Love horoscope for single twins

Gemini in 2016 will experience ups and downs in love. This will happen against the backdrop of a life rich in impressions, filled with struggle and remarkable success in the field of business interests and in social sphere. It's funny, but money will play a significant role in what happens. It sounds trite, but it is in 2016 that Gemini will understand that love is a selfless feeling, and where material issues are at the forefront, it does not live. Centuries of experience humanity warns that when it comes to the realization of this fact in one's own skin, many months, and even many years of depression occur, leading to a negative perception of all representatives of the opposite sex without exception and making it difficult to return to ordinary life. Fortunately for Gemini, in 2016 they will lead such a full life that love experiences will flash on the periphery of consciousness without affecting the foundations of personality. In other words, having parted with their former sympathy, the Gemini will not even have time to come to their senses, as a whole and real true happiness will collapse on them.

In the first half of the year, Gemini will be busy with essential issues of life: work, study or issues of their own health will become more relevant for them. There will be no time for love fights. Even if a wedding is planned for this time, it will most likely have to be postponed. The peak of problems will be in the summer months. At this time, the Gemini will be in a very unstable position. May be busy becoming own business or find themselves in a state of change of place in terms of work and life in general. Persistent pestering of the second half regarding the choice of a restaurant, a limousine, the color of dresses for bridesmaids, will seem so small against the background global problems, which will make the Gemini brush them off like a swarm of midges. Conflicts, ultimatums and demarches will begin. It is curious that, busy with pressing issues of career and personal growth, the Gemini can in passing respond to the ferocious threat of their passion to end the relationship with indifferent consent. The failed wife (or husband) at first will not even believe that this is all. For some time it will still besiege the representatives of the sign, but, in the end, it will retreat. In general, the first half of 2016 is a fateful time for Gemini. If, despite all the difficulties and somersaults of a difficult period, the beloved of the representatives of the sign accepts everything and stays by their side, this is exactly the person who is needed. You need to grab it and tie it to yourself with the strongest ropes in the world. The horoscope advises Gemini to trust their intuition in the first half of 2016. The stars at this time will be on the side of the representatives of the sign (at least in relation to family and marriage) and will not allow destructive situations, and if they do, then the benefit of Gemini.

When the summer reaches the finish line, the Gemini's personal life will begin to improve. First of all, this will be due to success in other sectors of the horoscope. Representatives of the sign will be able to take a break from business and look around. It turns out that their return awaits a large number of people, and not only love partners, but also friends and family members in August will experience the full power of their love and affection in response to the most insignificant signs of attention. If the sympathy, tuned in to marriage, waited, then the wedding will turn out to be stunning, everyone will envy. The family Gemini, who lived the entire first half of the year in a state of a sluggish office romance, seems to come to their senses. It turns out that it was at home that the love of their life was diligently waiting for them. She will smell of apple pies and cinnamon, as well as the delicious freshness of cool bedding. Such happiness that the Gemini will experience is not forgotten. The office romance against its background will fade and die. Bachelors from among the representatives of the sign will suddenly see how wonderful life is, finding themselves surrounded entirely by pretty young ladies and gentlemen. To win the attention of the person you like, you don’t need to make any special efforts - one or two smiles, a dozen, albeit clumsy, but sincere compliments, and things will work out.

If we talk about the dangers of the second half of 2016, then first of all we should turn to the youngest and oldest generation of Gemini. Both those and others run the risk of being in the wrong company. The famous August meteor showers can play a trick on them, giving angelic features to more than ordinary, and even frankly pathological personalities. Twins of these age categories should be on the alert and not particularly trust new acquaintances. Love, as they say, is evil, but goats always give out a specific odor. So if you are drawn to alcohol or crime, it makes sense to quickly round off the relationship. In autumn, Gemini will have enough adventure without destroying their own health and disturbing public order.

Horoscope for 2016 Gemini recommends to focus on relationships with other people. Many of them should be broken, and some should be strengthened. Gemini will have a hard time putting themselves to work. The reason for this is not laziness, but ambiguity in working moments. Take part in mass events, then you will win recognition and achieve success.

The horoscope for 2016 advises Gemini to communicate more with new people. They can inspire you and guide you in the right direction. In the spring, Gemini will be tense and irritated. You will have to work hard to prove your place under the sun. In the process of work, you will come to bright discoveries and decide to radically change your life.

Gemini will be able to attract to their activities interesting people. Joint projects will give good results and will allow the planned plans to be realized. The Gemini horoscope for 2016 promises energy in everything they undertake. Alas, in May, fatigue and apathy will take over. Do not plan new things, but rather complete past affairs.

In the summer, Gemini will receive news from afar. This information will change a lot in their lives. In August, irritability towards friends and loved ones will appear. The horoscope for 2016 advises Gemini to keep emotions under control. You don't have to say everything that's on your mind. In the first place for Gemini - personal life. Many will want a serious relationship with a chosen one or go in search of an ideal.

In the fall, the Gemini will draw up an action plan that will help put things in order. The horoscope for 2016 advises Gemini not to deviate from goals, but to achieve results with perseverance. Don't be afraid to innovate. By the way, this applies not only to work, but also love relationship. If Gemini knows exactly what to do, they will be able to overcome difficulties.

The horoscope for 2016 Gemini predicts to change their plans for the future. It is possible that some of them require refinement and deep reflection. Gemini will be content with what they already have. It is desirable to free yourself from those relationships that hinder your progress. Some projects are already outdated, so find them worthy replacement. In December, Gemini will be faced with a choice. They will have to change not only their actions, but also inner world.

Love horoscope for 2016 Gemini

The love horoscope for 2016 Gemini predicts global changes. Not all of them will relate to personal life. The main thing is that the Gemini should not rush to conclusions, but carefully consider all decisions. If you are not married, then take the romance with the chosen one more seriously. Spend more time with your loved one so that he does not feel lonely.

Horoscope for 2016 Gemini advises to prioritize. What is more important to you - friends, work or love? Many will seek light flirting and entertainment. Alas, they will not bring joy and moral satisfaction. Gemini should not tell everyone in a row about their feelings. Otherwise, harm yourself and your chosen one.

The love horoscope for 2016 Gemini predicts novels at work. A relationship with a colleague can go far. Unfortunately, not only friends, but also relatives learn about them. Faithful to their spouses, Gemini can also be involved in a love triangle. The reason for this will be a misunderstanding in the family.

Family horoscope for 2016 Gemini

The family horoscope for 2016 advises Gemini to be less jealous of their chosen one. In this case, your life together will be cloudless and harmonious. Trust the one you love more. Especially if these feelings of Gemini are sincere. Do not constantly criticize your spouse. Try to solve all problems and domestic issues together.
The horoscope for 2016 for Gemini predicts difficulties in relationships with a teenage child. Be patient and don't panic for no particular reason. All problems must be resolved closer to the summer. Each spouse will be busy own life. Gemini will go headlong into work, and their soulmate will be interested career. All this will negatively affect relationships, as predicted family horoscope for 2016 Gemini. Do not interfere in your life close relatives. They will not be able to understand those issues that concern your family. It will be especially difficult for families living with relatives. Many will shamelessly climb into the life of Gemini, and give advice.

Career Horoscope for 2016 Gemini

Gemini is not afraid of work, so they have long been known as responsible workers. Career horoscope for 2016 for Gemini predicts bright changes in professional field. Many will achieve promotion through the ranks. After all, the Gemini are able to establish themselves as a conscientious worker.

The horoscope for 2016 advises Gemini to contact management with a request for a salary increase. Your boss won't let you down. If desired, Gemini can radically change the scope of their activities. Believe me, you will be welcome at any enterprise.

Career horoscope for 2016 Gemini advises not to be influenced by colleagues. Many will use you and your accomplishments at work as if they were their own. Even a monetary reward for your work can be appropriated by impostors. In autumn, Gemini can leave a job without regret, where they are not appreciated and frankly not respected.

Financial horoscope for 2016 Gemini

The financial horoscope for 2016 advises Gemini not to conceal those abilities that will help in terms of money. In January, Gemini will be busy with inheritance issues, loans, buying or selling a home. In the spring, you can safely complete cases that have long required a solution.

The horoscope for 2016 advises Gemini to save money, and not engage in useless deposits and loans. Immediately discard all proposals regarding finances from yourself.

Gemini should not look for easy ways to get rich. If there is a profit, then financial horoscope for 2016 Gemini is advised to spend it on something pleasant or useful. For example, make repairs in the apartment. Be alert! In autumn, Gemini can get into an unpleasant situation with the payment of taxes.

Health Horoscope for 2016 Gemini

The health horoscope for 2016 recommends that Gemini take their health seriously. Start fighting first bad habits. You have wanted this for a long time, right? Do not be frivolous about your well-being. Pay attention to old diseases that will remind you of themselves again.

The horoscope for 2016 does not advise Gemini to self-medicate. In case of serious illness, go to the hospital. For prevention, Gemini needs to play sports and go to the pool.

Most importantly, do not refuse treatment from specialists. Even if you feel better, keep taking your medicine anyway. The health horoscope for 2016 Gemini recommends going to a sanatorium. There you will strengthen your immunity. This year, Gemini will often get sick with SARS. Beware of complications after a cold.

The Year of the Fire Monkey promises many surprises for the representatives of the sign on the love front. Lonely Gemini will be able to meet a person who will bring a lot of long-awaited and favorable changes into their lives. Emotions and feelings will overwhelm partners, and uncontrolled passion will cover them with their heads. However, by focusing on their personal lives and fully devoting themselves to the process of building relationships, the representatives of the sign risk losing sight of many important things.

As predicted love horoscope for 2016, the Gemini, who have already managed to acquire a soul mate by this time, will also not suffer from a lack of attention. Invisible connection between partners will only increase. Warm sincere conversations will help to solve all the problems and misunderstandings that arise in the process of communicating with a loved one. However, in order to resolve serious conflicts, Gemini will have to honestly reveal their cards and repent of their partner's mistakes. Otherwise, everything secret will soon become clear, which will negatively affect relations with your soulmate. Whereas the frankness of the representatives of the sign will certainly be appreciated.

For family Gemini, the year of the Fire Monkey will be saturated with stability and tranquility. However, some representatives of the sign may be overcome by an irresistible desire to arrange a test for a loved one. To avoid causing discord in family life, it is better to refuse this idea. For the same reason, Gemini should stop the constant nit-picking and reproaches against the second half. It would be much more appropriate to look at yourself from the outside and engage in self-criticism.

In general, with the advent of the year of Gemini, a feeling of boundless happiness will be captured, inspired by a harmonious relationship with a loved one. This prediction is especially relevant for married people, however, tenderness and quivering feelings will not bypass the attention of single representatives of the sign. But, alas, all good things end quickly and the idyll that reigned in the relationship will soon be replaced by a thirst for new love adventures. The fault, of course, is the amazing inconstancy of the Gemini. It will serve as an incentive for regular quarrels between partners. The main intensity of passions will be in the period from February to March. As a result, the likelihood of separation and even divorce will increase.

According to the love horoscope for 2016, Gemini with the onset of spring will experience a real storm of emotions. Regular quarrels and conflicts between partners will become great way testing relationships for strength. The desire to outrageous and express their feelings in a rather expressive manner in the spring will only intensify among the representatives of the sign. Such outbursts of emotions can either “revive” a fading relationship, or bring them to their logical end.

From June to September, Gemini will be completely immersed in their thoughts. They will be subjected to a thorough analysis of the relationship with a partner, which will push the representatives of the sign to make a serious decision. Many of them will bet on loyalty and prefer to take the union to a new, higher level. Others will frantically “cling” to their freedom, giving the other half well-founded reasons for jealousy.

As the love horoscope for 2016 promises, Gemini from the very beginning of autumn until the onset of winter will remain “overboard” Everyday life with her endless worries and problems. They will get a unique opportunity to enjoy every moment they live. You should not get in their way, it is better to try to forgive your partner for minor mistakes and correctly interpret his impulses. At the end of the year, single Geminis will have a chance to radically change their lives by resuming long-term relationships.

For all Gemini, 2016 will be a bright and memorable year of the Monkey, because it will be full of many events. This can be both marriage, and divorce or betrayal of a loved one, events will change at such a speed that you will have to be patient. Moreover, the Red Monkey will start surprising you from the very beginning of the year, that is, from January. In order to somehow influence the course of events, resourceful Gemini must be collected and careful in words and deeds, as well as communicate more often with friends born under the signs of the Earth. Such a variety of colors will certainly give impetus to the accomplishment of great deeds, so women and men born under the constellation Gemini will benefit from such a busy year.

Love horoscope for a Gemini woman for 2016

For Gemini girls who are preoccupied with finding a partner, 2016 will finally bring good news. A stable and long relationship awaits you, in which you will have to invest a lot of effort, but they will bring you real female happiness. You can meet your "only one" both in January and in December, however, the stars say that the romance will most likely start closer to the second half or the end of the year. Also, you will meet more than one fan who will not be interesting to you, but with his persistence can persuade you to have a couple of dates. Avoid summer romance married men- they are not destined to end well, they will make many people unhappy. For Gemini women who are already married, the horoscope advises at the beginning of the year to hold back your character and not provoke your husband into quarrels, especially about relatives. It would be better to pour out the anger in gym or at work - a double benefit here on the face, and besides, your partner will later appreciate all the efforts and pay them back with interest. Autumn will again become a difficult test for girls and women after the relatively calm summer months, but you can safely count on the help of your beloved man who will lend his shoulder and raise your self-esteem. This year, you should not think about replenishment, except perhaps just discuss it with your soul mate, and postpone more serious actions for the next year.

Love horoscope for a Gemini man for 2016

A man born under the sign of Gemini in 2016 is ready for serious achievements that can turn his whole life upside down. If you have already found a girl with whom you are ready to spend your whole life, it's time to propose her hand and heart. The Fire Monkey supports you in this decision and promises a long and happy marriage to all daredevils. Do not be afraid to lose your freedom, because you will get much more valuable experience, feelings and emotions.

All Gemini guys will meet bright representatives of the opposite sex this year, who can completely confuse them and confuse all the cards.

For single guys, this may not seem like a threat, but seductresses can be very insidious, and deprive you not only of peace, but also of other, more material things. Also in the second half of the year, the Gemini man will surely be drawn into their problems by friends or relatives, placing almost all responsibility for their relationship on him. This is a very dangerous path, which you should try to avoid as tactfully as possible, because the family advisers from Gemini are not very good, and you also risk quarreling with friends forever. The end of the year will be relatively calm, so Gemini will finally be able to just take a breath and weigh everything that has happened to them this year.

The most curious and easy to communicate sign, which Mercury pushes on an eternal search. they are very sociable, they love to learn and gain new knowledge, they get along well with people and are able to keep up a conversation on any topic. These are people with a broad outlook and they always have the right connections in a variety of industries. They easily relate to life, make decisions very quickly and change them just as quickly. They are very susceptible to other people's influence, because the opinion of others is important to them. Despite such windiness, Gemini is very practical. Always sure that their point of view is the most correct and do not try to convince them of this.

They are very fickle in their passions, and therefore they have many love affairs, and in the family they do not always remain faithful. Twins they value freedom, therefore, they will always try to relieve themselves of the burden of obligations and be in no way obliged to anyone.

What awaits Gemini in 2016

year of testing and difficult decisions. Despite the windiness and ease of behavior, this sign is considered the strongest in spiritual terms. And in 2016, many values ​​will have to be revised. If outwardly everything seems to remain in its place, then global changes will take place in the inner world. You will enthusiastically grasp any work, while doubts will settle in your soul - are you following the right path?

There is a big risk that the Gemini will take on many things rather by inertia, without showing a sincere interest in them.

Charming Gemini, on the one hand, will demonstrate friendliness, intelligence, understanding, and on the other hand, it will sometimes be irritable and sarcastic. Keep your mouth shut - this year it's easy to lose friends because of your slander. If you direct your communication skills in the right direction, then success in any field is guaranteed.

Year opens endless possibilities growth, which not all Gemini will use, because they simply do not see them.

Love horoscope for 2016. Twins

The beginning of 2016 for Gemini promises to be calm. Complete harmony with family and friends. The family is quiet and smooth. Perhaps the Gemini will rediscover how dear to them close person. It will awaken new feelings and relationships. Do not delve too much into your spiritual world and sort things out, this can lead to a protracted conflict.

The middle of 2016 is very stormy for a showdown, this is the time when Gemini will constantly experience mood swings.

Caution and attention should be shown to lonely Gemini. The Red Monkey, the symbol of the year, will constantly provoke this sign to go all out, you will start a relationship that will not last very long, but you will not experience any regret about this. The year will pass in search of that person who can appreciate your deep inner world and come to terms with your duality and inconstancy. The probability of a wild life and at the same time several novels is very high. This will give the life of Gemini a certain drive and raise adrenaline in the blood. But we must learn to stop in time, because such a situation will not lead to anything good.

The twins have to make a serious choice, because it is simply impossible to constantly work on several love fronts. Those who cope with this task will find a reliable soul mate.

The end of the year will be emotionally empty. After stormy summer you will want to be alone, and this is a great chance to sort yourself out.

Money horoscope for 2016. Twins

Gemini easily relate to material wealth and calmly part with money. But this is the year when the money will just float into your hands. Whatever area you take on, everywhere the stars promise profit and prosperity. There is a risk that the Gemini will get too carried away with making money and sometimes they will not be able to stop before dubious transactions. Indeed, in order to be free, Gemini also needs material independence, and therefore sometimes they will embark on dirtier adventures without experiencing any pangs of conscience. For Gemini, there is nothing shameful in deceiving someone, and then atoning for their sins in the church.

Year when financial flows will be generous, but you will have to work very hard to replenish your budget. There are many opportunities, and Gemini will not want to miss any of them.

good time for doing business, virtually no risk. If you want luck not to turn away from you, you should appease it. It's great if you spend part of the funds for charitable purposes, helping the weaker. A time when big money needs to be spent quickly, because as soon as you start saving, income will decrease. A good time for acquisitions of the most serious sense, from buying an apartment and a car to a variety of little things.

A year when you can safely open new projects and work in several areas at once. AT financial terms Gemini will not know failure, but such a tense rhythm can negatively affect overall well-being and mood.

Career horoscope for 2016. Twins

good time in your professional activity . Thanks to the sociability and sociability of Gemini, very high patrons will appear who will help in career and business. It is only important to be aware of what they want in return from you. Along with good promising proposals, very dubious ones will appear, on the verge of the law. Know how to separate the wheat from the chaff.

It will be possible to quickly take off on career ladder. But the second half of the year will be tense. Firstly, the Gemini will lead a hectic personal life, and fate will also give them new opportunities at work, and there will be no time for rest at all. This can contribute to the fact that against the backdrop of an excellent prospect for Gemini, depression will cover.

The most the main task for this period - properly allocate your time. If you encounter a problem at work, do not close your eyes to it, but boldly solve it. And then your career will go up. If you leave everything in the same place, then miss your chance, which will not be repeated very soon.

There will be serious offers to take a new post or change the field of activity, and the Gemini will respond positively to this. In terms of work, such a turn is very encouraging, but you may miss some important points in family or relationships with friends. Do not let a new, exciting and promising job completely absorb you. Some Gemini will be given a choice - family or career. It is worth noting that most representatives of this sign will choose the second, because they value their independence very much, and a high position allows you to feel it to the fullest.

Health horoscope for 2016. Twins

A hectic personal life, an excellent financial situation and success at work will have a very adverse effect on the health of Gemini if ​​you do not leave time for rest and relaxation.

The weak point of Gemini is the gastrointestinal tract. Many Geminis in 2016 will have to turn to a gastroenterologist. Do not postpone the visit and carefully follow all his recommendations. This year, pay special attention to your diet. Moreover, it is worth watching not only for quality food, but also for the time of eating. Try to follow the diet so that there are no serious consequences.

Also skin problems may occur- the busy life of Gemini does not give time for rest and relaxation, which has a very adverse effect on appearance. Try at least once a week to give yourself 2 hours for masks, skin cleansing, spas. The 2016 horoscope strongly recommends that Gemini give up bad habits.

The probability of nervous overload and stress is very high. This can lead to depression and complete loss of energy. Therefore, find an opportunity to rest and relax more often. Set aside at least a few days a month for complete rest from work. Do not overestimate the capabilities of your body, which is by no means iron and needs rest. During the holidays, try to turn off all the phones and forget about work completely.

There is also a high probability in 2016 of frequent colds. Take vitamins and immediately begin treatment at the first malaise.

Celebrities who were born under the sign of Gemini:

Peter I, Count Cagliostro, Conan Doyle, Mikhail Sholokhov, Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Joseph Brodsky, Johnny Depp, Maxim Galkin, Marilyn Monroe, Nicole Kidman, Daria Dontsova, Naomi Campbell, Anzhelika Varum.

Eastern horoscope for 2016

Other horoscopes for 2016

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