Beef innards. Collection of recipes and dishes from beef offal. Liver fried in a pan

15 offal dishes

By-products are usually called by-products of fresh primary processing of carcasses. These include: liver, tongue, brains, kidneys, heart, diaphragm, udder, lungs, scar, trachea, ears. Offal dishes are tasty, nutritious and high-calorie, and they also contain a huge amount of minerals necessary for the body. Therefore, despite the unattractive appearance of these products, they should not be neglected. Culinary experts from many countries have long been successful in using offal recipes in the preparation of the most exquisite dishes.

1. Boiled heart
2. Pork ears fried with breadcrumbs
3. Buckwheat porridge with liver in a slow cooker
4. Potato roll with giblets
5. Berlin-style liver with onions and apples
6. Roast offal
7. Stuffed liver roll
8. Meat terrine with offal
9. Liver cutlets with eggplant
10. Pork heart stewed with vegetables in cheese sauce
11. Beef liver stroganoff with mushrooms
12. Liver pate with vegetables
13. Stewed pork entrails with apple
14. Beef tail stewed in aromatic sauce
15. Veal kidneys a la julienne

1. Boiled heart


1 veal / beef heart
1 head of onion
3 garlic cloves
black peppercorns
Bay leaf


In a saucepan with salted water, put a veal or beef heart - washed, without films.

Boil the heart for 4-5 hours, at least 30, maximum 60 minutes before the heart is ready, put garlic, onion, bay leaf, pepper into the pan.

Cool the finished boiled heart, cut into small pieces, arrange on a flat plate and sprinkle with herbs.

2. Pork ears fried with breadcrumbs


1 glass of crackers
6 pig ears
1/2 cup vegetable oil


Peel, pour boiling water over pork ears, put in water and boil until soft.

Put the dried and chopped ears in a pan, add vegetable oil, fry until they are browned, sprinkle the dish with breadcrumbs at the end.

Pork ears fried with breadcrumbs can be served with fresh salads.

3. Buckwheat porridge with liver in a slow cooker


500 g chicken / beef liver
1.5 multi-glasses of water
1 multi-glass of buckwheat
1 head of onion
4 tbsp sour cream


Prepare the liver: rinse and chop the chicken, and if cooked from beef, soak for about an hour in cold water, and then chop, finely chop the onion.

Lubricate the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil, shift the liver, cover with onions, cook for 15 minutes in the "Baking" mode, add buckwheat, pour water, season with black pepper and salt, pour in sour cream, cook buckwheat porridge with liver in a multicooker in the "Pilaf" mode until signal.

Arrange the finished dish on plates, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

4. Potato roll with giblets


500 g potatoes
200 g giblets
1 egg
1 cup semolina
1 tbsp vegetable oil


Boil potatoes in their skins, pour over cold water and peel, mash, add butter, egg, flour, salt the resulting sparse dough.

Frying and stirring, brown semolina, pour three cups of boiling water, salt and mix, leave the porridge to cool.

Twist the fried offal in a meat grinder, combine them with semolina, pepper and mix.

Roll out 3 rectangles of potato dough, the length should be equal to the size of the baking sheet, put the filling along the long edge, roll up.

Before baking, grease each potato roll with offal with vegetable oil, bake the rolls for 30 minutes.

5. Berlin-style liver with onions and apples


500 g beef liver
2 green apples
1 bulb
1 tsp sweet paprika
1/2 tsp curry
vegetable oil
ground black pepper


Cut the beef liver into portioned pieces and beat off through the film, then breaded in flour.

First you need to fry the pieces in vegetable oil until browned on one side, then salt and pepper them, turn them over to the second side and fry as well as the first.

When the liver is ready, it should be transferred to a paper towel, which will absorb unnecessary fat.

Cut the peeled apples into slices, fry them over moderate heat until soft in the filtered oil that remains after frying the liver, then remove from the oil.

When all the ingredients are ready, put the apples on the dish first, then the liver, and finally the onions.

Before serving, the Berlin-style liver with onions and apples is heated in the microwave for 2-3 minutes at full power or 5-7 minutes in the oven at 175 degrees.

6. Roast offal


Heart 320 grams
light 300 grams
kidneys 320 grams
vegetable oil 2 cups
onion 4 heads
broth 150 grams
tomatoes 4 pieces
garlic 2 cloves
dill greens 40 grams
salt to taste
spices to taste

Cooking method:

Soak the kidneys in cold water, after removing the ureters, then cut into cubes of 20-25 g. Boil the heart and lungs, then cut into cubes of 20-25 g and fry in oil along with onions, garlic and tomatoes, diced. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Combine offal, pour a small amount of broth, salt, pepper and simmer over low heat until tender.

When serving roasted offal, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs. Serve fried potatoes as a side dish (see the recipe on the website), decorate with herbs.

7. Stuffed liver roll

You can stuff such a roll with any filling - meat, mushroom, vegetable ...


Beef liver 800 gr
Pork fat 300 gr
Carrot 1 pc big
Bulb 1 pc large
Fat mesh pork (offal) about 100 gr
250 any smoked meat
Carrot 1 piece medium
Onion 1 pc medium
Salt, pepper, seasonings to taste

Cooking method

Cut the liver and bacon into small pieces, fry until fully cooked in a frying pan, did not add oil

Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, fry in vegetable oil

Grind fried liver, lard and vegetables in a meat grinder, salt, season with pepper and spices, then beat in a blender

Finely chop the smoked meat, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion, fry the vegetables in vegetable oil, then combine with the smoked meat, salt and pepper, the filling is ready

Spread the prepared mesh, put the minced liver on it, smooth

Make a hole and put our stuffing in it

Using the grid, roll up in the form of a roll, carefully (the grid breaks easily), roll everything into a grid, transfer to a baking sheet

Put in a preheated oven 200 gr and bake until golden brown for 20-25 minutes, everything is ready, you can use it both warm and cold, bon appetit!

8. Meat terrine with offal


450g meat: turkey (thigh fillet) and pork in a 1:1 ratio
chicken hearts 150g
chicken liver 150g
1 egg
1 tsp corn starch (or potato starch)
30ml cream 10%
1/2 tsp ground paprika
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
shape 21cm /11cm
salt to taste
20g butter

Cooking method

Pass the meat through a meat grinder. Add salt, paprika, black pepper, egg, starch. Mix.

Add cream. Mix

Cut off excess fat and blood vessels from chicken hearts, cut into 2 parts lengthwise.

Remove the films from the liver, cut into several pieces (rather large)

Fry the hearts and liver in butter for 2-3 minutes. As soon as the offal turns white, remove from heat. Salted a little. Let it cool down a bit.

Then minced meat and offal were mixed. The baking dish was smeared with butter, the minced meat was laid out, leveled and pieces of butter were laid out on top. We closed the form with foil and put in an oven preheated to 160g for 1 hour. Place a baking sheet with water on the bottom of the oven.

9. Liver cutlets with eggplant

Liver cutlets can be made much tastier if you add eggplant to the minced meat and serve with mushroom sauce. In this case, the liver cutlets will not be dry and, moreover, they will not be bitter.


Beef liver - 400 gr.
Eggplant - 1 pc.
Eggs - 1 pc.
Salt, pepper - to taste.
Roasted walnuts and pine nuts - 4 tbsp.
Onion - 1 head.

Sauce Ingredients:

Mushrooms - 400 gr.
Luke - 1 piece.
Cream - 200 ml.
Butter - 25 gr.
High-grade flour - 1 tbsp.

For breading:

Crackers ground.
Potato starch.


Peel the eggplants and cut them in half. Salt the eggplants and leave them to stand for half an hour. Boil the liver or fry it and twist it into a meat grinder. We also grind onions, eggplants and nuts in a meat grinder. Add the egg, previously beaten with a fork, to the minced meat, and mix everything together well. We form cutlets from minced meat with wet hands, bread them in breadcrumbs and fry in a pan. When all the cutlets are fried, proceed to the preparation of the sauce.

Chop the onion and put it in a frying pan to fry in butter. We also put chopped mushrooms here. Mushrooms can be twisted into a meat grinder. When the mushrooms are fried, add a little salt and pepper them. Sprinkle the mushrooms with flour and mix thoroughly. First, add half a glass of boiling water so that it spreads over the pan, mix. Next, pour the cream into the pan and boil a little all together. That's all, the dish is ready, put the cutlets on a dish, pour over the sauce and serve.

10. Pork heart stewed with vegetables in cheese sauce

Most often, offal (heart, kidneys, lungs, etc.) is used to make fillings for pancakes and pies, but few people know that full-fledged main courses can be prepared from them. I want to offer you a recipe for pork heart stew with vegetables, I'm sure you'll like it.


Pork (or beef) heart - 3 pcs;
Onion - 1 large onion;
Carrots - 200 gr;
Cheese - 200 gr;
Flour - 1 tbsp;
Salt and other seasonings - to taste.

If instead of pork you will stew beef heart, then the cooking time will need to be increased, since it is much rougher and tougher.

Cooking method:

We cut the hearts in half, rinse thoroughly and cut (preferably small so that it is stewed faster) into strips. Peel the onion and cut into half rings, and chop the peeled carrots on a coarse grater.

We spread the heart cut into strips in a saucepan and lightly fry in oil. After 5 minutes, add chopped vegetables there and fry everything together for about 7-8 minutes, add a little broth or just water inside. After that, we continue to simmer the heart with vegetables over a very low heat for about an hour.

When the pieces of the heart become soft - they are ready, add pre-grated cheese, flour, your favorite spices for meat and salt to the stew, after which, stirring occasionally, simmer everything for about 15-20 minutes.

You can serve a stewed heart on the table with any side dish (potatoes, cereals, pasta, etc.), preferably sprinkled with fresh herbs on top.

11. Beef liver stroganoff with mushrooms

The recipe for beef stroganoff, beloved by all of us, is not made from meat, but from liver and wild mushrooms. And if you have a problem with forest mushrooms, you can use purchased ones, for example champignons, I think beef stroganoff with champignons will be no less tasty than mine.


Liver (beef or pork) - 0.5 kg;
Mushrooms (any forest mushrooms: white, boletus, etc.) - 200 g;
Bulb onion - 2 heads;
Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs;
Tomatoes - 1 pc;
Sour cream - 200 g;
Thyme - 2-3 sprigs;
Vegetable oil;
Salt, pepper and other spices of your choice.


We clean the liver from all the films and cut it into small strips (this is easier to do if the liver is a little frozen).

We cut the pre-boiled and cooled mushrooms, tomatoes and bell pepper in the same way, and finely chop the onion.

First, fry the mushrooms well in a pan, adding onions to them at the very end (so as not to overcook and burn).

In another pan or in the same pan, but putting the mushrooms fried with onions in some dish, fry, and then simmer the liver under the lid for a couple of minutes. Then add fried mushrooms with onions to the pan to the finished liver, mix and leave to simmer for about three more minutes.

Now add the chopped vegetables and thyme to the already well-stewed liver with mushrooms, and continue to simmer for another 5 minutes until the vegetables are ready. Only when the tomatoes and bell peppers are stewed in beef stroganoff add sour cream, salt and pepper.

After another 5-7 minutes of stewing, our beef stroganoff with liver and mushrooms will be ready.

Instead of a side dish for beef stroganoff, I used rice, but you can serve it with boiled or mashed potatoes.

12. Liver pate with vegetables

Ingredients of the pate:

500 g pork or beef liver,
250 g bacon,
2 pcs carrots,
onion head,
parsley root and celery root,
a couple of peppercorns


We clean the liver from films and lived, cut into small pieces. It is advisable to pre-soak the pork liver for 1 hour in cold water. We cut the lard into cubes and lightly fry until a blush appears, in it we fry the chopped vegetables. Then add the liver inside, a little boiling water and simmer until fully cooked.

The main thing here is not to overdo it, because if the liver is stewed for too long, it will become tough and completely tasteless. After the liver with vegetables is ready, we pass everything through a meat grinder twice.

To make the liver pate even more tender and fluffy, it must be rubbed through a sieve, and then seasoned and whipped until the pate mass becomes light and airy. We wrap the finished pate in cellophane film or parchment in the form of a roll, and before serving, cut into beautiful slices.

13. Stewed pork entrails with apple

Pork 200 gr.

Meat offal 200 gr.

Heart 200 gr.

Pork liver 200 gr.

Hot pepper 1 pc.

Onion 3 pcs.

Cilantro, coriander 0.5 tsp

Suneli hops 0.5 tsp

Green cilantro 1 bunch.

Parsley 1 bunch

Salt to taste

Garlic to taste

Apples 2 pcs.

White wine vinegar 1 tbsp.

Cooking method

This culinary recipe was taught to me by my old great-grandmother, who lived all her life in the village. She cooked in a Russian stove, so I remembered the taste for many years. But I have already improved it. I added herbs that are sold with us and it turned out such a wonderful meal.

What to start from. We take pork intestines and wash them well, first with soda, so that there is no foreign smell left, then we rinse thoroughly under running water. Then cut and put on fire. Drain the first water. Add the lungs, liver, heart to the intestines and cook until tender.

Meanwhile, fry the onion. The more it is, the tastier this dish will be.

Our insides are cooked. Now we cut them into pieces and throw them into the pan for our frying. We also add an apple here, it should be sweet and sour and cut into slices, all our seasonings, garlic and vinegar. Let it simmer another fifteen minutes. This dish should be served hot.

14. Beef tail stewed in aromatic sauce


Beef tail - 1 piece (about 800g)
Oil "Ideal" olive - 3 tbsp.
Onion - 2-3 pieces
Carrots - 1-2 pcs.
Garlic - 3-4 cloves
Salt - to taste
Thyme (dried) - ½ tsp
Bay leaf - 1 piece
Freshly ground pepper - to taste
Dry red wine - 200 ml
Tomato slices - 150 ml.
Wheat flour - 1 tbsp

How to cook

Rinse and dry the tail. Cut the tail into pieces of about 4 cm. Roll the pieces in flour on all sides. Pour the olive "Ideal" into the bowl of the multicooker and cook the pieces of the tail on the "Frying" program, turning over a couple of times.

At the end of the program, add onion, cut into large cubes, carrots, cut into large cubes and whole garlic cloves. Place the tomatoes. Put spices (bay leaf, thyme, pepper and salt) into the multicooker bowl, mix everything and pour in red wine. Select the "Stew" program and cook the meat for 2-3 hours, depending on the offal (the younger the original product, the faster the meat will cook). You can leave it on the “Lag” program for another 30 minutes-1 hour. If necessary, add a little water during cooking.

Serve the stewed tail pieces together with the resulting sauce with potatoes or boiled rice.

15. Veal kidneys a la julienne


1. Veal kidneys - 0.5 kg
2. Onion-1 large onion
3. Celery root - a piece with a medium apple
4. Sweet pepper - 1 piece medium
5. Cream 20% -200 ml
6. Ground red pepper - 0.5 teaspoon (or if possible)
7. Sweet ground paprika - 1 teaspoon
8. Ground black pepper - to taste
9. Thyme-pinch
10. Hard cheese, preferably spicy-50 g
11. Vegetable oil-1 tbsp. a spoon
12. Table mustard - 1 teaspoon

How to cook

1. Clean the veal kidneys from excess fat, cut lengthwise and soak in cold water for 5 hours, changing the water every hour. Then chop the kidneys coarsely. Pour fresh cold water, bring to a boil, drain the water, pour boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Throw the kidneys on a sieve and dry. Cut into slices.

2. Peel, rinse and chop the vegetables.

3. Heat the oil and lightly fry the onion and celery. Put the kidneys and fry until crusty. Add pepper, heat through.

4. Pour everything with cream, bring to a boil and simmer, reducing heat to a minimum. Salt, add mustard, peppers and thyme, mix well and bring to a boil.

5. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Put a layer of side dish - rice - or mashed potatoes in molds. Put the kidneys on top and sprinkle generously with finely grated cheese.

6. Sprinkle paprika on top and bake in the oven until golden brown. Serve hot with a glass of dry white wine and fresh vegetables.

In traditional Russian cuisine, offal has always been in honor. Opening an old cookbook, you will find recipes called “Boiled Kidneys” and “Tushony Kidneys”, “Fresh Bovine Tongue”, “Tree Sauce with Sour Cream, Potatoes and Pickled Cucumbers”, “Roasted Cow’s Liver”, “Veal Liver Pudding ”And even“ Sausages from the brains ”(sausages were certainly poured with Chukhonsky, that is, butter, butter before serving). An expensive and exquisite dish that invariably amazed foreigners was rooster combs. And once a year, the housewives had every right to recall a recipe called “The Head of an Old Boar” - this dish was served on the day of Bright Resurrection. The recipe goes like this:

clean, boil a beautiful smoked head of an old boar. Putting it on a dish, remove the ears and muzzle with beautifully trimmed white paper and greens. A separate and desirable delicacy was the so-called sweet meat - the thymus gland of a calf or lamb, which has a delicate refined taste reminiscent of fresh bread. Dishes from it were served with truffles - imagine, in this case they claimed only the role of an honorary accompaniment. Modern cuisine has not forgotten about "sweet meat". In Italian restaurants, it is served with Jerusalem artichokes and black truffles. In France - with blackcurrant powder, in Argentina they respect a warm salad with "sweet meat".

Other offal is also in honor. In Armenia, tzhvzhik is revered - an intoxicatingly delicious combined hodgepodge of the liver, lungs, kidneys, spleen and heart, cooked in fat tail fat. Tatars make tutyrma - sausage stuffed with offal and rice. Scottish cuisine is unthinkable without haggis - offal dishes with onions, oatmeal and bacon, cooked in a lamb's stomach. Germany is famous for pork legs with sauerkraut. In Lithuania, smoked pig ears and tails are sure to be offered with beer. And in the Caucasus, before starting a feast, they will certainly take care of khash - the king of hangover soups made from bull hooves, tails and tripe. This "magic elixir" takes eight to nine hours to prepare, is served with grated garlic and fresh tortillas and resurrects the most seemingly hopeless to life.

In conclusion, it should be said that offal is a natural and very pleasant source of iron, which is necessary for normal blood circulation. They are also suppliers of magnesium, which is responsible for the stability of the nervous system, and zinc, which is necessary for the growth and renewal of tissues. Offal lovers do not know the problems with the lack of vitamin A, which protects against premature aging, and B vitamins, which relieve insomnia and depression. And in general, imagine how pleasant it is to sit down at the table on a dank autumn evening and make hot soup with giblets!

For 4 persons: beef tongue - 1 pc., bay leaf - 3 pcs., onion - 3 pcs., balsamic vinegar - 4 tsp, salt, ground black pepper

Wash the tongue and perforate with a skewer or knife. Salt, pepper. Add bay leaf, onion cut into half rings, sprinkle with vinegar and marinate in the refrigerator for a day. Peel the tongue from onions and bay leaves and put in a saucepan with water, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for 3 hours 30 minutes. Remove the finished tongue from the saucepan and substitute for 2-3 minutes under a stream of cold water. Remove skin. Can be served with vegetables and herbs.

284 kcal

Time for preparing 28 hours

3 points

For 4 persons: bovine tails - 1 kg, onion - 1 pc., carrots - 1 pc., parsley root - 1 pc., celery - 1 pc., dry red wine - 200 ml, cognac - 100 ml, vegetable oil, salt, pepper , dry spices

Thoroughly wash the oxtails, chop into portions and soak for half an hour. Put on a napkin, let dry, throw in a dry hot frying pan without oil, fry until brown, pour cognac and set on fire. After waiting for the flame to go out, put the tails in a saucepan along with chopped celery and parsley root, pour water and cook for 3 hours, periodically removing the foam. Finely chop the onion and carrot, lightly fry in oil, pour a small amount of broth and simmer for 10 minutes under the lid. Put the resulting frying into soup, pour in red wine. Add salt, pepper and spices to taste. Cook over low heat for 30 minutes.

Calorie content per serving per 100 g 110 kcal

Time for preparing 4 hours

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 5 points

For 3 persons: beef brains - 600 g, parsley - 0.5 bunch, dried onion - 1 tbsp. l., salt - 2 tsp, pink pepper - 1 tsp, vinegar 9% - 1.5 tbsp. l., vegetable oil

Cleanse the brains from films, soak for an hour. Change the water and leave for another hour. Pour 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan, add vinegar, boil water, put brains in it and cook for 25 minutes. Cut the finished brains into small cubes. Add parsley, dried onion, pepper, salt. Mix and put in a mold, after greasing it with oil, send it to the oven, heated to 200 ° C. Bake for 20-30 minutes until done. Serve the dish chilled.

Calorie content per serving per 100 g 170 kcal

Time for preparing 3 hours

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 5 points

For 9 persons: chicken liver - 400 g, veal (pulp) - 300 g, chicken - 300 g, champignons - 200 g, butter - 150 g, eggs - 3 pcs., onion - 3 pcs., salt, ground black pepper, walnut nutmeg

Wash the veal, cut into small pieces. Peel and chop one onion. Wash mushrooms, chop. All together fry in 30 g of oil. Add the eggs to the finished mass, let it harden and chop in a blender. Wash the liver, cut into small pieces. Finely chop another onion. Fry these ingredients in 30 g of oil until cooked, add to a blender and chop again. Season the mixture with nutmeg, salt and pepper. Chop up the last onion. Wash the chicken meat, chop, fry in 30 g of oil, chop in a blender, adding salt and pepper. Grease a baking dish with 30 g of butter. Lay out the layers: a third of the liver pate, half of the chicken, again a third of the liver, the rest of the chicken, the last layer of the liver. Place under oppression and put in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Melt the butter, pour it over the pate and put it in the refrigerator for two days.

Calorie content per serving per 100 g 170 kcal

Time for preparing 4 hours

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 6 points

For 4 persons: wheat bread - 200 g, onion - 2 pcs., chicken liver - 300 g, apples - 1 pc., flour - 1 tbsp. l., butter, black pepper, salt

Peel the onions and cut into circles, fry in a pan until golden brown. Wash the liver thoroughly, cut into strips, salt, pepper, roll in flour and fry in butter. Cut the bread into portioned slices and grease with a thin layer of butter. Put liver pieces on them, garnish with fried onions and thin apple slices. Preheat the oven to 150°C. Bake croutons for 10 minutes. Can be served with a glass of house wine.

Calorie content per serving per 100 g 170 kcal

Time for preparing 30 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 3 points

For 4 persons: beef liver - 600 g, dry white wine - 100 ml, garlic - 4 cloves, red onion - 2 pcs., parsley - 1 bunch, melted butter - 40 ml, cognac - 50 ml, olive oil -10 ml, salt sea ​​- 10 g, ground black pepper - 5 g

Finely chop the parsley, cut the onion into thin half rings and fry over high heat in 20 g of butter until transparent. Add crushed garlic and fry for 4 more minutes. Add salt and pepper, carefully pour in the wine, evaporate it almost completely, add half the chopped parsley, mix thoroughly and remove from the stove. Rinse the liver well, dry and cut into pieces. Heat a cast iron skillet, add the rest of the butter and olive oil. Put the liver, salt, pepper and fry on each side (3 minutes). Pour cognac, mix, simmer for a minute.

Calorie content per serving per 100 g 199 kcal

Time for preparing 30 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 5 points

For 4 persons: pork bladder - 1 pc., pork kidneys - 2 pcs., pork liver - 300 g, pork heart - 1 pc., pork tongue - 1 pc., lard - 400 g, boiled pork skin - 500 g, garlic - 6 cloves , zira - 1 tsp, basil - 1 tsp, ground black pepper - 1 tsp, salt

Boil the kidneys, heart and tongue separately until not fully cooked, cool. Soak the liver in cold water, cut into slices, pour boiling water over and leave for 20 minutes. In the narrow part of the bubble, pre-make a small hole. Kidneys, liver, heart, tongue, bacon and skin cut into cubes. Add salt, spices, finely chopped garlic and broth left over from cooking the skins. Mix. Fill the bubble with minced meat. Sew up the opening and tie tightly. Boil the bubble over low heat for one and a half to two hours. Then put saltison under the press. When cool, put in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

Calorie content per serving per 100 g 118 kcal

Time for preparing 10 hours

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 6 points

For 4 persons: peeled beef tripe - 500 g, onion - 1 pc., garlic - 5 cloves, eggs - 1 pc., lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l., flour - 2 tbsp. l., natural yogurt - 2 tbsp. l., butter - 100 g, salt

Divide the peeled scar into pieces and send to the pan. Put onion and garlic cloves on top. Pour boiling water (4-5 l) and put on medium heat. Cook for 3-4 hours. Remove the finished scar from the broth, cut into plates 0.5x2 cm in size. Discard the onion and garlic, strain the broth. Put the tripe back into the broth, put on medium heat. In a separate bowl, beat the egg with yogurt and lemon juice, add flour, stir. Scoop up the broth, add to the egg mixture, mix again. Pour the egg mixture into the broth and, stirring, bring to a boil. Salt. Melt butter, pour into soup. Add lemon juice to bowl before serving.

Calorie content per serving per 100 g 170 kcal

Time for preparing 5 o'clock

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 5 points


Previously, offal cost a penny, now this offal, due to the high cost, can be attributed to delicacies. And if you want to serve an unusual and tasty dish to the festive table, you should definitely try to cook a tripe. For cooking, lamb or veal tripe is used.

Or scar is part of the stomach of a ruminant animal. Offal dishes are found in many national cuisines and are distinguished by interesting cooking methods.

There are many recipes for making offal. It is suitable for making nutritious soups, as this part of beef has a lot of useful substances and vitamins. Also, the tripe can be used in the preparation of second courses. In any case, we must not forget that trebashka requires a particularly long cooking, otherwise it will remain tough and the taste of the dish will deteriorate. So how do you cook lamb or beef tripe to make it juicy and soft?

The secret of a deliciously cooked tripe lies, firstly, in the correct primary processing and cleaning. And this fact frightens many and makes them refuse the very fact of buying this wonderful and useful product.
Fortunately, now the offal is sold well-processed and cleaned, you just need to rinse it under running water and put it on the boil.

If you do have to buy poorly processed offal or peel it yourself, it is important to know how to clean the offal, as the insides usually have a strong odor and need to be specially prepared before boiling or frying. The tripe must be scalded with hot water and the dirty layer scraped off the surface with a knife. The cleaned scar must be thoroughly washed and re-treated in order to finally get rid of the unpleasant odor. You can even say that it is not so difficult to cook an offal, it is much more difficult to learn how to process it correctly.

To a liter of water in a saucepan, you need to add 3 tablespoons of salt and soak the scar in this brine for 3 hours. When the water turns dark, it can be replaced with new water until the water remains clear. If the smell from the tripe has not disappeared after that, it is worth soaking it in a weak solution of vinegar. After a couple of hours, you can start cooking.

My dad still won't let my mom cook tripe while he's at home, he can't stand the smell. If you have the same situation, be aware that tripe in a slow cooker can be cooked without your participation. It, as well as jelly, can be put to boil overnight. In the morning, take it out, cut it and then fry it, if desired, with onions, carrots or simply with butter. Not to mention different salads and offal Heh.

So, a simple traditional recipe for offal and tripe in a slow cooker.


  • Tripe (tripe) beef or mutton,
  • Water,
  • Salt,
  • Bay leaf and other spices - optional,
  • Carrot,
  • Garlic,
  • Butter,
  • Various sauces.

Cooking process:

When the tripe prepared for cooking is brought to a boil, it is necessary to remove the foam and salt the tripe broth to taste. It is convenient to pour boiling water, not cold water, so there will be much less foam, and the cooking process will start faster. Adding spices, bay leaves, peppercorns, roots at this moment is already a matter of taste.

How to cook offal in a slow cooker

So, the process is the same, only instead of the usual pan we use a slow cooker. We put the tripe in a bowl, fill it with water, preferably boiling water, add salt and spices. We cook on the "Stew" or "soup" program for 4-5 hours. As already mentioned, you can put tripe in a slow cooker at night. After the specified time, the equipment will switch to the heating mode, where the offal will wait for you until the morning. In a pressure cooker, the cooking time of offal is reduced significantly, which is very convenient.

Fried offal

After 4 hours of cooking on low heat or cooking in a slow cooker, remove the offal from the broth.

Cut into small squares or strips, as you like. I do not always use vegetables, and now I cook offal without them. If with vegetables, then peeled onions will need to be cut into half rings, grated carrots on a coarse grater.

Melt the butter in a frying pan and place the tripe pieces. Or we place the pieces of the tripe in a saucepan with carrots, onions and spices, where we fry them until golden.

Learning how to cook a tripe is half the battle, now it’s worth coming up with an interesting recipe for a delicious meal with offal. For example, cook:

Tripe roll

Large boiled pieces of offal, without cooling, pepper and salt, sprinkle with chopped garlic and roll up, tied with a thread. Send such a roll to the refrigerator and eat sliced ​​\u200b\u200bas a cold snack. Or boil for about an hour and cut into slices before serving, separately serving vinegar and horseradish to the scar. Boiled potatoes or fresh vegetables are perfect as a side dish for hot tripe dishes.

Surely your guests will be surprised by such an unusual tasty dish and will ask for the recipe. On our table, offal does not linger for a long time, which is what I wish you.

Anyuta wishes you bon appetit and good recipes!

Many housewives are not in a hurry to cook beef tripe, mistakenly assuming that they will have to tinker with it for a long time, and not even realizing how useful it is. Tripe consists almost entirely of protein with a small amount of fat, contains no carbohydrates at all, which is especially useful for people who suffer from diabetes.

What to cook from tripe

Particular attention should be paid to how to cook the scar, because if it is not cooked a little, the offal will resemble rubber. Therefore, many are so negative about tripe, but if you follow the recommendations and cook the tripe according to the recipe, you will see how tasty it turns out. The anterior part of the cow's stomach is the basis of many dishes in different countries. It is very popular in Scotland where it is cooked with oatmeal, onion and pepper. Also in Poland they like to eat this offal, preparing Warsaw-style flasks. We already sell tripe in many butcher shops, in frozen, peeled and packaged form. So don't be afraid to try this unique product. And we, in turn, will tell you how to cook offal so that it turns out tasty, retains its beneficial properties and pleasantly pleases everyone at the table.


  • beef offal
  • vinegar
  • salt, spices

Cooking tripe

  1. Before beef offal forms the basis of any dish, it must be cooked. Next, we will tell you how to cook a tripe.
  2. If you bought an unpeeled scar, you must definitely turn it outside and carefully clean it, cutting off the fat.
  3. Rinse thoroughly under running water.
  4. Marinate for three hours in a weak vinegar solution.
  5. Rinse well again under running water.
  6. Rub the surface of the stomach with rock salt, leave for half an hour and rinse again with water.
  7. Pour cold water, bring to a boil.
  8. Drain the first water and rinse well again.
  9. Once again, pour water, after boiling, remove the foam and cook over low heat for 5 hours.
  10. 30 minutes before the end of cooking, salt, put peppercorns, bay leaf and two onions.
  11. Remove the finished by-product and cool.

Braised beef tripe

The easiest and fastest way to cook beef tripe is stewing. Cut it into small pieces and fry in melted butter for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. At the end, add 3 tablespoons of tomato paste, pour in 0.5 cups of water, 2 chopped garlic cloves, black pepper and salt to taste. Simmer under a closed lid for another 15 minutes. The finished dish can be served with pasta, potatoes, buckwheat or rice. You can stew the scar with various vegetables, cream - in any case, it will turn out to be tender and soft in taste.

Tripe: roll recipe

You can even serve tripe in the form of a roll according to the recipe that we will introduce you to the festive table.
We rub the peeled and washed tripe inside with salt and mustard, place the peeled and carrots with garlic cloves in the center of the offal. We wrap it in a roll to make it tight, because during heat treatment it will become smaller in volume, we bend the edges on the sides, then we rewind it with a thread. Pour the resulting roll with cold water and cook for 10 minutes, after which we drain the water. This process is repeated two times. Cook the tripe roll for 4 hours. When the offal becomes soft, add spices and onions, while not forgetting to salt to taste. After boiling for another 15 minutes, remove from the stove, cool, leaving in water, then take out on a plate and put in the refrigerator for several hours. Remove the threads from the finished roll and cut into portions.

Beef tripe is considered a tasty and healthy product with which you can cook various dishes. Most women are interested in how to process and properly cook beef tripe. To answer these questions, you should study cleaning methods and examples of popular recipes.

What it is?

Beef tripe belongs to the category of meat by-products, and is obtained from a part of the stomach during the butchering of cows or bulls. The second name of this product is offal. The scar contains many fibrous particles from the smooth gastric muscle. The product looks recognizable: it has a pale pinkish-gray color, is equipped with villi.

Most people don't want to mess with cooking offal, as the procedure is notorious for being time-consuming and labor-intensive. The reluctance to mess around is also due to the fact that during cooking, the tripe begins to emit unpleasant odors.

However, there are secrets with which you can properly prepare such a product and add variety to your usual diet.

Beef tripe contains about 95.8-97% proteins, about 4.2% fats. There are no carbohydrates among the ingredients, so the by-product is located in the category of high protein and low fat. It is considered a good material for "building" muscles. Due to this composition, beef offal recipes can be used to create a menu of diet programs (during gastrointestinal complications, during diabetes and gout). Also in the scar there are useful components (vitamins from group B, PP, H), minerals and antioxidants.

The use of beef tripe in food has a positive effect on the condition of the mucous membranes, skin, as well as on the stomach and nervous system. According to observations, no harm from this by-product was noticed. The calorie content of the product reaches 97 kcal for every 100 g.

Product preparation

Before cooking, the scar must be properly cleaned and washed. The preparation stage is the key point and affects the taste of the product.

First of all, you need to inspect the scar for cleanliness. Tripe is part of the beef stomach, so it may contain leftover animal food that is not suitable for cooking. There are three types of scar on sale:

  • green;
  • purified;
  • bleached.

Each type requires different cleaning procedures, so you should determine which tripe was purchased.

  • green scar- this is the gastric layer, which is in the state in which it was taken out of the animal. The name suggests that the product has a greenish or gray color. This layer should be well emptied and cleaned before cooking.
  • Purified scar- this is a product washed and cleaned from the contents of the stomach. It has a lighter color and needs less preparation before cooking.
  • bleached scar called the gastric layer, which was cleaned and soaked in chlorine. A similar procedure is required to remove microbes. Due to this process, the product acquires a rather pale color. This type of tripe should be washed several times before cooking to deal with the strong smell and taste of chlorine.

The product will then need to be cleaned (if needed). Based on the condition of the selected scar, the treatment procedure may be different. Most of the scars that are sold in butcher shops have already been cleaned. If an uncleaned gastric layer was acquired, it can be cleaned using several methods.

  1. Rubbing with rock-type salt. Using this method, the scar will be cleansed of undigested particles. Then rinse it well under running water. Due to this, the gastric mucosa will be cleared of particles of digested food. The procedure should continue until all the "sand" is removed.
  2. Soaking the stomach in a solution that consists of two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with plenty of water. The liquid should completely cover the scar. Hydrogen peroxide can be used to deodorize and whiten offal. After that, pour out the solution and rinse the offal. Then the edges that are still dirty are trimmed off. Due to such manipulations, the scar will be deprived of all specific odors.

Now you can start cleaning the inside with a knife. In this way, the inner layer is removed.

The stomach is a complex tissue, not all of its parts can be used for food, so the inside must be removed if this has not been done before.

How much time do you need to cook?

Tripe is used as the main component in various national dishes. In a saucepan, the tripe is cooked for quite a long time, the whole process takes about 3-4 hours.

Some housewives cook the product in a slow cooker. The process should be carried out in the "extinguishing" mode for 5-6 hours.

You can quickly cook the scar until ready in a pressure cooker. The whole process takes about one hour. After that, the tripe should cool completely in the bowl.

Recipes for cooking at home

There are many recipes with which you can create nutritious and tasty dishes. When cooking, it is allowed to use a canned, boiled, stewed or fried product. The dishes described below are suitable for daily use for lunch and dinner, and as a treat for those people who come to visit.

Baked in sour cream


  • raw beef offal - 0.8 kg;
  • red or white onion - 4 heads;
  • medium-sized carrots - 1 pc.;
  • allspice - 5 pcs.;
  • peppercorns - 0.5 tsp;
  • seasoning "mixture of peppers" - 0.5 tsp;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • rosemary, thyme, basil, parsley - a mixture of 1 tsp;
  • salt to taste;
  • sour cream - 3 large spoons with a slide;
  • parmesan, grated on a fine grater - 3 large spoons;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • plain or wheat flour - 1 tsp

It takes about half an hour to prepare this dish (the cooking time of the tripe is not taken into account). The scar can be boiled in advance, divided into portions and sent to the freezer. Due to this method, before cooking, it only needs to be thawed in a microwave oven or sent to boiling water for 3-5 minutes.

At the moment, already peeled offal is on sale, which makes the cooking process easier. However, some action is still required. Soak the washed product in cold water for a couple of hours. Fluid should be changed 3 times. If there are fatty deposits on the tripe, they are removed. After that, you can fill the offal with cold water and put on fire. When the water boils, it must be changed.

The procedure is carried out three times. Such measures allow you to remove excess odors from the tripe.

Then pour water (2.5-3 l) into the pan for the last time and bring it to a boil. All foam must be removed. Salt, pepper, bay leaf, peeled onion with carrots and herbs are added. Boil the broth for three hours over low heat. After that, the tripe must be cooled and cut into strips.

The rest of the onion should be cut into half rings and fried until transparent in butter. After that, tripe, a mixture of peppers are added to it, and the whole mass should be fried until golden brown. Then you can add flour and sour cream. The resulting mass should warm up until thickened. After that, you can shift all the ingredients into a mold, sprinkle with cheese and put in the oven for 10 minutes.

Rustic flasks

To create this dish, you will need the following components:

  • beef offal - 1 kg;
  • beef tail - 1 pc.;
  • green onions - 1 pc.;
  • root celery - 1 pc.;
  • small carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • stewed butter - 50 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • fresh parsley - a bunch;
  • salt to taste;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 1 large spoon with a slide;
  • ground nutmeg - 0.5 tsp;
  • ground ginger - 0.5 tsp

It will take about 4 hours to prepare the dish.

As a rule, such a soup is prepared from offal and shank, but beef tail also makes a tasty and nutritious dish. The tripe should be boiled over low heat for about an hour, after which the water must be drained.

To prepare the dish, cut the scar into strips. The tail is cut into portions. Then the components are placed in a saucepan, filled with water and placed on the stove. The broth is brought to a boil and simmered for three hours.

While the tripe is cooking, you can do the vegetables. Celery with carrots must be cut into cubes. They are added to the pan when the tripe with the tail are almost ready. Green onions are also chopped and fried in butter until golden brown. After that, add one tablespoon of flour to the pan and mix all the ingredients. After that, the contents of the pan can be moved to the pan, add the remaining ingredients.

When serving, the dish is garnished with fresh parsley.

Braised tripe

Braised offal is delicious and easy. This option is suitable if you want to enjoy something tasty, but do not want to be near the stove for a long time.

You will need the following components:

  • boiled scar - 0.8 kg;
  • tomato paste - 2 tsp;
  • water - 300-400 ml;
  • onions - one head;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt;
  • cilantro and dill.

Tomato paste can be replaced with fresh tomatoes.

Boiled offal should be cut into thin strips. The onion is chopped into small pieces and fried until golden brown in butter. When it acquires a golden crust, you can put a scar. It is fried with constant stirring for 15 minutes.

After that, you can add water, pasta or tomatoes. Garlic is squeezed out with a crusher or finely chopped. Greens should be added to the resulting mixture, and the whole mass is stewed for about 10 minutes.

Some housewives add cream, sour cream and vegetables during stewing.

Tripe roll

To prepare the roll, you will need several components:

  • fresh scar;
  • sea ​​salt - 3 tsp;
  • spices: dill seed, coriander, dried dill, crushed bay leaf, ground pepper;
  • garlic - 8 cloves;
  • onions - 3 heads;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • peppercorns - 7-10 peas;
  • small carrots - 1 pc.

1 liter of water is poured into the pressure cooker and 3 small spoons of sea salt are added. After that, the offal, cleaned of fat, can be placed in the dishes. The pressure cooker is closed with a lid and put on a strong fire. Cooking should be 30 minutes. After that, you need to turn off the gas, carefully open the lock without touching the lid itself. When all the steam has evaporated and the pressure cooker has cooled down, the lid will fall in on its own.

Now you can pull out the lid and get the offal. You do not need to pour out the broth, as it will still come in handy in the future. The scar should be laid out on cling film. The rough side should be on top.

The cooled offal should be trimmed at the bulges, thus giving it a flat surface. This is required so that in the future the scar can easily roll up into a roll.

Then you need to turn the piece over with the smooth side up and rub it with spices, garlic and herbs. Onions should be finely chopped and sprinkled with offal. Chopped peppers are also placed on the tripe.

After these events, you can roll the tripe into a roll. It should be tight and tight. Then the roll should be wrapped in cling film, leaving the ends open. This will be required so that the broth can penetrate inside.

The roll is placed in a pan in a straightened form, the previously used broth, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcarrots, onion peel and peppercorns are added to it. The pan is covered with a lid, after which the broth should boil for 40 minutes over low heat.

The broth should be left to cool in the pan. The already cooled roll is taken out on a plate and placed in the refrigerator for 4 hours. After that, you can remove the film from the scar and cut it into rings. It is recommended to serve with salad, horseradish and mustard.

See the next video for another scar recipe.