How to use an ultrasonic bath. Why do you need an ultrasonic bath? What not to do when using an ultrasonic bath or sink

In phone calls and correspondence with clients, we often hear questions about the operation of ultrasound equipment. For this reason, we decided to create this section dedicated to frequently asked questions. On at the moment There are not so many questions in the collection, but not few either. We have given comprehensive answers to all of them. Before reading, you can select a question from the list to quickly jump to the answer, or immediately view all the questions and get a complete understanding of ultrasound equipment.

Questions and answers for ultrasonic washers and bathtubs

The following list of answers to frequently asked questions from our customers is updated periodically. We always try to give a short and clear answer, however there is a possibility that your question will not be included in the list. You can ask him at the bottom of the page and get his answer.

We considered the following groups of questions: basic, questions about operation, device and cleaning. First, we answered simple questions-terms to create a general understanding of the physical process. Next, we looked at the operation of the equipment and devoted a number of answers to the issues of using detergents. It is also worth noting that we have articles devoted to other important issues that are discussed in detail. They are located in the article section of the site. We publish interesting materials every week, so we recommend that you subscribe to our newsletters with promotions and new products.

What is ultrasound?

The term ultrasound refers to waves created by sound, the vibration frequency of which exceeds the limit of perception by the human ear; this frequency is in the range of more than 20 kiloHz - 1 gigo Hz. It is also worth noting that it is possible to create ultrasound with a radiation energy significantly higher, in other words, “louder” than the energy of the sound that is heard. In ultrasonic devices, a distinction is made between the use of a weak signal for testing various materials, laboratory research, diagnostics, and also strong ultrasound, such as, for example, in ultrasonic cleaning or ultrasonic welding. In relation to liquids, ultrasound is used in cleaning using the cavitation effect. This effect is the basis for the operation of special devices.

What is ultrasonic cleaning?

Ultrasonic cleaning is one of the methods of cleaning products, which uses the destructive ability of ultrasound, which is created by emitters. This makes it possible to use fast and reliable removal various contaminants from the surface of products that are hit by ultrasonic waves. This cleaning method can be considered one of the modern and most effective methods for removing various contaminants.

What is cavitation?

Cavitation is a physical process of almost instantaneous creation and collapse of microscopic vacuum bubbles in liquid media. This phenomenon of cavitation appears when ultrasonic waves pass through a liquid. Alternate waves create areas of high and low pressure. They grow at low pressure and then burst at high pressure. When the liquid molecules collide, energy is released. The energy quickly increases the temperature at the point of collapse and creates a flow of energy directed towards the surface of the product being cleaned. These micro bubbles have high energy, it is aimed at cleaning - its release separates dirt from the surface.

How is ultrasound obtained?

High frequency sound wave energy is created from electrical energy high frequency using a converter. The cleaning ability of the device depends on the type and power of the converter.

What is the degassing process and why is it needed?

Degassing is the process of removing gases during cleaning that are present in a liquid medium with a solution. Once all gases have been extracted, the purification process becomes more efficient since excess gases reduce the purification efficiency.

What is an ultrasonic bath or washer?

An ultrasonic bath or washer is a special piece of equipment that uses ultrasound for cleaning. It consists of internal and external tank, as well as control boards.The generator creates oscillations with a frequency in the range of more than 20 kHz.

What does an ultrasonic bath or sink consist of?

An ultrasonic bath or sink consists of a power board, a signal generation board and a process control board. The main structural elements also include the internal tank and the body of the bath itself.

What is heat used for?

The ultrasonic cleaning process requires heating, which will accelerate chemical processes. The main impact is an increase in cleaning efficiency by reducing processing time.

How to get optimal cleaning results? How to clean effectively?

You can get the maximum effect from ultrasonic cleaning if you complete the following steps: you must select the right type ultrasonic cleaner and a tank of the required volume; choose a detergent based on the dirt and product; set the required temperature and time or number of cleaning cycles.

What is indirect and direct cleaning?

Direct cleaning is when the products are placed in the washing liquid inside the washing tank. Indirect cleaning is when items are washed e Place in an additional reservoir in the washing tank.

Why do you need a special cleaning solution?

Water has weak cleansing properties. For various stains you need your own detergent that can clean effectively. For this reason, special liquids are selected that are designed for use in ultrasound.

What cleaning solution should I use?

In practice, both homemade and purchased solutions are used. It is more expedient and joint venture Use store-bought ones, since their efficiency is much higher than that of homemade ones. I select the solution according to the type of contamination, taking into account the material of the product.

At what stage should the cleaning solution be replaced with a new one?

It is recommended to replace the detergent when the prepared solution becomes visually cloudy or dirty or if the cleaning effect decreases. There is no need to change purchased solutions before each wash run.

Why do you need to maintain the solution level in accordance with the passport specifications? enations?

Before starting work, you must make sure that the level of the solution is poured according to the recommendations. Failure to comply with these standards will affect the cleaning process criteria, resulting in equipment failure.

What is the cleaning process time?

The operating time depends on a number of factors, important ones include: the type of detergent, the degree of contamination and types of contamination, the temperature during operation and the desired cleanliness. According to the classics, the time is set to 15 minutes, after which adjustments are made either towards increasing or decreasing the interval.

The heating temperature is selected according to your needs. ABOUT n The optimal temperature is considered to be between 50 and 70 degrees Celsius.

Do I need to rinse the products after cleaning?

Yes, it is necessary. To remove detergent residues and dirt on the surface, you need to rinse even when using clean water. Rinse, as a rule, with ordinary running water.

Why should you turn off an ultrasonic bath or sink if it is not in use?

During idle time, electricity is consumed to power the control boards. Disabling is advisable from a cost-saving point of view. Also, during voltage surges in the supply network, ultrasonic equipment may fail. And this is the second reason for disconnecting. The third reason: when the equipment is not equipped with timers, fumes may be released during operation, which can be harmful to health and surrounding objects.

Can ultrasonic cleaning damage my parts?

Not if you have chosen the right detergent. It is also not recommended to use ultrasonic equipment when working with precious stones. You can read about the intricacies of work in jewelry in the article on our website.

Where can ultrasonic treatment be used?

Ultrasound is used in almost any industry, laboratory research and everyday life. With a 99% probability, KZ can be applied to your needs.

What should not be done when using an ultrasonic bath or sink?

Naturally, there are a number of restrictions:

  • Do not place items at the bottom of the sink without a basket;
  • The ultrasonic sink must not be dropped on the floor;
  • putting into operation is STRICTLY PROHIBITED!;
  • washing at temperatures below zero or in very dusty rooms is prohibited;
  • processing of explosive materials;
  • processing of living beings.

What are the advantages of ultrasound compared to classical methods?

Compared to classical methods, ultrasonic processing makes it possible to:

  • reduce the use of manual labor;
  • clean and degrease the surface without organic solvents;
  • remove dirt in difficult places;
  • reduce processing time and increase overall efficiency.

What types of dirt are removed during ultrasonic treatment?

The basic types of contaminants that are removed during work can be grouped:

  • various films;
  • various fats, pastes and oils, etc.;
  • solid particles - pieces of metal and abrasive residues, dust, scale and the like, including carbon deposits;
  • corrosive products - O viburnum, rust, peeling.

How to check the work on a microscope slide?

It is necessary to wet the frozen piece slide plain water and draw the letter X using a No. 2 pencil. Place it in a running sink, after 10 seconds the sign should disappear completely.

How is the foil test performed?

Start the sink filled with liquid and lower a piece of foil into the water. In the case when the sink is working, or rather the ultrasound is working, holes will appear on the foil - therefore the sink is working.

Why use a shopping cart?

Products without a basket must not be cleaned! This is because vibrations from the product can return to the emitter and lead to its destruction. Also, in cases of heavy parts, they can push through the bottom and destroy the emitters.

This list of questions and answers is periodically updated and supplemented. If your question is not on the list, please let us know in a comment.

Technological progress does not stand still; devices to make human work easier are gaining increasing popularity. Products consisting of many connections and elements may break due to the presence of surrounding aggressors. In some cases, it is enough to clean the fasteners and boards from dirt, but getting to hard-to-reach places is not possible. Ultrasonic baths are increasingly being used for cleaning.

What is an ultrasonic bath?

High frequency waves can affect materials in aggressive environment. The principle of operation of an ultrasonic bath is to place parts in a special liquid, then the components move under the influence of waves. An increase in pressure leads to the process of cavitation at the molecular level; the resulting bubbles explode during the movement of atoms. How to use an ultrasonic bath can be found in the product’s operating instructions. various materials pressure is applied in the required proportions.

Ultrasonic bath consists of a bowl for liquid made of stainless metal alloys. For home use For cleaning small items, a bath of up to a liter is used. Industrial production Large volumes of bowls are used, which can be used to clean bulky objects. The frequency and range of ultrasonic waves operates in modes from 18 to 120 kHz; sounds at such levels are inaudible to humans. Impact st Ultrasound occurs in various areas, from hospitals to jewelry workshops, and with certain skills it is possible to make ultrasonic bath with your own hands.

Types of pollution

Various application environments make the ultrasonic bath a versatile device. The mechanism has found its main application in car services and industries where it is necessary to remove following types pollution:

  • solid deposits that appear during the operation of mechanisms;
  • protective film coatings are removed before connection by soldering or inside products that interfere with normal operation;
  • oxidation and corrosive deposits.

In an ultrasonic bath made by yourself, it is possible to rinse printed circuit boards and other radio engineering materials. Before use, just immerse the part in liquid and start the process.

Design Features

The main component of the system, the emitter, is responsible for the operation. Its purpose is to convert electrical energy into mechanical vibrations. The impact of energy occurs on the part through the wall of the device, as a result of which the cleaning process occurs. The ultrasonic bath includes a frequency generator, the device of which is responsible for generating waves by applying electrical vibrations.

Ultrasonic bath design

High-quality cleaning of parts is achieved by exposure to a wave at certain temperature. Heating elements control the temperature of the liquid in accordance with the specified parameters. Pulse work requires control of processes occurring during ultrasonic processing of parts. Cleaning of parts is carried out in stages:

  • the purified solution is poured into a container;
  • the object is lowered, for better impact, stands are used so that the part is in the middle of the bowl;
  • after turning on the device, bubbles form on the surface of the liquid;
  • bubbles affect the part when hard to reach places ah, cleaning up the dirt.

Processing of parts takes quite a long time, depending on the amount of contamination. Sediments large quantities can be treated with ultrasound for up to 10 hours.

Application benefits

A device purchased or made by yourself has a number of advantages over mechanical impact on details. Basic positive aspects Applications of ultrasonic bath:

  • There is no waste of time, interaction with the part during the cleaning process is eliminated, only intermediate control is required.
  • The chemical does not harm human health if certain conditions are met. It is enough to wear rubber gloves when in contact with the treated part.
  • Mechanical cleaning is not possible get rid of it quickly and effectively from plaque and dirt in hard-to-reach places. Ultrasound will help get to all the cracks and corners of the part without leaving any dirt.
  • Exposure of a part to ultrasound reduces to zero the risk of resulting in a damaged part. Mechanical damage is excluded, which cannot be said about the mechanical cleaning method.

The scope of application of the ultrasonic bath is wide; the device is sold on special portals household appliances or specialized retail outlets.

How to make an ultrasonic bath with your own hands

Before assembling an ultrasonic bath with your own hands, you need to understand what offers are available on the market.

There are several types of bathtubs offered by manufacturers:

  • Portable devices are used in households, as well as when processing small products. The volume of the bowl varies from 1 to 2 liters; such a device costs from 5,000 to 20,000 rubles.
  • Industrial modifications are applied large industries, car services, allow you to process large number products at a time, the price can reach up to 50 thousand rubles.

DIY ultrasound generator

With certain skills, it is possible to make an ultrasonic bath with your own hands. If you have tools and access to accessories sold by radio parts stores, you can save up to 3 parts of the cost of a new device. For self-made you will need the following elements:

  • Container for immersing products, made of stainless steel. It should stand firmly in place and have a slight rise for access to the bottom.
  • Tube made of glass or plastic.
  • A pump for pumping liquid is suitable for low power, its price is not so high.
  • The magnet is circular in shape and can be removed from unused speakers.
  • Ferrite core coil, ceramic or porcelain vessel.
  • A pulse transformer is sold by points of sale of radio components, the price starts from 300 rubles.

Also, for work you will need liquid and power supply from a 220 Volt power supply.

Assembling an ultrasonic bath with your own hands

After preparing all the materials, you can begin assembling the ultrasonic bath with your own hands. The first step is to wind the ferrite wire onto the plastic tube, the rod can be in free form, no stable fastening is required. A magnet is attached to the end of the rod, the result is a magnetic friction emitter.

The next stage involves drilling holes with your own hands at the bottom of the bathtub container. The vessel is attached to a steel container, and holes are made nearby for supplying and draining liquid. The application will help to quickly carry out operations of supplying liquid to the bath; for draining, you can get by with a regular hose connected to the container.

A pulse-type transformer supplies high-voltage current, which increases the efficiency of the device. In the absence of access to radio components, you can remove the transformer from an unusable TV or telescopic monitor. After assembling and connecting all elements of the ultrasonic transformer, a test run is performed. During operation, it is important to follow safety rules, do not use the device without liquid, and do not touch the part during processing.

What liquid is used in an ultrasonic bath?

Liquid for ultrasonic baths can be found on sale less often than the device itself. Two types of solutions are used to influence the parts to be cleaned:

  1. Surface solution - active substance with water, used for cleaning precious metals.
  2. Alcohol based solution. The liquid, which is used to clean circuit boards and microcircuits, perfectly prevents the formation of corrosion on parts over time.

There are various options solutions that are used at home. Some owners of ultrasonic baths use diesel fuel or gasoline; working with such elements requires increased care, because they are explosive. It is possible to make a liquid yourself from the main components of powder or detergent.

Rules for using ultrasonic baths

Operation of the device does not differ depending on its design or manufacturer. A bathtub made by yourself, or purchased on the market, requires compliance with certain safety regulations. Also, the mechanism can simply break if you do not follow the rules:

  • Installation of the part is carried out only by wearing rubber gloves; this is due to the aggressive environment of the liquid, which can lead to allergies or other skin damage.
  • Starting an empty device is strictly prohibited. When working with homemade structures, the ferrite rod may be shattered into pieces when exposed to high frequency electricity. Purchased devices are equipped with a shutdown function when there is no liquid.
  • Before starting, it is important to inspect the device body for signs of leaks and other damage.

It's important to keep track technical condition electrical circuits are not excluded short circuits, overheating of the transformer during prolonged use of the ultrasonic bath. When working with small parts, it is possible to save processing time and liquid; just place the part in a glass with liquid, then to a device filled with ordinary water.

Field of application of ultrasonic baths

Many parts are cleaned using ultrasound. The availability of the design makes the use of ultrasonic baths increasingly popular in various industries.

  1. Jewelers use the bath to clean soot and dirt from old jewelry. Hard-to-reach places can be easily cleaned using a special solution. The method is important because there are no traces of mechanical influences left on the parts, which is especially important when working with antique parts.
  2. Optical products and all kinds of lenses can be easily cleaned with ultrasound.
  3. It is used in the electronics industry when processing old circuit boards; it is impossible to clean radio components using mechanical action; there is a possibility of damaging important connections.
  4. The chemical industry has identified the device as a possible mechanism for accelerating processes through cavitation effects.
  5. The automotive industry and printing stations use ultrasonic machines for washing mechanisms and components.

The device is also widely used by car repair shops for cleaning carburetors, injectors, and throttle valves. In some service centers For the repair of mobile devices, a bath is used to clean circuit boards from solder build-up from small parts.

Selection rules

Before choosing a bathtub, you should pay attention to many parameters, the main ones of which, if chosen incorrectly, can prevent the work from being completed. Its price and power directly depend on the size of the device. Some modifications are equipped with touch panels for easier control. Cleaning small items does not require an increased volume of the bowl; on the contrary, an increased volume requires a greater consumption of liquid, which cannot be reused.

One of important criteria is the presence heating element, which maintains the temperature of the liquid within certain limits. Heating is carried out for a faster process, saving time on cleaning the product. The timer will allow you to set a specific time and notify you when work is completed.

It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of a set of special clamps and baskets that will make it easier to immerse the part in the container.

Ultrasonic bath repair

Regardless of the quality of the device, use in an aggressive environment requires repair. Maintenance and repair of an ultrasonic bath is not available through every service due to the lack of qualifications of the technicians.

Self-repair of the mechanism includes a preliminary visual inspection. A superficial analysis begins with checking the cable for breakdowns, liquid leakage and rattling inside the housing, after which it is necessary to check:

  • an electronic board attached to the bottom of the mechanism;
  • batteries;
  • piezo emitter;
  • power switch or timer.

Ultrasound bath diagnostics

Diagnostics of a specific unit can be performed independently; the best option would be to install the failed element on another device. Some instructions describe how to carry out maintenance in sequence, which is best for safe operation and quick effect follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

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How does ultrasound work?

Ultrasound is a frequency oscillation that is greater than 18 kHz (18,000 counts/sec). As a result of these vibrations, many tiny vacuum bubbles are formed in the liquid of the ultrasonic bath. During the phase high pressure they explode, creating highly effective pressure waves. This process is called “cavitation” and with its help, dirt particles are removed from objects cleaned in an ultrasonic bath.

Lower frequencies around 20 kHz, used in ultrasonic baths to destroy cells, form bubbles larger diameter and more powerful pressure waves than the 35 kHz frequencies used for intensive but gentler cleaning. To achieve the effect of ultrasound in liquid, the high-frequency generator converts the mains frequency to the corresponding frequency ultrasonic device. This frequency is then transformed into mechanical vibrations using electromechanical transducers in the ultrasonic bath.

Benefits of ultrasonic cleaning

Ultrasonic cavitation allows you to quickly remove dirt from products, even from hard-to-reach places, such as cavities and holes, and can penetrate deep into the pores. In terms of efficiency, cleaning in ultrasonic baths is superior to other methods and takes only a few minutes. In addition, ultrasound provides gentle cleaning without mechanical damage eg scratches.

Advantages in production technology and sonochemistry

Cavitation in ultrasonic baths can be used not only to clean various objects, but also to contribute to the longer preservation of the oil and water emulsion compared to others production processes. For sonochemical processes in an ultrasonic bath, the reaction vessel must have a thin bottom. In this way, the ultrasonic energy is distributed directly and efficiently into the reaction vessel.

How to choose an ultrasonic bath?

SONOREX ultrasonic baths operate with an intense cleansing frequency of 35 kHz. The size and number of objects to be cleaned determine the size of the ultrasonic bath.

When choosing an ultrasonic bath, you need to consider the size of accessories such as baskets. To avoid overload, it is recommended to select a slightly larger ultrasonic bath.

Should an ultrasonic bath be heated?

Cleaning agents heated in an ultrasonic bath reduce cleaning time and help remove dirt faster. For cleaning processes in laboratories, it is preferable to use ultrasonic baths with heating.

Disinfectants cannot be heated, since protein coagulation begins at a temperature of 40 0 ​​C. Therefore, it is recommended to use ultrasonic baths without heating for disinfection.

What type of ultrasonic bath accessories should I use?

Cleaning objects and reaction vessels must not be placed on the bottom of the ultrasonic bath. The baskets avoid scratches on the parts to be cleaned and on the bottom of the ultrasonic bath. The glasses are placed in the lids of ultrasonic baths with holes and are used for cleaning small objects or when working with aggressive solutions.

What cleaning products can be used in an ultrasonic bath?

The cleaning and disinfecting agents TICKOPUR and STAMMOPUR have been specially developed for use in SONOREX ultrasonic baths. Water without appropriate additives does not purify.
Never use household detergents or deionized water in ultrasonic baths. It is necessary to use plastic inserts for ultrasonic baths when working with acids or removing acid residues. It is not permitted to use flammable liquids directly in the ultrasonic bath.

20 most popular questions about ultrasonic cleaning and their answers.

Ultrasonic cleaning: questions and answers

1. What is ultrasonic cleaning?

Ultrasonic cleaning is fast and environmentally effective in a safe way cleaning solution that uses ultrasonic energy that passes through a suitable cleaning solution. This provides high-speed, thorough removal of unwanted contaminants from the elements to be cleaned located inside the liquid container exposed to the penetration of ultrasonic waves. This cleaning method is one of the most modern and effective ways removing dirt from various objects, especially in as soon as possible and without possible damage elements. The ultrasonic cleaning method is based on cavitation.

2. What is cavitation?

Cavitation is the process of rapid formation and dispersion of micro bubbles in a liquid. The phenomenon of cavitation occurs when ultrasonic waves pass through a liquid. Ultrasound (high frequency sound, typically 20 to 400 kHz) produces alternating high and low pressure waves that produce tiny cavities (bubbles). They begin to grow from microscopic sizes in the low pressure phase until they shrink and then burst in the high pressure phase. Liquid molecules collide, releasing enormous amounts of energy. The energy instantly increases the local temperature and forms a stream of high energy directed towards the surface of the object being cleaned. These bubbles have enormous energy, which is aimed at cleaning - its release separates contaminants from the surface being cleaned.

3. How to get ultrasound?

Ultrasonic energy of high frequency sound waves is converted from high frequency electrical energy using a transducer. The cleaning power of the device depends on the type and power of the converter used.

4. How is the ultrasonic bath designed?

Ultrasonic bath module includes ultrasonic generator and special transducers mounted on the bottom of the stainless steel tank. The reservoir must be filled with liquid to form the cleaning medium. The generator, together with the converter, generates alternating compression and expansion waves in the liquid at very high frequencies, usually from 25 to 130 kHz.

5. What is ultrasonic heater used for?

The ultrasonic cleaner uses a heating function to maintain the solution temperature at required level between cleaning cycles. In turn, the heat required for cleaning is generated during the cavitation process.

6. What is degassing and why is it needed?

Degassing is the process of preliminary removal of gases that may be present in the cleaning liquid. Cavitation should only occur after all gases have been removed from the cleaning solution. This provides a vacuum in the forming bubbles. They are destroyed when a high pressure wave hits the wall of the bubble and the energy released helps the detergent break the bonds between the objects being cleaned and their contaminants.

7. How to get optimal cleaning results?

You can get the best ultrasonic cleaning result only after performing simple steps: should be selected correct type ultrasonic bath and tank the right size; choose the appropriate cleaning product suitable for your purposes; Set the correct temperature and cleaning time.

8. What is direct and indirect purification?

When you place the items to be cleaned in an ultrasonic bath tank filled with cleaning solution, this is called direct cleaning. Objects are usually placed in a special perforated plastic tray or basket rather than at the bottom of the tank. However, for direct cleaning, you must choose a liquid that will not damage the ultrasonic bath tank. Otherwise, you can use a non-perforated tray or glass container, fill it with the cleaning fluid you need, and place the items inside. This method is called indirect purification. Keep in mind that the water level inside the tank must reach the fill line during cleaning, which is about 3 centimeters from the top.

9. Why do you need a special cleaning solution?

You can use various cleaning liquids, even clean running water. However, water itself does not have cleaning properties, so you will have to use a special cleaning solution to get the desired effect. You place the objects to be cleaned in the solution to begin the process, and cavitation helps the solution break the bonds between the parts and contaminants. Special cleaning solutions contain specific ingredients to enhance the effect of ultrasonic cleaning. For example, a decrease in the surface tension of a liquid leads to an increase in the level of cavitation. The liquid contains an effective wetting agent or surfactant.

10. What cleaning solution should I use?

You can find wide choice ultrasonic cleaners designed for specific applications. Modern solutions contain various detergents, wetting agents and other reactive components. Choosing the right cleaning solution determines the success of the cleaning process and helps avoid adverse reactions with the object being cleared. Please consult technical experts before selecting a product for your needs.

11. Which cleaning solution should not be used?

Never use flammable solutions or liquids with a low flash point (gasoline, benzene, acetone, etc.). The energy caused by cavitation generates heat, and high temperatures can create a hazardous environment in flammable solutions. Avoid using bleaches and acids. They can damage the stainless steel bath tank. Otherwise, use them carefully if necessary, but only for indirect cleaning. An appropriate container for indirect cleaning should be available; glass containers can be used.

12. When should the cleaning solution be replaced?

13. Why do you need to maintain the solution level at the level indicator mark?

Each time before cleaning, ensure that the solution level is in line with the bath level indicator. It should correspond to the level indicator with trays and a basket inside. Otherwise, the performance of the cleaning process may be affected, the cleaning frequency may change, the cleaning efficiency may be reduced, and your ultrasonic bath may even be damaged. Following this requirement allows for higher circulation of the solution around the objects being cleaned and protects the heaters and converters of the device from overheating and shock.

14. How long does the cleaning process take?

The cleaning time depends on a number of conditions, the most important of which are: the cleaning solution, the amount and type of contaminants on site, the cleaning temperature and the required level of cleanliness. You can observe the removal of contaminants immediately after the cleaning cycle begins. You can adjust the duration of the cleaning process to suit your conditions. Typically, you will have to set the approximate time required and then check the cleaning result, and repeat the cleaning cycle if necessary. Actual usage and cleaning result help the operator to determine optimal time for certain types of objects, as well as for specific types of pollution.

The heat helps the bathtub make the cleaning process faster and more efficient. Generally, cleaning solutions are formulated to provide better results and higher temperatures. You can determine the optimal temperature that suits your needs to ensure the fastest and most effective results by experimenting with different types of stains and items being cleaned. Typically you can get best results within 50°C

16. Should I rinse the parts after cleaning?

To remove any harmful or unwanted chemical residue from the cleaning product, it is recommended that you rinse the objects after cleaning. You can rinse in your ultrasonic bath filled with plain tap water, or use tap, distilled or deionized water and a separate container if necessary.

17. Why should the ultrasonic bath be turned off if it is not in use?

Continuous use of the bath increases the evaporation of the cleaning solution. This may cause the liquid level in the reservoir to drop, which may result in serious damage to the bathtub. Turn off the ultrasonic bath after completing the cleaning cycle and check the solution level before each operation to ensure long life of the device.

18. Can ultrasonic cleaning damage my parts?

This cleaning method, with some caveats, is considered safe for most objects. Although a powerful release of energy occurs during cavitation, it is safe because the energy is localized at the microscopic level. The first thing you should pay attention to is right choice cleaning solution. Ultrasonic power may increase the effect of the detergent on the items being cleaned. It is not recommended to use ultrasound to clean the following stones: emerald, malachite, pearl, tanzanite, turquoise, opal, coral and lapis.

19. What are the applications of ultrasonic cleaning?

Typically, this cleaning method is used to clean objects, parts and other objects with complex surface structures and items that require special care. Ultrasonic cleaning will be useful in chemistry, the automotive industry, mechanical engineering, the production of polymer products, scientific research, healthcare, medicine, gunsmithing, jewelry and other industrial applications.

20. What is prohibited when using an ultrasonic bath?

  • Never place objects at the bottom of the tank for cleaning. This may cause damage to the bath as the ultrasonic energy will be reflected from the items being cleaned back to the transducers. Always use a cleaning tray or basket, ensuring a 30mm distance between the bottom of the tank and the objects being cleaned.
  • Do not allow the ultrasound bath to fall and avoid other shocks. This may damage the ultrasonic transducer.
  • Never run a bath without liquid inside the reservoir.
  • Never use flammable liquids such as gasoline, benzene, acetone due to fire hazard reasons.
  • Never use an ultrasonic bath in very dusty places.
  • Never use an ultrasonic bath when very high temperatures for long periods of time.
  • Never attempt to clear explosive objects, ammunition, hand grenades, mines, etc.
  • Never place animals or other living creatures inside the bathtub or use the bathtub to clean your pets.

Ultrasonic bath: popular models

Jeken ultrasonic baths, which previously appeared on the market under the Codyson brand, have proven themselves very well. They are manufactured at the Chinese enterprise Jeken Ultrasonic Cleaner Limited according to Japanese and German technologies since 1998.

Ultrasound is frequency fluctuations that are greater than 18 kHz (18,000 counts/sec). As a result of these vibrations, many tiny vacuum bubbles are formed in the liquid of the ultrasonic bath. During the high pressure phase they explode, creating highly effective pressure waves. This process is called “cavitation” and with its help, dirt particles are removed from objects cleaned in an ultrasonic bath.

The lower frequencies of around 20 kHz used in ultrasonic baths to destroy cells produce larger diameter bubbles and more powerful pressure waves than the 35 kHz frequencies used for intensive but gentler cleaning. To achieve the effect of ultrasound in a liquid, a high-frequency generator converts the mains frequency to the corresponding frequency of the ultrasonic device. This frequency is then transformed into mechanical vibrations using electromechanical transducers in the ultrasonic bath.

Benefits of ultrasonic cleaning

Ultrasonic cavitation allows you to quickly remove dirt from products, even from hard-to-reach places, such as cavities and holes, and can penetrate deep into the pores. In terms of efficiency, cleaning in ultrasonic baths is superior to other methods and takes only a few minutes. In addition, ultrasound provides gentle cleaning without mechanical damage, such as scratches.

Advantages in production technology and sonochemistry

Cavitation in ultrasonic baths can be used not only to clean various objects, but also to help preserve the oil-water emulsion for a longer time compared to other production processes. For sonochemical processes in an ultrasonic bath, the reaction vessel must have a thin bottom. In this way, the ultrasonic energy is distributed directly and efficiently into the reaction vessel.

How to choose an ultrasonic bath?

SONOREX ultrasonic baths operate with an intense cleansing frequency of 35 kHz. The size and number of objects to be cleaned determine the size of the ultrasonic bath.

When choosing an ultrasonic bath, you need to consider the size of accessories such as baskets. To avoid overload, it is recommended to select a slightly larger ultrasonic bath.

Should an ultrasonic bath be heated?

Cleaning agents heated in an ultrasonic bath reduce cleaning time and help remove dirt faster. For cleaning processes in laboratories, it is preferable to use ultrasonic baths with heating.

Disinfectants cannot be heated, since protein coagulation begins at a temperature of 40 0 ​​C. Therefore, it is recommended to use ultrasonic baths without heating for disinfection.

What type of ultrasonic bath accessories should I use?

Cleaning objects and reaction vessels must not be placed on the bottom of the ultrasonic bath. The baskets avoid scratches on the parts to be cleaned and on the bottom of the ultrasonic bath. The glasses are placed in the lids of ultrasonic baths with holes and are used for cleaning small objects or when working with aggressive solutions.

What cleaning products can be used in an ultrasonic bath?

The cleaning and disinfecting agents TICKOPUR and STAMMOPUR have been specially developed for use in SONOREX ultrasonic baths. Water without appropriate additives does not purify.
Never use household detergents or deionized water in ultrasonic baths. It is necessary to use plastic inserts for ultrasonic baths when working with acids or removing acid residues. It is not permitted to use flammable liquids directly in the ultrasonic bath.

Surely many have heard that using an ultrasonic bath you can remove almost any contaminant. This is true, but only partly. It is important to understand that ultrasonic baths are used to remove microscopic contaminants that cannot be removed by traditional methods.

An example is the ultrasonic bath PSB-4035. The four-liter model allows you to clean a large number of items at once.

These mini-devices can be successfully used in everyday life. In most cases they are used for cleansing:

  • jewelry;
  • lenses;
  • optical systems;
  • dental instruments, etc.

Such devices operate in the following frequency range: 20-40 kHz. The operating principle is based on the generation of a huge number of cavitation bubbles.

By and large, all the energy expended in the device goes to the production of these bubbles. When they collapse, a mini-shock wave is formed. It is this that cleanses any surface of pollutants.

It should be understood that the higher the frequency of the device, the faster bubbles form and collapse. The less their impact on the surface. That is, the maximum purifying ability is at the lowest frequency.

The fact is that there are situations when it is necessary to remove dirt from microcracks. Naturally, it is not possible to solve this problem mechanically, since the crack is incredibly small.

In addition, using special staff(cleaning agent) you can be sure that no damage is caused to the surface itself.

Cleaning using an ultrasonic bath is very economical. By and large, money is spent only on the cleaning solution. Electricity consumption is negligible.

After deep ultrasonic cleaning, things acquire an appearance that can be comparable to a new product. Only an experienced person with optical instruments will be able to determine where new item, and where is purified.

The video will demonstrate the process of operating an ordinary ultrasonic bath:

Recently, opticians and jewelers have been willing to offer ultrasonic cleaning services. To carry out the procedure, a special unit called an ultrasonic bath (US bath) is used, where there is a special tank for placing the objects being treated. Useful properties Ultrasounds are manifested in a special liquid. The master needs to put the item down, turn on the device, then wash it. Minimum steps!

Theoretically, such a bath can be made into any container using special equipment for creating and propagating ultrasound.


Cleaning objects is the simplest and most commonplace way to use an ultrasonic bath in most industries. The device is in great demand in medicine and research - using ultrasound they speed up reactions, conduct tests with substances, and sterilize instruments. It is necessary for cleaning hard-to-reach places, thin and small work supplemented with special reagents. Wide Application received the device from office equipment workshops, mobile phones, at jewelers, in the auto industry, filters and engines are washed.

Therefore, it is very useful for some individual entrepreneurs to have an assistant who will carry out part of the operations, freeing up the time and hands of the master for more important and complex work.

Cleaning the injectors

In car services, an ultrasonic bath is used to various purges, helping to get deeper and speed up the repair process. For example, cleaning injectors is a fairly common operation. This option is not suitable for ceramic products.

You must first disassemble the parts in order to remove the nozzles and check them on a test device, and then immerse them in an ultrasonic bath filled with special solution. At the end of the process, a re-check is made.

The method is considered more effective than simply washing, however, the wear of parts becomes greater due to cavitation. Because of this and technical nuances Ultrasonic cleaning of injectors is used for high mileage and contamination.

For information on cleaning injector nozzles with ultrasound, see the following video.


The design of an ultrasonic bath comes down to three elements (except for the container):

  • A generator that creates ultrasonic electrical oscillations;
  • An emitter that turns vibrations into mechanical vibration;
  • Heating element ( additional part, which improves efficiency) creates temperature conditions for better process, can heat liquid media up to 70°.

To see how the purchased ultrasonic bath works, see the following video.


Bathtubs are in demand in many industries, the difference lies in the size of the parts requiring cleaning, frequency of use and volume of work:

  • Portable – neat devices with a capacity of up to 1 liter, used for private or commercial cleaning of small parts. Simplified models have a simple design and a minimum number of functions. For craftsmen, they make semi-professional devices with additional options, electronic controls, and a stainless steel tank of excellent quality.
  • Industrial ultrasonic baths differ in size: their working volume can be over 10 liters, the minimum is from 4 liters. Almost all of them have a heating function, timers and additional cleaning options.

Related article: DIY kitchen basket for spices (drawings, diagrams, photos, master class)

About ultrasound

Ultrasound is a physical term describing the level of sound or noise beyond human audibility, its range is defined as 16 kHz - 1000 kHz.

When studying ultrasonic waves, it was found that they cause a kind of “boiling” of liquid substances, due to which the bubbles do not float up, but explode, causing additional waves. Conventionally, this process was given the name “cavitation”, which formed the basis for the operation of the ultrasonic bath.

The size of the bubbles depends on the frequency of the ultrasound: the higher the sound, the smaller the bubbles. Therefore, this method allows you to push out dirt and plaque from the surface of harder objects. Cavitation has feedback with the height of ultrasound: from small bubbles the pressure force of the resulting waves is less, therefore, at a relatively low frequency, cavitation is stronger. In this case, “marks” may remain on the surface, changing it at the level of the smallest particles. It turns out that the higher the frequency, the smaller the bubbles and the smaller their traces.


Where jewelry precision and fine cleaning are required, ultrasonic baths are simply irreplaceable; they have a number of advantages compared to any other mechanical method of cleansing:

  • There is no need to personally participate in the work; after loading the item into the bath, all that remains is to turn on the device;
  • No direct skin contact with chemicals, no negative impact for health;
  • The entire surface is cleaned - the smallest meshes, grooves, gaps where napkins, brushes, etc. cannot reach;
  • Ultrasound does not leave marks, chips or other gross damage on the surface.

Ultrasound is able to clean sediment, paste residues, any corrosion, films, including protective ones. Some stones and minerals have organic origin or belong to sedimentary rocks, this makes them somewhat sensitive to such treatment. For this reason, you need to pay attention to corals, pearls, opals, malachites, emeralds, turquoise, tanzanites, lapis, and exclude them from the list of works: after an ultrasound bath, the “beauty” of the stone, its cutting and polishing is impaired.

Additional features

The use of accessories and special features simplifies and facilitates the operation of the device, and in some cases increases efficiency.

Most common functions:

  • Multi-mode. The simplest household ultrasonic baths operate with 1-2 modes. Semi-professional allows you to configure up to 5 modes. The variety is related to the nature of the work and purpose of the cleaning.
  • A timer measures operating time and automatically turns off the device; it is provided on almost all models, except for the simplest and most budget home options.
  • Almost all models have heating; it increases efficiency and speeds up the process. The liquid is heated to a maximum of 70°C, which is even higher than the required values. Optimal temperature heating are 50°-60°C.
  • Protection - will turn off the device without liquid and save it from overheating.
  • Antistatic is a useful property when repairing cell phones and office equipment; it is also achieved by using specific cleaners.
  • Electronic control panels, light indicators. Of course, these are mark-ups that increase the price of an ultrasound bath, but it’s difficult to do without them.
  • Accessories help make work simple and easy. These are meshes and baskets for placing and washing parts; they will protect the steel container from contact with objects, damage and scratches. This will significantly extend the life of the device. Accessories include transparent lids. This is very convenient, especially when cleaning several small items at the same time.

Related article: Cutting ceramic tiles at home

How to clean coins in an ultrasonic bath, see the following video.

Choosing an ultrasonic bath is an important and responsible step, which completely depends on the purpose of cleaning and the area of ​​application. It is with an eye on them that the operating parameters are chosen:

  • The volume of the ultrasonic bath is related to the size and number of parts and objects that you will clean. It is forbidden to place these items on the surface of the bathtub (there is a possibility of resonance and subsequent breakdown of the device), so it is better to purchase a basket in the kit so that at least 3 cm remains to the bottom.
  • Wave frequency is a concept from applied physics. Depending on the nature of cleaning and the sensitivity of the material, select the operating frequency or select an ultrasonic bath with a customized range.

20-50 kHz – relatively coarse cleaning, used for industrial facilities and parts in the automotive industry. A frequency of 20 kHz can destroy cellular structures, but 35-40 kHz is the working range for household cleaning resistant surfaces.

50-100 kHz – intensive and gentler cleaning, used in medicine and jewelry. Suitable for partial sterilization.

How to do it yourself?

Creative and capable technicians can create the “ultrasonic bath of their dreams” themselves. To do this, you will need a little experience in electromechanics, ingenuity and simple devices: a durable, durable, deep stainless steel bowl, a dielectric bath (for example, porcelain or glass), smaller in size than the bowl. A magnetic coil, a flat magnet for radio engineering, a non-conducting rod, a pulse converter and a pump will be useful.

The transformer will act as a generator, the containers form the working volume of the bath, and the emitter is made from the remaining spare parts: you need to rewind the wire from the reel to the prepared dielectric stick, and thread a magnet onto the ferrite tail.

Having made the emitter blank, connect the bowls, leaving the porcelain inside the metal. You need to make a hole at the bottom for contact with the emitter, and in the ceramic dish there are two opposing “passages” for liquid. If you connect a pump to them, the fluid renewal process can be automated. Here the emitter is located at the bottom; there can be several of them; they can also be placed on the sides of the bathtub. Having connected the emitter and the generator, you need to fill the containers with a cleaning liquid and only then plug it into the network. The converter must be strong and compensate for possible voltage surges. A device for sensitive equipment used in television and computer repair is suitable for this purpose.