Adjustable infrasound generator. Do-it-yourself ultrasonic gun. How will a request to the housing office affect

Infrasound repeller for street alcoholics.
There is a children's playground under my window in the yard. During the day, children play in the sandbox, and in the evenings, the playground is occupied by young alkonauts. They drink, yell, and swear until late at night—they disturb people’s sleep. I got tired of it and decided to disperse it.
At home, on the mezzanine, there were two old homemade speakers lying around. I took out a low-frequency speaker from one, found in old stashes a circuit that I used to set up bass reflexes in speakers, and within a day I assembled a simple infrasound emitter in a plastic bucket case, tuned to the “frequency of fear.”
In the evening I hung the structure out the window and turned on the power. Five minutes later, the drunkard licked it off like a cow with its tongue.
Now when the noise starts, I turn on the scarecrow for a couple of minutes. In the yard there is peace, quiet and God's grace. And since the entire structure is a megaphone, it “blows” only into the yard, and not into the house. Even my dog ​​doesn’t howl.

Operating principle. The circuit is a self-oscillating generator operating at the natural resonance frequency of the loudspeaker suspension system. Since the resonant frequency of the woofer is 40-100 Hz, to reduce it, you simply need to make the suspension system heavier. To do this, in the center of the diffuser you need to glue a spiral of solder weighing about 20 - 40 grams, then the resonant frequency is reduced to 6-15 Hz. It all depends on the brand of the speaker; look up the parameters on the internet.

Design. The circuit diagram is a simple self-oscillating generator that is started from a speaker coil; I assembled it back in the fifth grade, when I was making speakers. Relay RES 9 at 5V, slowed down by capacitor C1. Actually, this relay is needed to “push” the speaker and turn off; then the circuit operates on the resonance of the speaker coil. Transistors - any low-frequency, medium-power ones, always on radiators (I took two bottoms from aluminum Coke cans). Power supply: 9V bapeshnik from a dead modem. Resistors R1, R4 – volume control - the circuit operates on a pendulum resonance, and although the electrics consume about two watts, the output is at least twenty, and the speaker goes haywire without them. The speaker is, in principle, any low frequency, I have an ancient 10 GD-34 at 10 W, with a 4 Ohm coil, the resonant frequency of the suspension is 80 Hz. Be sure to install it in the housing to prevent an acoustic “short circuit”. The body is a children's plastic bucket. I cut off the ears of the speaker with a jigsaw, stuck them in a bucket and glued Moment around the perimeter.

Setting up - CAUTION INFRASOUND!!! First, you need to assemble the system on the table and check the electrics, first without a weight, when you turn on the power, the speaker should hum at the resonance frequency. I got it working with half a kick. If it doesn’t work, play around with the capacitance of the capacitor. Then assemble the device into a bucket, apply “Moment” to the gaps between the speaker and the bucket, coat the weighting spiral with “Moment” and glue it to the speaker diffuser with “Moment”. Since I could not find a normal frequency meter, I adjusted the “fear frequency” of 13 Hz with an oscilloscope and a low-frequency generator according to the Lissajous figure. To do this, I applied 26 Hz from the generator to one input of the oscilloscope, and the wires from the speaker to the other. Then, in order not to get hit by infrasound, I covered the bucket, turned on the power for five seconds and looked at what happened. Then I turned off the power and began cutting the weighting coil a little at a time until I got a double Lissajous. That's it. I don’t post a photo - a bucket is a bucket.

PS: By the way, I have one more column left. This weekend I’ll try to reduce the size to a minimum, assemble the system into a mini-case with a bass reflex, put it under the hood and test it on the first traffic cop. I’ll post how it turns out..............

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New on your site. I also have pain. Two slutty-looking girls settled above me and my wife,
I can’t understand what they do in life - they get up at 13-17 o’clock (you can hear stomping and the alarm clock), and then they start hammering in house style, sometimes for 7 hours in a row! They go to bed at 10 am! ...I can’t understand.
My wife and I wrote a note, it didn’t help, we went to them three times, saying we just want to talk, without blood - they just look through the peephole, do it quietly, and half an hour later they do the same thing.
He hit the ceiling with a sledgehammer and on the radiators, but this only embitters them and they turn it up louder and stomp their feet in retaliation...
I can’t understand people like that...I was once reproached by a neighbor myself (long before the girls showed up) for being a loud drunk, so I felt so ashamed that I was violating the comfort of other people, their right to sleep...but for some reason these people didn’t understand.
Then he hid. Injected eggs into the upholstery. The eggs didn't help - there was no stink. I cracked an egg into a glass and started watching and smelling it every day. It just evaporates!! There is less and less of it in the glass and there is no stink! I don't know how to make it go rotten so that I can then put it into a syringe. For now, we have another syringe with fish sauce/oil, egg and ammonia. I keep him warm and in the light. There is some air in the syringe for any decomposition reactions.
And now about the sound.
I generated seven sounds in Sound Forge, each several hours long.
Several sounds with frequencies of 20 - 40 Hz with filters and amplitude modulation of 5-7 Hz.
Several high-frequency 20-21 kHz with filters.
One sound where one channel is low pulsating frequencies, and the second channel is a high-frequency squeak.

These sounds don’t have a super effect or anything, but they can spoil the mood greatly (my wife heard the squeak and her eyes widened). When pressed against the ceiling (or better yet, at the junction of a non-load-bearing wall and the ceiling, in conditions of morning and daytime silence they will have a certain resonance and will reach the addressee. The main thing is to play it VERY LOUD! Another advantage is that it is impossible to understand where the sound is coming from. I set up a test. I waited when the girls from above leave, then he moved everything to the ceiling, turned it on full blast, closed the doors in the rooms, went out onto the staircase and began to listen to an incomprehensible squeak/hum on the verge of “maybe it seems to me... he’s gone crazy or something...”. I listen to my door - it seems to be from there. I listen to the neighbor’s door on the right - or maybe from there. I turn my head - or maybe from the elevator...
Every building and apartment is different, I can’t guarantee that it would be the same for everyone.
Now this thing is ready, I’m waiting for a reason, so to speak, to run into the idea, and not out of lawlessness. They haven’t made any noise for 4 days. As soon as possible, immediately, from 7.00 and throughout the day.

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In Japan, they tested ultrasound to scare away teenagers

An experiment to scare away juvenile bullies using a device that produces an extremely unpleasant sound that only teenagers can hear was carried out on Thursday in a park in Tokyo's Adachi district. As RIA Novosti reports, citing Japanese media, residents of houses adjacent to the park have long complained about the noise and hooligan behavior of teenagers who have chosen the park for nightly gatherings.

These complaints, as well as the constant damage from vandalism in the toilets, forced the district administration to conduct a scientific experiment.

Experience has shown that people from 30 to 50 years old cannot distinguish high-frequency sound, which reminds them of the noise in a train carriage. At the same time, the schoolchildren covered their ears and tried to move away from the source of the sound as quickly as possible.

“It’s a terribly unpleasant sound. It’s like someone scratching a blackboard with a fingernail,” a 15-year-old schoolboy shared his feelings.

“The sound cannot be tolerated for long,” echoed a 12-year-old schoolgirl.

Three years ago, "sound inaudible to adults" became available for download on Japanese cell phones. According to one company that sells audio to cell phone users, it was downloaded to mobile phones more than 110,000 times in one year alone.

To protect public order, a device using “anti-teenage” sound is being used in Japan for the first time. In the UK, we recall that local developers of a unique source of disturbing ultrasonic interference last year began production of the second model of a similar device - called Mosquito GSM. The first model appeared there a year earlier.

Buyers of the devices are not only police departments, but also representatives of transport companies, shops, banks and municipal authorities. All of them are interested in discouraging socially dangerous youth from crowded places and important urban infrastructure.

Such a device costs about a thousand dollars and has a range of 15 to 20 meters. These new products do not pose any danger, notes the manufacturing company Compound Security Systems (CSS), based in the city of Merthyr Tydfil in Wales.

It is enough to start using Mosquito, and the profit of the outlet will certainly increase, and theft will decrease, says CSS commercial director Simon Morris. One of the companies told him that thanks to the new development, their profits in the first week alone increased by 6 thousand dollars.

One of the new devices is used by the Mark&Spencer store. Arriva trains, Northern Rail and Chiltern Railways also spent money on the Mosquito, along with several police departments, including in London.

Distributors of the new product from JNE Marketing say that they have already opened offices for consultations on the use of Mosquito throughout the country.


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Dear admin, I tried to make the diaphragm of the woofer heavier, although not in your circuit, but simply by connecting it to the woofer output, the speaker wheezes, creaks, there are a lot of harmonics and distortions, but it doesn’t work. Perhaps we need to use some special speakers or piezo-crystal emitters, if so, tell me what brand.
And also, is it possible to embed a microphone into the circuit instead of a relay as a sound source? The fact is that with a relay this is a one-time action, and by inserting a microphone you can carry out a suggestion on the subconscious and not get up 2-3 times a night, not put the device out the window in bad weather, rain and snow, and give instructions to drunks not to return to our yard and tell everyone who has bruises that they know not to come here.

The lower the sound frequency, the greater the internal volume needed for the housing in which the speaker is installed.
The diffuser dimensions should also be small. In my youth, the 100-AS-001 speakers were produced in the Soviet Union.
There, at the bottom, there were speakers with a metal diffuser, mugs with a diameter of more than 50 cm. Infrasound could be obtained from them. Infrasound cannot be focused; it spreads in all directions. Remember the subwoofer from a home theater system; if you don’t place it in the room, it drones everywhere. There is a section in physics called acoustics, I recommend reading it.

Infrasound cannot be focused; it spreads in all directions.

It is not necessary to focus it, it is enough to create it at a certain point. For example, two intersecting ultrasound beams. They focus. Use two ultrasonic phasing arrays, the radiation of which differs by the frequency of the required infrasound. Direct them at an acute angle, to a certain intersection point. At the intersection point, due to interference, we get infrasonic beats. The method is found quite often on the Internet, and not only for ultrasound.


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Drunk repeller (be careful infrasound!)

There is a children's playground under my window in the yard. During the day, children play in the sandbox, and in the evenings, the playground is occupied by young alkonauts. They drink, yell, and swear until late at night—they disturb people’s sleep. I got tired of it and decided to disperse it,” writes the author.

At home, on the mezzanine, there were two old homemade speakers lying around. I took out a low-frequency speaker from one, found in old stashes a circuit that I used to set up bass reflexes in speakers, and within a day I assembled a simple infrasound emitter in a plastic bucket case, tuned to the “frequency of fear.”
In the evening I hung the structure out the window and turned on the power. Five minutes later, the drunkard licked it off like a cow with its tongue.
Now when the noise starts, I turn on the scarecrow for a couple of minutes. In the yard there is peace, quiet and God's grace. And since the entire structure is a megaphone, it “blows” only into the yard, and not into the house. Even my dog ​​doesn’t howl.

Operating principle. The circuit is a self-oscillating generator operating at the natural resonance frequency of the loudspeaker suspension system. Since the resonant frequency of the woofer is 40-100 Hz, to reduce it, you simply need to make the suspension system heavier. To do this, in the center of the diffuser you need to glue a spiral of solder weighing about 20 - 40 grams, then the resonant frequency is reduced to 6-15 Hz. It all depends on the brand of the speaker; look up the parameters on the internet.

Design. The circuit diagram is a simple self-oscillating generator that is started from a speaker coil; I assembled it back in the fifth grade, when I was making speakers. Relay RES 9 at 5V, slowed down by capacitor C1. Actually, this relay is needed to “push” the speaker and turn off; then the circuit operates on the resonance of the speaker coil. Transistors - any low-frequency, medium-power ones, always on radiators (I took two bottoms from aluminum Coke cans). Power supply: 9V bapeshnik from a dead modem. Resistors R1, R4 – volume control - the circuit operates on a pendulum resonance, and although the electrics consume about two watts, the output is at least twenty, and the speaker goes haywire without them. The speaker is, in principle, any low frequency, I have an ancient 10 GD-34 at 10 W, with a 4 Ohm coil, the resonant frequency of the suspension is 80 Hz. Be sure to install it in the housing to prevent an acoustic “short circuit”. The body is a children's plastic bucket. I cut off the ears of the speaker with a jigsaw, stuck them in a bucket and glued Moment around the perimeter.

Setting up - CAUTION INFRASOUND!!! First, you need to assemble the system on the table and check the electrics, first without a weight, when you turn on the power, the speaker should hum at the resonance frequency. I got about half a kick. If it doesn’t work, play around with the capacitance of the capacitor. Then assemble the device into a bucket, apply “Moment” to the gaps between the speaker and the bucket, coat the weighting spiral with “Moment” and glue it to the speaker diffuser with “Moment”. Since I could not find a normal frequency meter, I adjusted the “fear frequency” of 13 Hz with an oscilloscope and a low-frequency generator according to the Lissajous figure. To do this, I applied 26 Hz from the generator to one input of the oscilloscope, and the wires from the speaker to the other. Then, in order not to get hit by infrasound, I covered the bucket, turned on the power for five seconds and looked at what happened. Then I turned off the power and began cutting the weighting coil a little at a time until I got a double Lissajous. That's it. I don’t post a photo - a bucket is a bucket.

It has always been believed that my home is my fortress. However, there are times when it is simply impossible to be in your own apartment.

Many things can cause inconvenience: noisy renovation work in a neighboring apartment, very loud music and, naturally, drunken brawls from above every night for a long period of time.

The noise, which continues around the clock, forces us to immediately look for at least some solution to eliminate it. However, not everyone knows how to overcome noisy neighbors.

The Federal Law states that the noise level should not exceed 40 dB between seven o'clock in the morning and eleven o'clock in the evening, but at night this figure should not exceed 30 dB.

If we take at least some comparison, then all sounds should be three times quieter than a car alarm. But still, do not forget that in each region amendments to this law can be made.

If the norms are violated by users of residential premises, all actions on the part of unscrupulous neighbors become an administrative violation.

However, it happens that while laws exist, they are unfortunately not implemented. In this case, there are a couple of options to solve the problem.

When very loud music is an obstacle, you can try to negotiate peacefully. This method is undoubtedly considered the best at that moment, if all participants in a given conflict are in an adequate state.

You can explain that you have a small child in your apartment and he needs to rest during the day, but in the evening he should go to bed at nine. You can compromise and understand each other.

In the event that peace negotiations do not go well, you can go to the local police officer, who is supposed to look into this situation at the request of the applicant. If there is a drunken brawl in a neighbor’s apartment, then it is best not to get involved in it, as there is a possibility of getting hurt. In this case, law enforcement agencies must intervene, who will immediately arrive at the scene when called and eliminate the conflict.

Neighbors are doing renovations

All repair work is a separate topic. When carrying out work using a drill, a person honestly thinks that he is not doing anything wrong, since it is working time, and therefore the law is not being violated.

But in some cases, this kind of noise can disturb an old woman who has a migraine and wake up a small child. In this case, you cannot complain, since the law has not actually been broken.

If the person is well-mannered, then you can independently decide on the time for him to carry out the most noisy repair work, which will give you the opportunity to go for a walk with your child during this period of time or not to go to bed at this time, but simply reschedule it.

Request for help

So what should you do if the noise continues, but you can’t reach an agreement? It should be noted that the arrival of a district police officer often simply does not give the results that we would like. Very often, this moment depends on how rampant corruption is in a given area and, of course, on the identity of the offender.

In the event that the local police officer does not take any action on the application or nothing changes after his arrival, you should contact the prosecutor’s office directly, which monitors how the laws are observed. They must sort it out and the answer will come to you in writing.

If they didn’t help here either, then the only thing left is the court. If a claim is filed, there must be strong evidence that it is really impossible for you to relax in your apartment due to noisy neighbors.

How will the request to the housing office affect?

There is another authority to which you can file a complaint about particularly noisy upstairs neighbors who just want to annoy them. You should go there if there really are no illegal actions going on, which is rowdy behavior.

For example, a dog is constantly barking somewhere, or there is simply loud music from the upstairs neighbor. In these cases, it is permissible to contact the housing department. As a rule, employees of such an institution say that it is possible to conduct some kind of conversation, but it is not a fact that an apartment will be opened for them. So it's easier to call the police.

However, the police officers are not in a hurry to help, since their exit position is set up only for illegal actions, and loud music is the work of the housing department. And when the circle is closed, you should think about alternative methods.

There are exceptions

There are points in the silence law that may not be subject to time restrictions.

Items not included:

  • A small sick child is crying;
  • The cat meows or the dog barks;
  • The church bells are ringing;
  • Carrying out events and celebrations on the street;
  • Rescue or emergency operations accompanied by noise.

Consequences for violators

After the first warning has been issued and there is no effect, an administrative fine is then imposed. Its value will depend only directly on who was the cause for concern - an individual or a legal entity.

The addition to the law states that those who like to place an amplifier on the balcony may also be subject to fines. The law has clear criteria for violating silence, for which you will have to pay a fine:

  1. Construction and repair work at night;
  2. Use of pyrotechnics and fireworks;
  3. Listening to loud music when using amplifiers;
  4. Whistling, loud screams and more.

Self help

In the event that no methods can help deal with noisy neighbors, you can simply make repairs using materials with enhanced soundproofing properties.

However, this is not always the solution. Yes, and the matter is quite troublesome. You can try using infrasound.

What is infrasound?

Infrasound is usually called elastic waves, which are analogues of sound waves, but have lower frequencies that humans cannot hear. The upper limit of the infrasound range is 16-25 Hz.

The lower limit has not yet been identified. In fact, infrasound is present in everything: in the atmosphere, in forests, and even in water.

Actions of infrasound

Infrasonic actions occur due to resonance, which is the frequency of vibration of a large number of processes in the body. Alpha, beta and delta brain rhythms also occur at the purity of infrasound, as, in principle, does the heartbeat.

Infrasonic vibrations can coincide with vibrations in the body. Subsequently, the latter intensify, due to which some organ malfunctions. It may not only lead to injury, but also to rupture.

The frequency of vibrations in the human body varies from 8 to 15 hertz. At a time when a person is exposed to sound radiation, all physical vibrations can resonate, but the amplitude of microconvulsions will increase many times.

Naturally, a person will not be able to understand the feeling of what is affecting, because the sound cannot be heard. However, there is a certain state of anxiety. If there is an extremely long and active impact of a special sound on the entire human organ, then ruptures of internal vessels, as well as capillaries, occur.

Typhoon, earthquake and volcanic eruption emit a frequency of 7-13 hertz, which gives a call to a person to quickly retreat from the place where disasters occur. Infrasound and ultrasound can very easily drive a person to suicide.

A very dangerous sound interval is the frequency of 6-9 hertz. Very strong psychotronic effects are most pronounced at a frequency of 7 hertz, which is similar to the natural vibration of the brain.

At such a moment, any work of a mental nature simply becomes impossible, since there is a feeling that the head could “burst like a watermelon” at any moment. If the impact is not strong, then the ears simply ring and a feeling of nausea appears, vision deteriorates and the person succumbs to unaccountable fear.

A sound that is of medium intensity can upset the digestive organs, the brain, cause paralysis, blindness and general weakness. Strong exposure damages or completely stops the heart.

Ultrasonic emitter

You can independently build an infrasound emitter that will not cause any harm to the human body, but the unwanted neighborhood will become less noisy after its use.

Ultrasound design

The scheme is as follows: the simplest generator for creating oscillations is started from a coil, which is available in the speaker for sound. The relay is needed to start the capacitor. If you push the speaker to produce sound, it will turn off completely.

Next, the circuit begins to operate at the resonant frequency of the coil. We also need transistors that will be low-frequency and produce a certain sound power. A nine-volt power bank from a non-working modem is used as power supply.

Resistors R2 and R4 are volume controls. The circuit operates on a pendulum resonance. However, all the electrics take about two watts, but the output is about twenty, so the speaker does not work without them.

Any audio woofer will do. A prerequisite is to install it in a housing, since in this case an acoustic “short circuit” is eliminated. The body shape is perfect for a saucepan. When using a jigsaw, the ears of the speaker for sound are cut off, then it is stuck into a bucket and glued together around the perimeter with a “moment”.

Setting up an infrasound device

Initially, the entire system is assembled on a table and all electrical components are checked. Initially, this must be done without a weighting agent. Once turned on, the speaker should begin to hum at its resonance frequency.

If it doesn’t work right away, you should work with the capacitance of the capacitor. Then the whole device is assembled into a pan, all the gaps between the speaker and the body are glued with a “moment”, and then the spiral of the weighting agent should be coated with glue and glued to the speaker diffuser for sound.

If it is not possible to find a normal pure meter, you should set the ultrasonic frequency to 13 Hz using an oscilloscope and a low-frequency generator based on the Lissajous figure. Then turn on the power to test for a few seconds to see what happens. Next, the device turns off and begins cutting the weighting spiral until a double Lissajous is obtained.

The ultrasonic gun is assembled with your own hands using only two logical inverters and has a minimum number of components. Despite the ease of assembly, the design is quite powerful and can be used against drunken drunks, dogs or teenagers who sit and sing in other people's hallways.

Ultrasonic gun diagram

Microcircuits CD4049 (HEF4049), CD4069, or domestic microcircuits K561LN2, K176PU1, K176PU3, K561PU4 or any other standard logic microcircuits with 6 or 4 logical inverters are suitable for the generator, but you will have to change the pinout.

Our ultrasonic gun circuit is based on the HEF4049 chip. As already mentioned, we need to use only two logical inverters, and it’s up to you to decide which of the six inverters to use.

The signal from the output of the last logic is amplified by transistors. To drive the last (power) transistor, in my case, two low-power KT315 transistors were used, but the choice is huge, you can install any NPN transistors of low and medium power.

The choice of power switch is also not critical; you can install transistors from the KT815, KT817, KT819, KT805, KT829 series - the latter is composite and will work without an additional amplifier on low-power transistors. In order to increase the output power, you can use powerful composite transistors like KT827 - but to boost it you will still need an additional amplifier.

As a radiator, you can use any midrange and high-frequency heads with a power of 3-20 Watts, you can also use piezo emitters from sirens (as in my case).

By selecting the capacitor and the resistance of the tuning resistor, the frequency is adjusted.

This self-assembled ultrasonic gun is quite suitable for protecting a dacha area or a private home. But we must not forget - the ultrasonic range is dangerous! We cannot hear it, but the body feels it. The fact is that the ears receive the signal, but the brain is not able to decode it, hence the reaction of our body.

Collect, test, rejoice - but be extremely careful, and I say goodbye to you, but not for long - AKA KASYAN.