Dried white mushrooms. How to cook dried mushrooms

Mushrooms are loved, if not by everyone, then by many. However, their season is quite short. Therefore, thrifty connoisseurs of the gifts of nature prudently dry their prey in order to feast on it until the next harvest. Knowing how to cook dried mushrooms, you can enjoy mushroom dishes even in the dead of winter. And they will not differ in any way from those prepared from a fresh product.

How to cook dried mushrooms

Drying is used in soups, second courses, sauces. And everywhere it will be appropriate, if only you follow some simple rules.

The most basic of them: before preparing dishes from dried mushrooms, the latter need to be soaked. The soaking time for different cooks is called unequal. Someone insists on an hour - they say, that's enough. Someone believes that drying should be poured with water in the evening, and they can only be cooked in the morning. But most cooks recommend soaking for a couple of hours.

Cold water is taken and poured so that even the edge of the mushroom does not protrude to the surface. It is even better to pour with a margin: the mushrooms will swell.

Attention, feature!

There is a subtlety in how to properly cook dried porcini mushrooms. Experts insist that mushrooms should be soaked not in water, but in milk, and not in cold, but warm. Then the final dish will be especially fragrant, and its taste will acquire refined tenderness.

This move can probably be applied not only to white mushrooms. If you are not inclined to save on trifles, you can try soaking any variety of mushrooms in milk. And compare with the control batch aged in water.

How much to cook dried mushrooms

After soaking, the product must be cooked. Even if you have fried potatoes with mushrooms in your future plans. Or even just fried mushrooms. Cooking time directly depends on the type of forest production and its size. It can vary from 20 minutes to an hour. It’s easier to focus on the “behavior” of mushrooms: if they sink to the bottom, then it’s time to take them out.

Note: if after soaking in water there is no debris left and no sediment appears, it should be used for the broth, so it will turn out much tastier.

Just Soup

There are many ways to prepare dried mushroom soup. For the basic recipe, in addition to the actual drying, potatoes, carrots and onions, you only need spices and herbs.

Mushrooms, soaked and boiled in accordance with all the rules, are caught from the yushka and cut if they have grown in size during processing. Frying is done in vegetable oil: first, chopped onions are browned, then carrot cubes are added to it, and finally, mushrooms. After five minutes of joint frying, the vegetables are laid out in a mushroom broth, the soup is salted. As it boils, chopped potatoes are poured in, and after ten minutes the fire can be turned off. You can pour into plates after a quarter of an hour, when the dish is infused. Serve sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Cheese soup

One of the best options how to cook mushroom soup from dried mushrooms. The main component is soaked, boiled, crushed. Mushroom broth is salted, potato cubes are lowered into it. While it boils, fry the chopped onion, and later pour the mushrooms into it. Roasting is added to the pan, vermicelli is poured almost immediately (it is better to take small). When it is almost ready (we ask about the cooking time in the instructions on the package), processed cheese is introduced. You need to stir the soup until the last component is completely dissolved. Before serving, the soup is infused in a saucepan under the lid for 5-10 minutes.

First, chicken and mushrooms

Having figured out in detail how to cook dried mushrooms, you can turn on culinary fantasy and create. For example, treat the family with soup with forest gifts and chicken.

The broth is brewed either from the whole bird or from its parts. Only the breast is not recommended: it will not be rich. To increase the diet, you can drain the first water and cook the soup in the second.

Mushrooms are boiled separately; if desired, you can later add the broth to the broth. Zazharka is prepared traditionally, from onions and carrots. Mushrooms do not need to be added to them: they are cut and immediately thrown into the broth. The chicken is first pulled out of it, disassembled into pieces and returned back. It remains to add roast, salt and pepper. There is no potato in this recipe, so the soup is light, albeit hearty thanks to the mushrooms.

Bean variant

For this soup, you need to soak both mushrooms and beans separately. Then cook separately. Chopped onions are fried in a frying pan (there should be a lot of them) with the addition of mushrooms to it after gaining a "tan". Next, the contents of the pan and the beans are transferred to the broth cooked in advance, and the soup is cooked for another ten minutes so that its ingredients are saturated with each other's taste. After removing the pan from the stove, greens are poured into the dish.

Soup with dumplings and mushrooms

The recipe is multi-step, and the result is unimaginably delicious. This time we will not cook mushrooms, just soak, cut and fry until golden. When soaked, they should be 250 grams per two-liter pot of soup.

Next step: weld four large potatoes and mash into puree. When it cools down, beat in an egg, add four tablespoons of flour and stick dumplings.

Step number three: make a fried onion and a small carrot. Cutting a root crop or rubbing, each housewife decides individually.

Fourth stage: sort out a third of a glass of buckwheat, dry-fry a little.

On the last stage cooking, all the blanks must be collected in a single dish. Buckwheat is first poured into boiling water, after ten minutes mushrooms and dumplings are loaded, after another five - frying, peppercorns and Bay leaf ik. Five minutes of waiting - and dinner is ready.

Delicious soup

Traditional first courses, even varied ones, become boring over time. If you want hot and liquid, but the “standard” is already tired, try making a light and unusual soup according to this recipe.

It is better to take dried mushrooms or porcini, or a set of different, so to speak, mix. They are soaked, boiled and cut not too finely. Prepare more mushrooms, because apart from them, there will be practically nothing else in the soup. At the same time, a strong broth is brewed. Beef is recommended, but experiments are not prohibited. The foundation is laid main component, and the broth boils for some time along with the mushrooms to absorb their aroma. When the result satisfies the cook, a dessert spoon of wine is poured into the pan and a small spoonful of sugar is added. At the same stage, the soup is salted and peppered, and you need to add a little more pepper than you are used to. Eggs are well beaten in a bowl, at the rate of two pieces per liter of broth. They are introduced into the soup in a thin stream, with constant stirring. It should be eaten with large quantity greens and sour cream. Wine will give the dish an elegant astringency, and sugar - piquancy.

What about frying?

That we are all about soups and soups. Since it’s not a secret for us how to cook dried mushrooms, it’s time to remember the second courses. Mushrooms fried with onions will be an excellent side dish for meat and poultry. To do this, the soaked drying needs to be boiled, but less time is allotted for this stage - about ten minutes after boiling. Then the mushrooms are strained to the maximum from the liquid - just the time will come out in order to chop the onion into half rings.

Now you need to dissolve the butter in a pan - it is ideal for realizing the idea. Onion chips are first fried on it, and after it is browned, strained mushrooms. It is necessary to fry with intensive stirring, since butter has a lower resistance to sticking than vegetable oil. At the very end, the mushrooms are salted, peppered and flavored with selected spices.

Do not deprive yourself of gastronomic pleasure because it is “out of season”, as preparing dried mushrooms is no more difficult than fresh ones.

Mushrooms must be present in the diet. This is a treasure trove useful substances and simply nutritious. To keep it always at hand, you can use a dried analogue. Dry mushrooms are stored for a long time and do not lose their nutritional properties. In the process of cooking, they give the dish all its aroma and taste. If you follow the technology correctly, you will get an original dish. mushrooms?

The soup from this product is a real work of art. Fragrant, appetizing and rich, it will not leave indifferent even connoisseurs tasty food. Before cooking, rinse them well and soak in clean water for 2-3 hours. The liquid is then drained and the mushrooms are used to make soup. Mushroom soup is prepared as follows. You need to take 1.5 cups of pre-soaked, dried mushrooms. Boil them in water and put them in a separate bowl. We cut the mushrooms into smaller pieces, if they are large. In the broth in which they were cooked, add two-thirds of a glass of rice, and cook for about 10 minutes. three potatoes small size clean and cut into strips or cubes. Pour into a saucepan and cook until tender. At the end, add chopped mushrooms and one processed cheese. Salt and pepper to taste. The rich soup is ready.

As an additional ingredient, you can use not only rice, but also pasta. They are added at the end of cooking so that they do not boil. But the main component of such a dish are dried mushrooms.
with this ingredient? This vegetarian dish is prepared in the same way as its counterpart with meat. You will need 300 grams of any dried mushrooms, two carrots (large), one onion, half a kilogram of rice and spices as desired.

How to cook dried mushrooms in this version? First you need to soak them for a while. Then the water is drained and the mushrooms are boiled for an hour. Large specimens are cut into pieces. Peel the carrots and cut into medium-sized strips. You can grate it, but it depends. The onion must be peeled and cut into small cubes.

When all the ingredients are prepared, we proceed to the cooking process itself. We take a cauldron for pilaf or a pan with a thick bottom. Pour vegetable oil into it and fry the onion in it. Next, lay out the carrots and bring it to a soft state. These components are fried first before preparing dried mushrooms. We add them after onions and carrots, and simmer all the ingredients for 15 minutes. Now you can add prepared spices. It is better to soak rice in water in advance and rinse it several times. A long-grain steamed product is well suited for this dish, but you can take any. Pour the rice into a bowl and add water to it. It should be one and a half times more than cereal. Add salt and barberry. You can't mix. Now close the cauldron with a lid and cook over low heat until cooked.

It is considered the most nutritious, which can replace meat in its properties. How long to cook dried porcini mushrooms? They are prepared similarly to other types. The pre-soaked product is boiled until cooked and added to any dish.

Although the duration of the mushroom season ends with the advent of autumn frosts dishes from them can be prepared all year round. There are several ways to store a forest product, one of which is drying. The taste qualities of a dry product are not inferior to fresh fruits.

Drying is the most simple method processing of forest harvest

Drying is the simplest method of processing forest harvest. The finished product retains all the nutrients and does not take up much space during storage, especially when ground into powder. large fruits usually crushed, and small ones are left whole. Thus, they dry faster.

During the drying process, fruiting bodies should lose moisture gradually. They can be dried on outdoors, strung on hard threads, in the oven or microwave oven. To avoid overdrying, the mushroom layout must be regularly checked and ready-made pieces removed.

During the drying process, the fruiting bodies should lose moisture gradually.

Recipes for first courses with dried mushrooms

Cooking soup from dried mushrooms takes a minimum of time, and the dish turns out to be fragrant and satisfying.

Mushroom soup with vermicelli

Any mushrooms are suitable for the recipe. Many chefs use white. You don't need potatoes for this dish. but you need to take:

  • 50 g mushrooms;
  • 2 onion heads;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 100 g pasta;
  • salt and herbs.

Cooking technology:

  1. Rinse dry raw materials thoroughly, immerse in a container and pour boiled water. Strain after a third of an hour. Leave the broth in a saucepan, and rinse the mushrooms.
  2. Cut vegetables. Carrots can be grated. Fry for 5 minutes.
  3. Add water to the broth until a volume of 2.5 liters is obtained. Boil and add mushrooms.
  4. Place stewed vegetables in a bowl. Add salt.
  5. After 20 minutes, add vermicelli and keep on fire for another 5-7 minutes.

Serve with herbs and sour cream.

Mushrooms in sour cream (video)

Shchi with mushrooms

For the recipe you need to purchase:

  • carrots and onions;
  • 500 g sauerkraut;
  • wheat flour;
  • tomato paste.

To make delicious cabbage soup, you should:

  1. Pour the cabbage with a glass of mushroom broth and add vegetable oil (1 tablespoon). In the event that the cabbage is very sour, it must be washed cold water.
  2. Fry vegetables with the addition of tomato paste.
  3. An hour after the start of stewing cabbage, place the contents of the pan in a saucepan and add mushroom broth.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, add a spoonful of flour, pepper and bay leaf fried in butter to the cabbage soup.

The dish is very tasty with the addition of sour cream.

Shchi with mushrooms

potato soup

Based on 3 liters of water and 1 kg of potatoes, you will need 60 grams of porcini mushrooms or champignons.

  1. Bouillon is made from dried fruits.
  2. Chop vegetables (carrots, onions, parsley root) and fry.
  3. Boil potatoes in mushroom broth.
  4. Transfer vegetables to soup pot. Season with spices after 5 minutes. Before use, add finely chopped green onions.

Recipes for second courses with dried mushrooms

Prepare healthy dish very simple.

  1. Place dry fruits in water for 1.5 hours. After they swell, strain and cut into pieces. Do not pour out the water, but put it on fire.
  2. Put the chopped mushrooms in a saucepan with the same water. Add salt.
  3. After boiling, pour in the fried cereals in advance.
  4. After the contents thicken, reduce the heat to a minimum and leave on the stove for another 1.5 hours.
  5. Add fried onions to the bowl.

Buckwheat with onions and mushrooms

stewed mushrooms

For the recipe, you need to take dried fruits. For 800 g boiled mushrooms you will need a couple of glasses of sour cream, which can be replaced with butter.

  1. Fry peeled mushrooms with three heads onion. Then sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of flour, add a little water and sweat.
  2. Pour into a saucepan and simmer until done. Spice up. Top with butter or sour cream. At the end, sprinkle with herbs.

Stewed potatoes with dried mushrooms

  1. Boil the dry product and fry with the addition of onions.
  2. Separately, fry the potatoes, cut into slices. Then combine both ingredients in one pot. Fill with mushroom broth. Add spices and simmer for half an hour. Sour cream can be added if desired.

Roast dried mushrooms (video)

How to cook dry porcini mushrooms deliciously

There are many different recipes, where porcini mushrooms act as the main ingredient.

Dry white mushroom soup

The dish turns out to be very rich. For 100 g of forest product you need to take:

  • potatoes;
  • 1 carrot and onion;
  • spices;
  • sour cream to taste.

Dry fruits should be soaked first. Then boil for 30 minutes and chop. Further actions:

  1. Finely chop the onion. Grate carrots. Then fry.
  2. Pour the prepared mushrooms into the pan and fry for 8-10 minutes.
  3. Put the entire contents of the pan into a saucepan, add the potatoes and cook for 10 minutes. Then insist.

Serve on the table, sprinkled with fresh chopped herbs (parsley, dill).

Dry white mushroom soup

Hot appetizer with pasta

For the recipe you need to stock up:

  • pasta 300 g;
  • carrots and onions;
  • dill.

Step by step:

  1. It is better to pour dry fruits at night, and cook in the morning. Then strain and chill.
  2. Grate the carrots, finely chop the onion. Then fry.
  3. Transfer cooked vegetables to a deep bowl. Add pasta to it and add water. Salt.

Hot appetizer with pasta

Stroganoff recipe

The following components are required:

  • a glass of milk;
  • 1 tablespoon of sour cream;
  • butter;
  • onion head;
  • tomato sauce or tomato;
  • 1 teaspoon wheat flour.

First of all, pour dry mushrooms with hot milk. After they swell, chop.

  1. Fry mushroom straw and add flour. Then fry again.
  2. Heat oil with tomato. Fry chopped onion. Transfer everything to a pan and pour sour cream.

Before serving, chop the dill and parsley. The dish goes well with fried potatoes.


What else can be cooked with dried mushrooms

Although at first glance it seems that very few dishes can be prepared from a dry ingredient, in fact, there are hundreds of ways to prepare them. Soups, stews, hodgepodge, noodles or scrambled eggs are very tasty. Many gourmets prefer to bake them in the oven with cheese or cook mushroom cutlets with potatoes from them. Unusual sauces are obtained, which are prepared in a pan with oil and spices.

mushroom gravy

This is just a godsend for the cook. To get juicy and tasty dish, You will need quite a few products:

  • 100 g of a forest product;
  • 2 onions;
  • 3 tablespoons of sour cream;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil.

mushroom gravy

Forest mushrooms can be anything.

  1. Pour fruiting bodies hot water. After they swell, boil for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Chop the onion and fry until the texture is translucent and soft.
  3. Strain the mushrooms and transfer to the pan.
  4. Fry all the ingredients and add spices to taste.
  5. Pour in the broth, sour cream and boil for a couple of minutes.

Mushrooms in sour cream are suitable for any side dish.

Goulash with garlic and onions

Fruits can be either dried or fresh or salted. The dish turns out very tasty if you use a mixture of different mushrooms, for 600 g of which you will need:

  • bell pepper (2 pcs.);
  • onions (4 pcs.);
  • potatoes (2 pcs.);
  • carrots (1 pc.).

Goulash with garlic and onions

List of necessary actions:

  1. Soak dry fruits for half an hour, then drain the water. Pour boiling water over raw materials and boil for another 30 minutes.
  2. Clean vegetables. It is advisable to cut the onion into half rings, and grate the carrots with a coarse grater. Fry. Add pepper to it. To diversify the taste, you can use tomato slices.
  3. Strain the broth, and cut large fruiting bodies into pieces. Transfer to skillet. Put out. You can add flour if you wish. Before cooking is completed, chopped garlic cloves are added.
  4. The contents of the pan are laid out in the broth and chopped potatoes are also placed there. It is recommended to grate it. In this case, the required density is formed. After boiling, turn off the stove.

Goulash is served with any side dish. Don't forget to sprinkle herbs on top.

Mushroom sauce from dried mushrooms (video)

Stuffed eggs

Although the dish is not festive, it still has a huge weight at the table. For 0.5 kg of raw materials you will need:

  • mayonnaise;
  • eggs;
  • bulb.


  1. Boil the fruits, removing the foam, until the pieces sink to the bottom (at least 40 minutes).
  2. Strain, rinse and set aside to cool.
  3. Then grind with a blender or meat grinder.
  4. Cut the boiled eggs into 2 parts, remove the yolks and mix them with the mushroom mass. Add ground black pepper and the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Chop and fry the onion. At the end, add butter. Pour the mass of yolks and mushrooms with a mixture.
  6. Fill the egg halves with the finished mass and cover with a small amount of mayonnaise.

Dried fruits can be made delicious stuffing for pies. Raw materials must be dry to the touch and not spoiled. Since the structure of the fruiting bodies is very hygroscopic, the necessary rules must be observed during storage.

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Dried mushrooms are easy to prepare for the winter, they keep well and for a long time at home, and you can easily buy them in the store throughout the year. Dried mushrooms are often used to cook delicious mushroom soup and are used to prepare other dishes, so in this article we will consider how much time and how to cook dried mushrooms until cooked in a saucepan.

How long to cook dried mushrooms?

Drying mushrooms is usually used for cooking mushroom soup, since it is from dried forest mushrooms that a tasty, rich and fragrant broth is obtained. The cooking time of dry mushrooms depends on their type (some cook faster, others longer):

  • How long to soak dried mushrooms before cooking? Usually dried mushrooms are soaked for 2-3 hours in cold water(sometimes in milk) or leave them overnight the day before cooking.
  • How much to cook dried mushrooms for soup? Depending on the type, dried mushrooms are boiled for 30 to 90 minutes until tender (when they sink to the bottom in the pan, they are cooked).

Note: if for some reason you don’t have time to soak dried mushrooms before cooking, you can immediately place them in a saucepan and cook for 10-15 minutes after boiling water, then drain all the water and continue cooking them further according to the recipe.

Having learned how much you need to cook dried mushrooms, we will further consider the main secrets of their preparation in a saucepan.

How to cook dried mushrooms?

To properly boil dried mushrooms for cooking your favorite dishes, in which they are included, you should perform the following sequence of actions:

  • We measure required amount dry mushrooms, put them in a deep container and fill with cold water so that the water completely covers them and its level is 2-3 cm higher than the mushrooms. We insist mushrooms in water for 2-3 hours (you can leave it overnight).
  • After soaking, we transfer the mushrooms to a saucepan and fill it with water (if it is not cloudy and dirty, you can use the water in which they were soaked, since the broth will then be more rich).
  • On high heat, bring the water in a saucepan to a boil, then remove the foam formed on the surface of the water, reduce the heat so that the water does not boil much and cook the mushrooms for an average of 30 minutes until cooked (the most popular forest mushrooms, such as porcini, boletus, russula, mushrooms, have such a cooking time).
  • When the mushrooms are cooked, they can be immediately used for making soup, for frying or for making pie fillings, etc.

Note: if dried mushrooms are purchased and you are not sure of their quality and purity, then it is better to rinse them with running cold water before cooking, placing them in a colander to wash dust and possible small debris from them, and you can also drain the first water when cooking soup after boiling and cook the broth in new water.

How to cook mushroom soup from dried mushrooms?

Cooking soup from dried mushrooms is quite simple and does not require special knowledge and skills. Consider step by step how to cook soup from dried mushrooms:

  • First of all, we prepare everything necessary ingredients to prepare mushroom soup: dried mushrooms (30-50 grams, which is equivalent to 300 grams of fresh), potatoes (2-3 pieces), carrots (1 medium), 1 onion, salt, pepper, herbs (parsley).
  • First of all, we soak the dried mushrooms, after which we cook in a saucepan for an average of 30 minutes until cooked.
  • We take out the boiled mushrooms and additionally cut into small pieces (if they have become large sizes after cooking).
  • On a heated frying pan vegetable oil fry the chopped onion golden color, add grated carrots and after a few minutes chopped boiled mushrooms, after which everything is fried together for an average of 5-7 minutes.
  • We transfer the roast to a pot of boiling water, add salt to taste, then add the potatoes cut into pieces and cook for 10 minutes.
  • We leave the pot with boiled mushroom soup from the heat and let it brew for 10-15 minutes before serving.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how to cook dried mushrooms (how to cook them), you can easily cook delicious and fragrant mushroom soup or boil forest mushrooms dried for the winter to cook your favorite dishes. Your reviews and helpful tips, how and how much to cook dried mushrooms in time, leave in the comments to the article and share it in in social networks if it was helpful to you.

Mushroom dishes can be called favorites of Slavic cuisine. However, you can not please yourself with fresh mushrooms for long enough, since the mushroom season lasts only a few months a year. Therefore, culinary specialists often use dried mushrooms in cooking, which are not inferior in taste and aroma to fresh ones. You can purchase them at outlets Or make your own dried mushrooms at home.

What mushrooms are dried and how

Drying is the most common, affordable and simple method for processing and preserving mushrooms. As a result of such processing, mushrooms are not only stored for a long time, but also retain all the nutrients, taste and acquire a rich aroma. Dried mushrooms are valued not only for their taste, but also for their compactness. They do not require a lot of space and large bulky containers to store them. They are easy to pack and weigh a little, so they are very convenient for transportation.

According to sanitary standards it is allowed to dry such mushrooms as: porcini mushroom, boletus, boletus, boletus, Polish mushroom, white truffle, morel, champignons, deer whips, all types of honey agaric, meitake, tinder fungus.

Mushrooms are dried in whole form and in crushed. Selected mushrooms of medium and small sizes are dried whole. In large mushrooms, the caps are separated from the stem. To speed up the process, the mushrooms are crushed.

Mushroom flour or powder is also prepared from dried mushrooms. The powder may consist of one or more types of mushrooms.

What to cook with dried mushrooms

Dried mushrooms are used to prepare separate dishes: hot and cold appetizers, first courses and various sauces. Very often, mushrooms are added to a variety of fillings for pies, dumplings.

Mushrooms are a source of vegetable protein, which is not inferior in digestibility to the animal found in meat and seafood. Therefore, all dishes from dried mushrooms can be included in the menu while observing fasting. They can serve as an excellent substitute for meat.

Preparing Dried Mushrooms for Cooking

Before preparing any dish with dried mushrooms, they should be prepared in advance. Whole mushrooms and mushroom pieces must first be carefully sorted and washed under running water.

Then the mushrooms are soaked for 15-20 minutes to remove the soil litter from them. After the mushrooms are repeatedly washed, draining the dirty water.

Peeled mushrooms are soaked for 2-3 hours. At this time, they are saturated with moisture and recover. If mushrooms are prepared for poaching, stewing or frying, they are soaked in a minimum amount of water. When preparing mushroom broth, the amount of water increases to seven times the volume.

Final stage pre-training- it's boiling. Swollen mushrooms are boiled in the same water in which they were soaked. The duration of cooking depends on the variety of mushrooms. Porcini mushrooms are boiled for 1.5-2 hours. Other varieties cook a little faster. You can determine the edible readiness of mushrooms by tasting them during cooking. Readiness indicator - easy chewing.

Mushroom powder is soaked for swelling in clean water for half an hour before use. The resulting mushroom gruel is not subjected to preliminary heat treatment.

Cooking dishes from dried mushrooms: techniques, methods and subtleties

Whole mushrooms and mushroom pieces are used to make soups, broths, salads, vegetable stews, and pie fillings. Mushroom powder is often added to minced meat, sauces, gravies. Used as a seasoning for meat, fish, seafood, vegetables and in salad dressings. It is also used to prepare mushroom dough for pies.

Dried mushrooms are used in the preparation of boiled, stewed, baked meat, vegetable and fish dishes, and are included in marinades.

Some subtleties of cooking dried mushrooms:

  • Mushroom taste and aroma is most pronounced in dishes prepared with dairy products: milk mushroom soup, cream sauces, mushrooms fried on butter, sour cream and cream sauces.
  • You can revive the taste of dried mushrooms by soaking in salted milk.
  • To save nutrients dry mushrooms are soaked in a small amount of water and boiled in the same water.
  • When calculating the required volume of mushrooms, it should be taken into account that a portion of dry mushrooms replaces 5-7 portions of fresh ones.
  • The aroma of dried mushrooms is quite rich, so use the minimum amount of spices when cooking.
  • The following spices shade and emphasize the mushroom taste best of all: allspice, black pepper, bay leaf, garlic.
  • To speed up the cooking of dried chanterelles, it is recommended to add a pinch of baking soda to the water.
  • Boletus and boletus are not used for cooking first courses.
  • Stewing in sour cream sauce will add special tenderness to porcini mushrooms.

It is necessary to cook dishes from mushrooms in small quantities, since when they are reheated (warmed up), they release toxic substances that can cause poisoning.

Delicious dried mushroom dishes

Creamy cheese soup with mushrooms


  • dried mushrooms 50 g,
  • onion 50 g,
  • carrots 50 g,
  • boiled beans 200 g,
  • butter 20 g,
  • processed cheese 1 pc.


  1. Mushrooms are soaked and boiled for an hour. We change the water and cook for another hour.
  2. We take out the mushrooms from the broth, grind in a blender or cut into small pieces.
  3. Grind the beans through a sieve or use a blender to prepare mashed potatoes.
  4. Cut the onion and carrot into small strips and fry until golden brown in butter.
  5. In the water where the mushrooms were cooked, add bean puree, mushrooms, fried vegetables and processed cheese.
  6. Boil over low heat until the cheese is completely dissolved, add salt and spices to taste.
  7. When serving, decorate with herbs.

potato boats


  • potatoes 4 pcs,
  • dried mushrooms 30 g,
  • hard cheese 50 g,
  • minced meat 100 g,
  • salt, spices, vegetable oil.


  1. Cut the soaked and boiled mushrooms into small pieces, combine with minced meat, add salt and spices.
  2. Boil the potatoes in their skins first. Peel potatoes and cut into halves. Using a teaspoon, make indentations in them.
  3. We start the potatoes with minced meat.
  4. Lay foil on a baking sheet and lay out the potatoes. Sprinkle vegetable oil on top.
  5. Cover with foil and bake for 20 minutes in the oven at 170˚C.
  6. Then sprinkle the potato boats with grated cheese and leave in a hot oven for 5 minutes.

The dish is served hot.

Delicious dried mushroom dishes not only diversify the daily menu, but can also become the main decoration of the festive table.