How to make a paper sword from minecraft. Minecraft from paper

The Minecraft computer game was developed by Swedish programmer Markus Persson. Its genre is usually defined as a sandbox, but you can also play in survival mode. The interesting thing is that the world of the game is open instead of closed, which makes it a lot more fun.

Minecraft - game description

The game in minecraft is represented by various blocks, the texture of which has a rather low resolution. They consist of a player, a landscape, as well as items and mobs necessary for actions.

In Minecraft, you can act in 4 modes. The first, the most democratic, is creative. The player is offered an unlimited amount of natural resources and other items that need to be instantly destroyed or placed somewhere. The main goal of this mode is to give the player the opportunity to build any object that comes to mind, so the player is not afraid of the monsters that exist in the game. And besides, he can also fly.

It is fundamentally different from the creative survival mode, where the player is forced to independently search or mine Natural resources. By the way, they are represented by quite familiar wood, stone and other elements. environment. They serve as raw materials for the construction of subsequently needed blocks, structures and tools. Complicating the action are fictitious and real creatures that appear on the playing field at a simulated night and interfere with construction. So the player can encounter a skeleton, zombies, spiders, creepers or endermen. Their number depends on the difficulty level set previously, since creatures can bring death, you need to hide from them somewhere. To do this, the first thing to build should be a dugout or hut. Unlike the creative mode, where the player does not suffer from external and internal factors, in the survival mode it is necessary to monitor the level of the hero's health. The bar becomes shorter if he is hungry, hit by monsters, or falls into lava or water. As for hunger, it is indicated by a special scale. The level of satiety gradually decreases, and in order to prevent starvation, it is necessary to ensure that the hero eats. In Minecraft, various found products are used for this. By the way, if the hero is full, then his health will gradually improve. This also happens at a time when no one is attacking the player.

The very first mode in Minecraft was adventure. In fact, it is very similar to the survival mode, but there is distinctive features. First, players get the opportunity to create their own map. Secondly, there are certain restrictions on the use of certain tools with certain elements. And, thirdly, only in this mode is it possible to play in a team, for which you can contact other participants on the server.

Another reminiscent survival mode is Hardcore. However, here the hero has a single life, and its loss means the end of the game. Difficulty is set in advance and cannot be changed during the game, but you can control how fast monsters will attack the camp - this directly depends on whether peaceful mode is turned on or off in the settings.

Recently, two transitional additional levels have appeared in the yoke. These are "Creative Hardcore" and "Hardcore Adventure". AT updated versions monsters have also become more advanced. So zombies got the opportunity to break down doors, but in latest version the developers made it so that monsters rarely use this ability.

And the last mode that exists in the game is the “Observer”. Acting in it, the player does not have the ability to take any action, but can see through objects or look through the eyes of any of the monsters. This mode is mainly used by those players who create their own maps.

Also in Minecraft, you can choose one or another type of world.

For example, an ordinary one is an ordinary surface of the earth with all its accompanying elements. natural environment. So, if you turn on the automatic world generator, then in normal mode there are mountains, dungeons, water, ore, villages and so on on the surface of the earth.

The world can be created independently in an individual mode.

There is also a super-flat world type, which is a plane. There you can customize a variety of layers, as well as all sorts of structures and biomes.

Another variation is the "Large Biomes" world type, which is generally similar to the normal one, but the biomes are exaggeratedly large.

The stretched type is distinguished by the height of the mountains, which end at the upper border of the world.

You can edit the components in debug mode, when it is turned on, the player automatically becomes an observer. To turn it on, you need to hold down the left shift while choosing the type of world. However, it is rarely used by anyone other than texture developers.

In the game world, as already noted, there are monsters. They are of five types. Some are sharply negative towards the player, others are positive, but there are also those whose attitude can be regarded as neutral. But some creatures in the game can be tamed or even created. It is noteworthy that in Minecraft the presence of monsters and their location are determined by the presence and location of the hero, since they are generated exclusively near him during the dark hours of the game day. Moreover, the behavior of many monsters also depends on the time of day. For example, spiders attack only to avoid being attacked and do it only at night. Golems appear in the villages, but they are indifferent to the hero until he tries to attack the village. After the destruction of the mobs, resources appear in their place that can be collected.

Many Minecraft fans would like the heroes of their favorite adventure to surround them even at a time when they don’t get to sit at the computer and do battles and construction. Therefore, the heroes of your favorite game can be made of paper. It can be a creeper, Steve or any other hero, up to the main one. It is worth saying that modeling is not an easy task, especially when it comes to paper minecraft characters. The schemes are detailed and for the manufacture of paper figures from Minecraft you will need a lot of patience and perseverance. In addition, you need to calm down, even if something does not work out, because nerves will only aggravate the situation.

AT recent times players are increasingly turning to origami. Minecraft made of paper has become a new reality and a sphere for the application of the forces of fans of computer fun. Many decorate shelves with them, put figurines on the table or bedside tables. It's like a new reality that broke out of the computer reality of Minecraft. Paper crafts can be not only heroes, but also items that can be found in the game. To do this, you need to print special schemes, according to which origami will be made.

Minecraft from paper will help to increase the pleasure of the game. Skins for crafts can be found under the spoilers. From them it will be clear what and how to connect. As for the glue, you can use any fast enough drying.

Videos paper minecraft

Minecraft from paper blocks

Minecraft paper figurines

Modern psychologists believe that a person’s mind is also at their fingertips, which is why they recommend creating more crafts with their own hands. Increased interest is caused by computer games, such as Minecraft. It will be useful to break away from the computer at least for a while and make minecraft out of paper - original figurines with your own hands. Such models come out three-dimensional, you can enjoy the fact that this 3D format can be held in your hands.

Modern psychologists believe that a person’s mind is also at their fingertips, which is why they recommend creating more crafts with their own hands.

Minecraft belongs to computer games construction theme, where, like a "sandbox", blocks and objects are created and destroyed in three-dimensional environment. You can create such blocks and objects not only in the virtual world, but also in the real one, for this it is enough to download the diagrams and print them using a printer, and then glue them together.

The paper world consists of the main blocks:

  • basic building material in the form of boards used for buildings and structures;
  • foliage, which is used for plants;
  • diamonds for decorating buildings and structures;
  • stone blocks for construction;
  • sand block;
  • pumpkins, which will be needed to create the atmosphere of Halloween;
  • obsidian, used to build dark buildings;
  • hell stone and mossy cobblestone;
  • hostile cube slug and skeleton;
  • friendly pig block.

In addition to the listed blocks, to create a complete playing field, you will need gold ore, grass, wood, glowing stones, oven and many others, depending on the game plan. You should definitely make printouts of characters - minifigures that will make the paper constructor complete.

Gallery: paper minecraft (25 photos)

Minecraft: big paper house (video)

Minecraft from paper: how to make a moving Steve

One of the main characters of the game is Steve, so many people prefer to print and make a Steve figurine one of the first. In addition, this character, made according to the scheme, turns out to be moving, which is of particular interest to him.

These little men are made in several variations:

  • movable Steve figurine;
  • Steve in leather armor with a wooden sword;
  • Steve in diamond armor with a diamond sword.

Making this paper craft not considered difficult if you follow the detailed instructions.

  1. Ready-made color scans are downloaded and printed in color (if it is not possible to make color details right away, you can use the black and white version, which is then painted).
  2. Carefully cut out the details along the contour, bend them along the fold line.
  3. Glue the finished parts of the paper man.

One of the main characters of the paper game is ready, you can proceed to other components of the three-dimensional paper kingdom.

Do-it-yourself house from minecraft: scheme and description

Paper crafting from the area of ​​papercraft necessarily includes the manufacture of a house. The house from Minecraft turns out to be voluminous, it also includes things that can be found in any house, including this paper one.

To make a house, you will need the following materials:

  • A4 paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors

After the drawings are ready, the printing of all the blocks, the toy is sequentially collected.

  1. Details are cut along the contour, bent along the fold line.
  2. Glue the templates along the contour for gluing, assemble the parts.

After that, you can arrange the house as the player sees fit: combine blocks with each other, arranging furniture in the house, turn it like a fortress, to protect it from opponents.

How to make a Minecraft chest using origami

A well-known detail of the popular game - the chest is recommended to be made without following templates and printouts, but using paper technology - origami.

The game without a pirate chest lacks completeness, but this detail must also be three-dimensional and voluminous, most masters prefer to make a small chest, since the rest of the details are also not very large.

To make a chest you will need:

  • a sheet of A4 paper;
  • colored markers or paints.

They also make a pirate chest using traditional techniques: scissors, glue, a printer, a template. But independent production this origami-style detail is considered by most players to be much more fun.

  1. A rectangular sheet is folded according to the scheme, not forgetting to iron the fold lines tightly.
  2. Do not deviate from the sequence and pattern.
  3. The finished product is painted at your discretion with felt-tip pens, markers or paints.

You can immediately use colored sheets of paper to make a chest: brown, black, yellow. In this case, coloring of the product is not required.

Creeper from minecraft

The creeper is also a character in the Minecraft game, without him the character and style of the whole game will also be incomplete, because this character is made as one of the main ones. According to the game plan, the creeper figurine sneaks up to the character and explodes, which is probably why this character is one of the most recognizable, especially among children.

To create a popular character, stock up on:

  • A4 sheets - 4 pieces;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

You will need a color printer in order to print ready-made color templates.

  1. Creeper scheme is printed on 4 sheets of A4 format.
  2. Cut out the finished parts along the contour, bend all the fold lines at the cutter.
  3. The parts are glued together, the finished figure is allowed to dry.

This character can be made different size, reducing or enlarging the template before printing.

Minecraft from paper: mask

Fans of deep immersion in the game world are advised to try themselves in the role of one of the heroes and try on the masks of the characters exciting game Minecraft. It will especially appeal to toddlers and children. preschool age, especially since such a mask can be tried on for a matinee in the kindergarten and for the New Year tree.

Most kids prefer masks of the most popular characters: zombies, Steve, creeper.

To make a mask, you will need a printer, since the printed parts on a color printer look realistic, especially if you print them on glossy photo paper. In addition, before making a mask, stock up on materials:

  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • sheets for printing;
  • large sheets of cardboard.

Make a mask, following the sequence of actions.

  1. Print out the details of the mask, carefully noting the fold and gluing lines.
  2. The finished parts of the template are glued onto cardboard so that the mask is dense and does not tear during use.
  3. Ready templates fold along the fold line and glue, according to the instructions.
  4. The finished mask is checked for strength, not forgetting to leave slits for the eyes so that the baby can navigate in space.

Steve from Minecraft (video)

In addition to the main characters and popular parts, you can make many related parts of the game: a sword, a pickaxe. Ready-made templates can be found on the Internet, you can order ready-drawn character skins, after which all that remains is to print, cut and assemble them. The collection of parts is similar to the method of working with the Lego constructor. Psychologists also argue that the independent production of parts of a famous game stimulates intelligence, attention, because such an activity is considered more productive than the computer game itself.


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Thanks!!! Minecraft for kids, everything is better than sitting on a tablet!!!

Even in the Minecraft game, enemies cannot be defeated with bare fists. One of the most effective weapons in the game is the sword. It is usually used in close combat, however, this item has other advantages. For example, you can use it while breaking blocks. True, it should be noted that after each blow inflicted by the sword, two units of durability are taken away from it. Therefore, many prefer to destroy blocks with a fist, the strength of which is not limited by anything.

Features of using a sword in Minecraft

Enough a large number of crafters think strategically, trying to defeat enemies. For example, they create small trenches that can be dug with a sword, and put blocks above them. Thus, they are at the level of the legs of the mobs, however, due to the blocks, the mobs cannot strike. This method allows you to destroy an entire army.

This method of using the sword works great when trying to take some structure or treasury. But in the fight against the spider and slugs, this strategy is useless. It is here that the sword will act as an effective weapon. To attack you need to press the left mouse button, and if you want to defend - right.

Before you start creating a sword in Minecraft, let's figure out what materials it can be created from. There are five different types of swords in the game:

  • Diamond sword - is the most durable and effective. This weapon can inflict 1562 hits, and two hits are enough to destroy the enemy;
  • From gold - less durable, enough for 33 hits;
  • Iron - this type of sword can deal 250 hits, and the damage from it is 3 hearts;
  • Stone sword - allows you to hit opponents 132 times;
  • Wooden sword - 60 hits.

How to make a sword in Minecraft

Now let's see how we need to craft swords and what we need for this. Let's start with the wooden one, as it requires a minimum amount of resources, which are very easy to get. To craft such weapons, we use a workbench, a stick and two blocks of planks.

That's all. Now you have a wooden sword ready for battle. Let's start creating stone. Here the process is the same, only instead of boards we place stones on the workbench.

As you might have guessed, we use iron to get iron weapons.

The golden sword is one of the most attractive, but at the same time "weak" weapons. To craft such an item, you need to use a stick and two gold ingots.

And finally, it's time to make a diamond sword, which is the most durable melee weapon. To do this, use a stick and two diamond stones.

As we can see, to create any sword in without fail stick is used. Possibly the most used item in the game.

Thus, we learned how to craft a sword in Minecraft. Now you can feel much more confident when facing an enemy. This weapon will increase the effectiveness of your battles and the extraction of various items.

Graphic services for photo design

Fans of the Minecraft game world, especially the youngest ones, want to play not only on the computer, but also live, with the same enthusiastic peers. To do this, you can create a sword from improvised means, very similar to the game version. The easiest way to make a paper sword.

Volumetric sword with pixels

There are tons of videos showing in detail how to make a sword. But first you need to understand the technique and the essence of the work.

For such creativity you will need:

  • white drawing paper;
  • notebook in a cage;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • paints;
  • glue;
  • scissors.
Although the sword from Minecraft will take a lot of time, the result will be worth it.

Now follow the instructions and create your own sword from Minecraft:

  1. We take a sheet of paper in a box from a regular notebook.
  2. On an oblique line we draw a small sword, going through the cells.
  3. We shade the handle and blade along the edge.
  4. Outline the project with a colored (red) felt-tip pen.
  5. We take a sheet of drawing paper, make a drawing and calculations.
  6. Now all the detail cells (pixels) in the right amount transfer to the second sheet of drawing paper, increasing everything in size.
  7. We connect two sheets with paper clips and cut out the blade of the sword from the second sheet.
  8. We make corner cuts with clerical scissors along the edge - for bending.
  9. Cut out the handle and process the edge in the same way.
  10. We bend the edges of the paper, creating half the volume, and apply glue to them.
  11. Now we connect the parts of the parts, we get a three-dimensional sword.
  12. On the finished structure, draw the cells obliquely and color each in the desired color.
  13. We are waiting for the product to dry, and we are going to surprise others with a brand new, beautiful and absolutely safe weapon.

This tool can be used in role playing, or give it to a Minecraft lover, or store it on a shelf under glass, creating your own museum of the game world.

Sword by template

There is a second option, how to make a paper sword from Minecraft. Using templates has always been the easiest and most accessible for fans of the game.

What could be easier than finding the right picture and printing it out using a color printer? Finished cut parts should be glued onto a cardboard base.

You can show creativity - choose good combination colors and original coloring of the sword acrylic paints or gouache on top of the printout. metallic color can be imitated with foil. A gilded or wooden sword will look good.

The only downside might be small size- A4. For those who want a more solid toy, the first manufacturing method is suitable.

Video: Paper sword from Minecraft using a printout.


A handmade paper sword is pleasant to hold in your hands. Store-bought plastic cannot distinguish this. In addition, the product does not harm the environment, does not cause harm and brings only pleasure to its creator.

The creative process does not take so much time, especially the option with a template. But in the end there will be an excellent addition to the game image and a new toy.

The sword at all times fascinated both connoisseurs of edged weapons and simple lovers. It was valued as a weapon, decoration, relic, or simply a piece of art. However, today the use of the sword has become even wider - it has become an integral part of the costume, cosplay, just fan paraphernalia. A real sword is an expensive thing and not always available. Plus, using a real sword as part of a costume can be problematic due to its heavy weight or lack of authenticity. In this case, there are many schemes and teaching aids(tutorials) on how to make a paper sword.

Origami: simplicity and beauty

One of the most popular, but at the same time difficult paper sword making techniques is the art of origami. This guide took only the basics of origami, so as not to complicate the creation process too much. Depending on the size of the desired weapon, select a leaf desired paper. This guide focuses on A4 as the standard paper size. Cut the sheet to a square - you should get the right rectangle with equal parties. The multi-colored sides of the paper will allow you to better navigate. In our case, pink is the face, and purple is the wrong side.

The result is not an Asian blade traditional for origami, but a sword that is quite close to current trends.

You can use black and silver paper to make the sword more realistic.

In order for the origami sword, which involves a large number of creases and excludes an error (otherwise it will look unaesthetic), to be more dense and reliable, we recommend using thickened paper or decorative cardboard. Practice for plain sheets before creating the final version.

For a better understanding of the art of origami, you should refer not only to schematic guides, but also to videos. So you can better understand where and how to wring the paper.

Minecraft: DIY Legendary Blade

The world of Minecraft is not only an original, but also a very eye-catching gaming space. Many cosplayers or just fans want to get themselves some little thing from this game - a kind of artifact that will become part of the fan image. All Minecraft swords are of the same type in appearance, but it is the diamond one that stands out slightly from the general range with its bright colors. He is the most sought-after fan-staff among fans of the game. But instead of spending money on a purchase and painfully waiting for the delivery of a treasured toy, you can create such a sword yourself.

This tutorial is designed for a half-meter length (45 cm) of the sword, which makes it seem very canonical and realistic. Such a blade will easily fall into the hand, it will be possible to swing it. It does not require special skills or skill. It just takes a little care and patience. Print each image shown on glossy photo paper in portrait size, i.e. 20 x 30. This standard size album sheet.

For clarity, let's denote which part each picture represents:

  • The blade itself.
  • Side edges of the blade.
  • The first part of the handle.
  • The second part of the handle.
  • Side of the handle.
  • Finished diamond blade.

You can print the resulting pictures by slicing them in Photoshop, but if you need a larger size, then carefully redraw them in the program with a large scale.

These picture sheets should be carefully cut and folded as shown. Both parts and creases must be glued together with strong glue, which is designed to work with photo paper or thick cardboard.

Other swords: easier guides

If you are just starting to practice in such a kind of needlework, then it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with the work of those bloggers who have already eaten more than one dog in this matter. For example, the famous Matita has his own channel on a well-known video resource, where he shows how to make collages of various kinds of weapons from improvised materials. There, this very peculiar inventor demonstrates how to create a sword from a popsicle stick and much more. It will be useful for amateurs to familiarize themselves with what unusual uses can be found for the most ordinary things or even garbage.

Sword made of cardboard and tape

Simple tutorials can teach you less complicated ways to make a paper sword. The next blade is made only from paper tubes. To do this, you need to twist 2 tubes of double-sided colored cardboard and fix them in this position. Place the smaller and narrower tube perpendicular to the first one where the handle should be.

Fasten the tubes in this position with black or other tape to match the color of the cardboard, but not transparent - with it the sword will lose solidity. Sharpen the end of the blade tube by cutting off a piece on both sides so that the tip resembles a triangle. Fasten with tape. Ready!

Sword from The Lord of the Rings

To make this weapon, you will need not only the standard set of cardboard, scissors and glue, but also phosphorescent paint along with a piece of plastic. Find a sword shape chart first, or use whatever you like. Print it out and cut along the outline on cardboard. Repeat the same with plastic: circle the outline of the sword on it and cut it out. To work, you will need polycarbonate plastic.

Fill all the edges with sealant, and then, when it is taken, make a small hole in the sword under the handle - phosphorescent paint is poured there. It will be canonical to use blue, but you can choose any color that you like. Pour the paint with a syringe or through a tube. Make sure that it spreads around the entire perimeter of the blade. When the paint is filled, cover the hole with tape or a drop of sealant. Hold the sword up. Ready! In the dark, it glows delightfully and has a very mystical appearance. Don't forget to paint the handle for more realism.

It is important to make sure that all the sealant is dry before pouring the luminous paint. Otherwise, the paint will spill out and the sword will be damaged.