Alexander Blok and Lyubov Mendeleev: a strange family union in which the third was not superfluous. Presentation on the topic D Mendeleev and A Blok - a servant of science and a poet We must remember the names of those who brought glory to our Motherland

Two names in the history of Russia Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev had six children. Two - from the first marriage - Vladimir and Olga, four - from the second - Lyubov, Ivan, twins Vasily and Maria. “No matter how immersed I was in my diverse activities, I always found time for children. They were the main wealth for me” D.I. Mendeleev

January 2, 1865 at D.I. and F.N. Mendeleev's son Vladimir was born. Vladimir graduated from the Naval Cadet Corps and from 1884 served as an officer in the Navy. “My clever, good-natured first-born son, on whom I expected to lay part of my covenants, died. knew deep thoughts unknown to those around him for the benefit of the motherland, with which he was buried.

Ivan was a prominent figure among the children of Dmitry Ivanovich. He received a good physical and mathematical education. He actively helped his father in the last years of his life as a scientist. Of all the six children of Mendeleev, only Lyuba had a certain artistic streak, an undoubted acting talent. She played in the troupe of V.E. Meyerhold in the theater V.F. Komissarzhevskaya. She was interested in ballet, gave acting lessons to famous ballerinas Kirillova, Dudinskaya and others.

After graduating from high school, Blok arrived in Boblovo on his stately white horse. Blok, when he saw her, said to himself: she is the only one whom he would later call in his poems the Beautiful Lady, the Mistress of the Universe, the Majestic Eternal Wife. He considered poetry as a prayer, and her as a goddess.

We must remember the names of those who brought glory to our Motherland. They were very different people. Different in attitude and worldview. But, undoubtedly, the personality and scientific works of Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev influenced Alexander Blok. Each of them dreamed of a free, economically independent Russia, but each saw his own ways of realizing this dream.

The work can be used for lessons and reports on the subject "Literature"

Ready-made presentations on literature have colorful slides with images of poets and their heroes, as well as illustrations for novels, poems and other literary works. The teacher of literature has the task of penetrating the soul of a child, teaching him morality, and developing a creative personality in him, therefore, presentations in literature should be interesting and memorable. In this section of our site you can download ready-made presentations for literature lessons for grades 5,6,7,8,9,10,11 absolutely and without registration.

The tragic tenor of the era ...

A.A. Akhmatova

The life and work of Alexander Alexandrovich Blok


The purpose of the lesson:

  • Acquaintance with the main stages of the life and creative path of A.A. Blok, a poet-symbolist, a prominent representative of the poetry of the Silver Age.

Childhood and family.

In St. Petersburg in the "rector's house" of St. Petersburg. University (Vasilyevsky Island, Universitetskaya embankment, 9), was born Alexander Aleksandrovich Blok. The poet's father - Alexander Lvovich Blok (1852-1909), lawyer, philosopher, professor at Warsaw University in the Department of State Law. The poet's mother, Alexandra Andreevna Beketova-Blok (1860-1923), writer, translator, daughter of Andrei Nikolaevich Beketov (1825-1902), a well-known botanist, public figure, rector of St. Petersburg University.

Writer's parents

A.A. Beketova - mother of the poet

A.L. Blok - the father of the poet

By decree of the Holy Synod, the marriage of Blok's parents was annulled. September 17 - A. A. Beketova - Blok remarries an officer of the Life Guards Grenadier Regiment Franz Feliksovich Kublitsky - Piottukh (1860 - 1920). Alexandra Andreevna and her son moved to the apartment of F. F. Kublitsky - Piottukh. Blok would live here until the autumn of 1906.

A. Blok with his mother and stepfather. Petersburg. 1895


The first extant childhood experiences of Blok in verse and prose. "Early attempts to write reveal only Sasha's great tenderness for his mother, as well as his predilection for ships and cats."

He was admitted to the 1st grade of the St. Petersburg Vvedenskaya (later - named after Peter the Great) gymnasium (Bolshoy Prospekt of the Petersburg side, 37/39). In the essay "Confessions of a Pagan" (1918) he characterizes the gymnasium and fellow students rather harshly.

1897 A trip with mother and aunt to Germany, to the resort of Bad Nauheim. Acquaintance with Ksenia Mikhailovna Sadovskaya “a tall, stately, dark-haired lady with a thin profile and magnificent blue eyes. ... Her beauty, dapper clothes and bold, enticing coquetry had a strong effect on the youthful imagination. A. A. Blok’s meetings with K. M. Sadovskaya continued in St. Petersburg in 1897-1900. A number of poems of the cycle (1898 - 1900), as well as a cycle of poems "In twelve years" (1909 - 1910) are dedicated to her.

Block in the theater.

Winter 1897

Blok dreams of becoming an actor, he is passionate about the game of V.P. Dalmatov and M.A. Dalsky, is engaged in recitation and melody recitation, and participates in amateur performances. Studying the role of Romeo. Recites poems by A. A. Fet, A. K. Tolstoy, Ya.P. Polonsky, A. N. Apukhtin.

Home theater "Hamlet"

He graduated from the Vvedensky gymnasium, received a matriculation certificate.

1898 - beginning of June.

Arrives in Shakhmatovo. On an assignment he goes to the Boblovo estate, owned by the Mendeleev family, meets Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva (1881-1939), daughter of Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834 - 1907).

July August

Home performances in Boblovo with the participation of Blok and L. D. Mendeleeva. August 1 - scenes from the tragedy "Hamlet" by W. Shakespeare (Hamlet - Blok, Ophelia - L.D. Mendeleev) were played.

L. D. Mendeleev as Ophelia.

A. A. Blok as Hamlet in an amateur performance of the Boblovsky Theater.

Photo. 1898

"... you know, I'm a very theatrical person ..." - he once said to himself ...

Return to Petersburg.

On August 31, Blok becomes a first-year student at the Law Faculty of St. Petersburg University.


Summer in Shakhmatovo and Boblov "passes almost the same as the summer of 1898." At the request of Blok, "Pushkin's performance" was staged in Boblovo (scenes from "Boris Godunov", "The Miserly Knight", "The Stone Guest"). (1899 is the year of the 100th anniversary of Pushkin, which was widely celebrated throughout Russia.) In scenes from The Stone Guest, Blok played Don Juan, L. D. Mendeleev - Don Anna.

Blok as an impostor (Pushkin's Boris Godunov). In the role of Marina Mnishek - S.D. Mendeleev.1898

Block as a miser knight. 1899

1st year student of the Slavic-Russian Department of the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University. September 10 - Blok sends poetry to V. Ya. Bryusov in Moscow, but does not receive an answer.

1902, January Work on "Poems about the Beautiful Lady". The diary contains a "Sketch of an Article on Russian Poetry" - a kind of creative manifesto of this period.

He writes a suicide note and, with a revolver in his pocket, goes to the hall of the Noble Assembly, to the evening of the Higher Women's Courses. After the evening there is a decisive explanation.

L.D. Mendeleev agrees to become the poet's wife.

1903, January 2. Makes a formal proposal to Mendeleeva and obtains the consent of her parents for marriage.

March 1903

Blok's literary debut. In the journal "New Way" (1903, No. 3) a cycle of poems "From Dedications" (10 poems) was printed. Soon, in the "Literary and Artistic Collection" (St. Petersburg, 1903), students of St. Petersburg University published 3 more poems.

In the book "Northern Flowers. The third almanac of the publishing house "Scorpion" published a cycle of 10 poems "Poems about the Beautiful Lady". (The title was given by the editor - V.Ya. Bryusov, but goes back to a line from Blok's letter to Bryusov dated February 1, 1903.)

Wedding A.A. Blok and L.D. Mendeleeva in the Church of Michael the Archangel

with. Tarakanovo, between Chess and Boblov.

The trip of Blok and L. D. Blok to Moscow. Personal acquaintance with Andrei Bely,

K. D. Balmont. Intensive communication with Andrey Bely,

S. M. Solovyov,

V. Ya. Bryusov.

1906 Autumn

In the theater of Vera Fedorovna Komissarzhevskaya (1863 - 1910) the play was accepted for production "Balaganchik". The director of the performance is Vsevolod Emilievich Meyerhold, the artist is Nikolai Nikolaevich Sapunov. The music for the performance was written by Mikhail Alekseevich Kuzmin. Blok often attended rehearsals. During the preparation of the performance, Blok met the theater actress V. F. Komissarzhevskaya - Natalia Nikolaevna Volokhova (1878 - 1966), who became the "prototype" of the heroine of the cycles "Snow Mask" (1907), "Faina" (1906 - 1908), in part, apparently - the prototype of Faina, the heroine of the play "Song of Fate" (1907 - 1908).

Wrote a series of poems "Snow Mask"

April 8 Performs in St. Petersburg, in the Society of Zealots of the Artistic Word, with a keynote report "On the current state of Russian symbolism."

August The drama "Rose and Cross" was published in the almanac "Sirin" No. 1.

October Writes the article “Flame”: “... There were “blood, an ax and a red rooster” in Russia, and now it has become a “book”; and then again there will be blood, an ax and a red rooster. Not everything can be predicted and foreseen. Blood and fire can speak when no one is waiting for them. There is Russia, which, having escaped from one revolution, eagerly looks into the eyes of another, perhaps more terrible. For the first time he listens to G. Bizet's opera "Carmen" staged by the St. Petersburg Theater of Musical Drama. The title part is sung by Lyubov Alexandrovna Delmas (1884-1969).

Lyubov Alexandrovna Delmas (left) with her sister. 1900s.

Lyubov Aleksandrovna Delmas (née Tishinskaya) as Carmen.

Block in the publishing house Sirina 1913-1914

1916, April The 1st volume of the "Collected Poems" was published in a new author's edition (Musaget).

May-June Intensive work on the poem "Retribution".

June The 2nd volume of the "Collected Poems" was published in a new author's edition (Musaget).

July 7 Called into the army, enlisted as a timekeeper in the 13th engineering and construction squad of the All-Russian Union of Zemstvos and Cities.

Drafted into the army, he was enrolled as a timekeeper in the 13th engineering and construction squad of the All-Russian Union of Zemstvos and Cities.

He leaves for the location of the squad (near the city of Pinsk).

L. D. Mendeleeva-Blok before leaving for the army as a sister of mercy.

1917, January The prologue and the first chapter of the poem "Retribution" were published in the journal "Russian Thought".

April 13 - 17 In Moscow, attends rehearsals of the drama "Rose and Cross" at the Art Theater .

End of December The article "The Intelligentsia and the Revolution" was started.

January 19 (February 1) The article "Intelligentsia and Revolution" is published in the newspaper Znamya Truda.

January 25 Meets with A. V. Lunacharsky in Smolny, discusses the issue of publishing the classics “folk and school”. Lunacharsky, saying goodbye, says: "Allow me to shake your hand, Comrade Blok."

January - May Intensively works in the publishing house "World Literature", develops plans for a series of educational performances "Historical Pictures" according to the general plan of A.M. Gorky, edits translations of the works of Heinrich Heine for the new collected works of Heine.

On February 15-17, Blok (among other acquaintances and employees of R.V. Ivanov-Razumnik) was arrested by the Petrograd Cheka and spent two days in a pre-trial detention cell.

April 9 Delivers a programmatic, extremely sharp and eccentric in historical and philosophical judgments, tragic in spirit report "The Collapse of Humanism" at the publishing house "Vsemirnaya Literatura".

1919 with Lyudmila Dmitrievna .

February - March Work on the preparation of a new edition of Lermontov's Selected Works. An article about Lermontov was written.

April A collection of poems "Gray Morning" is prepared.

May A trip to Moscow, poetry readings at the Polytechnic Museum, the Palace of Arts, etc.

June 27 Elected chairman of the Petrograd branch of the All-Russian Union of Poets.

August 24 A collection of youthful lyrics “Beyond the Past Days” was released. September 29 M.A. Kuzmin, in which he affirms the value of culture, the right of a poet to be "above all" a poet.

January 1921 The diary contains intense reflections on Goethe and Pushkin, on the "meaning of culture", on the poet's right to "independence".

February 5 At the request of the staff of the Pushkin House to write "something" in the album, writes a poem to "Pushkin House".

February 6 Writes in his diary: “The next collection of poems, if any: “Black Day”.

February 11 Delivers a newly written speech "On the Appointment of a Poet" at the evening in memory of Pushkin in the House of Writers (the second speech was delivered in the same place, February 13. For the third time - February 16).

April The article "Without a deity, without inspiration" is written.

May - the beginning of June, the gradual exacerbation of the terminal illness. Destruction of a part of the archive. Troubles (including - A.M. Gorky) about allowing Blok to go abroad for treatment.

At 10:30 a.m. Alexander Blok died.

The grave of A.A. Blok on the Literary bridges of the Volkov cemetery in St. Petersburg.

In September 1944, the ashes of the poet were reburied at Literary Bridges. .

« Believe Blok, this is a real - by the will of God - a poet and a man of fearless sincerity ”(M. Gorky)

comprehensive school

Voronaev Ivan


chemistry teacher Oblivanov

February 8, 1834 - February 2

The author of fundamental research in chemistry, chemical technology, physics, metrology, aeronautics, meteorology, agriculture, economics, etc. He was always fascinated by a variety of ideas and projects and persistently put them into practice, could simultaneously work in several directions, was in time everywhere, quickly , sometimes almost in an incredibly short time created large monographs or solved important scientific and scientific and technical problems. It seems that in human experience there is no such area in which the great Russian scientist D.I. Mendeleev would not leave a trace.

Not science

Born in the city of Tobolsk. He was the last, seventeenth child in the family of the director of the Tobolsk gymnasium, Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleev, and his wife, Maria Dmitrievna. By the time of his birth, two brothers and five sisters survived in the Mendeleev family. Eight children died in infancy, and three of them did not even have time to

Perplexed questions.

A reporter from a Petersburg newspaper asked:

Why does Dmitry Ivanovich have the surname Mendeleev, although his grandfather was called Sokolov?

Dmitry Ivanovich's father, Ivan Pavlovich, was born in 1783 in the family of the priest Pavel Maksimovich Sokolov.

His four sons, as was customary then among the clergy, were given

different surnames.

Dmitry Ivanovich's father received

Full namesake.

Mendeleev had a nephew Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev (1851-1911) - the son of Mendeleev's brother Ivan Ivanovich. The nephew graduated from Kazan University, served as a railway doctor in many places in Russia, often met with his famous uncle, and once traveled along the Volga with him. Since the uncle and nephew were full namesakes, they were often confused.

Suitcase master. Mendeleev loved to bind books, glue frames for portraits, and make suitcases. He usually made purchases for these works in Gostiny Dvor. One day, while choosing the right product, he heard a question from one of the buyers behind him:

Who is this venerable gentleman? “You need to know such people,” the clerk replied with respect in his voice.

This is the suitcase master.

Mendeleev and Blok.

Dmitry Ivanovich and Anna Ivanovna had four children. Daughter Lyubov Dmitrievna graduated from the Higher Women's Courses in St. Petersburg, in 1903 she married the poet Alexander Blok and in the 1907-1908 season. she played in the troupe of Vs. Meyerhold and in the theater of V. Komissarzhevskaya. Subsequently, Blok dedicated "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" to Lyuba.

Hot air balloon flight

Once he decided to take a flight in a balloon, and even during a solar eclipse. Here is how G. Chernechenko describes this case in issue 8 of one of the newspapers dated August 19, 1999 (the article is called: "Mendeleev in a balloon"):

In the small picturesque estate of D.I. Mendeleev Boblovo, they were preparing to observe the eclipse of the sun in "home" conditions. And suddenly, when a little more than a week remained before the eclipse, a telegram arrived from St. Petersburg to Boblovo. In it, the Russian Technical Society announced that a balloon was being equipped in Tver to observe the eclipse, and that the council considered it a duty to announce this so that Mendeleev, if he so desired, "could personally use the raising of the balloon for scientific observations."

It was getting light. It was overcast, drizzling rain. In the wasteland between the railroad line and the station, a ball bobbed, surrounded by a fence of poles. Nearby rose a gas-producing plant, at which soldiers in acid-burnt shirts operated. "We were waiting for Professor Mendeleev.

At 06:25 there was applause, and a tall, slightly stooped man with graying hair and a long beard stepped out of the crowd to the ball. It was a professor," Vladimir Gilyarovsky told the readers of Russkiye Vedomosti.

Two names in the history of Russia Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev had six children. Two - from the first marriage - Vladimir and Olga, four - from the second - Lyubov, Ivan, twins Vasily and Maria. “No matter how immersed I was in my diverse activities, I always found time for children. They were the main wealth for me” D.I. Mendeleev

January 2, 1865 at D.I. and F.N. Mendeleev's son Vladimir was born. Vladimir graduated from the Naval Cadet Corps and from 1884 served as an officer in the Navy. “My clever, good-natured first-born son, on whom I expected to lay part of my covenants, died. knew deep thoughts unknown to those around him for the benefit of the motherland, with which he was buried.

Ivan was a prominent figure among the children of Dmitry Ivanovich. He received a good physical and mathematical education. He actively helped his father in the last years of his life as a scientist. Of all the six children of Mendeleev, only Lyuba had a certain artistic streak, an undoubted acting talent. She played in the troupe of V.E. Meyerhold in the theater V.F. Komissarzhevskaya. She was interested in ballet, gave acting lessons to famous ballerinas Kirillova, Dudinskaya and others.

After graduating from high school, Blok arrived in Boblovo on his stately white horse. Blok, when he saw her, said to himself: she is the only one whom he would later call in his poems the Beautiful Lady, the Mistress of the Universe, the Majestic Eternal Wife. He considered poetry as a prayer, and her as a goddess.

The poet saw in Dmitry Ivanovich the embodiment of the genius of Russia. The periodic system of elements marked for the poet the triumph of the cosmos over chaos, the scientific comprehension of the harmony and music of nature. Ideas D.I. Mendeleev and A.N. Beketov about the development of science and the productive forces of Russia was echoed in a number of Blok's poems.

We must remember the names of those who brought glory to our Motherland. They were very different people. Different in attitude and worldview. But, undoubtedly, the personality and scientific works of Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev influenced Alexander Blok. Each of them dreamed of a free, economically independent Russia, but each saw his own ways of realizing this dream.

Famous poet Alexander Blok, whose birthday is 136 years old on November 28, said that in his life there were only two women - "Lyuba and everyone else." He really loved his wife very much - the daughter of the scientist Dmitry Mendeleev, but this marriage was very strange. Blok called his wife the Beautiful Lady, believing that physical intimacy is an obstacle to spiritual intimacy. BUT Lyubov Mendeleev dreamed of earthly female happiness and was forced to seek it with others ...

The ideas of the philosopher Vladimir Solovyov about Eternal Femininity found an unexpected refraction not only in the work, but also in the life of Blok, who sought to find his ideal of the Beautiful Lady. They had known Lyubov Mendeleeva since childhood, and when they met again (Blok was 17 years old, and Mendeleeva was 16), feelings arose between them. True, at first they were ambiguous: Lyuba even called a childhood friend "a poseur with the habits of a veil." Then they participated in a home production of Shakespeare's Hamlet, where Blok played the main role, and Lyuba played the role of Ophelia. She conquered the poet with her seriousness, severity and impregnability.

Their communication soon ceased, but in the future there were several chance meetings with Mendeleeva, which Blok took as a mystical sign from above, and decided that Lyuba was his destiny. In a real girl, he saw the embodiment of the idealized image of the Beautiful Lady, which he sang in verse. However, Lyuba opposed the role imposed on her and often repeated to the poet: “Please, no mysticism!”. Nevertheless, she married him. Dmitry Mendeleev was very pleased that his daughter decided to link her fate with the grandson of his old friend, Professor Beketov, although he did not like Blok's poems: "You can immediately see the talent, but it is not clear what he wants to say."

Immediately after the wedding, Blok told his wife that physical intimacy could destroy a spiritual connection. Such an attitude towards marriage was formed by the poet not only under the influence of the philosophical views of Vl. Solovyov, but also as a result of personal negative experience: Blok associated physical intimacy with prostitutes, and therefore was perceived as something dirty and short-lived. Later, the relationship of the spouses nevertheless crossed this line, but two years later they stopped altogether. Mendeleeva vainly begged her husband in letters: "My dear, beloved, my dear, do not kiss your legs and dress in letters, kiss your lips, as I want to kiss for a long time, hotly."

Not only Blok himself believed in the embodiment of the Eternal Feminine, but also symbolist poets from his entourage. Their marriage was interpreted as a sacred mystery, as the reunion of the prophet and his muse, and they saw in this a foreshadowing of the promised Vl. Solovyov of world purification. In every gesture, word, outfit of Lyuba, the poets were looking for hidden symbols. Not everyone was fascinated by her - Anna Akhmatova called her "a round fool" and "a hippopotamus that has risen on its hind legs." But Blok's close friend Andrei Bely fell under the spell of Lyubov Mendeleeva, and his worship of the Beautiful Lady soon grew into an ordinary earthly love for an earthly woman. And Mendeleev dreamed about it for a long time.

Lyubov Dmitrievna felt unnecessary to her husband and, as she wrote, "abandoned to the mercy of everyone who would stubbornly look after her." She hesitated for a long time, but in 1907 she decided to end her relationship with Bely. However, this did not save the marriage. At that time, Blok had a stormy romance with actress Natalya Volokhova. Mendeleeva herself came to her rival and invited her to take care of the poet: “Sashenka needs a special approach, he is nervous, his grandfather died in a psychiatric hospital, and his mother suffers from epileptic seizures, and he is very attached to her ... In general decide for yourself." This is where the novel ends.

Mendeleeva also had novels. When her husband found out about her relationship with the poet G. Chulkov, she replied: “Am I true to my true love, like you? The course has been set, so drifting to the side does not matter. And after that, she confessed to Blok all her hobbies, not forgetting to remind her that her husband is her only love. From the actor K. Lavidovsky, she even became pregnant, and Blok agreed to be the father of the child, since he could not have his own children. But the boy died 8 days after birth.

Nevertheless, Lyubov Mendeleev remained with the poet until the end of his days. When he fell ill, she took care of him, exchanging jewelry for medicine. In 1921 Blok died, his wife outlived him by 18 years. She never married again.

Such strange marriages were not uncommon in those days: