onyms

Common nouns (otherwise - appellatives) name objects that have a certain common set of features and belong to a particular class of objects or phenomena. For example: boy, peach, sturgeon, meeting, mourning, pluralism, uprising.

Proper names, or onyms, call single objects or individuals, for example: writer Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin, city Essentuki, painting " girl with peaches", TV center " Ostankino».

Proper names and common nouns, examples of which we have given above, are traditionally opposed to each other, since they have different meaning and do not coincide in the scope of their functioning.

Typology of common names

The common noun in Russian forms special lexical and grammatical categories, the words in which are grouped depending on the type of the naming object:

1. Specific names (they are also called "concrete-objective") serve as the names of persons, living beings, objects. These words change in numbers and are combined with cardinal numbers: teacher - teachers - the first teacher; chick - chicks; cube - cubes.

2. Abstract, or abstract, nouns name the state, sign, action, result: success, hope, creativity, merit.

3. Real, or material, nouns (they are also called "concrete-material") - words specific in semantics that name certain substances. These words most often do not have a correlative plural form. There are the following groups of real nouns: nominations of food products ( butter, sugar, tea), names medicines (iodine, streptocide), names chemical substances (fluorine, beryllium), minerals and metals ( potassium, magnesium, iron), other substances ( rubble, snow). Such common nouns, examples of which are given above, can be used in the plural form. This is appropriate when it comes to types and varieties of a substance: wines, cheeses; about the space that is filled with this substance: sands of the Sahara, neutral waters.

4. Collective nouns name a certain set of homogeneous objects, the unity of persons or other living beings: foliage, students, nobility.

"Shifts" in the meaning of common names

Sometimes a common noun includes in its meaning an indication not only of a certain class of objects, but also of some very specific object within its class. This happens if:

  • The individual attributes of the object are ignored as such: for example, there is folk omen « Kill a spider - forty sins will be forgiven”, and in this context, it does not mean any particular spider, but absolutely any.
  • In the described situation, one specific object of this class is meant: for example, “ Come sit on the bench» - the interlocutors know exactly where the meeting point is.
  • The individual features of an object can be described with explanatory definitions: for example: “ I can't forget the wonderful day we met”, - the speaker stands out a specific day among a series of other days.

The transition of nouns from onyms to appellatives

Separate proper names are sometimes used to generically designate a number of homogeneous objects, then they turn into common nouns. Examples: Dzhimorda, Don Juan; Napoleon cake; colt, mauser, revolver; ohm, amp.

Proper names that have become appellatives are called eponyms. AT modern speech they are usually used to jokingly or derogatoryly speak about someone: Aesculapius(doctor), pele (football player), Schumacher(racer, lover of fast driving).

An animate common noun can also become an eponym if any product or institution is called like that: sweets " Bear in the north", oil " Kuban Burenka", restaurant " Senator».

Nomenclature units and trademarks-eponyms

The class of eponyms also includes any proper name of an object or phenomenon, which begins to be used as a common noun for the entire class of similar objects. Examples of eponyms are words such as " diapers, tampax, xerox, in modern speech used as a common noun.

Transition of own naming trademark in the category of eponyms levels the value and uniqueness in the perception of the manufacturer's brand. Yes, an American corporation Xerox, for the first time in 1947, which introduced the world to a device for copying documents, "etched" from of English language common noun xerox, replacing it with photocopier and photocopy. In Russian, the words " xerox, xerox, xerox and even " xerify" turned out to be more tenacious, since there is no more suitable word; " photocopy" and its derivatives are not very good options.

A similar situation with the product of the American multinational company Procter & Gamble - diapers Pampers. Any diapers from another company with similar moisture-absorbing qualities are called diapers.

Spelling of proper and common names

The common noun rule governing the spelling norm in Russian recommends writing with a lowercase letter: kid, grasshopper, dream, prosperity, secularization.

Onims also have their own spelling system, however, simple:

These nouns are usually capitalized: Tatyana Larina, Paris, Academician Koroleva street, dog Sharik.

When used with a generic word, onym forms its own name denoting a name trademark, events, establishments, enterprises, etc.; such naming is capitalized and enclosed in quotation marks: VDNKh metro station, Chicago musical, Eugene Onegin novel, Russian Booker award.

Each person daily uses several hundred nouns in his speech. However, not everyone will be able to answer the question of which category a particular word belongs to: proper names or common nouns, and whether there is a difference between them. Meanwhile, not only written literacy depends on this simple knowledge, but also the ability to correctly understand what is read, because often, only by reading a word, you can understand whether it is a name or just the name of a thing.

what is this

Before you figure out which nouns are called proper and which are common nouns, it is worth remembering what it is.

Nouns are words that answer the questions "What?", "Who?" and denoting the name of things or persons (“table”, “person”), they change according to declensions, genders, numbers and cases. In addition, words related to this part of speech are proper / common nouns.

The concept of about and own

Except for rare exceptions, all nouns belong to the category of either proper or common nouns.

Common nouns include summarized names of homogeneous things or phenomena that may differ from each other in some features, but will still be called one word. For example, the noun "toy" is common noun, although it generalizes the names of various objects: cars, dolls, bears and other things from this group. In Russian, as in most other languages, common nouns are always written with a small letter.

nouns are the names of individuals, things, places or persons that stand out. For example, the word "doll" is a common noun that refers to a whole category of toys, but the name of the popular brand of dolls "Barbie" is a proper name. All proper names are capitalized.
It is worth noting that common nouns, unlike proper nouns, carry a certain lexical meaning. For example, when “doll” is said, it becomes clear that we are talking about a toy, but when they simply call the name “Masha” outside the context of a common noun, it is not clear who or what it is - a girl, a doll, the name of a brand, hairdresser or chocolate bar.


As mentioned above, nouns are proper and common nouns. So far, linguists have not yet come to a consensus on the relationship between these two categories. There are 2 common views on this question: according to one, there is a clear dividing line between common nouns and proper nouns; according to another, the dividing line between these categories is not absolute due to the frequent transition of nouns from one category to another. Therefore, there are so-called "intermediate" words that do not belong to either proper or common nouns, although they have signs of both categories. These nouns include ethnonyms - words meaning the names of peoples, nationalities, tribes and other similar concepts.

Common nouns: examples and types

In the vocabulary of the Russian language, there are most common nouns. All of them are usually divided into four types.

1. Specific - denote objects or phenomena that can be counted (people, birds and animals, flowers). For example: "adult", "child", "thrush", "shark", "ash", "violet". Specific common nouns almost always have plural and singular forms and are combined with quantitative numerals: “an adult - two adults”, “one violet - five violets”.

2. Abstract - denote concepts, feelings, objects that cannot be counted: "love", "health", "wit". Most often, this type of common noun is used only in the singular. If, for one reason or another, a noun of this kind has acquired the plural (“fear - fears”), it loses its abstract meaning.

3. Real - denote substances that are homogeneous in composition, do not have separate objects: chemical elements(mercury), food (pasta), drugs (citramon) and other similar concepts. Real nouns are not countable, but they can be measured (kilogram of pasta). Words of this type of common noun have only one form of number: either plural or singular: “oxygen” is singular, “cream” is plural.

4. Collective - these are nouns, meaning a set of objects or persons of the same type, as a single, inseparable whole: "brotherhood", "humanity". Nouns of this kind are not countable and are used only in the singular form. However, you can use the words “a little”, “a few”, “little” and the like with them: a lot of children, how many infantry and others.

Proper nouns: examples and types

Depending on the lexical meaning, the following types of proper nouns are distinguished:

1. Anthroponyms - names, surnames, pseudonyms, nicknames and nicknames of people: Vasilyeva Anastasia,
2. Theonyms - names and names of deities: Zeus, Buddha.
3. Zoonyms - nicknames and nicknames of animals: dog Barbos, cat Marie.
4. All types of toponyms - geographical names, cities (Volgograd), reservoirs (Baikal), streets (Pushkin) and so on.
5. Aeronautonyms - the name of various space and aircraft: spaceship"Vostok", interorbital station "Mir".
6. Names of works of art, literature, cinema, TV programs: "Mona Lisa", "Crime and Punishment", "Vertical", "Yeralash".
7. Names of organizations, websites, brands: Oxford, Vkontakte, Milavitsa.
8. Names of holidays and other public events: Christmas, Independence Day.
9. Names of unique natural phenomena: Hurricane Isabel.
10. Names of unique buildings and objects: cinema "Rodina", sports complex "Olympic".

Proper to common nouns and vice versa

Since the language is not something abstract and is constantly influenced by both external and internal factors, words often change their category: proper ones turn into common nouns, and common nouns turn into proper nouns. Examples of this are quite common. So the natural phenomenon "frost" - from a common noun turned into its own noun, the surname Frost. The process of transition of common nouns into proper ones is called onymization.

At the same time, the name of the famous German physicist who was the first to discover X-rays, in colloquial speech of the Russian language has long become the name of the study of something with the help of the “X-ray” radiation discovered by him. Such a process is called appellation, and such words are called eponyms.

How to distinguish

In addition to semantic differences, there are also grammatical ones that allow you to clearly distinguish between proper nouns and common nouns. The Russian language is quite practical in this regard. The category of common nouns, unlike proper ones, as a rule, has both plural and singular forms: “artist - artists”.

At the same time, another category is almost always used only in the singular: Picasso is the artist's surname, singular. However, there are exceptions when you can use plural proper nouns. Examples of this name, originally used in the plural: the village of Bolshiye Kabany. In this case, these proper nouns are often devoid of the singular: the mountains of the Carpathians.
Sometimes proper names can be used in the plural if they denote different persons or phenomena, but with identical names. For example: There are three Xenias in our class.

How do you spell

If everything is quite simple with writing common nouns: they are all written with a small letter, and otherwise you should follow the usual rules of the Russian language, then another category has some nuances that you need to know in order to correctly write proper nouns. Examples of incorrect spelling can often be found not only in the notebooks of negligent schoolchildren, but also in the documents of adults and respectable people.

To avoid such mistakes, you should learn a few simple rules:

1. All proper names, without exception, are capitalized, especially when it comes to the nicknames of legendary heroes: Richard the Lionheart. If a given name, surname or place name consists of two or more nouns, regardless of whether they are written separately or with a hyphen, each of these words must begin with a capital letter. An interesting example can serve as the nickname of the main villain of the Harry Potter epic - the Dark Lord. Afraid to call him by his first name, the heroes called the evil wizard "He Who Must Not Be Named". AT this case all 4 words are capitalized as it is the character's nickname.

2. If there are articles, particles and other service particles of speech in the name or title, they are written with a small letter: Albrecht von Graefe, Leonardo da Vinci, but Leonardo DiCaprio. In the second example, the part "di" is capitalized, because in the original language it is written together with the surname Leonardo DiCaprio. This principle applies to many proper names of foreign origin. In eastern names pointing to social status particles “bey”, “zul”, “zade”, “pasha”, and the like, regardless of whether they stand in the middle of the word or are written with a small letter at the end. The same principle applies to spelling proper names with particles in other languages. German "von", "zu", "auf"; Spanish "de"; Dutch "van", "ter"; French "des", "du", "de la".

3. The particles “San-”, “Sen-”, “Saint-”, “Ben-” located at the beginning of the surname of foreign origin are written with a capital and a hyphen (Saint-Gemen); after O, there is always an apostrophe and the next letter is capitalized (O'Henry). The part "Mac-" should be written in turn with a hyphen, but often it is written together due to the approximation of the spelling to the original: McKinley, but MacLane.

Having dealt once with this rather simple topic (what is a noun, types of nouns and examples), you can once and for all save yourself from stupid, but rather unpleasant spelling mistakes and the need to constantly look into the dictionary to check yourself.

I'm very sorry for the flood, but can't they write this in a simpler way?

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