The ritual of moving to a new home. Money signs and customs for moving to a new home. Housewarming is a must

Complete collection and description: prayer when moving to a new home for the spiritual life of a believer.

A prayer that is read when moving to a new home in order to live well in a new place

The prayer that is read when moving to a new home in order to live well in a new place:

Before you move out of the old house, put things in order and take out all the garbage, throw out the old things so that nothing of yours is left in the old house. Do not forget to take your brownie with you, if you have a cat, then let it into the house first, be sure to bring bread and salt into the house before bringing your things, and only then bring things in. It is better to move to the new moon and to clear and sunny weather, the best days for this are Thursday and Friday. And in a new place, all seven members read a prayer for a new home:

"God our Savior, deigning to enter under the shadow of Zacchaeus and be saved to that and to all that house, You yourself and now live here, who have desired and us, unworthy of prayer to You and prayer bringing from all harm, keep unharmed, blessing those here, dwelling and hated those belly save. Amen."

Strong rituals when moving to a new apartment

When the settlement is to be, a person is visited by mixed feelings - this is the joy of waiting for something new, but also sadness for the familiar, beloved old. Moving to a new place is like starting from scratch and everyone wants to do it right. Rituals when moving to a new apartment or house are an important, integral stage of this business.

Rituals when moving to a new apartment or house

Since ancient times, our ancestors used unusual rituals when moving, learned to read signs in order to protect housing from enemies, to attract happiness and joy to a new home. Many centuries later, the customs remain relevant. When preparing for resettlement, it is important that the mood is positive, the intentions are pure. The future life in a new place depends on it.

Preparatory stage before moving

When inspecting an apartment or house, before you move into it, you need to fully inspect it. If holes, cracks, cracks are found, they must be plastered before the move takes place. It is believed that the energy of the owner of the house leaves through the holes. Check plumbing. Taps, pipes must be intact, without cracks, as finances go through the crack. Old things, broken plates, cups from a former home should not be taken to a new home, this promises failure. An exception may be things that are dear to the heart.

A brownie in an old apartment can move with the owner to a new one. But, if the former brownie is not satisfied, you can get a new keeper of the hearth. According to the rules of transportation, furniture, kitchen utensils must be brought in first to a new place, so it is worth preparing this the day before the move. On the evening before the move, you need to knead the dough, while reading a prayer to God for a good life in a new place.

“Soon we are moving, and we are leaving here. Dough, take the insults at home, persuade us to forgive. We're moving to a new world, I'll make a feast out of you. Bring us good luck so that the budget is full of zlotys. Our home is your home. Amen".

Then soak any cereal overnight in water, with a ratio of 1:1. Light a thick church candle. It should burn no more than 5 minutes, then it must be extinguished, leaving the next day for the second stage of the ritual. You will also need a charm or icon.

On the day of the move

The next morning, rinse the groats, which have been soaked overnight, under running water. Take all the ingredients for the ritual with you to your new home. You also need to prepare: matches or a lighter, a broom, a potted flower, a napkin or paper towel, nails, a hammer, a juniper branch, a plate intended for a new brownie if the old one remains in the old apartment.

Before bringing things into the apartment, it is necessary to acquaint the Brownie with the apartment, if he was taken. To do this, pour sweets into a plate and put in the kitchen. You need to read the following text:

“Come, Brownie, into your new house, from now on you will live in it. From now on, you will protect him, the house is the most important thing for you.

If the settlement is carried out in an apartment, and not in a private house, you need to invite your relatives who can come. Having gathered at the entrance, go in in turn, starting with the oldest, ending with the youngest. In front of the door of the apartment, the owner takes out a flower and passes it to the first incoming person. The flower should "enter" first into the house. Attention! In no case should you step on the threshold, this can set the whole apartment against you. The flower must be placed by the window in the hall or guest room. For the first time entering the house, there is a custom - to make a wish. It will surely come true. When everyone entered the apartment, the hostess sprinkles salt over the threshold, along it. This is a kind of protection from evil spirits. First of all, go to the kitchen and hang a charm or icon on the wall.

Rite of passage

“I light a candle in a new home, I want to wish the House happiness. I leave a green bouquet on the table, I wish prosperity in our family. The amulet on the wall is already nailed, it will save us from the evil eye and damage. We want to live in peace and tranquility, without other people's spirits, enemies and malice. Amen".

While a prayer is being read by one person, the other must do what the text says. “I light a candle” - you need to light a candle that has been prepared in advance by placing it on the windowsill in the kitchen, “I leave a green bouquet on the table” - put a sprig of juniper on the kitchen table, “the amulet on the wall is already nailed” - nothing needs to be done here, so as it was hung in advance, the only thing is that during these words it is necessary to cross the icon or amulet.

After that, you need to take a new broom, and sweep the floor from the entrance to the kitchen to the window. Put in the corner of the kitchen, and next to place the old one, brought from the previous housing. It is believed that a broom is the brownie's transport, so the old broom should stand next to the new one for at least 3 weeks, until the brownie gets used to the new one. Juniper divided into as many parts as there are rooms in the apartment, including a bathroom, balcony, hallway. Leave a piece of juniper in the corner of each room. During the ceremony, none of those who entered the apartment leave it until the ceremony is completed. Next, sweep the salt with a new broom before entering the dwelling, and wash it under running water.

Actions after the ceremony

Now you can bring furniture and other kitchen utensils into the kitchen. When the kitchen is full and ready to cook, the hostess prepares pies or bread from the dough made in the old house. Make porridge from cereals. Thus, well-being and prosperity are invited to the house. When the bread is ready, put two pieces on a brownie plate. One for the brought brownie, the other for the one that the former owners could leave.

You need to say the following:

“The brownie of this house, I’m sorry, but you have to leave. You don't live here anymore, you'll find a new home. Please don't be offended, but you can't stay here. I wish you good luck, accept this as a gift and goodbye. Amen".

When all the food is ready, everyone who is involved in the move, drop their business and go to the table.

Tips for moving to a new home.

Moving, signs and customs.

Moving, signs and customs.

Rules for moving to a new home / Rituals and signs pr

Rules for moving into a new home

There are certain nuances that experienced professionals recommend following when moving.

  1. Relatives should be invited to the housewarming party. Best friends are allowed. The main thing is that there should not be more than 10 guests.
  2. All rituals and ceremonies when moving must be performed strictly in turn, as written. Otherwise, the house will not accept the owners, and they will be perceived as guests.
  3. You need to move in a good mood, and all rituals should be with positive thoughts.
  4. It is forbidden to swear on the day of settlement.
  5. If there is furniture from the former owners, and there is nowhere to put it, then you can’t leave it. The energy of the former is useless. Donate to charity, sell or recycle.
  6. If a cat was let into the apartment before moving in and she was frightened, it is worth cleaning. To do this, you need to call the priest to bless the house.

If children are walking around the future home, for a childless family, this means replenishment. The folk method of letting a cat in the day before the settlement says: if the animal behaves wildly, then there are evil spirits in the house, if it is calm, then there is no otherworldly force here. On the first day of settlement, seeing a neighbor's man means that the family will be friends with neighbors, if a woman, then they will gossip behind her back.

Bad weather on the day of arrival means that there will be minor problems with the apartment of various nature. Signs say that if they knock on the door, there will be a quiet life, and if they ring the doorbell, then there will be no salvation from the neighbors - they will be frequent guests of this house. Nevertheless, you should not take signs to heart, and also worry about whether the move was correct. The main thing is that the thoughts are disinterested, and the intentions are sincere. And in case of any misunderstanding, if you believe in omens, you can always adopt effective rituals. The main thing is to follow all the rules.

Rituals and rituals for moving to a new home

Moving to another city, new apartment or house is a responsible step for the whole family, no matter what country it is. This opens a new stage of life. Therefore, you need to move correctly so that life in a new place is calm and happy. There are many popular beliefs and signs associated with the move, as well as rituals for cleansing the house from the energy of the previous owners. And if you know how correctly, according to the laws of magic and higher powers, they will move into a new house, you can make this new period of life exceptionally rich and happy.

There are many popular beliefs and signs associated with the move.

Preparing to move to a new home

Moving begins with the collection of things, their packing and loading. But in fact, this is not the main thing. It is very important to properly say goodbye to the house you are leaving. Thank him for all the good things that you experienced here, and forgive yourself and the spirits of this house for all the bad things that you leave here. There are a few things to consider when preparing for a move.

  1. You can’t drag old rubbish with you to a new house, because with it you take away your past problems. And why do you need them in a new life? Leave them where they appeared and do not take them with you. Before you move, sort household items, appliances, dishes, clothes. Throw away everything that has fallen into disrepair (broken appliances, torn clothes, crockery with cracks and chips). Even some old letters, photos and gifts that only remind you of sadness and a bad past have no place in your home.
  2. Do a general cleaning in the old apartment (wash the floor, windows, remove the cobwebs, rub the mirrors). So you say goodbye to housing and leave a good mark on yourself. So you clean not only your former home, but also your presence in it.
  3. Number all the boxes with things and put crosses on them. This symbol will protect against loss.

These same tips will help you prepare if you're moving to a new office.

If the spirit of the brownie lived in the old house, he should be called with him to the new housing. Brownies leave their habitat following the cats or in old brooms. If there is neither a cat nor an old broom, then there is a very simple way to take the spirit with you.

The ceremony of inviting a brownie

The house spirit, if not angered, loves all household members and helps them in housekeeping. When moving to a new apartment, it is better to take a brownie with you. It is very easy to do this.

What is needed for the ceremony

To conduct such a ceremony at the invitation of a brownie, you need:

Take your boot on your left foot. It must be worn.

How to conduct the ceremony of inviting a brownie

The ceremony is carried out when all things have already been taken from the house.

  1. Place the boot in the center of the largest room.
  2. Speak the words:

“Grandfather brownie will go home for me, we need to keep order at home, we need to help the owner with the hostess.”

“Here’s grandfather, he’s arrived, settle down and come in the evening to drink milk.”

In silence and away from prying eyes, the brownie will come out and find a secluded corner for himself in a new apartment. Prepare a saucer of milk for him in the room.

What are the best days to move

It is very important on what day the move is planned. Astrologers and practicing magicians, relying on folk signs, have chosen which days are best to move to a new apartment or house.

It is very important what day you plan to move.

Favorable days of the week for moving include:

These days the road will be calm, luck and success await in all matters.

Unfavorable for housewarming are:

Thursday cannot be attributed to any of the categories, this day is called neutral. Therefore, on Thursday, you can safely transport things and move to a new apartment. Sunday is a special day, you can’t work on Sunday, so any business and events will have to be postponed.

Signs that will help in the housewarming

Even severe skeptics at least once used beliefs and signs, especially in such an important event as housewarming. When moving to a new apartment, you need to observe the following signs.

  1. The cat is the first to be allowed into a new home. And where he chooses a place, put a bed there. Cats are very sensitive to negativity and will never choose a bad spot.
  2. At the entrance to the apartment, you need to throw a handful of gold or silver coins with a ringing on the floor. This will attract wealth to the house and serve as a ransom for the former brownie if he remained in the house from the former owners.
  3. For a new house, you need to buy a horseshoe, a new broom and a bouquet of dried herbs. These items protect the house from negativity.
  4. It is also not bad to immediately start a Red Corner in the house where the icons will hang and where it is best to store special things and amulets.
  5. The first step in a new house is to carry out a general cleaning. Throw away all the garbage that remains from the previous owners, wash the floor well in the corners. It is in the corners that all the negativity accumulates.
  6. After cleaning, make a big round cake and invite close family and friends for a housewarming party. Put a few bills under the tablecloth of the festive table.

When is it necessary to carry out rites of purification and protection of the house?

It is very rare to find out exactly what kind of people lived in the apartment before you, what guests went to them, what events took place in the house. Sometimes one general cleaning is enough to cleanse the energy of a room, but sometimes it is necessary to carry out special purification rites. This is necessary in the following cases.

  1. In a new place, it’s hard to sleep, tormented by nightmares. Perhaps the spirit guarding the former owners here for some reason disagrees with your settlement in this territory.
  2. Constantly haunted by a sense of fear, insecurity, overcome by longing. In such cases, you need to find out the past of the house, perhaps there is a negative here, a suicide or a murder was in this house.
  3. Pets are restless and behave aggressively. If this happens, it is also worth checking the house for the presence of an evil entity or past grievances.
  4. The plants in the new house withered. The reason may be insects or the impact of the negative.

These signs indicate a large accumulation of negative energy in the house. Living in such a place will not bring anything good to the family, so the room needs to be cleaned. You can invite a priest. He will bless the house, read prayers and give you an icon. It will need to be hung over the entrance to the apartment.

The rite of purification can be carried out independently. To do this, you must follow the following rules.

  1. You need to believe in the power of the magical rite and in its effectiveness.
  2. It is necessary to carry out the ceremony in complete solitude, so that no one can interfere.
  3. During the ritual, thoughts should be bright, you can not think about extraneous things.
  4. Women should not perform rituals during menstruation.
  5. After the ritual, you need to fast and refrain from alcohol.

The priest will bless the house, read prayers and give you an icon

A simple rite of cleansing an apartment with holy water

The ceremony can be performed immediately after the move. It does not require special magical knowledge and skills. The ritual will forever rid the new house of the negative energy that has remained from the old owners.

For the cleansing ritual you will need:

Buy a candle in the temple. She must be new

How to conduct a ritual

It is very easy to carry out the ritual. Follow the step by step description.

  1. Sprinkle the corners in all rooms three times with water.
  2. Light a church candle.
  3. Go around with a candle all the rooms three times.

Before carrying out the ritual of purification, clean the apartment well.

Cleaning the apartment with salt

Salt is a universal magical accessory. It has been used in witchcraft rites since ancient times. The use of salt in purification rites is due to the fact that it is able to absorb all the negativity.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual you will need:

Ordinary table salt from the store is used. You can use salt consecrated for Easter or for Epiphany.

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual is easy to carry out on your own at home.

  • Divide salt into small bowls or pots and place in all corners of the house.
  • Leave the salt bowls for seven days.
  • After the expiration date, pour all the salt into one bag.
  • Bury a bag of salt outside, away from home.

The salt used in the ritual should never be eaten. Otherwise, you will take away all the negativity that she has absorbed into herself.

The power of fire to cleanse the apartment of negativity

Since ancient times, fire has been endowed with mystical properties. It carries the energy of creation and destruction at the same time, so it is often used in various witchcraft rites. An ancient Slavic rite will help to reliably cleanse the house of negative energy, expel evil spirits and protect from the evil eye.

Respect in magicians causes a kind of fire

What is needed for the ritual

To perform the ritual you need:

You can use church or white candles.

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual is performed in complete solitude.

  1. Place candles around.
  2. Light all the candles and cast the spell:

“In the name of Svarog the Father, in the name of Dazhdbog, and in the name of Perun the Thunderer. You, Svarog the Father, separate the truth from falsehood, you, Dazhdbog, separate the day from the night, and you, Perun, separate Yav from Navi. I conjure (name), by the power of heavenly fire, by the power of fire that is between heaven and earth, by the power of earthly fire, but I conjure underground. Let all the dark spells burn, all the nauses and slander, all the dryness of Naviya in the Fire of Hell. May what has been said come true. Exactly".

Signs, rituals of purification and protection will make moving to a new house successful, and life in a new place happy. Since ancient times, magic has been helping a person, protecting his home and family. Respect the place where you live. Do not litter the new house, protect it from evil people, then your life will become happy and prosperous.

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  • 12/09/2017 and the obscurantism of the authors is impressive. black magic devils.
  • 08.12.2017 Aki I want to kill God.

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In the United States, there was a sign that a $ 2 banknote with the image of Thomas Jefferson was considered unlucky. The Americans tried not to take these banknotes in their hands or got rid of them as quickly as possible. After almost 50 years, it was decided to stop its production.

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Tips for moving into a new apartment

Moving is accompanied by a lot of household chores, it is not for nothing that they say: “Better a fire than a move.” And yet, usually this is a joyful event associated with a housewarming party. In order for it to pass without a hitch, without a hitch, there are a lot of signs among the people - their observance guarantees new settlers a trouble-free overcoming of this stage in life.

Moving to a new place

So, signs when moving to another apartment:

  • When moving to a new place, do not forget to take a broom with you - the brownie, the keeper of your hearth, will move into the apartment with it.
  • It is customary to let the cat in first through the threshold. It will drive away the unclean spirit that may dwell there. In general, it is very useful to keep animals in housing. If you don’t want to have large pets in an apartment, think about turtles or fish. Animals and birds improve the energy of the apartment.
  • Before stepping over the threshold, throw a few coins in front of you, but not the smallest denomination. Then money will always be found in the apartment.
  • Guests who come to the housewarming party should be greeted with bread and salt. Stock up on duty round loaf. In the center you need to make a recess and put a salt shaker there. When the stream of congratulators dries up, do not throw away the remains of the loaf - feed it to the birds under the windows.
  • Do not leave flowers in pots in the old housing, even if people who are ready to take care of them will live there after you. It promises losses.

Moving to an apartment: signs after a housewarming

Immediately after moving in, hang a feeder outside the kitchen window and make sure that there are always grains or bread crumbs in it - this will ensure you a comfortable existence.

On the first evening

On the first evening of the housewarming party, turn on the light throughout the apartment, turn on the water taps and light incense in all rooms, including the balcony, toilet and corridor. Five minutes is enough to clear the apartment of bad energy. The ritual is especially relevant for secondary housing, in new apartments there will be enough general cleaning.

First of all, hang curtains on the windows, otherwise the warmth of your hearth will go into them - that is, family happiness.

If uncomfortable

If you feel uneasy in your new home, extraneous sounds and squeaks seem to be, or you are just restless in your soul, take

Changing your place of residence and moving to another housing, whether it be an apartment or your own house, is a big event in everyone's life.

Everyone hopes for a better life in a new place and, of course, they believe in various signs and rituals for housewarming, which must be carried out so that luck accompanies you in everything.

There are many signs for moving to a new apartment, let's find out which ones.

May your life in your new home be carefree, joyful and happy!

Try to move on a full moon.

If this succeeded, then let the cat into the house first (if any) and say three times: "As a full month, so life in the house would be complete."

bake a pie

On the day of the move, you need to eat a farewell cake baked by you personally.

If you did not like life in the old dwelling, the cake should be salty.

If you have had an easy and good life, bake a sweet pie.

Share with your family, and let this ritual farewell dinner and good omen become an important transition to a new life.

Release the cat

During the move, the owners of the house are the first to enter the apartment.

But in fact, as they say, an old sign, the cat or cat should enter the house first.

Indeed, according to ancient beliefs, a cat is a sacred animal that brings peace, joy, peace, happiness and joy to its owners.

It is also believed that if there is a cat or a cat in the house, then the brownie will definitely move to a new habitat along with the animals.

You can throw yellow or white coins, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to do it immediately, as soon as you let the cat in, if there is one, and then enter yourself.

In addition, it is also advisable to leave a small amount of money in the old house so that your life and the life of the tenants who come to your place are rich.

The meaning of this superstition is that there will be a return (after all, if you want to have something, you must first give something).

hang a horseshoe

We also know from our grandmothers that in a new house a horseshoe can be hung over the front door, this should be done with the horns down.

This sign is connected with the fact that happiness and prosperity reigned in a new apartment or house.

The horseshoe symbolizes unity, strength and prosperity.

She will protect your family from long quarrels, as well as from poverty.

Another custom advises to stick a needle with a small piece of thread into the door above the threshold in an inconspicuous place - this will protect from the evil eye.

How to take a brownie with you

Many people believe that each apartment is inhabited by a brownie who guards the house.

When you move, it traditionally stays in the old house, but you can take it with you.

A family that has got a good brownie-assistant will never leave him in his old place when moving to a new apartment.

If you decide to move to a new place and want to take the brownie with you, on the eve of the move, lay a towel at the front door of the old dwelling.

Kneeling in front of him, politely invite the brownie to move to a new place of residence with you.

Arriving at a new house, lay it out again at the front door and say: “Happy housewarming to you, master!”

There is another way: the last one, leaving the old house (it is better if this is the hostess), sweeps the rubbish in the corners of the kitchen and wraps it in a rag.

Then she invites the brownie with her to a new place.

Litter (it is believed that this is the belongings of a brownie) is taken, in a new place it is placed in the farthest and darkest corner, along with a crust of bread.

If everything was fine in your old apartment, then say three times in the old place and three times in the new one: “Grandfather-neighbor, come with us to the apartment. Take care, settle, put to sleep, give water, feed, drive home.

If you have already moved in, but did not take the old brownie to a new house, on any three days (in a row) on the growing moon, when the young moon is visible, you need to open the window and shout (it is very desirable to shout): “Grandfather brownie, come home. Come live with us, we will love you.

Prosperity in a new home

The first slice of bread cut off at the first dinner in your house (not suitable for apartment residents) must be buried in the ground, in the right corner under the house, saying: “Feeder, feeder, come to the new house of bread to eat here and listen to the young owners.”

Throw away damaged items

After check-in, check your belongings.

In a new dwelling, there should in no case be cracked or broken dishes, torn bed linen, curtains or towels.

It is better, of course, to update everything, or at least partially.

Throw away the cracked dishes - it will bring misfortune.

How to choose a day to move

Monday- hard day. This applies not only to work, but also to starting a business.

Tuesday- on this day of the week you will be accompanied by good luck, luck.

Wednesday- according to folk signs, if you move to a new house or apartment on this day, you will not live in this place for a long time.

Thursday- a neutral day for any business, feel free to move.

Friday- On this day, it is better not to plan anything and not start.

Saturday- the perfect day to move, as the signs promise. If the move is on Saturday, then there will be no trouble, the settlement will be calm, easy and pleasant, and life will be successful and prosperous.

Sunday- a day to rest, you can not move.

Great if the move takes place in the snow or rain!

This is a magnificent sign, a blessing from higher powers and a symbol that life will be happy in a new place.

Moving to a new home is a long-awaited event in any family. You have been waiting for this event for so long and this day has finally come. Joyful gathering, chores, worries about not forgetting anything. But then grandmother's words come to mind - "look, be sure to let the cat first into your new home, such a sign!". There is not only one sign. You begin to think what other signs there are, there are probably a lot of them, and all of them must be fulfilled in order to protect yourself in a new home.

Today we will consider what signs exist when moving to a new house, how to apply them correctly and make life in a new house carefree and joyful. So, let's begin.

The first in the house is a cat

The first sign will be that the first family member who crosses the threshold of a new house should be a cat. Please note that it is the cat that should enter the house, not the cat. You can let a small kitten in, but it is best to let an adult cat in. The animal must be placed on the threshold, at the entrance to a new apartment or house and wait.

If the house has good energy and there is no bad sediment from the previous owners, then the cat will gladly enter the house. It was also believed that when a cat enters the house first, he will be able to negotiate with the evil spirits living in the house so that they let new owners in. Cats have always been considered mystical animals, so no one doubts their strength and capabilities.

In addition, it was believed that in the place where the cat lies down and falls asleep, it is necessary to put a bed, since the cat sleeps only in the place where there is positive energy.

If you do not have a cat, then, as a last resort, you need to take the animal on the street and perform this ritual. But with positive emotions from the fact that the cat happily went to your new home, there is always the opportunity to introduce fleas and infection. Therefore, if there is no cat, just use another sign or ritual.

Clean up in a new house

After you let the cat into the house and he safely lay down in a warm and cozy place, the question arises about cleaning the house. Just in the cleaning of a new house, another ritual is hidden. It is believed that after the old owners, unwanted energy remains, which you need to get rid of before you start equipping your corner. Therefore, first of all, sweep out all the garbage, wash all the floors and windows, and wipe the furniture.

It is advisable to sprinkle holy water in all corners. It was also believed that if you walk through a house or apartment with a lit church candle, then all evil spirits will instantly leave your house.

Horseshoe - the best amulet

The most common amulet in the new and even in the old house is the horseshoe. They say that in order to attract prosperity and family happiness, it is necessary to hang a horseshoe with its horns down. And if you want financial prosperity, then you need to hang a horseshoe with the horns up. The most important thing is that the horseshoe must hang at the entrance to the house or room. If you want to have both well-being and a lot of money, then hang several horseshoes in your home in different places and place them in different angles.

Money to the house!

If you want to live in prosperity and have a good and stable income, then before you cross the threshold of a new house, be sure to throw a few silver coins through it (it is very important that the coins are silver). After you have removed all your belongings from the old house, find a secluded corner and hide a few bills or coins there so that the new owners also live in abundance. Remember, good always breeds double good!

Housewarming. How to properly mark

Before you start dismantling the boxes and putting furniture in their places, be sure to arrange a housewarming party. Remember, you need to do this before you sort things out, this is very important. Invite more children into the house. It is believed that children's laughter attracts positive energy into the house. Let the guests you invite give you some items, say a service or a vase. In no case do not ask to give you money and warn guests not to give. It is believed that if you are given money, then you need it, and if you need it, then you are not rich.

The best friend of a new house is a brownie

Take a brownie from your old house. The brownie, who lived with you in the old house, will protect you and protect you and your family from their evil colleagues in the new house. In order to take the brownie with you, before going to bed, on the last day of your stay in the old house, put a box in the room that you cover with a soft cloth or foam rubber.

In the morning, close the box and take it with you to your new home. Be sure that now a brownie has moved into your house in this box. Another way to transport a brownie with you is to take a broom and in the evening before leaving, you can easily sweep it around the corners of the house, you must definitely take the old broom with you, the brownie will move on it.

Thread path

Some people, before entering a new house, let a ball of thread from the threshold, while holding on to one end of the skein. It was necessary to enter the house by seniority, so as not to violate the family contract. And a ball of thread was considered a path to happiness, which you pave from the threshold of your new home.

We make amulets

The most powerful way to preserve happiness and protect yourself from evil spirits is to hang amulets around an apartment or house. Please note that in many old houses in villages and villages, sets of various herbs hang under the ceiling and on the walls. This is not only done for the convenience of using herbs, using them in various dishes or as medicines. First of all, it is a talisman against various devilry.

St. John's wort was considered the most powerful herb from evil spirits. It is necessary to wind small whisks from it and hang them at the entrance to the apartment. A good way to cleanse a new home is to burn church incense for a while. Frankincense oils have a peculiar smell that you can smell in every church.

Put a piece of dry incense on a metal lid for preservation or in any shallow metal container. Light the burner on the gas stove and put the lid of incense on the fire. He will emit his smell through a small smoke and, thus, you will smoke evil spirits from the house. Do this ritual several times over three days.

While the incense is burning, read the prayer "Our Father". Use not only frankincense and St. John's wort, you can take other herbs and arrange them in a wreath. Take sage, juniper sprig, nettle and wormwood, then dry the herb and collect it in a bunch. Tie with red thread and hang in the house.

Anyone who has had to move to a new apartment at least once in their life knows the feeling of “prostration” that arises when looking at numerous things in closets, bedside tables and shelves. Moving is not in vain “equal to one fire” - some things are lost, some beat and break on the road, and some just disappear somewhere in an unknown way. There is no need to talk about the amount of effort and nerves expended.

To your attention - the main secrets of the correct move!

Preparing to move - what to do first?

The most common mistake people make is packing at the last minute. It would seem, “Yes, everything will be in time!”, But - alas and ah - the result of the fees in the last hours before the arrival of the car is always equally deplorable.

Therefore, it is better to start preparing in advance.

About a month before the planned move, the most important things to do are:

  • Terminate all contracts (note - with the landlord, with companies providing cable TV, telephone, Internet, etc.) so that in the new apartment you are not required to pay money for services that continue to be provided in the old one under existing contracts.
  • Throw away everything you don't need , and everything that can interfere with the new owners.
  • Clearly define the date of the move , conclude an agreement with the relevant moving company and inform those who will help you with the move to your new home.
  • Sell ​​furniture (clothes, washing/sewing machine, other things) that you don't want to take with you, but that still look pretty decent. It is better not to set high prices, so that later you do not have to leave these things in the old apartment for free. It’s better to let them “fly away” at a modest price than no one will buy them at all. And remember: if you haven’t used a thing for more than six months, then you don’t need it - feel free to get rid of it in any convenient way.

One week before moving:

  1. We pack all the things that you will not need in the near future.
  2. Throw away the excess.
  3. We begin to disassemble things, products and furniture in the kitchen.
  4. We buy disposable plates / forks to calmly remove all the dishes from the kitchen.
  5. We connect the Internet in a new apartment so that on the day of the move we do not frantically call companies for this purpose, running between boxes with a useless router.
  6. We clean carpets and wash curtains (save yourself energy in a new place), as well as rewash things that require it.
  7. We do a general cleaning in a new apartment, so as not to waste time on this after the move.

One day before moving:

  • We send children to their grandmother (friends).
  • Defrost the refrigerator.
  • We deal with the keys to old and new housing (mailboxes, garages, gates, etc.).
  • We take meter readings (note - we take pictures).
  • We collect the rest of the things.

7 secrets of preparing for the move, which will make your life easier and the fees themselves

  • Revision. Moving is a great way to get rid of excess junk. Starting to sort things to pack them for the move, immediately put a large box “to throw away” or “give to the neighbors”. Surely, you have things (clothes, tiles, lamp, toys, etc.) that you do not need in a new apartment. Give them to those in need and do not drag excess trash into a new apartment. Toys can be given to an orphanage, decent things can be sold on the relevant sites, and old blankets / rugs can be taken to a dog shelter.
  • Box with documents. We collect it especially carefully so that we can take it with us to the car on the day of the move. Put all the documents that you have into folders, label them and put them in one box. Naturally, you need to do this not the day before the move.
  • Box of "1st Necessity". So we label it. In this right box, when you move, you can easily find a first aid kit, toothbrushes and toilet paper, a set of change of clothes for each family member, the most necessary products (sugar, salt, coffee / tea), towels, pet food and other important things.
  • Box with valuables. Here we put all our gold with diamonds, if any, and other valuable items that are expensive or have a different value for you personally. This box should also be taken with you (we don’t shove it into the general “heap” in the truck, but take it with us to the salon).
  • Disassemble the furniture. Do not rely on chance and do not be too lazy to take it apart, so that later you do not cry over a torn sofa, a broken table and chips on a rare chest of drawers. It makes no sense to disassemble and drag old chipboard furniture with you - just distribute it to your neighbors or leave it near the garbage heap (whoever needs it will pick it up himself).
  • Do not make large purchases in the week before moving. Do not make food stocks either - this is extra weight and space in the truck. It is better to replenish the bins in a new place.
  • Prepare food the day before moving (there will be no time to cook!) and pack it in a cooler bag. Nothing is more inspiring in a new place after a move than a delicious dinner.

Collection and packing of things for the move - boxes, bags, tape

Collecting things that you have acquired in an old apartment even for 1 year is almost impossible in 1 day.

Therefore, the ideal time to "start" - a week before moving. The most important thing when collecting things is packaging.

Therefore, we start with boxes and other items for a comfortable move:

  1. We are looking for or buying cardboard boxes (preferably sturdy and with holes for easy carrying). Most often, boxes are given away for free in hypermarkets or local stores (ask store administrators). Estimate the volume of your things and take boxes according to this volume. On average, it takes about 20-30 large boxes to pack things from a 2-room apartment in which a large family with pets lives. It is not recommended to take giant boxes - they are inconvenient to carry and difficult to lift, in addition, they often tear under the weight of things.
  2. Do not spare money for a wide quality adhesive tape! You will need it in large quantities, and not just to seal boxes. And preferably with a dispenser, then the work will go much faster.
  3. Also, you can not do without cardboard "gaskets" (newspaper, wrapping paper), twine, ordinary stretch thin film and a pack of transparent bags.
  4. Special film with "pimples" , which everyone likes to click so much, we buy in large quantities.
  5. Multi-colored markers and stickers will not interfere either.
  6. For packing furniture you need a dense fabric (old curtain sheets, for example), as well as thick film (as for greenhouses).
  7. For heavy items, we allocate bags and suitcases (the boxes may not withstand them), or we put the weights in small and strong boxes, after which we carefully fix them with tape and twine.

General work plan:

  • We reinforce all boxes with good adhesive tape, paying special attention to the bottom of the container. You can also make pens out of it if there are no holes on the boxes themselves (or you can make these holes yourself with a clerical knife).
  • We allocate a separate room (or part of it) for packed items.
  • We buy a notebook for notes, where there will be all the information on bills, movers, counters and the things themselves.

On a note:

If you use suits, you will be glad to know that there are cardboard "cases" for safely transporting expensive items directly on hangers.

How to move and not forget anything - lists of things, labeling boxes and much more

In order not to search painfully for a long time in a new apartment for clothespins or tights in all the boxes that no one ever takes apart right away (usually it takes from a week to a month, and for especially lucky ones - up to a year), Use the rules of proper packing of things:

  • We mark the boxes with stickers and markers. For example, red is for the kitchen, green is for the bathroom, and so on. Do not forget to duplicate each box in a notebook.
  • Be sure to put the number on the box (on each side of the box, so that later you don’t have to twist it in search of a number!) and duplicate it in a notebook along with a list of things. If you are not shy about movers and are not afraid that “things will be stolen”, then a list with things can also be glued to the box. In a notebook, you should have all the boxes with all the lists of things. The numbering of the boxes is also useful in that it will be easier for you to check in a new place whether all the things have been brought into the apartment.
  • Life hack: in order not to look for clothespins and washing powder, pack them directly into the drum of the washing machine. Tea and sugar can be put in a teapot, and a pack of coffee can be put in a box with a Turkish coffee grinder. The cat carrier can hold bedding, bowls and pet food. And so on, with other things.
  • When folding wires from appliances and gadgets, try not to confuse them. In a separate box - a scanner with wires, in another - a computer with its own wires, in separate packages, phones and other gadgets - each with its own charger. If you are afraid to get confused, immediately take a picture of the area where the wires are connected to the equipment. This cheat sheet can make life easier for you after you move.
  • Load bedding separately with towels and blankets with pillows.
  • Don't forget to set aside a separate toolbox as well. and little things needed for repairs, you will need it almost immediately after moving.

House moving - preparing furniture for transportation

Do not rely on "strong" furniture and "caring" loaders.

If your furniture is dear to you, then take care of its safety before moving.

  • Everything that is disassembled is disassembled, packaged and labeled. For example, we disassemble the table into parts, we pack each one in special thick paper or cardboard (ideally - pimply film), mark each part with the letter “C” (table). We put the accessories from the table in a separate bag, twist it and fix it on one of the parts. Ideally, if you can fix all the details together or put them in narrow boxes. Don't forget the instructions! If they are preserved, put them in a bag with fittings, so that later it would be easier to assemble furniture. Place furniture keys and other quick assembly tools in the 1st Essentials box (described above).
  • We wrap sofas and armchairs with thick fabric , on top with a thick film and wrap it with tape. We do the same with mattresses.
  • We wrap all handles on doors and drawers with cling film or foam rubber so as not to scratch other things.
  • If you do not pull out the drawers from the chest of drawers (table) be sure to secure them so that they do not fall out when carrying. Also fix all the doors on the furniture - on the kitchen and so on.
  • Remove all glass and mirrors from furniture and pack separately . Usually they fight first if the owners leave them in the closets.

If you are sending things to another city by container, then pay special attention to packing furniture and boxes!

Moving to a new apartment and pets - what you need to remember?

Of course, the ideal option is to send pets and children to relatives during the move. Firstly, it will be easier for parents, and secondly, it will protect children and animals from accidental injuries.

But if this is not possible, then use the "reminder" for moving with pets:

  1. Don't swear at pets. For them, the move itself is stressful. Their attention to things and boxes is quite natural. Don't yell or yell. Remember that they will not feed themselves.
  2. Give the animals something to distract them while gathering and running around with the boxes. - a separate box for cats (they love them), toys, bones for dogs.
  3. In advance (a couple of weeks) resolve all issues with the veterinarian, if any. Update the information on the chip (note - phone number, address).
  4. For transporting fish: pour the water from the aquarium into a bucket with a ventilated lid (transplant the fish there too), and transfer the vegetation from it to another container, adding the same water. Divide the soil into bags. The aquarium itself - rinse, dry, wrap with a "pimple" film.
  5. For transporting birds: we wrap the cage with cardboard, and on top with a warm and dense cloth (birds are afraid of drafts).
  6. Rodents can be transported in their own cages , but it is recommended to insulate them if it is too cold outside. In the heat, on the other hand, choose a place for transportation in which it will not be too hot and stuffy (so that the animals do not suffocate).
  7. Do not feed dogs and cats right in front of the road , be sure to walk the dogs, and remove the drinkers for the duration of transportation - or, if it's hot, replace them with wet sponges.
  8. For cats and small dogs, it is better to use rigid carriers. Naturally, it is not recommended to transport them to a new home in the cargo compartment of a car. The best option is to carry pets on your lap.

And do not forget to take a couple of days off to move and unload things in a new place. Moving after a day's work is an ordeal.

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