Instructions for use of Fipronil against cockroaches: is this remedy effective? Fipronil for cockroaches: description of the active substance and reviews of the drugs Fipronil is dangerous for

Good day, dear readers. Do you know how fast cockroaches reproduce? Those in whose home a colony of these creatures has already grown to incredible sizes probably know. Prussians need only a few months for their family of a couple of dozen individuals to grow to 1000 insects.
In such a situation, it is already difficult to ignore the problem or hope not folk remedies- It's time to use the poison more powerfully.

Today we will look for the most powerful tool from cockroaches. I will talk about the most effective insecticidal agents, their composition and principle of action. Based on this information and my recommendations, you can choose the right poison. Don't despair if the number of insects in your home is out of control and your usual remedies no longer help - I think I can help you sort it out. And in the end, we’ll discuss how you can protect yourself from the re-infestation of insects.

Pesticide compounds against insects

Hardly anyone would argue that folk recipes or homemade traps as effective as specially formulated insecticidal preparations. Chemical Science does not stand still, and for several decades humanity has been successfully using pesticides to kill insects.

If you thought that pesticides were something from the field of agriculture, you were not mistaken: the list of substances is huge and their areas of application can be very different. But today we will only talk about those that will help destroy cockroaches. Despite the huge number of pesticide substances, mainly 5 of them are used in insecticidal preparations:

  • chlorpyrifos;
  • cypermethrin;
  • fenthion;
  • fipronil;
  • fenvalerate

I will tell you how these compounds act on insects, what preparations they are used in, and how toxic they are to humans.


Broad-spectrum contact insecticide. This means that preparations based on chlorpyrifos are used to combat different types of insects:

  • with cockroaches;
  • with ants;
  • with midges and moths;
  • with bedbugs;
  • with woodlice, silverfish, etc.

The word “contact” means that chlorpyrifos affects insects through physical contact. The substance penetrates the body through chitinous integuments, the respiratory tract and the digestive tract. After interacting with the poison, irreversible processes begin in the cockroach’s body that lead to death:

  • After a few minutes, muscle tremors and a disruption in the oxygen supply to vital organs begin.
  • Then the transmission of nerve impulses slows down until work stops completely nervous system.
  • Finally, complete paralysis sets in, and all these consequences of poisoning together cause the death of the insect.

Chlorpyrifos belongs to toxicity class II. This means that they are highly dangerous for humans and pets. The use of products based on this substance requires careful adherence to the instructions for use and safety precautions, otherwise intoxication cannot be avoided.

Pros and cons of products containing chlorpyrifos

In addition to being highly toxic to humans, drugs containing chlorpyrifos can cause resistance in insects. This means that after prolonged exposure of the component to arthropod organisms, the latter lose sensitivity to the poison, which means it is no longer effective. It is recommended to change the product from time to time so as not to cause addiction in cockroaches.

As for the advantages, the main advantage of drugs based on chlorpyrifos is the ability to affect not only adult individuals, but also their eggs. True, under one condition - the product must be applied directly near the places where ootheca are deposited.
In addition, chlorpyrifos remains active for approximately 30 days. This means that it has a prolonged preventive effect against re-infestation of the house by insects.

Preparations based on chlorpyrifos

I have already said that this substance is used in many insecticides. Here is a list of the most popular ones:

  • Globol gel;
  • Get Total emulsion;
  • Get Dry stick, etc.

Choose any based on the specifics of their application - this information is usually indicated on the packaging. Preparations with chlorpyrifos will get rid of cockroaches in a few days, but be prepared for the fact that the treatment will have to be repeated after 10-14 days. This is necessary in order to certainly destroy the young generation that will hatch from the ootheca.

Reading on the topic: Dohlox cockroach gel and traps reliable means from a mustachioed misfortune


A contact-intestinal insecticide from the group of pyrethroids, in its pure form it is a viscous liquid without color and pronounced odor. Widely used in agricultural disinfestation, as well as in the destruction of insects in industrial and technical premises and in everyday life.

The contact-intestinal type of exposure implies that cypermethrin acts on the body through the chitinous integument and the digestive tract. Once in the insect's body, the substance blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, provoking complete muscle paralysis, as a result of which the insect dies.

Cypermethrin is considered a broad-spectrum poison, but although it can be used to destroy almost all types of synanthropic insects, it works best against cockroaches and bed bugs. In addition to direct destruction, this compound in a sublethal dosage (that is, less than what is needed for death) repels insects. This property allows the use of cypermethrin-based preparations not only for disinfestation, but also for the prevention of re-infestation of the apartment.

Cypermethrin belongs to hazard classes II and III. This means that it is highly or moderately hazardous depending on the concentration and dosage. In any case, when using it, you should not neglect the rules of personal safety - be sure to use protective equipment and follow all the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Pros and cons of products with cypermethrin

The main advantage of drugs based on this component is that they do not cause resistance in insects, that is, they are equally effective throughout the entire period of use. Another plus is a month of preventive effect: cypermethrin retains its properties during this period, repelling insects or destroying the most curious ones. After this period, the substance completely decomposes into safe components under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and oxygen.

As for the disadvantages, there is only one - cypermethrin has no effect on insect eggs. This means that repeated treatment cannot be avoided, even despite the prolonged effect of the drug.

Preparations based on cypermethrin

This substance was discovered in 1971, and since then it has become a component of many insecticidal preparations:

  • "Cypermethrin";
  • Medilis Cyper, etc.

These products will destroy all insects in your home in 1-2 days, but be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend reprocessing. If you use any form of the drug with this component, do not use other forms of insecticides at the same time: for example, do not mix the gel with the aerosol. In the case of cypermethrin, this situation can lead to an increased risk of intoxication.


An agricultural and household insecticide that is used against synanthropic and harmful insects. This substance is included in many insecticidal preparations due to its versatility - with its help you can get rid of almost all types of insect pests.
Fipronil is a contact-intestinal insecticide, that is, it affects cockroaches both from the inside and from the outside. Entering the insect's body through the digestive tract or respiratory system, the substance causes the following disorders:

  • inhibits the transmission of nerve impulses and the nervous system as a whole;
  • disrupts the blood supply to vital organs;
  • causes muscle tremors up to complete paralysis.

The poisoned insect does not die immediately, but only after a few hours. This fact partly explains the high effectiveness of fipronil-based products: one individual, after contact with the poison, will return to the nest and infect several more.

Moreover, cockroaches are characterized by cannibalism and necrophagy - they often eat their dead fellows. This is another way the poison can influence the colony, since by eating an individual killed by fipronil, healthy cockroaches are poisoned and die themselves. However, the substance does not affect cockroach eggs, so one way or another, the treatment will have to be repeated when the nymphs hatch - this is approximately 10-14 days after the initial treatment.

Fipronil belongs to toxicity class II. This means that the substance is highly dangerous for people and pets, and when using it it is necessary to use personal protective equipment.
Pros and cons of fipronil products
Let's start with the disadvantages, since there is only one: high level toxicity to humans. Failure to follow the instructions for use may result in severe intoxication requiring hospitalization.

Reading on the topic: how to poison cockroaches with boric acid, a reliable remedy

But the advantages of fipronil-based products are much greater:

  • Versatility. Preparations based on this component will rid your home of any insects.
  • Efficiency - using this substance, you can be sure that not a single individual will survive.
  • Speed. In just a day, or at most two, the Prussians will only have unpleasant memories.
  • Prolonged action that lasts for a month after treatment.
  • Under the influence of the sun and oxygen, fipronil decomposes into safe compounds, but this process is slow, due to which fipronil has a preventive effect.
    Preparations based on fipronil
    Perhaps the only people who haven’t heard about these remedies are those who haven’t heard about cockroaches themselves. Preparations based on fipronil are on everyone’s lips due to their high efficiency, here are the most popular ones:
  • gel “Brownie Proshka”;
  • and others.

The high toxicity of fipronil necessitates the use of protective equipment - rubber gloves, goggles and a respirator. If symptoms of intoxication do occur, it is better not to wait for more severe consequences and seek treatment as soon as possible. medical care– this is a guarantee of the absence of complications.


A household and agricultural insecticide that, in its pure form, looks like a clear oil with a yellowish-brown tint. Has a slight garlic scent. Fenthion is a contact-intestinal insecticide and can also enter the insect's body through the respiratory tract. Penetrating into the body of a cockroach, fenthion inhibits all vital systems, including the breathing process, as a result of which the insect dies.

Fenthion belongs to toxicity class II, which means that products based on it can cause harm to people and animals. To prevent this from happening, you must carefully follow the instructions on the packaging and take precautions.

Pros and cons of products with fenthion

The main disadvantage of fenthion is its cumulative nature. This means that the substance does not decompose, but accumulates in the room, which can cause allergic reaction or intoxication. Moreover, the owners do not immediately realize that these symptoms are associated with insecticide– after all, they had already used it before without any consequences.

The substance has many more advantages:

  • versatility;
  • efficiency;
  • The preventive effect lasts for 2-3 weeks.

Preparations based on fenthion

This insecticide is used mainly in universal preparations, such as:

  • "Executioner";
  • "Bifethrin";
  • "Buff Dust";
  • "Medilis";
  • "Force site";
  • and others.

With the help of these means you can get rid of not only Prussians, but also almost all types of synanthropic and harmful insects. In addition, preparations based on fenthion can be used to destroy ixodid ticks, carriers of tick-borne encephalitis.


Insectoacaricidal substance of contact-intestinal type of action. Fenvalerate inhibits all vital systems of the insect, causing death. It is not as common as other insecticidal substances, so we will not dwell on it in detail. I will only say that fenvalerate belongs to the second class of danger, that is, it is quite toxic to people and animals.

Based on fenvalerate, the product “Phenomenon Dust” is made, which is intended to combat domestic insects. In general, this substance is used more often in agriculture than in everyday life.
Which remedy should you choose?

Now that you know how the most effective means against cockroaches, you can safely go to the store and take any of the above remedies:

  • Globol gel;
  • Get Total emulsion;
  • Get Dry stick;
  • "Cypermethrin";
  • products from the “Clean House” line;
  • Medilis Cyper;
  • Tiuram powder (also known as cable or tire powder);
  • solution or granules for preparing the Regent solution;
  • gel “Brownie Proshka”;
  • "Executioner";
  • "Bifethrin";
  • "Buff Dust";
  • "Medilis";
  • "Force site";
  • "The Dust Phenomenon."

It is these powerful drugs that will show the best results due to the content of the potent substances that we discussed above. But all these products are produced in the most different forms(gel, powder, liquid, granules, emulsion, etc.), so which one should you choose?

Fipronil is a crystallized powder with a slight musty odor. The principle of action is contact and intestinal effects. When the substance enters the body of a cockroach or other insect, the transmission of nerve impulses is blocked, which leads to disruption of the nervous system and the onset of paralysis. The death of the pest occurs no earlier than after 8 hours. During this time, he manages to bring poison to his lair and infect his “tribesmen.”


Fipronil against cockroaches is effective even in cases where insects have developed resistance to pyrethroids, organophosphorus and carbamate compounds.

The effect of the product lasts 28 days. The preparations are resistant to water, but with intensive contact sun rays the residual effect is reduced.

Features of the use of insecticidal agents

The use of an insecticide depends on the product it contains. The most common forms of release are effective gels, emulsions, traps, powders. Each drug comes with instructions for use, which should be followed strictly. The disadvantage of fipronil lies in its high toxicity, so it should be used with great caution in apartments or houses where pregnant women, children, and pets live.

If the product comes into contact with human skin, irritation may occur. Accidental ingestion causes abdominal pain, cramps, nausea, and dizziness.

It is recommended to use gels for treating residential premises. Compared to aerosol products, they are safer and more effective. Powder preparations and emulsions are less efficient for killing cockroaches than gels, since they need to be irrigated and sprayed on surfaces.

Results of fipronil use

Fipronil for cockroaches, reviews of which convince of its effectiveness, is used to destroy 250 of the most different insects. The drug is widely used in agriculture to kill pests.

For summer cottage I purchased Regent powder. It was written on the packaging that it is used for different types insects After using it at the dacha, a ready-made diluted emulsion remained. I tried poisoning cockroaches at home. She was dissatisfied with the result and did not notice much effect against the Prussians.

Anna Mikhailovna, Donetsk

Looking at the insecticides on the store shelf, Domovoy Proshka gel caught my attention. The brownie in the picture inspired confidence, and I bought this gel; it cost about 25 hryvnia. It’s very convenient to use, I didn’t notice any obvious specific smell, and the cockroaches began to gradually disappear. Two weeks later, I specifically went into the kitchen at night to check and didn’t find a single cockroach.

There are many products on the market that allow you to quickly and effectively get rid of cockroaches. modern drugs. After all, these insects, even unpleasant in appearance, cannot be called desirable neighbors, not to mention the fact that they leave traces of their vital activity on food products and things that carry dangerous infections. Therefore, owners of apartments and private houses are puzzled by the choice good drug. Among the popular chemicals against cockroaches, one can safely name fipronil, or rather, products in which it is a key component.

A chemical substance with this name can only be purchased in the form of preparations, since it is not sold in its natural form. This broad-spectrum insecticide belongs to the phenylpyrazoles family.

Fipronil is a strong poison for cockroaches, which has a slow effect on their body and is used as an additive in bait. It was developed by the French concern Rhone-Poulenc between 1985 and 1987. In 1993, the product was patented in the United States. Since 1987, fipronil has been widely used against more than 250 insects in many countries around the world.

As the manufacturer notes in the instructions, if the drug comes into contact with human skin, slight irritation may occur. If accidentally swallowed, seek immediate medical attention as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, abdominal pain, weakness and even convulsions are common symptoms. Since these types of drugs are very toxic, they should not be used in areas where there are children and pregnant women.

Video “Review of cockroach remedies”

A video about which cockroach repellents are safest and at the same time effective to use.

The effectiveness of the product - benefits and harms

If we take into account the cascade effect, the mortality rate of cockroaches and other insects can be up to 95% in the first 3 days. The product has pronounced toxic properties because its smell and taste are not unpleasant for pests. Therefore, they gladly swallow the poison.

The harm of the product lies in its high degree toxicity to fish and invertebrate creatures living in the water. Its ability to combine with sediment and low solubility in water can reduce the danger. This is relevant for owners of aquarium fish who plan to use drugs in the form of a spray.

The described component is also destructive for bees. If you have parrots or other birds in your apartment or house, remember that if they swallow drugs containing this component, they may undesirable consequences for their health. It is recommended to limit the movement of birds around the premises for at least a month, which must pass from the moment of treatment.

Fipronil-based products

In a number of countries around the world, fipronil is included in various drugs and is produced under different names. trademarks. For example, in China and the USA, the production of “Regent”, which contains this substance, has been established.

The product is effective against butterflies, grasshoppers, locusts, and beetles. In the United States they use products against cockroaches and ants. trade names"Goliath" and "Nexa". The drug “Adonis” helps residents of Kazakhstan and the island of Madagascar fight locusts. The termite population in Australia and Africa can be reduced by using the preparations Taurus, Termidor, and Ultrathor.”

In the UK the above ingredient is an insecticide general use. In order to rid their pets of ticks and fleas, Americans and Europeans can use Frontline TopSpot, Fiproguard, Flevox and PetArmor. In New Zealand, a component of the products helps destroy poisonous wasps.

In our country, it is a key component of such drugs as “Regent-25”, “Frontline”, “Eslanadez-gel”, “Anti-cockroach-gel”, “Brownie Proshka”, “Maxforce Gold”, “Executioner”, which allow you to fight against cockroaches in the home.


For example, Regent is effective against many insect pests, in addition to cockroaches. It is available in powder form; before use, the drug should be diluted in water. To get rid of household pests, a simple irrigation of the room will be enough. If used for horticultural crops, spraying should be used.

Since the effect of baiting after irrigation does not occur immediately, since the drug gradually weakens the strength of the chitinous cover of the body of pests, baits created with this powder have gained popularity. If swallowed by a cockroach, they will quickly cause its death.


Brownie Proshka

“Brownie Proshka” is a product intended for household and medical disinfestation, which works well against cockroaches and ants. The gel is applied with a dispenser syringe to the places where insect movement is most often observed. It guarantees excellent results and has an affordable price for everyone.

Fipronil is a chemical. active substance of pesticides (phenylpyrazole), used in agriculture, in medicine. and household treatment, veterinary medicine for pest control.


In its pure form, it is a transparent crystallized powder with a musty odor. Does not respond to thermal influences. Capable of slow decomposition when exposed to light.

Fipronil is a drug with a wide spectrum of action – a contact and intestinal poison. It has moderate systemic properties and high residual activity when processing leaves. They can be used to process seeds.

The drug acts as a blocker of gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is responsible for regulating the passage of nerve impulses, due to which the nervous system is disrupted. When transmitting excitation through cells, acid plays the role of a mediator. Due to the peculiarity of the fur. Actions This substance can actively fight many types of insects that are resistant to other toxic compounds.

The insect dies from paralysis within 8-10 hours after exposure to the insecticide.

The drug acts as a “protector” for two weeks.


The presence of resistance to the substance in various types insects indicates that it cannot be used on an ongoing basis. It is recommended to use this poison alternately with other insecticides. Can also be used as food bait.

  • wheat (ground beetles, bugs, larvae);
  • barley (piavitsa);
  • potatoes (kol. beetle);
  • plots, pastures (locust).

Effective against Orthoptera, Coleoptera and soil-dwelling insects.

Fipronil is used to treat vegetative parts of plants and soil. The drug is highly toxic.


Abroad, the drug is used to destroy leaf-dwelling insects and insects living in the soil. Marked successful result in the fight against locusts (migratory and desert). It is the main drug used to kill locusts.

2. Used in honey. And household for baiting pests:

  • synanthropic cockroaches;
  • ants.

Due to the fact that the product has a high level of toxicity towards warm-blooded animals, its use in the form of bait stations or gels is allowed for disinfestation.

Due to the systemic actions of the substance, it poisons ticks and fleas.

Toxicological characteristics

The product belongs to phenylpyrazoles, which have long-term insecticidal toxicity. Absorbed by plants from soil and seeds. Since it decomposes very slowly when exposed to sunlight, then after treatment it lasts for a very long time. In water, plants and soil, this substance undergoes oxidation, transforming into fipronil sulfone.

It moves through the soil very slowly, to a depth of up to 30 cm. One of the most important properties of the drug is resistance to rain. According to some reports, the product can remain on the leaves while maintaining its activity by 75%, even if it rained half an hour after spraying.

Poisonous effect

Toxic for rats, dermotally for rabbits. Does not irritate skin but is a mild eye irritant.

It is slowly metabolized in animals, but the substance itself can be detected even a week after treatment.

Signs of poisoning

Acute poisoning can manifest itself in severe irritability, lethargy and convulsions. After the drug stops working, all symptoms disappear.

Preparations based on fipronil are classified as toxicity classes 1 and 3 for bees, and toxicity classes 2 and 3 for humans.

Fipronil should not be used:

  • for kittens and puppies under 2 months of age;
  • for dogs weighing up to two kg;
  • animals suffering from inf. illnesses or weakened immune systems;
  • with increased individual sensitivity to the product.

It is forbidden to use it auricularly in case of ear scabies or defects of the eardrum.

What you need to pay attention to when using fipronil

1. You cannot bathe the animal in reservoirs for two days after treatment;

2. The animal’s skin should not be wet;

3. In case of a large overdose, it is necessary to carry out manipulations to remove the drug from the body;

Personal prevention

  • When working with poisons, you should not smoke, eat or drink;
  • After finishing work, you need to wash your hands with warm soapy water;
  • During the day after treatment, the animal should not be touched with hands; small children should be protected from it.

STYLAB offers standard solutions fipronil and fipronil sulfone for its detection in food raw materials and finished products by HPLC.

Standards and standard solutions

Chemically, fipronil is a phenylpyrazole pesticide - one of the most widely used pesticides, along with. The mechanism of action of these substances is based on blocking GABA A receptors and glutamate-dependent chloride channels. The latter are present in insects, but absent in mammals, including humans. Therefore, a substance that causes strong stimulation of the nervous system in insects, which leads to their death, is relatively safe for mammals. However, fipronil sulfone, its metabolite, has a noticeably greater affinity for the chloride channel of mammals and can cause poisoning.

In case of fipronil poisoning, sweating, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and headaches, abdominal pain, nervous agitation, and in severe cases - convulsions are observed. This is a result of its neurotoxicity. For rats, the LD 50 of fipronil is 97 mg/kg body weight when administered with food and more than 2000 mg/kg body weight when in contact with the skin. In case of chronic poisoning with this substance, convulsions are also observed. Decreased hormone levels were observed in rats chronically poisoned with fipronil. thyroid gland. With long-term chronic exposure, this substance caused thyroid cancer in rats. Therefore, in the United States, fipronil is classified as a Group C carcinogen (presumably carcinogenic to humans).

Fipronil is an ecotoxicant. It is dangerous to aquatic invertebrates, crustaceans, many types of fish, as well as rabbits, some lizards and galliforms. This substance is one of the causes of bee death and bee colony collapse syndrome - the simultaneous abandonment of the hive by a family of bees. In nature, fipronil is destroyed primarily by exposure to sunlight. In the depths of the soil, its half-life ranges from 4 months to a year.

Until 2017, the European Union did not check the content of fipronil in food products, since it was assumed that fipronil could not get into meat and other products of animal origin. However, in July 2017 it turned out that one of the Dutch companies uses this substance to kill insects in laying hens and to treat chicken coops. Analysis of the eggs showed that they contained fipronil, and this was discovered in Belgium. Soon, reports of fipronil in Dutch eggs began to emerge from Germany. Monitoring of international trade in eggs and egg powder has shown that fipronil is used on farms in Italy, Eastern Europe, South Korea, Taiwan. Because egg powder used for industrial production pasta and baking, fipronil also found its way into these products. In addition, there have been reports of the presence of fipronil in chicken.

Such large-scale contamination of food products required appropriate measures. In the Netherlands, many farms closed for inspection or placed warnings on egg packaging that they may contain fipronil. In the UK, products containing Dutch eggs and powdered eggs have been removed from sale. To do this, we traced the batches using codes and determined the degree of risk of contamination. In Germany, eggs were removed from sale, but products containing them were not removed. As a result, there were reports of fipronil in food products over the next two months. In Poland, checks have shown that on some local farms, as in Italy, fipronil is used to treat chicken coops. In this country, the presence of fipronil in chicken eggs was recorded until December 2017. Product recalls, monitoring and inspections have caused significant financial and reputational damage to companies that produce and process chicken eggs. In total, 15 EU countries, Switzerland, and South Korea and China.

Fipronil contamination chicken eggs showed that the ability chemicals penetration into food products is not always assessed correctly. In addition, if violation of the law is beneficial to producers, it will not be limited to one or two cases. IN

IN Russian Federation and countries Customs Union fipronil, according to the “Unified Sanitary-Epidemiological and hygienic requirements to goods subject to sanitary and epidemiological surveillance (control)”, must be controlled in potatoes and cereal grains. Its content in these products should not exceed 0.005 mg/kg. The same standards are established in TR CU 015/2011 “On grain safety”. At the same time, pesticides containing fipronil can be used to treat agricultural crops: wheat, barley and potatoes. In the European Union, fipronil is also allowed to be used to treat plants and as veterinary drug for pets.

Fipronil is detected in food raw materials and products by chromatographic methods. The STYLAB company offers standards for fipronil and its metabolite - fipronil sulfone for its quantitative analysis. Fipronil standards are manufactured in accordance with ISO 17034:2016 (A2LA accreditation). The quality control system complies with ISO 9001:2015 (DQS accreditation). Their stability and concentration accuracy are guaranteed by the manufacturer.


  1. Fipronil Technical Fact Sheet. National Pesticide Information Center
  2. Vidau, C.; Brunet, J. L.; Badiou, A.; Belzunces, L. P. Phenylpyrazole insecticides induce cytotoxicity by altering mechanisms involved in cellular energy supply in the human epithelial cell model Caco-2. Toxicology in Vitro, 2009. 23 (4): 589-597.
  3. Fipronil insecticide: Novel photochemical desulfinylation with retention of neurotoxicity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 93: 12764-12767.