Dishes from dried mushrooms. Recipes. Quick cooking dried mushrooms at home

My godmother is an avid mycelium. This year, luck smiled at her, and she gathered and dried a lot of white mushrooms and chanterelles. Brought me, they say, cook. She even gave me recipes. And I myself love “foreign” shiitake mushrooms, sometimes I buy and cook them. Today I will share with you a recipe for cooking dried foreign mushrooms, plus I will tell you how to cook dried porcini mushrooms and chanterelles correctly.

Boiled dried shiitake mushrooms

I myself recently learned how to cook these dried woody Chinese shiitake mushrooms, there are a lot of recipes for dishes with them. The main thing is to boil correctly"intourist".

Useful from technology gas or electric stove. From spoons, prepare a bowl for soaking mushrooms, a saucepan for boiling them, a slotted spoon and a plate for boiled shiitake mushrooms.

When everything you need is on the table, it's time to stock up on the necessary components.


Shiitake mushrooms can be found in the supermarket, but they are decently priced there. If you live big city and you have a Chinese market - you go there, you can find them 5 times cheaper there. At the time of buying check that the mushrooms are dried and not damp- they should break easily and with a crunch.

As soon as the cherished shiitake is in your kitchen, you can immediately cook them, in our case, boil them.

Step by step cooking

Recipe video

This video demonstrates the process of boiling Chinese shiitake mushrooms.

Dried porcini mushrooms with potatoes

Now we will figure out how to cook delicious dried porcini mushrooms with potatoes in the manner of a roast.

Time for preparing: 1,5 hour.
Servings: 6.
Calories: per 100 g 66 kcal.
From technology we need only electric or gas stove. Of the dishes you need: a pot and a frying pan with lids, a spatula, a bowl and a plate for soaking mushrooms, a slotted spoon and a plate, a sieve, gauze and dishes for mushroom infusion, a glass, cutting board and a knife.

The most important event left is to stock up on food.


If you choose quality ingredients, the dish will turn out tasty and healthy:

  • Porcini mushrooms can be dried on their own and you can buy. When buying, check their dryness - a piece of mushroom should easily break in your hands.
  • Take small potatoes. Root crops should be firm, without peepholes and spots.
  • , with tight-fitting golden husks. The bulbs themselves should be without sprouts and soft areas.
  • Pick a small carrot, bright orange in color, without black spots and rot.
  • Sweet pepper choose fresh, juicy elastic. The vegetable should be bright, and the stalk should be green, without black dots and signs of rot.

When we already have everything we need, we can start cooking a delicious roast directly.

Step by step cooking

First of all, prepare dried porcini mushrooms:

Now let's prepare our dish:

  1. Pour 50 g of vegetable oil into the pan and put 40-50 g of butter, put the pan on medium heat to butter melted away.
  2. Peel and cut in any shape 1 kg of potatoes, put it in a pan with melted butter.
  3. Pour about 100 ml of mushroom infusion into a glass, add the rest of the liquid to the pot with potatoes, cover it with a lid and leave to simmer for 20 minutes.
  4. Pour 25 g of vegetable oil into a preheated pan and put the chopped onion (about 120 g). When the onion becomes transparent, add mushrooms to it and fry for 5-7 minutes over medium heat.
  5. Cut in any shape a medium carrot (about 80 g) and a small one, peeled from the core and seeds Bell pepper(about 60 g). Add vegetables to skillet and stir.
  6. Pour the remaining 100 ml of mushroom infusion to the vegetables, add pepper and Bay leaf taste. Cover the pan with a lid and let it simmer for 7-10 minutes.

  7. Put the vegetables and mushrooms to the potatoes, mix, salt to taste. Cover the pot with a lid and turn off the heat after a minute. The dish is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe video

This video shows in detail the process of cooking stewed potatoes with dried mushrooms in the style of a roast.

Dried chanterelle soup

Now we will figure out how to cook mushrooms such as dried chanterelles, and cook soup from them!

Time for preparing: 1,5 hour.
Servings: 4.
Calories: per 100 g 28 kcal.
For cooking we need: an electric or gas stove, two pots and a frying pan with lids, a sieve, a cutting board and a knife, a dressing cup, a spatula, a spoon and a ladle.

Well, the most important thing in cooking any dish is the campaign for the necessary products.


It is very important to choose high-quality and fresh ingredients - the success of the finished soup depends on this. You know how to choose vegetables and other products, there is little left to do. Dried chanterelles can be found in the store or in the market. Good mushrooms will be bright orange shade , dry. If such a mushroom is broken, a distinct crunch is heard.

When everything you need is kitchen table, it's time to start the process of creating our fragrant soup.

Step by step cooking

  1. Take 300 g of dried chanterelles, put in a saucepan, pour 2.5 liters of water and put on medium heat until boiling.
  2. Finely chop a couple of onions (about 160 g), pour 30 g of vegetable oil into a frying pan, transfer the onion there and fry it a little over low heat for 3-5 minutes.
  3. When the chanterelles boil, wait a couple of minutes and remove the pan from the heat. Strain the mushroom broth through a sieve into another saucepan. Rinse the mushrooms themselves with cold running water(it is enough to drain the water 2-3 times).
  4. Finely chop the boiled chanterelles. Put them on the onion, mix. Cover the pan with a lid and let the mushrooms simmer for 30 minutes. over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  5. Mix 80 g of sour cream with 30 g of flour so that no lumps remain. Add some mushroom broth and mix the dressing well.
  6. Cut a bunch of fresh dill (about 30 g).
  7. Put the prepared mushrooms into the broth, put the pan over medium heat until boiling (about 10 minutes). Salt and pepper to taste.
  8. Pour the dressing into the soup, stirring constantly. Cover the pot with a lid and let it simmer for 20-30 minutes on low heat.
  9. Add the finished soup with chopped dill in portioned plates. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe video

This video shows step by step how to make a fragrant and beautiful dried chanterelle soup.

How to decorate dishes from dried mushrooms

If the mushrooms are initially small, they can be left whole, and if you are not too lazy to carefully cut large mushrooms, the dish will be beautiful in itself. Any dish with dried mushrooms Perfectly complements fresh chopped herbs.

Tips for preparing and serving dried mushroom dishes

  • Shiitake mushrooms need to be rinsed and soak before cooking - so they come out many times softer and tastier.
  • Flour in the recipe for potatoes with mushrooms is used as a thickener, but in fact it can not be added if it is good to evaporate the moisture from the mushroom fry in a pan.
  • Before cutting chanterelles for soup, they need to be squeezed out a little with your hands - so excess liquid will not get into the pan.
  • Mushroom dishes should be served warm, preferably at lunch.

Mushroom Cooking Options

From dried mushrooms you can cook anything, they can be used on a par with fresh ones. There are many delicious mushroom recipes:

  • Try to cook, this is an amazing dish.
  • I also recommend doing it, it's very simple and fast.
  • If you are tired of mushrooms, use it, this is the most magnificent mushroom in terms of taste.
  • As a first course, it comes out great, this is a very hearty lunch.
  • You will also be pleasantly surprised by the pie, this is an amazingly tasty dish.

In fact, the "mushroom" cuisine is limited solely by the imagination of every hostess. If you can add to the above recipes or have your own ideas for dried mushroom dishes, share the information in the comments!

Ceps have rightfully earned the status of the most delicious and healthy in the large spongy family. In terms of energy and nutritional value, they are in no way inferior to meat, and in some qualities even surpass it. Their advantage is also that during the drying process they do not darken and remain the same fragrant. White mushrooms are used in a variety of recipes. Therefore, if you are puzzled by the question of what can be prepared from dried porcini mushrooms, the choice of dishes is quite diverse. Among them are soups, borscht, sauces, salads, appetizers, fillings for cabbage rolls, pies, zrazy, pizza, etc. As a rule, they are one of the ingredients of a dish and very rarely an independent meal.

There are several ways to dry porcini mushrooms. Some of them we offer to study on video:

It is imperative to store stocks of dry porcini mushrooms in non-damp rooms with good ventilation; it is better to use paper bags or cardboard boxes for this purpose. In the event of sudden temperature changes, they can become damp and moldy. If you notice in time that they are damp, discard those that have already deteriorated, and dry the rest. The shelf life of dried porcini mushroom is up to one year, but it can be extended by putting it in the freezer.

How to cook dried porcini mushrooms?

As we have already mentioned, there is big variety recipes for cooking dishes from dried porcini mushrooms. How to cook delicious soup, as well as stewed potatoes with such a useful component, we will consider further.

Recipe number 1. Dry porcini mushroom soup

This fragrant rich dish is sure to please all adult members of your family, as well as guests.

Required Ingredients:

  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • mushrooms - 100 g
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • peppercorns, salt
  • dill, parsley
  • sour cream - to taste

Cooking method

  1. To prepare any dish, dry porcini mushrooms should be soaked for 3-4 hours, then salt to taste and cook for about half an hour.
  2. Ready boiled dried porcini mushrooms are taken out of the pan and chopped with a knife, if necessary.
  3. Peel and finely chop the onion, then grate the peeled carrots. Fry them in a hot pan until golden brown.
  4. Add mushrooms to the pan and fry for 7-8 minutes.
  5. Put the fried mixture in a saucepan and salt, add diced potatoes and cook for 10 minutes, after which we insist the dish for the same amount of time.

Serve the soup on the table with fresh chopped parsley and dill, white bread and sour cream.

Recipe number 2. Roast with dried porcini mushrooms

By adding dried porcini mushrooms to potatoes, you can cook an even more delicious dish. Minimum time spent - maximum taste pleasure.

Required Ingredients:

  • potatoes - 800 g
  • mushrooms - 70 g
  • beef - 500-600 g
  • carrot - 1 pc.
  • bulb - 1 pc.
  • sunflower oil
  • ground pepper, salt - to taste
  • sour cream

Cooking method

  1. Mushrooms, as expected, are soaked for 3 hours in cool water, after which they need to be boiled for 20-25 minutes.
  2. Meat cut into pieces small size and fry in a skillet.
  3. It is also necessary to fry grated carrots, onion chopped with a knife, boiled mushrooms and potatoes.
  4. We put all the ingredients in a cast iron, pour the broth with mushrooms so that it is on the same level with them, salt.
  5. Add sour cream to the pan, cover it with a lid and simmer until fully cooked.

When serving a roast with dried porcini mushrooms prepared according to this recipe, sprinkle it with chopped herbs.

Enjoy your meal!

Dried mushrooms are easy to prepare for the winter, they keep well and for a long time at home, and you can easily buy them in the store throughout the year. Dried mushrooms are often used to cook delicious mushroom soup and are used to cook other dishes, so in this article we will consider how much time and how to cook dried mushrooms until ready in a saucepan.

How long to cook dried mushrooms?

Drying mushrooms is usually used for cooking mushroom soup, since it is from dried forest mushrooms that a tasty, rich and fragrant broth is obtained. The cooking time of dry mushrooms depends on their type (some cook faster, others longer):

  • How long to soak dried mushrooms before cooking? Usually dried mushrooms are soaked for 2-3 hours in cold water (sometimes in milk) or left overnight the day before cooking.
  • How much to cook dried mushrooms for soup? Depending on the type, dried mushrooms are boiled for 30 to 90 minutes until tender (when they sink to the bottom in the pan, they are cooked).

Note: if for some reason you don’t have time to soak dried mushrooms before cooking, you can immediately place them in a saucepan and cook for 10-15 minutes after boiling water, then drain all the water and continue cooking them further according to the recipe.

Having learned how much you need to cook dried mushrooms, we will further consider the main secrets of their preparation in a saucepan.

How to cook dried mushrooms?

To properly boil dried mushrooms for cooking your favorite dishes, in which they are included, you should perform the following sequence of actions:

  • We measure required amount dry mushrooms, put them in a deep container and pour cold water so that the water completely covers them and its level is 2-3 cm higher than the mushrooms. We insist mushrooms in water for 2-3 hours (you can leave it overnight).
  • After soaking, we transfer the mushrooms to a saucepan and fill it with water (if it is not cloudy and dirty, you can use the water in which they were soaked, since the broth will be more rich after that).
  • On high heat, bring the water in a saucepan to a boil, then remove the foam formed on the surface of the water, reduce the heat so that the water does not boil much and cook the mushrooms for an average of 30 minutes until cooked (the most popular forest mushrooms, such as white mushroom, boletus, russula, mushrooms, have such a cooking time).
  • When the mushrooms are cooked, they can be immediately used for making soup, for frying or for making pie fillings, etc.

Note: if dried mushrooms are purchased and you are not sure of their quality and purity, then it is better to rinse them with running cold water before cooking, placing them in a colander to wash dust and possible small debris from them, and you can also drain the first water when cooking soup after boiling and cook the broth in new water.

How to cook mushroom soup from dried mushrooms?

Cooking soup from dried mushrooms is quite simple and does not require special knowledge and skills. Consider step by step how to cook soup from dried mushrooms:

  • First of all, we prepare everything necessary ingredients to prepare mushroom soup: dried mushrooms (30-50 grams, which is equivalent to 300 grams of fresh ones), potatoes (2-3 pieces), carrots (1 medium), 1 onion, salt, pepper, herbs (parsley).
  • First of all, we soak the dried mushrooms, after which we cook in a saucepan for an average of 30 minutes until cooked.
  • We take out the boiled mushrooms and additionally cut into small pieces (if they have become large sizes after cooking).
  • On a heated frying pan vegetable oil fry the chopped onion golden color, add grated carrots and after a few minutes chopped boiled mushrooms, after which everything is fried together for an average of 5-7 minutes.
  • We transfer the roast to a pot of boiling water, add salt to taste, then add the potatoes cut into pieces and cook for 10 minutes.
  • We leave the pot with boiled mushroom soup from the heat and let it brew for 10-15 minutes before serving.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how to cook dried mushrooms (how to cook them), you can easily cook delicious and fragrant mushroom soup or boil forest mushrooms dried for the winter to cook your favorite dishes. Your reviews and helpful tips, how and how much to cook dried mushrooms in time, leave in the comments to the article and share it in in social networks if it was helpful to you.

Porcini boletus - called the king of mushrooms. And this is not surprising, because it contains a lot of very different useful substances that have a positive effect on overall health, condition of hair and nails. The porcini mushroom is a delicious medicine. It will help normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland, improve metabolism. Dishes from mushrooms are useful for general loss of strength, tuberculosis.

Dried mushrooms, if you do not violate the technology of their preparation, do not differ in taste from fresh ones just brought from the forest. They can be used for cooking first, second courses, sauces. They make an excellent rich soup, delicious stew with potatoes and vegetables, they, like fresh mushrooms, can be fried or stewed. So you can cook a wide variety of dishes from dried porcini mushrooms.

The advantages of mushrooms over other mushrooms are also that they always remain white, even after cutting and drying. All other species of their relatives always turn black. In addition, mushrooms remain light even when cooked, and their broth is always transparent, fragrant and has a unique pleasant taste. To make sure of this, let's cook such a soup on our own. Let's take a look at a few more recipes. delicious meals from dried mushrooms.

Mushroom soup with potatoes

To prepare a hot, hearty soup, we need to prepare: 4 medium potato tubers, 1 small carrot, 3 tbsp. l. dried mushrooms, 1 small onion, 1 fresh parsley root, a little tomato and butter (1 tbsp each), fresh dill, salt, pepper.

Let's start cooking:

In the evening, pour dried porcini mushrooms with cold water to swell. In the morning you can start cooking. Boil water in a saucepan, put them in boiling water, cook at a slight boil for 10 minutes.

Now heat the butter in a small skillet. Put finely chopped onions, finely chopped or grated carrots, chopped parsley root, fry in oil until the onions and carrots are lightly browned. Now add the tomato, simmer for another three minutes.

Put the whole frying into a pot with soup, add diced potatoes, cook for about 20 minutes more. At the very end of cooking, salt the soup, pepper, sprinkle with herbs. Pour it into bowls and you can serve.

Dried mushrooms fried with sour cream

For a delicious hot mushroom dish, we need to prepare the following products: 50 g of dried porcini mushrooms, half a glass of fresh milk, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, vegetable oil, 1 small onion, green onion and salt to taste.

Let's start cooking:

The night before, before you planned to cook this dish, put the mushrooms in a large bowl, pour warm milk over it. In the morning, all the milk will be absorbed, the mushrooms will become elastic, their volume will increase, and they can be fried.

Cut them into small pieces, leave the small ones as they are. Put on a well-heated frying pan with vegetable oil, fry until browned, along with finely chopped onions. When the mushrooms are reddened, pour them with sour cream, salt, mix. Divide among cups and sprinkle each serving with a small amount of finely chopped green onions.

Solyanka from dried mushrooms

To prepare mushroom hodgepodge according to this recipe, we need: 2 tbsp. l. dried mushrooms, half a glass of salted mushrooms or any other salted mushrooms, half a fork of cabbage, one and a half glasses of salted cabbage, 1 carrot, celery root, 1 onion.

You will also need: 2 tomatoes, a handful of olives, half a glass of sour cream, lemon slices, 2 bay leaves. For flavor, you will need parsley and dill. And of course salt and pepper to taste.

Let's start cooking:

Mushrooms need to be filled with water, as we already know, at night. Boil them in the morning by pouring 300 ml of water into a large saucepan. When they are almost ready, you need to get them with a slotted spoon. Now cool and cut into small cubes. Put back into the saucepan with the broth and continue to cook over low heat. There, in the broth, put grated carrots, celery root cut into slices.

Pour 2 tbsp into a clean skillet. l. oil, fry finely chopped fresh cabbage along with salted cabbage and onions. When the vegetables become soft, add the diced tomatoes, simmer until tender.

Transfer the stewed vegetables to the mushrooms in a saucepan, add finely chopped salted mushrooms, parsley, pepper. Add salt if needed. Simmer at a low boil for 15-20 minutes. Then pour sour cream into the hodgepodge. At the end of cooking, add olives (pitted). Arrange the finished dish in portions, put a slice of lemon in each plate, sprinkle with herbs.

Hot appetizer of mushrooms and pasta

For the recipe, prepare: 3 tbsp. l. dried mushrooms, 300 g pasta or horns, 2 small carrots, 1 medium onion. For frying - vegetable oil, for taste - salt, fresh dill.

Let's start cooking:

As usual, pour water over the mushrooms in the evening to swell. In the morning, just boil them until tender. Drain the water, cool the mushrooms. Now grate the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion. Fry vegetables and mushrooms in vegetable oil until browned.

Put the roast in a deep saucepan or heavy saucepan, add the pasta there, and then add cold water so that the pasta is completely covered. Boil everything, cook with the lid ajar until the pasta is cooked. Salt before removing from heat. Arrange the finished dish in bowls, sprinkle with herbs and - bon appetit!

Even out of season, you can regularly pamper yourself and loved ones with mushroom dishes - if you dry them ahead of time. Or know the places where the workpiece is sold. However, supermarkets can also help with the purchase, where it is easy to find drying. And dishes from dried mushrooms are in no way inferior in taste to those prepared from freshly picked mushrooms. If, of course, you know some of the subtleties of processing. And get a collection good recipes.

Dried mushrooms: how to cook

Whatever you are going to concoct from drying, you must first boil it. And the first step will be soaking in clean water at least for an hour. The approximate ratio of liquid and product is half a liter of water per 100 grams of the workpiece.

If you are going to cook, the volume of liquid can be increased. If you want to get the most tender component, dilute the water with milk by half.

Regarding how to cook dried mushrooms, culinary specialists have certain disagreements. Some believe that the liquid in which they swelled should be drained and thoroughly rinsed with running water. Others insist that a lot of useful substances accumulate in the filling, which means that you need to cook mushrooms in it. How to proceed, decide for yourself. If the drying is clean and the rubbish does not float on the surface, let the soaking water become a decoction.

It is also important to decide how much to cook dried mushrooms. The time depends on their type. The longest - up to two hours - mushrooms will be cooked. If the mushrooms are pre-sliced, they can be kept on the stove less. But in general, cooks decide based on periodically taken samples.

To make the broth tastier, onion and spices are placed in the pan during cooking. You can also add a small piece of butter or a little cream - if you soaked the mushrooms in clean water.

Salad "Elena"

Among the dishes of dried mushrooms, there are appetizers, soups, and a hot second course. Moreover, each recipe is worthy of attention and respect even from gourmets. Let's start with snacks.

For delicious salad you need a 200-gram piece beef liver(can be replaced chicken offal), drying about the same weight (naturally, already boiled), three eggs, a large onion and a couple of not too large carrots.

The liver is boiled until tender in slightly salted water and cut into cubes. Hard boiled eggs crumble in the same way. Mushrooms, if they are small, can be used whole. Or cut into pieces.

The onion is chopped in half rings, the carrots are rubbed coarsely and stewed until soft in vegetable oil. The components are combined, seasoned with mayonnaise, pepper and salt. The salad is mixed and sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Squid for a holiday

Dishes from dried mushrooms will be quite appropriate on the solemn table itself. Those who approve of seafood can try out the following recipe.

The squid carcass is soaked in boiling water, after which it is cleaned if it was uncut. Mushrooms for this dish do not need to be cooked, just soaked. To make the process go faster, you can also use hot water. In sliced ​​form, the drying is mixed with minced pork, salt, sugar, pepper and chopped chives. The ratio of products is at the discretion of the cook. The carcass is stuffed with the stuffing and sewn up so that the “insides” do not fall out. The squid is pierced with a needle in several places so that the steam formed in it comes out. A little vegetable oil is heated in a frying pan, crushed garlic is fried in it for a couple of minutes, after which the stuffed squid is browned on both sides. Even added to the dish soy sauce and water, the container is covered with a lid and left for a quarter of an hour on low heat - to stew. Turn the carcass every five minutes.

Before serving, an exotic dish of dried mushrooms needs to be slightly cooled, after which the carcass is cut into circles. As a side dish, rice will be the most harmonious.

On the first

For lunch, for sure, each of us will not mind eating dried mushroom soup. It is easy to prepare, it turns out tasty and nutritious, but at the same time quite dietary. The initial preparation of drying is usual, only boiling stops after about half an hour, after which the mushrooms are caught from the broth and cut into medium-sized pieces. Instead, potato cubes are placed in the pan; until they reach almost readiness, finely chopped onions are brought to a blush in butter. At the end, mushroom strips are added to it, and frying continues for another five minutes. The dressing is introduced into the soup; after it boils, you can immediately sit down at the table. Do not forget to sprinkle your portion with chopped herbs.

If you prefer mashed soups, add cream or sour cream at the end of cooking, you can have a little cheese (hard or melted), beat everything with a blender and you can serve.

dried mushroom sauce

It will be a unique addition to almost any dish. Potatoes in any form, cereals from any cereals, pasta and meat are in harmony with it, if it was cooked without gravy.

For dried mushroom sauce, the base is soaked (you need to take a little less water) and boiled for at least an hour. Then the broth is filtered, and the mushrooms are cooled. Finely chopped onions are fried in melted butter; when it acquires a beautiful brownish tint, mushrooms are added to it. They can be cut if you prefer a more uniform sauce of dried mushrooms, or they can be left whole - then the drying will be more clearly felt in the main dish.

About ten minutes after the start of adding mushrooms to the pan, with continuous stirring, flour is poured. How much - depends on the preferred density of the gravy. Then the desired volume of broth is added with sour cream mixed in it. A little spice - and the dressing can be poured into a gravy boat.

For fasting

Dried mushroom gravy can be served on a vegetarian table, and on days when dairy products are banned. At the same time, the recipe remains the same, only sour cream is deleted from the list of components, and butter is replaced with vegetable oil.

Appetizing potato

Few will agree to do without their favorite tubers. So almost everyone will like potatoes with dried mushrooms. For one and a half kilos of potatoes, about 150 grams of drying will go (in its original form). It is not worth pouring a decoction from mushrooms into the sink, it will come in handy for us. The cooking sequence will be as follows.

Potatoes, washed and peeled, are not cut too thinly. Any form of cutting, but circles are preferable. In a deep thick-bottomed frying pan, butter is melted with the addition of vegetable oil in a ratio of 1: 2. In it, three chopped garlic cloves are first allowed. It is undesirable to press - the gruel will stick together. Then potatoes are poured; it needs to be fried for 5-7 minutes on a fairly high heat so that the crust appears quickly. Mushrooms are next. After a couple of minutes of joint cooking, the broth is poured in, and the contents of the pan are stewed for 10 minutes.

While the contents of the pan are languishing on the fire, the dressing is being prepared: sea salt and pepper, Provence herbs and marjoram are rubbed in two tablespoons of vegetable oil. The form is smeared with half of the mixture, the potatoes and mushrooms are shifted, the rest of the dressing is poured on top - and in the oven for a quarter of an hour. Those who wish can also sprinkle the dish with grated cheese.

Roast in Russian

If you add meat to potatoes with dried mushrooms, you get a full-fledged dish that does not need any additional trouble. Unless vegetables, raw or pickled, put on the table.

Grams 50 dried mushrooms pass pre-processing and set aside, two onions are peeled and cut as you like, the main thing is not too large. A couple of carrots are also chopped into slices. A little less than a kilogram of potatoes is cut either into large strips or into small slices, and chicken (600 g) is cut into small strips. All products, except mushrooms, are fried separately, after which the carrots are mixed with potatoes, and the meat with onions and mushrooms.

Now the pots are taken out, on which meat is laid out in the first layer, and vegetables in the second. A little mushroom broth is poured into each dish, the pots are closed with lids or foil and put in the oven for 30-40 minutes, depending on their volume. While the potatoes with dried mushrooms and chicken reach the sauce, a little sour cream is mixed with three crushed garlic cloves and finely chopped greens. Ten minutes before the dish is ready, a spoonful of sauce is placed in each container.

You can serve directly in the pots.

Porridge is our food

It would seem that cooking porridge is a simple task that even a novice cook can handle. The problem is that many people end up with a very boring dish that is eaten only in the absence of a more interesting alternative. But if you cook barley with dried mushrooms according to our recipe, this dish has every chance of becoming a favorite in your family.

50 grams of drying are washed and soaked for an hour in a glass of water. One and a half cups of cereals are thoroughly washed, poured with cold water in a volume of two liters and put on the stove. After boiling, the barley is boiled over high heat for no longer than five minutes, after which the boiling water is drained from it. The water in which the mushrooms swelled is filtered and poured into a vessel. Two glasses of chicken broth are also added there (you can also replace it with mushroom broth, if you have it). When the liquid boils, barley, chopped mushrooms and salt are poured into it. The pan is closed with a lid and left on low heat for an hour and a half. Before removing from the stove, onion frying is added to the porridge, the contents of the pan are mixed and wrapped for half an hour, left on the table for soaking.

Seductive cabbage

Very interesting taste sauerkraut with dried mushrooms, cooked in the oven.

Drying is taken in such quantity that in the swollen state it turned out to be 500-600 grams. Mushrooms are filled with a sufficient amount of water; after swelling, they are boiled directly in it, after which they crumble medium-sized. Half a kilo of cabbage is squeezed out of the juice a little and distributed in a baking dish. A little mushroom broth is poured into the base so that the cabbage does not turn out to be overdried.

A large onion head is peeled and cut into half rings. Carrots of the appropriate size are cut into halves of circles. In a large frying pan, with the use of sunflower oil, carrots, onions and mushrooms are fried. It is laid out on cabbage, salted (do not overdo it! There is enough salt in cabbage anyway) and flavored with spices. The original recipe calls for hot ground pepper and cumin, but you can choose anything else.

The form is placed in an oven heated to about 150 Celsius and kept in it until the cabbage is soft.

Sauce for cabbage with mushrooms

A 50-gram piece of butter is naturally softened and rubbed to smoothness with the same amount of flour. Then milk is poured into the mass in the volume of two incomplete glasses, salt, a mixture of peppers and nutmeg, about a quarter of a small spoon. Once again carefully stir and pour into a baking dish, after which the cabbage is returned to the oven for another 15 minutes. This dish is served hot.