The meaning of the name Nicole, history and fate. Secret meaning: the name Nicole is passionate, but temperamental

From the name of a person depends on his main line of fate. The main features of a person's character depend on it.

What does the name Nicole mean? What is the origin and history of the name Nicole?

The meaning of the name Nicole

Nicole is a "winner". The name has Scandinavian roots and several interpretations. According to the first of them, the name has the meaning "winner". According to the second - translated from French, the name means "winner of the peoples."

Whatever kind of interpretation of the name Nicole is chosen, it characterizes a woman as militant, stubborn, strong. The planet that patronizes Nicole is Saturn. Planet of destruction and global change.

The color that suits the girl more than others is green, blue, red. And all their combinations. A stone that can become a talisman for a girl is green marble, turquoise. The zodiac sign that patronizes her is Aries and Scorpio. He defines the girl's personality as resistant to stressful situations.

Origin and history of the name Nicole

The Scandinavian origin of the name speaks of its ancient roots. The meaning of the name Nicole "victorious of nations" means that the girls named by him were prepared for the life of a warrior. The name Nicole is widespread in Europe. It gained its popularity in the Middle Ages.

The abbreviated name is used in the following forms - Nikusya, Nikushka. In Spain, the name is used in the form - Nicholas, In Romania - Nikulin, in Germany - Nicoletta. The name Nicole is not mentioned in the Christian tradition, so she does not celebrate her name day. Baptizing her under a different name chosen by her parents.

The character and fate of Nicole

Nicole evokes rather strange emotions in others. People close to her are well aware of all the roughness of her character, those who meet a girl for the first time are surprised how one can be so direct. At the same time, it can even be overly serious.

Positive character traits of Nicole:






As a little girl, Nicole is distinguished by curiosity, mobility. She always creates a lot of trouble for her loved ones. It is difficult for her to sit in one place for a long time, she must constantly be busy with something, do something. Parents are better off free time engage in various hobbies and activities. In sports, she will be weak, but music and dancing will bring her real pleasure.

Since the girl is very dreamy, she often gets into a mess. What does the name Nicole mean? "Winner"? Indeed, the girl will repeatedly be forced to defeat herself in order to get the desired result. She will have to work hard to get what she wants. This can apply to both work and personal relationships. Nicole, nothing is given in life the first time.

Due to disappointments in people, betrayal and resentment, the girl becomes callous, dull and rude. She may not communicate for a long time with those with whom she was friends yesterday, she may refuse relations with a man because of her inner loneliness. Nicole is often depressed. She may even like this state, which is why she chooses only positive and cheerful people as her friends.

She always wants to learn something new, she constantly strives for self-improvement. But at the same time, he will not miss the moment to mourn, remember the past, burst into tears. At work, she is very restrained and does not show emotions, but when she comes home and is left alone with herself, Nicole can sobly recall the brunt of the past day.

Thanks to her sociability, Nicole remarkably realizes herself in marketing, journalism, and politics. But she needs to constantly feel that she is the main one, that she is important, that she is being judged on her merits. Therefore, Nicole often changes jobs. She has conflicts with subordinates and colleagues, after which she immediately changes jobs.

The character and fate of Nicole determine her weak features. She is weak in business, because she herself will not be able to develop it, and she simply does not want to share her money with someone else. Nicole is often eager to help those who live worse than her, those orphans, single mothers, sick people. She participates in charity, tries to be socially useful. This attracts new acquaintances to her.

Nicole has few friends. Only people who have been tested by time and situations remain among her friends. She has a lot of plans for the future, but at the same time, she does not fully know how to implement them. The problem of a girl can be absent-mindedness and emotionality. If she does not find the opportunity to realize herself, then she becomes angry and cruel. Therefore, Nicole should constantly look for options for the development of creativity, for activities to her liking.

Love Nicole

For Nicole, the relationship experience that her parents had was important. If a girl was brought up only by her mother, she becomes distrustful of men. At the same time, he begins to look for the real perfect man. When she realizes that he simply does not exist, she begins to get upset and lose interest in relationships.

Wisdom comes to Nicole only with experience. It is worth noting that at an older age she becomes selfish and wants men to devote a lot of time to her. She wants to find someone who will live for her.

Nicole's marriage is usually late and the partner insists on it more. That is why girls with this name often give birth to their first children after thirty years. Personal life for Nicole is always more important financial well-being. She can give up work, friends, even family people for the sake of building strong relationships with a partner.

Giving herself completely to a man, she hopes to receive the same act in return. But without receiving proper care and love, Nicole ceases to believe in the future of relationships. She is very stubborn and selfish. This repels men with frivolous intentions. Nicole usually has one marriage, which she strives to make happy.

Meaning: conqueror of nations; conqueror

The meaning of the name Nicole - interpretation

The name Nicole is of Scandinavian origin. FROM French it is translated as "the conqueror of nations". The stress is on the last syllable, but in some countries a version with the stress on the first has appeared - it is quite rare and interesting. One of the common abbreviations is Nika, which can act short form other names and be used independently.

Nicole name in other languages

Years later

Little Nicole is a great joy for parents. A gentle, sensitive and obedient girl pleases everyone around her with her existence. She loves everything bright and interesting, changes outfits with pleasure, allows her mother to experiment with hairstyles.

As a child, Nika spends a lot of time with books, dolls, she likes a calm and measured rest. The baby studies very well, always strives to earn the teacher's praise, especially if she likes the teacher. Although it can not be considered a 100 percent excellent student.

Nicole looks like a fragile angel and even sometimes gives the impression of a silly woman, but it is too deceptive. She is able to stand up for herself and for another person. In it, as if by a click, they turn on volitional qualities, courage and speed of reaction.

Young Nicole goes through a serious journey in shaping her image. It is extremely important for her to find that version of her appearance in which she will feel good and harmonious. Usually she stops at femininity, because she understands that this is her strong weapon.

Refined, refined, similar to a Frenchwoman, the girl turns the heads of the guys. She likes it, but Nicole does not abuse her ability. To the feelings of others is delicate, attentive, will try to do everything possible so as not to offend anyone.

Nicole has a cheerful disposition. We are talking about a social girl who does not like to sit still. Therefore, she moves a lot and actively spends time. For example, a young lady will never refuse a noisy party in the company of good friends.

As an adult, Nicole takes on some tougher personality traits. They are formed under the influence of external circumstances. Nika understands that not all people are friendly, so from time to time she needs to fight back.

But this does not in the least affect the femininity, natural softness and charm of a woman with this name. This is a passionate and sentimental nature, but only the closest people can see the whole storm of emotions. It is on relatives and friends that she is ready to bring down all her passions.

The rest communicate with her as an emphatically polite and diplomatic person - in such situations it is difficult to understand whether this is caused by upbringing or a good attitude on the part of the girl. But, in general, Nicole is not at all alien to the duality of nature.

Character Nicole

Responsive, gentle, this girl is able to envelop anyone with warmth and care. She's setting up a good relationship with people, always has a number of friends and like-minded people. Nicole does not get tired of studying, devotes a lot of time to self-education, visiting various new places. She will make a wonderful friend, a hardworking worker, a responsible colleague.

Nicole is not able to be offended for a long time, although she often blames people for their thoughtless attitude to life. He tries to charge everyone around with a positive attitude to the situation. In difficult times, such a person becomes a real ray, thanks to which others do not become discouraged.

Power can significantly change the character of Nika. But this is not due to star disease or pride. It's just that a woman feels a colossal responsibility, and this makes all the toughest qualities manifest.

She strictly controls her subordinates, does not forgive negligence and lack of professionalism, as well as too little dedication to her work. She may be considered picky, but Nicole never makes comments for pleasure or self-affirmation. By his example, he does not always successfully try to show how to work.

Fate Nicole

In life, Nicole usually gets what she dreams of. She has a highly developed imagination: she can imagine every dream in the smallest detail. This visualization often attracts events that make the most incredible goal achievable.

This woman is able to find the right approach absolutely anyone. It is enough for her to use her natural intuition to discover strong and weak spots interlocutor, find leverage for manipulation. But this does not mean that Nika will shamelessly use such a skill. Only in rare cases does she resort to such a technique. In communication and everyday life, Nicole is a rather comfortable person with whom it is always a pleasure to chat.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Nika is an energetic, courageous, enterprising employee who eventually becomes a leader. He is not able to trample or humiliate someone, but he will always put the upstart in his place. He achieves good results and makes good money.

With pleasure it will become part of the family business, if the husband wants it. Nika will never work just for show - even if the director is a spouse, she strives to give herself completely to work in order to bring tangible benefits.

Marriage and family

He tries to enter into marriage for love, but not without a certain amount of calculation. Nicole is simply not able to live in modest or even poor conditions. She needs financial freedom and a generous husband. But the woman herself will earn a lot, she never seeks to sit on her neck and turn into an eternal housewife.

At home, this woman is able to create amazing comfort, give everyone time and attention. He always makes sure that the father is an indisputable authority for children, therefore he builds a classic patriarchal family. But this does not mean that her opinion will be in the background: Nicole is an example of a wise woman who can skillfully manage the situation.

Sex and love

Nicole has been looking for that same man for a long time, with whom you can fall in love completely and irrevocably. Often mistaken, because he draws an unrealistic image in his imagination. Over time, she realizes that she has come up with an unattainable ideal, and lowers the bar a little and immediately finds the ideal candidate. Nika is capable of a selfless, all-consuming feeling, but never loses her dignity.

She is sincerely able to love only that man who loves her first and makes her life comfortable. In sex, Nicole is distinguished by tenderness, caring. She gets tremendous pleasure when a man highly appreciates her skills, so she is ready to constantly learn something new, unusual. She needs a partner with whom she can always feel safe.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Nicole, its origin, history, learn about the interpretation of the name.

  • Color Nicole Nicole - red, greenish blue, silver gray
  • Talisman stone Nicole Nicole – turquoise, green marble

What does the name Nicole mean?: The name Nicole is of Scandinavian origin.

The name Nicole is of Scandinavian origin. And, as always, there are several versions of its occurrence. So, according to one of them, the meaning of the name Nicole is “the winner of the peoples” (translated from French). The stress is placed on both the second and the first syllable.

The name Nicole may even sound differently depending on the country in which it is popular. For example, in Spain it will be Nicolas, in Germany it will be Nicoletta, in Romania it will be Nikulina, in the Czech Republic it will be Nikola, in Poland it will be Nicola, etc.

Short meaning of the name Nicole: Nikusya, Nikushka, Nikushka.

Nicole Angel Day: It must be said that Nicoli's name day is not mentioned in Orthodox calendar. But today they celebrate the Catholic name day of Coletta and at the same time celebrate the day of the angel Nicoli. It happens on March 6th.

Nicole zodiac: Aries, Scorpio.

Name characteristic

Positive features: A girl named Nicole is active, mobile, does not tolerate routine and cannot sit in one place. Nicole is distinguished by curiosity and sociability, if desired, it is quite easy to converge with others.

Negative Traits: Nicole is a real mystery to others. Some people even think she's weird. In fact, Nicole, despite her outward calmness, can be very emotional and groovy.

Personality of the name Nicole: What does the name Nicole mean? She is inherently distrustful, which is why outwardly Nicole can demonstrate emphasized politeness, being closed from the inside. She literally selects close people from total weight, but if he lets them into his life, then he is certainly 100% sure of them.

Nicole and her personal life

Love and marriage: Since childhood, the name Nicole dreams of marriage. Relations between parents largely leave an imprint on her future - by analogy, Nicole will subsequently begin to build her own marriage. Nicole is very worried about parental quarrels, trying in such cases to hide from others and concentrate on some activity that requires complete immersion and concentration.

Name day Nika

Saints: The Holy Martyr Nike and her virgin friends died for the Christian faith.

The meaning of the name Nika

Nika means "victory".

Origin of the name Nika

Name mystery analysis Nika it makes sense to start with the origin. Name history Nika has ancient Greek roots. And it comes from the Greek word ??????, which means "victory."

Characteristics of the name Nick according to D.N. Zima

The nature of the name Nika is such that its owner is quite acutely able to react to external circumstances, although these feelings will not leave any noticeable trace in Nika's soul. A woman with this name is too receptive to every current minute. However, she has a balanced and logical mindset.

So, thanks to the nature of her name, Nika can fantastically develop her own intuition or even become a psychic.

Otherwise, Nika is not much different from others, except perhaps nice name. She has self-esteem, although, as a rule, it is devoid of soreness, she is quite balanced and confident in the team. That is, the most ordinary woman with an ordinary fate, but with an amazing ability to sometimes see what each of us cannot see.

If today you and Nika had a conflict, then this does not mean that tomorrow she will still remember about it, so you should not worry too much, it’s better to just come up and make peace. In general, if you do not hurt her pride, it is enough to simply communicate with her, especially for someone who is endowed with a sense of humor.

What does the name Nika mean according to B. Higiru

According to the description of the name Nika according to B. Khigir, the bearers of this name combine a sober analytical mind, the ability to draw correct conclusions with fantastically sensitive intuition.

From a woman named Nika you can often hear: “It seems to me”, “I feel”, and her premonitions almost never deceive. In addition, she has a very rich imagination, a sparkling fantasy, a love of exaggeration.

Nika is impressionable and often falls in love: if she meets, as she believes, her male ideal, then without thinking she rushes into the pool with her head. However, after that, having cooled down and disappointed in the subject of his passion, he just as quickly breaks off all relations with him. The latter applies more to Nick born in winter, while those born in summer are very reluctant to open their souls, so that even those close to them do not always know what is happening inside them.

In accordance with the interpretation of the name E. Grushko, Y. Medvedev

Nika, as a rule, becomes a victim of the exorbitant ambition of her parents: they believe that a “victorious” name should elevate her daughter to the heights of glory. And therefore they send the child to several circles at once: figure skating, foreign languages, equestrian sport, tennis, etc. The girl, of course, does not have enough strength for everything, she is prone to frequent illnesses, even mental breakdowns take place. To get rid of the despotism of her parents, Nika often jumps out to get married right after school. In marriage, it turns out that the girl has not been taught anything about the housework; you have to learn from your mother-in-law, but here everything happens through tears and bickering. THEN how it will develop further family relationships, completely depends on Nika's husband, because only under his leadership will the owner of this name be able to achieve victories in life.

Derivatives of the name Nika

Variants of the name Nick: Nicole, Nicoletta, Nikolina.

Diminutive pet names of Nika: Nikusha, Nikusya, Nikushka.

Nick's name in different languages:

  • Nick's name in Danish: Nike
  • Nick's name in English: Nike
  • Nick's name in Slovenian: Nike

Famous Nicky:

  • Nike is the ancient Greek goddess of victory.
  • Nike of Samothrace - ancient Greek marble sculpture goddess Nike, found on the island of Samothrace.
  • Nika Glen (1928-2005) - Russian translator.
  • Nika Rakitina (1963) - Belarusian science fiction writer.
  • Nika Turbina (1974-2002) - Russian poetess.
The awareness of your own elegance gives you a sense of self-confidence. It is important for you to be “well dressed”, fit, solid. Sometimes your appearance can serve as a kind of shield for you, allowing you to isolate yourself from people with whom you this moment for some reason it is undesirable for you. At the same time, your appearance, sometimes quite colorful, but always correct, disposes to you, arouses sympathy.

Nicole name compatibility, manifestation in love

Nicole, It’s not that you are completely incapable of manifestations of love and tenderness, but business comes first to you, and you will choose a partner, based mainly on how much they can share your life interests. Manifestations of strength of character, purposefulness and ambition mean immeasurably more to you than sensuality and external attractiveness. In a marriage, if it happens, you will first of all appreciate in a partner the ability to be imbued with your ideas and the ability to provide support.


You strive to "embrace the immensity." Your soul yearns for everything that a person can possess. And - to the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, for you, one might say, does not exist. You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes you.

The wishes of those around you when making a decision, if they are taken into account, then only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that it is possible and necessary to force them to “go in a water team” with you, in the direction you have chosen.

And here is the opportunity to see everything from a different angle. You need assistance from outside, and above all - as a "restraining beginning." Otherwise, you may want to "turn the earth".

But if you are forced to use other people's opportunities, then you need to learn how to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the more chances you have to keep your soul clean and your heart healthy.