Feng Shui wealth zone in the house. Feng Shui wealth zone: attracting money to the house. Clearing the right space


The Slavic rune Support, the meaning of which is associated primarily with gender and continuity, is somewhat reminiscent of the interpretation of the Elder Futhark symbol. Oleg Sinko, in his book on the runes of the Vendian series, nevertheless, speaks of the similarity of the Support with another rune - but it seems to me that this comparison is less appropriate, at least from my point of view. But let's move from words to deeds and see what interpretations the rune can take in various areas of life.

Rune Support - basic meaning and interpretation

The support can be called the rune of the family, and not only family ties, but also Slavic god The genus with which the energy of this symbol is associated. What exactly is a genus? This is the transfer from generation to generation of certain knowledge, traditions, accumulated experience. This is mutual assistance and assistance received by a person from his relatives. When this rune comes in a layout, we can say that in the situation under consideration, a person will be assisted by relatives, like-minded people, and relatives. The symbol also speaks of the successful implementation of the plan, understanding of the impact your decisions have on other people, support from the team. Agree, when in a difficult situation someone actively supports us, does it immediately feel easier on the heart?

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Speaking about the meaning of the rune Support, you should also not ignore the question true reason, which forces a person to act in a certain way, because all our actions are almost always determined by life experience, traditions, upbringing, continuity. Most people make decisions taking into account the interests of others and especially those who are close to them - this should not be forgotten either. Sometimes, when this rune comes, the querent should ask himself a question - is he doing everything right, does the chosen strategy of behavior affect the feelings of his loved ones?

What does the Rune Support mean in divination for work and business?

By revising professional activity the rune emphasizes teamwork and the support of others. The undertakings of the person to whom this symbol fell out are supported by rich experience, and from the closest environment in the matter we are asking about, you can get helpful tips. We can say that this is the rune of construction solid foundation, good results that will be useful not only to the questioner, but also to those who will work on this issue further.

  • Next to the rune - be creative in your work
  • With a rune - a business trip that will benefit, bring useful experience, or help the issue be resolved successfully

The inverted rune Support most often means a lack of support at work and inertia of views, when a person relies on outdated methods and principles instead of using modern experience of your surroundings.

Now let's see what the Rune of Support has for relationships. The symbol usually falls on the traditional family union, official marriage, as well as relationships in which both partners actively communicate with numerous relatives. This is a sign of family traditions and values, holidays, when people gather at home. big number relatives. Often under this symbol there are also relationships, about which the phrase “once - and for life” can be said, when people begin to meet in their youth, then get married and live in perfect harmony for many years.

  • If nearby - happy family with children or a sign that they are coming soon
  • Next door to Lada is a family and clan dominated by women

An inverted symbol usually describes the appearance of a relationship, when, for example, a girl believes that she is married, and her boyfriend does not take the stamp in his passport as something serious. The manifestations of the reverse symbol can also include couples left without the support of relatives, unions concluded against the will of their parents, the relationship of two orphans, as well as families where each is for himself and does not consider the opinion of the other.

What does Support mean when divining health issues?

A straight rune speaks of good health. The person who got this symbol will most likely live to a ripe old age. Good genes also pass through this sign of the Vendian series, but sometimes hereditary diseases- the probability of their appearance must be viewed by neighboring runes.

Inverted Rune Support - health broken by excessive stress or stress, these are problems that happen when a person takes on too much, which causes a bouquet of unpleasant manifestations and disturbing symptoms. Sometimes the symbol can indicate problems with the spine and injuries resulting from physical activity and general fatigue from life. Sometimes the rune reports old age or illness all alone, when "there is no one to give a glass of water."

The meaning of the rune Support is often used in magic. The scope of application is the solution of generic problems, the removal of damage and curses from the family, the setting of generic protection. Amulet with it Slavic symbol activates the protection of a person by ancestors, turns on tribal memory, helps to solve intra-family problems.

Rune of the Day Support

The day on which the rune of Support fell is best devoted to communicating with your family and friends. Visit your parents, visit the graves of deceased relatives, or simply arrange an extraordinary family dinner. The symbol also advises you to move along the chosen path, take into account tribal traditions and pass on your experience to people close to you.

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Rune Support - this is the rune of the gods, the rune of the foundations of the Universe; It is precisely the pillars, the pillars of the World, that the gods are revered in Tradition; in the ancient northern languages, these two words - god and pillar - sounded the same: ass / ans.

The host of gods are both the center and the periphery of the World, therefore in the Russian language both the Axis, symbolizing the World Tree, and the Circle, embracing it, are denoted by almost the same word: Kol and Kolo.

The rune "SUPPORT" is suitable for protecting the house. Inflicted at the door, it is able to protect the inheritance from evil spirits. Also, given its other meaning, it can help the elders in the family.

But it is worth considering that protection, provided by "Support" - passive, requiring effort from a person. If a warrior will not direct his shield towards the blows of the enemy, then he will be useless.


TRAINING CONDITION: Level 2 availability Alive and Harmony

Channel Purpose:

  1. Help of the gods in any situation and affairs;
  2. The channel gives a person to gain strength of mind;
  3. It opens well, gives a powerful impetus forward, and the help of higher powers for the planned business that you are about to start;
  4. Help and support in the development of something and, of course, help in self-development, in liberation from unhealthy habits and negative qualities character, and vice versa - assistance in the cultivation, in the formation of positive qualities;
  5. Help in the development of family affairs;
  6. Protect family heritage;
  7. Strengthen relationships within the family;
  8. Help to part with unnecessary memories and thoughts, feelings;
  9. Protection and development of traditional, national values.

Not always as a result of accessing this channel, you can get exactly what you wanted and imagined. It is possible that the optimal result and development of the situation will not be your desire, but something else, and the energy of the channel will actually function in this direction.

In the rune Support - channel there is force mother of the Earth, all the supreme gods and spirits of Rule, Navi and Reveal, and especially those Gods and spirits that are related to the KIND of a person (to the KIND of one or another).


The course is designed for 7 days of daily practice and useful learning for each channel.
The first successes await you after the 1st lesson.


    The initiation will be transmitted remotely to each student, you can take it at a convenient time for you time. Instructions for dedication will be sent after payment. The term of preparation for the initiation is 1-3 days.
  2. After the initiation, email will be sent Toolkit 14. Practice from the rune screen Support-7str.doc - 7 pages of A4 format.

With the knowledge gained, you will be able to:

1. Practice healing yourself or the patient.

2. Use the power and power of the runic channel in other healing practices.

3. Protect yourself from negative energies.

4. And much more. Everything will come only by practicing and creating for the Glory of Light, Love and Harmony. Doing good deeds and deeds.

Enough of your intention, in contrast to the practice with the physical rune, you will immediately feel the energy and action of the Runic Channel (feelings may be different, depending on situations).

Pillar of the World, foundation of the Universe; World Tree, Kol, shaman staff. The rune does not have an inverted position, however, it has both a positive and a negative aspect.

In the general case, the Support displays the energy distribution vertical. This is its sacred meaning. In this case, vertical movement can occur both up and down. This is where its positive and negative sides are manifested.

The positive aspect of the rune is upward movement. As you know, a number of ascending Worlds goes up, which is generally called the Upper World. From there higher power govern us, and it is there that the egregors of peoples, states, etc. are located. A person's attempts to move up the Kol, to draw information from the forces from the Upper World are based, for the most part, on feeling, on unconscious perception. At the same time, a person receives energy, is saturated with it. And this energy is positive and constructive for him, because even the punishment that came down on a person from the Upper World is useful for him.

The negative aspect is the downward movement into the Lower World. Here the memory of past generations is kept. To perceive information from here, neither intuition nor heightened sensitivity is needed, because the images that come to a person from Netherworld, familiar and specific. However, each time you need to give a certain amount of energy to descend into it. That is why shamans, wishing to draw information from the world of the dead, make sacrifices. In the Lower World, the concepts of Good and Evil are vague, do not have definite mutual boundaries, and are also unstable and momentary.

However, a person has free will and from this - the ability to both create and destroy. Therefore, both the movement up the Kol and the movement down can be associated with both positive and negative for him. For example, contact with the Upper World can help him acquire the highest Wisdom, or it can make him fall into megalomania due to identification with the Higher Mind, or into self-abasement in front of its greatness. In the same way, one can receive information about the past from the Lower World and use it for good, or for harm.

Thus, Support, on the one hand, can be interpreted as gaining support in life, as a definite position (views, motives, etc.), as a firmness of spirit, and on the other hand, as a concentration on the past, the inability to abstract from old mistakes and unwillingness to accept new things. Which of the interpretations should be accepted depends on the context of the question, as well as on the runes surrounding the Support. Let's say, together with the World, Support says that a person is on the right path and that higher powers support and protect him. And with Chernobog - that a person has chosen a difficult path for himself, which in the end will lead him to good, but for this he will have to work hard or suffer. In combination with the Krada Rune, the Support denotes firm intentions, justified and reasoned.

Love and relationships

In such layouts, the Support symbolizes a clear understanding of one's obligations to a partner, as well as the realization that each person should have a personal living space. The last interpretation means that the questioner is not only ready to protect his own "niche", but also to respect what is valuable and intimate for the beloved (beloved). And this further strengthens their union. The pair Opora-Alatyr describes this interpretation very fully.

Another significant interpretation is the desire and desire to equip, stabilize own life solving problems that arise here and now. And, accordingly, the creation of a reliable foundation for the future.

The second side of the “medal” is expressed in the unwillingness or inability to forget old grievances, as well as in looking back at the past, which makes a person make incorrect generalizations, forming a destructive ground for relationships with the opposite sex.

In addition, we can talk about the fact that a person has concentrated on one partner, seeing in him the basis and meaning of his life. This prevents him from living a normal, full life, although he himself is not aware of this report. If in combination with the Support in the layout there is a Need, then such a pair should be interpreted that way.


Here, Support points to a person's ability to clearly distinguish between tasks that are significant for a career and are directly related to his job duties, and issues that are not directly related to him. And this is very good, because it means that a person thoroughly does the work that he undertakes, without being distracted by trifles and things that cannot be corrected or covered anyway.

The negative side of the rune in this case manifests itself in rigidity. That is, a person stubbornly uses the old means and methods of work, remaining closed to progress. In this case, Support means that a person is limited, boring as a person and unable to complete the task assigned to him with maximum efficiency.

The presence in the Support of two directions of interpretation so different from each other should make the runologist very attentive to the runes surrounding it in the layout. So, the combination of Support with Requirement speaks of a person’s ability to plan and see long-term tasks, thanks to which he understands what can be sacrificed now in order to gain in the future, as well as how best to distribute his forces. And its combination with the Oud rune indicates creativity, which helps a person decide enough challenging tasks and often in unusual ways. Meanwhile, together with the Source, the Support is interpreted precisely in a negative sense, since it indicates the stagnation to which the current attitude of a person to his work will lead.

You should hardly pay much attention to things with which you are indirectly connected or not connected at all. Let's say the question of who will be the next president of America may be very interesting, but you can't influence it in any way. But, hotly arguing about it, you run the risk of quarreling with a friend or colleague. But if you begin to conscientiously fulfill your duties, be attentive to your loved ones, then your life will be both stable and pleasant.

The sacred rune Support takes the fourteenth place in the Slavic Venedian series and symbolizes fatal coincidences of circumstances that cannot be circumvented or changed. But unlike the rune Rock, interpreted as inevitability, Support helps in difficult situations and suggests the correct solution.

The meaning of the rune Support

Slavic rune Support fills everyone's life with meaning

Our wise ancestors perceived the Rune of Support as a divine hand and a sign from above, it helps everyone overcome obstacles on the way to a happy existence. Our ancient Russian ancestors revered this magic symbol and associated it with the principles of the entire human race.

Slavic culture has accumulated many concepts associated with this rune: parents, generations, homeland, patrons, family line, blood relationship, conscience, core, world Kolo. Here the pagan etymology is closely intertwined with the Scandinavian rune row and many of these words come from Scandinavian.

In divination, Support has the meaning of value orientations and native shoulder, on which you can lean in difficult moment. AT philosophy this is a general cultural and ideological basis: each person must know why he was born, so that his life is filled with meaning and spirituality.

In order to achieve a certain goal, it is necessary to clearly and confidently punch your way through the obstacles arranged by the Gods and Fate. That is why this rune will help you choose the right direction and find out if a person adheres to the right tactics in a given situation.

Slavic rune Support and shamanic rituals

This runic symbol is a connection between parallel worlds.

Knowledgeable people claim that in shamanic practice, during a trance, a warrior of the spirit travels through Parallel Worlds and thanks to the support magic sign always finds a way back to our reality. Such a binding is called a “falcon”: the Support rune is a symbol of a free bird. If a person lives righteously, then after death he ascends to heaven and becomes a deity.

Any person should honor their ancestors, they will definitely help in difficult times and guide them on the right path. The eternal circle of being revolves endlessly and supports all people living on the planet, indicating the way to be at peace and in harmony with oneself and others.

The magic rune will tell you how to choose the right vector of your development and drop the burden from your soul. It is necessary to weed out the negative and arm ourselves with sacred weapons. And in order to win in good with evil, you need to have a sharp mind, a strong character and sincere intentions - and then everything will work out!

“Money can do anything: tear down rocks, dry up rivers. There is no peak where a donkey loaded with gold could not climb.”

Fernando de Rojas

Any house is a living, breathing organism, according to Feng Shui. He may be in harmony with his masters, or may not be friends with them. Our housing has areas of space, each of which is responsible for the well-being of a particular area of ​​the owner's life. When something goes wrong, it is quite possible that some sector in the apartment is incorrectly designed and deactivated. This also applies to money.

Looking for the money sector

The area of ​​wealth in an apartment according to Feng Shui is the southeast. Finding this part of the house is easy. You can use a compass or a Ba Gua grid. Or make it even easier: to determine the southeast in any room, stand with your back to the front door - the far left corner is the southeast. There is a zone of wealth. Walk through this part of the apartment. Doesn't bother you extra furniture? If it is difficult to move freely in this zone, there will be interference for the circulation of Qi energy.

Tidying up the money sector

The Feng Shui money zone in the apartment requires cleanliness. Free this place from excess rubbish, unnecessary things. Moreover, there should not be any debris, dust and dirt. Now we need to get rid of such items that can not only slow down monetary activity, but also destroy it. It is not recommended to place such things in the wealth zone:

  • Antique things. Every thing has its own energy field. Old items that have been touched by many different hands, can change the vibrational field and become a strong obstacle to the energy of money. Even if they are very attractive and fit perfectly into the surroundings of the house - remove them from the wealth zone.
  • Bin. This item has a very negative effect on the wealth zone. The garbage can creates a kind of vacuum in the energy field, where positive, dynamic energy is sucked in. Get her out of there immediately.
  • Broken items. Damaged things are surrounded by a kind of field of failure (after all, they suffered it in their existence, they broke). Such items can nullify all efforts to improve life. They have negative energy.
  • The same emitters of "dead", destructive energy are dried flowers, withered, diseased plants and cacti.

    Be sure to get rid of such things in the wealth zone. And cacti that generate Sha energy are best placed in working room(they will help you realize your plans and develop ideas).

  • Fridge. Although the refrigerator appeared much later than the teachings of Feng Shui, but modern specialists argue that the monetary sector should be free of such aggregates. If this is not possible, secure the refrigerator. Just keep it clean, no ice. Store more fresh fruits and vegetables in it.
  • Fireplace. It creates comfort and warmth in the apartment. But if the southeast, where the money sector is located, is decorated with a fireplace, which is directly related to fire, then cash flow it might just burn out. Fire has a very negative effect on this zone. It is not necessary to throw away the fireplace - you can neutralize it. Put on it small aquarium or hang a picture with the water element.https://youtu.be/64-w1rhSM-o

    Waking up the money sector

    This part of the apartment should be well lit. Then the money will not get lost in the dark, and you will go to success along the bright path and successfully bypass all obstacles, bypassing dead ends, noticing the dangers in time.

    What if the sector of wealth is a bathroom?

    Of course, it is problematic to move the bath and toilet. But in the teachings of Feng Shui, nothing is impossible. In this case, hang mirrors on the doors of these rooms.

    Make sure the mirrors don't reflect front door and did not "slaughter" the tops of the people living in this house.

    It will be very effective if you place bells in such rooms. Put red rugs in front of the doors, and tie the pipes in the bathroom with red ribbons.

    In case the bedroom is in the wealth zone, we do nothing. After all, the energy of Yin circulates in the rest room. If Qi energy is added to it, they will interfere with each other and the inhabitant of this room may get stressed. There is no need to activate such a southeast. You are already automatically becoming the master of the money zone.

    The most ideal room for a wealth zone in an apartment is the living room. In this case, you need to activate this area.

    How to activate the money zone according to all the rules?

    Feng Shui suggests using various symbols, colors and objects for this, which are ideal for the wealth sector and effectively make it work.

    Interior color scheme

    Ideal colors to attract money are green, purple, navy blue, gold, purple and black. Unlimited creativity awaits you. You can decorate the southeast of the room with various decor items of these colors. The right color scheme will push to activate the two most important elements of the wealth sector: wood and water.


    Of course, we will not plant a forest there. But to use some items symbolic of the tree - this is please. The biggest effect will be houseplants in pots. Maximum benefit in the wealth sector, a well-groomed, blooming "Fat Woman" ("money tree") will bring. If you are a fierce opponent of living flowers, you can replace them with drawings, photographs, paintings depicting forests, individual trees or flowers.


    Do you love aquarium fish? Aquarium with goldfish - the most perfect option. Just learn how to properly care for them, clean the walls of the aquarium in time, renew the water so that the wealth zone is successful. The aquarium itself in the apartment should not be too large.

    By the way, if your fish suddenly die - do not panic! Feng Shui says that a dead aquarium fish is a ransom with which you take trouble away from yourself. There should be nine fish (according to Feng Shui rules). Diversify the golden kingdom of fish with one black one - for protection.

    Don't want to mess around with fish? It doesn't matter, a container of water will do. And if it is also silver, then in combination with water, silver will turn into a powerful magnet for money. You can buy a home fountain. Well, or just hang paintings or photographs depicting water element. But not a stagnant pond (water should move slowly). Busting in the form of a tsunami, a violent storm is also not needed. beautiful waterfalls, calm seas, gentle rivers - this will do.

In the photo: God of wealth and prosperity - Hotei, money toad, turtles, tree of coins, talisman - fish.

Additionally, you can equip this area with various cute and very effective little things:

  • the image of the hieroglyph "money" to receive finance from various sources;
  • feng shui money frog
  • Chinese coins to set your mind on making a profit;
  • "wind music" to attract money;
  • cash souvenirs made of expensive metals or with precious stones.

After all, we need not only to activate the wealth sector, but also to make it clear that we ourselves are ready to receive and accept the cash flow with all our being. Give such a message to the cosmos and turn into a wealthy person. Blessings to you!