The best pumpkin ideas for Halloween. The biggest and coolest pumpkin for Halloween: Zombiepocalypse! Paper pumpkins without and with glue

If you are new to the difficult task of carving, we recommend starting with the classics and making a regular Jack-o'-lantern. The “face” of such a pumpkin is familiar to everyone: its nose and eyes are in the form of triangles, and its mouth is ominously bared. For the lamp to be a success, the main thing is to choose a round and as symmetrical vegetable as possible. You need to wash the pumpkin, degrease the surface with alcohol, cut off the “cap” and scoop out the pulp and seeds with a spoon. Then apply the desired design and cut it out with a knife. To prevent the vegetable from drying out, it is good to coat the inside with Vaseline or fatty cream. Finally, place a candle inside or electric garland.

Who said Halloween pumpkins have to be scary? Her “face” can be given any expression, or you can not limit yourself to just this, creating entire compositions! Funny pumpkins, angry and predatory pumpkins, pumpkins with teeth, winking, scared, laughing - all these variations can make a bright impression on your guests on Halloween.

In the West, pumpkins are mostly carved by children, so it is not surprising that Spidermen, Pokemon, members of the Addams family and other fictional characters look at passers-by from the threshold of every house. At the same time, it is not necessary to completely copy the image of the hero; some characteristic detail is enough. For example, for Bart and Ernie from Sesame Street, these are round noses, furry eyebrows and forelocks. If this method of preparing a pumpkin seems too complicated for you, you can simply paint a face on it with acrylic paints.

The mummy is a popular image for Halloween, so why not give it a pumpkin twist? To do this, you don’t even have to do carving; you can simply wrap the vegetable in bandages and draw a mouth on top and glue on the eyes. If you want to end up with a lantern, you will still have to make several holes. Preparatory stage the same as for any Jack-o'-lantern: wash, degrease, clean out the cavity, cut out the face.

Zombies are another popular Halloween image, and a pumpkin looks great with it. The main thing for such a character is to make a leaking brain, which will require a fair amount of tinkering. As in standard version, the fruit needs to be washed, the cavity should be cleaned through the side hole, the nose, mouth and eyes should be cut out. Then cut off the skin at the top of the pumpkin, leaving a fairly thin layer of pulp. Then it’s just a matter of small things - using a pen, manicure stick or other thin object to depict the brain’s convolutions and folds.

A pumpkin in the shape of a witch’s house looks interesting, and if you have the strength and desire, you can create an entire witchcraft quarter. Making a hut is even easier than a regular Jack-o'-lantern. To do this, you need to apply a design to the surface of the vegetable, and then cut out windows, doors, the moon, stars and other details of your composition. Finally, don’t forget to place a candle inside the pumpkin. The mysterious light pouring from the windows of the house will remind you and your guests that you are not the only one who does not sleep on Halloween night.

If all the options above do not impress you, then we suggest making a smoking pumpkin. To do this you will need glycerin, which is easy to buy at a pharmacy or craft supply store, and can. The pumpkin needs to be cleaned from the inside and the face cut out, then a lighted candle should be placed in the vegetable. Cut the tin in half, leaving the “legs”: you should get something like an aroma lamp. Cover the candle with this structure and pour glycerin into the recess on top. When exposed to heat, it will smoke, creating a truly demonic effect.

This lantern is suitable for those who have already gained enough experience over the previous holidays. Cutting out a pattern or some kind of picture (especially with an abundance of small details) is much more difficult than the usual Jack's face. The best option for beginners, use a paper stencil that needs to be attached with tape to the pumpkin. Walk along the contours of the design with an awl and only then take up the knife. Important nuance: the more complex the pattern, the thinner the walls of the pumpkin should be.

Such a pumpkin will not be able to become a full-fledged Jack-o-lantern, but it is quite a cute detail of the festive interior. In this case, there is no need to cut off the stalk, extract the pulp with seeds and think about how best to put a candle. But you will have to take care of something else - a decent set of tools for carving. Wood cutters are ideal, but you can try using a peeling knife. To make it easier, you should cut out the design using a stencil.

The night from November 31 to November 1 is traditionally considered a gloomy holiday associated with the rampant evil spirits and the change of seasons. According to ancient beliefs, it is the bright light of a candle enclosed in a pumpkin that can drive away the undead. The grinning mouth of the orange vegetable symbolizes the head of Irish Jack's lantern, which was able to circle the devil himself several times!

Since then, according to legend, Jack's restless soul wanders around the world, illuminating his path with a pumpkin with coal, which became Satan's last gift.

How to make a Halloween pumpkin: unconventional ideas

There are several ways to make your own Halloween pumpkin. The richer your imagination, the more terrifying your pumpkin will turn out. You can use fabric, paper, plaster, plasticine and any materials suitable for making crafts at home.

  • You can make a pumpkin from an orange balloon by coloring it accordingly.
  • Make a pumpkin out of papier-mâché: just find a frame for this adhesive mass to mold a round shape for the future pumpkin.
  • Be sure to thoroughly dry the papier-mâché craft and decorate it with suitable colors.
  • You can make a pumpkin from plastic: just cut out the future pumpkin using a ready-made stencil, paint it with permanent paint or cover it with colored paper.
  • If you know how to sew, you can make a Jack-O-Lantern from an orange piece of fabric or an old pumpkin-colored sock.

How to carve a Halloween pumpkin with your own hands

To make a spooky jack-o'-lantern for Halloween, you first need to choose the right vegetable. Choose a large and ripe orange pumpkin, pay attention to the shape: the pumpkin should be as round as possible.

  • Required Tools:
  • A sharp knife with a durable blade;
  • A tablespoon with a strong handle;
  • Stencil for “face”;
  • Felt pen;
  • Candle.
  1. Cut off the top of the pumpkin to make a lid: the hole itself can be any shape you wish.
  2. Use a spoon to scoop out all the insides: seeds and most of the pulp. The edible part of the pumpkin can be used for cooking.
  3. Draw a scary face on the front of the pumpkin using a stencil or yourself. How bigger hole on the “face” of the pumpkin, the easier it is to cut them out with a knife.
  4. Use a knife to make a small indentation at the bottom of the pumpkin so you can secure a candle in it.
  5. Once everything is ready, you can place a candle in the pumpkin and light it. Cover the pumpkin with a lid so that the glow is even, with a lantern effect.
  6. To prevent the candle flame from dying out quickly, dry the pumpkin thoroughly at room temperature or in the fresh air.
  7. For a special effect, you can tint the face red to create a “bloody grin” or steal the pumpkin with a hat (but you need to make sure that the flame does not set this headdress on fire).

Halloween Pumpkin Crafts

  • Several small pumpkins can be combined into one craft: just thread a long wire through the vegetables to make it, round the edges and tie them together to create a “round dance”. Insert small round candles inside each pumpkin and wrap a garland of lights or ribbon around the wire.
  • Small pumpkins can be decorated with paper witch hats and hung from the ceiling.
  • Especially creative people can be advised to make a whole scarecrow. Place the pumpkin head on a wooden stick or a pre-prepared scarecrow body frame, complement the image with unnecessary clothing or wrap it in dry straw.
  • A pumpkin can make a great bag for going to a party: tie a string to the top edges of a small pumpkin, thread a chain, ribbon or plastic handle from a disposable ice cream bucket container.
  • Small pumpkins can be used to decorate the table as a decorative table setting: complement the still life of orange vegetables with candles, sprigs of dried flowers and themed figurines.

Paper Halloween pumpkin

To make a paper Halloween pumpkin, stock up on:

  • Thick double-sided colored paper;
  • Hole puncher;
  • Scotch tape;
  • Wire.
  1. Cut colored paper into strips of equal length and width.
  2. Fold each paper strip in half and iron it exactly in the center.
  3. Make a hole at the bend with a hole punch.
  4. Make holes at the ends of each strip, so each strip will have three holes: 2 at the ends and one in the middle.
  5. Pass the wire through the hole in the middle and secure with tape.
  6. String the strips on the wire like beads.
  7. Finally, secure the edges with tape. Ready!


History stores somewhere deep in its annals, under seven silver seals, the memory of a certain Jack, an Irishman, who for the first time in history the newest world decided to have fun with the Devil himself, brazenly fooling him.

And it was like that. Jack was known in the area as a stingy and cruel farmer who often visited the local inn. He always borrowed a couple of glasses of strong liquor there, drank, and got rowdy to the fullest. But that evening they refused to give him a drink without money. And then the Lord of Hell offered his services to the distressed Jack. Like, I'll pay for your drink, and you'll give me your soul. Everything is like in the best modern scenarios of horror films beloved by many. Jack accepted the offer without hesitation. He really wanted to drink. And the Devil, in order to pay for alcohol, turned into a coin. And Jack, instead of paying the innkeeper, took that coin and put it in his pocket, where he always wore his mother’s silver cross. Oh, and what happened to the Unclean One! He began to cry and beg to be released “from God’s bosom,” and he agreed to accept any of Jack’s conditions. And he, in addition to several years of comfortable and carefree life on this Earth, asked to sign an oath according to which the Devil would never take his soul to Hell! He was very cunning, that Jack!

After living happily for several more years, Jack died. But the road to Paradise was closed for him (after all, on earth he was a notorious sinner), and the Devil, fulfilling the terms of the agreement, did not take him to Hell. Rumor has it that the distressed Jack still wanders the earth as a restless soul between Heaven and Hell. Although, accompanying the poor fellow on such a hopeless journey, the Devil decided to do a good deed for him: he took out several coals from the hellish fire and gave them to Jack so that he could light his way. And Jack, so that the Evil One’s gift would last him longer, cut a lantern out of a turnip and placed the coals inside. Superstitious people believe that Jack still roams the earth with his lantern, illuminating the path with smoldering embers of hell.

In Ancient England and Ireland, Jack with a turnip lantern was a constant hero of mystical street theatrical performances on All Saints' Night (from October 31 to November 1). He symbolized a reminder of Hell as such, and at the same time - protected the houses of the decent, good people from evil spirits. But when Halloween “migrated” to the North American continent, turnips were replaced with pumpkins. To this day, no one knows for sure why this is so. And it doesn’t matter at all! After all, the main thing is that the fact remains undeniable: the Jack-O-lantern, with candles inside and a unique scary “entourage” outside, has become an absolute symbol of the unusual night holiday. Even in our country, far from American traditions(and the scale of the celebration) almost every year they hold a competition for the most original pumpkin-lantern. For those who are planning to take part in something similar, here are our next ten extraordinary pumpkin ideas!

1. Pumpkin - standard face

To begin with, let's learn how to make the simplest face. And now that we’ve got our hands full, let’s try to do something more complicated! Follow the instructions!

1 step. Cut a hole in the pumpkin. In order to make a lantern with a face, you need to take a medium-sized pumpkin, almost even and symmetrical in shape. Cut off the cap and tail.

Step 2. Select internals. Then, using a special scraper that looks like a plaster spatula, carefully select the pumpkin pulp and seeds. Rinse and dry the finished casing.

Step 3. Draw a picture. First, draw a full-scale face (the kind you would like to see on a pumpkin) on a piece of paper. Then, attach the paper template to the pumpkin and use a sharp awl to transfer the design from the paper to the berry.

Step 4 Cut out the drawing. Remove the template and use a jigsaw to cut out the mouth, nose and eyes of the “horror lantern”. You can also use a drill with a ½- or 3/4-inch bit to cut hard-to-reach areas.

Step 5 Light. To illuminate the face, you can use either a standard candle or an electric garland. If you prefer the candle option, be sure to follow the rules fire safety. Also, to prevent the pumpkin from darkening in particularly hot areas, lubricate it thoroughly from the inside. sunflower oil or Vaseline. If you like the option with a garland, secure it inside the pumpkin so that the wires and light bulbs do not touch each other ( ideal option- wind the garland onto a glass jar). For good lighting For medium-sized pumpkins, a garland with 20 lights will be enough.

If you don’t want to bother too much with the “face,” you can make a simpler pumpkin lantern: first, carefully cut off the “lid” of the pumpkin, then scoop out the pulp and seeds with a spoon, and let them dry a little. Then drill neat holes, giving their combination the shape of an intricate pattern.

And one more “pumpkin-technical” tip: you can cut holes in the pumpkin using a regular hammer and metal molds for cookies. Place the mold in the desired location and carefully, gently tapping with a hammer, make a hole.

That's it! Be scared for your health! These five steps are the algorithm for making a Jack-O-Lantern pumpkin for Halloween. Based on them (adding advice with cookie cutters and openwork cuttings electric drill) you can make many interesting, mysterious, very creative and even glamorous lamps. Don't believe me? Then read on quickly!

2. Pumpkins-emotions

With a little effort creative imagination You can create a unique theater of emotions from pumpkins! Thanks to you, your pumpkins will be formidable and stern, or they will smile benignly at your guests! All you have to do is change the angle of your smile and the shape of your eyes!

You can slightly enhance the effect of “pumpkin emotion” by initially painting each berry white and black. Black pumpkins, naturally, will be on the side of evil (and therefore will show their crooked teeth), and white ones will be on the side of good (these, of course, will smile sweetly at passers-by).

Well, this family cannot help but touch you! They look like children's favorite ghosts from the cartoon "Casper". Such a range of emotions on their orange faces is simply a masterpiece of an artist who worked on them with all his soul!

The highlight of your personal pumpkin at the Festival of Darkness may be the similarity of your appearance with the appearance of the character in your hands. Thread hair, a cap, beads - and you are almost the same person!

Another interesting approach to decorating pumpkins is drawing faces. The emotions of such creatures are much brighter! However, there is one drawback - their faces are visible only during the day; the “night illumination” will not be visible through the painted eyes.

This kind pumpkin also has painted eyes. But really, the main work of art here is not even her herself, but her intricate witch hat, decorated with leaves, berries, and branches! Super! With such a pumpkin you will definitely win the competition!

You need to draw faces on these pumpkins waterproof paints technical purpose, or - use an applique by cutting out “details of the face” from metallized cardboard or plain colored paper!

Another interesting element, which also works great to enhance emotions - furry eyebrows and mustaches glued to the pumpkin using rubber glue. What do you think of these hot Caucasian men?

3. Pumpkins - fairy-tale characters

In the United States, it is mainly children who make jack-o'-lanterns for Halloween. Accordingly, many of the mysterious “coal” creatures resemble modern monsters and good superheroes. Among my favorites fairy tale characters Children most often embody superheroes from The Incredibles in pumpkins - Elastigirl, the kids, Ice, etc.

Although, you can often see a pumpkin in the window - a special agent who is trying to blend in with his surroundings in order to see and hear as much as possible...

However, among the fairy-tale creatures - pumpkins, you can also find a pumpkin in a magic cap, a theatrical mask and a friendly smile on its fiery red face.

Well, the most beloved hero of last year, embodied in a pumpkin, was Mike Wazovsky, the green, one-eyed, good-natured monster from “Monsters, Inc.” Making such a pumpkin is not difficult. True, it is important to be able to draw well, since the monster’s face is not cut out, but rather applied with permanent paint in several stages. First - the green base color, then (when it dries) - the white of the huge eye, and only then - the pupil, horns and mouth.

Well, there is one more undisputed leader, who can quite deservedly be given the audience award - the pumpkin - Spiderman. A very organic look for Halloween, isn't it?

4. Pumpkins are mummies

The mummy is also one of the leaders of the “October masquerade of evil spirits.” Among the screenwriters of Hollywood horror films, this image does not lose its popularity, and accordingly, it is the first thing that comes to mind before making a pumpkin for fans of such films. If you also love films about risen mummies, dress up your pumpkin in bandages in preparation for All Saints' Day!

Bright tennis balls (instead of eyes) and black spiders can be interesting expressive details for this image of a mummy pumpkin!

5. Pumpkins - black cats, bats, owls

When preparing a pumpkin for Halloween, you don’t have to limit your imagination to the image of the restless Jack, the drunkard, and his lantern. You can look deeper into the philosophy of the holiday, for example, remember the constant companions and helpers of all evil forces: scarecrow night owls, bats, and, of course, witchy black cats!

6. Pumpkin is a vampire

Another pumpkin option is the orange vampire! Its fundamental difference from other pumpkins we described earlier is that it has a “false jaw” with real, huge fangs!

To make such a pumpkin bloodsucker you will need: a jigsaw (to carefully cut out all the necessary holes), two tailor's pins with large red “heads” and a plastic jaw (which can be bought at any theater props store).

7. Prefabricated compositions with pumpkins

And sometimes, for an artist to satisfy the flight of his imagination, the chosen canvas is not enough. If you’re getting really excited while preparing for Halloween, and one pumpkin isn’t enough for you to embody the image of the hero you’d like to see at the door of your house on Scary Night, no problem! You can connect several pumpkins together and create a three-dimensional composition! Put a robe on her, like this one, and get the most original pumpkin.

For example, make this giant orange spider,

or create a pumpkin snowman (after all, winter is just around the corner!).

8. Pumpkins are intricate works of art.

And since we’re talking about complex and voluminous pumpkin compositions, we’ll offer you a few more options that (if you like them) will have to tinker with a lot! But believe me, the game is worth the candle (both directly and figurative meaning this statement)! We guarantee that no one will have a repeat at your personal exhibition! Now let's explain why.

For example, to make such a ferocious Viking with a baby in his mouth, you need to have not only manual dexterity and skill in using a tool, but also enormous artistic talent, skills in creating theatrical masks, taste, and good light perception.

Well, the witch is worthy of all praise! By the way, great idea make a hole for a candle with opposite side(leaving the lid with the tail intact). The old woman didn’t even have to model her nose! Nature took care of everything!

9. Glamorous pumpkins

As you can see, we have gradually moved from scary to beautiful (after all, art is beautiful!), We can talk a little about pumpkin sparkling glamor. After all, it is not at all necessary that all Halloween faces be evil and scary! On this night there is certainly a place for goodness (it has always been so, because remember that white always defeats black!). And in general, sometimes you can convey the emotion of a holiday without even modeling the faces themselves! Here are some creative ones, good examples very glamorous pumpkins for the holiday - color, sparkles, lace - everything about them!

You can also master the technique by Halloween decorative painting. A painted pumpkin is creative, original and beautiful, and you can also say with one hundred percent certainty that you will not find a second pumpkin like this anywhere else. This is also a great gift for guests at the end of the celebration! In order to recreate such beauty, you will need simple brushes, acrylic paint, several glass contours and a pair of toothpicks.

10. Pumpkin - a carriage for Cinderella

And, of course, finishing our short pumpkin educational program, we cannot forget about the wonderful fairy tale on which more than one generation of our Russian girls has grown up! Remember how the beautiful Fairy Godmother turned a pumpkin into a carriage for Cinderella? If you want to show off your originality, make something similar for the pumpkin holiday - fabulous, magical and incredibly beautiful!

I hope you enjoyed our pumpkin tutorial! And our top ten world pumpkin ideas have inspired you to create something extraordinary, fabulous, your own! Try, experiment, turn your fantasies into pumpkin images! I am sure that very soon we will be offering your works to our readers as an example for Halloween this year! Good luck and inspiration!

Halloween is one of the most anticipated holidays in the USA. It is celebrated on October 31, on the eve of All Saints' Day. This word was first used in the 16th century in Scotland. The main symbol of the holiday is the Jack-O-Lantern. This is a pumpkin on which the smiling face of a ghost is carved and a candle is lit inside. These lanterns are used to decorate houses or buildings during Halloween. Every year, hundreds of craftsmen and designers try to create their own special lantern, thanks to which this activity has turned into a real art.

A hellish pumpkin eats another Halloween pumpkin.

Fun pumpkin with big teeth

A burning pumpkin with a lightning-shaped mouth.

A pumpkin with a crazy expression will make anyone smile.

Pumpkin in the shape of a Martian.

What would Halloween be without a skeleton?

An evil smile on a white head.

Pumpkin in the form of a happy, merry ghost.

A pumpkin with starry eyes looks very impressive.

Scott Culley of Washington carves the head out of a 600-pound pumpkin.

Another creation by Scott Culley.

Three pumpkins in the form of lanterns.

Today, Halloween pumpkins come in a variety of shapes and designs.

A Halloween-style home on one of the American lawns.

A family of burning ghosts decorates almost every backyard in the United States.

White pumpkin with a spider for an eye.

Even without a candle inside, the Cyclops pumpkin looks quite creepy.

Cheshire pumpkin cat

This pumpkin is different from others with arms instead of eyebrows.

Another giant pumpkin was spotted in Botanical Garden New York. Apparently, she is still unfinished, since there is a knife and a saw sticking out of her head.

These are the spiders that live in one of the yards in California.

A creepy ghost carved from a pumpkin will scare away anyone with its glowing eyes.

It is important to figure out how to properly make a Halloween pumpkin with your own hands, otherwise the vegetable will be spoiled. To make it work, look best ideas cut out from photos step by step and repeat the master classes. The collection also shows how to make a pumpkin decoration from other materials, including paper.

The largest jack-o'-lantern

In European countries, this day is considered the most terrible day of the year: on the eve of All Saints' Day, the border between the world of people and spirits becomes thinner, and the latter can break free. Therefore, in order not to fall victim to them, people themselves dressed like monsters, and in order to scare away evil spirits from their homes, they made huge ones.

In order to decorate the house for Halloween 2019, we do not neglect this decoration and choose the largest and heaviest pumpkin on the market.

And then we start creating the lantern:

  1. To make your own Halloween pumpkin, cut out a lid from the top of the pumpkin. To do this, immerse a sharp knife at an angle. It is this technique that will prevent the lid from falling in, even when all the pulp has been removed from the vegetable. We pierce the skin and make a 3-4 cm incision, then repeat the process. And so on until we draw a circle.
  2. Gently pull up, take out the future lantern cover and immediately clean out the pulp.
  3. Lower the spoon inside and remove the seeds using circular movements. Subsequently, we roast them in the oven to use for baking. Scrape out all the pulp.
  4. Take a simple pencil and draw three identical triangles, imitating eyes and nose.
  5. Then we draw a mouth with sharp teeth according to the template.
  6. We cut along the marked lines so that the tip of the knife goes inside the pumpkin.

This is one of the most simple ways How to make your own Halloween jack-o'-lantern from a pumpkin. To extend its life, we treat it with hairspray.

We make small cuts inside and insert silica gel balls into them to retain moisture in the vegetable and prevent it from drying out prematurely. This is required if preparations for Halloween 2019 begin before October 31st.

Other pumpkin carving options

If you are planning a grand party and you need to think about how to do a lot different options pumpkins on, working exclusively with your own hands, do not despair. From pumpkins different sizes you can come up with a lot of interesting decorations or download templates on the Internet, translate and cut them out. Below are the best ideas with photos step by step that are easy to implement.

Pumpkin riddled with light

To create such decorative crafts you will need a drill. And if there is none, you need to ask a man with strong hands to make holes with a screwdriver.

  • We outline the top with a dark marker and cut it out at an angle with a knife. Then it won't fall inside.

  • Cut off the softest part with the seeds from the cap and remove the insides from the pumpkin.

  • We arm ourselves with a drill and drill many identical holes in the vegetable, located two centimeters apart from each other.

  • We wipe it inside and out, place a candle inside and put it in a visible place.

Drawings based on templates

We attach the “muzzle” that we found on the Internet to the second pumpkin. Transfer the drawing to a vegetable and cut it out sharp knife with jagged edges. This will make it faster and easier.

  • We cut out sharp carnivorous teeth from a large piece and secure them in the mouth of the monster pumpkin with toothpicks.

  • We make smaller teeth from square pieces of vegetable and fasten them in the same way.

Lover of blood and sweets

To make the decorations look impressive, we do not use ordinary candles. We take colored LED lights or use hanging lanterns in multi-colored glass.

  • We cut out the features of the pumpkin according to the new template, taking out all the excess.

  • We pour the candies inside and make a path out of them on the tray.

  • We water the monster's mouth with artificial blood. If it gets on candy, it’s not a big deal, because the wrapper protects it.

  • We insert a candle or flower with dense foliage inside to make interesting option hairstyles

  • For greater brutality, insert a skewer into the top of the sweet tooth pumpkin with a sign attached to it, decorated with bloody handprints.

Insolent and vicious

From the pumpkin where it remained good sizes stalk, it will make a very cute craft.

  • We cut off not the top, but the side part, so that it stands with an upturned nose on its muzzle. We take out the pulp.

  • We draw elongated eyes, like a cat’s, and a wide open mouth.

  • From the eyes we remove only the upper orange part, and in the case of the mouth we cut out only top part smiles.

  • We just remove the skin from the bottom part and create gaps between the teeth. Draw black pupils on the pumpkin acrylic paint.

If the lid does not hold and falls off, secure it with toothpicks. This way the craft will last longer and will not dry out too quickly.

    Have you tried making your own Halloween pumpkin?

With a little pumpkin in his mouth

For this craft you need to find the medium and smallest pumpkin, which are often sold at vegetable markets and large supermarkets.

  • Let's draw a face. We draw wide predatory eyes-triangles and a zigzag wide mouth.

  • Cut along the lines and erase the remaining marker.

  • We insert a small pumpkin into the mouth and pour artificial blood on it.

  • Place a bowl of water inside and add dry ice. This will create the effect of a smoking mouth.

If you want the party to be spectacular, put a bowl of soapy water in one of the pumpkins and put dry ice in it. Small ones will come out of the mouth soap bubbles. And these are not all the best ideas with photos and step-by-step master classes.

And if you're tired of traditional orange shades, refer to the pictures with design options. Paint pumpkins in your favorite colors, glue rhinestones and ribbons to them glue gun or insert nails, tacks and thread chains. On this holiday, you can show your imagination and do it the way you like best.

Papier-mâché pumpkin

If you don't like the hassle of cutting out an orange vegetable, check out how you can make your own Halloween pumpkin from extra-large paper:

  • Let's inflate balloon and tie a ponytail. We do not fill it completely, leaving it slightly soft so that it does not burst at the most inopportune moment.

  • We tie twine to the tip of the ball and wrap it around, creating a pumpkin shape so that the edges stick out under the pressure of the thread. To prevent the thread from moving out, we fix it with tape or adhesive tape. And if that doesn’t work, just fix it with knots at the top and bottom.

  • We cover the ball with strips of newspaper soaked in PVA glue or home-made paste. We increase the paper mass in 3-4 layers and leave it until completely dry in a well-ventilated room.

  • Apply a layer of PVA glue with a brush to strengthen the craft and leave to dry.

  • We paint with white acrylic paint or cover with aerosol paint from a spray can. We choose the color at our own discretion.

  • Untie the tail of the ball and insert a piece of foil rolled into a tube shape inside. We cover it with white adhesive tape and coat it with PVA glue.

  • Let's take it sandpaper“zero” and smooth out all the roughness on the papier-mâché.

  • Pour orange paint into the palette and paint the pumpkin blank with a brush. Using darker shades we draw the bending lines and the tail of the stalk.

This decoration, made for Halloween 2019, will stand for a very long time if someone does not sit on it.

Using the same principle, you can make a pumpkin from cement or putty. To do this, mix a solution with the consistency of thick yogurt and fill the nylon golf course with it. Then we tie it with ropes, creating convex sides, and twist the upper part of the golf. We leave the workpiece to dry for two days, remove the nylon and sand it with sandpaper. We paint with any color using the most common acrylic paint.

Paper pumpkins without and with glue

If you need to quickly decorate your apartment and want to involve children in creativity, you can make decorations without using glue. You will learn how to assemble a Halloween pumpkin with your own hands from paper in the master classes.

Of two wide stripes

In order to bring to life the best ideas for MK with photos, you need to do everything step by step. To make the craft bright and interesting, it is better to take double-sided colored paper.

  • Fold the orange sheet in half lengthwise, unfold and cut along the fold line. Fold the two halves into a single line and connect with tape.

  • Fold the right and left sides towards the middle and smooth them out. We bend right side paper back to the edge. We do the same with the left. Turn over and repeat folds in the center and to the sides.

  • We fold the resulting element in the opposite direction. We iron all the edges so that they do not swell.

  • Bend the rectangle into a square. It turns out to be a small book. We put it aside. We take green paper and draw the stem of the pumpkin, and then a long strip about 5 mm wide. Cut out both elements.

  • We unfold the book in the center so that the place where the tape was previously attached is visible.

  • At the top of the resulting rectangle we glue the stalk with tape, securing it in the middle.

  • Fold the orange paper into a book. We fasten with a stapler at the green tail along the fold line and just above the bottom edge.

  • Fold it again and draw the silhouette of a pumpkin with a pencil.

  • Cut along the intended contour.

  • We unfold and straighten all the leaves, and glue the place where the “accordion” begins with tape. We do the same where the paper clips are visible.

  • Take the green strip and run the tip of the scissors along it so that it curls. We fix it at the stalk.

Such interesting figures will become ideal solution for Halloween 2019. If you make a lot of them, they will become excellent lanterns that can be strung on a thread and hung from the ceiling or curtains.

Jacket pumpkin

If you don't want to bother with gluing and cutting, check out how to make your own Halloween pumpkin from scrap materials. It will turn out very unusual and interesting.

  • Take a jacket or sweater of any color. The main thing is unnecessary. Cut off the sleeves along the seam line.

  • Turn it face down and roll it into a tight roll to the middle.

  • We fold the second part in the same way.

  • We connect two rollers into a bagel and insert the edges into the holes left after cutting the sleeves.

  • We secure the workpiece with safety pins so that they are not visible.

  • We insert a stick into the middle of the knitted pumpkin, creating an imitation of the stalk. This will be the finishing touch.

  • After this, we take the sleeves and cut off the cuffs with elastic, if any.

  • We insert them into each other to make a denser material.

  • We roll them according to the same principle as the vest, and then connect them into a circle. Secure with pins and decorate with a stalk.

This way, you can make decorations for Halloween 2019 from things that are no longer used and are wasting space in your closet.

If needed illustrative examples How to make a Halloween pumpkin with your own hands from a pumpkin, watch the video below. They will help you quickly navigate and understand how to create miracle jewelry in a short period of time.