The most ancient rituals and conspiracies for Christmas. Rituals for Christmas to attract money: divination, rituals, omens. Christmas rituals for the fulfillment of desires

Christmas night is filled secret meaning and special magical powers. Rites and rituals for Christmas are of particular importance in a person's life and they work much faster. Also, the effect of Christmas rites and rituals lasts a very long time and is invariably intense. In general, if you want to have the magic of happiness and light in your life, then it’s better for you not to choose the time for Christmas.

The color of the candles used in magic depends on the purpose of the magical rite.

  • red candles responsible for love affairs.
  • blue candles give more vitality and perseverance in achieving the goal.
  • yellow candles relieve stress, brown - give health.
  • Pink candles give sympathy to a person.
  • White candles good for divination.
  • purple candles they perfectly help in removing damage and strengthening any qualities of a person, curing a disease.

If you need to carry out any magical rite of the above, you can spend it with the appropriate candles.

It often happens that you don’t have enough money in your life to be completely happy. In this case, you can ask for help from the spirits of Christmas or apply a conspiracy for money and good luck.

To attract money, you need to sincerely wish in your soul not to experience more financial difficulties. This must be done either on Christmas Eve or on the night of Epiphany.

But one inner concentration, the so-called focus on the fulfillment of desire, is not enough. You will need to buy a candle in advance. Preferably church and always green. Since in magic green color associated with finances and success in money matters.

Then you will need a piece of blank paper on which you must write your desire, for example this:

“I want to never have financial problems this year!”

Desires can be written in any and in any form. Then light the candle and hold it over the paper until it burns out. If you want to speed up the process, you can pre-cut the candle to the desired length.

When the wax drips onto a piece of paper and the candle burns out, we fold the sheet with an envelope and tie it with a green thread. If you are not making a wish for money, then the thread should match the color of the candle.

Our lucky envelope should be with us all year. Ideally, you can make a tiny envelope and carry it in your wallet, in a securely closed compartment.

Here is another Christmas ritual to attract money.

For it we need the following items:

  • Bath oil
  • five different coins
  • Three green candles

In the bathroom on the eve of Christmas, arrange the candles, light them and turn off the electric light. Put coins in the tub under the tap water. Then periodically drip oil into the water and slander following words three times:

“A river flows from afar, from the golden edge to the semi-precious sea.
As there is no end to it, so there will be no end to my wealth.
Be my way!"

Such ceremonies and rituals for Christmas work flawlessly. When you read the plot three times, you need to climb into the bath and lie down relaxing in the water. At this time, imagine how well you will live this year and how you will spend money.

After that, you need to plunge headlong into the water eight times and get out of the bath. Let the candles burn out, after which the coins must be collected and always carried with you, hiding them in the secret section of the wallet.

Most people think that happiness is not in money, and not even in their quantity. Many believe that happiness consists in health, youth and beauty.

For them, we can offer ceremonies and rituals for Christmas, which will help you always have what you so passionately desire.

For health and beauty, you need to prepare a decoction of linden, chamomile and calendula for Christmas. To do this, do the following:

  1. Take three liters of water
  2. Add three tablespoons of dried herbs to it.
  3. Then boil water with herbs for a few minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and add a tablespoon of honey to the broth.
  5. Pour the same amount of salt and a handful of dried flowers that you love the most (you need the inflorescences).

Then quickly lean over the steaming broth and quickly whisper the following words three times:

“How fresh, fragrant and pleasant this water is, so may I always be healthy, young, beautiful and loved by everyone!”

The magic potion is prepared on the night of Christmas. Douse this decoction early in the morning of the seventh and think that you are becoming healthy, sweet and attractive. Do not wipe the broth off yourself, but wrap yourself in a bathrobe.

Walk in it for at least an hour and after that you can take a shower. Well, if you have problems with alcohol, then you can use conspiracies from drunkenness.

Love rites and rituals at Christmas are considered very effective. After all, at this time, a connection with the sky opens.

Angels walk unnoticed among people and listen to their desires. Christmas time is the time of true love.

It happens that such love lives in your heart, but the object of your love does not pay attention to you. In this case, January 5, 6, 7 and 8 - the best time to enlist the magical support of Christmas in love affairs.

There are numerous ceremonies and rituals at Christmas for love. Let's look at some of them with examples.

On the fifth of January, the first thing you need to do is throw out your old slippers and immediately go to the store for new ones. You need to go and choose slippers in the most excellent mood. Choose two pairs of slippers - for yourself and for your future husband, who will not be slow to appear in your life after this ritual.

All the time you need to stay in the best and high spirits. Try to feel the feeling of being in love. Imagine yourself with your loved one, as if you were going to the store with him and choosing slippers.

Show your imagination and use your imagination, because this is very important! When you pay for slippers, don't forget to remove the packaging from them. After that, put them in a bag so that they fit snugly against each other.

You need to return home in the same good mood not allow even a shadow of sad thoughts or doubts. Put on your slippers at home. And bring the men into the bedroom and put your heels to the door, and your socks to the bed and say the following words:

“Waiting for you, my love! Come quickly to my house!”

You need to repeat the words three times. Then take care of these slippers as a talisman and very soon the one you have been dreaming of for so long will appear in your life.

Conspiracy to strengthen relations

A slipper plot can also strengthen existing relationships.

If you want to live soul to soul with your loved one, do everything as described above. Observe each phase of the ritual, but read the following words on the slippers:

"Like heaven, water and earth, be with me always!".

By the way, in the rites and rituals for Christmas, the colors of the objects that you use for magic play a very important role. The same slippers need to be selected right color both for myself and for him:

  • Green, if you want to live richly and happily with him.
  • If you want passionate love, take scarlet slippers for yourself, and black ones for him.
  • If you want to have fun and carefree life with a funny loved one, buy frivolous slippers.
  • Do you want stable family life and reliable as a rock partner? Then the beige-brown gamma is just what you need.

By the way, do not opt ​​for cheap options. In any case, the more expensive the slippers, the richer your living together, remember it!

On Friday of January, on the waxing moon, go to church in the morning and get two thin candles there. In the evening of the same day, you need to lock yourself in a room and start preparing for the ritual.

You need to scratch your name on one candle with a needle, and the name of your loved one on the other. Then weave them together and be careful not to break them.

Try to choose soft candles in advance. Or you can hold them in your palms to make the wax more elastic.

As you twisted the candles, set them on fire. Look at the flame with joy and think of your loved one. Imagine how good it will be for you together and mentally share your love with him.

When the candles burn out, make a heart talisman out of wax and always carry it with you. Very soon, your loved one will come to you.

Rituals and rituals for Christmas for the fulfillment of desires

Christmas is one of the most important holidays for all Christians (after Easter), because on this day the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ. In Orthodoxy, it is one of the so-called Lord's Twelve Feasts.

What date is Christmas

Many signs and customs are associated with Christmas - they were given Special attention. It was believed that as Christmas passed, so the year would be.

As you know, the date differs among Catholics and Orthodox due to the peculiarities of maintaining a calendar (which is why we also have an old holiday New Year, which is not celebrated anywhere else in the world). Christmas is celebrated on January 7th. Greek Catholics also celebrate Christmas together with the Orthodox.

Note that initially, from the end of the 2nd to the 4th centuries, Christmas was celebrated on January 6 - after the Baptism of the Savior, but later it was postponed to December 25 due to the fact that it was on this day that the pagans in the Roman Empire celebrated the Birth of the Invincible Sun, that is, the day of winter solstice.

History of Christmas

According to the Old Testament prophets, Christ was born in the city of Bethlehem in 5508 from the creation of the world.

The main and initial purpose of the establishment of the holiday is the remembrance and glorification of the event of the appearance in the flesh of the Son of God. Orthodox Church established in itself the solemn feast of the Baptism of the Lord and called it Theophany, instilling the idea that on this day Christ did not become God for the first time, but only revealed Himself to be God, presenting Himself as the One from the Trinity, the Son of God.

The holiday became an opposition to the rites of the pagans. They also adopted the pagan custom of decorating trees. And also this holiday is accompanied by services and solemn hymns. In the IV century Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Elena built a temple on the site of the Bethlehem cave, glorified by the birth of Christ.

Christmas Eve

The evening before Christmas or Christmas Eve (Holy evening) has its sacred meaning. On this day, a strict fast should be observed with complete abstinence from food until the first star, which symbolizes the Christmas star that announced to the magi about the birth of the baby Christ. On this day, first of all, it is customary for everyone to eat kutya, at least a small spoon is required.

Traditions and rituals for Christmas

Since, like most holidays, Christmas adopted the traditions of paganism, then among the traditions we meet elements pre-Christian era. In the old days, it was customary to sprinkle hay on the table and keep it there until the Generous Evening - this symbolized good harvest. Later it began to symbolize that Jesus was born in a stable.

Lay a tablecloth on top, and put a dish with kutia and other dishes in the center of the table, which should be 12 according to the number of apostles. The food was plentiful, meat dishes: pancakes, pies, pickles and dried berries, fried sausage, etc.

At midnight, everyone exchanged gifts, congratulated each other and made wishes. Christmas divination was common among girls. It was believed that at Christmas the sky opens up to the earth, and the powers of heaven fulfill all their plans. All wishes made for Christmas must be good.

At Christmas, it is customary to light more candles, fires, a fireplace - if there is one. Candles bring warmth and wealth to your home. If you have pets, then at Christmas you need to feed them plentifully - then the whole year will be satisfying and financially successful.

One, special candle must be lit for the deceased relatives - then they will help you attract good luck and prosperity in the coming year.

Christmas is a great time for shopping, big and small. Buying something good for Christmas is a great omen and a sign that the purchase will serve you faithfully.

From Christmas until the very Epiphany, during all the days of Christmas time, certain prohibitions apply, which are due to the ideas that go back centuries about the holiday as a stop of time, a kind of temporary pause during which one cannot engage in productive labor and everything that is associated with birth, beginning, development. Therefore, a significant part of the prohibitions concerns crafts related to spinning, sewing, knitting, weaving, weaving, that is, everything related to thread (rope). The thread is a symbol of life and destiny.

On Christmas you can not do cleaning and all sorts of household chores. This day was created for peace and joy. It's even better if you don't clean up until January 14th (the next day of the old New Year). All garbage collected on January 14 should be taken out into the street and dispelled by the wind, or burned. According to signs, after that, no evil spirits will bother you for a whole year.

You can't swear on a holy day. Whoever swears takes away the hope of salvation from his ancestors.

There is a widespread belief associated with the arrival of the first guest. If you are inviting guests for Christmas, see who enters your house first. If a woman enters first, then the whole year the women of your family will be ill.

Christmas rules also applied to clothing: on Christmas, they have long adhered to another tradition: to wear only new clothes. Not clean, washed, but new, not yet worn. And do not sit at the Christmas table in black. Our ancestors believed that in the new year such people would face failure in business.

It is not recommended to guess at Christmas - in order to ask the higher powers what awaits you in the future, there will still be a lot of time: it is best to do this in the so-called Christmas time - from January 8 to Epiphany, it is not for nothing that the fortune-telling of this time is called - saints.

You can't drink water at Christmas, so clear all the mineral water off the table. There is coffee, tea and other great drinks. To be honest, this omen is a bit strange, but it’s better not to drink water than to suffer all year for no reason.

On January 7, they visit relatives, as well as caroling. On the morning of January 7, the whole family or several representatives go to church for a festive prayer, and returning from church, people joyfully greet: “Christ is born!” They are answered - "Praise him!" Starting from the evening of January 6, Christoslavs (carolers) walked with " Star of Bethlehem". A large star made of gilded paper was fixed on a stick, decorated with a flashlight, paper garlands, sometimes with an icon of the Nativity, the Savior or Mother of God, then with this star, singing Christmas carols go around the surrounding houses.

In some places, figurines of animals from wheat dough were baked for the holiday - cows, lambs, goats, cockerels and hens and shepherd men.

In some regions, they decorate the table with didukh, a sheaf of wheat or oats. special form: with four legs and large quantity knots, symbolizing prosperity for the next year.

Seven blessings of Christmas

The number seven is considered sacred. There is a belief that he who has done seven blessings on Orthodox Christmas will live happily all year and even has the right to ask the angels for the fulfillment of his most cherished desire. On this day, it is customary to give seven alms for the sake of happiness in the coming year. Usually these are 7 identical coins, which you need to give to someone who arouses sincere sympathy in the soul, accompanying the alms with a silent prayer. You can also donate seven useful gifts. As a rule, these were towels, giving which, the giver necessarily uttered the words: “I give towels, it’s fine to die, I’ll correct evil with good, fortunately I’ll send my family (my family).”


Many different rituals have long been performed at Christmas, but so that you are not completely accused of obscurantism, make the prettiest and not tied to magic. For example, starting from January 7, for forty (!) days (this period is called the world - our ancestors believed that at this time angels help people in all matters), every morning, waking up, make a new wish - imagine how much good will come into your life!

Signs and superstitions

At Christmas, they acquire special power folk omens and superstition, as if nature itself and every object are trying to tell us something: how to live, what to fear. Here are just a few of them.

Prosperity note. If you lose any item at Christmas, this means that you may face losses next year. But if you find a thing and even some jewelry, then money is already rushing to you in full sail!

A sign of good luck. If you accidentally spilled tea or coffee at the Christmas table (this does not apply to alcohol), then this is good news and great success for all your endeavors.

On Christmas Eve (January 7-19) look at nature. If the sky is most often strewn with stars, or it often snows, or there is a lot of frost on the trees, the year will be rich, satisfying, profitable. If it snows on Christmas Day itself, it is a very good omen and promises a good year.

If on Christmas a young month flaunts in the sky, the year will be extremely unsuccessful financially.

The most money omen Christmas is a tradition. A coin is baked into the pie - and whoever gets a piece with a coin, a big one awaits money luck in the new year.

Let the coin be in your piece of Christmas cake!

Prayers for Christmas

Celebration of Christmas

We glorify you
Life-giving Christ,
us for the sake of now the flesh of the Rozhdshagosya
from Bezvestnaya
and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Troparion to the Nativity of Christ

Your Christmas, Christ our God,
ascension of the world and the light of reason:
serving the stars in it,
learning from a star
To you bow to the Sun of truth,
and lead you from the height of the East:
Lord, glory to You.

Kontakion, voice 3

The Virgin today gives birth to the Substantial,
and the earth brings a den to the Unapproachable;
Angels with shepherds glorify
the wolves travel with the star;
for us, for the sake of being born a Young Child, the eternal God.

Troparion to the pre-feast

Get ready Bethlehem
open to all, Eden,
show off, Euphrapho,
like the tree of the belly in the den prospered from the Virgin:
heaven, bo Onoya's womb appeared mental,
in it the Divine Garden,
from worthless poison, we will live,
not like Adam will die.
Christ is born before the fallen, to restore the image.

Prefeast (Evening), tone 4:

Sometimes writing with Elder Joseph,
like from the seed of David, in Bethlehem Miriam,
womb-bearing seedless Birth.
Now it's time for Christmas
and a place without a dwelling,
but, like a red chamber, the nativity scene appeared to the Queen.
Christ is born before the fallen to resurrect the image.

The most revered holiday in the Christian world is Christmas.

They say that on the night of Christmas something magical happens ... as if magical powers descend to earth. It is on Christmas Eve that all rituals come true much faster than on other days.

Even if you do not believe in the mysterious rites of Christmas, you can diversify your holiday in this way, making it more exciting and interesting.

Rituals for Christmas for Good Luck and Health

There are days in which they create (make) amulets for their kind. This amulet also includes a generic towel.

On January 6, on the eve of the birth of Jesus Christ, they take a new linen towel and speak it for healing from various, including serious, diseases. If later in the family someone gets sick, then the patient should be wiped with this towel, and he will definitely recover.

I speak from 77 ailments,

From any pain, from the night light,

Pretending dryness, from cancer that travels,

Falling fit,

From spoilage, from night cramps.

Mother Mother of God washed her Son,

Wiped with a linen towel.

God bless my linen too.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Whom I (name) will wipe with this flax,

Since then, I will erase all ailments.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Millions and millions of people lived on earth. But none of them was like Jesus Christ. Just think about it, because absolutely everyone remembers the day of His birth and everyone sincerely rejoices on this wonderful day, repeating with sincere love His name and the name of His Mother, who gave us eternal life and salvation through Her Son.

Whoever washes this morning, having said three times before:

The Savior was born, the light of the world appeared.

I (name) will also be saved through Jesus Christ.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen -

will acquire not only spiritual, but also physical forces. Sick people, having done so, recover.

According to a secret custom, on the second day of Christmas, you need to go outside at exactly three in the morning, raise your hands to the sky and say:

Open up holy sky

Give me golden happiness.

How many on you, sky, clear stars,

I would have so many (name) happy tears.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Rituals for Christmas for Prosperity

January 7, take the insoles from your shoes (any), take them outside. Prepare them for burning and say 6 times:
“Everything that is worn, everything that is well-worn, served and unnecessary, will burn here, free from trouble. Let it be so".

On this campfire you can burn everything that you want to part with. If there are no old unnecessary or interfering things, then prepare notes and objects that symbolize your sorrows and failures: they will become “fuel”. Arrange dances, stomping, jumping with shouts around the fire: o). It is important that all bad information about past problems, illnesses and failures come out of you and burn in the fire.

The next whisper is quite simple to apply. At any time from January 7 to January 14, inclusive, whisper three times for any drink and food, at the same time overshadowing yourself twice sign of the cross, and food - once, these words:
“Lord, save me, (your name)! Lord, help me (your name)!
Lord, let me, (your name), live this year in strength and satiety, health and happiness, your mercy and kindness. Amen".

Before Christmas Eve Christmas tree additionally decorate with banknotes (you can put a couple in branches) to increase profits. If you want to go somewhere, travel agency brochures are placed in branches or something similar, they also hang amulets for recharging (crosses, medallions) and put bed linen and clothes under the Christmas tree so as not to get sick. Since ancient times, there has been a custom to decorate the Christmas tree with something edible - gingerbread, sweets - to increase well-being.

Rituals for improvement financial position

Prepare a bowl of rice ahead of time. On January 6, as soon as the first star appears in the sky, throw up a handful of rice with the words:

“Out of one, ten will be born, out of ten - a hundred, out of a hundred - a thousand, so that my slave (s) (name) money will be born, multiply and remain in my house.”

The next day, do not collect rice grains from the floor, but on January 8, collect (sweep) the grains and put them in a red rag. Put this bundle behind an icon or other hidden place.

Do it all over again next year. There will always be money in your house.

Ritual to Achieve a Goal for Christmas

The ritual, simple to perform, but very effective in its occult power, will help you achieve your desired, cherished goal in the new year, fulfill everything that you have been dreaming about for so long and what you wholeheartedly expect.

At the bottom of a deep plate (it should be without any drawings), write your goal with a green marker.

At 24 o'clock (on the night of January 6 to 7), pour some holy water into a plate and immediately take it out into the street (into the yard or onto an open balcony), let it stand until the morning.

Immediately after sunrise, bring it into the house (apartment). Light a small (thin) church candle and drive it over the plate (clockwise), while reading the plot twelve to eleven times:

“The Savior was born, the world was transformed, Salvation was found, the decision came.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, help, help the slave (e) (your name) solve the matter, achieve goals, break through obstacles.
Let (briefly state the essence of the problem you want to solve) be solved according to Your word. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Put the candle in the candlestick, let it burn out to the end. And wash yourself thoroughly with water before you leave the house for the first time on January 7 (for any business).

Rituals for making wishes come true for Christmas

1 - Starting from the seventh of January, for forty days, waking up, think of your cherished desire. The period of forty days is called peace. It is during this period that the angels fulfill our desires. On the fortieth day, feed the birds with crumbs of bread, and then your wish will surely come true.

2 - On the night of the seventh of January, draw an angel on a piece of paper and cut it out. When drawing an eye, make a wish. You need to hide the figure of an angel. When your wish comes true, draw an angel of the second eye.

3 - The simplest and most accessible ritual. In front of the icon of Jesus Christ, light a candle on the afternoon of January 7 and repeat the prayer for your desire.

It is believed that at Christmas the Heavens open and the Gods, Spirits, Angels, Souls of departed ancestors look at people and heed their requests and wishes. On Christmas night, Angels fly over the earth and fulfill wishes. The most-most cherished. You just need to ask them about it, going to bed.

Desires must be sincere and come from the heart. And another very important point. Wishes come true when a person is grateful for what he has today - both good and not so good. Therefore, before placing an order for the new year, be sure to thank the outgoing one for everything that he brought to you.

On the night of Christmas (from January 6 to 7), before going to bed, make up your most cherished desires, write them down on paper and put them on the windowsill.

You probably know that Christmas is not only Orthodox holiday, pagan customs of pre-Christian Russia are harmoniously woven into its traditions and rituals. More than a thousand years ago, people at Christmas asked God for future success and prosperity, they waited and believed in a real miracle. Since ancient times, thanks to the ongoing miraculous events, this day was considered magical. And now Orthodox believers are using the most strong conspiracies and rituals at Christmas, which are a cross between prayer and self-programming, which, in principle, are one and the same. Christmas conspiracies and rituals can help you and your loved ones charge the whole next year with the energy of love, health, prosperity and well-being. Therefore, on Christmas Eve, take quite a bit of time and conduct a few rituals that will help you achieve what you want in the new year.

A security plot that provides protection for the year ahead

Various security conspiracies have special power if they are read at Christmas. If you do everything right, they will provide you with heavenly protection for a whole year. Before you sit down at the Christmas table, read the following plot once:

"On a bright night, on a Christmas night, a great miracle is performed - Christ appears into the world. Christ is born into the world, the whole earth is saturated with his grace. And the grace of God will fall on me, it will save me from any trouble, from damage, yes evil eye will defend, any misfortune will fly by.In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! As a son of God, he is merciful and patient with everyone. As He forgives everyone on earth, He loves everyone, pities, blesses, So would fate be merciful and supportive to me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen."

Repeat the words of the conspiracy in an hour, and then again, before going to bed. All this time, you must keep your thoughts pure, not swear, not do or wish harm to anyone - only in this case, until next Christmas, the conspiracy will work in full force.

By folk beliefs, on the night before Christmas, evil spirits walk the earth and even allow you to look into other world. The greatest interest was caused by girls who wanted to know the name of their future spouse

Christmas spell for love

Starting a family is hard, because love can flare up instantly, and everyday life and life can destroy even the strongest feeling. But to keep peace, tranquility and love in the family is a real art! Therefore, very often they resort to the help of conspiracies for peace and love in the family. Christmas is the time to read family love spells. They will save your family from senseless quarrels and scandals, help to keep peace and love in your family.
You will need two white wax candles - twist them together and on the night before Christmas, say 12 times the words of a conspiracy for peace and love in the family. After that, light the candles and let them burn to the end.
“Bless, Lord, your servants (names of husband and wife),
Century after century, now and forever.
How these candles burn fiercely,
Together they will pour wax
So are we (names of husband and wife)
We'll live together all our lives
Strongly love each other
They held on to each other.
While people are celebrating Christmas
Bless Jesus Christ with Mother Virgin Mary,
Until then, we will not lose each other,
Love and respect each other.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Mother's Christmas Prayer for Children's Luck

Only a mother can ask the Mother of God for good luck for her children in life. At Christmas, there are special prayers that it is advisable for mothers to read on Christmas Eve - January 6, after the appearance of the first star in the sky. If your child is still small, then take him in your arms and, looking at the starry sky, say the words of a prayer. It's good to read a mother's prayer for the good luck of the children on the street, looking at the Christmas sky covered with stars.
“Mother Mother of God, how are you your Son
She held the baby Jesus that day in her arms.
In a soft swaddling blanket,
She blessed with her hand for happiness and good luck,
Bless my child (name) too.
Raise your holy hand,
Cross my baby
Bless you for good luck and happiness in life,
For a long and rich life
Cheerful and beautiful.
As long as people remember You and Your Son Jesus Christ
No one can interrupt my words.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Christmas prayer for girls who want to get married

Christmas holidays are a special time of divination and conspiracies for the future for unmarried girls. It was on Christmas Eve - at Christmas time - that the girls tried to find out who would become their betrothed-mummers. You can pray in front of a candle and an icon of the Mother of God, while girls who know the name of their future husband must mention him in prayer.

"God bless us
(names of husband and wife)

How bright these candles burn
Together from the flame will merge,

All my life with the flame of love

holding on to each other

So are we (names of husband and wife)
Let's love each other
Live together.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

"God bless us
(names of husband and wife)
Century after century, now and forever.
How bright these candles burn
Together from the flame will merge,
So are we (names of husband and wife),
All my life with the flame of love
They burned to each other, loved passionately,
holding on to each other
And how these candles never parted.
As long as there will be people Christmas
Honor and remember, do not forget
So are we (names of husband and wife)
Let's love each other
Live together.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Christmas conspiracy to conceive a child

Christmas is a magical time - once on this day many centuries ago, the Virgin Mary gave birth to a son who came into the world as a Savior. At Christmas, the most powerful conspiracies are read about the most secret desires, including the conception and birth of a healthy child.
To read a conspiracy to conceive a child, you will need water, it’s good if it is holy water.
Early in the morning on Christmas day, stand on the threshold of your house with your right knee, take a glass of water and say a conspiracy to conceive a child.
"Mother, Holy Mother of God!
Come visit me
And if not, then the messengers came,
Son or daughter.
I beg you, Mother of God,
Help your servant (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

After the words of the conspiracy to conceive a child are spoken, drink water.

Christmas conspiracy for wealth

As soon as the first Christmas star appears in the sky, you can read a plot for wealth. The light in the house must be turned off, and a candle should be lit in each window. Go to the window that faces east, look at the evening sky and the stars and read this plot:

“Glory to God, glory to Christ! Angels, praise, you yourself know: Christ was born, Herod was indignant, Judas strangled himself, the world rejoiced. The glory of the Lord stands forever, does not break, and silver money is added to me. Lord, I praise Your Christmas! hour, at the same time my Lord Jesus Christ was born for me, endured crucifixion and suffered death.O Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, at the hour of my death, receive Thy servant, in the wandering of being, by the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints, as if blessed Thou art forever and ever. Amen."

"I will go with the cross, being baptized and praying, bowing to Jesus Christ, Our Heavenly Father, clean water, mother earth, and all four cardinal points. I look at the high sky, in the sky no one counts the stars, does not sell them, does not buy them. Lord, let it be so, and I had money not to count, not to get rid of them and not to distribute. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

After that, burn the paper with the written conspiracy, and put 3 five-ruble coins in the ashes. In the morning, take them out of the ashes and rub the rest of the ashes into the coins well. Put them in your wallet and wear them for a year.

Christmas ritual - amulet

It's simple and effective ritual, which does not require any special attributes to execute. All you need is faith in your words and in the fact that you yourself can change all your unwanted emotions. This ritual will help you remember that Jesus lives in each of us.

To perform this ritual, it is necessary, after the rising of the Star of Jesus, to face it and read aloud the following conspiracy-prayer:

If you have the opportunity to print this picture, then carry it with you as a charm. This is how you tune in to the streams that connect you to higher powers, and the amulet will keep you from your own negative thoughts and actions.

Christmas ritual for well-being and love in the family

To perform a ritual to strengthen relations between legal spouses for the entire next year, you will need two thin wax candles. On Christmas night, warm them with the warmth of your palms and carefully twist them together, making sure not to break them in any way. Place the resulting wicker candle in a candlestick and light it, then read the following plot 12 times:

"Bless, Lord, us (the names of the spouses, first the husband and then the wife), Century after century, from now on and forever. As these candles burn fiercely, they spill wax together, So we (the names of the husband and wife) together to live "We loved each other fiercely and passionately. And until people forget Christmas, Until then we will not lose each other. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

The remaining cinder should be kept behind the icons until the next Christmas, and a year later the ritual can be repeated.

Christmas ritual to change fate for the better

Christmas is a truly wonderful holiday. His light energy can be directed to change your destiny. To perform the ritual, you will need a small piece of paper, a red pencil and a regular pen. On the evening of January 6 - on Christmas Eve, paint over one side of the sheet with a red pencil and write your name, surname and date of birth on it with a pen, and on the back, white side, write three cherished desires. But remember: your desires must be creative. For example, you can write about the appearance of a loved one in your life, about the health of people close to you, about prosperity and well-being. Do not wish harm to someone and avoid interpretations with the particle "not", that is, denial. Instead of the phrase "my loved ones will not get sick," write better: "my loved ones will be healthy." Hide the wish sheet under the pillow and say three times: "What is written on the sheet, everything will come true." After that, go to bed so that you have time to fall asleep before midnight. You may dream prophetic dream which will predict events in the new year and how your wishes will come true. Hide the leaf in a secluded place in the morning.

Rituals for Christmas for Good Luck and Health

Conspiracy for Healing.

There are days in which they create (make) amulets for their kind. This amulet also includes a generic towel.

On January 6, on the eve of the birth of Jesus Christ, they buy a new linen towel and speak it for healing from various, including serious, diseases. If later in the family someone gets sick, then the patient should be wiped with this towel, and he will definitely recover.


I speak from 77 ailments,
From any pain, from the night light,
Pretending dryness, from cancer that travels,
Falling fit,
From spoilage, from night cramps.
Mother Mother of God washed her Son,
Wiped with a linen towel.
God bless my linen too.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Whom I (name) will wipe with this flax,
Since then, I will erase all ailments.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Whoever washes this morning, having said three times before:
The Savior was born, the light of the world appeared.
I (name) will also be saved through Jesus Christ.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen -
will gain not only mental, but also physical strength. Sick people, having done so, recover.

According to a secret custom, on the second day of Christmas, you need to go outside at exactly three in the morning, raise your hands to the sky and say:

Open up holy sky
Give me golden happiness.
How many on you, sky, clear stars,
I would have so many (name) happy tears.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Rituals for Christmas for the fulfillment of desires
one). From January 7, every morning, as soon as you wake up, repeat your cherished desire, you can mentally visualize it.

And so for 40 days. This period is called WORLD.
The Light Forces of the Universe help our dreams come true. On the 40th day, you need to feed the birds with bread crumbs.

2). On the night of January 7, draw an angel, cut it out of paper. Make a wish and draw one eye for the angel. It is very important! Hide the angel figurine. You will draw the second eye to the angel when you see and feel that your desire is being fulfilled. The ritual is very effective.

3). Christmas (January 7th) is the time for the fulfillment of our hopes.
At 3:00 a.m. on Christmas Day, the sky opens. If you have a desire, go outside at the right time and looking at the sky, pray to Heaven to help you. You can ask only for yourself and not make wishes that can harm someone (you shouldn’t make a wish for a particular man either, you don’t know what is the highest good for this person)! Although I once asked for the healing of another person - and the Lord helped!
This night is truly magical - if you make a wish for Christmas, looking into open sky- it will definitely come true!

4). On the afternoon of January 7, light a candle in front of the icon of Jesus Christ and repeat the prayer about your desire.

5). On Christmas night, take the time to be alone and go outside, where it's dark.
If this is difficult to do, then stand alone at the window in dark room. Listen to the sounds of the night, peer into the depths of the starry sky, mentally connect with the Universe. At this moment, there is no one around - you are alone with the Universe.

Now mentally hold in your mind all that you would like to receive next year. Set clear goals. Also focus on what you want to get rid of (or who). Be ready to accept everything that comes after the fulfillment of these desires. Covering your eyes with your palm, quietly list what you want to get rid of - and throw it away from you with your hand into the depths of the sky. Then, in the same way, closing your palm, list what you want to receive, and throw these desires into the Cosmos.
And the third milestone: Upon entering the house, light a red candle. Put it in a place where it can safely burn to the end. Let the candle burn out completely. It will serve as a beacon that attracts the realization of desires.

Christmas magic to make wishes come true

They say that it is on the night of Christmas that something magical happens ... as if magical forces descend on Earth. It is on Christmas Eve and during Epiphany that all rituals come true much faster than on other days. Here is one such ritual:

At Christmas, you can ask fate to fulfill one of your most cherished desires next year. This desire must be written on a piece of paper and take a small candle. It is better to choose the color of the candle depending on the kind of desire.

If the desire concerns love affairs, then you must definitely take a red candle if you want to attract good health or material wealth, then take a green candle. Blue candles (both in this spell and in general) help well against fatigue, yellow ones relieve stress, brown ones bring health, pink ones represent romance and hobbies, white ones are used mainly for fortune telling, purple ones will help remove damage and heal a person, blue candles also are used when reading prayers for the removal of damage, and also help to strengthen some particular aspect of a person’s personality, to cure a serious illness.

If the candle is initially large, it is better to cut it, since it will be necessary to light it and, if possible, drip all the wax onto a piece of paper with a desire written on it. After that, you need to take a thread of the color of the used candle and, folding the leaf into a square, tie it with this thread. This bundle must be carried with you throughout the entire next year, because this little trick valid for exactly one year and promises the fulfillment of a conceived desire during this period.
Ritual to Achieve a Goal (for Christmas)
The ritual, simple to perform, but very effective in its occult power, will help you achieve your desired, cherished goal in the new year, fulfill everything that you have been dreaming about for so long and what you wholeheartedly expect.

At the bottom of a deep plate (it should be without any drawings), reproduce the symbol below with a green marker.
At 24 o'clock (on the night of January 6-7), pour some holy water into a plate and immediately take it out into the street (in the yard or on outdoor balcony), let it stand until the morning.

Immediately after sunrise, bring it into the house (apartment). Light a small (thin) church candle and move it over the plate (clockwise), while reading the plot twelve times: “The Savior was born, the world has changed, Salvation has found, the decision has come. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, help, help the slave (e) (your name) solve the matter, achieve goals, break through obstacles. Let (briefly state the essence of the problem you want to solve) be solved according to Your word. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Put the candle in the candlestick, let it burn out to the end. And wash your face with water before you leave the house for the first time on January 7 (for any business).