A syringe for cockroaches is convenient and safe. The most effective gels against cockroaches in the apartment Does the gel work against cockroaches

Good day, dear friends. Trick question: what quality of an insecticide, besides its effectiveness, is your priority? For me personally main role Convenience and ease of use play a role.

So in today’s article I decided to review the most convenient, in my opinion, means. If you don't know how to use a cockroach syringe yet, welcome to this blog.
I will tell you about the most popular and effective means, which come in a syringe. You will learn everything about their composition, the duration of the preventive effect and other features. Let's discuss the benefits of these tools, and at the same time how to use them correctly to achieve the best results.

What is a cockroach syringe?

As you understand, the syringe itself is nothing more than a convenient package. The whole secret of effectiveness is in the substance that is inside this very syringe. Most often, gel insecticides are placed in such packages, which directly fight cockroaches.

The composition of the gel depends on the brand of the drug - we will discuss all this below, but for now I will tell you why I give my preference to the syringe when choosing an insect repellent:

  • Convenient packaging eliminates leakage, spillage or any other misunderstanding during disinfestation.
  • The thin long spout helps me get into the most secluded nooks and crannies of my kitchen.
  • Thanks to the pump, the product is dosed very evenly and economically - you will not miss those areas that need to be treated, and you will not fill with gel those that do not need to be treated.
  • Pets have no chance of eating the poison unless they are able to swallow the syringe whole.
  • The use of a syringe does not require the use of special personal protective equipment.
  • The sealed packaging prevents the release of toxic fumes, so the product can be stored anywhere (but not in the refrigerator, of course).
  • If you have not used up all the gel, you can safely store it until the expiration date - the design of the syringe does not allow the product inside to dry out.

As for the shortcomings, they can only be found in individual products, but we will discuss this below. I propose to take a closer look at the main brands of insecticides produced in syringes.

Trap Sturm gel paste

The main component of the product is diazonin. It is an enteric insecticide that kills arthropods through a nerve agent. The volume of the syringe is 30 ml, it is enough to treat 50 square meters.
After 2-6 weeks, not a trace of the poison will remain - under the influence of oxygen and ultraviolet radiation it breaks down into harmless elements. In addition to the poison itself, “Trap Sturm-gel-paste” contains:

  • gelling agent;
  • stabilizer;
  • preservative;
  • food attractant.

Reading on the topic: Great Warrior against cockroaches instructions for use

Thanks to this composition, the gel does not dry out and remains effective for a month. This means that re-processing is not necessary. The manufacturer promises complete extermination of the colony after 3 days and a preventive effect for up to 6 weeks.


Transparent gel with a light brown tint, which is available in a 20 ml syringe. The main component is chlorpyrifos, an enteric poison from the group of pesticides. Once in the body of a cockroach, chlorpyrifos blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, as a result of which the insect dies from paralysis and suffocation.

With one package you can treat 30 square meters, so it’s better to buy several at once. Moreover, a special fatty base protects the gel from drying out, and a preservative preserves the activity of the poison.

“Absolute” can save you not only from cockroaches, but also from woodlice, silverfish and ants, including garden ants. The product remains effective for 4-6 weeks, after which it must be removed. For prevention purposes, you can periodically lay out substrates with a drop of poison in especially secluded corners.


This product stands out from its analogues due to its composition, namely its bait. While other preparations contain artificial flavors, the manufacturers of Global gel use natural honey and chocolate. I don’t know how practical this is, but there’s no arguing about the effectiveness of the syringe. The fatty base and preservatives will keep the formula active for 2 months.

Brownie Proshka

Thick gel paste white or beige color based on fipronil. Once in the body of a cockroach, fipronil blocks the production of an enzyme necessary for normal operation nerve endings. As a result, the insect loses the ability to breathe and dies from lack of oxygen in vital organs.
Fipronil is popular with insecticide manufacturers, and here's the secret.

One individual does not die instantly after contact with the poison, but lives for several more hours. During this time, she manages to infect a dozen healthy Prussians, which provokes the extinction of the entire colony along the chain.
“Brownie Proshka” will destroy nasty arthropods in 1-3 days and will protect your home from repeated invasion for about another month - that’s how long the gel remains effective.

Clean House

A thick transparent gel based on chlorpyrifos that will protect your home from cockroaches and ants. Due to its consistency, the product remains quietly even on vertical surfaces, so if necessary, you can treat them too - for example, tiles in the bathroom or the backs of paintings.
Complete destruction of the colony occurs in 3-5 days, while the preventive effect lasts 2-2.5 months. But it's not main secret"Clean House"

Reading on the topic: Fas from cockroaches Cheap reliable remedy

You probably noticed that I am writing about the duration of the preventive effect of each drug from the perspective of the need for re-treatment. The apartment really needs to be sprayed twice to kill the newly hatched nymphs.

But with the “Clean House” gel, you can allow yourself to relax and not have to repeat the disinfestation procedure. Its peculiarity is the concentration of chlorpyrifos - due to the increased content of poison, the drug even affects oothecae, destroying unborn larvae.

True, this feature leaves an imprint and not the process of using the gel. To protect your skin from allergic reaction or chemical burn, you will have to wear rubber gloves. And make sure that children or pets do not try to eat the poisonous substance.


Another drug based on fipronil. The action of this component is interesting not only for its delayed effect. You may know that cockroaches are prone to necrophagy, that is, to eating dead brothers. So the Prussian, who died from fipronil, himself becomes poison and kills those individuals who decide to feast on his remains.

“Dohlox” is produced in a syringe weighing 30 g. One package will be enough if there are few insects in the apartment or they have just appeared. If the Prussians multiplied and became so insolent that they began to move from the kitchen into living rooms This means that the amount of the drug needs to be significantly increased.

As for preventive action, “Dohloks” can boast of 2 months of protection of your apartment from the invasion of Prussians. Be sure to wear rubber gloves during processing to protect your skin from chemical burns. The concentration of fipronil, although not too high, is still sufficient to cause serious irritation.

Combat Roach Killing Gel

A very effective drug based on pyrethroid poisons, which is available in a black plastic syringe weighing 30 g. Calculation required quantity The product depends on the number of insects, but on average one tube is enough for 50 square meters. “Kombat” is loved because it is non-toxic and will not harm people and their pets, while completely destroying the entire colony of arthropods.

In addition to the poison itself, the gel contains a food attractant to attract insects, a fatty base that prevents drying, and a special substance, hydramethylnon, which prevents cockroaches from developing resistance to the poison. This means that the drug remains equally effective even with prolonged disinfestation (this happens when high degree infestation of the apartment).

The fatty base does not allow the gel to dry out, so it remains effective for 3 months - as you can see, it is still the absolute leader in the duration of the preventive effect on our list. This means that you will not have to re-treat the apartment, since the newly hatched nymphs will be killed by the same gel as their parents.

Everyone knows what cockroaches are. However, these insects, unpleasant and dangerous to human health, choose a certain environment for their habitat. They feel most comfortable in damp, dusty, warm rooms. Even though cockroaches are omnivores, they prefer places where they can find leftover food, household waste and water.

Fortunately, as experience shows, even the largest population of cockroaches can be gotten rid of if you use time-tested and high-quality preparations. The ranking of the best cockroach repellents presents effective toxic substances that vary in degree of toxicity, speed of action and cost.

Globol - the best paste against cockroaches

Photo: grizun-off.ru

In the photo - Globol cockroach paste. Average price in the Russian Federation: 300 rubles (75 g).

Today, the German Globol paste is one of the most popular and potent remedies for the fight against cockroaches. The active ingredient in the paste, chlorpyrifos (at a concentration of 0.5%), has class IV toxicity and, according to the manufacturer, is completely safe for people and pets (however, it is better to avoid contact with it). The paste is applied in small peas in insect habitats. Cockroaches, eating the paste and carrying its particles on their paws to their relatives, begin to die within a few hours. The maximum effect is achieved after two weeks.


  • An effective remedy that can remove a large population of insects.
  • Fast and long-lasting action.
  • Insects do not get used to it.

Flaws: not found.

From reviews of Globol:

“For several years we were plagued by cockroaches. We tried everything: traps, sprays, crayons... At first these reptiles became fewer in number, but then they multiplied again. A friend gave me Globol, and in just a couple of weeks the problem was solved! They only managed to sweep them away. They haven’t bothered me for a year now.”

“Surprisingly, only the German Globol paste saved our house from the Russian scourge - the ubiquitous, rustling and nasty red cockroaches. We almost despaired of fighting them; it seemed that there were more and more of them every day. One tube of paste was distributed around the perimeter of the apartment, and they forgot that they even existed. The best remedy for cockroaches is that the Germans know how to make quality things!”

Regent - effective against both cockroaches and the Colorado potato beetle

Photo: m.io.ua

In the photo - insecticide Regent. Average price in the Russian Federation: 30 rubles (3 capsules).

The contact-intestinal insecticide Regent is designed to destroy the Colorado potato beetle, but has also proven itself in the fight against cockroaches. Regent is available in ampoules, capsules and powder; the concentration of the drug depends on the size of the insect population. If there are a lot of pests, then one packet of powder or one or two capsules should be diluted in 250 ml of water and the resulting solution should be applied to the surfaces with which cockroaches come into contact most often. The active ingredient of the drug is fipronil, in high concentration it has class II toxicity. It is recommended to carry out the treatment with rubber gloves and a respirator, then leave the room for two hours, and after one or two days, rinse thoroughly and ventilate.


  • Chain effect.
  • The action begins within a few hours.
  • It is odorless and leaves no traces.


  • Toxic.
  • Short action.

From reviews of Regent:

“The most effective remedy - I would never have thought that the problem of cockroaches could be solved so quickly! I bought one sachet of Regent, diluted it in a glass of water, sprayed it in hard-to-reach places with a syringe, and after a few days I swept away the dead insects. Three months later I noticed a couple of individuals again, repeated the procedure, and are still not visible.”

“For a long time I hesitated to use such a strong insecticide as Regent - it’s poison after all, but when I realized that this was my last hope for getting rid of the vile Prussians, I made up my mind. The family was taken to the dacha, and I treated the apartment with one sachet of the product, diluted in a spray bottle with 0.2 liters of water. Two days later, she gathered all the victims of the “massacre”, washed the floor with saline solution, and a new life began - without cockroaches!

Get - the best microencapsulated cockroach repellent

Photo: sredstvo-ot-komarov.ru

In the photo - Get insecticidal concentrated cockroach repellent. Average price in the Russian Federation: 700 rubles (100 ml).

Get is an analogue of the highly effective and popular Gett product, which has currently been taken off the market. Get is a broad-spectrum contact insecticidal preparation (destroys cockroaches, bedbugs, ants and other insects), which also works as a barrier method, i.e. it prevents insects from entering the house. The active ingredient, chlorpyrifos, is safe for humans and pets. The product is diluted in water (at a concentration of 1:10 - one bottle per liter of water), after which it is sprayed over those surfaces where insects crawl. Within a month, absolutely all individuals die. Get can also be used to prepare baits, which will significantly speed up the removal of pests.


  • There is no need to wait for the insects to eat the product, they just need to walk over it.
  • The solution is odorless and leaves no traces.
  • Non-toxic.
  • Remains active for six months or more.

Flaws: high cost.

From reviews of Get:

“Once upon a time I used Gett - in a spray bottle, the effect was simply lightning fast, and cockroaches did not appear for about 10 years. Recently they came again, I bought an analogue of that product - Get. It also worked great - within a day I started collecting dead insects, and after a week they were completely gone. The best remedy for cockroaches is worth the money you pay for it!”

“For six months I struggled with cockroaches at my new place of residence - nothing saved me. On the advice of friends, I purchased Get, diluted it according to the instructions, poured it into a spray bottle, and sprinkled it around the apartment. Most of all - in the kitchen and bathroom. It worked amazingly simply! I’ve been sweeping out cockroaches for a week, and not a single creature has shown its nose in my apartment for a year now.”

Dohlox - the best gel for cockroaches

Photo: fabriz.ru

In the photo - Dohlox cockroach gel. Average price in the Russian Federation: 45 rubles (20 ml).

Dohlox-gel belongs to the group of insecticidal preparations, the active substance is fipronil (concentration - 0.05%). The drug has low toxicity for humans and animals (toxicity class IV). It affects the insect's nervous system, resulting in paralysis and death within 8 hours. The gel is produced in a syringe with a thin tip and is applied with a dotted line in insect habitats. Signs of the drug's action are noticeable after 6 hours, the maximum effect is achieved on the third day.


  • Fast action.
  • Affordable price.
  • Low toxicity (however, the manufacturer strongly recommends protecting people and animals from contact with the substance).

Flaws: insects get used to it, and the drug loses its effectiveness. The solution is to alternate Dohlox with other means.

From reviews of Dohlox-gel:

“Dohlox is the best remedy for cockroaches! Only he helped us get rid of the mustachioed scourge! We tried traps, sprays... They acted very sluggishly. And after they walked through Dohlox, the very next day they began collecting the corpses of cockroaches. And after two weeks, not a single living person was seen at all. They haven’t appeared for six months now.”

“Super remedy! The best from cockroaches! It was fast, like a hurricane swept away all the red creatures! It was applied mainly in places such as ventilation grilles, pipes, behind the stove - so that the cat would not be poisoned. It worked! One syringe was enough to kill most of them. They finished off those who were already sluggish, using traps from other companies, since the last of the survivors seemed to have become accustomed to Dohlox.”

Combat - the best “traps” for cockroaches

Photo: blesk-na-dom.alloy.ru

In the photo - discs for cockroachesCombat. Average price in the Russian Federation: 310 rubles (6 pieces).

An effective, safe and easy-to-use remedy for cockroaches is discs, or so-called Kombat cockroach traps. Inside the disk there is a bait that contains the active ingredient hydramethylnon. After eating the bait, the insect infects other individuals. According to the manufacturer, two weeks after starting to use the discs, the cockroaches will disappear. The product is valid for up to three months.


  • Absolutely non-toxic and do not cause allergies.
  • Easy to use, leaves no marks and has no odor.
  • The active substance is not addictive.

Flaws: effective with a small number of insects, or it is necessary to install more disks, which is quite expensive.

From reviews of Kombat traps:

“We have been suffering from cockroaches for a long time, we tried to fight with folk remedies - it did not help. You can't use chemicals - we have a small child and a cat. The store recommended Kombat traps. They placed it in the kitchen and hallway. We didn’t even notice how the cockroaches disappeared, it seems like about two weeks passed.”

“I don’t know how many cockroaches there should be for traps to not help... We had enough. We bought two packs of Kombat (12 pieces), glued them all over our two-room apartment, after a week there was less, and after two they were completely gone.”

Mashenka is the best chalk for cockroaches

Photo: tarakanu.ru

In the photo - chalk from cockroaches Mashenka. Average price in the Russian Federation: 40 rubles (20 g).

Chalk Mashenka is an insecticidal agent for contact action against cockroaches. It can be safely called the most popular and best chalk against cockroaches. Active substances: deltamethrin - 0.05% and zetacypermethrin - 0.1% have toxicity class IV, i.e. low toxicity for humans and animals. The places where insects accumulate and pass through are treated with chalk, by drawing thick continuous lines that cockroaches cannot get around. Pests eat the product and die within 24 hours. The effect of the applied substance lasts 7-9 days; when insects reappear, the procedure is repeated.


  • The product is safe for humans and animals.
  • Convenient to use, odorless.


  • Quickly loses effectiveness.
  • Does not cope with large numbers of insects.

From reviews of Mashenka:

“I can’t say that there were many cockroaches in our apartment, but we regularly saw one or two. Not scary, but not pleasant either. We bought Mashenka chalk and used it to draw the perimeter of the apartment under the ceiling, ventilation, and doorways (we were afraid to smear the baseboards - we have a cat). I haven’t seen a single lost cockroach for three months now.”

“We were unlucky with our neighbors - an unscrupulous, drinking family. They have cockroaches a dime a dozen, and they periodically visited us. Mashenka was recommended to us. We drew skirting boards, doors, balconies, and ventilation grilles for her. It seems that the cockroaches have disappeared. We repeat now every two to three months, just in case.”

Dichlorvos - the best spray against cockroaches

Photo: marislav.ru

In the photo - insect repellent spray Dichlorvos. Average price in the Russian Federation: 70 rubles (200 ml).

As practice shows, among sprays against cockroaches and other crawling and flying insects, Dichlorvos remains the most effective. Modern versions have virtually no odor, but are nevertheless toxic to humans and animals (toxicity class III). Contains the following poisons as active ingredients: permethrin, cypermethrin, piperonyl butoxide, tetramethrin, diethyltoluamide, dimethyl sulfoxide. The spray is sprayed directly on the individuals themselves and their larvae or in their habitats.


  • If it comes into direct contact with an individual or larva, the product kills them almost instantly.
  • Suitable for repelling insects.


  • Toxicity. The classic version has an unpleasant smell.
  • Cockroaches get used to it.

From reviews of Dichlorvos spray:

“When fighting cockroaches, there is no better and most reliable remedy than good old Dichlorvos. The product has one downside: after treating the room, it’s better not to show your nose there for a couple of days, so as not to get poisoned along with the creeping reptiles.”

“Under our apartment there is a cafe with a suspicious reputation. And from there cockroaches are running towards us in droves. We save ourselves with Dichlorvos - we spray it in places where they accumulate, mainly hard-to-reach ones, and we also spray them on individuals who have come to the “light”. Fortunately, the new Dichlorvos is odorless, but is inferior in effectiveness to the old version.”

Boric acid is the best folk remedy for cockroaches

Photo: stopklopam.ru

In cases where the use of chemicals is impossible (allergies, small children and animals in the house), many people resort to folk remedies. The most famous and best folk remedy for cockroaches is boric acid, which, when ingested by insects, guarantees them a painful death. To prepare the bait, you need to take a raw or boiled egg yolk, pour one packet of boric acid into it, roll into balls and place them in insect habitats. You can also prepare sweet baits with borax powder.
Dry boric acid powder can be sprinkled where cockroaches travel (for example, under the sink where they go to drink water). Cockroaches catch the powder on their paws and then lick it off when they clean themselves. But this method is less effective - baits work better.


  • Safe for people and animals.
  • Inexpensive.


  • The method is effective if there are few cockroaches and the apartment is kept clean. Otherwise, some insects may go to feed, for example, in a trash can, and will not try the bait.
  • The balls need to be renewed regularly until the insects disappear completely.

From reviews of boric acid:

“They recommended boric acid for cockroaches. Of course, I didn’t believe that it could really help me, but I still decided to try it. I bought a packet of acid, boiled an egg and mixed 1/3 of the yolk with acid. I made balls and laid them out in the evening "

“Whatever recipe you use: with potatoes, a raw egg or a boiled one, you need to understand that cockroaches run towards the food and eat it along with the acid, because boric acid has neither taste nor smell, they cannot identify it immediately and it corrodes them from the inside and they leave this apartment forever, they periodically send messengers there, so it’s better for the messengers not to remove the balls from under the cabinets.”

What is the best cockroach repellent?

As a rule, the success of using any means in the fight against cockroaches depends on the size of their population and the time they live in the apartment. If cockroaches have appeared relatively recently and there are not too many of them, then you can get by with such means as traps, crayons, gel, or even try to remove them using folk methods. In this case, it is necessary to block insects’ access to water. Since cockroaches do not like the cold, “freezing” is considered an effective method - in winter, you need to leave the windows open for several hours or even days. In order to repel cockroaches, ammonia is used - it is added to the water used to wash the floor (one tablespoon or more per bucket). Also, these insects do not like the smell of bay leaves, but it will not be able to destroy cockroaches. And, one of the most effective ways to fight cockroaches is to maintain cleanliness and an optimal level of humidity in the room.

If the population of cockroaches has reached an impressive size, you will have to use “heavy artillery” - Globol paste, microcapsule preparations, powder insecticides, which must be used to treat most of the room. Sprays are good for repelling single individuals and carrying out preventive treatments. As research and practice have shown, ultrasonic repellers have no effect on cockroaches at all.

If no means help, you should apply for disinfestation to the SES or a private company. The cost of such a service for a two-room apartment will be about 2,000 rubles.

Good day, dear readers. Today I want to discuss with you an insect repellent with a self-explanatory name. If you are now looking for a solution to your cockroach problem, consider yourself lucky: I will tell you what Dohlox cockroach gel is, what its advantages are and why you should buy traps of the same brand.
You will learn how the product works, where and how to apply it for maximum effectiveness, and why regular cleaning is not always a guarantee that mustachioed colonizers will not take up residence in your apartment.

What is Dohlox and how does it work?

This brand produces two types of drugs - gel and traps. Below we will take a closer look at each of them, and now I will explain how these tools work. The main active ingredient in the Dohlox insecticide formula is fipronil, an insecticide from the group of pesticides that has a nerve-paralytic effect. This means that an insect that has come into contact with the poison experiences paralysis after some time and the insect dies.

Fipronil is a substance with a delayed effect - the individual does not die immediately, but only after several hours. This at first glance strange feature will actually only benefit those who fight with the Prussians: if one insect tries or touches a poisonous treat, on its legs, antennae and abdomen it carries the poison into the nest, infecting its relatives. So, one by one, the entire colony dies out.

In addition to fipronil, Dohlox contains:

  • A fatty gel-forming base - so that the drug does not dry out for a long time and remains effective.
  • Scented bait - to attract insects with smell and force them to feast on the poisoned treat.
  • Preservatives – so that the product remains suitable for use for a long time.

Now that you know how Dohlox products work, it’s time to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each form of the drug - gel and trap.

Gel Dohlox

The gel is a thick gel-like mass of off-white or yellow color with a weak specific odor. The manufacturer took care of you and me and placed the product in a plastic syringe with a convenient dispenser spout; the syringe itself is placed in a cardboard package, on the back of which there are instructions for use, information about the composition and precautions when using the gel.

How to use Dohlox gel?

The product is used by analogy with other similar drugs. First of all, you need to make sure that children and pets do not get to the poison. Although the concentration of fipronil in Dohlox is small enough to cause serious harm to the health of people and animals, it is still better to play it safe and protect defenseless creatures from potential danger. So it will be better if you send your kids and pets to relatives at least for a day - besides, this way you can concentrate on the task without being distracted by monitoring the safety of your household.

So, when you are left at home alone with the Prussians, you can begin disinfestation. The most important thing is to take care of your personal safety:

  • put on gloves;
  • cover the airways with a respirator;
  • open at least one window for fresh air.

Reading on the topic: Global German anti-cockroach gel to keep order in your home

I repeat: Dohlox is not toxic to people, but we are all different, and what is harmless for one may be dangerous for another. Once you have provided yourself with reliable protection from the insecticide, proceed to processing. The gel can be applied in two ways:

  • directly on the surface;
  • on cardboard or plastic substrates, which are then laid out in the right places.

And what are these necessary places? To be sure to get rid of cockroaches, the gel is applied in dotted lines or dotted to:

Why should you give preference to this brand of gel?

One of the main advantages of the product is its price - Dohlox is cheaper than similar drugs. In addition to the low cost, the advantages of the gel insecticide include:

  • convenient packaging - the gel is easy to dose and apply using a syringe, while avoiding contact with the skin;
  • quick and reliable effect - the manufacturer promises that within a day the entire colony of cockroaches will die;
  • versatility - the gel will help get rid of not only Prussians, but also other arthropods: ants, wood lice and other inhabitants of apartment buildings:
  • a preventive effect that lasts for more than six months - droplets of gel left in secluded places will not dry out and will be lethal for a long time to the lost neighbor cockroaches;
  • economical consumption - with one syringe you can treat a room of up to 50 square meters;
  • does not cause resistance - cockroaches can adapt and get used to anything, but not to poison from the group of pesticides.

Even with prolonged persecution (for example, if cockroaches are infested in a large production facility), the formula remains deadly to arthropods.

As for the shortcomings, there is only one: the product has become so popular due to its effectiveness that many fakes have appeared on the market. This is where negative reviews about the drug grow - people buy a fake without knowing it, and then complain about the low-quality and useless insecticide. To avoid running into counterfeit products, you can order the gel directly from the manufacturer’s office, and when purchasing in a store, do not hesitate to ask the administrator or seller for a certificate of authenticity of the product.

Dohlox Traps

Traps of this and any other brand have a similar appearance and the same operating principle; only the active components may differ. As you already know, Dohlox traps use fipronil, which is why they are so effective in fighting nasty insects.

Reading on the topic: Leopard from cockroaches, we declare a fight

Dohlox traps are black plastic washers containing a poisonous treat that attracts cockroaches thanks to the scents. The washers are packed in cardboard boxes, then in cellophane film and in a large package. Each pack contains six traps - this number is more than enough to get rid of cockroaches even in the most spacious apartment. On the back of the packaging you will find a clear and detailed instructions by application. Read it carefully and follow the manufacturer's recommendations to achieve the desired effect and forget about the Prussians for a long time.

How do traps work?

As already mentioned, inside the plastic washer there is the insecticide fipronil along with food attractants that attract insects. The cockroach that first tasted the poisoned treat will carry some of the poison into the nest on its legs, antennae and abdomen and infect its fellows. In addition, it is customary for Prussians to eat dead relatives, so this is also a unique way of spreading poison - by eating a poisoned individual, other cockroaches will also die.

The “domino” principle will destroy the entire colony of vile insects within a day, maximum two. In this case, the traps do not need to be removed - a few pieces can be left on the mezzanine or near the trash can as a preventive measure for re-infestation by cockroaches.

What are the advantages of Dohlox traps?

If you are in doubt and cannot choose between gel and traps, I will talk about the advantages of the latter to make your choice easier. So, traps are distinguished by the following factors:

Why do I have cockroaches?

It is no secret that most often cockroaches infest those apartments in which the owners are not too concerned about cleanliness and order. Uncollected crumbs, a full trash can, dripping faucets, dirty dishes in the sink, half-eaten food left on the table - all this creates ideal conditions for the prosperity and reproduction of nasty creatures.

The jelly-like substance is sold in tubes equipped with a convenient spout, as well as in syringes, which are very convenient to use, primarily because make it possible to apply them in small portions and precisely even in hard-to-reach places. Compared to liquid preparations, gels are less toxic, however, their effectiveness does not suffer from this in any way.

Operating principle

Insecticide included in the preparations characterized by a nerve-paralytic effect. When ingested, it can block nerve impulses, then immobilize and cause death. It has both contact and intestinal effects. But the insecticide in the substance is no more than 2%. This is quite enough.

To attract food, food attractants are added to the poison - in other words, flavorings. The composition is made on an oil basis.

It does not allow the substance to dry out quickly, so it remains in working order for a long time without reacting to any sunlight, nor on the room temperature.

To protect the bait from unwanted eating by children or pets, it is often made bitter. However, this does not stop insects from eating.

For reference! The aroma attracts pests. They eat food that is pleasant to them, and carry away the remainder of the composition on their paws. It should be noted that death does not occur immediately, so the Prussians cannot suspect anything special.

The death of the colony begins in a couple of days when most of it is already infected. The remaining individuals die out gradually, especially since the bait continues to remain on the treated surface.


There are few cons.

  1. Compositions do not act instantly. But this is not so important. The extinction of the population will be gradual, but all individuals will be eliminated. Repeated disinfestation is not required.
  2. Larvae are not destroyed during processing, but small insects are eliminated immediately after their birth.

Important! Store the tube or syringe of gel at normal room temperature in a dark place away from animals and children.

Instructions for use

To use the drug, no special equipment required. All you need is rubber gloves and a gauze bandage.

    1. Before using an insecticidal substance swipe general cleaning . Wipe and rinse suspected areas where pests may live;
    2. Apply the gel to surfaces or use cardboard or paper strips for this purpose. If a substance has thick consistency, you can apply it not only to horizontal, but also to vertical surfaces.

Advice! Using strips of cardboard will make cleaning up much easier once the goal of eliminating household pests has been achieved.

  1. The product is applied in dots, more precisely - dotted line. The distance between the nearest points is 3-7 cm. The stronger the infection in the apartment, the more often the points should be placed.
  2. Best leave the applied product on for 2 months. After this period is over, do some general cleaning.
  3. The compositions can also be used for

Insecticidal gel against cockroaches is considered one of the most effective ways getting rid of insects. It is convenient to apply to the surface, it is practically odorless, has low toxicity to humans and has a fairly long period of action.

It is also important that the gel base provides strong adhesion to the surface, preventing the spread of the toxic substance throughout the room, and removing the remaining drug will not be difficult with a regular damp cloth.

How does it work?

Despite the fact that now you can find a huge number of different gel-based drugs on store shelves, their composition and principle of action are not very different from each other. Which one will be the most effective against mustachioed invaders? To understand this issue, let's consider the main ingredients included in the insecticidal gel.

Gel composition

Any gel against cockroaches has the following approximate composition:

  • insecticide;
  • fatty substance;
  • bait.

The main active ingredient is a contact or intestinal insecticide. This could be chlorpyrifos, hydramethylnon, fipronil, lambdacyhalothrin or any other chemical drug, having poisonous properties for insects. IN general composition it occupies no more than 2% of all components of the gel. Moreover, the stronger the poison, the less quantity is used. For example, Domovoy contains 0.5% chlorpyrifos, and Cleanbate gel contains 2% hydramethylnon. It is also often practiced to combine two insecticides in one tube. This way more high efficiency drug.

The liquid consistency of the gel is provided by the fatty substance present in its composition. It also prevents the product from drying out after application, which ensures long term the effects of the poison and its attractiveness to insects.

Bait is an essential ingredient in any insecticidal gel. With its help it is possible to attract insects. Often these are aromatic substances - attractants.

Depending on the manufacturer, the gel may also contain additional elements. For example, a bitter substance that prevents a child or pet from eating it.

Interesting fact! Despite the fact that cockroaches are equipped with fairly powerful jaws that can bite off a piece of dried bread crust, they still prefer food with a liquid consistency. These preferences were taken into account when developing insecticidal gels.

Operating principle

The principle of action of the insecticidal gel is based on the spread of poison among a colony of insects. A cockroach, coming to the smell of the bait, eats the drug and goes to its nest, carrying away particles of the toxic substance on its paws. This is how the insecticide spreads. After its death, the insect becomes food for its fellow tribesmen, poisoning them.

Gels can be called long-acting agents, since quick effect you won't get it from them. However, this property provides a stable result, since the insecticidal substance slowly but surely spreads to the entire colony, including newly hatched larvae. The validity period of such a drug is 1.5-2 months. after application to the surface. Insects begin to die within 1-2 days after eating the poisoned bait.

Compared to aerosol and powder preparations, the gel base has the following advantages:
  • long-term effect;
  • attractive to insects;
  • low toxicity;
  • ease of application to the surface.

Advice! In order to apply the gel to the vertical surfaces of walls and furniture without staining them, you can use masking tape. At the end of its validity period, it is simply deleted.

Directions for use

Cockroach gel is usually produced in a container shaped like a syringe with a thin long spout. This packaging makes it easy to apply the drug to any place, even the most difficult to reach. Some gel-like products can also be produced in tubes, for example, Global Gel-paste. We talked about its use in a separate article:.

By squeezing out the contents of the syringe, the gel is applied in dotted lines to the baseboards around the perimeter of the apartment, as well as around places where insects are likely to live. You can also apply the drug to vertical surfaces and walls, having previously protected them with adhesive tape or tape. The distance between drops of gel should be no more than 1 cm. However, it can be increased to save up to 4 cm in case of low contamination of the apartment.

The gel remains active for 2 months. After this period, the processing can be repeated. You should not use one drug more than twice, as cockroaches may become accustomed to it. You also need to be careful when applying to avoid possible contact of the toxic substance with the intestines and skin.

Interesting fact! Cockroaches can go without food for about a month. They tolerate the lack of water more difficult and die within a week. Therefore, in order for the effect of the gel to be more complete, it is necessary to block the insects’ access to water.

Review of the most effective means

On store shelves you can find gel preparations from the most different manufacturers. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Gel "Brownie"

Domovoy gel against cockroaches contains chlorpyrifos. This is a contact-intestinal insecticide that causes paralysis of insects when it comes into contact with them or enters them through the food tract. The preparation also contains a gel-forming base, preservative additives and bait.

By appearance the gel is a colorless viscous mass, practically odorless. The drug is produced in tubes with a 30 ml dispenser. This syringe is enough to treat about 50 m2 of area. The cost of one package does not exceed 40 rubles. Despite its more than affordable price, Domovoy gets rid of cockroaches quite effectively. It begins to show its effect already in the first day after application. After a week, you can notice a significant reduction in the population, and after a month you can forget about cockroaches. The drug has a residual effect for 2 months. After this period, the treatment is repeated as necessary.

Gel "Absolute"

Absolute gel against cockroaches also contains chlorpyrifos as a poisonous substance, but is more powerfully packaged in 125 ml tubes. This amount is enough for 150 m2 of surface area to be treated. The color of the drug can range from colorless to light brown. The consistency is viscous, capable of maintaining its structure for quite a long time. The cost of one package ranges from 80 to 130 rubles, depending on the region.

Apply the preparation with a 2 cm dotted line, alternating it with sections of the untreated surface of the same length. Cockroaches die 1-3 days after eating the bait; the gel retains its residual effect for at least 2 months.

According to the degree of danger, Absolut-gel belongs to the 4th class of toxic substances. It is approved for use in children's and medical institutions. However, as with everyone toxic substances, use caution when handling it to ensure that it is not accidentally ingested by children or pets. To do this, the drug is applied to the surface in hard to reach places, cracks, cracks and under baseboards. You can also squeeze the gel onto pieces of paper and spread them around the room overnight.

Gel “Clean House”

Gel Clean house against cockroaches and ants can be purchased for 40 rubles. It is sold in a 35 ml tube. This amount is quite enough to treat an apartment with an area of ​​40 m2. If the room is heavily infested, the consumption of the product is doubled.

The effect of using the drug becomes noticeable 2-3 days after application. At this time, you can see the corpses of dead insects and cockroaches, stunned by poison, crawling out of their shelters. Important point– it is necessary to block arthropods’ access to water in order for the drug to be as effective as possible. Reprocessing may be required when . It is carried out no earlier than 3-4 weeks after the first.

Clean home - a remedy for cockroaches that has greatest number conflicting reviews on the Internet. It helps some, others write about its uselessness. However, if you look at its composition, you can see that active substance– still the same chlorpyrifos. And this is a fairly powerful insecticide that has proven itself over many years. The gel is produced in an easy-to-use syringe with a dispenser-spout. It is convenient to apply and easy to use.

Review of the “Clean Home” gel: