Types of maintenance and repair of locomotives. Types of maintenance and repair of locomotives Purposes of personal data processing

The program for the repair of traction rolling stock in the repair locomotive depot Dalnevostochnoye provides for the following types of Maintenance and ongoing repairs: maintenance of TO_2, TO_3; maintenance of TR_1, TR_2, TR_3; medium repair SR.

In the repair system, much attention is paid to the maintenance of locomotives. Maintenance is a set of operations to maintain the operability and serviceability of the locomotive.

Maintenance differs from repairs in the scope and content of work. Most of the maintenance work is carried out on the TPS without removing equipment and using machining. The main restoration work during maintenance: adjustments, on-site locksmithing, replacement of unusable or quickly wearing parts when they reach the maximum tolerances for new ones, tightening, fastening, adding or changing lubricants in friction units.

Carrying out maintenance should ensure a high coefficient of technical readiness of locomotives, their uninterrupted and trouble-free operation in accordance with the train schedule, and long-term performance. Chassis, braking equipment, locomotive signaling devices, speedometers, vigilance and radio communication control devices, i.e. all components and assemblies, the good condition of which ensures the safety of train traffic, are subjected to special control.

Maintenance TO_2 and TO_3 is periodic and is designed to monitor the technical condition of the units and systems of the locomotive in order to prevent failures in operation.

Maintenance of TO_2 is carried out by an integrated team at the locomotive maintenance point (PTOL), which is a specialized department of the locomotive repair depot. PTOL is equipped with appropriate equipment and the necessary stock of parts and materials. Performed by highly qualified repair workers. In the process of TO-2, they check: the sequence of operation of electrical devices, the condition of the batteries, the operation of diesel units and speed controllers, the condition of the axle boxes of wheel sets, the spring suspension and the lever system of brakes, and also blow electrical machines with compressed air.

Maintenance of TO_3 is carried out by a complex team of the TO-3 shop and employees - specialists from other depot shops. This type of maintenance occupies a special place among other types of maintenance. By volume repair work and downtime of locomotives, this type of maintenance is more related to repairs. At TO-3, they perform the work provided for by TO-2, and additionally: inspect and check the speed of the diesel crankshaft and the operation of the limit controller; check the tightness and blow air through the sections of refrigerators; remove and test nozzles on the stand; inspect the pistons and clean the windows of the diesel cylinder bushings from carbon deposits; filters are washed or replaced with new ones; inspect and purge electrical machines with air; measure the resistance of power and auxiliary circuits; check the fastening of motor-axial bearings and engine mounts; check the condition and characteristics of current collectors; inspect the fuses and contactors of high-voltage circuits and control circuits; inspect wheelsets, axle boxes, spring suspension; produce fastening parts of the crew; check the level and density of the electrolyte of batteries, sandbox nozzles and sand supply, etc.

Repair - a set of operations to restore the serviceability, operability and resource of the locomotive, the scheduled appearance that meets the requirements of the PTE, as well as the elimination of failures and malfunctions that occur during the operation of the TPS on the line or are detected during maintenance. The repair system is designed to eliminate malfunctions and restore operability, ensure reliability and operational reliability by disassembling, restoring dimensions and properties, or replacing unusable parts, hauls and units of the locomotive.

The volume of mandatory work performed during all types of maintenance and repair of the TPS of each type and type (series) is regulated by the Rules for the maintenance and overhaul of electric rolling stock, diesel locomotives, diesel trains, and the Instruction for the maintenance of electric trains in operation.

The current repair of a locomotive is a repair performed to ensure or restore the operability of a locomotive and consists in the replacement and restoration of individual components and systems.

The current repair of TR-1 includes the work provided for by the maintenance of TO-3, and additionally: inspection of the gears of the traction electric drive; checking clearances of motor-axial bearings; revision of auto-brake equipment; checking clearances of diesel crankshaft bearings; revision and cleaning of turbochargers with filming from a diesel locomotive; inspection of piston rings and cylinder liners of a diesel engine; checking fuel equipment; voltage regulator setting; checking the operation of electrical circuits; checking the performance of compressors, the operation of reverse current relays, sandboxes; close examination carriage running gear, especially wheelsets; revision of current collectors; shooting, cleaning and repair of arc chutes, contactors and high-speed circuit breaker.

During the production of the current repair of TR-2, the work provided for by TR-1 is carried out, and additionally: turning of wheel pair tires (if necessary) without rolling out from under the locomotive; revision of the articulation of electric locomotive bogies with a disconnector; revision of the pyatnikovy supports with a body lift and friction devices of the automatic coupler; revision of motor-axial bearings of gears, auto-braking equipment; disassembly and repair of the diesel piston group, fuel pumps, crankshaft speed controller; axle box revision; repair of cooling fans for traction motors. After the repair is completed, diesel locomotives are subjected to full rheostatic tests.

During the current repair of TR-3, all work is carried out in the scope of TR-2 and additionally: revision of bearings of traction motors and auxiliary machines, impregnation of their windings, groove and path of collectors; roll-out of bogies with disassembly and repair of engines and units; turning of bandages and examination of wheelsets; removal and repair of batteries; repair with disassembly of electrical equipment. In addition, diesel locomotives are dismantled with a crankshaft recess; disassembly, inspection and repair of diesel crankshaft bearing shells, water and oil pumps, air blowers, refrigerator sections, speed controllers, two-machine units. After repair, complete rheostatic tests of diesel locomotives are carried out to adjust and tune diesel generators to the specified parameters. The repair is completed with the running-in of the locomotive on the line and the elimination of defects identified during the running-in.

Current repairs of TR-1, TR-2 and TR-3 are carried out in the workshops of the repair locomotive depot. Repair work is carried out by specialized and complex repair teams. The scope of work for each type of repair is shown in diagrams 2.1.1, 2.1.2 and 2.1.3:

The approved scope of work for each maintenance and repair is called its characteristic. The time interval or mileage between two adjacent TO or TR, having the same characteristic, is called the overhaul period.

Scheduled preventive maintenance is scheduled after a certain mileage (or operating time) of the locomotive has been completed.

The basis for establishing a system of preventive maintenance is monitoring changes in the state of locomotives, leading to failures under normal operating conditions.

Rice. 2.1.1

Rice. 2.1.2 - List of operations carried out in the scope of the current repair TR-2

Rice. 2.1.3

Medium locomotive repair (SR) - repair performed to restore serviceability and partial restoration of the locomotive resource. In the process of medium repair, the following are performed: removal of traction motors, auxiliary machines, equipment from the locomotive; repair of worn parts; partial replacement with new ones; impregnation of windings of electrical machines; repair of bogie frames and body; full inspection of wheel sets with change of tires if necessary; development and repair of spring suspension; change of accumulator batteries; exterior and interior painting.

The current repair of TR-3 provides for the repair of the undercarriage and traction electric machines; the wear of their main parts determines whether the locomotive is scheduled for repair. On average, the need for TR-3 arises every 3 years. In the course of the work, a number of requirements must be met.

Our company carries out TR-3 in a specialized depot, which has all the necessary conditions.

What is included in the scope of work during PR-3?

First of all, PR-3 includes all works related to PR-1 and PR-2. Also under TR-3, the following activities are carried out:

  • disassembling the diesel engine with checking the main bearings and crankshaft journals;
  • complete revision and repair of traction motors of the main generator;
  • inspection of wheel pairs;
  • recharging batteries and, if necessary, their repair or replacement;
  • locomotive adjustment, control rheostat tests.

The terms and price of TR-3 are discussed individually in each specific case. First of all, they depend on the model of the locomotive.

Want to get advice and find out more? You can contact our employee right now.

Trust professionals

In our company you can always use high-quality services:

  1. We carry out TR-3 and other types of work in a specialized depot. Here all the necessary conditions have been created to fully comply with the established rules for lifting repairs.
  2. We will discuss the cost and time of the work with you in advance. And these numbers will not change in the future.
  3. Our team is highly qualified professionals. They perfectly know the structure of almost any model of shunting diesel locomotive.

The goal of our work is the excellent condition of your equipment. The principle of our work is the unconditional observance of the highest standards.

Test and acceptance

Painting of wagons

If necessary, paint the following parts and assemblies:
window frames, car bodies and roofs (partially), frontal parts of head
carriages and fluorescent strips, decorative body stripes, vestibules and
doors. If necessary, touch up in passenger areas,
vestibules and control cabins. The color of the paint must match the color
previously applied paint.

Acceptance and testing of the electric train after the current repair TR-2
produce in accordance with clause 6.11 of these Rules.

8.1.1. Before placing on the repair stall, clean the chassis,
blow compressed air through all electrical equipment located
under the car and inside the cars, ventilation ducts, saloon stoves, cabinets,
attic space and pockets automatic doors, wash the bodywork
wagons inside and out.

8.1.2. For mechanical equipment during current repairs TR-3
execute following works: body lifting, rolling out, cleaning and complete
dismantling of carts; inspection and repair of bogie frames, revision of gearboxes,
gear transmission, repair of elastic couplings, gearbox suspension parts and
traction engine, inspection of wheel sets, revision and repair
axle box, spring suspension, brake linkage,
coupler, hydraulic and friction shock absorbers,
supports and side bearings of the body, flaw detection of critical parts and assemblies,
painting frames and parts of bogies and chassis.

8.1.3. Carry out the following work on the car bodies: repair
doors, frames and interior fittings, floors, walls, ceilings and
roofs, examination of load-bearing elements of the body frame, repair
cotter pins and elastic transitional platforms; painting of car bodies inside
and outside, stripping and varnishing the wooden fittings of passenger
rooms and seat repairs.

8.1.4. For brake and pneumatic equipment: repair
compressors, brake and pneumatic equipment in accordance

with instructions for maintenance, repair and tested
braking equipment of locomotives and multiple unit rolling stock
composition; inspection, flushing and hydraulic testing of the air
tanks in accordance with the Supervision Rules for steam boilers and
rolling stock air tanks railways IGO
inspection, cleaning and purging of air ducts and testing of connecting

8.1.5. By electric machines: disassembly, inspection and current
repair of TR-3 traction motors and auxiliary machines in accordance with
Rules for the repair of electric machines of electric rolling stock.

8.1.6. Electrical equipment, apparatus and
electrical circuits to perform the following work with the removal from the cars;
inspection and repair of electrical equipment; verification of measuring
devices, adjustment of protective equipment, flushing and repair
rechargeable batteries; revision and repair of current collectors,
high-speed and air circuit breakers; revision of pneumatic
apparatus drives, electromagnetic (electro-pneumatic) valves
valves; revision of traction transformers; inspection and repair
rectifiers, reactors (chokes), inductive shunts,
power supplies and battery charge, revision and repair
power controllers and group switches, controllers

8.1.7. Repair automatic equipment
locomotive signaling, periodic repair of speedometers and their
drives, repair of train radio communication devices, devices for checking
vigilance of the driver and other safety devices.

8.1.8. Before inspection and repair, all parts of the mechanical
6 EQUIPMENT WASH IN washing machine, and electrical equipment

clean from dust and dirt.

8.1.9. The final volume of repair of components and parts is determined
after disassembly according to their actual condition, taking into account the tolerance standards and
wear and requirements set by the instructions specified in the appendix
1 of these Rules.

8.1.10. All units removed from the electric train, electric machines
and devices before putting on the electric train must be tested for
stands in workshops or at the depot test station with registration
relevant documentation.

8.1.11. When lifting and lowering the body, wedge the wheelsets
and install jacks under the pivot bar. Installation of jacks in others
places are not allowed.

When lifting the body, it is necessary to observe the condition
simultaneous and uniform lifting of all jacks. Leave the body
wagons on mobile jacks are not allowed. Support pedestals for the body
must be aligned in height and not create a distortion of the body.

8.2. mechanical equipment

8.2.1. Wheel sets and axle box Repair and inspection of wheel sets to be carried out in
; in accordance with the Instructions for the formation, repair and maintenance
forest pairs of traction rolling stock of 1520 mm gauge. During current repairs, TR-3 may be installed on
electric train wheelset, repaired with change of tyres, or
after turning the bandages, if their thickness is within the specified
tolerance standards. The middle parts of the axles of wheel pairs of motor cars must
be dyed. Check the condition of the support roller bearings
reducer, labyrinth cover and glass, where the design allows

If cracks, chips, peeling, loose fit,
send the wheelset for a full inspection. Remove roller axle boxes and bearings from the wheelset axle
for inspection and repair in accordance with the Technical Instructions
maintenance and repair of units with rolling bearings of locomotives and
motor-car rolling stock. Roller bearing repair
produced in a specialized department equipped with the necessary
technological equipment. All parts of axle boxes and bearings are carefully
clean, rinse and protect from dirt and corrosion. Inspect the axle box body and axle box drivers for the absence of
cracks. Check the condition of the grooves of the tides for attaching the leashes and
shank holes for attaching the balancer. When worn in the hole
shank axle boxes over the established norm of the hole bore and insert
bushings. Check the condition of the balancer and support sleeve. At
detection of cracks in the balancer and through cracks in the support glass of their
replace. It is allowed to weld non-through cracks of support sleeves with
preliminary cutting of cracks.

Worn surfaces of the balancer can be restored by surfacing,
Replace the worn balancer bushing. Produce magnetic
defectoscopy of the balancer roller. Inspect the rubber-metal leashes of the axle boxes, paying attention
attention to the condition of the rubber, washers and bolts. Splitting is not allowed and
lagging of rubber rollers, weakening of washers freely pumped from
arms. Bolts with damaged or cracked threads must be replaced. Faulty
replace leashes. Repair, shaping and selection according to stiffness
to the characteristics of the axle-box leashes, to produce in accordance with
technological instruction for the formation, verification, repair and
operation of rubber-metal shock absorbers of axle box leashes
locomotives and electrical sections.

8.2.2. Trolley frames Rinse the trolley frames in a washing machine (evaporator
bath), install in repair positions, remove all parts for repair.

It is allowed to adjust the position of platbands and box
rails on the trolley by changing the dimensions of the trim or by installing
solid single gaskets. Inspect all welded, bolted connections. Discovered
eliminate faults. In frames, pay special attention to places

>union of longitudinal and cross beams, axle box cutouts, welding
reducer suspension brackets, side stops, support platforms
fastening of traction motors, glasses (pipes) for installation of suspensions and

brake suspension brackets. Weld cracks in the bogie frame in accordance with
manufacturer's technical instructions and Welding Instructions
and surfacing works during the repair of diesel locomotives, electric locomotives
electric trains and diesel trains. Check the main dimensions of the trolley frame and compliance
their norms of tolerances and wear (when installing frames on level-checked

The difference in distances between the midpoints of the axle guides
opposite sides of the bogie frame of a motor car (electric train
ER1, ER2, ER9);

Distance between the inner planes of the brackets
axle box leashes of the motor car bogie along the axis of the wheelset
(electric trains ER2R, ER2T, ED2T, ET2, ER2T, ER22, ER9T);

Check the deflections of the longitudinal and transverse beams of the bogie frame,
if a deflection of more than 12 mm (in any direction) is detected, the frame is subject to
overhaul at the plant. Check the status of the following parts and repair
their worn surfaces by surfacing with processing in place:

The working surfaces of the brackets of the vertical levers when
wear from 1 to 5 mm;

The working surfaces of the guide squares of the upper rods when
wear up to 5 mm;

Coil spring brackets when worn and enlarged
holes with a diameter of more than 5 mm;

Overlays of a directing square of the brake balancer

chasnoy transmission, if worn more than 2 mm, replace the lining;

Grooves for rollers of leashes on frame brackets. Brake linkage brackets with holes,
more than 2 mm of work, remove from the trolleys, restore by surfacing

followed by machining.

cracks Weld in place at the base of the lugs without removing the bracket. Wear

bushings of the brackets must not exceed the value established Box guides and their platbands must
meet the following requirements:

The platbands should fit snugly against the plane of the box
guides, local gaps in the middle part are allowed no more than
0.5 mm at 30% length;

The working planes of the axle guides should be located
vertically. Allowed deviation from the vertical plane is not more than
0.5 mm;

Loose axle guide bolts should be replaced with new ones;

Fasten the bolts with a nut and spring washer. The bolt heads must
be recessed to a depth of 1 - 2 mm from working surface platband;

Platbands, the thickness of which does not meet the tolerance standards,

When found on the working surface of the clypeus
unevenness of step wear more than 0.5 mm remove the casing and
handle. Restore lubrication grooves less than 1 mm deep. The platbands should fit snugly against the box
guides. Allowed local gaps between mating

surfaces of platbands and box guides no more than 0.5 mm
for a length of 50 mm along the plane of contact in the wide part of the clypeus and along
narrow edges up to 0.4 mm in places.

The outer narrow edges of the platbands at each sidewall should be
vertically located in the same plane, the permissible deviation is not
more than 1 mm. The wide working edges of the platbands should be
perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the frame, the side faces of the platbands and
are parallel to each other in one axle box cutout of the sidewall. Allowed
the deviation of the platbands from the vertical position is not more than 0.5 mm.
Parallelism is checked by measuring at several points
between the platbands of one axle box cutout of the sidewall. Before assembly on hinged, threaded and rubbing
trolley connections apply thick multipurpose grease.

8.2.3. Trolley central suspension Disassemble the details of the central suspension, inspect
Parts that have cracks, tears, wear are more than normal, will be replaced
Beads worn by more than 1 mm in diameter should be welded on and machined
to the drawing size, followed by heat treatment. rollers
suspension of bogies KVZ-TsNII, RVZ and jawless bogies is allowed
to restore when worn in diameter no more than 3 mm. Check the condition of the bearings. When the surface wears
more than 1 mm, remove the thrust bearing for repair. If present on the work surface
cracked bearing to replace with a new one. Clearance between support flange
thrust bearing and bolster should not exceed 0.25 mm at a depth

more than 40 mm on one side (RVZ motor bogies).

Installation under the mating surface of the thrust bearing is allowed

inary solid gasket with a thickness of not more than 7 mm. When worn

the pore part of the flat spot is more than acceptable for repair, it is necessary

install an overlay with a thickness of at least 8 mm with its welding along the contour with

fastening with four evenly spaced electric rivets and

subsequent machining. Inspect flat bearings, make sure there are no cracks.
Small cracks weld and process. If a crack is found
in the body of the side bearing, covering more than 50% of the cross-sectional area, the body
replace. Measure the height of the sliders, the difference in height of two sliders of one
bolster, as well as the thickness of one side bearing, it is allowed not
more than 1 mm. Rubber gasket with cracks, tears and frayed
places to be replaced. The thickness of the trim of the body frame bearing should
be at least 11 mm. If necessary, restore the casing by surfacing
working surface with subsequent machining to
drawing size. Sliding liner made of wood-laminated
plastic DSP-G, must protrude from the box by at least 3 mm,
the thickness of the liner must be at least 20 mm. Allowed to adjust

(folding the liners by placing one steel spacer on the bottom
boxes. Lubrication grooves must be deep
5 mm. The bearing surface of the oscillating beam when worn more than
>allowable to restore. eyelets, central suspension rods,
rgi and cradle bolts with bushings worn above normal,

repair with replacement bushings. It is allowed to restore the pins of the sprung beams,
having wear in diameter from 2 to 7 mm, surfacing in accordance with
electric trains and diesel trains. When repairing parts without suspension, it is prohibited:

Release from suspension repair devoid of suspension with
jumper thickness less than 40 mm;

Restore suspension lintels when their thickness is less than
35 mm;

Weld cracks, tears or repair by surfacing
worn surfaces of lugs, middle hangers, swing beams,
leave these parts for further use, if they have
previously welded cracks, tears or weld deposits are detected

Leave nuts with stripped or broken nuts for further use.
jammed threads or damaged edges. When found in the upper or lower cradle bars
(beams) cracks to repair them in accordance with the Rules
overhaul of electric trains and electric sections. If there is a bend
it is allowed to leave a curved beam for further operation
with a bending arrow no more than 5 mm.

It is allowed not to remove the lower cradle beam, if during its
inspection did not reveal cracks and if the sockets for the elliptical clamps
springs or the base plate of the swing beam have no wear on the workers
surfaces, in which case the inspection must be carried out on site.
120 Safety brackets of the lower beam, having local
bends and dents, remove and straighten. When cracks are found
Replace safety clips. The gap between the bracket and the beam should
be at least 13mm. Elliptical springs with cracks in the yoke or leaf, with
loosening or displacement relative to the clamp and according to the technical
condition that do not comply with the tolerances and wear standards, are subject to replacement.

Cylindrical springs with cracks and dimensions, not
conforming to the tolerance standards must be replaced. It is allowed to leave
springs having a break in the end of the coil over a length of not more than

Repair of springs to be carried out in accordance with the Rules
overhaul. When repairing, it is prohibited:

Install elliptical springs with a deflection less than
established by the rules;

Clean the springs by firing;

Weld tears and cracks in the spring clamp. The bolster (beam) after its installation should not
be sandwiched between sliders. The total gap between the side
the bearings of the bogie frame and the bolster should be from 2 to 4 mm.
For bogies of the KVZ type, it is allowed to install a bolster with an interference fit

2 mm due to the rubber shock absorbers of the side bearings.
- Ummary side clearance between the bolster and longitudinal
The width of the frame of the KVZ type bogie should be within 60 - 70 mm.
^ it is decided to adjust the gap within the specified limits, setting under

bogie frame bearings single solid spacers.

The difference in the gaps between the bearings of the beam and the bogie frame,
measured in the upper and lower parts of the bearings, it is allowed not
more than 1 mm. When assembling the cradle suspension, it is forbidden to hammer
swivel rollers with a sledgehammer or knock them out with a chisel
or a sharp beard, install eyelets, traction
central hanging, earrings and cradle bolts with and without bushings.
Install the specified parts on one trolley, or all without bushings, or all
with bushings. When assembling the spring suspension, it is necessary
fulfill the following conditions:

Do not skew the elliptical spring clamp along
relation to the plane of the reference socket;

Local gaps in the attachment points of elliptical clamps
springs and nests of beams (beams) should be no more than 1 mm;

Height of pallet springs on KVZ trolleys in free
condition must be within tolerances;

Pick up the suspension earrings of the pallet before placing on the suspension unit
on internal size 230 mm with a deviation of no more than 0.5 mm. When assembling the spring suspension, it is prohibited

On one car elliptical springs with a difference in deflection arrows
more than 8 mm;

On one bogie there are elliptical springs with different chords. Bolt bolster leashes (beams) disassemble, inspect,

paying particular attention to the absence of cracks, the condition of the rubber
megallic shock absorbers. Eliminate identified deficiencies.

8.2.4. Friction vibration dampers for trailed
and motor cars Wedge damper for trailer cars

Remove the parts of the friction damper from the trolley, inspect and
repair, guided by the norms of tolerances and wear.
Friction bushings with friction surface wear of more than 2.5 mm (in diameter
5 mm) to be replaced with new or refurbished ones.

Wear of the cylindrical surface of the wedges (crackers) should not be allowed
more than 4 mm, and conical - up to 3 mm. If there is more wear, replace the wedges.
new or restored to drawing dimensions. Spalling of the ends of the wedges
may be up to 10 mm.

When assembling friction dampers, select the wedges according to their height
set of 6 pieces in a special device, including a sleeve,
upper and lower rings, gap between the tapered surface of the wedges and
top ring of the fixture should not exceed 0.5 mm.

Replace damper pressure rings with cracks or wear more than

2 mm and Belleville springs with a drawdown of more than 1 mm. Pressure springs

breaks, cracks, abrasions or corrosion damage

Replace more than 10% of the cross-sectional area of ​​the coil. Spring settling is allowed

Tighten the slotted nut of the spindle until the ring nut is fully compressed.

spring placed in the groove of the nut with the cone up. It is allowed to put
no more than two
adjusting washers with a total thickness of up to 6 mm.

Before placing the nut on the spinton, the threaded part must be
coat the spinner with grease. Disc vibration damper for motor cars
Disassemble the disc damper. Remove glass, spring, cover, lever from
friction discs and leash. Inspect the mounting and condition of the axle.
If the fastening is loose, bent, cracked or worn, unscrew the
internal bolts and remove the fastening washer and axle. Perform inspection and measurements
friction washers, covers and springs. Remove the worn friction washer.
To restore its working surfaces and covers by surfacing, followed by
machined, cemented to depth
1.5-2 mm, X (40-46). Extinguisher parts (according to the list)
subject to defectoscopy.

Springs with 5 mm settlement or corrosion damage
more than 10% of the coil section, replace. Disassemble the connection of the lever with the leash.
Inspect and measure the friction discs of the lever. In the presence of
cracks, tears or less than 6 mm thick friction discs to be replaced.
Restore the inner diameter of the hole in the lever by surfacing or
insert welding.

Inspect the leash and rubber elements in the joints. At
the presence of cracks, stripped threads or large metal production in places
connections leash to repair. Replace rubber elements
having wear, tears, cracks or a drawdown of more than
ten %. Assemble the repaired lever with a leash, check their quality

connections. With a small radial rotation (by an angle of 10 °) of the lever
relative to the leash, the lever should elastically return to its original position.
Assemble the friction disc damper on the trolley. heads
tie the inner bolts with wire. The axle must be rigid and
fixed perpendicularly in the socket of the base on the longitudinal beam of the frame
carts. It is necessary to withstand the pressure of the spring on the absorber cover
by checking the height of the spring in working condition or by distance
between glass and lid.

8.2.5. Hydraulic vibration dampers Remove hydraulic dampers, disassemble, clean, rinse,
inspect carefully, replace defective parts. Repair of hydraulic dampers
produce in accordance with the requirements of the Instructions for the maintenance and
repair of vibration dampers for locomotives and electric train cars. Extinguisher housing, rod head, protective cover, nut
wash the hulls with alkaline cleaning solutions, kerosene or
diesel fuel, then drain, inspect and measure.

Stem with valve, cylinder, cylinder head with valve
(bottom valve), wash the guide and stuffing box with diesel
fuel, kerosene or kerosene emulsion in a separate chamber,
dry and check measurements.

On the cylindrical working surfaces of the piston rod,
local scuffs, dents, potholes with a depth of more than 1 mm are allowed. Restore the rod guide by surfacing with electrodes
brand 034-1, brass or pressing the bushing with subsequent mechanical

processing in diameter to drawing dimensions. Risks, scuffs, dents on
working and mating surfaces of the guide with a rod and a cylinder
not allowed, Restore rods by surfacing or spraying,
remaining, chrome plating. The roughness of the working surface should
match the drawings. The cylindrical surfaces of the stem must not have
corrosion damage. Remove corrosion of rods and other parts with paste-
washing and polishing. Do not allow stem surfaces to be processed
emery cloths and clamping it in a vice or other grips without
softening pad, for example, made of copper. Local wear of the inner surface of the cylinder must not
exceed 1 mm. Avoid scoring on the inner surfaces of the cylinder,
potholes, dents or chips more than 1.5 mm deep. Cylinder at
defective, replace with a new one. Aluminum rings sealing
cylinder, replace with serviceable ones when their thickness decreases to 1.7 mm or
end surface deformations. Threaded sections of the stem, head and body, with
necessary, repair by surfacing followed by threading
according to drawing dimensions. It is allowed to restore the thread of the head and
rod by welding bushings after preliminary boring and subsequent
thread cutting. Mating surfaces of the disc and the intake valve seat
must be lapped and not damaged (marks, dents, etc.). Disks
must move freely, without jamming, relative to the remote
rings under the influence of gravity. intake spring sag

^bypass) device is not allowed, spring drawdown
safety valve is allowed up to a height of 14 mm.

The damper safety valves can be adjusted using
hydraulic press to open at a fluid pressure of 4.5 "MPa
(45 ± 5 kgf / cm 2). Pour 900 - 1000 cm 3 of working fluid into the dampers - oil
VMGZ, previously filtered through a grid. Allowed
use a mixture of fresh VMGZ oil with a reduced ratio
1:1, as well as AMG-10 oil and other equivalent liquids as agreed
with the Department of Locomotive Economy. Install new frame seals in the stuffing box
in opposite directions. Before installing the cuff, hold for
used working fluid for at least 10 min.

Check the inner diameter of the cuff spring, which should

be within the tolerance of 50-o.5 mm. Wear on the inner surface of the metal sleeve
fastening heads should not exceed 0.5 mm.

Replace the rubber bushings of the absorber heads with new ones from
frost-resistant rubber and install in the heads using glue 88NP
or other equivalent adhesive.

It is allowed to install nylon bushings in the heads instead of
rubber and metal, subject to geometric
size and quality of capron.

Replace deformed or damaged rubber rings,
Sealing body. When assembling, tighten the housing nut and top

head on the stem. Secure the head with a locking screw or spring
washer, tighten the screw. Installation of a spring washer is allowed when
the presence of a special groove in the end of the rod with a depth equal to 3/4 of the thickness ^
washers and thread tightening control. Stem, inner surface
cover the metal bushings of the heads with grease. Assembled damper with bushings in mounting heads
test on the bench. With the removal of the working diagram, hydraulic dampers
passed the test, mark.

8.2.6. Brake linkage Disassemble the brake lever transmission, clean it from dirt
(wash), carefully inspect, check the conformity of dimensions and wear
parts to the requirements of tolerance and wear standards and repair parts and
nodes in accordance with the Instructions for maintenance, repair
and testing of braking equipment of locomotives and multiple unit
rolling stock. Bushings that are loose at the landing sites, as well as rollers and bushings
if there is a gap between them more than 1.5 mm, change. Substitution allowed
metal-ceramic bushings on steel (nylon). Again
installed rollers and bushings must be heat-treated,
their hardness must comply with the requirements of the drawings. Rollers and
holes in the parts of the leverage, worn out beyond the allowable
norms, it is allowed to restore by surfacing with subsequent mechanical
processing to drawing dimensions. Brake suspensions, shafts, balancers, rods, levers, shoes

stop by surfacing followed by machining. Repair rods with worn and crumpled threads.
Replace threaded couplings with new ones. Longitudinal

cut down the holes in the middle part of the shafts and weld them with a reinforced seam. When repairing parts of the brake linkage

Welding transverse cracks on the middle part of the brake shafts
and triangles without the imposition of reinforcing overlays;

Weld transverse cracks of any size on trunnions
brake shaft;

Weld the loose rings of the outer brake shafts to
shaft tips;

Leave without repair traction, having in places of transition from one
section to another sharp corners instead of smooth transitions established
drawings. Change worn wedges (checks) of brake pads and
brake shoe springs that have lost their elasticity. Put new
brake pads. Adjust the position of the brake pads so that
so that when the brakes are released, the difference in the gaps at the ends of one shoe
and between the pads did not exceed 5 mm. Touching the pads to the bandages is not
Allowed. Brake pads should not run into the ridge or slide
to the outer edge of the bandage. To adjust the position of the shoe, install
on the trunnions of the brake shafts and triangular washers. Repair and test the stem output regulator and
Leverage regulator in accordance with the requirements of the instructions.

“Repair the worn parts of the regulators.

5 Zac. 283 129 Rigid brake safety devices

inspect, if there are cracks, wear and tear, replace
The safety devices must not touch the brake shafts.
triangels. Check the condition and operation of the hand brake and carry out
necessary repairs its parts and components. After assembly, test the linkage under pressure
air in the brake cylinders 600 kPa (6 kgf / cm 2) in accordance with
Instructions for maintenance, repair and testing
braking equipment of locomotives and multiple unit rolling stock

8.2.7. Reducer, reducer suspension and flexible coupling Details of the elastic coupling (bushings, pins, split washers,
bolts, half-rings and flanges) with kinks, cracks and chips, replace
new. Inspect all mounting surfaces of the coupling parts.
Seizures, nicks, traces of corrosion and other defects are not allowed.
Designed holes in split rings and half rings are allowed
restore by surfacing followed by mechanical processing. Check the fit of the bushings in the flanges. When weakened
fit the bushing with an interference fit in accordance with the requirements
drawings. Replace the elastic sheath if damage is found
cord layer, cuts, cuts, cracks in the surface layer of rubber,

walking in the carrier layer. Replace the bolts securing the cord shell from the side
gearbox, new. Check gearbox housing and flanges for cracks,
Boin, burrs on the landing surfaces. Minor nicks and

clean the adir with a file or sandpaper. Hulls steam out
not allowed.

No more than two cracks are allowed in the gearbox housing, not
flanges facing the mating surfaces. cut cracks and
weld in accordance with the Instructions for welding work during repair
locomotives, electric locomotives, electric trains and diesel trains. Check all holes in the gearbox housing for damage.
reestablish. Inspect the breather pipe with disassembly and replacement
packing (filter). Paint the surfaces of parts, except for seating and threaded parts.
The elastic shell must not be painted. When assembling coupling parts, it is not allowed to steam
semi-rings with flanges, the difference in the mass of the semi-rings should be no more than

Before assembly, grind the motor flanges and gears along the shaft.
The contact area of ​​the lapped surfaces must be at least
90%. Flanges must be heated to a temperature of 140-150 °C before seating.
When landing on the shaft cone, the flange should move 1.7 - 2.0 mm deeper,
Che m in a cold state.

The end of the traction motor shaft and the end of the gear shaft may protrude,
for the end face of the corresponding flange no more than 2.5 mm. Check the uniform tightening of the elastic shell
adjust the flexible coupling in accordance with the tolerance standards. The parts of the gearbox suspension unit should be subjected to magnetic
defectoscopy. Parts with cracks, worn and
broken carving. Replace sagging suspension shock absorbers, as well as
shock absorbers with cuts, tears and through cracks and torn
protective (lock) washers.

When assembling the suspension unit, pick up rubber
shock absorbers with a difference in stiffness not more than acceptable. Perform magnetic flaw detection of gear teeth and
accessible parts of the shaft. Check shaft magnetic or ultrasonic
flaw detector from the end of the conical part. When cracks are found in the gear
and replace the shaft. It is allowed to restore worn shaft surfaces
gears by remaining or galvanizing. Gear shaft caps repair if found
the following defects:

Nicks, scuffs and burrs on machined surfaces;

stripped thread;

Bore diameters that do not comply with the tolerances
surfaces for bearings;

Loose fit in the gearbox housing.
132 Reducer gear bearings to be repaired in
in accordance with the requirements of the Maintenance Instructions,
installation and maintenance of units with rolling bearings of locomotives and

motor-car rolling stock. Install the gear with bearings in the gearbox housing.
Check the correct installation of the gear. It should spin freely
no signs of jamming. Clearance between the end face of the gear and the gearbox housing
must be at least 4 mm on each side. Axial shaft run in
bearings must comply with tolerance standards. The assembly of the gearbox is carried out on a special stand. AT
assembled gearbox, the small gear shaft should turn easily from
arms. Repair of the gearbox should be carried out in accordance with
technological instruction PKB TsT Ministry of Railways of Russia, specified in the appendix
2 of these Rules.

8.2.8. Assembling the wheel-reduced unit Before assembling wheel-reduced units, make
selection of wheel sets and traction motors in such a way as to ensure
the minimum possible difference in the characteristics of blocks of one section
electric trains. At the same time, traction motors with increased speed
characteristic to install on wheelsets with a smaller diameter
bandages and vice versa. Assembly of the wheel-reduced unit and preparation of landing
"The surfaces of the pinion shaft and the traction motor shall be made in accordance with

with technological documentation for the repair and assembly of wheel-reducers),
blocks developed by Design Bureau TsT Ministry of Railways of Russia. When assembling previously working gears according to
the ability to maintain their pairing.

It is allowed to assemble wheel-reduced blocks with new
gears with used gears, if their wear
teeth does not exceed 0.3 mm or new gears with previously working
gear wheels, the wear of which does not exceed the established norms.

When inspecting gears, it is allowed to use
file or abrasive deburring tool, and
burrs found. Dents, nicks and scuffs on the working surfaces of the teeth,
reduction in thickness due to wear of the teeth more than the allowable scuffing
on the surface of the conical hole are allowed no more than the established
norms. Gears must not be cracked. Before landing the gear on the shaft, check the conical
surface of the shaft end and pinion bore to maintain taper and
straightness of the surface of the cone along the generatrix. Grind the gear to the shaft cone using
special paste and ensure that at least 90% of the surface adheres.
After lapping, the seating surfaces of the gear and shaft
wipe with a dry cloth, degrease. Then the gear is pre-in
in a cold state, put on the shaft cone to control its tightness by measuring
distance from the end of the gear to the end of the cone of the shaft. The final landing of the gear on the shaft is carried out in
hot, heating the gear with an induction heater D°

temperatures 130 - 150 °C. After landing, re-measure the distance,
specified in paragraph of these Rules, which must comply with
permit forms. Reducing this distance by

1 h - 2 mm compared to the distance in the cold state indicates
about good quality gear landings. After assembling the wheel-reduced unit, check the operation
gears and bearing assemblies by turning on the traction motor from
DC network with a voltage of 70 - 100 V and its rotation with a frequency
200 - 250 rpm in both directions for at least 10 minutes in each direction.

The assembly quality of the wheel-reduced unit is determined with
using diagnostic tools and gear noise,
no leakage of lubricant from the housing and heating of the rubbing parts. Normal
gear operation is characterized by uniform noise without impacts,
knocking, metal grinding, heating temperature of bearing assemblies
should be no more than the established norm.

8.2.9. Lowering the bogie frame onto wheelsets Install wheelsets, lubricate axle boxes
guides. Install balancer, bearing cup, shock absorbers, rings,
box springs and gaskets. Springs for one box
suspensions should have a height difference of no more than 3 mm. Lower
bogie frame on wheelsets.

In this case, it is necessary that the axle box enters the cutout of the bogie frame
without distortion, the springs are installed in their sockets on the bogie frame, and the frame

carts sat under their own weight in axleboxes. Adjust the transverse gap between the jaw
platbands of the axle box from the side of the gearbox, displacing the wheel pair
relative to the trolley frame. Raise the gearbox on the wheelset axle, start
bolt, bring it into the hole of the trolley frame bracket and preliminarily
assemble the suspension bolt assembly. Install the traction motor on the bogie frame, raise the body
reducer until the motor shaft coincides with the gear shaft and connect both
flange with an elastic shell, controlling the uniformity of its tightening.
Check and adjust the dimension between the coupling flanges, which
must be within the tolerance limit. Perform adjustment
by moving the engine along the axis on the bogie frame. Check and adjust the offset of the coupling flanges in
vertical direction, which, under the load of the wagon's tare, must be
within 3 - 4 mm. Adjustment is carried out with the suspension bolt
reducer. Attach the traction motor. Lock wedge bolts, traction
the engine must be tightly drawn to the cross beam of the bogie,
local clearance up to 0.25 mm to a depth of not more than 40 mm is allowed. After the final installation and assembly, check:

The presence of lubrication in the gearbox;

Reliability of fastening of wedges;

The distance between the outer faces of the coupling flanges;

Clearances between gearbox housing and sickle-shaped suspension,
crescent-shaped safety fork and safety
nut under the container of the car, safety bracket and sprung bar
cradle suspension;

Total gaps between the bearings of the upper cradle bar

trolley frame sliders;

Total transverse and longitudinal gaps of axle boxes;

Gap between the frame of the traction motor and the hub of the wheelset,
which must be at least 10 mm. Check the fastening of the safety plate and its
state. The protrusion of the tail part of the gearbox outside the bracket must be
not less than 5 mm.

8.2.10. Current-carrying (grounding) device Dismantle the device, clean all parts, rinse and
inspect. Details of brush holders with cracks, nuts, bolts, nuts -
replace lambs with cracks, stripped threads, clogged edges.
The dimensions of the window in the brush holder housing and the height of the brush should
comply with the norms of tolerances and wear. The contact surface of the axle must be ground and
brushes - lapped. Cracks in the body of the device are not allowed. Lid
must fit snugly against the body, if necessary, replace the gasket. Check the condition of the current-carrying wire, seals
fitting and fastening of wire and brush tips. Revealed
eliminate faults.

8.2.11. coupler Carry out a complete inspection and repair of parts of the coupler
Devices in accordance with the requirements of the Repair Instructions and

maintenance of the automatic coupling device of the rolling stock of railways
8.2.12. Sand feeding devices Inspect the sand bins, make sure there are no
cracks and leaks, identified malfunctions to be eliminated.
Repair hopper covers, their locks and hinges. loose
adjust adjacent covers in place. Bad seals and meshes
replace. Disassemble the sand supply nozzles, clean the nozzles,
check threads and plug heads; replace defective parts. Remove sand supply pipes, replace faulty or
repair. Replace frayed or torn rubber sleeves.
Check the reliability of fastening of the brackets of the sand supply pipes,
Replace cracked brackets. Install pipe ends
sand supply so that they are 30 - 50 mm from the rail head, from
bandage by 15 - 35 mm and were directed to the point of contact between the wheel and the rail. Adjust the sand supply by the nozzles in accordance with
the requirements of the instructions developed by the Design Bureau of the TsT Ministry of Railways of Russia and specified
in Appendix 2 of these Rules.

8.2.13. Pathfinders Clean and inspect the track cleaner, bent corners,
straighten strips and brackets, weld torn or cracked,
fasten the bolts. It is allowed to have dents on the track cleaners with a depth of

5.10 mm for a length of 300 - 500 mm. Check for cracks in the reception brackets
locomotive signaling lugs, presence and condition

safety devices. Eliminate identified deficiencies. The height of the lower edge of the track cleaners from the rail head
set within the tolerance limit under the container of the car, but not higher than the bottom
points of receiving coils of automatic locomotive signaling.

8.2.14. Piatniks and flat bearings of the body frame The horizontal mating surface of the center plate should
fit snugly against the mating surface of the spinal beam. Allowed
local leaks up to 0.5 mm. The body of the center plate oiler must be
installed flush with the linoleum floor. Repair if necessary
Pyatnikov of motor cars to be made with removal from the car. The gap between the side bearings of the body frame and the trolley under the container
the wagon must comply with the tolerance standards. Clearance adjust
by bolting or welding single steel solid
gaskets between the flat bearing and the body.

Under flat bearings on carts, it is allowed to install no more than one
pads 2-3 mm thick.

8.2.15. Elastic transition pads Elastic transitional platforms inspect, if found
remove faults for repair. Replace all unusable parts, including

including rubber cylinders with through cracks. Replace springs deformed, lost
elastic or cracked. The length of the springs in the free state is not
may deviate by more than ± 25 mm from the nominal size. Leaf springs of elastic transitional platforms
the parameters of which do not comply with the standards of tolerances and wear, having
breakage of the ear, cracks in the yoke or sheet, loosening or displacement of sheets
more than 3 mm relative to the clamp, replace. Wear on the inner surface of the spring ear is allowed
no more than 2 mm. Replace bushings in spring ears with new ones. Bolt wear-
rollers connecting the spring with hinges, not more than

1 mm, and bolts securing the spring to the shock frame, no more than 1 mm. Permitted
restore worn-out bolts-rollers by surfacing. Repair of leaf springs shall be carried out in accordance with
technical instructions for the manufacture and repair of leaf springs
locomotives (Technical requirements RD103.11.039-96). Straighten the channels of the impact frame if the deflection exceeds 6
mm for the entire length. Worn over allowable sheet fittings
replace. Repair pins, their sockets and brackets, if
wear of their parts (square and cylindrical parts of the spinton, working
surface of the eyelet and under the roller, rear guide bracket)
exceeds the value established by the norms of wear. When installing an elastic platform on a wagon, there must be
the established gaps between the pins and guides are maintained
nests. The setting of an elastic platform without gaps in the specified nodes is not

allowed. Straighten bent folding ladders, cracks
brew, fasten loose bolts. Ladder in open position
cross bars should be horizontal. allowed
skew no more than 15 mm along the length of the bar. Loosening of ladder fixings
allowed. Locks, blocking stairs to check and repair.

8.2.16. body frame Clean the body frame from dirt and inspect. Make sure
the absence of cracks in the spinal and pivot beams, buffer bars,
longitudinal and transverse beams, beams and brackets for fastening
electrical and pneumatic equipment and machines. Deflection of buffer beam or cross beam up to 15 mm
it is allowed to leave without correction, and if the deflection is more than 15 mm - to eliminate
deflection in
electrical sections. Weld the detected cracks in accordance with
Instructions for welding work during the repair of diesel locomotives, electric locomotives,
electric trains and diesel trains and technological instructions,
specified in Appendix 2 of these Rules. Inspect riveted joints for broken and loose
replace rivets. When changing loose rivets in inaccessible places where
dismantling of adjacent parts and assemblies is required, repairs should be carried out in
in accordance with the Rules for the overhaul of electric trains and
electrical sections.

It is allowed to replace loose rivets in the upper row of front
thrust squares with fitting bolts with nuts and locknuts.
In this case, check the bolt holes with a reamer. Spinal beams in the presence of wear of internal
vertical edges near the thrust squares of the friction apparatus are more
3 mm or other faults (cracks, dents, etc.) to be repaired in
in accordance with the Rules for the overhaul of electric trains and
electrical sections.

and repair of diesel locomotives, electric locomotives, electric trains and diesel trains at
compliance with fire safety rules. Inspect blinds, clean from dust and dirt, bent
fix blinds. Inspect roof walkways, handrails and ladders,
eliminate the identified faults.

8.2.19. Ceilings and ceiling hardware

8.2.17. Body equipment Repair the main elements of the body
equipment: walls, ceilings and floors of all car rooms; doors, windows,
sofas, including locks, handles, etc.; toilet facilities and
equipment. After repair work, clean and coat
varnished wooden parts of passenger rooms and interior parts

8.2.18. Roof Inspect the roof, check the condition of the frames (racks)
for the installation of electrical equipment, eliminate the identified
limitations. If necessary, repair roof leaks and leaks in
places of passage of wires and pipes in the roof. Cracks and burns (holes)
brew in accordance with the requirements of the welding instructions
142 Warped, rotten and delaminated sheets
ceiling plywood replaced with new ones. New sheets must be fitted
flush with the old ones, the fibers of the outer layer are located along the axis
wagon and fixed with nails with a pitch between them of not more than 100 mm.

Separate wrinkles, folds, blisters vinola remove
re-gluing of defective places. If on plastic sheets of the inner lining of the ceiling
through cracks are found, remove aluminum glazing beads and replace
defective sheets. Check the condition and fastening of the lighting shades,
cracks in the frame and glass of plafonds are not allowed. Ceiling glass
remove for washing. Check the condition of the attic equipment,
hatches, belts, springs and locks, eliminate the detected malfunctions,
remove the filters for purging, washing and impregnation.

8.2.20. Floor and undercarriage lining Decayed or worn boards, blockboards and
floor boards with through cracks and deflection of more than 10 mm, replace
new. In the presence of cracks with a length of not more than 100 mm, it is allowed to
fasten the bars with metal strips on the bolts. At education
a gap of more than 4 mm at the joints between the boards to carry out their bulkhead.

Cut out worn places in linoleum and place them in place
joint pieces on casein glue, and stitch the edges of the linoleum with nails long
15-20 mm with a step between them no more than 100 mm.

Damaged undercarriage metal sheathing repair or
replace. Floor hatch covers when warped or warped,
loose fit to the floor, the presence of pitching when pressing on individual
hatch corners subjected to a complete overhaul with the replacement of unusable boards.
Reinforcing squares with dents not more than 3 mm deep or
bent along the entire length by no more than 5 mm, straighten on the spot in a cold
condition. Thoroughly clean the hatch boxes from dirt. The manhole cover must
be fitted to the socket holes around the perimeter.

8.2.21. ventilation ducts Remove all filters for flushing, repair and impregnation. With the hatches open, clean the ventilation ducts from
dirt, rust and blow with compressed air until completely removed
dust. If the covers of the ventilation ducts are warped, repair

^ll to be replaced with new ones. Broken hinges, locks, latches, chains to be replaced. Shields covering panel troughs along the wagon,
check for tightness to the bars. Bars with through
cracked, split, replace with new ones; shields lagging behind the bars
fasten. Paint ventilation ducts and filter chambers.

8.2.22. The interior of the car Replace damaged plastic or vinol by putting
pieces flush under the general coloring of the old. Check the condition of the interior wall and ceiling cladding
in vestibules and salons of cars. Repair wall and ceiling cladding
if necessary, replace damaged sheathing, plywood, plastic with
color selection. Warped ventilation duct covers in
repair or replace vestibules, fix cabinet lid locks. Check the condition and fastening of the sofas without removing them from
wagon. Sofas are removed if they interfere with the performance of others
body work or they cannot be repaired without removal. sofas,
having weakened frames, strengthen by installing additional
metal slats.

Fasten loose sofa handles, molded handles with cracks or
remove and repair with kinks, followed by working off. Forbidden
when setting up sofas, hammer in self-tapping screws or screws.
It is allowed to close up cuts of textvinite of semi-soft and soft sofas
in place by gluing or replace with a repaired one. Bars of window frames with cracks or chips
repair by installing attachments on casein glue; split
Replace cross bars with new ones.

Remove window stops and lift locks only when
the need to repair them in the workshop. Window stops should
ensure free passage of frames with a lock-lift and locking
(blocking) it in the extreme upper position. Weakened window
fix stops. Locks-lifts in case of a break of the leash of the rod,
jamming of the rod in the housing, a broken or deformed spring,
If there is a crack in the body or a break in the legs, replace it. Threaded
the connection of the rod and the leash must not have any slack, the leash must
be tightly wrapped with at least 5 threads. Check the status and
the need to repair or replace with new keys and locks
winter frames; check the locks with a key.

Broken or cracked glass window frames or glass
with a thickness of less than 4 mm, replace with new ones with a thickness of at least 4 mm.

Install windows on sealing grooved rubber. Clear
drain holes of window gutters. Drainage grooves between windows
replace with frames if unusable. cycle wooden details internal equipment
wagons: window frames, sofas, etc. It is allowed not to clean the parts if
after their washing, the surfaces will be clean, uniform and fit
for varnishing. It is forbidden to paint sofas with oil paint. Coating
semi-soft sofas, if necessary, replace according to the color. Check the condition and fastening of the luggage racks, their
brackets and hangers. weakened metal bars

fasten the brackets, put the missing ones.

Install and fasten the hanger hooks torn off with screws

new place, separated from the old one by no more than 20 mm horizontally.

It is not allowed to install hanger hooks of various configurations in the car.

Bars of luggage racks are allowed to be coated with hammer enamel

or put a PVC tube on them. Screws for fastening

bars to produce with a turnkey head. Check the condition of the handrails, if cracks are found,
loose fit in the handrail bracket, replace or repair. All metal or plastic parts internal
wagon equipment to be repaired on site or replaced with serviceable ones.
Repair the drapery and trims of the speakers of radio devices and
need to be replaced. Screws fastening the details of the internal
wagon equipment must not have burrs, burrs or protrude. Bring the parts of the bodywork into good condition
equipment in control cabins, office and toilet rooms.
doors, window frames in the control cabin, as well as boxes of clamp rails
repair. If there are cracks in the bars and in the places where the loops are set
replace bars. Torn linoleum on the floor in the control cabin
replace. Checking the condition and operation of the windshield wipers
to be carried out after opening, cleaning and revision of the pneumatic actuator.
The windshield wiper should clean the glass thoroughly. Windshields that have cracks should be replaced with new ones.
Glass put on double putty, made on drying oil with the addition

weight of 45% grated minium, and coat in the frame on both sides with even

layer. A woolen bike glued around the entire perimeter of the window
windshield openings, replace with sponge rubber 5 mm thick. pep
installing glass on the surface of sponge rubber around the entire perimeter About kn
apply a layer (1-1.5 mm) of sealing paste No. III. Putty the joint and
paint with oil paint. All connections in the control cabin, toilet
indoors, places of pipe passages, handbrake outlets in the floor to seal
and insulate. Clean, flush and disinfect toilet bowls and
toilet wash basins. Pipes of toilet bowls, wash basins and
plumbing after bringing into good condition paint. All toilet accessories: toilet bowls, sinks, flushing
devices, closet rings, covers, etc., inspect, if necessary
repair or replace. Put in the missing parts.

Check water tanks in toilets for leaks and
Leak repair or replace with new ones. thermal insulation
repair and replace the defective. Conclusions washbasin and flush
install systems so that water and debris cannot get on the parts Broken metlakh floor tiles in the toilets

replace. Check the condition and fastening of the fire extinguisher holders.
Loose fix, defective repair.

8.2.23. doors Salon sliding doors to be checked and repaired without
notions. Remove doors if necessary. Door panels and bars with

rotting, replace with new ones.

When repairing parts of sliding doors of the salon:

Weld and finish the rollers and surfaces of the top
guide rail with a clearance on the axle and wear of more than 2 mm;

Weld cracks or chips in roller brackets. At
the development of holes in the places of fastening of the brackets of the rollers to install
wooden corks on glue. Check the condition of the limiters
eliminate detected defects.

If there is a scuff on the outer side surface of the sliding
close up the damaged part of the interior doors, establish the cause of the bully and
eliminate it.

Doors after repair should be free, without friction of the side
surfaces, move in both directions, easy to close under
its own weight, to hold steadily in the closed position. Remove defective sliding door handles for repair and
replace them with correct ones. Cracks or breaks in molded handles
eliminate by welding with subsequent processing. Check the condition of the fastening, and also make sure that
reference to the operation of handles and locks of end doors. Faulty handles and

replace locks.

The handles of these doors must have a tight fit on the square. For
square fit gaps, one spacer is allowed

During this repair, an audit, inspection and adjustment of those components and parts of the eps, the malfunctions of which cannot be eliminated and prevented without their disassembly, are carried out. Carry out revision of bearing assemblies, restoration of insulation of electrical machines, change of worn-out tires of wheel pairs.

TR-3 is the most complex and time-consuming of the repairs performed at the depot. When repairing, disconnect all connections of the body with bogies and body sections with each other. The body is then lifted, the carts are rolled out along the stall rail track, after which the body is lowered onto temporary supports and most of the electrical apparatus, auxiliary machines and other equipment are removed.

The carts are dismantled and the parts of the mechanical equipment are sent to the appropriate depot workshops. Trolley frames are repaired on site or in the trolley department.

All electrical machines are being repaired in the electrical machine department, devices - in the electrical equipment department.

The body after repair is painted in a specially designated room with enhanced ventilation. Description of the eps repair technology chapters 2-5 are devoted.

Calculation of the maneuverability indicators of a trailer road train with a three-axle traction vehicle and a three-axle trailer
On fig. 5 shows a generalized design scheme for uniform circular motion of a trailer road train with a three-axle trailer. The calculation scheme of a trailer road train contains three links: a traction vehicle, a front axle and a trailer body, connected by means of cylindrical hinges. Links design scheme with...

General information about KamAZ car tires
Wheels are installed on the KamAZ vehicle - disk, size 178-508 (7.0-20), with a three-component rim, with fastening according to ISO 4107-79. (see Fig. Disk wheel). The removable bead ring is held on the rim by a locking split ring placed in the rim groove. Picture 5. Wheels of the Kam...

Functional diagram and principle of operation of the starting pressurization
Description of the operation of the blower. To carry out pressurization in order to increase the intake air pressure, an air duct is connected to the intake manifold through the hole for connecting an electric torch candle, supplying compressed air at a pressure of 0.2 MPa from the vehicle's brake system. To prevent...

It is important:

If you need to go urgently, but on the street heavy rain, night or blindingly bright sun, then most likely this will not stop you. But if you have already decided on a trip in such conditions, only awareness of the difficulties of the upcoming trip is not enough.

Basic provisions. During the current repair of TR-1, inspection, repair and revision of the main components of the chassis, spring suspension, shock couplings, sand equipment, traction motors, auxiliary machines, starting and braking resistors, roof equipment, individual electro-pneumatic and electromagnetic contactors, power units n rheostatic brake control units, batteries, pneumatic equipment, hitchhiking and radio communication.

All found faults are corrected. They replace or repair parts that have tolerances and wears in excess of the maximum allowable in operation.

Before placing on the repair stall, the locomotive crew performs testing of the electric locomotive under voltage; at the same time, they check the operation of auxiliary machines, power and low-voltage circuits, a voltage regulator, the operation of auto-brakes, an electro-pneumatic brake, sandboxes, the presence of an excitation current when assembling an electric braking circuit.

All malfunctions are recorded in the log of the technical condition of the electric locomotive and in the repair book. Before placing the electric locomotive on the repair stall, the running gears are cleaned and blown with compressed air. Before starting repairs, the wheelsets of the electric locomotive are hung out.

For each type of equipment perform the following work.

Frames and joints of carts. Inspect the frames, carefully checking for cracks at the junctions of the longitudinal beams (sidewalls) and transverse beams and at the attachment points of the body suspension brackets. Inspect the intercarrier joint, checking the strength of the tightening of the bolts, the condition of the guide plates and thrust bars of the cylindrical rods of the return device. Check the fit of the ball joint in the guides: the total vertical clearance should not exceed 2 mm. They control the condition and fastening of the dirt-proof fur and casing, fastening of the oil supply pipes. Lubricate all rubbing surfaces of the intercarrier joint.

Wheel pairs. At each TR-1, all wheel sets are inspected, be sure to turn them 360 during inspection. When inspecting wheel sets, they check:

on the bandages - are there any cracks, splits, shells, captivity, potholes, sliders, dents and crushed places, weakening of the bandages on the center rim (by tapping with a hammer), shift (by control risks on the bandage and the center rim), limit rolling of bandages, undercutting and pointed rolling of ridges, weakening of shroud rings;

on wheel centers - are there any cracks in the hubs, spokes and rims, signs of weakening or shifting of the hubs on the axle;

on the axles - whether there are transverse or longitudinal cracks, captivity, worn places or other defects on the open parts of the axle.

The bandage distance is measured: it should be 1440 + 3 mm. Wheelsets must fully comply with the requirements of the Instruction for the Survey, Formation and Repair of Locomotive Wheelsets, as well as tolerance and wear standards.

Gear and cardan drive. On each TR-1, the operation of the support bearings, gear bearings and gearing is monitored. They inspect the gear casing, check the tightness of the connection of the upper and lower parts of the casing, make sure that there are no cracks in the casing, the air breather is in good order.

The lubricant is selected from the gearbox for laboratory analysis, if the results of the analysis are unsatisfactory, the lubricant is changed, the lubricant is added to the gear housing to the control marks. Check tightening strength, integrity of parts and oilers of external cardan couplings of traction motors.

Add grease to the support bearings, pinion gear bearings and needle bearings of the external universal joint in accordance with the lubrication chart.

Box knot. They inspect the covers of all axle boxes, check the tightness, integrity and reliability of fastening of the axle studs. Check the condition of the silent blocks of axle guides, protective covers, insulating bushings. Eliminate oil leakage from glasses, in winter period operation, remove condensate, add oil to the control mark. On each TR-1, axlebox grounding devices are inspected.

Spring suspension. The cheeks of the springs of the primary suspension are checked with an ultrasonic flaw detector. The primary and secondary spring suspension, balancers, spring suspensions are examined. and also in the absence of a gap between the coils, they also replace them.Check the condition of the baths, side supports, leashes, protective covers of the baths of the secondary spring suspension; determine the oil level in the baths, add oil to the control marks. Press the lubricant into the rubbing parts of the spring suspension.

Brake linkage. Inspect the brake linkage, check the condition and fastening of the safety brackets, cables, brake shoes and shoes. Brake pads less than 20 mm thick are replaced. Check the presence of cotter pins and washers at the rollers.

All automatic regulators of the output of the rods of the brake cylinders are inspected: the outputs of the rods must be within 60 - 120 mm. Check the parallelism of the location of the brake pads in relation to the bandage and the gap between the pads and the bandage, which should be 7-12 mm. Lubricate all rubbing surfaces. Check the operation of the hand brakes.

Shock-coupling devices. Both automatic couplers are inspected without disassembling their mechanism. Check automatic couplers with a combined template. The condition of the automatic coupler must meet the requirements of the current instructions of the Ministry of Railways for the repair and maintenance of automatic couplers.

Check the height and inclination of the horizontal axis of the automatic coupler: its height from the rail head should be within 980 - 1080 mm. The coupler head must move freely (by hand) in the transverse direction. Adjust the length of the chains of the uncoupling mechanisms, make sure that the uncoupling lever works properly, and that the roller is fastened securely.

All parts of the automatic coupler that do not meet the technical requirements provided for by the instructions of the Ministry of Railways for the repair and maintenance of automatic couplers are replaced.

The friction apparatus must be unclenched between the stops in the buffer bar. Misalignment of the friction apparatus or one-sided wear of the stops is allowed, in which the gap between the stops on one side or diagonally does not exceed 3 mm. Check the fastening of the safety plate of the friction apparatus.

Traction engines. Before inspection and repair of traction motors, the electric locomotive must be hung out for free rotation of the anchors of the traction motors. By turning on the traction motors, they determine by ear how the anchor bearings and the brush assembly work. In case of abnormal operation of the brush assembly (brush vibration, increased noise, darkening of the collector), the value of the collector runout is measured, which should be no more than 0.1 mm; if this value is exceeded, the collector is turned.

Having opened the hatches of the traction motors, the traverse with brush holders is disconnected, the engines are purged with compressed air, while the traverse is rotated. They revise the brush holders without dismantling them, check the pressure of the pressure springs, which should be in the range of 1.8-2.2 kgf, clean the housings from deposits and melting, replace brush holders with cracks and faulty pressure springs.

The brushes are inspected, they are checked for ease of movement in the socket, the reliability of the sealing of the shunts, the presence of damper and support pads under the pressure springs. Brushes with a height of less than 21 mm, as well as those with chips, kinks, weakening of the shunts or their tearing over an area of ​​more than 25%, are replaced with brushes of the same brand. Check the correct installation of the brush holders: the distance of the brush holder body from the working surface of the collector should be within 2-4 mm. Inspect the brush holder brackets and check their fastening. The insulators are wiped, the smoked places are washed with gasoline, if the glaze is damaged or cracked, the bracket is replaced.

After examining the collector, remove traces of arc transfers and all-round fire. It is unacceptable to tighten the collector plates. In this case, the collector is tracked and chamfered, followed by grinding. The insulating space between the plates is cleaned with a hair or glass brush, the surface of the collector is wiped with napkins, the darkened plates are cleaned with gasoline. Check the condition of the collector cone, clean the traces of transfers, wipe the outer and inner surfaces of the cone, removing dirt and dust, ■ restore insulating coating enamel 1201.

They inspect the glass bandage of the armature, the insulation of the pole coils in the places allowed for inspection, the condition of the output ends and the supply cables. Tips with traces of overheating and melting are soldered in portable crucibles with subsequent cleaning.

Check the fastening of the main and additional poles and end shields; loose bolts are tightened. Checking-

t fastening of locks of covers of inspection hatches, condition of seals (during the winter period of operation), fastening of ventilation pipes.

Measure the insulation resistance of the armature and pole coils with a megohmmeter: it must be at least 2.5 MΩ. Add grease to anchor bearings.

Auxiliary machines. Having opened the covers of the collector hatches of auxiliary machines, they are blown with compressed air.

They inspect the brush holders, make sure that the pressure of the pressure springs is in the range of 0.46-0.53 kgf; clean the hulls from deposits and melting. Brush holders with cracks and defective pressure springs are replaced.

The brushes are inspected, they are checked for ease of movement in the socket, the reliability of the seal and the integrity of the shunts. Brushes with a height of less than 15 mm, as well as those with chips, breaks, weakening of the shunts or their breaks over an area of ​​more than 25%, must be replaced with new ones of the same brand. Check the correct setting of the brush holders: the distance of the brush holder body from the working surface of the collector should be 1.6-3.5 mm. Inspect the brush holder brackets and check their fastening. The insulators are wiped, the sooty places are washed with gasoline, in the presence of cracks, unremovable traces of continuous overlaps, the insulators are replaced.

After examining the collector, remove traces of arc transfer and all-round fire, increase the value of the collector in the presence of tightened plates, and chamfer with subsequent grinding.

The surface of the collector is wiped with a dry cloth. The use of gasoline is not allowed. Clean the insulating space between the plates with a glass brush. They check the condition of the collector cone, clean the traces of transfers, wipe the surface of the cone, restore the coating with enamel 1201.

Check the condition and fastening of the output ends, inspect the junction boxes. They check the fastening of the locks of the external and internal covers of the motor-fans, the covers of the motor-compressors and generators, the tension of the generator belts and the fit of the pulleys. Measure the insulation resistance of auxiliary machines with a megohmmeter: it must be at least 5 MΩ. Add grease to bearings.

Motor-fan of starting-braking resistors 1Ai 2732/4. Turning on the fan motor, determine by ear how the anchor bearings and the fan impeller work.

Inspection and repair of motor-fans are carried out in the same volume as other auxiliary machines. At the same time, brushes with a height of less than 14 mm are replaced, the pressure of the brush holder springs is checked (it should be 0.95-1.2 kgf) and the distance from the brush holder housing to the working surface of the collector is measured, which should be within 1.6-3.2 mm . It is unacceptable to use gasoline to clean parts from dirt and traces of transfers.

Check the tightness of the covers of the inspection hatches, as well as the gap between the impeller and the air duct, which must be at least 1 mm, the ease of rotation of the impeller and the tightness of its fit on the shaft. Wipe the separating insulating plate and the insulating bases. Having disconnected the supply cables in the terminal box, measure the insulation resistance of the fan motor housing relative to the electric locomotive body with a 2500 V megger: it must be at least 30 MΩ. Measure the resistance of the armature and pole windings relative to the fan motor housing with a 500 V megger: it must be at least 5 MΩ. Add grease to bearings

Main switch 1КНВ1. Raise the block of arc extinguishing chambers. Check the condition and clean the copper contacts; contacts less than 4 mm thick are replaced. Check the tightness and gap of contacts: for contactors with arc extinguishing, the minimum contact gap is 13 mm, for contactors without arc extinguishing - 26 mm. Lateral relative displacements of the contacts of one contactor must be no more than 2 mm.

Clean the inner surfaces of the arc chambers. Chambers having a wall thickness of less than 3 mm, fracture internal partitions and burnt depot grates are replaced. Check the condition of flexible shunts, cam washers, protective insulation, fastening of the connecting spike and supply cables. Wipe the insulating surfaces of the cam washers. They check the correct installation of arc chutes in the block, make sure that there is no jamming in the moving parts of the contactors when the block of arc chutes is lowered.

They check the closing sequence of the contactors of the main switch in accordance with the circuit table, inspect the auxiliary cam switches of the UKAOG. Inspect the pneumatic actuator of the switch with the replacement of electro-pneumatic valves \rrS2 and air distributors UTM2; add oil to the crankcase to the control mark.

They check the operation of the electro-pneumatic latch, the condition of the discharge resistors at the electro-pneumatic valves.

High-speed circuit breaker 12NSZ Having removed the arc chute, they clean out burns on its walls and arc horns. Inspect and clean the denon comb.

The condition and tightness of the main contacts are checked, they are cleaned and polished. The solution of the main contacts is measured in the off state: it should be in the range of 24-28 mm. Check the operation of the pneumatic drive and holding device. Wipe all insulating parts of the switch. After examining the auxiliary locks, they clean the contacts that have burns and melting.

Reverser 18MP2. Inspect the reverser, wipe it. Check the condition of the contact surfaces of the segments and fingers, lubricate

they call the rubbing surfaces with technical vaseline, manually check the pressure of the fingers and their mobility.

Check the fastening of current-carrying connections and supply cables, the density of pneumatic drives and the ease of rotation of segmented shafts. With slow rotation, the pneumatic actuator is inspected.

Electropneumatic contactors 1SVAD4, 1SVAD5. After removing the blow-out chambers, clean their inner surfaces with sandpaper. Chambers with a wall thickness of less than 4 mm, a break in the internal partitions and faulty locks are replaced.

After examining the contact surface of the power bridge contacts, the irregularities are eliminated. Cleaning the surface with a file is not allowed. If the soldered contact plates are worn more than 1 mm, the bridge contact is replaced.

Inspect and clean the arcing contacts; contacts with wear more than 3 mm are replaced. Determine the solution of the main contacts (should be 15-17 mm) and the solution of arc extinguishers (19 - 21 mm). Transverse displacement of arc extinguishing contacts by more than 1.5 mm is not allowed -

Check the gap between the arcing horn of the moving contact and the insulating holder of the upper arc receiving horn: it should be 2-3 mm.

The condition and fastening of flexible shunts, busbars, insulating holders and arcing coils are checked. Check (manually) the closing sequence of the arcing and bridge contacts; at the moment of contact of the arcing contacts, the gap of the bridge "must be at least 6 mm.

Check the operation of pneumatic actuators, their density, as well as the density of the supply air ducts. Inspect low-voltage interlocks, check the solution and the closure of their contacts.

Electropneumatic contactors SVD3, SVD6. Having removed the arc chambers, they clean the arc contacts, replace contacts with wear of more than 3 mm. Check the fit and the contact gap, which should be 19.5-20.5 mm. They clean the insulating parts from dust, check the condition of flexible shunts, busbars, insulating holders, fastening of current-carrying connections and supply cables.

Check the operation of pneumatic actuators, their density, as well as the density of the supply air ducts. Inspect the locks, check the solution and the closure of the contacts.

Intermediate controller 1KND1. Open the side and top covers, clean the controller from dust. After examining all the mechanisms, they check the tightness of the fastening of the cam washers on the main and auxiliary drums.

The contacts of the KAD1 cam switches are inspected, traces of influx and nodgar on the contacts are removed, the contact gap is checked: the minimum gap should be 3 mm, and wear should not exceed 1 mm.

They clean the collector of the potentiometric position sensor, check the operation of the electromagnetic and mechanical locking latches, brake shoes, and the free rotation angle of the main drum.

The pneumatic actuator of the controller is inspected with the replacement of electro-pneumatic valves \ZTS2 and air distributors UTM2, as well as an inspection of a two-stage gearbox with the addition of lubricant. The sequence of closing the contacts of the UKABI cam switches is checked in accordance with the closing table.

Rheostatic brake equipment. They inspect the power pulse converter, check the fastening of power thyristors and diodes, connecting buses and supply cables, wipe the parts of the converter with alcohol.

Inspect the switching capacitors and filter capacitors, make sure that there is no oil leakage, check the fastening of the leads, as well as automatic fuses. After examining the measuring transducers, check the tightness of the connector connections. They inspect the shunt excitation current sensor, check the fastening of the supply cables.

At the brake force sensor, the smoothness of the pneumatic rod stroke is checked; in case of sticking, the pneumatic actuator is disassembled and the cuffs are lubricated with MVP oil. Check the fastening of the plug connections of the MP2 magnetic potentiometer.

Inspect the control regulator, checking the reliability of fastening the cassettes in the cabs. After examining the brake switch PP015 and the brake torque limiter, check the operation of the microswitches.

Make sure that the ventilation system of the cabinets of the power pulse converter and the control regulator is in good condition. Inspect the control and pressure relays in the rheostatic brake circuits.

Check the correct assembly of the electrical circuit of the rheostatic brake.

The operation of the brake control regulator and the pulse converter is checked, based on the factory Instructions for checking the rheostatic brake, identifying and eliminating defects.

Driver controller. After examining the controller, they check the condition of the BKABI cam switches, the solution and failure of their contacts, clean the burnt and melted contacts. They are convinced of the ease of movement and the absence of jamming of cam drums: reversible, control and weakening of excitation.

They check the operation of the blocking devices in all control modes, inspect the electromagnetic latch. They check the clarity of fixation on the positions of the driver's helm, the operation of the return device of the helm, the tightening of the connector connections, the fastening of the supply wires and parts. Lubricate the rubbing parts in accordance with the lubricant map.

Other high-voltage and low-voltage equipment. After examining the excitation attenuation resistors and inductive shunts, check the fastening of jumpers and supply cables.

Having removed the chambers of electromagnetic contactors, they clean the copper contacts, check the fastening of the contactors to the insulating racks, wipe the insulating parts, check the fastening and condition of the shunts, insulators, arcing and switching coils, supply cables, the operation of the contactors.

After examining all the protection relays for power circuits, they check the current settings, the reliability of closing and opening auxiliary contacts, and the operation of microswitches using the indicators. They inspect the starting and damping resistors of the motor-compressors, clean the insulators, check the fastening of jumpers and supply cables.

They inspect the emergency panel of motor-ventilators and the panel for disconnecting damaged traction motors, make sure that the sheath is installed correctly, the contacts do not overheat, and the supply cables are securely fixed.

After inspecting the relay cabinet, they check the contacts of the control relay, the moving parts of the relay for the absence of jamming and distortions, the fastening of the racks, jumpers and lead wires. Checking the operation of automatic safety switches by switching them three times, air contactors U-03s-009 and U-13s-005.

Plug the disconnecting diodes of the control circuits into the control socket to make sure that they are in good condition.

They inspect the PUM-Skoda troubleshooting unit, check the serviceability of the unit switches, control and signal lamps, the condition and fastening of the connections. The operation of the unit is checked at all positions to find artificially created faults in the control circuits. Verify that the control panel switches are working properly.

Check the lighting of consoles, cabins of intermediate corridors, engine room, underbody lighting; perform an audit of both spotlights. Check the operation of the anti-boxing device. Having removed the casing from the voltage regulator, they inspect the voltage and current relays, the battery series connection relay, remove deposits on the contacts, make sure that there are no jamming and distortions of the moving parts of the relay, check the fastening of the racks, jumpers and lead wires.

An audit of one motor-heater for ventilation and heating of the driver's cabs is carried out.

In the winter period of operation, they inspect the power equipment for heating the train, wipe it, and dry it. Measure the insulation resistance of the heating circuits of the composition: it must be at least 10 MΩ.

Check the interaction and the sequence of switching off all devices of the control circuits.

Pantographs. One pantograph is inspected with the opening of the pneumatic drive, the old grease is removed,

the working surface is wiped and lubricated with CIATIM-203 grease.

Inspect the frames of current collectors and parts of the drive mechanism; cracks, burns and dents with a depth of more than 5 mm are eliminated. Check the condition of the hinges, levers, brackets, springs, the reliability of their fastening and the cotter pins of the axles and rollers. Rollers, axles, bushings with extreme wear are replaced. Inspect the swivel joints, lubricate the bearings, raise and lower the pantograph manually and check for jamming in the swivel joints.

Check the fastening of shunts and supply tires. The runners are inspected, the condition of the copper linings is checked. Runners with cracks in the frames or bent ends, lining thickness less than 3 mm, as well as skids with the ends of the outer lining lagging behind the frame, are replaced. Copper pads are cleaned from overlays with a personal file, weakened pads are fixed. Check the tightness of the pads to the skid, the smoothness of the transition of the working surface to the bevels. The installation of skids on the current collector is checked by level using a ruler 1000 mm long. Skew of the skid over 20 mm is not allowed. The skids are greased with graphite.

They check the operation of the secondary suspension of the skid, the condition of the carriages and wings; lubricate the carriage cups and the rocker mechanism with MVP grease. Inspect insulators; insulators with cracks and spalls are replaced; wipe insulators, air supply hoses and current-carrying parts.

Check the pneumatic actuator and supply piping for air leakage. The magnitude of the pantograph lift is determined at an air pressure of 3.5 kgf / cm2, the static characteristics of both pantographs are checked within the working height of 400-1000 mm and the pressure of the skid on the contact wire is adjusted: when lifting it should be 8-10 kgf, when lowering 10-12 kgf; pressure difference during lifting and lowering of one pantograph should not exceed 2 kgf.

Roof equipment. They inspect the disconnectors and the earthing switch, remove the old grease from the knives, check the correct inclusion, the contact area; wipe insulators. Check the fastening of power shunts and current-carrying rods, restore the control color of their joints. The vilite arrester is inspected, the fastening of the parts, the integrity of the insulator and the cleanliness of its surface are checked.

They inspect the blinds in the ventilation system of starting-braking resistors, check the operation of the drives when the blinds are slowly opened (opening time is more than 3 s). The drive is inspected. Lubricate all rubbing surfaces.

After inspecting the limit switches, check the opening and closing of their contacts. Having opened the covers with filters on the air intake boxes, check the condition of the sealing rubber, its tightness around the entire perimeter of the cover.

They inspect the ballast resistors of the traction motor fan motors, check the condition individual elements, insulators, reliability of fastening jumpers and supply cables. Perform an inspection of the starting-braking resistors.

Pneumatic equipment - On each TR-1, one compressor is inspected with opening and inspection of valve boxes.

Inspect and clean suction filters, inspect auxiliary compressor, repair, adjust and test safety valves in accordance with deadlines. Checking the status check valves and changeover valve. The driver’s crane is inspected with a check of the condition of the spool, balancing piston cuffs, the valve is ground in, and the lubricant is replaced. Perform an audit of valve No. 254, check its adjustment and sensitivity, inspect the rubber cuffs, replace the lubricant.

They inspect the brake cylinders without opening them, check the tightness of the cylinders, lubricate the rod, check the operation hand pump. They make an audit of the spool-feed valve - they check the operation of typhons and whistles, the fastening of the main tanks, refrigerators and control tanks.

Check the tightness of the brake and pressure lines, the operation of pneumatic and brake equipment.